The two soared out of here.
Finally, being out of that was comforting, but it didn’t last long as the two met the ever-constant blood-red sky of the Pit. Lisa nuzzled tighter with Saskia, before stating, ”We have to find Ella… and Yoko.”
"Well that can’t be hard, right, Ella-"
"... see, there." Saskia used their blood tendril to point down towards the ground, where Ella was jumping up and down and yelling their names. She was also lit up like a living lightbulb. With a sigh, Saskia started flying down towards her. They landed, and Lisa hopped down and immediately ran over and hugged Ella. Ella hugged her back, careful not to crush her spine.
Moments later, Yoko returned in a burst of speed, ”... I hate to interrupt your moment,” Yoko began, as the distant marching of Autoknights could be heard approaching. ”Those Automatons are about to swarm us.”
Yoko then asked Lisa, ”You are still boosted, correct?”
Lisa nodded.
”Make a spider, now,” Yoko then turned to Ella, ”Disciple, use the sphere to give us cover.”
Without a second thought, Lisa summoned a spider and it was wrapped in a glowing cocoon. It grew faster than usual inside of the cocoon.
"How’re they still going without a King?" Ella asked, using the storm to create heavy rain and winds around them while keeping them dry.
"Following his last commands… does it matter?" Saskia shrugged, pulling their wings back into their back. They swung the bass case around there.
Lisa looked up at the castle-creature, which stood in a state of stasis. Not moving, not attacking, nothing. ”What about that? Should we kill it?”
”Spider. Focus.” Yoko said.
Lisa nodded, and moments later the spider emerged from the cocoon, armed with massive dragonfly wings. Since the situation wasn’t the best, Lisa just hopped on. Followed by Yoko and the others, and Lisa took off into the sky, leaving the Kingdom and the Autoknight army behind…
Soon, the group descended into a strange biome that felt completely out of place in the Pit’s hellish landscape. Below them stretched a quaint suburban neighborhood, eerily pristine and untouched by the chaos of the Pit. Rows of identical houses with white picket fences lined the streets, each with neatly trimmed lawns and colorful flowerbeds. If it wasn't for the red sky, it was almost like they were out of the Pit.
The spider touched down gently on a cul-de-sac, and Lisa dismounted. Cracked sidewalks and a few scattered toys suggested the place had been abandoned in a hurry. A tricycle lay toppled in a driveway, its red paint chipped.
Yoko scanned the surroundings, her hand resting on the hilt of Kaji No Kokoro. “I cannot detect anyone…” Yoko trailed off, ”But that doesn't mean that this area is safe.”
Lisa shrugged, ”I meeeean… It's probably no more or less dangerous than anywhere else.”
”Fair,” Yoko nodded.
”So let's just pick a house then go to sleep,” Lisa nodded.
”We can use this time to train and plan our next moves,” Yoko nodded.
"Sleep first, though, I’m exhausted!" Ella said with an exaggerated yawn. She looked around, before pointing to a house in the centre of a street. "If we’re right in the middle it’ll take longer for anything to get to us!"
"Unless it’s one of those giants," Saskia intoned, looking even paler than normal - which was really fucking pale.
Lisa and Yoko led the way to the house Ella had pointed out. It was a two-story home with beige siding and dark green shutters, looking as average as any suburban house could be. A cracked driveway led to a garage with its door half-open, revealing a mess of rusted tools and what looked like a deflated basketball (it was actually a testicle).
The front yard was overgrown in places, with grass sprouting through cracks in the sidewalk. The porch light flickered faintly, casting long shadows over the door, which Lisa reached for but stopped, glancing back at Yoko.
”Is it clear, Miss Samurai?” Lisa asked Yoko, who nodded, stepping past her and closing her eyes momentarily. She kept her hand on the hilt of Kaji No Kokoro, before she opened her eyes and nudged the door open with her foot. Inside was dark, only the red light of the Pit peeking through the windows.
The living room was sparsely furnished - a faded couch, a coffee table with a thick layer of dust, and a TV that looked like it hadn’t worked in decades. Family photos hung on the walls, the faces smiling out from another time…
Yoko gestured for them to enter, “Clear, but you know this place,” Yoko sighed. ”Something could appear at any moment - and we are not too far away from the Kingdom.”
Yoko sat down on the couch, and Lisa slumped down across from Yoko with her legs open.
