Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 11034 (2.81 / day)
  • VMs: 42
  • Username history
    1. Shin Ghost Note 5 mos ago
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1 day ago
Current You have to live every day as if you've dropped your pants and told the whole world to suck your dick.
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so are these nuts
21 days ago
"We have got to try and find DOOM!" "Good luck!"
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1 mo ago
just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
3 mos ago
Sex and love, sex and love...


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts

Lynette Hunter-Richoux & The Greenwood Coven
Interactions: None.
The Temple of Ass Charming and Graceful Individuals.

Lynette stared at the bar room surrounding her perceptional vantage point. From just behind Ruby, thanks to the myriad of cards still in her pocket, Lynette had a first row ticket to the comedy show of the season. She loved every bit of the chaotic nature that seemed to follow Sycamore around like a carrion feeder to a corpse. It was fresh, unpredictable: Qualities that let them win so long ago. If nobody has a plan, after all, how can countermeasures be created?

But then there was the matter of her own son and the prize that she knew was coming back to her. Alizeé Vul… Child of the Void. Ecstasy and longing returned to Lynette as she practically drooled over the potential. Leon's plan to adjoin her to Layla gave way to immediate preparations as she sent for people to begin prepping a ritual room for the process.

It happened so quickly, she stopped watching what Ruby was doing, so had no idea they'd be returning to her property within the next few minutes… A wind that carried leaves came from behind Lynette, right into her bar room. It spun around for a bit, before the Greenwood Coven appeared in front of her.

Ruby stood tall, in a heroic pose with one hand on her hip and the other on her staff.

“Dun-dun-duuun, dun-DUUUUUUN!” Jess made the sound effects, as Ruby dropped the bomb.

“... Bitch ass Ninja,”

Lynette grabbed the bridge of her nose in frustration as she was fixing herself a drink before the main event showed up.
”Wow! Wow, wow wow! What a fucking performance, Ruby. One for the fuckin’ movies… What the Hell was that!? My fucking cards? Nobody got them. Nobody, they’re im Sullivan McPherson’s fucking pocket! What the Hell…”
The woman openly frowned, almost pouting like a child.
”I trusted you! So, what did I get for that trust?”

“... One of the few competent members of that ‘Coven’ distributing those cards for both of us,” Ruby rolled her eyes, before aiming her staff at Lynette. “Toooo be honest, I’m not sure what you’re hoping to glean from those clowns anyway.”

Ruby shook her head, clenching her staff, “They are so chaotic I think we need to invent a new word for it.”

”Sullivan… Played football with Leon in highschool… Ruby, he was a moron then, and he's a drunk moron now! You honestly believe he's going to hand those cards out!? They'll wind up in a fucking washing machine after he's gotten drunk and forgotten them in his pocket!!!”

Lynette gripped her face with a pained expression, dragging the hand up to run through the tremendously thick locks cascading down from her head.

”A wallet, a purse: Someone takes a card they dont give a shit about, and they stick it somewhere they forget. Carry it with them constantly, never considering that I am now there with them. My magic records, I observe. What do I gleam? Uncanny knowledge of daily happenings. Anything I can hear or see from them becomes usable information that we can reign this herd of cats in with, Ruby! We need to make them useful!

“Do not shit on Sully!” Ruby hissed, waving a hand in front of her. “Whatever you think about him, he’s one of us! And I could give less of a shit about those Sycamore losers, do not talk bad on my friend!”

”Then what happens next is your fault. I asked you to do one thing, Ruby! One! And you fucked off, because you feel like its not worth it. Why wasn't doing what I asked you worth it? Why is it that you all seem to just ignore what I ask and do what the fuck you want? You, Leon, Roxanne God bless her fucking soul… Am I a joke to you, Ruby!?”

Lynette rarely let her more base emotions run wild, but she was furious and had little concern for how Ruby felt in the moment.
”You wanted an alliance. I said yes. Did you think I wouldn't ask you for anything? Like a fucking charity!? Goddamn it!...”

Her face twisted into a frown, and she threw her hands up questioningly.

“And fucking look! You weren't there! You don't have the magic I have!” Ruby slammed a hand on her chest, “Half of those motherfuckers didn't trust us! Do you think they would have taken them from me?!”

Ruby paused, “If you say yes, you’re delusional!”

“... Should we, uh, go now?” Jess asked, pointing towards the door.

”Jess… Go where, sweetheart? Just… Hang tight, you all have a drink, enjoy your pizzas… Ruby? Can we please visit my office? So we're not agitating people undeserving?”

“To the orgy, ideally!” Jess shouted, only to make the rest of Greenwood roll their eyes.

Ruby clutched her staff and said to Lynnette, “Whatever you want, Temple-Mother.” Ruby’s tone was laced with venom.

“... And the orgy is mid.”

”The orgy is not Mid… It's a high class perpetu-
Lynette continued on incessantly about the quality of her cultivated sex dungeons even as she led Ruby off and down one of the many dark and intentionally unremarkable halls. Eventually, they made it to Lynette's personal office, where she was free to speak to Ruby like she was an equal.

Clearing her throat, Lynette frowned as she looked at Ruby.
”I'm not mad that it didn't work. I'm upset that it seems like you barely tried. Like you heard what I asked, and you immediately treated it like an impossible objective. Now, I like Sullivan. I really do, he's a sweet boy and we always loved him coming with Leon to our events… So I'm sorry I said that about him. But as your friend, you know that he's the person most likely to leave a piece of paper in his pants pockets while he does laundry! It's just the nature of things…” Lynette paused, looking expectantly at Ruby while she fixed them both a drink from her personal shelf.

Instead of grabbing the drink, Ruby went for the bottle and downed a fifth. Then she retorted,

“Hey! I was going to try, but crazy shit kept happening one after another!” Ruby rolled her eyes. “I barely got a chance to talk before the Void Heart’s little pet opened her mouth.”

”Her name is Alizée. Her b-b…-”
Lynette’s voice hitched, and she whimpered slightly as she tried to take a deeper breath. Alcohol was knocked back, a frown turned into a scowl that turned into a frustrated expression of guilt.
”The poor, stupid girl is a ghost now. And we accepted her oath years ago; that we would help her and Void Heart however we could. If that means keeping him from making his own bad decisions, so be it. We bring the two idiots together, we have everyone trying to release him in one well-monitored package.”

Ruby facepalmed.

“... I mean his other pet.”.”

Lynette tilted her head, waving her hand sassily.
”Duh, Layla. She was included; the other idiot.”
There was a chuckle, and she finally cracked a smile.
”Aw, fuck it. You know I’m just happy to have you hanging around again, don’t you? Try and get Sully to get those cards where he can; I don’t care if he’s throwing them in books at the local library, anywhere. Just increase my coverage and all is forgiven.”

Ruby shrugged. “If he fucks it up, just give me some more, and I’ll take care of it.”

