Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 11034 (2.81 / day)
  • VMs: 42
  • Username history
    1. Shin Ghost Note 5 mos ago
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    11. ██████████ 11 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

1 day ago
Current You have to live every day as if you've dropped your pants and told the whole world to suck your dick.
1 day ago
so are these nuts
21 days ago
"We have got to try and find DOOM!" "Good luck!"
1 like
1 mo ago
just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
3 mos ago
Sex and love, sex and love...


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts


| The Maelstrom of Cruelty and Despair |

"The Abyss answers..."

| The origins of the Tubular Bells is a mystery. Some say a cabal of Necromancers created it, while others believe a belief spawned it. |

| Cursed Instrument. |

| Like many similar artifacts, the Tubular Bells were cast into The Pit, where they can no longer hurt anyone (important). |

| TBD |

| No. |
The Tubular Bells is an artifact of grotesque horror; when struck, the bells produce a sound that transcends mere auditory experience. This sound is heard and felt, a physical assault on the senses that tears through the sanity of those listening.

Upon hearing the bell’s toll, the victim is subjected to a transformation of unparalleled cruelty. The process is a slow, agonizing ordeal where the victim’s flesh, bones, and soul are twisted and warped into a grotesque parody of their former self. The transformation is not a mere change but a horrific metamorphosis that molds the individual into a nightmarish creature, embodying their deepest fears and most terrible sins. These monsters are far from mere beasts, embodying pure terror and depravity.

The transformed beings do not retain any semblance of their former sanity. The process obliterates their previous identity, leaving them as mindless horrors driven solely by primal rage and a consuming, insatiable hunger. Once transformed, these monsters become instruments of chaos and despair. They wreak havoc upon their surroundings, driven by an instinctive drive to cause suffering and destruction. Their actions are not guided by any rational thought but by a ceaseless, primal need to spread pain and chaos.

Interactions: 'Alizee' Vul (@Estylwen), Sloane (@Atrophy), & Amara (@Blizz).
The House on the Hill.

“...Deal. I'll stop searching.”

Britney smiled. Hopeful that this can work. She opened her mouth, getting ready to mouth the words: If she does anything, put it on me...

... Where is he? Where have they sealed him?”
... Only for that smile to turn flat. Her jaw dropped as it took only ten seconds for this idiot to turn around on her word. Britney facepalmed, her hand loudly slapping. Not only did Alizee break her word instantly, but she also made Britney look very bad.

Well, that's on her. Britney thought to herself as she thought of the perfect way to seal Alizee... she focused on the ground underneath Alizee and created roots and vines in the shape of her preferred sealing symbol. Of course, only onlookers should be able to notice, and long as nobody blows their load or says anything stupid-
“A bunch of idiots! There you fucking have it! We gave her her fucking undeserved moment, Jasper! And she blew it, so stop projecting your guilt on us. Come on, Britney. Do it.”


”Seal her. Do it.”


Britney shouted at Sloane and Amara - not even turning her head to look at them as she had to focus on the sealing symbol. For real, are they trying to make Alizee run away? Or take a fucking hostage? Their stupidity drove her up the wall.

“Please, don't do this. Listen, the Temple is filled with people, isn't it? Can't Layla report to you if I even dare to show up? I swear, I won't pursue the Void, and I won't step foot in the Temple. I won't have a way to see him. I'm not a threat to you! I'm sorry I asked; I shouldn't have asked. But now my search is over! I know where he is, now I can give up and move on. Please, please, don't resign me to a fate worse than death! Please don't give up on me! We were friends once, weren't we?!”

Thankfully, Alizee didn't just cut and run (or kidnap Layla. Or tear her head off in front of them) like Britney expected. She chose to plead and beg... but Britney gave her that chance, and she shits right in her face! So, fuck that. Britney kept making the sealing symbol out of rots and vines, until it became a more coherent shape.


"If anyone dares lay a finger upon this Soul, or the Body meant for her; I will be their retribution."

”... The Body?” Britney tilted her head at Leon. ”The fuck?!”

Luca and Clancy had an issue with it, but it seemed that Layla also wanted to be adjoined to Alizee. Or at least that's how Britney interpreted it: she had thoroughly checked out and gave up.

”... You know what? Do whatever the hell you want with them,” Britney rolled her eyes, dismissively waving her hand at Leon. I'm done.

Britney found herself a seat next to Greyson... getting ready to pack her shit up and leave. She expected nothing to get done, but this was ridiculous! It appeared that not only Britney was getting sick of their shit, but the Greenwood leader...

Ruby White.