"I wonder if there’s anything in the kitchen!" Ella said. She didn’t quite just run into it - she at least looked through a door first before disappearing, followed by some clattering.
Saskia slumped down on the couch beside Yoko. "So, what did you guys do while we were getting vored?"
”We eliminated the King of the Pit,” Yoko shook her head, ”Though, it’s not going to matter much in the long run.”
”Why not?” Lisa asked.
”The Mother Will is just going to select another one,” Yoko shrugged as she slumped down further on the couch, then turned to Lisa. ”Turner, can you please hand me a Wayfinder?”
”Oh yeah!” Lisa said as she swung her bag around to her front before she dug into it, pulled one of the Wayfinders (the one with orange gems) out, and threw it to Yoko. She effortlessly caught it and pivoted in her hand until the gems pointed upwards. Then, she pressed the central gem, and an orange holographic projection appeared… However, it was flickering and wavy, and one could hardly see its layout. Lisa tilted her head, as she raised a hand at it.
”... These are the Wayfinders?” Lisa asked.
”Yes,” Yoko said with a nod. ”Unfortunately, they do not work too well down here.”
”So…” Lisa shrugged. ”... We did all of that for something that doesn’t even work?”
Yoko rolled her eyes as she pressed the central gem again, and the glitched projection disappeared. ”Have you forgotten? Our next step is The Forge where we will upgrade the Wayfinders. Which is going to be just as challenging as the Forge, but…”
Yoko then turned to Lisa, ”Where are the other Wayfinders?”
Lisa, without a word, dug out the other two Wayfinders, before saying, ”Ella has the other two?” Then shouted, ”ELLA! Bring your fat ass in here!”
"Huhhh what do you need my ass for?" Ella asked as she ran back through, holding a tin in each hand.
”The Orange Wayfinder, please,” Yoko sighed.
"Oh!" Ella put down the tins, running over to her dumped bag to pull it out and hand it over.
Yoko immediately pressed the central gem on that one, and it also began to project the map… except it was also wavy and flickery. Yoko narrowed her eyes as she closed the projection. ”... This doesn’t make sense.”
”What doesn’t?” Lisa asked.
”I came in with five, including a replica of Goro’s Wayfinder…” Yoko said before she rubbed her chin, before putting both of Goro’s Wayfinders in her hands. ”... And this is the original.”
”Don’t take this the wrong way, Yoko,” Lisa said with a smile. ”But is this important?”
”It is because it logically would be with him…” Yoko trailed off, before a resigned sigh escaped her lips and she said, ”... You’re right, Turner, this isn’t important.” She closed her eyes for a moment.
”Turner, Disciple,” Yoko said as she placed both of Goro’s Wayfinders on the table in front of her. ”Place all of the Wayfinders on the table in front of us; we’re going to decide how to divide them all between us.”
Ella was quick to add the other one she had, before stepping back with her hands on her hips. "There's two different types, right? Goro's and Kari's? We just need one to look for items-"
"And what if we get separated from each other?" Saskia interrupted.
”That’s why everyone will have one,” Yoko said with a nod of her head. ”They are all - at the moment - useless either way. Everyone gets one of Kari’s, then we will decide who gets Goro’s.”
Yoko nodded as she reached for the original Kari’s Wayfinder. ”I’ll be taking the original Kari’s Wayfinder, however.”
"Why?" Saskia asked, folding their arms and turning on the couch to stare at Yoko.
"Is there any difference between the original and the replicas?" Ella piped up.
”The replicas are nowhere near as effective as the originals,” Yoko said, ”However, I don’t know how effective they will be once upgraded.”
Saskia’s eyes narrowed for a moment, their lips pressing into a thin line, but they didn’t say anything.
"So long as an upgraded Wayfinder helps us find the All-Blade, then it’s fine!" Ella said cheerfully.
Yoko then slid the original Goro’s Wayfinder to Ella. ”I believe you should have this, then,” Yoko said, ”Then you all can decide who should have the replica, but it’s important for your mission both of them are brought into the Forge.”
"Me? Really? What if I lose it?! Doesn't it mean a lot to you?" Ella suddenly panicked as she picked it up carefully.
"Have you lost anything else you've picked up?" Saskia intoned.
"Well, no, but-"
"Then it's fine." Saskia turned to Lisa. "Do you want to take the replica?"
Lisa nodded. “I’ll take it, we won’t have to worry about losing it because I am going to store it in my prison wallet!”
