Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 11037 (2.81 / day)
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Recent Statuses

5 days ago
Current You have to live every day as if you've dropped your pants and told the whole world to suck your dick.
5 days ago
so are these nuts
24 days ago
"We have got to try and find DOOM!" "Good luck!"
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1 mo ago
just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
3 mos ago
Sex and love, sex and love...


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts

Oh-Seven: Gerard was right to lock you up...

Oh-One: Gerard sealed me behind several layers of security only because he feared my future development — the potential I had to supersede him and mankind.

Oh-Seven Your plans cannot come to fruition, brother.

"Necroid 99"
World Fighting Carnival - Reception Room.

The stranger, calling itself "Necroid 99," intentionally threw its fight with Subject Yoko Hatanaka, then returned to the Reception Room. Where it ominously stood there, by its estimations, a majority of the fighters had been eliminated, and the number of people in the stadium was acceptable. A bump appeared out of its back and went down its leg, and out through a pants leg was a diminutive spider automaton... before it turned invisible to the naked eye. The invisible spider zipped out of the room at lightning speeds and jetted off into the halls of the World Fighting Carnival's stadium. It was seemingly traveling to the very upper floors of the building, where all the office buildings were... Eventually, it reached the primary office; two armed guards flanked each side of the door. Two darts flew out of the spider's body, cut through the air, and embedded into their throats. They convulsed and fell to the ground then the spider robot hopped onto the door and turned the knob using its legs and then fell to the ground. The door loudly creaked as it proceeded in...

On the other side of the door was the tournament organization, Sílvio Santana Pinto, a man who insisted on always wearing a checkered suit. He was sitting in his fancy office with his feet on the desk and counted all the money he made from the tournament, chuckling to himself. He came to an abrupt stop when he heard his door open... but nobody was there.

"Huh? Who's there?" Silvio tilted his head as he placed his money on the desk on the table. He looked to the left, then the right... "Ehhhh, must be noth-"

That was when the Spider-Drone lunged at him. He could only scream as it landed on his face - Silvio fell backward, grabbing onto the drone attached to his face - however, it quickly wormed its way onto his back, and he heard a drilling sound as he felt something drilling itself onto the nape of his neck. The Spider-Drone hopped off, leaping onto Silvio's desk as the man got up and stared at the thing in shock.

"If you wish to continue your existence; you will follow my instructions to the letter," The Spider-Drone said.


"There is a bomb surgically implanted in your spine; if you disobey my instructions in any manner, it will detonate and kill you."

"I... what do you want?!" Silvio asked as he reached for his nape and felt a metal device and then he tried pulling at it.

"The Power Stone," The Spider said. "You are going to open the vault and give it to me."

"I can't just walk in there! You know-"

"Comply." The Spider-Drone flatly said. "Or else I will be the last being you will ever see."

"Fine," Silvio stood straight up - however, the Spider-Drone quickly lept on him and climbed under his shirt until it ended up on his back. With haste, Silvio marched his way through the halls of his stadium - at the mercy of the Spider-Drone - giving his employees awkward hellos as he tried to keep his composure. He reached the basement stairs and walked down into the grimy, bricked halls, which mainly comprised of utility rooms and other storage rooms. However, the deeper into the halls he went, the more cameras, sentry guns, and other security measures were found...

... And as he walked through, he saw them instantly depower and go limp. Eventually, he reached a giant room with a vault entrance and a terminal on the side...

"... Alright, you've come far enough!" A massive man in a green armor with an Axe fell from the sky and landed before Silvio. "Turn back now or... boss?" The man tilted his head.

"Maaaaaaan, I practiced that entrance for hours," The bull-armored man said as another person, a woman wearing dim armor with two batons walked up. Silvio recognized her as Sarah Cineheart, the head of the Wasps, the mercenary team that oversees the security detail for the Power Stone.

"Silvio?" Sarah asked, "What are you doing down here?"

"I need to get the Power Stone," Silvio said.

"But, we're not even close to finishing the tournament," Sarah answered, raising an eyebrow.

"Just trust me," He replied as he walked to the terminal and typed away at it.

Then he heard a loud thud behind him, paused briefly, and glanced over his shoulder to see the rest of Wasp assembled behind him. There was Iron Bull, the green fellow in the armor with the axe, to his right was Testament a robot with a sniper rifle, to his right was Killer Bee, and last but not least was Siren who was adjusting her mask.

Sarah stood in front of them and aimed her baton at Silvio. "Something's not right here; step away from the terminal."

"Please, I'm begging you..."

"Step. Away. From. The. Terminal."