With the Greenwood Coven doing stuff.
Interactions: Sloane (@Atrophy), Anya (@FernStone), Lila ([NoriWasHere]), Layla (@Estylwen) and The Entire Coven.
Outside the House on the Hill.

Someone Who Seriously Needs To Get Laid

Ruby looked on, clutching that tree branch tightly.

"... You call this high?" Ruby asked Sloane with a playful smirk. "Keep talking, and I'll have to upgrade to something harder." She rolled her eyes as she turned away from Sloane.

This whole meeting, despite starting so good, went to shit in the blink of an eye. All it took was one idiot to open their mouths, and it went utterly left. Auri didn't do anything to control them - Auri wasn't here there! She had left with two of them, which didn't help Ruby's opinion of the Coven. They were uncontrollable, chaotic, and she was honestly getting sick of their shit. One of them tried to play damage control, but Ruby saw that, from her emotional state, she was only trying to play damage control, and it was coming from a place of selfishness.

”Ruby, I’m so sorry about this. Nobody means any harm, or to cause you and your coven any offence. Tempers are high with the killer around… I hope you can understand that?”

"I do understand that, but..." Ruby rolled her eyes as she slowly walked back onto the stage. She walked up and got a good look at everyone's emotional states. Tensions were high, but the issue was far from where tensions were high. There was a straightforward issue; from the looks of the rest of the Greenwood Coven, they felt the same way. "... You know, I'm willing to look past her immediately trying to instigate the second we walked in after eavesdropping on us. No hello or nothing."

Ruby glanced at Lila, making it clear that she was talking about her. Of course, Ruby knew that she didn't mean any harm from it, but it was still a valid point nonetheless. Then she pointed towards Layla.

"And I'm willing to overlook the gold medalist in mental gymnastics over there blaming my girl for that idiot getting herself killed in the situation she and her little Casper CREATED..." Ruby spoke bluntly and didn't care if she tanked the alliance herself. Because, so far, she wasn't impressed with the Sycamore Tree "Coven" and couldn't depend on them at all. If anyone here got offended, Ruby would not hesitate to leave outright.

"But, I just can't look past how dysfunctional, chaotic, disorganized-" And wholly incompetent. Ruby resisted the urge to tack on the last point out of tact. "... you all are. Some of you seem like outright liabilities." Briefly, Ruby glanced at Amara and Linqian but kept her mouth shut. What she did do was tap her staff on the ground as she continued,

"Like, how are we supposed to make any plans with all of you screaming at each other and having outright mental breakdowns? How are we supposed to get anything done in this kind of environment?" Ruby sighed before she added on. "Or how are we supposed to depend on you when we put those plans into action? Or God forbid when shit hits the fan?"

Ruby let the words hang in the air, feeling the tension ripple through the crowd. The faces before her were a mixture of resentment, embarrassment, and barely restrained anger. Ruby didn't care. Not. One. Bit. If this alliance was going to work, it needed a reality check, and she wasn't about to mince words.

"Look," Ruby continued, putting a hand on her chest. "I'm not saying the Greenwood Coven is perfect by any means. God knows we have our issues. But we come together. We make it work. We find a way to get shit done because we have to. We don’t have the luxury of falling apart."

Ruby scanned the crowd, focusing on those who had been vocal earlier, before she continued, "I had high hopes for all of this from yesterday, but right now, I'm seriously having second thoughts."

Taking a deep breath, Ruby finally tried to salvage what was left of this disastrous meeting. "If you want this alliance to mean anything: start acting like it. Get your shit together, or we're out. We're trying to make a difference: we don’t have time to babysit nobody."

Ruby narrowed her eyes at them, knowing that this would piss some of them off. Again, she was done with it. She could hear the various members of the Greenwood Coven whispering to each other as she scrambled to grab the untouched pizza and food.

They see the writing on the wall.

Ella’s first reaction upon waking up was to search for Lisa and Saskia… they weren’t in the bed with her. But this wasn’t the bed she’d fallen asleep in. It was her bed in her old room, with a massive sailor moon cloth poster behind her and all sorts of anime merchandise on display. Had the Mother Will teleported her?

This meant she had to push forward. Ella hopped up, forcing herself to ignore all the merchandise she’d missed, and pushed her door open.

When Ella opened the door… she saw a strange sight. Those robots plaguing her and the other “magical girls” earlier were lined up on both sides of the street. They stood in a peculiar formation, holding shields and spears, completely immobile. Forming a path for her to follow.

What? Ella’s eyes widened, confused, but started to walk down the path they’d made.

