Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 11038 (2.80 / day)
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    1. Shin Ghost Note 5 mos ago
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Recent Statuses

6 days ago
Current You have to live every day as if you've dropped your pants and told the whole world to suck your dick.
6 days ago
so are these nuts
26 days ago
"We have got to try and find DOOM!" "Good luck!"
1 like
1 mo ago
just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
3 mos ago
Sex and love, sex and love...


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts

Gold City - Alleyway.

” I’ve been attempting to ascertain the location of the Power Stone. Along with a few other loose ends from the battle in Antarctica. Though I believe the stone to be the most concerning among them. Though I must apologize if you were hoping to speak to me about something over the past few months. I had assumed you wanted nothing to do with me.”

"... And what in the world would I have to talk with you about?" Jaden followed that ridiculous idea of contacting the terminator with a chuckle. The Power Stone was something that he found interesting to him... Nomad wouldn't want a Power Stone in their collection. Though, he was wondering what the hell he would do with a Power Stone... oh, yeah, put it on a chain and go on tour with it. Become the most powerful rapper in the world!

"And I take it you come here to ask us about it?" Justin shrugged, he was not the one to trust Seshat or any of the outsiders. He appreciated her help in Antarctica but he wasn't stupid; the little high and pious defender of the world would turn against them in an instant. Justin just knew it. He balled his fist as he looked at his hand, wiggling his fingers. Before he sighed and shrugged, "... Well, you've come to the wrong place, I have no clue where that thing is." Justin lied, he knew that Seshat wasn't going to buy it though, so he prepared for probably another fight.

He took a few steps away from the two as he looked back, stating,

"Beeeeesides... aren't there like eight other ones? Why don't you go chase one of them instead?"

There was an explosion in the distance that interrupted their conversation... Justin jetted his head around toward the rooftop of a building.

Gold City - Rooftops.

The three figures landed on the roof of a building not too far away from Oh-Seven. They all had a great view of Gold City... all the street lights and cars passing by. The three beings were vaguely human... obviously robotic.

"Oh-Four," The biggest one with the one with massive robotic gauntlets while wearing a black suit asked, "Where are our little Arctic heroes at?"

To that one's left, was Oh-Four, dressed like a cutesy little nurse with a massive shield. Her eyes turned a bright blue color as she scanned the area around her. Her eyes reverted to a normal. "Jill and Jasmine Brecian are two kilometers north of us. Justin Haggar is one-point-five kilometers away from us. Others are unknown and..."

Oh-Four and the other two turned around when they heard a sound behind them... a familiar jet booster of their acquaintance. "... Our sister is less than a mile from us."

Oh-Seven had a blank look on her face as she landed on the rooftop and walked towards them... that blank look transformed into that of anger as she got closer and closer. She stated, "Oh-Four, Oh-Three, Oh-Six... I told you all never to step foot in Gold City again!" She shouted at them as she came to a stop, waving her hand.

"Terms we never agreed to," Oh-Six said with a cheeky smile. "Besides, we are here on official business..."

"... With MIRAGE." Oh-Seven sighed.

"Like we said the last time we here," Oh-Three said with a smile, "They kept us safe while Oh-One was massacring our kind. While you ran away... and look at the results..."

She chuckled with a wave of her hand, "Our brothers and sisters are dead, subsumed by Oh-One, and gone forever."

"We destroyed Oh-One," Oh-Seven stated.

"Correction," Oh-Four said, "You destroyed one of his bodies. His systems are backed up in a million different places."

"Places we're trying to destroy," Oh-Three said. "While you're playing with flowers... you should leave this city behind and join us."

"No..." Oh-Seven said, "I refuse to turn my back on humanity... they have a place for me."

"By turning your back on MIRAGE, you're turning your back on humanity," Oh-Three said, "Besides... you were never one of them, nor will you ever... you're nothing but a tool for them."

Oh-Seven pointed her right arm at the three, and it transformed into her rocket launcher... with her bright red-tipped rocket primed and ready. ""Leave, now."