“So, say,” Ruby began, sassily putting a hand on her hip, “Does the Void Heart like all his little pets white-haired and stupid?”

Lynette's stern expression had softened previously, and now she was like a warm hug again. Friendly, happy. She laughed at the question, trying to consider how best to answer her.
”Well, the stupid part makes his M.O. easier to pull off. But the white hair? Even I don't know what the deal with that is…”

She shook her head, topping her drink off from the bar and waving Ruby onward back toward her group in the other room.
”Leon will be home with Alizée soon. After what happened with Layla, I don't expect you to stick around. But- I do expect to see many Greenwood members at the end of the month. The Harvest Feast is shaping up to be the greatest feast we've ever held here, and I'd really love to see you and your own Coven come to celebrate. Bring Mummy too… You know I miss her, and she never answers my calls.” she frowned slightly, thinking about Ruby's mother fondly.

“I would rather gouge my eyes out with a burning hot knife than be in the same building with that bitch,” Ruby said with a sigh, twisting her face up. “Now, I will find the rest of Greenwood and leave because I know I’ll punch that bitch in the face. Knowing them, they probably found the orgy, and I’ll have to drag them out kicking and screaming.”

”Come, come… If they have found it, they'll likely be stuck. It may take both of us to pry them off the sticky wall.”

Ruby walked off into the halls alongside Lynette.

| Gaze Beyond Worlds |

"It sees all, but not all should be seen."

| The Nemean Eye is believed to have been forged during the height of the Roman Empire by a mysterious man named Caelius Nigrinus, a sorcerer and philosopher who dabbled in magic. Caelius, fascinated with the nature of reality and the concept of parallel worlds, sought to create an artifact that could pierce the veil between dimensions. Ancient Roman writings hint that Caelius used forbidden rituals involving sacrifices to ancient Gods to create a physical object: The Nemean Eye. The Eye was named after the Nemean Lion, a mythical beast of Herculean legend, symbolizing the power of sight and invulnerability. After its creation, Caelius disappeared from all records, his fate as much of a mystery as the artifact itself. |

| Orb of Sight. |

| The current whereabouts of the Nemean Eye remains unknown. It has surfaced sporadically over the millennia, usually in the possession of scholars or occultists who mysteriously vanish after unlocking its powers. |

| Lucius Septimius Clarus: A Roman senator and close confidant of Emperor Nero, Lucius reportedly seized the Nemean Eye shortly after Caelius Nigrinus’ disappearance. Using its power, he allegedly foresaw the fall of Rome in alternate dimensions. He later became obsessed with averting those futures, but his attempts to alter fate ended in his sudden disappearance. Some believed that he vanished into one of the worlds he gazed upon.

Petronia Marcellina: An Italian noblewoman and Red-Adept who rediscovered the Nemean Eye during the Renaissance. Marcellina used the Eye to unlock the secrets of eternal life. Her notes described visions of timeless beings in other dimensions, but she vanished under strange circumstances, leaving only cryptic writings about her last experiments.

Julius Montrose: A British wizard during the Victorian era who sought to prove the existence of other worlds. Montrose conducted numerous experiments with the Nemean Eye, documenting alternate versions of historical events and people. He was last seen staring into the Eye for days without rest before disappearing altogether, leaving behind only a charred outline where he last stood. |

| No. |
The Nemean Eye is a dark, smooth orb the size of a human eye, embedded with intricate Roman engravings of lions, mythological creatures, and planetary symbols. It is unnaturally cold and heavy when held as if it contains the weight of countless dimensions. The Nemean Eye’s primary power allows the wielder to peer into other dimensions and move their vision beyond their immediate surroundings. The user can project their sight into alternate versions of distant locations, timelines, and parallel realities by focusing on the Eye. This extends to their environment and any other place or dimension they wish to observe. The wielder can "move" their vision freely through these worlds, seeing events unfold far from where they physically stand.

The Eye’s power is not limited to passive observation, either. Some users have reported being able to interact with or influence objects and beings in these alternate dimensions. The ability to interact with or influence objects and beings in these alternate dimensions comes with a unique and dangerous twist. The Eye allows the wielder to move objects, alter events, or communicate with entities in these dimensions. However, these actions are not without risk. The consequences can be highly unpredictable because the interaction occurs at a distance and across different realities.

The further the user's vision extends from their reality, the more taxing it becomes. Extended use of the Eye can distort the wielder’s sense of time and space, leading to disorientation or physical strain. Additionally, prolonged or reckless interactions with other dimensions might inadvertently cause severe consequences that ripple back into the user’s reality.

In rare and unconfirmed cases, it is rumored that the Nemean Eye can weaken or even break the barriers between worlds, potentially allowing entities or forces from alternate realities to cross over. Though no documented evidence supports this claim, whispers persist of users who may have tampered with the fabric of reality itself. Those who have allegedly attempted such feats are often said to vanish or suffer bizarre fates, with their surroundings taking on eerie qualities.......................................................

| The Cursed Banquiet |

"... One bite is never enough."

| The true origins of the Eternal Feast are shrouded in mystery. Legends suggest it was born from a twisted ritual carried out by an ancient coven, seeking to bind desire and indulgence into a physical form. Others claim it was an accidental byproduct of a Paranormal being’s Abstraction gone wrong, where an Apparition of greed or gluttony became tied to an innocuous dining set. No records exist of who created it or when, but stories of its cursed power have persisted throughout the ages, surfacing across different universes. |

| Cursed Dinner Plate & Utensils |

| Its current location is unknown, but tales persist of it mysteriously appearing in homes, restaurants, or even abandoned alleyways. Wherever it is found, it remains until it has claimed another victim. |

| Unknown. It has claimed many throughout the All-Verse, though no survivors or recorded owners are known to exist. |

| No. |
The Eternal Feast appears as an ordinary dinner plate; it seems like a mundane piece of dinnerware, perfectly set and ready for a meal. However, this artifact carries a curse that has claimed countless lives.

Once someone draws close enough - within a few feet - the plate triggers its magical properties. It psychically reads the individual’s deepest culinary desires, the memory of the most delicious meal they’ve ever experienced. Without warning, their favorite dish manifests in perfect detail upon the plate, freshly prepared and impossibly delicious. The food is not just a memory; it is a perfected version, better than they recall. Every bite is intoxicating, more flavorful than anything they’ve ever tasted, and accompanied by whatever utensils or napkins are needed to make the experience comfortable.

But this is where the curse begins. Once the individual tastes even a crumb, they are trapped in the artifact’s power. No matter how much they try, they cannot stop eating. The compulsion grows with every bite. Their hands move of their own accord, fork and knife slicing through bite after bite, even as their stomach begins to fill and bloat. The sensation of fullness is masked by an overwhelming glee tied to the act of consumption - no pain, no discomfort, just the insatiable urge to continue.