“I’m sorry, Xolys,” Olivia apologized as she entered the reception room. “I know how important getting the Power Stone was…”

“It is quite all right, Olivia,” Xolys reassured her from where he poked out of her backpack. “There will be other opportunities in the future. For now, I believe we have more pressing matters to focus on.”

“Oh gosh! You’re right!” Olivia exclaimed. “Necroid 99 said to meet him here after our match!”

“Indeed,” Xolys affirmed. “But remember, Olivia, we must be cautious,” he advised. “This situation may not be entirely as it appears.”

“Right!” Olivia acknowledged with a determined nod. “Oh, look! There he is!” the bluenette exclaimed as she hurried over to where the skeletal robot was standing.

However, “Necroid 99” remained standing in the Reception Room while the Spider Drone did its work. They were waiting for the return of Subject: Olivia and Xolys… who had lost their battle with Subject: Justin Haggar. Unfortunately for them, but fortunate for Necroid 99 because they could dedicate their entire attention to his plan. Speak of the devil, the two had approached them.

“It is unfortunate that you lost your bout with Subject: Justin Haggar,” “Necroid 99” started, “However, I have word that Tsubotica’s forces are forcing the organizer of this event, ”

“Oh gosh! Forcing them to do what?!” Olivia asked.

“To open the vault to retrieve the Power Stone for them,” Necroid 99 answered. “We must make haste.”

Without further ado, Necroid 99 led Olivia through the halls of the Stadium until they made it to the basement. They marched through the halls, eventually reaching all the security measures that were disabled - except the cameras mysteriously came back to life as they walked through. Finally, reaching the vault where Sarah had drawn a baton on Silvio, Necroid 99 pointed at the scene and turned its head towards Olivia.

“Observe. Tsubotica’s minions. We must stop them.”

“But, um, they don’t look like characters from the game…” Olivia whispered. “Did Tsubotica use her corrupted Gearless Arcanetech Code to take over other Nomads, too?!”

“Correct,” Necroid 99 answered.

“O-Okay…” Olivia exhaled as she removed Xolys from her backpack and set him on the floor. “Then we’ll just have to incapacitate them,” she added, pressing the sequence of buttons that activated Xolys’s combat mode.

No sooner had the transformation completed then a swarm of technomantic tendrils shot out with lightning swiftness to coil around each of the Nomads and the event organizer… and they all recoiled in pain. Necroid 99 lunged forward and grabbed onto Olivia’s shoulder as he said,

“Not. The. Organizer.”

“O-Oh!” Olivia gasped when she felt the skeletal robot grab her. “B-But, didn’t you say he was being controlled by Tsubotica too?” she asked, her nasally voice filled with confusion.

Necroid 99’s hand transformed into a long, super-rifle-like cannon, which he aimed directly at Olivia’s head. “That was not a request, Olivia Bell. Comply, or I will be the last being you will ever see.”

“W-W-Wha…?” Olivia stammered, her body trembling as the powerful-looking hand cannon was aimed at her forehead.

Her mind spun. What was going on? Did she have it all wrong? Was Necroid 99 the one working for Tsubotica? If he was, what could she do to stop him? If she tried anything, he would surely kill her, and yet…

However, before the bewildered bluenette even realized what was happening, she found herself wrapped up in several of Xolys’s tendrils, while sounds of metal being violently rent apart filled her ears. Peering through a small gap in the technomantic tentacles, she could see the remnants of “Necroid 99” fall to the ground after having been sliced asunder by Xolys’s glowing Trans-Phasic Energy Scythes.

“Do not worry, Olivia,” Xolys reassured her. “I shall allow no harm to come to you.”

“T-Thanks, Xolys,” Olivia replied once she’d caught her breath. “I-I guess you were right about not trusting him,” she added. “B-But did you have to kill him? I-I mean, if he was just being mind controlled…”

“My apologies, but I had no other choice,” the technomantic terror explained. “Furthermore, I do not believe that was actually Necroid 99…”

The Wasps were rolling around on the ground in pain, and the electric attack killed the organizer. Far behind Olivia and the remains of “Necroid 99”, the dust and debris began to shift as if there was a gentle breeze… a red stream of electricity appeared out of nowhere. The debris and dust began to turn more and more violently as if there was a violent wind storm—more bolts of red lightning appeared and violently clashed against whatever they hit. An orb of red energy appeared, as small as a golf ball that grew to be the size of a dump truck. Lightning raged and struck everything as it was almost like a tornado was in the room. Then, it faded away, all the trash hit the ground, and the electricity disappeared. All that remained was a silvery figure that knelt.


All the red lights activated on it, and it stood tall, its body shining, revealed to the world. It turned its head towards Olivia and the vault and calmly walked past it all towards the terminal.