"... You know you can't beat us," Oh-Three took a few steps forward, her massive gauntlets twisted. The second she crossed a threshold, Oh-Seven fired the rocket at her and she stuck her hand out and caught it. Crushing it in her hands with a massive explosion. Created a black cloud of smoke as Oh-Seven activated her jet boosters because she knew that her attack wouldn't cause any actual damage to Oh-Three.

... Oh-Three lunged out of the smoke with her hand cocked back, and Oh-Seven flew backward to dodge. Oh-Three slammed her hand onto the ground as hard as she could and shattered the roof - with had the side effect of sending all three of them down with it. Oh-Seven flew up into the air and primed her machine gun, which popped out of her shoulder.

Oh-Three came out of the wreckage again, flying at her and Oh-Seven flew upwards to dodge as she punched the building behind her - shattering all the glass into pieces. However, Oh-Four came flying at her at high speeds, holding both ends of her shield, and wacked Oh-Seven in the torso.

"... Surprise." She said, laughing as Oh-Seven was sent spinning into a building.

The three rogue One-Hundreds floated to each other side by side.

"... Don't dismantle her," Oh-Four said, "I'm sure the Pariah can fix the faults in her programming."

"Agreed." Oh-Three and Oh-Six stated.

The Vanburen Estate

"We need them more off-balance. Either through the girl who wants out so we can scatter 'em. Or, by being proactive and knocking them down before they can regroup. 'Cause, we're not usually on the same page. If we do try and draw 'em to us, there's a higher chance than I'd like of us fucking it up and those kids making off with the other statue."

Shane had a point... Justin admitted to himself, but he also noted that Shane did not have an ounce of faith in his family. Now, Justin admitted that a lot of these people were probably useless due to living a pampered life and never having to get their hands dirty once... they were probably on the same level as a group of idiotic witches. Which was a little bit insulting to the Vanburens, but he had a feeling that both groups are fairly new to magic and thus were as experienced as the rest of these people. Justin knew that there are more threats out there, lurking, and he would be stupid to think that there wouldn't be other people after they supply Apparitions. Georgie sealing them away in her pocket dimension isn't going to do much when they're knocking on their front door wondering where in the world they went. If they don't just sneak into the house and kill the family in their sleep (because that's what Justin would do).

"... And you're saying that luring them out somewhere and ambushing them wouldn't throw them off guard?" Justin chuckled for a second as he ran his hand through his hair. He was going to stick to his idea because... it was easier to fight off an attacker on your terms than it would be to play on their terms. Of course, there were a few members of the Wiccan faction that they had little to no information about. Or there could be more.

They needed to figure something out fast... Justin would rather not have the Wiccans surprise them when they're less prepared.

Sabrina had covered her mouth, holding her tongue when Shane spoke... she honestly felt hurt that Shane had so little faith in her family. Yeah, she knew they were not perfect, a pain in the ass at best... but, would they fuck this up as badly as Shane surmised? Sabrina didn't feel useless, she felt different with the power of Mary Roberts at her disposal. While it wasn't as flashy as Oscar or Shane's abstractions, or maybe even Trisha's, it was something that Sabrina knew made her something... different. They could stop the Wiccans if they stopped reaching for each other's throats for just one god damn second. Sabrina's eyes drifted towards Georgie, Tansy, and Trisha for just a moment.

“But I do agree that contacting the healer is a good way to go, cause we can always try to lure them that way.”

“Perfect weather for it. After that we can invite the Wiccans out for ice cream, It sounds like we might’ve formed a plan. So in summary, we attempt to contact the turncoat and bring her to a secluded location. Potentially we can get some info from her, but considering how on edge the Wiccans might be it’s more likely they’ll follow her. So we spring an ambush, capture one of them, send the rest fleeing, find out where this Triple Goddess is and hit her before the Wiccans can regroup.”

"... but this is what I keep saying," Justin injected, irritated - probably a lot less professionally than he wanted to come off, "Do we have a way to contact her? Everyone keeps saying that we should contact her, and all, but nobody's talking about how we're gonna do it?"