As they gorge themselves, the amount of food never seems to diminish. The plate magically refills with every finished dish, conjuring more of their favorite foods, sometimes even presenting new courses to tempt the victim further. Each bite becomes more addictive than the last; each swallows feeding the curse's grip on their body and mind. Their body bloats, grotesquely expanding as their weight increases at a comical, almost supernatural rate, their stomach distending as their body swells with food. They become a prisoner, physically unable to stop.

Eventually, the victim collapses from exhaustion, a grotesque parody of their former self, bloated beyond recognition, their body unnaturally stuffed and distorted. Once they fall unconscious, the final part of the curse reveals itself. An Apparition bound to the artifact materializes out of the shadows, and without a word, the Apparition drags them into a rift that appears near the plate. Where they are taken remains unknown, but none who fall prey to the Eternal Feast have ever been seen again.

After the Apparition claims its victim, the plate and utensils disappear without a trace, waiting for its next unsuspecting diner.


| The Eternal Ward |

"Boundless confinement."

| Stars' Lock is a relic from the universe of Stars, a realm where Paranormals are integrated into society and magic is advanced. The artifact was originally crafted by an ancient, secretive order of enchanters who were masters of containment magic. They forged three unique Stars' Locks with abilities so potent that the secrets of their creation have since been lost. Over time, the knowledge and ability to produce more were wiped from memory, leaving only these three artifacts. |

| Sealing Artifact. |

| The whereabouts of the three Stars' Locks are shrouded in mystery. It is believed that one is held within the ruins of a forgotten fortress in Stars, another may be hidden in the vaults of a powerful collector, and the third could be in The Pit. The exact locations are uncertain, and their existence is only confirmed through scattered legends and whispers. |

| The Stars' Lock has only passed through a few hands, and its rare and valuable nature makes it highly coveted. |

| No. |
The Stars' Lock stands as a paragon of magical engineering, crafted to imprison Apparitions with unmatched efficacy. The Stars' Lock is imbued with properties that make it uniquely effective. Its exterior is adorned with ancient, pulsating sigils that resonate with the essence of Apparitions. When an Apparition is brought near the Lock, the artifact actively draws and binds it with a nearly magnetic force. This resonance ensures that even the most elusive or powerful Apparitions are effectively contained.

What sets the Stars' Lock apart is its ability to adapt to the nature and strength of the Apparition it captures. The artifact contains an internal mechanism that shifts based on the Apparition's form and power. The Lock's enchantments create a stable, localized confinement for a weaker entity. For a stronger, more volatile Apparition, the Lock's interior dynamically adjusts, amplifying its binding spells to ensure the entity remains securely trapped.

In addition to its adaptive sealing capabilities, the Stars' Lock features a unique feedback loop system. This system continuously monitors the Apparition's attempts to escape and responds with a surge of energy that further reinforces the seal. The result is a binding field that becomes progressively stronger in response to the Apparition's resistance, making escape virtually impossible.

When multiple Apparitions are confined within a single Stars' Lock, the artifact activates a sophisticated multi-layered binding system. It creates distinct, overlapping containment fields for each Apparition, individually attuned to their unique signatures. This system keeps the entities separate and prevents them from interfering with one another. If the combined power of the Apparitions threatens to weaken the Lock, an automatic feedback mechanism amplifies the binding energies, reinforcing the seals to ensure stable and effective confinement. This allows the Stars' Lock to manage and neutralize multiple Apparitions simultaneously.

The process of releasing Apparitions from a Stars' Lock involves a precise activation of the artifact's release mechanism. This mechanism requires a sequence of magical incantations and the alignment of certain runes on the Lock's surface. Once activated, the Lock unravels the containment fields, gradually releasing the Apparitions. The release is controlled and gradual, ensuring that the entities are freed in a manner that minimizes potential chaos. The artifact's enchantments also emit a dampening pulse to weaken the Apparitions' Abstractions as they emerge temporarily.

”... Ugh! Are we there yet?!”

Lisa whined as she marched forward directly behind Yoko. They were still in this ramshackle farm biome. She had her hands behind her head, her legs were killing her and worse of all…

… She was bored.

”We still have a long ways to go, Turner,” Yoko concisely answered.

”Can we make a flying spider?” Lisa asked.

”The closer we get to the Kingdom, the more Autoknights we will encounter,” Yoko began. ”They will shoot us down the second they notice us. At least by walking we can have cover.”

”... My spiders can walk,” Lisa rolled her eyes - hoping a monster would finally attack them.

”See, you should've gone on all those runs I invited you to before we died!" Ella said, having taken up position at the back. She didn't seem bothered by the long march at all, looking around with a mixture of interest and alertness.

”The ones you and Aaron would take where you'd shout out stupid embarrassing stuff? Pass, those were lame," Saskia intoned, looking a little pale.

”They weren't lame! The shouting was for motivation, and look! I'm much fitter than both of you!"

”... Because you had to run from your Uncle all the time,” Lisa rolled her eyes.

"... You'd make sure you could run away if you'd gone through that too," Ella mumbled, uncharacteristically quiet. She pouted, kicking a rock out of the way.

”We've got all the muscle in our brain," Saskia said, yawning as they looked around. "You think we'll find any dead bodies on the way?"

”What? So you can hump it, Otten?” Yoko rolled her eyes.

"You'd like watching that, wouldn't you?" Saskia shot back with a slight smile. ”I want to see if they're different… Does this place change anatomy? I'd love to dissect that guy who shot us…"

”I’m not sure, Otten,” Yoko shrugged, before coming to a stop . ”I’m not sure if this place changes you or if you are already a monster by the time you fall in.”

”... Does this place give you a huge cock?” Lisa asked.

”If we find a body and dissect it we'd know," Saskia said, starting to look around the ground as if they'd just trip over one. "Or, we could at least start to figure it out… we'll need a larger sample size for the large dick investigation, in case the first one was just born with it."

”Yeah! Born with one straight out the womb!” Lisa laughed.

”Infinite possibilities, Turner, infinite possibilities," Saskia sniggered.

”Except Ella letting us go give head, apparently,” Lisa looking over her shoulder at Ella.

"It was one time, I made it up to you both," Ella wailed, looking up to pout at Lisa.

"So you won't get in the way again?" Saskia asked.

Ella was silent.

”Good grief you three…” Yoko said, shaking her head with a smile. ”Never a dull moment! Hahahaha!”

Ella brightened up a bit at that. She grinned at Yoko. "We are loads of fun! Helps us stay positive… y’know Lupe thought the same… I think. I miss Lupe."

"We can visit her when we get back," Saskia intoned. "If we get back."

”Don’t think like that, Otten,” Yoko said. ”We’re four skilled Adepts. And we have a plan. We got this.” She smiled at Saskia.

"It was a joke," Saskia said.

