Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 11034 (2.81 / day)
  • VMs: 42
  • Username history
    1. Shin Ghost Note 5 mos ago
    2. ███████████ 1 yr ago
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    4. ███████████ 3 yrs ago
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    7. ██████████ 5 yrs ago
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    11. ██████████ 11 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

1 day ago
Current You have to live every day as if you've dropped your pants and told the whole world to suck your dick.
1 day ago
so are these nuts
21 days ago
"We have got to try and find DOOM!" "Good luck!"
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1 mo ago
just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
3 mos ago
Sex and love, sex and love...


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts


| The All-Seeing Lens |

"If I bleed, the camera cries.
No one doubts the camera eye.
Move fast forward thru the camera eye.
Move fast forward thru the camera eye.
The camera eye."

| The CameraEye was spawned from the collective belief in the power of sight and the human desire to see beyond the visible spectrum, uncovering hidden truths and deeper layers of reality. |

| All-Seeing Eyepiece |

| In the possession of Sloane Faris. |

| Odessa Maxwell before she passed it off to Sloane. |

| No. |
The CameraEye is an artifact that grants its user extraordinary perception, allowing them to view the world in ways far beyond ordinary sight. When placed over the user's eye, the CameraEye bestows several remarkable abilities that transform how they interact with their surroundings. First and foremost, the CameraEye enables the user to see through solid objects, such as walls and barriers, revealing what lies beyond. Additionally, the CameraEye can perceive the souls of living beings, presenting their spiritual essence as radiant auras of varying colors and intensities. This allows the user to gauge an individual's emotional state, intentions, and hidden abilities or powers.

The CameraEye also provides glimpses into alternate dimensions, showing how people and objects appear in different realities. This multidimensional vision offers insights into various versions of the world, revealing alternate paths and possibilities. The user can witness parallel versions of individuals, understanding how their lives might have unfolded under different circumstances. Beyond these primary functions, the CameraEye has additional capabilities that align with its theme of enhanced perception. It can see through illusions and shapeshifting, negating magical disguises and deceptions.

Moreover, the CameraEye allows the user to zoom in on distant locations, providing a telescopic view that can bring faraway objects and scenes into sharp focus. One of the most intriguing features of the CameraEye is its ability to "save" a scene before the user, granting them a photographic memory of what they have "saved." This allows the user to recall precise details and visual information perfectly, making the CameraEye an excellent tool for gathering and retaining information.

| The All-Knowing Pen |

"To know all that is knowable, one must first ask the right questions."

| Mortal hands did not forge the Quill but brought it into existence through the collective belief in the power of the written word. Scholars, historians, and scribes across generations have contributed to its creation, imbuing it with the essence of curiosity and the relentless quest for truth. |

| Information-Gathering Pen |

| In the possession of Sloane Faris |

| Odessa Maxwell, before she passed it off to Sloane Faris. |

| No. |
The Quill is an extraordinary artifact designed for those who desire the truth. This elegant, feathered pen appears unassuming at first glance, but its true power is revealed when it is put to use. The Quill's primary function is to aid its users in gathering and documenting information with unparalleled accuracy.

To activate The Quill's abilities, the user must write down an event or scenario they wish to document on any surface capable of holding written words, be it paper, wood, or even stone. Once the user completes their account, The Quill, sensing the intent behind the writing, comes to life. It begins to animate and continues writing independently, filling in any details the user might have missed. These additional details are not conjured from thin air; they are derived from what the user could have reasonably known or been told, ensuring that the information remains grounded.

The Quill's limits are defined by the knowledge accessible to the user. It cannot write down information that is entirely outside the user's realm of awareness or understanding. However, it excels at uncovering overlooked facts, piecing together clues, and providing insights that the user might have subconsciously recognized but not explicitly noted. This makes The Quill an invaluable tool for detectives, historians, and anyone meticulously gathering information. While The Quill's abilities are profound, they are not without limitations. It cannot access knowledge beyond the user's scope of influence or awareness. Additionally, the artifact requires the user's focused and clear intent to function effectively; vague or half-hearted attempts yield incomplete or unclear results.
<Snipped quote by Shin Ghost Note>

Thank you for asking. Is it okay if I re-organize the HoC post a little bit? Here is how I would like it to be organized:

Thank you!

@Estylwen is there any specific categorization or organization you want them in the HoC NPC post?

The alarm rang.

It was that day.

Lisa sat up, as she looked around.

”... Aw shit! Grab everything!” Lisa shouted. ”Grab the bags! Grab the food! Grab the dildos!

"Which dildos?!" Ella shouted back, jumping out of bed and pulling open the drawer beside it… filled with a far too large assortment considering how little time they'd been alive. Not waiting for an answer, Ella stuffed all of them into her massive, military-style tactical backpack.

”Yes!” Lisa shouted.

"Get dressed first," Saskia groaned, dragging themselves out of bed. "I packed everything important yesterday.”

"But not the dildos!"

"Yes, everything important." Saskia rolled their eyes. They quickly got dressed in some cargo pants, pockets filled with packets of trail mix and energy bars along with multiple knives. Combat boots, tank top, hoodie and a thick denim jacket - who knew how cold it got in the pit. Then they grabbed their bag, which was pretty heavy.

"Why do I have the biggest bag?!" Ella complained as she got dressed - wide legged, bright pink pants (after Saskia had insisted a skirt would be impractical), pastel pink crop top thankfully covered up by a pastel rainbow jumper. She was panickedly stuffing a shit ton of bright coloured jewellery and accessories into her bag, on top of the dildos.

"Because you're the tallest, the strongest, and," Saskia rolled their eyes again to punctuate their point, pulling her own tactical backpack (which was still pretty large) into their back. "The only one that insisted on bringing a shit ton of clothes to change into."

"I use colours for my spells!"

”… Damn it, you’re going to get us eaten by a monster!” Lisa shouted as she threw on her outfit; for one, it wasn’t a dress. It was a black sweater, cargo pants, and brand-new combat boots. She threw her comically large backpack on and pondered out loud, ”Like, will the Hound come get us-”

The three were wrapped in shadows and pulled back into the dark expanse known as… the Dark. Naturally, the Hound was across from them.

“... Are you ready?” He asked.

"Will you let us go back if we aren’t?" Saskia asked, folding their arms and staring at him.

“No,” The Hound answered, “You complete the mission or you don't.”

"So why even ask?" Saskia rolled her eyes.


"We are ready… look!" Ella turned around to show off her massive bag, then gestured to the little hip holster she’d gotten for her channeler along with the one slung over her shoulder to hold the ice scepter. "We won’t fail you!"

“... You have no choice but to succeed,” As The Hound spoke, a glow-red crack formed in the ground between them. The crack pulsed with red light, as screams, roaring, and other sounds could be faintly heard.

“... Dive.” The Hound commanded.

Lisa looked at Saskia and then Ella and extended a hand to both… Ella took her hand immediately, squeezing it. Saskia grimaced at the crack before taking Lisa’s hand, too.

"Let’s go." Then they stepped forward into the crack. Lisa was right behind them as they all fell into the crack…

It was nothing but red as they seemingly fell into eternity…

"The Pit?!" Ella shouted, throwing her hands in the air. Then, she tilted her head, confused. ”What's the pit?"

”I mean… Britney mentioned the Pit before but I don’t exactly know what it is?” Lisa tilted her head.

“The Pit is a savage, lawless wasteland, a safety net devised by the Artisans to prevent beings from falling out of reality,” The Hound explained. “Overtime, its become infested with some of the most dangerous beings out there.”

The Hound paused before he said,

“… There, you will face a challenge like no other. Face monsters that will test your very limits.” The Hound narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, so you're just sending us to die?" Saskia said, flexing their newly regrown hand.

"No way, we can do it," Ella shouted, folding her arms… kind of awkwardly because of her Channeler and the scepter. She should get some kind of holster for them. She'd have to incorporate that into her magical girl outfit! "But I definitely want that celebration time! We need to say goodbye to our friends!"

“Hmph,” The Hound began as the darkness slowly overtook them. “You have one week to prepare before I come find you…”

The darkness wholly wrapped around them.

“Don’t dilly dally. The threats in the Pit are miles above the Society…”

They were gone.

An orb of darkness appeared right where the three were taken from.

“... That was fast,” Jordan chuckled as Kimberly hoisted her by her arm.

“I should have given you all my camera so you can take pictures of The Dark!” Kimberly laughed.

“Mami!” Lupe shouted as she ran over to the three, and hugged Ella. “We did it!”

Ella hugged Lupe back with a wide grin, picking her up and spinning her around.

“Well, technically…” Kimberly trailed.

“Mami, there ain’t no technically! Morningstar is gone! Mirage Springs can go back to normal!” Lupe laughed.

“If by ‘normal’, you mean the city’s going to be flooding with people trying to fill the power vacuum,” Kimberly pushed her glasses up her nose. “Then, yeah, standard, totally standard...”

"Will- would we be able to help stop that?!" Ella asked, folding her arms. She didn’t want more people hurt because they’d beaten one big bad!

"We don’t have time," Saskia rolled their eyes. "Let’s celebrate. It won’t happen today."