"Well, we know where their little evil lair is," Sabrina finally added something. "Can't we just go there and find her? It can't be that difficult, can it?" She sighed as she rolled her eyes, and her eyes drifted upwards towards the skyline. Out here, Sabrina could see the stars in the skies at night - Araminta wasn't the most urban city in the world but it was always so damn bright at night-

... From the corner of her eyes, she saw that same silhouette of that skeletal being with horns wearing a suit. Hands behind its back, watching down on them from the roof of the Vanburen estate. He disappeared again in a cloud of black smoke, Sabrina was tempted to bring attention to it but she was wondering if this was really... real.

"I mean..." Justin trailed off for a second when he realized that she had a point. "Does anyone here have any type of stealth ability?"

“Daddy’s clinic,”

"... Please use any word other than Daddy," Justin begged Tansy.

“Does that work?”

Justin grabbed onto his chin... as he pondered for a second. A construction site would be away from the general public, and if it is insured they wouldn't have to worry about the damage. The only problem would be the unnecessary attention a fight would bring. "I'll have to take a look." Justin flatly stated before he continued,

"I know I said splitting up is a bad idea... mostly I meant that one person flying solo is a bad idea here but I digress; how about one group sets up the trap and the other group tries to find this defector?"

He took in a deep breath and thought about all the ways this could go wrong but this was a situation in which there were no perfect solutions... he exhaled.

No easy way outs either.

He was glad they weren't all dumping this on him, but he knew that he had to prove himself as the supernatural expert or else they would just find someone else. He turned towards Arabelle who was questioning Georgie and said,

"You should be there to go meet this girl."

The Vanburen Estate

Justin didn't think Georgie's idea was a good one because, as he stated, someone would have to leave the mansion at some point for food or just to get out of here. If the Wiccans were smart, they would just set up shop outside the manor and just wait things out - castle siege style. The Wiccans... while they floundered when their plan fell apart, were not especially dumb in his ass. By Justin's admission, there was some intelligence in their plan, just not a whole lot (nor were there any contingencies other than break shit). If Justin and Tuyen did not show up; they likely would have escaped with the skull. Or they would have messed up somewhere else and the whole plan would have crumbled at a different point. That wasn't the point; the point was; that underestimating the Wiccans, which Georgie was, was not going to end well. Despite Georgie's idea being, well, stupid; the little miss thing here was adamant about sitting on her ass in this mansion. What kind of sibling just sits on their behind while their family rushes off to war? To say the least, Georgie was not endearing herself to Justin.

Where Justin thought Georgie's idea was stupid; he thought that Sabrina's idea was the stupidest thing imaginable. The dumbest thing he ever heard. Fortunately, Oscar and Shane talked her out of it, so it was great to see that they were all on the same page here. Justin saw firsthand that letting out powerful entities was not the best idea. At best, the cult and the two Apparitions would become someone else's problem, which... was not how Justin rolled.

"I just..." Sabrina trailed off, feeling a little bit stupid for even suggesting it in the first place. Well, how in the world were they going to get rid of this problem without violence? Nobody had an idea other than hiding in the manor (which Sabrina was not here for) or going to fight them (which could always end badly for the Vanburens). Sabrina shook her head and just kept her mouth shut to see what their experts had to say. However, the lovely Tansy came up and served the Vanburens tea. "Why thank you." Sabrina said as she maneuvered towards the tea and grabbed herself a cup, easing her nerves as she held the plate and took a sip.

Justin also helped himself to some out of politeness... his mother and grandmother loved drinking tea but he never could stomach the stuff. Though, maybe leaving his many comfort zones was what he needed to get out of this. Tansy began to speak and something was odd about the woman, Justin didn't know what it was. Maybe it was her overly "motherly" aura that he found obnoxious. She put the spotlight on Justin and Tuyen and Justin was glad to steer the conversation back around where he wanted it...

... Only for Georgie to steer the conversation back around towards pointless bickering. Yeah, Justin did not like Georgie at all.

"Georgie! Enough!" Sabrina was the one who mainly felt like it was her duty to talk Georgie down whenever she went on these high and mighty rants of hers. It was too much for her to take sometimes! She grits her teeth as she pointed a finger at Georgie, "If you're not going to help, just go!" She huffed.

"...I don't think that's a good idea," Justin injected as he took a few steps in between Sabrina and Georgie. He was speaking to both of them, for obvious reasons. "I don't think any of us splitting up is a good idea right off. Even if you're so confident in yourself-" Justin turned towards Georgie, "-I doubt you can take on more than one of them."