”Joke about something else, anything else,” Yoko said.

"Jokes are meant to be funny!" Ella shouted. "Yoko's right, we'll make it out… we've already handled everything this place has thrown at us!"

”... So far,” Yoko answered. ”We should not get cocky, Disciple. There are beings here that are powerful. Perhaps not as strong as the Serpent, but far stronger than we can reasonably handle.”

"Stronger than the devil himself? And all his evil minions?" Ella asked back.

Yoko nodded her head.

”What I’m saying is be vigilant and be careful.”

"We're always vigilant! Don't worry, we plan to get outta this alive. We already avoided a bunch of these massive monsters earlier!"

"After we almost got stepped on," Saskia pointed out.

The group shuffled forward, leaving behind the decayed farm biome with its twisted crops and eerily quiet atmosphere. The sky above them was a bright red, casting long shadows as they approached the ruined city on the horizon.

The transition from the farm to the city was gradual. The fields became overgrown with strange, mutated plants, and soon, broken asphalt replaced the dirt paths. The remnants of old roads stretched out before them, cracked and overgrown with weeds. In the distance, the jagged silhouettes of crumbling buildings loomed, some half-collapsed, others leaning precariously.

”Be careful,” Yoko said, ”We’ll have far more cover, but they will be able to ambush us far easier.”

"I'll stay alert, Sensei!" Ella said enthusiastically, looking around. "I'll use what you taught me, don't worry."

Saskia rolled their eyes. "So long as you can stay quiet too… what are we expecting? Monsters, humans, both?"

”Anything,” Yoko said as the group entered the city. ”And I mean anything.”

Lisa dramatically gasped, ”... Even a naked clown on a unicycle?!”

”... I wouldn’t be surprised at this point, Turner,” Yoko rolled her eyes.

As the group moved deeper into the ruined city, the remnants of civilization loomed around them—crumbling buildings, shattered windows, and rusting vehicles littered the streets. Eerie silence hung heavy in the air, broken only by the occasional creak of metal or distant echo of debris shifting in the wind.

Suddenly, a low rumble vibrated through the air. It started as a distant hum but quickly grew louder and deeper until the very ground beneath their feet seemed to shake. A massive silhouette loomed overhead.

Lisa was the first to look up. ”.. The fuck is that?!”

Above them, a steel zeppelin loomed, its metallic surface smooth but thick with armor plating. Massive propellers churned the air at the rear, and below the zeppelin, several spotlights swiveled, scanning the city streets for any signs of movement.

Yoko grinned, looking over her shoulder at the group, ”... I forgot to mention they have those.”

"They, as in that Kingdom thing or whatever?" Saskia squinted their eyes up at it. "I don't have enough spit to take that down."

"Shouldn't we take cover?!" Ella asked, looking around for a building they could get into.

”Yes! Move!”Yoko grabbed Lisa by the arm and shoved her into an alleyway. She gestured for Ella and Saskia to follow. ”Let’s just hope it's passing through…”

She panted, ”Then again they are looking for me.”

"Why, you piss them off?" Saskia intoned, pressing up against the wall of the alley. Ella was right behind them, looking up at the sky with wide eyes.

”Yes. Killing a few dozen Autoknights tends to do that,” Yoko said. ”Let’s just wait for them to pass by-”

The spotlights on the zeppelin shined down the alleyway, putting them on full blast… Cannons deployed out of the sides of the flying behemoth, and primed on them.

”... Run!” Yoko shouted as the cannons began barraging their general vicinity.

Ella screamed, magical girl transforming as she ran. Then her legs started glowing and she picked up the pace. Saskia grimaced, going from a sluggish pace to very quick as their bones lightened. Spider legs erupted from Lisa’s back, yet she didn't crawl on them and elected her regulars.

"There!" they said, pointing to a door into the building next to them… except it was a floor up, with a rickety ladder going up to it. Lisa climbed up using her spider legs, and Yoko hopped up - Lisa stopped at the edge only to get pushed in as Yoko reached down to grab Saskia or Ella’s hand. Ella grabbed Saskia and threw her up, before jumping up to grab hold of Yoko’s hand - who hoisted them both up before they ran inside.

Lisa flipped off the Zepplin before she went inside.

The door closed.

The building was a highschool… though it hardly resembled one anymore. The halls were eerily silent, faded banners hung from the walls, lockers that were ajar or torn off lined the halls, and the air was thick with dust and mold. Yoko pulled the Yokai Killer out and it glowed faintly.

”... More Airships are likely on the way,” Yoko said, ”They will likely level the city. We need a plan.”

Lisa had an idea, she raised her hand,

”What if you and Ella distract it, and meanwhile me and Saskia-” Lisa wrapped her arms around Saskia’s waist. ”... take it out with Blood Rain?”

"Ooo, I like this plan," Saskia said, arm slinging over Lisa’s shoulder.

"That’s fine for this one, but what about the others?" Ella asked. "I don’t want blown up! How do we get out after?"

"Spiders," Saskia shrugged.

”We just need to eliminate the one, Disciple,” Yoko began, ”If we are quick, we will avoid the other Airships.”

Ella’s face scrunched up as she thought for a moment, before nodding. "Alright! We’ll be the distraction, that’s easy, but you two better be ready with the Blood Rain!"

Lisa loudly snorted, ”What do you think we’re just going to sit here and bang?!”

”I can never know with the three of you, Turner,” Yoko said with a wry grin, as she somewhat unsheathed the Yokai Killer. ”Come, Disciple, we have many enemies and little time to capitalize on it all.” Yoko quickly dipped down the hallway, and Lisa turned to Saskia.

”We need to get in view of the Zepplin.” Lisa said as she gestured for Saskia to come along. ”Let’s hope they don’t make them shoot at us!”

That when Lisa began moving, and she moved quickly, the tiles crunching underneath her dirtied boots. Her mind raced as she navigated through the maze of corridors, eyes scanning for any possible way to get a clear line of sight to the zeppelin. The Blood Rain would need to be precise, and Lisa knew they couldn’t afford to fuck this up. The spider legs on her back twitched… she reached a set of double doors, and she saw the red light of the Pit peek from underneath.

Lisa’s smile lit up….

Until a creature burst through it, and Lisa stopped; the beast loudly screamed. Its five heads were scraping the ceiling and screaming as its long limbs crashed into the walls and dug into them - creating a horrific metallic screech as it squeezed lockers, and Lisa’s ears felt like they were going to bleed. It growled as it took steps towards Lisa and Saskia…

”... Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me!”

"Things were going too easily," Saskia grimaced. Their blood tendril reformed at their back, ripping out a locker and throwing it in front of them at the creature. "We need to finish it quick- should we use the stone?"

”... WE GOTTA DO SOMETHING, NINJA!” Lisa shouted, grabbing both sides of her head as the creature charged at her, swiping a mighty hand. Lisa tackled Saskia to the ground, and she could feel the power behind the swing from just above her. Lisa flipped over, and her spider legs attached her to the ceiling.