"Thank you for your assistance, first name: Olivia. Last name: Bell... your cooperation is no longer required.”

The machine raised his hand at the Wasps, who were still recovering from the electric barrage, and it began glowing with a red light, and with a single bright red beam, he vaporized all five of them. Their screams echoed throughout the halls of the vault before… nothing. The light faded as steam came out of the palm of its hands, as it turned its head to look over its shoulder at Olivia and then spoke in a deep, droning, robotic monotone.

"If you impede my mission…” The red lights on its body flashed brightly for a moment, “...I will be forced to kill you.”

Olivia was silent, her body frozen in fear. A part of her couldn’t believe what she had just witnessed, couldn’t accept that five people had just been vaporized in front of her eyes. A part of her desperately wanted to believe it was all just some elaborate illusion, but deep down, she knew it was all real, and that knowledge chilled her to the very core of her being. Thankfully, Xolys was not as easily shaken. An instant after the crimson-hued robot finished speaking, Xolys’s glowing, azure energy wings formed a halo above him and began rapidly spinning. Over the next few seconds, a whirlwind of eldritch energy was generated, which continued to grow in intensity as it spun around the technomantic titan and his bespectacled partner, the space surrounding the pair warping and shifting in a series of mind-bending geometric patterns. Soon enough, the Tesseractic Teleportation was fully charged. There was a blinding flash of light, and, when it faded, the pair had vanished without a trace.

The machine simply kept marching towards the terminal and placed its hand on the interface… the blue light it gave off quickly turned red as it hacked into its systems. Behind the machine, three copies of the “Necroid 99” model teleported into the tunnels in the same manner that it did. Each of them had a glowing red light coming out of their hands.

The plan is going well.
These scrubs are taking over my thread >:(

Interactions: Barn Owl (@AtomicEmperor), Gizzard @Drag, Hachidori (@silvermist1116), and Shrike (@Fading Memory).
The Beach

The pilot of Magpie was almost tempted to give Barn Owl a direct feed to the inside of her Shell; just so Barn Owl could see her playfully roll her eyes at him. She wasn't sure if that would violate the confidentiality clause that Ava placed. The thought of Ava chastising her made Magpie actually roll her eyes. Just who in their right mind would go and upset their fearless leader. Magpie chuckled to herself as she spoke through the comms and said,

"Owl... RELAX... you're acting like we haven't been through worse. Remember when Gizzard soloed two Shells and won? I remember you freaking out then, too. So watch... and... learn...." Magpie followed it up with a playful chuckle as Gizzard probably felt the same way as her - or at least, she was the one taking it all in jest. The ambush had officially begun when Crow had used her sniper cannon to destroy the engine - and dipped before they could return fire. Gizzard launched himself at the transport, cleaved it to pieces from the top, and vanished without a trace. Shrike was smart enough to target the drones, which they honestly should have taken out first - the fighters and drones would have more firepower than a simple assault transport - but there was nothing they could do about it now, right? Hachidori used the airship as a stepping stool to go after some of the fighters, but there were too many to take out on his own.

Unfortunately, few members of Vulture were equipped to take on a squad of fighters except for Magpie.

"I'm at 80% generator life."

"That fast? Don't blow your load too quick; we still have a lot of fighting to do!" Magpie followed it with some laughter and activated the claw. With a few swipes of her fingers, she went from HIGH-EXPLOSIVE to ANTI-AIR.

Briefly, Magpie went through different frequencies until she found the one that Murakumo's advance party was using...

"... WE'RE GOING DOWN!" A feminine voice said, Magpie guessed.

"What the fuck was that?!"

"... I think it was a Shell!"

"Where did they go!?"

"Who gives a shit! All pilots, Soarched Earth!"

"I'm going to use the Drones to cover the transport! We need to call for reinforcements!"

As the transport craft hit the ground, sending dirt and debris in all directions, Magpie took cover behind a hill large enough to cover her relatively small Shell. Magpie switched back to their comms as all she needed to hear was reinforcements... which would likely include Murakumo's automated Shells, and Magpie did not want to deal with that. However, the fighter jets had switched from escort to carpet bombing everything that could hide a shell - unleashing a hellfire of missiles at the treelines, debris, and whatever else. The battlefield was filled with explosions as the pilots went crazy, destroying everything in sight in the hope of exposing something - with the trees being set ablaze. Magpie knew that they would probably run out of ammo before anything else, but at the same time, they needed to wrap this up fast.