“Yeah, mami! Let’s celebrate!” Lupe raised her hands in the air and waved her hips. “Let’s get the booze and then party!”

“Wait, don’t… don’t ya’ll have another mission?” Jordan asked.

"We do, but he gave us a week off!" Ella grinned, hands clapping together and she practically bounced up and down. "We can drink and party all we want!"

"Tonight," Saskia said. "Then we’ll train."

“Alright then, let’s uh…” Kimberly said before she saw sirens approaching in the distance, and her eyes shot open. “Fuck, Jordan, do you have another teleport in you?!”

“God damn it,” Jordan hissed before weakly raising a hand in the air. “Ya’ll trying to work me!”

A coral-pink sphere appeared around them, then it began spinning… until they were all gone.

The sun shined through the balcony window.

Lisa groaned… naked and covered in her vomit. She hiccuped as she coughed up more stomach acid. Pushing herself to her feet, she looked around as she said,

”... I’m starting to get the hang of this whole ‘drinking’ thing.”

Saskia, lying in a similar state, just hit Lisa with a blank stare. "No you’re not."

"I am!" Ella said cheerfully. She was sitting on the bed, also naked, but not covered in vomit. She’d had a shower last night! Not to get off her own vomit, but Lisa and Saskia had… thrown up on her. "... you both need to shower. Then we can train!"

Saskia and Lisa groaned.

After a shower, the three returned to the abandoned mall, which they had been chased out of before finishing their cool training arc. Lisa pushed the wooden boards aside and held them open for the other four… Lupe was right behind them.

“Aye, mami! Maybe we should have found one of those abandoned gas stations in the middle of nowhere,” Lupe shrugged, “Wait, no, this place is good. It’s nice and private!”

”So, we have a week,” Lisa said. ”Maybe we can finish those spells we were working on before the next ‘mission’.”

"We’ll probably need them," Saskia agreed.

"Yeah, it’ll be easier for us all to stick together if we have matching magical girl outfits!" Ella said cheerfully. She spun around to Lupe. "And you can help us! Oh- oh- you think I could learn those other awesome neon spells you use?"

“Ooooooh, you mean fabulous neon spells?!” Lupe shouted in a singsong as she put her hands on Ella’s shoulders. “Of course! I mean, you can already heal, you can’t teleport, and you can already shoot light! But you can learn how to shock fools with lightning! Burn them, too!”

"Yeah, the fabulous ones!" Ella nodded excitedly. "Shocking and burning people sounds fun! Especially if it’s all colourful, rather than boring… We had this one guy in our coven you had a bunch of lightning weapons, but they were all boring! Nothing like your fabulous colourful ones."

“A guy?! In a ’Coven’?!” Lupe dramatically said, putting a hand to her chest before laughing. “What was he? A warlock? Ah, I’m getting off-topic here!”

Lupe stuck her palm up and created a massive torch of a pink fire, and Lupe smiled at Ella, as she said, “To do this, mami - it’s the same as turning into a ball! You just gotta pull that energy inside of you, think of heat, and channel it! Project it outwards like this!”

Lupe stuck her hand out and let off a fireball that incinerated a piece of rubble.

“See, mami? Easy peasy! Now you try it!”

Ella nodded. She held her hand out in front of her and stared at it. The same as turning into a ball… it was like her light spells too, just with fire. She concentrated hard and at first, a ball of light began to form… but then she started to think of heat and burning, and the light became a medium sized, pastel pink flame in her hand. She managed to maintain it.

“Good job, mami!” Lupe said. “Adjusting your energy flow can make it grow or shrink!”

"Alright! I want to make a large one like you did!" Ella took a few steps back so she was further away from Lisa and Saskia especially, turning her hand so her palm faced away from it. She then tried to adjust her energy flow to create a large fireball… and it turned into a massive, almost uncontrollable spurt of fire. She clenched her fingers together to stop it.

"I- I didn’t mean to make it that big!" Ella shook her hand, which felt slightly burned.

“Hahahaha, mami!” Lupe laughed, putting a hand on her hip. “You’ve nailed it! You just need to do that around the bad guys!”

"Yeah, I’ll burn them all down!" Ella grinned, before creating another, smaller flame. She experimented a bit in changing its size, before throwing it at a piece of rubble, laughing as it exploded.

”Heeeeeeey, don’t burn this place down! We still need to train!” Lisa shouted.

“Alright, neeeeeeeext up, is electricity, mami!” Lupe laughed.

Lupe balled her hand into a fist, which surrounded itself with neon-pink electricity and loudly popped and cracked in the air. Then Lupe explained, “Now, this one works similarly to the other spells; it’s all about flows, energy, and visualization! Just think of your body as a river of energy, and you just gotta visualize it flowing to your hand!”

"Ooo, okay! A river of energy…" Ella copied Lupe, clenching her hand into a fist. Once again she visualised the normal light… and the colours she’d use to enhance her fists. The energy flowing down, dancing across her arm - but she wanted it to be electrifying! And fabulous!

Lilac sparks came off her wrists and fists, before forming proper electricity all around it. Some of the sparks strayed, jumping off her hand and in all directions.

"Oh, I bet I could punch men- evil people even better with this!"

“You are learning electricity, and the best you can do is punch a motherfucker? Really?” Lupe said. “You can do the same thing with a taser!

Lupe laughed, covering her mouth. “Just project that energy outwards, mami! Like, same thing I did with the fireball!”

"I like using my fists!" Ella shouted.

”... We know. Lisa added.

But Ella still tried what Lupe suggested… because shooting electricity was also a thing a magical girl would do! Especially when it was this colour. She held out her hand, electric bolts shooting out from it and slamming into the wall… creating a new hole in it. "Now I’m like… a super magical girl! I got light, fire, electricity and ice!"

“And you can look fabulous while doing it!” Lupe shouted.

”How many more ways are you going to teach her to project her inner-homosexual?” Lisa shrugged as she spoke very bored. ”How about we hurry up and train before the cops come?!”

Then they engaged in an epic training session where they finished their spells!

With their new spells complete, they triumphantly returned to the hotel. They weren’t even chased by the police this time!

"I want the first shower!" Ella announced as they got to their room, waiting for Lisa to open it (because for some reason she was trusted with the only card).

"We could just shower together," Saskia pointed out.

"Oh yeah," Ella nodded. Saskia was right, that made things easier. "I wonder if there’ll be showers in the pit… oh, maybe I should get my hair rebraided, so they’ll last?!"

”... I mean showers don't come to mind when I hear ‘savage’, ‘lawless’ wasteland full of monsters,” Lisa snorted. ”We better pack up on the baby wipes!”

"Or we just accept it," Saskia shrugged. "Get used to the dirt starting now."

"No way!" Ella shouted. She was definitely taking a shower… she’d shower everyday to make the most of it. No, two times a day. "I wonder if we can develop like… self cleaning spells? That’d be green lux, right!"

Lisa shrugged.

”Look! Somebody better get in the shower before I do!” Lisa shouted.

"I’m going!" Ella shouted, practically sprinting into the bathroom. She had to make the most of the time they still had a shower! So she had a nice long one, singing through various magical girl songs, before finally coming out with only a towel on.

"Shower’s free- oh, do you think we should call Greta, update her on everything?!"

”Oh, yes! Since you all talked with her without me!” Lisa shouted, as she ran over to the (sticky) laptop. She grabbed it, hopped onto the bed, and put it in her lap. Lisa found Greta on Facebook, then initiated a videocall…

Greta answered, wearing a white lab coat, she was in the process of buttoning it up as she said,

“Greetings, it's great to hear from you-”


Lisa screamed.

”It's been so long! How are you doing?!” Lisa shouted.

“... You don't have to scream,” Greta shook her head as she finished buttoning up her lab coat. She sat down, then adjusted her glasses, “What is going on? I would love an update.” Greta leaned forward, steepling her fingers.

"Gretaaa, I missed you!" Ella shouted, jumping onto the bed beside Lisa and leaning forward towards the camera… wearing only her towel. "We beat Morningstar! Now we’re free for a week, and only one more thing until we’re free forever!"

"Until we die again," Saskia intoned.

“Well,” Greta shrugged. “What is it?”

”We’re going to the Pit for the All-Blade!” Lisa shouted, throwing her hands in the air.

“... YOU’RE WHAT?!”

Greta screamed at the top of her lungs.

”The Hound wants us to go to the Pit for the All-Blade!” Lisa repeated.

“... IS THE HOUND INSANE?!” Greta shouted.

"Well, clearly," Saskia appeared on Lisa's other side. "He brought us back."

”Is it that bad?" Ella asked, tilting her head. "The hound did say if would be a challenge like no other but… I don't really feel like I've gone through many challenges!"

"You've literally died before."

“Yes! It is that bad!” Greta shouted, putting both hands on her desk. “It’s a hellish wasteland! It’s…”

Greta trailed off, before she said in a neutral tone.

“… The Hound wants the All-Blade?”


“… Ah, I see his play,” Greta said.

Saskia narrowed their eyes. ”Are you going to explain? They might not understand, but I will."