Then she flipped off the monster.

"Helpful!" Saskia grimaced, shoving her hand into her pocket and pulling out the orange stone. It immediately embedded in her hand, and with a surge of power multiple blood tendrils came out of her back, all slamming into the creature. At the same time they held out the hand with the stone embedded in it towards Lisa, who quickly grabbed it. The tendrils didn’t do much, but Lisa opened her mouth and unleashed a monstrous wave of spiders at the creature… and applied the acid burst spell in mid-air so the second the spiders hit the creature, they exploded into acid and chitin.

The monster screamed as it raised a hand - that quickly dissolved into nothing - and stepped backward as the acid began to dissolve its body. What was left of its arm fell and hit the ground… Intestines and organs began hitting the ground as the creature still stood but backpedaled towards the door.

"Die already," Saskia hissed, bone spears shoving out her skin with the momentum propelling them towards what was left of the creature. It pierced through one of the creature’s screaming skulls… yet it still kept going. Once Lisa raised her hand, a series of Chitionious Spears erupted from the ground and impaled the beast. They slowly retracted, and blood spewed in all directions as the creature fell over, limp. Lisa held her hand out for Saskia to take the Orange Stone.

Thin blood tendrils came out of Saskia’s hand, cutting away at Lisa’s flesh to pull the orange stone from it. They immediately pocketed it. They immediately started going to the door, not even caring as they stepped through blood and guts. "Let’s go before they get themselves killed."

Blood was dripping down Lisa’s hand as she felt red-hot pain searing through her flesh. Lisa sighed as she flicked the blood away and pushed through the double doors… ending up outside on the other side of the building. The Zeppelin was opening fire on another position, which Lisa thought was the position of Yoko and Ella… and without a second thought, Lisa summoned the blood-filled spiders up into the sky.

Saskia immediately held up her hands to start expanding the spiders’ blood sacks as they went towards the Zeppelin. As soon as they were close enough she did the last bit, causing them to explode in acidic blood all over it. It created a massive hole in the roof of the zeppelin, and it immediately began to descend towards the ground. The Autoknights quickly fell off… and exploded once it hit the ground.

Lisa hopped up and down, and began clapping. Moments later, Yoko and Ella returned… and Yoko said, ”... That will not go unnoticed.” Yoko walked past Lisa. ”Let’s go.”

Lisa shrugged and followed after Yoko...

Sabrina Vanburen.
Interactions: The entire Coven I guess.
The House on the Hill.

This did not go the way Sabrina had hoped.

Not only did the Coven outright ignore her (which brought back some particular feelings from her childhood), but it wasn't long until it devolved into a chaotic mess. Maybe Sabrina should have spoken out more and become an active part of the conversation instead of slinking into the shadows and playing on her phone. But, the more she had to witness these people, the less she wanted to deal with them directly. She gave Britney, Linqian, and Greyson a pleading look as she wanted this nightmare to end!

Then they trashed the place, fighting a ghost. That wasn't their fault, but no one so much apologized to her for damaging the meeting place she had provided for them. She had enough... her eyes crept onto a fire alarm, and she raised her hand—a long, thin thread extended from her sleeve that would be invisible unless one was close. It wrapped snugly around the handle before Sabrina yanked her hand and pulled the alarm. Sabrina watched with grim satisfaction as the fire alarm blared, the loud shrill echoing through the room, cutting through the chaos. The room stilled for a moment, confusion flashing across the faces of those gathered. She used the momentary silence to step forward, her posture tense but composed.

“Must be a false alarm!” Sabrina said, her voice almost drowned out by the noise. “But, maybe it’s a sign you should call it a day?!” She smiled at them, shining her teeth.

Hoping they would take the hint and just leave.

Ruby White.
Interactions: Lila (@NoriWasHere), Sully (@Atrophy), and Kenshiro (@AtomicEmperor).
The House on the Hill.

As Lila spoke, Ruby's thoughts on the alliance were invigorated. Maybe Ruby was too quick to judge this girl. However, there was something Ruby had to get off her chest first.

"We all have problems, sweetheart," Ruby began. "It's a matter of letting those problems become everyone else's problem."

Ruby grinned. "... But, if you are serious about making this work, then I'm willing to give this alliance another cha-"

The alarm began blaring, going off that tall girl's emotions; she wanted them to escape. Ruby shrugged, seeing no problem with leaving, but there were a few things Ruby had to cover first. The first thing she did was turn towards Sully, having to speak loudly over the blaring alarm.

"Sounds great, Sully," Ruby nodded. "Truly, I just don't ever want to have to see that lil' ass clown again."

Ruby then dug into her pockets and pulled out those cardboard flyers Lynette had given her. She almost forgot about them and figured that if anyone could do it, Sully could. She shoved them into his hands.

"... Just do me a lil' favor and make sure that your Coven looks at these."

Then she extended a hand towards Amelia and said, "Amelia, give me a leaf!"

As commanded, Amelia created a massive leaf, and it floated over to Ruby, who quickly pulled out a sharpie and wrote her number on it. She turned towards Kenshiro and shouted,

"Hey, anime!" Ruby began, cocking the leaf back to throw, "Hit me up! If those 'important assholes' are who I think they are, then maybe we can help each other!"

Then Ruby turned towards Amelia and whispered in her ear - intentionally being vague about whether someone else was listening in on them.

"... Teleport us to where we were before the pizza place."

Amelia nodded as powerful winds appeared, which carried leaves and other foliage. Ruby grinned at the Sycamore Tree Coven.

"Thank you all for having us!" Ruby began. "I know it was a bit bumpy, but if you all want to talk, just one-on-one: you all should have my number!"

"... And I hope you get your boyfriend, Appie!" Jess shouted, shooting Adora the peace sign.

As the winds reached their peak, Ruby shouted,

"Greenwood, out!"

Then they disappeared.

With the untouched pizza and food.

As told by the Mother Will, Lisa and Saskia traveled in the direction - hoping she wasn’t lying. But, eventually, they came across an eerily familiar landscape… St. Portwell, but the skyline that they had grown to love was utterly ravaged and destroyed. The water was tainted and polluted, and the boardwalk was ripped and splintered. Though, Lisa pointed to the horde of those robots going in…

”Okay, let’s-” Lisa tried to say, before a massive explosion filled the corner of her eye. It looked… familar. ”... That has to be Ella.”

"No one else would be that stupid," Saskia rolled their eyes. They carefully began to head towards the light… but they also didn’t want to fight the robots. So being quiet, and getting there before them, was important.

They looked back at Lisa and pointed to a slightly more roundabout path through the destroyed buildings. Lisa walked over and grabbed their hand before pointing at a space. A space that was soon inhabited by a glowing spider cocoon. As she said,

”We’ll have an easier if we use the spider.” Lisa noted.