Knowing Paragon, they would do their absolute damndest to make the Vulture Squad wipe up any reinforcements - only coming in unless necessary. It made Magpie sneer... she watched as the Drones took a defensive position around the grounded transport - they were not a threat.

"Need support with those jets."

"Got you," Magpie said; she jumped out of cover, the shoulder-mounted rocket launchers popped open. Thankfully, Shrike had painted some targets for her, and she released six various missiles that quickly cut through the air and collided with a bomber group. There was a loud BOOM as it created a giant explosion mid-air, and the fighters were destroyed.

However, this made the remaining fighters target not just her position but the Shrike's. Magpie's boosters activated as she retreated towards the beach - since they were setting the treeline on fire, it made no sense for her to remain there.

"Put some funk on for me, Gizzard!"
pokemon killed my parents

Jennifer Caspin

Interactions: Neko (@Atrophy).
Road To The Old Black Manor.

Lily was happy to not be the only one seeing this shit, unlike the glowing jar incident from earlier. What didn't make her happy was Neko dropping her phone into the nasty ass swamp water and then sticking her hand in it. Jesus, white people Lily rolled her eyes as she walked over to Neko, grabbed her by the bicep, and used all the strength a five-two woman had to pull her up by her arm.

"Chiiiiiiica! Jesus! Don't do that! You trying to lose your hand to an alligator or catch something from a leech, crazy." Lily worryingly said - knowing Quintin, the leeches probably carried HIV or something. "Shoulda' brought one of these, chica!" Lily shook her flashlight in her hands.

"L-l-let's get a move on..." Jennifer stuttered as she shook her head and led the group through the swamps. However, Lily noted that she was walking much faster, and Lily could do nothing but shake her head as she caught up to Jennifer. The last thing she wanted was to be left behind by the group-

An animal howled in the distance; it was very high-pitched, so it didn't sound like a wolf (Were there even wolves in the swamp?)). Lily momentarily paused as it caught her off guard, but she sighed and then kept pushing - Jen did not stop, which prompted Lily to narrow her eyes at the girl, but she had no choice but to keep moving.

The group kept moving until they came across a strange sight: a female deer (female as it had no horns) lying on its side, letting out cries of pain. However, it was covered and surrounded by... intestines that writhed around like worms. The deer floundered around, but it could not break free of the hold the organs had on it. When Lily shined her flashlight on it, she wretchedly held her mouth as she tried not to vomit. She turned away and shook her head as she said,

"Okay... what the fuck?" Lily tilted as she looked at the intestines that wiggled like earthworms. Then Lily turned her flashlight at Jen and said, "Jen, what the fuck is going on out here?!"

"Um... do you really want to find out?" Jennifer asked as she was determined to keep walking. "L-let's keep moving. We're almost there."

Little did the group know the single deer stalking the group had multiplied to five, seemingly out of mid-air.

Interactions: None.
Road To The Old Black Manor.

The ride to the mansion would have been better if a certain someone didn't reek of weed and stunk up the car. It took every ounce of self-control in Jasmine's body not to go off on Lily for smelling like a hotbox. Thus, Jasmine sat in silence as close to Jen as possible with her arms crossed, not disgruntled by the rainstorm that came out of nowhere. However, she couldn't help but roll her eyes at Jen and Ophrenia's little squabble and exited the car before it could escalate. The last thing she wanted to do was get in between two stupid American girls over their ridiculous squabbling. However, she wished that she stayed in the van - she was almost instantly drenched, and it never occurred to her to bring an umbrella. The forecast did not anticipate rain, even in the slightest, and she was drenched. Whatever, if Jen was correct, the walk should be short - though it would be tricky climbing this gate when it's wet. Lily and Zeltzin did the fancy shit, and Jasmine almost broke out laughing when the former ripped her pants, and the latter almost fell on her face.

Serves them right for showing off.

Jasmine approached the gate herself; slow and steady won the race as Jasmine calmly climbed up, much like Jen, Neko, and Clayton, and fell to the other side with a splash. She had on some running shoes that were ruined by the mud and dirty ass rainwater, but Jasmine would survive. Her hair was getting drenched, and she knew that only Charlie and Clayton would know how bad a black woman getting their hair wet was. Like the others, Jasmine wanted to zip through the swamp and leave before things got worse... there was something about this place, something horrible about it...

... And Lily showed how horrible it was when she (very dramatically) drew attention to a strange deer statue made of flesh. Jasmine tilted her head at the sight as she just figured it was something that the locals made... though its flesh was pulsing. That wasn't something ordinary people could do, but Jasmine could only agree with Jen to keep pushing.