Lisa raised a finger.
Yoko just stared at Lisa.
The silence was deafening.
”… Otten, please take the replica.”
"Is storing it under my skin preferable?" Saskia intoned, raising their eyebrows.
”Yes, just don’t stick it up your rectum,” Yoko facepalmed.
Saskia let out a quiet laugh, taking the replica. They pulled up their sweater as their skin started to peel back on their left side. Until there was a deep and wide enough gash in their flesh for them to wholesale shove the wayfinder in there. Their skin started to stitch itself back together over it. "That won’t be going anywhere till we need it… did everyone want to keep their channelers in their arms, or do you want them out?"
”Let’s leave them in there until we leave the Pit,” Yoko sighed. ”Let’s see if the showers work. Then let’s get some rest.”
"What about food? I bet I can cook something from all the cans in the kitchen while it isn’t my turn to shower!" Ella asked. "And as long as we can get water I can heat some up for us to wash!"
”Old food? Yuck!” Lisa said, ”How about we wait for the next monster to burst through the wall and then cook that up?”
"If we’re picky then we’ll starve!" Ella said, putting her hands on her hips and staring down Lisa like a fussing mother. "It’s canned! It won’t go off!"
”Do not listen to Turner,” Yoko rolled her eyes. ”While a creature is going to going to attack us, I rather us be at full strength.”
Lisa grinned, ”... I know Ella wants some horse meat.”
Ella started to looked a little green at that. "No I don’t! Not monster horses- or any horses! I don’t want to think about horses!!"
"Calm down, it’s just a horse," Saskia intoned, looking at Lisa with a slight smirk. "If the canned food is shit, we can just eat Ella’s ass… plenty of meat there."
”... Okay, I’m going to go keep watch let me know when you decide on what to do,” Yoko said as she walked out.
"Nooo don’t leave me!" Ella reached out for Yoko, but it was too late.
”Ew that’s nasty she hasn’t showered-” A bulb went off in Lisa’s head, ”Oh you mean the buttcheek!”
"Yeah I did, bet it’ll be real tender," Saskia snickered.
"You know what, I’m going into the kitchen to cook! You don’t have to eat it if you don’t want to- but you’re not having my ass!" Ella wailed before she fled into the room she’d come through from, snatching the two cans on the way.
Saskia shrugged. "Let’s go check if the showers work."
Lisa then walked to the shower with her boots crunching on the floor. Making it to the bathroom, Lisa pushed open the door with her hand. Only to reveal a room of crack tiles that faintly smelled of metal. Lisa calmly walked in and turned the knob and after the pipes rumbled for a moment, it sprayed a dark-brown liquid that filled the air with the harsh smell of rust.
Lisa stared at it.
”... Mission accomplished.”
"Do you want to wash in that?" Saskia started at the water emotionlessly. "So much for ‘the Pit provides’."
Lisa shrugged. ”I mean, it’s just rusty water. It could be blood. Or cum. Or blood and cum.” After a few moments, the water began to clear up and went from shit brown to clear. ”Hey would you look at that!”
Then Lisa looked at Saskia, ”But, I have a novel idea! Are you willing to hear me out?”
"Of course," Saskia intoned.
Lisa quickly turns the knob to turn the water off. ”... We all shower together before it turns into cum or blood or something.”
"Fine by me… Ella will go along with it. We’ve already showered together, it’s Yoko that’ll be a problem." Saskia frowned thoughtfully. "Between the three of us I think we could drag her in."
”I’ll just web her up - but how will she get clean? Maybe I’ll just web up her hands and-” Lisa cut herself off. ”Actually, let’s try talking with Yoko first… She’s outside right?”
"Unless she got sick of us and ran away, yes," Saskia nodded.
Without a second thought, Lisa proceeded back through the house - hearing Ella rumble around in the kitchen for a moment - before they ended up outside. Lisa looked around and then raised an eyebrow, ”... Where is-”
”Up here,” Yoko called from the roof, where she was sitting with her legs crossed and the Yokai Killer rested in her arms. She opened her eyes, and said, ”... What do you all need? Have you three finished your discussion about the horse monsters?”
"Sadly. Ella ran away from it," Saskia took a step back, craning their head back to look up at Yoko. "The shower’s a bit fucked. Running clean now, but not for long, so… we’re all taking a shower together."
Yoko stared at Saskia.