"... we’re going to forget how to walk," Saskia intoned, joking without it being obvious. What was obvious was their impatience as they waited for the spider to come out of its cocoon, making to get on it as soon as it was out. "Let’s go… hopefully Ella isn’t stupid enough to stay where the light was."

The spider grew to size before it burst out of its cocoon - sporting dragonfly wings and being large enough to carry the two of them. Lisa hopped on top of it, giving the empty spot behind her a few pats.

”I mean, we should be hoping she is!” Lisa snorted. ”Makes her easier to find! Now, away we go!”

The Spider took flight, taking off high into the sky, directly towards where Lisa saw the ball of light. The spider was loud, but Lisa trailed over the battalion of the Autoknights that were marching over the city…

… Until a bullet whirled by them.

Then another.

And another.

”SHIT!” Lisa shouted over the beats of the spider’s wings as she quickly flew from left to right.

"Oh fuck," Saskia intoned, leaning over the spider. It was difficult with the constant movement back and forth, but she held out her hand and let off a series of blood bullets. She made them smaller than normal, so they could be shot faster and with more piercing power. Hopefully. ”Can you go any faster?"

”... I’m going fast as I can here!” Lisa shouted over the spider’s wings. Though, she made a hard right towards a fractured skyscraper. She went, at full speed, towards a window and shouted, HOLD ON TIGHT! She activated the exoskeleton.

Saskia didn’t say anything - because Lisa was already doing something crazy, no stopping it. They covered themselves in blood armour and held onto the spider as tightly as they could and leaned forward, getting as low as they could. Lisa did not, and they crashed through the window. It was already somewhat broken, so the shards didn’t slash them to pieces. Lisa awkwardly laughed as she pulled a shard of glass out of her chest.

Then she pointed at the window on the other side.

”... Do the honors?”

"I'm not Ella," Saskia retorted. But they pulled the blood from their armour to form a blood tendril, which shot forward to smash through the window, flailing about to clear a big enough section for them to get through. They grimaced slightly as they let the tip turn back into liquid, blood splashing on the floor the glass shards embedded in it. "Let's go."

The spider took flight and carried them through the broken window back into the chaotic skyline of the St. Portwell ruins. Distantly, they could hear the Autoknights marching despite the sound of the flying spider being so overpowering… Lisa’s eyes scanned the environment below; there had to be-

A musket round rang out from below.

Lisa’s head whipped below to see a squad of Autoknights pinning two people down with musket fire. Lisa turned towards Saskia and shouted over the beats of the Spider’s wings, ”... WHAT SHOULD WE DO?!

Saskia leaned over the spider, gripping tightly with their legs as they got into a precarious position horizontal to it. Their eyes narrowed, looking at the two people. Two… but, there was a hint of pink. Maybe it was just her imagination. Wishful thinking.

They gestured to the Autoknights, in a circle around them. "BLOOD RAIN!"

With a nod of her head, Lisa summoned the blood filled spiders in the sky. Saskia pulled themselves back up to not be hanging off the spider, filling the pulsating sacks of blood with more and more, until they exploded in a grotesque downpour over the Autoknights. Many of them were dissolved by the rain, others were disabled.

One of the people that were pinned down ran up, waving their hands. ”Hey over here!” She shouted, ”... There’s more coming!”

"SASKIA, LISA!" The other person shouted, practically jumping up and down, waving her hands.

Saskia narrowed their eyes. Certainly sounded like Ella. Looked how she would from this high up, probably. Could be an illusion, but… "As much as I want to leave her to die for disappearing, let's go pick them up."

”... The fuck?!” Lisa snorted. ”She’s our air-headed and big-bootied homie! We can’t leave her under any circumstance!” Lisa laughed, commanding the spider to land right by the two. Lisa stared at Yoko for a few moments.

”... Yoko?”

”Yes! It’s me!” Yoko shouted as she climbed onto the back of the spider. ”We have no time for the niceties! Let’s go!”

As soon as Ella was on the spider, it took flight, and they left behind the ruins of St. Portwell…

As Lisa, Saskia, and the others escaped the ruins of St. Portwell, they encountered a new landscape—decrepit farmland stretching endlessly into the horizon. The air was thick with decay, carrying the scent of rotting crops and stagnant water. Twisted, leafless trees dotted the landscape, and the fields, once fertile, were now barren and overrun with grotesque, mutant plants that oozed a sickly, luminous glow in the dim light. The fields were littered with the skeletons of various farm animals… Rusting farming equipment lay abandoned, half-buried in the muck, with vines wrapped tightly around their decaying frames. The old farmhouses, barely standing, were twisted by time, their windows shattered, and roofs collapsed.

Rain began falling, and the spider landed in the one Barnhouse (that had faded red paint) that looked stable enough to stand in. Yoko was the first off the spider, as she pulled out a sword and examined it for a moment before she said,
”... It’s clear.”

”How do you know?” Lisa asked.

”The blade shines if there’s a monster nearby,” Yoko said, and Lisa nodded as she pushed the doors open. The interior of a relic of better days, the air inside was damp and musty, and cobwebs draped every corner. Old farming tools hung on the walls, rusted beyond use, and a few scattered bales of hay, long since decomposed, sat in piles on the ground. The silence inside was heavy, broken only by the occasional water drip from the roof onto the floor.

Lisa sighed in relief as the spider shrunk back to standard size and disappeared into the darkness of this place. She took a few steps inside, only to be met with the blue blade Yoko wielded that dripped water. She raised her hands.

”Excuse me for being paranoid,” Yoko said. ”But I need to confirm something before we go any further.”

Lisa nodded her head, ”... Shoot.”

”Turner and Otten, I presume?” Yoko turned towards Lisa and Saskia, respectively, before addressing the group. ”All three of you were killed in the Old Coven.”

Yoko paused, her eyes scanning every moment of the group, ”... I need you three to prove it. As much as I want to believe it, I’m unsure if you three are who you say you are or if you’re simply a mockery created by the Mother Will.”

Yoko sighed.

”... Tell me something only the three of you would know.”

Saskia frowned. Something that only they'd know… "We came up with our spider mech after a night of fighting the Snake, and then Ella forced us to watch some weird mech anime instead of sleeping… We were tired enough it seemed like an amazing idea, and it somehow worked."

"It was an amazing idea!" Ella shouted.

Yoko facepalmed.

”… You know what? That sounds about right.”

"Because it is right!" Ella said, with a grin. "And this couldn't be faked! It's a real Sailor Moon wand replica, they aren't easy to find."

She pulled out her Channeler, waving it in front of Yoko's face, while Saskia rolled their eyes.

”I… I can’t believe it,” Yoko said, as the sword retracted into the hilt. ”You three are back! Wilson will be ecstatic!”