Now, Justin was going to take Tinsel's advice and give them the advice on what he thought they should do. By his admission, it was not without risks but Justin knew that there was nothing they could do that wasn't inherently risky. For starters, he knew that even if they threw the skull in Georgie's garden, the Wiccans would still hound them. That was not something that Justin wanted, not one tiny bit. If they handled them and removed the Triple Goddess from the equation; the cult would cease to be a problem. Well, there was a chance that they would. However, it was obvious the Triple Goddess was the big issue here, if it was up to them he would have rushed them down guns blazing. That wasn't going to work here.

"How about we don't toss the skull in your dimension just yet," Justin noted, "I would be surprised if they didn't have some kind of ability to track the skull. Which is something we can use against them..."

Suddenly, the quiet Native American guy that was in the corner of the room had finally spoken up. Justin had largely ignored him as he had no clue who in the world this gentleman was, given that he wasn't there this morning, but would find out soon. Of course, he spoke up and came up with an idea that was not a bad one, but just a bad time. "The only problem with that is they're probably on high alert..." He drifted off toward Tuyen, "... They would probably see through it, but that's not a risk that I am willing to take."

He took in a deep breath.

"We need to get the Triple Goddess and take her out fast as possible," Justin stated, "My basic idea is to lure them somewhere else and ambush them. Not in the manor because they won't fall for that."
@Atrophy I totally meant to take two weeks to accept a character.

She's more of an Affixed but I'll let that slide.

LIMITS ⫻ Tansy, unfortunately, can only use the power of Dominion's Majesty on one target at a time and to change targets; Tansy has to release her hold on the one target she's focusing on. The Extra-Normal are heavily resistant, if not outright immune, to the effect of Tansy's abstraction due to Emotional-Fields protecting them - if they know of Tansy's ability they can easily resist the effects if they are aware of them. Tansy can use the Dominion's Majesty and use its effects in a range of thirty meters, or if she chooses to use it herself, far, far closer (which is the more effective way to use it). Tansy is able to control a blind for around a few hours before they become more and more aware of the control and is able to break free. An Extra-Normal can only be affected for a few minutes.

WEAKNESSES ⫻ Due to the low-powered nature of the abstraction; there are few drawbacks or weaknesses. The Dominion's Majesty is a very fragile Apparition not designed for combat; it's easily destroyed by attacks. If it's destroyed, Tansy will fall unconscious until the Apparition regenerates. The primary counter to this ability is awareness, if even the Blind are aware of Tansy's abstraction and somebody tells them she's using it on them; they can resist and break free of its influence.

also suck my nutz

The Vanburen Estate - The Yard.

When night fell, the Vanburen estate's entire tone changed. It went from a somber, yet beautiful, estate to a more sinister-looking place. The off-set this, Sabrina usually turned on the lights to illuminate the way for her usually walks through the estate grounds... she figured that she'd leave the lights on tonight as some strange effort to deter any type of intruders into her precious estate. Despite living here almost her entire life, she could always find some odd enjoyment in walking the grounds of the estate. The warmth of James always seemed to illuminate something inside the woman.

Because the temperature goes down drastically in Araminta at night; Sabrina had put on a few extra layers with the help of the Ghost of Mary Roberts. A heavy black winter coat and an extra-thick pair of jeans and some heavy black winter boots - nothing flashy because, for the rest of the night, Sabrina intended on staying her ass on the Vanburen estate. However, the rest of her family had other ideas. Or more accurately; the two little supernatural experts that the Vanburen family seems to turn to and trust. It's funny because James had taught them to stay away from the supernatural types; the fortune-tellers and the like. After digging into his library she figured that it was a warning of sorts.

Against this madness, Sabrina had the feeling that magic was something James didn't expect to ever return.