Greta pushed her glasses up her nose. “… Essentially, it is theorized that the All-Blade can kill the Hound and his ilk: the Ancients.” Greta leaned back in her chair and steepled her fingers. “Basically, he’s confirming that it’s not a theory: it can kill him.”

"Oh, so we could kill him with it?!" Ella gasped.

"What happens if the hound is killed?" Saskia asked, frowning. "Would something else replace him? Nobody does?"

“That is a mystery to me,” Greta flatly said. “But let’s not find out, but that’s not the only thing…”

Greta awkwardly shuffled in her chair before she said, “… it’s also being used to pin down The Rampage.”

”I don't know what that is but it doesn't sound good!" Ella said. With a name like the Rampage… it probably was some massive thing that killed loads of people! Especially if it was pinned down by a super powerful blade.

”So… to get it we have to let something horrible out. Or beat that."

“You will be letting something horrible out,” Greta said. “It’s a being as strong as Stiggy, but probably worse.”

She sighed.

“… actually, why did I tell you? I’m going to tell you to get the All-Blade anyway.” Greta rolled her eyes. “Some idiot is bound to let it out.”

"Would we be able to use the All-Blade to beat it?" Saskia asked. ”But you're right. If not us, it'll be someone else."

"Yeah, we're really strong now!"

“Look,” Greta sighed. “Whether or not you beat him, just come back.” She gently placed her fingertips against the laptop screen.

"We will! Don't worry, I'll make sure we all come back… I won't let anything in the pit hurt any of us!" Ella said, leaning over to grab both Lisa and Saskia's hands, raising them to the camera.

"I don't plan to die trying to be a hero," Saskia said.

“You say that,” Greta laughed before her expression flattened, and she sighed. “... Look, I’m going to give you three some of my potions… a lot of my potions. You’re in Mirage Springs, right?”

"Yup! We're gonna be here for another week! We can even send you our address… well… I don't know actually, can you get a delivery to a Holiday Inn?" Ella let go of her friend's hands to scratch her chin. "If you're sending us potions we'll need something to carry them in… oh, we should stock up on stuff anyway, get some proper bags and stuff! I want to buy a holster or something for my scepter too!"

“Get some bags, some good ones, try to go for some military-style tactical backpacks,” Greta said. “They are durable and have plenty of compartments for organization… Now it sounds like I’m trying to sell it to you.” She laughed.

“I’m going to give you some healing potions primarily… with some abstraction boosting and smokescreen - though, you all have healing abilities if I recall correctly?” Greta asked. “Eh, it doesn’t matter, now does it?”

"I don't," Saskia said.

Ella had pulled out her phone to write down Greta's suggestion in a note - because it sounded good. They'd want loads of pockets and compartments, then they could stock up on a whole bunch of food and stuff! "Thanks, Greta! Me and Lisa can heal but the more healing the better! Especially when these two remove their hands themselves sometimes!"

Greta looked at Lisa.

Lisa awkwardly smiled.

Greta facepalmed.

“… Oh lord.”

The three met out on a clearing the following day outside an abandoned Mirage Springs gas station. At least, that was where Greta said to meet, and it wasn’t long before a yellow portal appeared. Brianna stepped through the portal first, and Lisa immediately bounced on her and hugged her.

”… Brianna!

"Briannaaaa!" Ella jumped in with the hug. Saskia just nodded.

Greta walked out with a crowbar in hand, and stepped to the side. Three, horrible smelling, undead minions, holding wooden crates walked out - and after them, Nadine stood in the entryway of the portal.

The minions placed them down, Greta popped one open with the crowbar, revealing the glow of Greta’s potions.

“As promised for your journey,” Greta adjusted her glasses. “I have supplied you all with plenty of potions.”


Ella yelled, running and jumping at Greta. She caught her in a hug before she could escape, lifting Greta off the ground with a laugh. "It’s- it’s so nice to see you!"

"Thanks," Saskia intoned, looking at the potions. "These’ll be really helpful."

"Yeah, thank you, Greta!" Ella still hadn’t put her down, hug practically bone crushing.

“… Put me down! My… lungs… are touching my ribcage!” Greta gasped out the words. “… Please.

"Oh, sorry, I was just so excited!" Ella put Greta down, taking a step back. "It’s been so long! Well, not that long for us but… too long!"

Saskia had moved around towards the box, and looked at Greta from behind. "Your ass is still nice too."

Greta looked at Saskia.

“... Thank you, Saskia,” Greta sighed.

“What?” Brianna said. “No love for me?” She laughed.

Greta adjusted her glasses as she turned to the group and put her hands together behind her back, “I primarily gave you all healing potions, but I also gifted you all my abstraction boosting potions and some smoke-screen potions. You all know how my abstraction-boosting potions work; the more you drink, the stronger your Abstraction gets for some time - use them wisely, however. To use the smoke-screen potion, just throw it on the ground, and it’ll explode into a cloud of smoke. It should throw off beings with even the strongest sense of smell.” As she spoke, she paced back and forth in front of the group before she stopped and dramatically adjusted her glasses.

“... Understood?” Greta asked.

”Yes!” Lisa shouted.

“Now, I know that going into the Pit is a… task,” Greta sighed. “But, try to stay safe, stick together.”

“... I was in the Pit for a bit,” Brianna noted. “It’s no joke.”

"We’ll hold hands the whole time, don’t worry! And we’ll use the potions well! I can boost my own abstraction better now so… we’ll not waste them!" Ella grinned, before turning to Brianna. "Really, what's it like?!"

“Horrible,” Brianna flatly said. “It’s full of monsters. You will rarely get a second to relax, or any rest..”

"Any other advice," Saskia added.

“Stay on your toes,” Brianna said. “Even if it’s the slightest rustle of leaves, more often than not, it’s a monster - and it’s not just monsters out there. There are people there, driven mad by the Pit, and will do unspeakable things to you if they get the chance.”

She sighed.

“Trust me,” Brianna began. “Dying is a mercy there.

"So fight and kill everything we see? I have no problem doing that," Saskia nodded.

Ella frowned. She wasn’t so sure. She could kill someone quite easily if they came for Saskia or Lisa, but before they did? She wasn’t sure she could make the first move… but she would if she had to! "We’ll stay on our toes! We’ve never really relaxed, have we, girls?! Went from the Stygian Snake to being hunted by Morningstar… we’ll go there, do what we have to, and come back alive!"

”We haven’t!” Lisa shouted, throwing a fist into the air. ”Though, we did plenty of relaxing the other day if you know what I mean.” Lisa wagged her eyebrows.

"Oh yeah, it was good," Saskia added.

Greta sighed, then facepalmed.

“... Thank you for sharing.”

Greta put her hand behind her back.

“It’s not my place to tell you what to do…” Greta sighed again, “... But please try not to let the Rampage, rampage, through the All-Verse yet again.”

"I won’t! As a magical girl, I could never let something so dangerous out!" Ella shouted, slamming her fists into her hips.

"It would be a pain if we came back out to the world destroyed," Saskia agreed.

“Oh, and that’s another thing,” Brianna said. “Time works… weird there. The whole place is weird, but it may feel like a week or two, and you have been gone for months!” Brianna threw her arms in the air.

“It also, occasionally, completely changes layout, so...”

"The time thing doesn’t concern me, we were dead ten years," Saskia shrugged. "And it felt like nothing."

"If it completely changes layout… how are we going to find the All-Blade!" Ella shouted. That would just make things even harder! "Wait, how will we find it without a map?!"

“… That, I don’t have the answer to,” Brianna said. “It took me ages to find my objective.”

“I mean,” Greta said. “I haven’t seen The Rampage in person but it’s stated to be large so finding it shouldn’t be much of a challenge.”

"Right, just look for the massive monster in a place filled with monsters," Saskia said.

"Maybe we can ask someone when we get there!" Ella threw her hands up.

Saskia face palmed. "... If they've not gone mad, sure."

”I don’t know about you two,” Lisa began in a chipperly tone. ”I’m killing anything that moves! So you better ask quick!”

“Now she has the right idea,” Greta laughed.

"You know how fast I can talk!" Ella replied. She understood but… surely there might be some sane people in there.

"It'll have to be real fast, cause I won't hold back either," Saskia said. She then pulled something out of her pocket and held it out to Greta. "I drew this for you."

It was a folded up bit of paper which when opened revealed… a surprisingly nice drawing of Greta with the three magical girls, looking all cool and ready to fight. It was really sweet if you ignored the blood covered dead bodies in the background. Greta pulled it out, stared at it, and smiled.

“… You forgot Wilson,” Greta laughed as she held it in both hands. “I’m going to keep this. Hang this up on my wall and hope I survive the coming storm..” Greta said as she folded it up and stuck it in her labcoat.

“… you three stay alive. Please.”

"We will! You better survive too!" Ella grinned… before jumping forward to hug Greta again. A less bone crushing one this time. She sniffed, holding back tears… it was so difficult seeing someone again and then having to leave them! "We'll see you when we're back."

“Ah! Nadine! Brianna! Help!” Greta wheezed.

"Let's all stay alive," Saskia nodded, shoving a hand into their pocket.