As Ella walked down the pathway that the robots created, strangely enough leading from Ella’s house to downtown St. Portwell, it was strangely peaceful as Ella walked through the ruined and decayed city. There were no monsters, no screaming, nothing. Just the red sky to accompany her as she went on her journey. However, approaching her from the other end was her target…

Kaida Takamura.

The Mother Will appeared, leaning over Ella’s shoulder as she whispered in her ear…

“There she is…” The Mother Will began, “... Kill her.

"YOU!" Ella stopped, slamming one hand onto her hip and dramatically pointing at Kaida Takamura.

"Your evil plan ends here! I won’t let you go any further! You’ll not hurt my friends."

Ella lifted one leg off the ground, magical light covering her as she spun dramatically. Her clothes transformed into a leotard and skirt, hair lengthening and gaining purple tips, and a tiara formed on her head. She dramatically posed at the end, Sailor Moon wand pointed towards Kaida Takamura and flashing a peace sign (ironically) in front of her eyes.

"I am the light in the darkness, and I’ll vanquish you, as is my duty as Magical Girl Aurora!"

Then, she shot a bolt of lightning at Kaida… who stood there in a defensive position. The woman didn’t so much as flinch. She reached into her hip pouch and pulled out what seemed to be the hilt of a sword. In the blink of an eye, a majestic blue sword deployed from the hilt. The samurai held the blade with two hands, as she shouted from underneath her mask,

“... Stay the hell away from me!” Kaida shouted.

"Not until you’re dead!" Ella shouted back. Rainbow light coated her legs and she jumped forward towards Kaida, bringing her leg up in a sweeping kick. Kaida raised their sword, seemingly to parry it, but mistimed it and took the kick. She rolled backwards onto her feet, and hissed from underneath her mask,

“... Fine! We’ll do it your way!”

Raindrops began pouring down on the two as Kaida took a defensive position. Holding the sword in front of her… She took a deep breath, and breathed in a particular manner.

Ella didn’t wait for her to finish whatever strange breathing she was doing, hands coming up in front of her to blast Kaida with a strong burst of freezing snow, following it with another kick. In a burst of surprising speed, Kaida dove to the side, then, in a spin, swung the sword upwards at Ella.

Ella jumped back, narrowly avoiding getting hit. She pulled colours from the bright bracelets along her arms and into her hands, imbuing them. She twisted to the side, bringing her enhanced fist down towards Kaida. Kaida dodged the blow with a twirl before returning with a wide-arc swing of her sword. Ella pulled her arm back, blocking the sword with the bright purple at her wrist, shoving it back to try and throw Kaida off balance while punching with the other hand. Knocking Kaida onto her back, she quickly hopped back onto her feet with a flip - she took a step back, until she stopped when she hit one of those robots.

The rain intensified as Kaida took a defensive position.

“... Leave me the hell alone!” Kaida shouted. “I don’t have time for this!”

"I don’t either, so just die!" Ella shouted back, launching herself at Kaida with a strong high kick. "I’m not going to let you cause this."

Kaida disappeared in a burst of speed; the only thing that signaled that she hadn’t just teleported was the air being disturbed. In the blink of an eye, she was on the other side of the robot… however, its leg was sliced off at such an angle that it would land on Ella. Kaida stood there.

Ella jumped to the side, shoulder hitting the ground as she rolled and hopped back up. She grabbed the Ice Sceptre, pulling it out and shooting a freezing beam at Kaida’s legs. Kaida took a defensive position as it hit her in the legs… she hissed from underneath her helmet as she began twirling her sword. The raindrops danced along the tip of that blue blade, and Kaida swung it at Ella - sending a wave of rainwater at Ella.

Ella jumped to the side, the rainwater slapping her shoulder. She grunted, thrown back a bit, but shot another beam of ice at Kaida. However, Kaida spun her sword above her head and molded the rainwater to create a watery barrier that took the freezing power instead of her.

"That’s cheating!" Ella shouted as she threw a fireball at the frozen barrier, before running forward, attempting to get close enough to punch Kaida again. Kaida blocked the punch with her sword, and didn’t so much as flinch as fist met steel.

... Who the hell are you?! And why are you mocking my friend!? Kaida shouted. Is this funny to you, Mother Will? Is this how you get off?!

The Mother Will watched from the rooftops.

Kaida laughed.

Is this funny to you, Mother Will? Is this how you get off?!

"I’m not mocking anyone!" Ella was confused, but even confused, she brought her knee up and under the sword blocking her fist. "I’m Elle Rene Brooks- better known as Magical Girl Aurora! I’m here to stop all your evil plans!"

The other attack only slid Kaida back, as she said… in a somber tone.