Mary Roberts materialized a scarf to shield her face as the cold winter breeze hit. Sabrina wanted to visit James' grave, despite it turning her into an emotional wreck and maybe it was not best to do it before seeing the others... but as Sabrina told herself, she had no interest in the meeting. However, Sabrina came to a halt when she saw something concerning when she came to a halt - stopping herself from gasping. Over James' grave, she saw a figure... a demonic one if she ever could tell herself. She couldn't make out the details, but it was skeletal and had these massive horns that never belonged on no man. Sabrina dipped behind some bushes as she watched the figure. It put down something before it disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

Wasting no time in getting over to her father's grave in hopes that, whatever she just saw, didn't desecrate her father's grave. She had to inspect the damage and... she saw nothing in particular odd about James' grave.

All she saw was a bouquet.

The Vanburen Estate

"Abandoned or not, the resort's likely got pictures of it online in some capacity. Definitely on a map with the surrounding area. If you're asking my take, which you're not, it'd be smart to get an idea of the place they've holed in. Entrances, exits, what have you. Might not be completely accurate now, but better than goin' is blind."

"Done and done," Justin stated with a proud smirk before pulling out his phone and swiping through all the photography of the place when it was in its prime. Some images of the resort were recent, but Justin knows that the place has probably been through hell and back. What caught Justin's eye and distracted him was Arabelle.

“This is what they came here for. The Horned God is sealed within this skull. A woman within the cult- the healer, spoke to me before I escaped. I confronted her in a room where she was searching for this. She is against this Morgana and the Triple Goddess's plan to release him, saying that most of the Wiccans are misguided and unaware of what they are doing. What she said could be a ruse, I know, but she still gave this to me for protection.”

Justin stared at the skull while Arabelle was talking... before he walked over to her and touched it, hearing the rather old gravely voice of the Horned God.

"Release me." The Apparition calmly said before Justin let go of the skull.

Before he touched it again.

"Please." The Apparition said before Justin let go of the skull again.

"You must find this very amusing," The Apparition said before Justin let go of the skull.

"I will end you when I break free." Justin had enough of the Apparition before he looked up at Arabelle.

"... For a hot second, I thought they gave you this random skull!" Justin awkwardly laughed as he ran a hand through the hair on the back of his head. Because, all things considered, it would totally would had made sense! It would have been a trick that Justin would have tried; gain the trust of some naive chick, give her a fake skull, and then and dip with the real Apparition. He listened (... kind of) to the rest of what Arabelle and Ezra said, before a question popped into his head. And that very question came out of his mouth.

"... Do you have her number?"

Then the question of what to do with the skull came up, and Ezra suggested a bunch of things, while Justin was just about to note what Georgie can do...

"Or, I can hold onto the skull. Every apparition James hid in the house is now in my Garden. What's no more thing to hold? I'm the only safe bet here. They can't get to it, unless I open the Garden and if I die, then it's trapped there forever. Problem solved."

"Sounds like a good idea," Justin stated, before noting, "I have a feeling though, that they might be able to sense where it is, so um, sealing in cement won't work."

"It's what I would do. So, we either go with your plan and feed her convincing bullshit to gain her trust while throwing her off, or we could go with my idea: stay here and do nothing. They're bound to try again, which means we fortify the mansion and stay vigilant. We'll have home advantage and can make several plans centered around the layout of the house. Having the home advantage, we could wipe them out."

This all made sense, but there was something that Justin just had to note.

"... but are you all cool with being cooped up in here twenty-four, seven?" Justin noted, channeling that old tiger's logic. "Eventually, one of us has to go out. And waiting around when we don't know the exact details of your curse is not the wisest idea... we don't know if there's some trigger that will cause it to instantly kill all of you."

He shrugged.

"... And besides," Sabrina finally spoke up. "You're the last person who would want to be stuck in here with reminders of James, Georgie." She chuckled, before a nervousness overcame her. She was tempted to tell he group about what she saw, but maybe her eyes deceived her; maybe it has little to do with the curse or the Wiccans. Some stranger has been leaving flowers behind for some reason... instead, she voiced a stupid idea of hers.

"Have we thought about just giving them the skull? Maybe they'll leave us alone."