“Put her down,” Brianna said,

”Then we can have a super fun party when we get back!"

”… Why are you all saying that like our survival is a question?!” Lisa shouted, laughing.

Ella put Greta down… but then went in to hug Brianna, lifting her into the air. "You too, Brianna! We’ll see you when you’re back."

“Ye-yeah!” Brianna said, face in pure horror.

She put Brianna down and grinned, looking at Lisa, and nodding. "Lisa’s right! There’s no way we won’t survive! Right, girls?"

"Right." Saskia nodded.

”Left,” Lisa nodded.

Brianna walked towards the portal, followed by Greta.

“... Glad I wasn’t one of ya’ll,” Nadine said with a catty grin.

“Shut up, Nadine,” Greta rolled her eyes as she walked through, and gave them a wave goodbye.

The portal closed.

Ella was sad to see them go… she couldn't quite stop the tears from streaming down her face even though she grinned at both Lisa and Saskia. "Let's get these back to our room… then let's go shopping!"

”... Yay!”

Lisa shouted, throwing her hands into the air.

Interactions: Luca (@FernStone), and da Coven.
The House on the Hill.

So, Greyson and Tayla came to Luna's defense, eh?

Adora didn't trust either of them, to be fair - along with that creeping suspicion, they were up to something, but unnecessary paranoia would only make things so much more complicated. Letting Greyson dig around Adora's head made her shudder, so she would let someone else take one for the team. Luna's information was correct; there was that urge to tell her they didn't need her because Luca found out what she knew—but, again, she wasn't trying to ride Luna. Adora crossed her arms as everyone, including their grandmother, spoke and added their two cents, making Adora chuckle. It seemed easy to get into Blake's head and convince him to give up the notes, but at the same time, Adora knew it wouldn't be that simple.

Nothing involving magic was ever simple.

The group gathered together here was proof of that.

Then Sully charged in with water guns and sprayed Luca in the mouth with water... Adora just chuckled, resisting the urge to make a dirty joke about Luca (She wasn't sure if he would take well to it). However, 8th St was being discussed yet again, and Anya had a few points: their heavy hitters weren't there, which was fair. Adora didn't want Greta to get hurt or die, however. However, she was sure everyone in the Coven was prepared to wipe the 8th St Coven off the map, but Adora wanted to help Greta before it was too late, which created a weird situation where she knew that 8th St deserved it... but she tried to help one person she knew was better than that realize that.

Adora sighed before she.

”... I spoke with Greta the other day, a lot of 8th St don't even like Emily or Vashti but roll with them for one reason or another,” Adora began, knowing that somebody was bound to give her shit for speaking with their rivals. ”What if we can get them to turn against Emily? At least some of them? Would make all of this easier, wouldn't it?”

Adora didn't speak on the dreams because she knew fuck-all about it anyhow. Surely, some one more versed in magic should help out there...

The Elite & The House of Cards Mafia.
Interactions: None.
Paragon Halls.

Phillis Schmidt’s heels clicked on the floor as she navigated the halls of the Schmidt Manor.

Getting Berlioz and his Sentinel Solutions was a huge help because now they could stop relying on Emily and her unpredictable band of goons and whatever Paranormal mercenaries they could contact (often having to get help from the other side of the country). That fight that took place outside of Christiansands merely two nights ago is proof of that, and now Jason and Jiao-Long are pushing for them to take action against 8th St - while the Schmidts and the rest of the Elite do not feel the need and think the Lius and the Valos should take better care of their kids. However, there is another issue on their mind….

... The House of Cards mafia is relentlessly hunting for Kari’s Notes, the Schmidt family’s treasure.

Now, Phillis has yet to learn why they want the notes in particular, but this could be bad news if they know that they have the notes. Phillis continued until she made it to Blake’s study, where he was smoking a pipe and wearing a robe against a warm fireplace.

“Blakey,” Phillis began. “We need to talk.”

Blake turned towards her, pipe in mouth, as he said, “What’s the matter? You look troubled!”

“I caught word from Isaac Kane that the Vorpals want Kari’s notes,” Phillis began, narrowing her eyes as she empathized with this next part. “... They know we have them.

“How!?” Blake asked, surprised.

“... From Isaac,” Phillis sighed.

“We should pay him off, but don’t worry!” Blake raised a finger into the air. “We’ll organize a meeting and get to the bottom of this! Find out everything.”

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Phillis asked.

Blake grinned.

"... Of course I do! Why would I do it if it wasn't!?"

Paragon Halls, the Elite’s testament to fame, power, and wealth, was set in the heart of St. Portwell. Paragon Halls was selected for this very purpose! To foster alliances and meet with the other factions of St. Portwell and beyond! Blake and Phillis invited the House of Cards’s leadership to meet with them to discuss all of this! Indeed, it’s nothing, but Phillis suspected there was more to it. Blake and Phillis were set at the table with serious and focused expressions as they awaited the arrival of Valencia Vorpal…

The doors swung open, revealing Valencia Vorpal, Demos Castles, and a handful of black clad men. Upon crossing the threshold, Valencia gave a subtle gesture of her head, and the men waited outside, the door swinging shut, while her and Demos approached the table.

Both were dressed for the occasion, Valencia in a classy black outfit, and Demos wearing a black suit. They took seats opposite of Blake and Phillis.

“Quite the establishment you have here, Mr. Schmidt.” Valencia said in a smooth tone, placing hands on the table.

She turned to her side, gesturing towards Demos, a slight smile pulling at her lips. “This is my husband, Demos. One of my capos, and quite the charmer.”

Demos adjusted the sleeve of his suit, leveling a neutral stare at the two Schmidts. “Pleasure.”

“It's a pleasure to meet you!” Blake shouted.

Valencia settled in her seat, eyes glancing at the grandeur of the room before locking with Blake's.

“Well, right down to business? I'm honored you called to see us, Mr. Schmidt. I'm aware word travels fast when certain… effects... are pursued.” Valencia said, amusement in her tone.

Of course, it was no coincidence she was rooting around for Kari's notes, and the Elite just happened to call her in. Indeed, she had stopped believing in coincidence a long time ago.

Well, she would be an idiot to not make use of an opportunity.

She spread her hands out, gesturing to the Schmidts. “I understand you have a bit of a conundrum. A note that can't be read. And no one willing to decipher it for the price you want.”

She leaned back in her seat, swiveling on the axis side to side slightly as she pressed a gloved hand to her chin.

“Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could find someone who wouldn't bankrupt you to get you results, hm?” She said, her smile slightly growing. “We’d be willing to take on that burden for you, Mr. Schmidt.”

Blake smiled.

“Oh, that’s all?!” Blake began. “Splendid!”

“Wait, hold on,” Phillis put her hands up, as she asked, “What's your price?”

Valencia nodded. “What would half of what the 8th Street pitched be?”

Blake scoffed, throwing his hands in the air in astonishment before he complained, “They want ten million dollars! Just to decode it! And I wonder if they think I’m made of money! I mean, I can make it back in a month, but I refuse to be gouged by Emily G. Reed and her coho-”

“... That’s not what she asked.”

“Oh!” Blake laughed. “Five million is still a lot, though!”

“Twenty-thousand,” Phillis nodded her head.

“Fifty-thousand and you got a deal.” Valencia nodded back.

“Splendid!” Blake hops to his feet and extends his hand. “Phillis! Get her payment!”

Satisfied, Valencia moved to the next order of business. “I'll need those notes as well.”

“... Hold on here,”

A voice dramatically interrupted the meeting from the side: it was Jason Valos. Wearing a black suit, tie, and some dress shoes, he hobbled in on his cane.

“Ah, Jason, glad you made it!” Blake said.

Jason didn’t respond to him as he walked over to Valencia and offered his hand, “... Jason Valos, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

Valencia smoothly stood from her seat, a cool smile on her face as she firmly shook his hand. “Valencia Vorpal, but I fear you already know that.”

“Now, I overheard the whole conversation - well, no, I overheard most of the conversation, but trust me, I can put two and two together well,” Jason grinned. “... That, and I hit up everyone’s favorite informant, and he told me some things.”

Jason walked over to his spot on the Elite’s table, pulled the seat out, and sat down, placing his cane over his lap as he steepled his fingers. “Now, I have no clue why that bitch Kari has gotten so important lately - well other than her magic, of course - but I’m going to look at what I noticed…”

Jason took in a deep breath, then let it out…

“... You want the notes, and I know exactly who you’re with…,” Jason began. “Now, I’m going to be to the point; if ya’ll want it, they gotta be valuable somehow. We just don’t know how valuable yet, but hell, if we just put some time into figuring it out…”

He shook his head before staring at Valencia head-on.

“Bottom line is: why should we give them to you? Why should do you even need take the notes to decode them?” Jason asked. “I can have my boy bring them here right now, and we can decode it here and now….”

Valencia had sat back in her seat, a half-chuckle escaping her chest. “Well, ain't that something.”

She popped open her clutch, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. One was placed in between her lips, before Demos leaned in to light it. Smoke curled around Valencia's face as she took a puff, rolling the cigarette in between her fingers.