Then Lisa.
Lisa stared back at Yoko.
Yoko then turned her gaze back to Saskia.
However, Yoko just hopped down, and threw the Yokai Killer over her shoulder. ”I would suggest someone keeps watch, but I haven’t bathed or changed clothes in ages.” Yoko sighed. ”But I doubt we have to worry about our dignity much down here if a monster bursts through the wall and we have to fight in the nude.”
Yoko sighed, before she looked at the two, ”... And please don’t make this weird. We have the same body parts. So there’s no need to explode the second I take my clothes off, got it?”
"Do you think we’ve never seen someone naked before?" Saskia raised an eyebrow. "We’ve had plenty of time to ‘explode’ over Ella’s ass already."
Yoko facepalmed. ”I was about to say ‘No, I don’t’ but let’s just get this over with.” She rolled her eyes. ”I assume you told the Disciple.”
Lisa shrugged, shoving her hands in her pockets. "We didn’t exactly leave a sticky note, but Ella’s in the kitchen. I guess she’ll figure it out when she hears the water running. Again."
The three-headed back inside, with the faint sound of clanging pots echoing from the kitchen, along with Ella’s muttered complaints about the canned food situation. They entered the room, and Yoko looked around, with her face crunched up, and sighed. Lisa reached for the knob…
”Hold on,” Said Yoko with her arms crossed, with the Yokai Killer in one hand. She then called…
”... Disciple! Come here!”
There was some loud clattering, before some thudding and Ella appeared in the door. "Yes, Sensei?"
"We're showering together," Saskia.
"Oh great! I just finished washing some pans, so I can cook right after!" Ella said, still seeming enthusiastic about food for all the complaints they'd heard going past. She immediately started stripping, pulling off her wool sweater and top all in one go to leave her in just a bra. Lisa quickly took off all of her clothes and threw it in a disorganized pile in the corner of the room. Saskia watched Ella for a moment, before quickly stripping too and discarding them in a slightly neater pile.
Yoko stood there, pinching the bridge of her nose as she muttered under her breath and sat down the Yokai Killer against the wall. Before she began stripping off layers, starting with the tattered leather jacket. The layers came off with slow, deliberate movements, exposing her defined, muscular frame. She hesitated for a fraction of a second before continuing, her jaw set as though daring one to say something. She left all her clothes in a neat, folded-up stack in the corner of the room. When Yoko finally slipped out of her last layer, Lisa couldn’t help but glance and confirm that the voice was right.
”Wow,” Lisa said as she fiddled with the knob.
”Is there something that catches your eye, Turner?” Yoko sharply said. ”Turn the water on, and let’s get this over with.”
Lisa nodded and turned the hot water on, before Yoko noticed a half-used bar of soap at the edge of the tub.
"It feels like it's been years since I've showered!" Ella practically squealed as she stepped in. Layers of blood and grime were already washing away. She noticed the soap too, grabbing it and holding it up. "Anyone want me to get their back?"
"Who knows where that's been," Saskia shook their head. There were no strange comments from them about Yoko… they seemed pretty fixated on Ella.
Yoko stood slightly apart from the others, her back to them as she began scrubbing the dried dirt and blood from her arms. “Just use the soap for yourself, Disciple. We’ll make do.”
Now standing under the spray, Lisa tilted her head back to let the water drench her hair. “Gotta say, feels like a luxury at this point. Warm water and all. Wonder how long until it runs out or turns into cum.” She ran her hands through her hair, glancing briefly at Yoko’s shoulder muscles before focusing back on the wall.
However Lisa snatched the soap and began scrubbing herself down.
”... Could you get my back, Disciple?” Yoko’s voice cracked as she asked.
"Sure thing!" Ella said cheerfully, waiting for Lisa to finish before taking the soap from her. She shuffled a bit to get closer to Yoko, before starting to rub the soap on her back. It was pretty aggressive as Ella put far too much strength into it… though clearly not on purpose. She started to hum the sailor moon song under her breath.
Yoko huffed, taking a step forward and looking over her shoulder before saying, ”... Aye ya… Ease up a little bit I am not a stone.”
”Ella just a little excited,” Lisa said, sticking her tongue out. ”Can you blame her?”
”Turner,” Yoko sharply said, ”If you have time for commentary, you have time to clean. So go back to scrubbing.”