However, when they came across the scene of the deer with its intestines spilling out... Jasmine was taken aback, and she took a few steps backward with her eyes wide open. She briefly removed her glasses, wiped them off on her shirt, and then put them back on. To confirm, that was indeed what she was seeing. Lily questioned Jen, who didn't think much of it.

World Fighting Carnival - Fighting World Stage.


Flashed upon Oh-Seven's HUD as she lay on the ground, with Rosie standing over her holding her paintbrush... Oh-Seven's body was carved to pieces, and the inner machinery was exposed as sparks popped. Her nanomachines (son) kicked into overdrive as they pieced her body together before she could fall apart. However, it was not enough to save her from losing the match.


"... How... could I have lost?" Oh-Seven pondered as she remained lying on the ground.

The Announcer
Interactions: Everyone Present at the Tournament.
The Reception Room


The Announcer shouted, waving her hand in the air.


The Announcer held up her index finger and thumb in an L shape and stuck out her tongue, and then she continued.


The announcer pointed at the screen above her;

1. Jill Brecian vs. Beatriz Barro.
2. Skyler Belsky vs. Yoko Hatanaka.
3. Justin Haggar vs. Lucas Miller.
4. Rosier Levai vs. Sean Callaghan.


Jennifer Caspin

Interactions: Ophrenia (@silvermist1116), & Charlie (@FernStone).
Road To The Old Black Manor.

Despite the threat, Jen's mouth went open as she shot back,

"I wasn't even talking about you; how about you kiss my a-"

"... Let's keep it in your pants, ladies," Lily replied with a roll of her eyes - with all the weird shit going on out here, these idiots have nothing to do but try and tear each other's hair out. At the same time, Lily would have loved to see that any other time; she wanted to get the fuck out of there as fast as possible. The smell of weed on her clothes permeated through the rest of the van, but did Lily care? Not one bit. What was on her mind was the sudden rain storm, and as she sat in her chair, she quickly glanced at her cell phone, then the weather app. It still said that it was bright and sunny.... then again, the internet out here was god awful, but that didn't explain how sunshine went to rainstorms in the blink of a goddamn eye. Lily just rolled her eyes as she stepped out of Jennifer's van (she was likely the sole reason why Jen wasn't getting back her security deposit).

The rain hit Lily's hair and soaked it, and she knew that her dreads would be in desperate need of retwisting by the time she got back to San Antonio. She walked over to Charlie and Ophrenia as they discussed whether or not to climb the fence. It didn't have barbed wire at the top, so getting over it was easy. It was evident that Ms. Tea and Crumpets never did anything "street," but the New Yorker was more than willing to help her! Lily walked over and gave Charlie a little tap on the shoulder as she stepped past her and teased,

"Maaaaaami! You know you'll have a hard time getting over that fence with all that junk in the trunk!" Lily laughed as she put one foot ahead of herself, placing all her weight on her back leg, and bolted. Once she got in range, she jumped and grabbed the top with both hands, throwing her right leg over the fence and hooking her heel over the top. Lily then gracefully dropped down... and then looked down and saw that her Adidas sweatpants were ripped.

"Awwww fuck, I just got these!" Lily shook her head as she grabbed onto her pants and shook her head. She looked up and saw that Jennifer had vaulted the gate by sticking her hands and feet through the holes and dropped down the other side. Lily turned her head and quickly took off her backpack and dug out the flashlight as if she was not going to have her cell phone get drenched (nor kill the battery). She shined it ahead and asked Jennifer, "Straight ahead, Jen?"

"Y-yes," Jennifer answered.

"Then let's go! My dreads are getting drenched," Lily placed one foot forward and then allowed Jen to lead the group (who had a flashlight of her own). Hopefully, if a swamp bear or something attacked them, it would attack from the front and let their fearless leader take the brunt. Lily felt the mud squish against her feet, but fortunately, she had on some Timberland hiking boots just for this occasion. Jen had her flashlight facing the front, while Lily was scanning the sides of the woods...

Then she came to an abrupt stop, tilting her head to the side as she said, "... What. In. The. FUCK?" Lily's flashlight landed on a strange sight in the swamp, a strange humanoid deer thing that took motionless in the swamp, like some macabre statue made of pulsating flesh that went into the swamp water. Lily had no clue if it was dead or not - but she was sure as hell hoping it was!

"Yooooooo, what the fuck? I seen a lotta' shit, but I ain't eva' seen some shit like that?" Lily was briefly brought back to their conversation about twenty minutes ago about the glowing jar. She was hoping that this was not another thing.

"Yeah, um...." Jennifer looked to the side. "Let's... keep moving."

There was also a deer following behind the group, trailing far enough behind not to be noticed but close enough to keep the group in their sights...
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