Saskia frowned slightly, looking at Lisa, then Ella. Ella looked back, eyes already filling up with tears.

"Kari's dead." Saskia intoned.

Yoko stared at Saskia for a moment.

”… Bullshit,” Yoko hissed. ”How?”

"Something's killing old coven members," Saskia explained, frowning. "Kari, Elsa, Ripley, Jade, Kura… Clementine and Vanessa told us."

"We didn't even get to see Kari again! We didn't get to say goodbye!" Ella wailed.

”How long have I been down here…?” Yoko asked no one in particular before she shook her head. ”But bullshit! Wilson kept her head on a swivel because of people like Richoux and Inoue.”

Yoko paused momentarily before she said, ”... Actually, let’s focus on this, then worry about the surface world.” Yoko sighed as she turned towards Ella. ”... You said you know why you’re back.”

Yoko narrowed her eyes at Ella.

”... Why are you back? And why the hell are you here of all places!?”

"Well, we don't know why we're back, completely! Someone asked a favour of the hound so he brought us back to do two things for him! First we had to kill this evil bastard called Morningstar! Now we need to find the All-Blade for him! Then we'll be free!"

"We're his Agents of Death," Saskia added.

”… Brooks, do you know what the All-Blade is being used to do?” Yoko asked.

"Pin a massive monster!" Ella said all too cheerfully.

Yoko facepalmed.

”Brooks… its being used to pin the Rampage,” Yoko began, narrowing her eyes. ”It’s strong as the Stygian Snake; if you pull the sword from its place, it’ll get free and escape!”

"Well what are we supposed to do, just die?!" Ella said, throwing her hands up.

"We can just kill it," Saskia shrugged.

Yoko facepalmed again.

”... It’s an Apparition, you can’t just kill it, Yoko began before her jaw dropped as if an imaginary bulb (or brain cell) just went off in her head. ”... But, you can seal it.” She grabbed her chin and stared into the nothingness.

”... I knew learning that spell was worth it!”

"What spell?" Ella asked, tilting her head.

Saskia shrugged. "We could just do what we did with Morningstar - beat him into submission and seal him into my drawing."

”I hate to dismiss your capabilities, Otten,” Yoko sighed, ”But you three are no match for the Rampage. If he doesn't just tear open a portal out of here the moment you remove the blade, he will flatten you three.”

Yoko shook her head, ”However, I learned a spell my ancestors created - an Orange-Lux boosted sealing ritual known as Eternal Binding.”

”That would have been soooooooooooo helpful ten years ago!” Lisa quipped.

"Right, why didn’t you or Goro learn it ten years ago?" Saskia asked.

”I cannot speak for my brother, but ten years ago, I wanted nothing to do with magic,” Yoko rolled her eyes. ”But, the past cannot be changed, what we can change is the future...”

”Actually, just a random question because I was wondering!” Lisa said as she raised her hand up into the air. Why are you here, Yoko?”

Yoko sighed.
”It’s a long story… Goro, fell into the Pit. I’m here to save him,” Yoko concisely said.

"Oh no! That’s- that’s awful!" Ella’s eyes widened, lip trembling slightly. She stepped forward and pulled Yoko into a tight, bone crushing hug. "I’m sure he’s fine! Goro was one of the strongest!"

Lisa grabbed both sides of her face.

”... And the hottest!”

"And even he can’t get out himself," Saskia said, a lot more depressingly.

””One, Turner; control your ovaries, Yoko said, raising a finger. ”And two…” Yoko dramatically said as she walked towards the door and sighed as she looked over her shoulder.

”... I have a plan; it’s a dangerous plan, but danger is inherent to everything here,” Yoko said with a sigh. ”Now, I didn’t come down here empty-handed, as you can tell…” Yoko gestured at the Yokai Killer in her hands.

”... I came down here with several artifacts created by a collaboration between my brother and Wilson: Kari and Goro’s Wayfinders.”

”Oooooooooh…” Lisa said. ”... What are they?”

”They are two separate artifacts intended to find the people you care about, and the Hatanaka Artifacts. They are capable of navigating the different dimensions - however, they do not work down here,” Yoko explained. ”But here is the issue: I was ambushed by the Autoknights and dropped them, and they took them into the Kingdom. Which is where I was heading. My plan is simple: we go to the Kingdom, retrieve the Wayfinders, and then...”

Lisa tilted her head.

”... And then?”

”... We head to the Forge, where the Autoknights are created. There is a section inside in the Forge known as the Artifact Refinement Area… This can upgrade artifacts by removing limits and improving capabilities. I believe that, after the upgrade, the Wayfinders should not only function as intended down here, but be capable of finding the All-Blade AND my brother.”

Yoko closed her eyes before she opened them.

”... It’s not going to be easy, though,” Yoko began. ”There are going to be hundreds if not THOUSANDS of Autoknights in the Kingdom and Forge respectively… I know they are big, slow, and stupid, but they are also armed to the teeth and very difficult to destroy. If you three have been having issues against them, I suggest we develop countermeasures.”

Yoko sighed.

”.. While finding my brother is imperative, we cannot rush in blindly. The Autoknights are not like the Stygian Snake’s minions at all. We will need a strategy against them, or we might as well just kill ourselves here and now.” Yoko sharply exhaled.

”... Like what countermeasures’ can we make?” Lisa shrugged. ”The only thing that was effective against them was me and Saskia’s joint-cast, but we can’t spam it like that.”

”Turner…” Yoko rolled her eyes. ”You are thinking small. We are Adepts. We adapt and overcome.”

"We need to make spells that can beat hunks of metal," Saskia said, tilting their head. "Rather than flesh… but killing robots isn't so fun."

"Do you think I could melt them?!" Ella asked, creating a ball of fire in her hand.

”If that’s what it takes, yes,” Yoko paused. ”I did extensive research on the Autoknights, and they do not possess an Abstraction. Thus, they do not have an Emotional-Field.” Yoko shook her head.

”... And when did you learn to do that? Yoko tilted her head.

"Like… a week ago? Dunno how long we've been down here," Ella shrugged, grinning. "I was taught it by this really fabulous lady called Lupe we met when fighting Morningstar! She was so cool!"

"Great at kissing too," Saskia added.

Yoko facepalmed, before she continued,

”… After we leave the Forge, we find the All-Blade, and then we seal the Rampage into the All-Blade using the Hatanaka Eternal Binding spell,” Yoko then turned to Ella. ”If I recall correctly, you have Orange Lux in addition to Green and Red, yes?”

"I do!" Ella posed with a peace sign as she answered.

”Hmmm… In the event I die or we get separated, I will teach you the spell so you can do it yourself if necessary,” Yoko sighed. ”It won’t be as effective as if I did it, but if the Rampage is still weak enough, you should be able to pull it off.”

”What if both of you die? Or we get separated from both of you?” Lisa asked, tilting her head.