... Bullshit Kaida shouted; Kaida came from the side and swung the sword at Ella’s torso. ... Shes dead!

"I was but then I came back- wait, how do you know I was dead?!" Ella paused, arms coming up in front of her to block the sword. It hurt like hell, but it was better than taking it torso! "Only Sycamore members know that!"

Kaida took a step back, and the helmet she was wearing retracted, unfolding plate by plate as it reached the back of her head.

Revealing she was Yoko Hatanaka.

Ella shouted, dropping her arms. But… that didn’t make sense. Why would she want to free the Stygian Snake? Or had… The Mother Will lied? That would make more sense. Unless this wasn’t actually Yoko. This was too much.

"What are you doing here?! You didn’t die too, did you?"

”... I should be asking you the first question,” Yoko said with a roll of her eyes. ”But, no, I didn’t die here.”

"Oh thank Sailor Moon," Ella wiped a bit of sweat from her brow… before tilting her head. "... you’re not planning to kill Lisa and Saskia, are you?! Because I’ll still have to kill you if you are!"

”I have no intention- wait, did the Mother Will tell you that?” Yoko asked in a hushed tone. ”Ella, do not listen to the Mother Will. She is a liar and a manipulator.”

Ella nodded. That… made sense. The Mother Will had said a bunch of stuff about this being their home, which was clearly wrong, because there was no anime here. "I didn’t know it was you. She said your name was Kaida something- wait, shit, Saskia and Lisa are going to be so worried!"

The rain halted. The sword Yoko wielded retracted into its hilt as Yoko put it into her hip pouch. She pulled out another blade that glowed brightly with a blue light.

”... We need to worry about ourselves!” Yoko began, ”We’re surrounded by Autoknights!”

"Oh yeah, the Robots!" Ella looked around herself, eyes widening at the sheer amount of them. Whoops, maybe she shouldn’t have asked the Mother Will to take her here!

Wielding the Ice Scepter, she shot a freezing beam around her at the Autoknights’ legs. The sword Yoko wielded extended, and she swung it at them. This slash caused them to rust, erode, and fall to pieces. However, there were still dozens of them, and they raised their shields as they turned towards Ella and Yoko… quickly forming a circle around them as they had their spears ready.

They slowly moved inwards.

"How do we kill them?!" Ella asked Yoko… because she clearly had something that worked! But Ella didn’t. She resorted to kicking them as hard as she could, hoping to make a dent in their shields.

Yoko was silent for a moment.

"... With Radiant Annihilation."

"... What’s that one again?!” Ella asked, racking her brain for… whatever that was. Something they did together - but she didn’t really remember what she could do with people outside of the other magical girls! "The light explosion?!"

Yoko facepalmed.

”They’re getting close!” Yoko shouted. ... You better start remembering!

The glowing sword Yoko held retracted until it was just a hilt, and Yoko slid it into her hip pouch before putting her hands together. She created a glowing sphere of yellow light in her hands… Ella took a deep breath, and put her hands over Yoko. She channeled as much energy as she could into the sphere, adding a shifting rainbow of colours among the yellow as it got brighter and brighter. Her face scrunched up with exertion as they reached the final phase, and she used a last bit of strength to help launch the sphere upwards. Yoko inhaled sharply.

They pushed it into the air.

It floated up into the air as it grew larger and larger and expanded… pushing outwards into a powerful blast of unprecedented power and force, and it consumed all of the Autoknights. As the name implies, the blast annihilated the surrounding area, including Autoknights. The blast was incredibly bright and could be seen from all over the surrounding area… and then faded.

The Autoknights were all destroyed.

Yoko sighed, falling onto her back.

”... A hell of a reunion, huh?” Yoko asked.

"Yeah… Sorry I tried to kill you!" Ella said, grinning brightly at Yoko as she also collapsed to the ground. She was exhausted! "And I thought a reunion in jail was intense!"

”It wasn’t your fault,” Yoko said. ”The Mother Will tricked you…”

Yoko sighed.

”... We need to get up, and get out of here. There is no a blast that intense would have gone unnoticed.”

"Ugh, this place sucks!" Ella groaned, pushing herself back up to her feet. She looked around, trying to figure out where she’d been before… but she’d been teleported, there was no way to know. "We also need to find Lisa and Saskia! I bet they’re super worried…"

Yoko also climbed to her feet, dug into her hip pouch, and pulled out that peculiar katana… she looked at it, which glowed a faint blue color. However, it steadily grew brighter and brighter….