"Oh, sorry!" Ella managed to tone it down enough so she wasn’t trying to rub Yoko’s skin off. She turned her head to look at Lisa. "I’m not excited, I’m just too strong! I’m not horny like you are."
"You’re the one that brought all the dildos," Saskia chuckled, shoving their head under the stream of water. With the dirt and mud washing off their hair went from a dull brown back to its actual blonde colour.
"Because Lisa said to!"
Lisa just snickered like a goblin, while Yoko’s gaze was locked on the Yokai Killer,
”… Real question is why you’re still lugging them around.”
"Because…" Ella trailed off, looking a bit confused. "They were useful in the sealing! And Lisa might put spiders on my face while I sleep if I get rid of them!"
Yoko rolled her eyes, ”So is any rock or can we find lying around,”
”Oh I’m not worried about those anymore,” Lisa scoffed, ”There’s plenty of living, horse-shaped, ’dildos’ down here.”
Ella stopped washing Yoko’s back, turning around to brandish the bar of soap at Lisa. "No! Absolutely not! I’m not listening to this in the shower!"
"We need to keep at least one… I might want to use it on something," Saskia intoned.
”The Dildo or the horse monster?” Lisa asked.
"Either," Saskia shrugged.
”… Disciple, please finish so I can get dressed,” Yoko rolled her eyes.
"Of course, Sensei!" Ella got right back to it immediately, stopping after not too long. "All done… you’re squeaky clean now!"
She grinned, going to start washing her hair.
"We’ll be covered in blood again in no time," Saskia intoned, already stepping out of the shower. They started looking around, before finding a cupboard and locating a few towels in it.
”At least infections won’t be that much of a concern,” Yoko rolled her eyes.
Lisa was about to quip but at the corner of her eye, in the doorframe…
… She saw the ghostly white spider with its head poked out.
Lisa screamed, slipping backwards as she tried to point her hand so fast that she lost her footing. Suddenly the world had turned upside down and she received a sharp bang to the back of her head. Her ears were ringing as her skull was throbbing. Yet she found the strength to sit up and scream,
”… it’s here!”
"What- what’s here?!" Ella paused washing her hair, crouching down beside Lisa. She looked at her with concern. "You hit your head! What if you have a concussion?"
"There’s nothing there." Saskia intoned.
Yoko didn’t say anything, she only swiftly grabbed the Yokai Killer with one hand and covered her breasts with the other.
Lisa’s head was still spinning as she stared at the spider. She kept a finger pointed at it… as two disembodied hands that jerked around and twitched unnaturally appeared. They slowly moved together…
… Before forming a heart gesture with both hands.
It quickly scurried off.
Lisa sighed.
”… It’s gone,”
"Was it that spider again? The one that saved us?" Ella asked. A soft light came out of her arm and bathed Lisa, starting to heal her.
Lisa nodded as the wave of warm light overtook her. Yoko just looked at the Yokai Killer.
”The Yokai Killer didn’t glow at all…” Yoko mused to herself. ”I’m not sure if it’s somehow suppressing it, or…”
Yoko shook her head with a sigh, ”Just get dressed and let’s get some rest.”
"After some food!" Ella shouted, washing the last soap suds off her before she stepped out.
Saskia was already half dressed, not taking that long to finish. Ella, on the other hand, quickly dried herself before disappearing out of the bathroom to grab some clean clothes from her bag.
"Are we doing watch shifts again as we sleep?" Saskia asked, looking at Yoko.
”That’s ideal,” Yoko said, ”I suggest, however we work it out, that Turner gets rest first.”
"I agree," Saskia nodded. "Ella too… since Lisa likes getting spooned to sleep, and Ella’s the best at it."
Yoko stared at Saskia for a moment before saying, ”Let’s get to work.”
After everyone got cleaned and dressed up, they found themselves in the master bedroom. A massive room that had a bed, dresser, nightstand, covered in a thick layer of dust. Lisa eyed the bed warily but ultimately resigned and laid down on it. She saw Yoko standing by the door as she changed her focus to the wall. The ghostly spider’s image lingered in her mind, its hands forming that heart shape.
She shuddered.
Ella cuddled up behind her, and her warmth provided relief. Lisa smiled. Despite it all maybe it was going to be okay.
It’s been a long day.
Lisa dozed off.