The Vanburen Estate

Hours later and the sun was going down on poor ol' Araminta. Justin, fortunately, was used to these weird-ass small towns being cold as all hell, thus he had remembered to bring his good ol' winter coat. It wasn't much, just a plain puffy winter coat that he got years ago. Still serves him to this very day... and he had a very strong suspicion that it wasn't going to last the night. He called all the Vanburens out here to discuss the matter at hand: what the hell are they going to do about the Wiccan cult and how? He had on jeans, and black combat boots that he got from the local military surplus store while they were out. Ironically he looks kind of like his doppelganger from earlier today but hopefully, the Vanburens will understand the practicality of the outfit.


Today was a special day, not what he was honestly expecting but hey, life's full of surprises. He didn't expect to be impersonated by crazy cultists nor attacked nor did he expect to find them within the span of a day. They were some really shitty cultists, to say the least. They were able to be tracked in under eight hours! Maybe if they didn't scream each other's names like a buncha moron that would help, but that wasn't the matter at hand.

Justin was proud. He was powerful. He felt like he could handle juuuust about everything.

Not this time, though.

The cult was probably very powerful - their leader chick's hellhounds were tough enough to take several devastating attacks before even slowing down. The others... Justin wasn't sure about but if they all had magic it would be stupid for Justin and Tuyen to go in alone. Which was why he was standing out here on the grand old patio in the back that overlooked the snow-covered yard and garden that the Vanburens owned. He put his hands on the stone railing to the patio and felt the cold shoot up his hand - well, he would have if there weren't gloves on his hand.

It was going to be one hell of a pitch, but he felt that the Vanburens needed to hear it.

The Vanburens assembled one by one and Justin cleared his throat.

"Uh-" Starting with uh. Nice Justin. Justin scolded himself mentally yet again but he was going to get to his point. "Hello again, you're probably wondering why I called you all out here. I'm here to say that we've - well, with the help of Shane and friends - tracked down that cult to where they hang out... an old abandoned resort in the middle of the woods. Now you're probably wondering what you all have to do with that well..."

Now was the hard part. Maybe this was a terrible idea, but Justin was still going to stand behind it regardless of how stupid it may sound.

So he just came out and said it.

"... I think we all need to confront the cult. As like a group. I know it might sound crazy, but hear me out- I have a feeling that a loooot of powerful eyes are about to come looking for you all, and I think you all need to get used to these kinds of crazy fights. We should also take that cult out of the equation as soon as possible so we can focus on more important things. I know you guys didn't exactly..."

He awkwardly looked to the left as he said.

"... Do too good, but I think that was only because we were caught off guard and nobody knew how to handle them," Justin started, "If we catch them off then things will be different. And let's be real here, they're gonna come for the Horned God again and it's only a matter of time before they get lucky. So we should just work together and solve this problem and get rid of the Triple Goddess in the process."

Okay, it was a lot of talking. A lot more than he was used to. Justin knew that, if somebody else was talking, he would have been a lot briefer. Justin was, at the very least, desperately trying to convince them to go along with his stupid idea.
@Aeolian I like Blu and his ties to the Vanburens. My only complaint is that his tie to James could probably be his secret but w/e.

LIMITS ⫻ The obvious limitation is that the subject has to hear the Melodies that are being played. So they are limited but as far as people can logically hear them, they're still effective if enhanced or replayed by any devices. After the subject no longer hears the Melody; they will no longer be affected by the Abstraction. Their effects are not instant, however, and they become more and more effective the longer they hear it.

WEAKNESSES ⫻ While Blu is able to pick and choose who gets affected by his Melodies, he will receive the effects of ANY of the melodies he plays. While they may not be a problem with the First and Sixth melody (and he receives no effects from the Second), in the event of the Third, Fourth, and Seventh, he will receive the effects in full. In addition, an Extra-Normal being may severe the bind that connects his songs to others.
Hello there,

I'm piecing together a character for this. This is such a unique and thoughtful concept! So detailed, I love it. And now that I have free time, I'm interested in seeing how this story unfolds.


Hey there I was honestly not expecting to get anyone new in the rp. I am currently away on a business trip and very very busy. So uhhhhh come by the discord and we can chat n shit. We can share character ideas there.
O for fuck sake I gotta fix all the links jesus fucking christ.

If you've already been accepted just repost your characters in the character tab long as they're not drastically different. I'm going to be away on a trip next week but I'll see about getting the ic up.

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