“If I may be so bold, Mr. Valos, if it were so simple to pull out the notes and decode them in one sitting, we wouldn't be here having this conversation.”

Another puff on her cigarette, before she smiled that wolfish smile of hers and gestured a small surrender with her hands.

“You got me. It was my design to sublet the notes to the Sycamore. But alas,” her smile widened. “It seems you don't want that information privy to them. I can respect that, but I can't help but ask why? What's the difference between 8th Street and Sycamore?”

Her head tilted. “Information is its own currency, Mr. Valos. We at the House of Cards love information just about as much as we love weighted dice or a loaded deck. So here we are: you still have notes that you can't understand.”

She leaned forward. “Bring the notes here. I'll call my brightest minds. We'll decode it right here, and no one else needs to know.”

“Look, I don't like anyone who bands together to call themselves ‘witches’,” Jason began, his expression flat. “It just so happens that 8th St is the more useful of the three ‘Covens’ that call our beautiful city of St. Portwell home.”

Jason laughed at his own joke before he continued to grin, “Why outsource to Sycamore? Dunno about them but they don’t have the bitch with the all-knowing book.”

Valencia's head rolled slightly at his comment, but she just kept that cool smile on her face.

He flicked his hand, adding, “Lemme just say, back in my heyday, I rolled with a lot of people like ya’ll. I know how you operate, how ya’ll think, and most importantly, how you operate.”

Jason leaned back in his chair slightly, “Are there any guarantees you won't try and fuck us over like, I don't know, take our money and run off with the notes?”

Valencia ran a palm over her mouth, before she gestured to the group. “You’re a wise man, Mr. Valos. Everyone with skin in the game knows how small this city really is. The Hearts Club Casino is not an easy thing to hide, after all. Easy enough to come knocking if I were to do something as foolish as ‘run off with the notes.’”

She shook her head. “No. This city thrives on cooperation. My most recent trade went well only due to the fact that there was cooperation, and trust involves. And, honored hosts at the table, we are nothing without our trust.”

She leaned back, taking another draw off her cigarette, before she offered, “Now, if you have a soul binding contract I can sign…”

Jason laughed, and kept laughing… He wiped away a tear.

“... A soul-binding contract should be a bullet with your name on it, sweetheart,” Jason grinned. “Cooperation my dick. We both know it's dog-eat-dog out there, especially here! I thought it was bad on the east-coast!”

He continued to laugh, before he stopped and menacingly said, “... Let’s just cut the bullshit. Why do you really want the notes? What’s in ‘im? And why is that bitch Kari so important all the sudden?”

Valencia stared for a moment, before the end of her cigarette glowed cherry red from her drag. A slow exhale, before she let out a half chuckle.

“Well, ain’t this something.”

Her wolfish grin was sharp, eyes leveling at Jason. “You don’t know, do you?”

She leaned back in her seat, grinning to herself, before she spoke again. “The notes… Kari… Well, Sycamore believes it's gonna save their little souls, whatever is written on it. Got a killer picking them off as we speak, and they believe this will give them answers. So… you can see why I’m interested as well. Protecting assets, if you will. One of my girls is a Sycamore.”

Jason just grinned.

“... Asset protection is a twenty-four-seven security detail,” Jason grabbed a cigar out his suit jacket and then slid it in between his lips. He lit it, and then took a deep puff, and pulled it out with his thumb and index finger. As he slid his lighter back, he spoke,

“I am aware of the Sycamore-Slasher because my kids are a target,” He sighed. “But, I just think there is more to it if the local mafia outfit-”

“... Oh! Maybe that’s why Liu’s kid wanted them so badly!” Blake heartily said, raising a finger into the air. “I could never figure out why…”

Phillis and Jason facepalmed.

“... Why would you tell her that, Blake?”

Valencia purposefully took another drag of her cigarette, delaying her reaction, hiding the glee behind her eyes.

Before she smiled. “Well. Seems we both have our assets we want protected. So do we have a deal, Mr. Valos? Or do you need to grill me some more?”

“... I think we do,” Jason took his hand from his face. “Except, we decode them on our grounds. In a room nobody but your experts, Blake, myself will be in. And we have our ‘security force’ there.”

Jason stuck his cigar in his mouth as he placed his other hand on the cane,

“And you get paid after the job is done,” Jason laughed. “Now, do we have a deal?”

Valencia raised an eyebrow at the vague mention of a security force. Her eyes glanced to Demos, who returned her stare with a neutral one of his own, before Valencia bit down on her cigarette, and shrugged.

“Very well. However, I would request my own men stationed outside of the room. Peace of mind, you see.”

She nodded. “Then yes, Mr. Valos. We have a deal.”

Jason grinned then extended a hand.

“We shake on it because God knows a paper to your people…” He laughed before he added. “No offense, though; far as St. Portwell is concerned, we’re honest businessmen.”

Valencia smoothly walked over and shook Jason's hand, that wolfish grin on her face again. “To a fruitful relationship, as honest as we swear we are.”

Jason laughed.

“Yeah, sure!

It was finally time; Lisa’s soul was set ablaze as she was finally closer to Adora than ever before! She could just smell her! There wasn’t any time for thought or internal monologue as she pointed forward, and the four other spiders she summoned charged forward. However, out of the portal Morningstar created came several fireballs that were the size of basketballs. A barrage. Dozens of fireballs came flying out towards the group as Kimberly calmly knelt and placed the Cube out of her utility belt onto the ground. The Cube created a barrier as Lisa’s spiders bobbed and weaved out of the way of the fireballs - taking a few hints but they kept forward.

Ella ran to the front of the group, pushing out her hands and yelling, "shimmering snow blast!"

A massive wave of snow came out from her hands, boosted by the Ice Scepter, hitting all the fireballs in its path. It was enough to clear the way for Saskia to jump over her using a blood tendril, shooting multiple blood bullets at Morningstar. Morningstar swiped his hand to create a portal in the path of the blood bullets, and they flew directly back into the group.

Lisa shouted as one hit her in the shoulder and another in the stomach, but the Spiders were still flying at him with the help of Ella clearing the path. She cast the Acid-Burst spell, and they exploded into an enormous display that sent modified digestive acid in all directions. Splashing on Morningstar and utterly dissolving his arm… revealing a blue, scaly arm. He didn’t flinch.

“Good job, mami!” Lupe shouted from behind the shield.

Morningstar snapped his fingers, and out of the portal behind him came a massive freakish beast that was the size of a small house. It roared before it charged at the shield. Meanwhile, the portal closed, and several smaller portals opened up around Morningstar and fired a volley of smaller fireballs that curved at the group.

Ella held up the Ice Scepter, using it to shoot wide beams of ice to try and catch as many fireballs as she could. Saskia spun around, one catching her shoulder. They winced, but ignored it, blood tendril shooting towards the beast’s shoulder, it attached - and the monster was surrounded by a coral-pink dome that slowed down time in its radius as the barrier provided by the cube dropped. Kimberly leveled Jacob’s gun at its head and pulled the trigger, letting loose a bullet enchanted by fire, earth, electricity, ice, wind, metal, and light… while Lupe shot both of her hands out and fired off a bright neon-pink blast of electricity that shocked the monster. A flood of spiders came out one of the vents behind Morningstar, as the flood was so much that it broke off and fell.

However, all of Morningstar's portals disappeared as he opened one the size of Saskia, and a giant, a monstrous hand shot out to grab them and yank them in… Succeeding in grabbing them, even as two bone spears stabbed into it.

"Oh fuck," Saskia muttered.

"SASKIA!" Ella yelled, other hand raising her Channeler to shoot a beam of burning light at the monstrous hand.

“Ay! I got this, mami!” Lupe shouted, activated her Neon Dash, and turned into a ball of light (leaving behind a trail of fire and electricity) with cascading colors. She collided with the hand, and there was a roar as the creature released Saskia, and the portal closed.

Morningstar raised his hand into the air, a dismissive look on his face, as Kimberly unloaded on him with Jacob’s gun, only stopping when she ran out of ammo for Jacob’s gun. He didn’t respond; however, a massive portal formed above him, and when he swiped down, an enormous fist came out of it and punched through the ground at their feet, including the monster.

Lisa screamed as she was about to fall to her feet - however, Jordan’s time dilation sphere slowed down time on the falling piece of ground. Lisa lifted the back of her dress, and spider legs came out of her dress. Then, she gracefully went from debris to debris until she was inches away from the monster Morningstar summoned. Lisa opened her mouth at the giant monster’s leg and spewed a barrage of spiders slowly floating towards it until they attached to it… in slow motion.

Ella also screamed, but quickly righted herself, crouching on a piece of debris. Her gaze quickly found Morningstar again, shooting a focused beam of ice at him. Saskia bounced between the debris pieces with the help of their blood tendril slowly, turning around and shooting a blood bullet right after Ella’s beam. The ice beam hit Morningstar and caused him to wince (the Blood Bullet bounced off). He bore teeth as he opened another portal in Ella's path and sent the ice beam into Saskia.

"Why’s it always me?" Saskia complained, blood forming a strong shield at the front of her body. The ice beam hit it, freezing her blood and shattered it off… but not freezing her. She winced, bouncing backwards and towards Lisa.