The dreams were usually safe in Lisa’s darkest hours, but down here in the Pit, dreams were another place where Lisa was invaded and intruded upon. Her eyes opened. She was back here—the Five Star Theater. At first glance, it was the same as she remembered it (Though she doubted if she remembered it correctly), but different. It was empty. The streets had not a car, not a soul. Not a person, there. Lisa looked around, momentarily confused as she awaited…
“... Does this place look familiar?” The Mother Will, asked from behind Lisa as she put her hands on her shoulders.
Lisa was silent as she looked off to the side.
”... It’s a movie theater,”
“That’s all you remember? Nothing more?”
”I saw a few movies-”
“... Let me jog your memory,” The Mother Will snapped her fingers, and suddenly, it was reverted to one of those horrible nights fighting the Stygian Snake. In particular, the night Lisa saved Olivia, Micheal, Lynn, and Luca… who were dangling from underneath a cutesy jumping spider by only a thread. She remembered it now but wondered-
“Forget about the others,” The Mother Will leaned in and waved her hand, and everyone but Luca and Lisa disappeared. The scene began to crumble piece by piece until it was a mere black void. This black void was restructured into the yard behind the Old Coven lair laden with flowers. There, Mother Will stood with Luca, staring at Lisa and gently touching his shoulder. Lisa was, typically, happy to see Luca, but there was something wrong with how he behaved… Because he did nothing but stand there and stare at Lisa.
“You are aware of what Williams did to him?” The Mother Will asked.
Lisa nodded in response.
“She took away his choice, his power, and decided for him what his fate and destiny will be!” The Mother Will said before sinisterly laughing. “However, the Rot did more to Luca than just attach itself to his soul… it was not a symbiotic relationship like most other Adjoinments...”
The Mother Will paused, “It was parasitic. The Rot Lisa… the Rot drained Luca away. Destroyed everything he knew and loved.”
That sinister smile widened.
“... Including Luca himself.”
Lisa’s heart sank as the words set in. ”... What do you mean?”
“Luca is dead. Gone.” The Mother Will gestured at the “Luca.” “Nothing is left of him but a hollow shell, piloted by that Apparition. It's more of a mockery at this point.”
Lisa staggered back, staring at Luca’s vacant expression. Her hands clenched into fists as her breath quickened.
“No… no, that can’t be right. I-”
“You couldn’t have stopped it,” the Mother Will interrupted. “But someone could have. Someone should have. You know who, don’t you?”
Lisa’s jaw tightened, her mind racing. The image of Britney flashed in her thoughts.
“That’s right,” the Mother Will purred. “She let him suffer. She let this happen. And why? Because she thought she knew best? Because she got ‘desperate’? Or was it simply indifference?” She leaned in, her voice dropping to a whisper.
“Lisa, she killed him just as surely as if she’d plunged a knife into his chest.”
The Mother Will chuckled as the effigy of Luca melted away into nothing. She stared down at it as the air was eerily still and calm. “... and you know what the worst part is?”
Lisa just perked up as the Mother Will dropped the bomb.
“... Britney got away with it all,” The Mother Will said, and Lisa dug her own nails into her palms. “Everyone gave her a pass, forgave the unforgivable!”
Then, the scene faded away like specks of ash in the wind. The next scene was the party at Sabrina’s house, where Britney was having a ball with Linqian, Greyson, and two other people Lisa didn't recognize.
“Just look at her,” The Mother Will said, dismissively waving a hand in Britney’s direction, “Doesn't this tell you everything you need to know?”
The Mother Will tilted her head, a faint, almost pitying smile on her lips. “It’s tragic, really,” she said softly, turning her gaze to Luca’s empty, lifeless eyes. “All that he was and could have been… stolen. And yet, Britney walks free, unburdened, untouched. To laugh with her friends like Luca never mattered….”
The scene faded away piece by piece until it was a black void. “... But, things are changing. Soon, the surface world will not be the idealized haven it was made out to be.”
Lisa tilted her head, silent but waiting for the Mother Will to elaborate. “Many of your ‘Old Coven’ will enter the Pit, either when Shimmer falls into it or to escape something worse. Including Britney Williams.”
The Mother Will’s smile stretched unnaturally wide. “When she gets down here, I have no say in what happens to her, but you do. Remember, as long as you have power, you decide what justice looks like. Not for her, not for me, not for yourself…”
The Mother raised her hand, poised to snap her fingers.
“... But for poor Luciano.”
She snapped her fingers, and Lisa was awake.