”I hate to say it, but you will have to figure something out,” Yoko said with a sigh. ”But, you should not, under any circumstance, release the Rampage. The Pit is full of artifacts and treasures; there has to be something you can use down here.”

Yoko turned towards Ella, ”If there is nothing else to discuss, I will teach you Eternal Binding at once, including valuable spells such as the Hatanaka Focus, Block, and Parry spells.”

"Alright! So long as I can make them magical girly!" Ella grinned.

Yoko rolled her eyes, then turned towards Saskia and Lisa, ”... You two should also develop some spell against the Autoknights that doesn’t require a Joint-Cast.”

"Sure…" Saskia nodded. Spells that would work against the Autoknights that didn't require a Joint-Cast… there was something. They looked at Lisa. "Any ideas?"

Lisa looked at Yoko, then at Saskia, then back at the ground, before facing Saskia and said,

”... Actually yeah,” Lisa began. ”I was thinking of something, you know how my Acid-spell works with my spiders?”


”I was thinking of a version of that… but what about instead of spraying acid everywhere, it sprays like this… gunk everywhere - like it does with the acid! But, unlike the acid, when it comes in contact with metal it expands, then hardens! Which should be enough to clog them up and make them useless!”

"Ooo," Saskia smiled slightly, nodding. It was a good idea… metal specific, would completely fuck up the auto-knights. "I like it. Maybe I should try something similar with my blood… or make bones sharp enough to pierce metal? If that's possible."

Lisa opened her mouth to answer, but Yoko beat her to it.

”… Infinite possibilities, Otten,”

"Right," Saskia replied… before leaning in close to Lisa, whispering in her ear. "Was she always this annoying?"

”I mean, she is friends with Ella…” Lisa shrugged before laughing like a lil’ goblin and wrapping her arm around Saskia’s waist. Then whispered in their ear, ”... Tell her these nuts are a possibility.”

Saskia hit Lisa with an emotionless stare. Then, they turned that stare back to Yoko, speaking in a complete monotone. No emotion, no change in expression. "These nuts are a possibility, Hatanaka."

"What does that even mean?!" Ella shouted.

Lisa broke out laughing, falling over and holding her stomach. Yoko just stared at Saskia.

A smile crept across her face slowly.

”... I bet they are, Otten, Yoko chuckled. ”If Wilson were here, she’d say they’re not a possibility but an inevitability.

"With three green lux users, she’d be right," Saskia said, lips twitching up into a slight smile. "She’d also be giving us that tired, judgmental look of hers."

"Oh, the really cute one!" Ella grinned.

Lisa hopped to her feet, still smiling like a fool as she said, ”They are an inevitability, alright! What if we grew dicks and wave ‘im at the robots like-!” Lisa started violently gyrating her hips.

”They’re gonna be all ‘Does not compute!’”

"NOOO, I don’t want to!" Ella screamed, covering her eyes.

Saskia snorted as they watched Lisa. It was so stupid, but it was also… stupidly nice. Lisa enjoying herself, Ella getting traumatised… "It would probably work just as well as Ella’s tiddy flash has. Would be an easy spell to learn too. It’s just like growing some more flesh, I could probably do it right now."

Lisa, still laughing, said, ”Do it! I bet you won’t!”

Saskia looked around their surroundings, then back at Lisa. "I’m not stripping here. Who knows what kinds of diseases I’ll get. But… I don’t need to grow it there."

They rolled up their sweater sleeved, holding out their pale arm. They stared at it, brow furrowing in concentration. It was just like the muscle wings, but smaller, and a specific shape. Their skin peeled back, blood trickling out a round gaping hole as some kind of flesh started to push out of their arm. The pain was secondary to their need to not back down.

Eventually, they were done, and there it was. A dick and balls on Saskia’s arms… a grotesque dick and balls made out of muscle, like it had been flayed. Saskia looked at Lisa, with an evil smile. "Easy."

Lisa fell over laughing.

Yoko turned and walked away, dropping the Yokai Killer before she outright broke out laughing. She keeled over laughing, holding her stomach. She was spouting out all kinds of words in Japanese, before she wiped a tear away.

”Oh my word!” Yoko began. ”If I ever needed any more confi-”

Their “discussion” was interrupted by a voice appearing in their minds, it was static-y and distorted. Hard to decipher.


”... Huh?

”... You hear that, too?!” Yoko turned to Lisa.

...⸮...king around...CUS!?

Yoko quickly ran to the Yokai Killer and picked it up, raising it into the air, ”... Is this one of the Mother Will’s tricks?!”


"Maybe it's a ghost?!" Ella wailed, slapping her hands against her cheeks and looking around with wide eyes.

Saskia shrugged, pulling the gross muscle dick back into their arm, grimacing at the wound it left. "Strange trick, I think it’s telling us to focus. And it’s right. Let’s focus… on you two learning how to do that. I’m sure it’ll be easy for you, Lisa."

”I bet I can do it like with spiders!” Lisa excitedly said. ”Like they weave a penis out of human flesh like they make-”

?...?...?... JESUS! CHRIST!

Lisa tilted her head.

... you…danger…?...?

Yoko turned towards Lisa and the others.

...FOCUS…?… on…?

The voice kept speaking to them, except in hard to discern.

...?... TRYING to…?...?

”Trying to what?” Lisa asked, scratching the side of your head.

?... STAY---

The voice cut off for a moment before it came back.


Then it was gone.

"Well, that was strange," Saskia shrugged, not thinking too hard about it. What else were they doing? Their whole focus was on staying alive… this was just morale boosting.


”Yes! We are focusing now!” Yoko shouted, ”Are you happy?!”

The voice came back for just a second…

... Love you… though.

Then it was gone again.
Lisa shrugged, and Yoko walked over.

”... I guess a higher power is giving us a sign to get to work,” Yoko said with a sigh, before she turned to Ella. ”Brooks! Are you ready to become a Hatanaka Disciple?

"I was born ready!" Ella shouted, slamming her hands on her fists. "I didn’t get to visit Japan to prepare but I’ve watched more than enough anime!"

Yoko dramatically sheathed the Yokai Killer, as it retracted back into its hilt. ”Trust me, Brooks. We will all be able to visit Japan when we get out of here,” Yoko nodded her head. ”I will show you all the fantastic sights my home country has to offer!”

She paused, narrowing her eyes at Ella, ”... That aren’t anime.

"Really?! You promise?" Ella said, jumping up and down like a small child told she could have some candy.

"I’d quite like to visit too… That would be nice, when we get out," Saskia said with a slight smile, looking at the other three. "We’ve missed a lot."

Yoko smiled.

”... You have my word, Brooks.
Alizée, who was busy smoking a one-hooter beside Todd, raised her hand up, waving it slightly in a care-free manner.

I'm glad Alizee popped back in for a moment to get zooted.

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