Ella used the slowed time to start towards Morningstar, her legs glowing a bright rainbow, helping her launch herself towards him with an attempted kick. He caught it in mid-air and winced - however, more portals opened around Ella and barraged her with fireballs. At this rate, everyone had fallen to the second floor, with Lupe, Jordan, and Kimberly fighting the monster…, at which point Lisa dissolved its leg with acid. However, she ran over to Saskia with the help of her spider legs and hopped in mid-air, landing next to Saskia as she said,

”... Death Blow? Lisa suggested. ”Except we shoot it up his ass!”

"That’s exactly what his ass needs," Saskia nodded. "While Ella’s got him distracted… let’s go."

Ella had shot out a burst of snow around her, fireballs hitting one of her legs and arms. But she didn’t seem to let it effect her as she turned into a bright, rainbow ball and barrelled at Morningstar, bolts of lightning flying off her towards him. He stepped through a portal and appeared back on the top floor, overlooking the few.

Lisa stuck her hands out… and a massive black spider crawled out of the ground. She then nodded at Saskia to create the spear so she can load it. Saskia’s face screwed up in an expression of intense concentration as they started to make a large bone spear bit by bit, hovering above the spider as it fully formed. Lisa nodded her head when it was complete.

... Put it in.

Saskia just nodded, brow furrowing as they carefully loaded the spear into the spider's vagina. Lisa commanded the Spider aimed at Morningstar, hoping that this would be, as the name implied, the death blow. On command, the spear launched, cut through the air, and stabbed Morningstar in the back. She was disappointed that it wasn’t his asshole… however, it “detonated” and exploded into Morningstar. His physical form was shredded to bits by the bone fragments even before they began spraying acid in all directions. Lisa smiled as that bastard was finally over…

Only to reveal his true form.

Morningstar floated in the air, all in his unholy glory… the ground began to shake. Every window shattered as the concrete crumbled and the steel bent… the building started to sink.

"... Well, this sucks," Saskia commented. Her expression contorted in pain as flesh wings started to push out of her back, painfully and slowly snapping into place. Glass shattered nearby and embedded in her side, adding to the continuous flow of blood which she moved into a thick blood armour.

"I'm too cute to get buried alive!" Ella yelled, turning into a bright orb of light again and hopping from concrete piece to concrete piece to reach Lisa and Saskia, transforming back to her normal self before she hurt them. "What do we do? Should we… pull out the mech?!"

"That’ll just make us less mobile."

Lisa looked at Morningstar… and then remembered that she strategically left a flying spider behind the barrier (and didn’t forget). She commanded it to come over to them, and Lisa hopped on using her spider legs. She then shouted.

”Hop on!”

"Lisa, you’re the best!" Ella grinned, jumping onto the back of the spider. Saskia got on in front of her so that they could all see. "Let’s go keep beating him up!"

“... Ay, mami!” Lupe shouted, waving her hands as they began glowing with a pink light. “Don’t leave us!”

“... Did you forget about us, my dude?” Kimberly laughed; her face was oddly flat due to their circumstances. Jordan walked up, and raised a fist in the air, and a spinning coral-pink sphere appeared around them… before they disappeared.

With that out of the way, Lisa flew out the nearest window, where dusk had settled. She could see the night sky as she soared near the building. With her eyes drifting down, she saw the Morgenstern Banking sinking into a portal. To where? Lisa didn’t know or care! She just wanted to get some distance away to view… and once the building was gone, all that remained was Morningstar floating in the air.

”Ella, shoot at him!” Lisa shouted, pointing at Morningstar, as she was a little bit out of her element in aerial combat.

"Got it!" Ella shouted. She leaned around Lisa and Saskia, using the ice scepter to shoot a beam of ice at him. At the same time, Saskia leaned from the other side, shooting a blood bullet at him. Both of them hit Morningstar, but didn’t seem to do any damage…

He floated in mid-air before he curled up into a fetal position in mid-air. A flaming portal opened before him before it unleashed another volley of explosive fireballs. Lisa instinctively knew what was coming and hid behind another building. However, the portal fired out a beam of pure heat similar to what Ignatius used in his second form. It cut through the buildings like a hot knife though butter, and Lisa panicked as the building they used as cover fell apart right in front of them.

Lisa commanded the spider to fly away at high speeds as the beam was behind them. However, she had an idea.

”... I’m going to drop you two off at different locations!” Lisa shouted. ”I don’t know where Kim, Lupe, and the others ar-”

A massive beam of pink light came out of nowhere and hit Morningstar, followed by a UPS truck thrown at him. Both of these attacks knocked him aside and knocked the beam off course. Lisa didn’t notice as she flew down on the ground before she pointed at Morningstar.

”Saskia!” Lisa shouted. ”... Blood rain.

"Oh I’ve waited so long to use this one again." Saskia rubbed her hands together. "Make the spiders, I’ll make them explode."

Lisa put her hands in the air and focused on the area above Morningstar… and dozens of spiders that had pulsating sacks of blood growing from their body in a grotesque form appeared. They began falling… Saskia then held out their hands. The sacks of blood grew exponentially before exploding outwards in a disturbing shower of blood rain that fell down towards Morningstar. Landing on him, he loudly hissed as the sound of acid sizzling filled the air, even from their distance. Lisa fist-pumped as it solidified and bound him.

She could see Lupe barraging him with electricity and beams of solid light from a distance. However, Morningstar was unable to move… for now. Lisa turned towards the other two, as she said,

”... I think we need to hit him with something big,” Lisa began. ”Like now!”

"What about person big?" Saskia said, looking at Ella, who’s eyes widened.

"Won’t you get stuck?" she asked.

"That's a risk I’m willing to take. Let’s go."

"Alright…" Ella took Saskia’s hands, and she was quickly surrounded by a radiant light, shimmering with all sorts of colours. At the same time two large bone spears pushed out of Saskia’s fists, blood trickling down their arm. They then put their arms up above their head.

"Throw me."

"Alright- Super Prism Spear Gun, let’s go!" Ella nodded, picking up Saskia by the waist and crouching. They got into a position like someone throwing a javelin… except the javelin was a person. With incredibly magical strength they launched Saskia into the air towards Morningstar, sending her shooting at supernatural speeds towards him, spears from her hands going directly for his face. It crashed into him with an explosive boom and sent Morningstar careening toward the ground… he slammed into the ground with a massive boom and lay there for a few moments.

”Oh, wait, um,” Lisa said, as she commanded the spider to take flight. ”We gotta go get them!”

The spider took off towards them… as Morningstar rose awake and tried to grab Saskia with one of his arms… who blocked it with their blood tendril, face visibly paling the more blood they pumped into it. More hands came to crush Saskia, but a blast of fire, light, and electricity appeared next to Saskia as Lupe appeared with a broad smile on her face. She wrapped her arms around Saskia in a bear hug, and then both disappeared. Another explosion of Lupe’s neon colors appeared on top of the spider as she sat on the edge.

“Thank me later, mami!” Lupe shouted as she hopped off and teleported again. Morningstar floated back into the air and raised all four of his hands. Dozens of portals appeared around the group and their friends, unleashing fireballs at them. Lisa, naturally, commanded the spider to dodge.

"There's too many fireballs! Why's it always fire!" Ella yelled as she blasted massive sprays of snow at all angles that she could, protecting her, Lisa and the spider while trying to catch as many as possible.

”... I mean, he is the devil!” Lisa shouted.

Saskia grimaced as she started running back towards the other two, using their tendril to propel themselves around the fireballs… but it didn't work so well when it got caught, blood melting and her face paling further.

”Saskia!” Lisa shouted, before she turned to Ella, ”... I have an ide-”

A fireball incinerated the spider's wing, sending it careening off course and into the ground, skidding into a car. It ultimately launched Lisa off the spider, and she was sent rolling over it.

”... There goes that idea!” Lisa groaned, as she crawled underneath the pick up truck for cover.

“... Oh lawd!” Jordan shouted as she launched several cars from a distance at Morningstar. “Ya’ll wanted to fight him so badly?! What happened to all that spunk ya’ll had a little while ago?!”

Kimberly took Jordan’s side, placed down the Cube, and watched the barrier deploy. She took some potshots at Morningstar with Jacob’s Revolver. The portals around the three disappeared as they appeared around Kimberly and Jordan, as they took his full attention. Lupe appeared next to the car, where Lisa crashed the spider into an explosion of different elements.

“Ay, mamis! Are ya’ll okay?!” Lupe asked.

"I'm fine!" Ella shouted, transforming from the ball of light she'd fallen as, crashing into a car and making a massive dent in it.

"Lost too much blood," Saskia dragged herself over to Lupe, holding out an arm. "Can you heal me?"

“Of course, mami!” Lupe put her hands on Saskia and wrapped them in various pink and purple colors. Their wounds were healed.

Then, they looked back at both Ella and Lisa, frowning. "I think I gotta use the stone."

”... Are you crazy?! We need you to draw the symbol thing!” Lisa added, before triumphantly raising a finger in the air, continuing, ”What we need is a plan!”

“... It’s a little late for that, mami,” Lupe flatly noted.

"... Oh, you're right," Saskia intoned, frowning. They carefully pulled out the stone, holding it by the chain. "Maybe I can use it and then carve it out of me before I got mad?"

"Well, decide quickly!" Ella shouted, looking agitated. She'd already taken a few steps towards where Jordan and Kimberley were being barraged.

”... How about we take turns?!” Lisa suggested. ”You use it a bit, then pass it off to me?”

"Let's do that," Saskia nodded. "You can't tell when it's getting to you- I just really… need to be able to fly."

They grabbed the orange stone with their other hand, grimacing as it fused into their palm. They then bent over as massive wings made out of muscle and bone pushed through their back, expanding metres out to the side. They were like bat wings with bones spreading out, muscle connecting them - and at the end of each was a long, dangerous looking bone spike. From in between the wings, their blood pooled together to form four blood tendrils, while they were also coated in a thick armour.

”Shoot me with ice if I look like I'm losing it," Saskia said to Ella. They spread their wings and with a mighty flap, flew up and towards Morningstar.

"L- Lisa, make some spiders, in case she doesn't get it out in time?" Ella suggested.

Saskia hurtled towards Morningstar, multiple tendrils shooting out to pierce him in various places. He hissed in pain before turning his attention from Kimberly and Jordan to Saskia. Portals opened around the tendrils, and fireballs shot into them to break them. Then, fireballs shot at Saskia.

”... We should help them,” Lisa said as she summoned some spiders; she applied the Hybridization and Enlarge spells to them so they were wrapped in a glowing cocoon. ”... Crack Spiders to distract him?”

"Yes, get out the crack spiders!" Ella clapped her hands together. ”Do you… do you want it on the big ones?!"

”No, I want it on the tinies- OF COURSE, I WANT IT ON THE BIG ONES! Lisa was astonished at Ella’s smooth brain, but she had an idea.

Saskia's wings wrapped in front of them to tank the fireballs, muscles instantly, painfully repairing. They flew forward, kicking Morningstar and sharp bones spears shooting from their feet on impact, one wing spinning around to try stab him with the sharp ends too. Morningstar stuck one of his hands out to block the hit, only to go through his hand entirely. However, he used two of his hands to clap Saskia. Saskia took the hit, hands slamming into her blood armour and threatening to shatter it. They shot bone spears out of their body - from as many spots as they could, all into his hands.

”Well… how long will it take?!" Ella pointed to the cocoons, getting ansty.

”... As much time as it needs!” Lisa facepalmed. However, her spiders finally burst out of their glowing cocoons. Giant huntsmen spiders with raptorial limbs like praying mantises immediately charged towards Morningstar… Lisa turned to Ella and shouted, ”Now!”

”Let the light protect our friennnddd!" Ella shouted as she imbued the large spiders with pulsating rainbow lights, like massive, flying party lights - blinding and strong. They darted through the battlefield, leaving behind a trail of different lights, up until they made it to Morningstar. They jumped on Morningstar and began hitting him with a barrage of attacks with their claws and mandibles as his hands went from Saskia to getting them off of him… and Jordan began launching a volley of cars that hit him in the head, with Lupe shooting him with electricity from another angle. Saskia went back in on the full offensive - long blades of blood forming on their arms that swiped towards his neck (or at least underneath his head), sharp wing aiming to gouge out as much flesh as possible. Ella raised the ice scepter again to blast him with a focused beam of ice.

The beam hit him in the face, as the spiders were still beating on him with their claws… He was getting ripped to shreds by all of their combined efforts. A massive portal opened underneath Morningstar as he floated downwards.

”Is he trying to escape?!" Ella yelled, waving an arm towards Saskia. ”Saskia- SASKIA, STOP HIM!"

”Fuck- BE READY TO SWAP!" Saskia shouted back. They pulled in their massive wings to dive down underneath Morningstar, blood tendrils reforming to try and physically push him upwards while penetrating (myes:) his feet.

An 18-wheeler was chucked at him, hitting him in the head and knocking him off course and onto the ground. Jordan collapsed moments afterwards.

Saskia pulled back their blood tendrils, before viciously stabbing them into his chest, as if trying to worm their way inside.

”They’re- oh no, it’s happening!" Ella shouted, shooting a beam of ice at Morningstar, managing to catch Saskia’s foot in it.

They paused their stabbing, realisation dawning across their expression. They shattered the ice with a tendril and flew away from Morningstar, towards Lisa and Ella. A bone spear came from their elbow and was snapped off, used to try to gouge out the orange stone. It wasn’t budging. Without time to think or try, Saskia grew a blood sword from the back of their other hand.

Then they cut off their hand.

”Catch!" They threw their hand, orange stone and all, at Lisa. The wound clotted, their face pale as they landed on the ground nearby, large wings still out and wrapping stabilising them against a car.

Lisa did not so much as flinch as she caught Saskia’s hand. She tried to pull it off but she just held it… The Orange Stone pressed against her palm, she summoned tetrablemmid spiders and applied Hybridization and Enlarge to them all. With the help of the Orange Stone, she could create far more enlarged spiders and faster. They burst out of their coccoons in seconds, with the horns and wings of a Hercules Beetle. Lisa turned over her shoulder back to Ella,

”... Crack Spiders! One more time!”

Ella was screaming, head snapping between the severed hand and where it had been. But even through the screaming, she held out her hands towards the spiders, imbuing every single one with prismatic, strength enhancing lights.

”It’s not that bad," Saskia groaned, holding her still attached hand up to her ear.

All the spiders launched at Morningstar, horn first, penetrating his body at lightning speeds. After they dug in, they exploded in a powerful explosion of acid, light, and chitin. Decimating his body as he desperately tried to create another portal, only for them to collapse before he could get through. Lisa grinned as she kept hitting him with more and more spiders…

… it was amazing, but she didn’t want to stop at Morning-

Lisa stuck her arms out, spiders crawled up her arm before they exploded in acid. Her arm hit the ground as acid splashed against her face and dissolved the skin on her cheek and her eyeball. Then she hit the ground, panting. Morningstar was shredded to pieces.

"Ella, grab the stone- but don't touch it!" Saskia said, making their way over to Lisa.

Ella couldn't stop screaming as she ran over, letting the acid eat away at the skin of her feet to bend over and pick up the orange stone with her skirt. She managed to awkwardly get it in a pocket before it touched her.

"Do you think I draw the the symbol… in blood," Saskia gritted out, using their good hand to pull out a sheet of paper. They then looked at Lisa, then themselves. "How are we going to hold hands and sing the song? We only have four hands between us."

”… We gotta use feet! Lisa shouted from the ground, before raising a foot in the air. ”Start singing!”

"Fighting evil by moonlight!" Ella started, deciding to go for English, running over to Lisa and… holding up her foot to press it against hers like some weird foot hand holding. Except Ella had lost all the skin on her feet. "Winning love by daylight!"

Meanwhile, Saskia started to frantically draw Morningstar getting tortured with a finger and their own blood.

"Never running from a-"

The song was interrupted by the dramatic click and flash of a camera. The flash overtook the entire area, and when it faded, Morningstar was gone. Kimberly was holding the Artistic Integrity, a photo came out. She walked over to them, photo in one hand and her magic camera in the other. Kimberly gave them a warm smile.

She held out the photo.

It contained Morningstar.

“… Here you go.”

Saskia looked up from their nearly finished drawing, depicting Morningstar in his true form with millions of bone spears in him, and just stared at Kimberley. And stared.

Even Ella was at a loss for words. She let go of Lisa's foot and shuffled over, grunting the whole way, to take the photo. "... Thanks."

"Trade," Saskia said, approaching Kimberley too and shoving her drawing towards her.

Kimberly awkwardly laughed.

“… you can keep both,” Kimberly shoved the drawing into Saskia’s hands. She reached into her utility belt and pulled out The Vial. She grabbed Saskia’s arm, and poured the glowing green liquid onto the stub. Quickly it began to heal. “I gave you a hand, though!”

WHAT ABOUT ME!? Lisa shouted.

"Hah hah," Saskia intoned.

"I've got you, Lisa!" Ella shouted, casting a beam of healing light on her… though the healing process was sluggish after Ella had used so much energy. The beam healed her eye and arm somewhat, but she could climb back to her feet.

”So like do we have to find Houndy or-”

Before the conversation could proceed further, the three were overtaken by darkness… nothing but that familiar dark void they were introduced to when they were resurrected. And before them was the Hound.

“… Hmph,” The Hound began. “I’m starting to see why you were chosen.”

"Of course we were chosen!" Ella grinned, slamming her hands on her hips.

Saskia rolled their eyes. They reached out and snatched the photo with Morningstar sealed in it, subtly slipping their drawing under it before holding it out to the Hound. "Here. Could you not have given us at least a moment to celebrate?"

”… Or maybe a minute to put my arm back on?” Lisa waved her stub in the air.

The Hound didn’t respond as the photograph floated in the air, surrounded by a wispy black darkness. It floated towards him before the darkness engulfed it and it was gone.

“… You three will have plenty of time to celebrate unless you’re ready to go into your next task,” The Hound said, his mouth not moving.

Though, Lisa remembered something about getting an artifact, but what artifact? And from where? Lisa gently rubbed her arm (or what remained of it),

”What is our next task?” Lisa nervously asked.

Darkness formed in the space between them until it appeared like a sword.

“This is the All-Blade,” The Hound explained, “You three need to get it for me and then you’re free.”

Lisa remained silent, trying to hide her excitement, which faded as she wondered about the catch.


”… Where is it?”

The Hound was silent for a moment.

“… The Pit.”

| The End of All Things |

"The harbinger of annihilation."

| Forged in the heart of the Void by an ancient Apparition known only as the Devourer, Oblivion was created from the remnants of fallen universes, imbued with the despair and hatred of countless lost souls. |

| Matter-Destroying Spear. |

| Its last known location is the Pit. |

| TBD |

| NO. |
Oblivion, known as the End of All Things, is a weapon of unparalleled power. This artifact is a physical manifestation of ultimate destruction, born from the darkest depths of existence.

The nearly indestructible spear is forged from blood-red metal; its jagged, barbed edges are designed to inflict maximum pain and suffering upon its victims. The weapon exudes an aura of dread, capable of driving even the strongest-willed individuals to madness.

Oblivion's primary power lies within its ability to shoot blasts of annihilation. When activated, the spear channels the emotional energy of its wielder, converting it into destructive beams. These beams are not merely physical attacks but are infused with the essence of the Void, capable of unraveling the fabric of reality itself. Upon impact, the blasts cause instantaneous disintegration of matter. The target hit by the beam doesn't merely get destroyed; it ceases to exist, erased from reality without a trace. If the wielder channels enough energy, Oblivion can unleash a blast, affecting a larger area and causing disintegration to spread out from the point of impact. Anything caught within the radius will dissolve into nothingness.

However, the spear's power is not without its limitations. It requires tremendous emotional energy to activate, feeding off the fear, hatred, and despair of those around it. The wielder must constantly struggle to maintain their sanity as the spear whispers dark promises and temptations into their mind. Using Oblivion comes at a steep price. The emotional energy required to wield its power gradually erodes the user's soul, leaving them more susceptible to the spear's corrupting influence. Over time, the wielder's mind may fracture, consumed by the very power they harness. Many who have used Oblivion extensively have lost their sanity, becoming mere husks driven by a singular desire for destruction.

"The Emperor rules over St. Portwell's skyline."
Jason Valos's crown jewel. The Emperor epitomizes Jason Valos's vision of luxury and prestige, reflecting his ambition to create a haven where the wealthy and powerful can indulge. It serves as a beacon of his financial success and a symbol of his influence within the elite circles of St. Portwell's social and magical scene. The Emperor stands as a towering icon of wealth and power amidst the skyline of St. Portwell, housed in a colossal skyscraper renowned for its grandeur and luxury. Rising high above the city, the building is a masterpiece of modern architecture, its sleek glass façade reflecting the vibrant pulse of urban life below.

Upon entering The Emperor, guests are greeted by a lavish lobby adorned with marble floors, intricate chandeliers, and tasteful artwork that speaks of wealth and sophistication. Manned by an impeccably dressed staff, the reception area offers a check-in experience. Hundreds of luxury rooms await guests, each meticulously designed with comfort and elegance in mind. Every accommodation exudes luxury, from spacious suites with panoramic city views to intimate chambers adorned with plush furnishings and state-of-the-art amenities.

Scattered throughout the skyscraper are various bars and stores, catering to every desire of the discerning guest. Whether seeking a fine dining experience in one of the exclusive restaurants, indulging in cocktails at the rooftop bar, or shopping at designer stores offering the latest in fashion and jewelry. At the pinnacle of "The Emperor" sits its crowning jewel — a nightclub with a glass ceiling that offers unparalleled views of St. Portwell's skyline. The club boasts a spacious dance floor, intimate seating areas, and a balcony encircling the perimeter, allowing guests to soak in the city energy from above.

"Escape to the Harbor Longue."
In the heart of St. Portwell's luxurious West District, overlooking the Pacific, lies The Harbor Lounge, an exclusive hangout spot for the city's affluent youth. Perched atop a cliff with panoramic ocean views like no other, this lounge offers an escape for those seeking relaxation and entertainment.

The Harbor Lounge boasts a sleek, modern design, with floor-to-ceiling windows that flood the space with natural light and provide breathtaking coastline views. The interior features plush seating, elegant decor, and ambient lighting, creating a sophisticated yet cozy atmosphere. Outside, a terrace with private cabanas offers a perfect spot for sunbathing or enjoying a cocktail under the stars.

The Harbor Lounge's menu offers gourmet dishes crafted by world-renowned chefs and cocktails designed by expert bartenders. Entertainment at The Harbor Lounge provides live music performances, DJ sets, and exclusive events that cater to the tastes of St. Portwell's elite. Private rooms and VIP areas provide added exclusivity for those seeking privacy.

"Where power meets prestige."
Nestled within the heart of St. Portwell's prestigious West District, Paragon Halls stands as a testament to money, fame, and power. This venue, a marvel of modern architecture, serves as the exclusive meeting ground for members of The Elite and their associates from across the West Coast.

The exterior of Paragon Halls blends classical elegance and contemporary flair with towering pillars and sweeping archways that beckon guests inside. Inside, the atmosphere exudes luxury, with marble floors, crystal chandeliers, and furniture that create an ambiance of sophistication and prestige.

The main conference room of Paragon Halls (Known as The Paragon Hall) is a masterpiece of design. It features a massive oval table crafted from rare woods surrounded by plush leather chairs adorned with the crests of the founding families of The Elite. Around the room, priceless artworks depicting scenes of wealth, power, and magic adorn the walls.

The meetings held within the Paragon Hall blend business and diplomacy. Alliances are forged, deals are made, and strategies are devised to further the interests of The Elite. High-profile guests from rival factions and influential figures from the magical community gather here. Private rooms outside the main conference room offer more intimate discussions.

Atop Paragon Halls, a meticulously tended rooftop garden offers a relaxing retreat amidst the urban bustle of St. Portwell. Paths wind through flowers and greenery, perfuming the air with their fragrance. Secluded gazebos with wrought-iron benches and flowering vines provide private spaces for contemplation or quiet conversations.

"A testament to resilience, unity, and the enduring spirit of St. Portwell, forever preserving the memory of those who were taken too soon."
In the heart of St. Portwell lay The Memorial, a park dedicated to honoring the lives lost during a tragic and mysterious calamity that befell the city over a decade ago. Spread across the park's expanse were winding paths through gardens and towering oak trees, creating a sanctuary of remembrance and reflection.

At the heart of The Memorial stood a solemn stone monument, its surface smooth and polished, bearing the engraved names of those who perished during the disaster. Surrounding the memorial, meticulously tended flower beds burst forth — roses, lilies, and tulips - in a kaleidoscope of colors.

Benches beneath the shade of aks offered quiet places for contemplation, each adorned with a plaque bearing heartfelt messages and tributes from loved ones. Throughout the day, sunlight peering through the canopy of trees cast a warm glow upon the memorial plaza. In the evening, lanterns and candles along the pathways illuminate the engraved names and tributes.

"Where memories are made..."
Nestled along the coastline of St. Portwell, Oceanview Gardens is a lively escape where the ocean breeze collides with the laughter of visitors. Stretching along the shore, the boardwalk offers a nostalgic experience, blending classic charm with modern attractions. A wide wooden boardwalk runs the park's length, lined with quaint shops, arcades, and food stands. The aroma of freshly made funnel cakes, popcorn, and cotton candy fills the air. The boardwalk is dotted with benches, allowing guests to relax and enjoy the view of the rolling waves and the setting sun.

Standing tall at the park's center, the Ferris wheel offers breathtaking ocean and city panoramic views. At night, it lights up with a dazzling display of colors, becoming a beacon for visitors. Oceanview Gardens boasts a mix of roller coasters, from the wooden classic "The Seaside Screamer" to the modern steel "Tidal Wave," providing excitement for all ages.

The boardwalk has several arcades offering vintage and modern games. Visitors try their luck at claw machines, skeeball, and pinball or test their skills in tournaments. Classic midway games like ring toss, balloon darts, and shooting galleries challenge guests to win prizes ranging from stuffed animals to large plush toys. Throughout the day and evening, live performers, including magicians, musicians, and street artists, entertain crowds with their festive performances.

From seafood shacks serving fresh catch to food trucks offering gourmet twists on boardwalk classics, the park's dining options cater to everyone's taste. Ice cream parlors, candy shops, and dessert stands provide a wide array of sweets, from hand-dipped cones to saltwater taffy and fudge. Designated picnic spots with tables and umbrellas offer places for families and friends to gather and enjoy their meals with an ocean view. Steps from the boardwalk lead directly to the sandy beach.

Every weekend during the summer, the park hosts spectacular fireworks displays over the ocean, drawing crowds to the boardwalk. Oceanview Gardens celebrates various holidays and events with themed decorations, parades, and special performances, ensuring there's always something new to experience.
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