”Hold on…” Yoko closed her eyes and held ultimately still for a few moments. However, she pointed in a seemingly random direction, saying, ”... A unit of Autoknights are coming from that direction.”

Then pointed in another random direction.

”... And some beast is approaching from that one.”

Yoko turned towards Ella as she pointed in the opposite direction of those two. ”... You want to find your friends, but right now, we need to worry about ourselves and get out of here.”

Then she quietly sighed.

”... Then we can figure out why you’re back. Here of all places.”

Ella nodded, putting the Ice Scepter back in its holster before beginning to walk in the direction Yoko had pointed. "Oh, I already know why I’m back! Well, why I’m here! We gotta find the All-Blade for the Hound!"

”But-” Yoko stopped herself, before she continued.

... Let’s just get out of here!

Yoko took off into a sprint with Ella behind her.
where do i submit charachters?

Right here!

”... Where the fuck is Ella?!” Lisa shouted, waking Saskia up as she hopped to her feet. ”Ella! Ella! Where the fuck did you go!? This isn’t funny!”

Saskia was awake immediately, sitting bolt upright and looking behind her where Ella had definitely been when they all fell asleep. They hadn't felt her move either - though they'd gotten used to Ella's movements during the night, and getting kicked a few times. Had they been that tired?

"Ella? Ella!" Saskia jumped out of bed and joined Lisa in shouting. They ran out of the bedroom, checking the bathroom… then downstairs. Nothing. No sign of her. No telltale anime singing, no random shouting. Unless Ella had magically developed the ability to stay quiet. "Ella, if you're hiding, I'm going to torture you within an inch of your life."

Nothing. No response.

Fear clawed at Saskia's chest, their lips pulling down into a heavy frown even as the rest of their expression was minimal. Had she gone outside? But that was dangerous. Had something… gotten her somehow, while they were sleeping? All of Lisa's webs were still intact. It was just like… just like when they died. Grief and anger they'd never gotten the chance to work through, because then they'd died and Ella was there again, began to well up inside them.

"She's not inside," Saskia said, coming back to Lisa after checking the whole place. They were lightly sweating from running, and the underlying panic of it all. ”Shit… all your webs are still intact. She can't have left unless she learned to teleport. Fuck, maybe she snuck out, let's look outside."

”She’s not even a Purple!” Lisa snorted as the webs surrounding the front door began to dissolve. She ran outside and it was the same as she remembered. Nothing changed even in the slightest. ”... How long were we asleep? Fuck. There is no day-night cycle so we can’t even tell...” Lisa smooshed her cheeks up and wiped her face with her hands.

There was a faint rumbling in the distance, like from a motorcycle…

"I don't know, but I don't sleep heavily enough to sleep through Ella stomping around," Saskia frowned, pressing a hand to their forehead. Where the fuck was she? How had she just disappeared? She had to still be alive… somewhere.

She didn't want to leave, in case Ella came back, but how likely was that? If she hadn't walked out on her own two legs…

"Someone else teleported her," Saskia intoned. They furrowed their brow, gaze moving to where the sound was. Their nails dug into the unhealed wound on their hand, drawing enough blood for it to start coating their arm. "I don't know what the sound is, but maybe it's whatever kidnapped her."

They didn't even wait for Lisa's response to start heading in its direction.

”Wait, Saskia!” Lisa stuck her hand out. ”... At least let me make some Goddamn spiders!” Lisa shouted, as she did just that.

The rumbling got louder… as a cloud of dust smoke came their way. A massive, armored bus, alongside a gaggle of motorcycles. Each motorcyclist was clad in scraps of metal and other bits and pieces to act as armor; their faces were concealed by a cloth that was likely to protect against the elements. One of them noticed Saskia and pointed at them as the convoy changed direction to go towards them.

Saskia stopped, narrowing their eyes. They folded their arms and just stared at the bikers unflinchingly, blood crawling across her skin and covering her whole body. The group looked like they were right out of a Mad Max movie or some shit like that…

"Oy, you seen a girl with bright pink hair?" they shouted at the motorcyclists when they got close enough. Was it stupid? Yeah, they'd probably attack, but Saskia didn't really care. They'd just kill them all. And they'd kill anyone else in their path until they found Ella.

They circled Saskia, and their motorcycles came to a stop. They dismounted, wielding firearms and makeshift weapons.

“... No we haven’t,” One of them said.

“But don't worry,” Another began, “We’ll find her.”

“... Just come with us,”

Saskia raised an eyebrow. Oh, did they think she was just some stupid, young woman who’d jump at the offer of help? No. Reckless, irrational right now, but not a complete idiot. "You’ll just scare her off. But thanks."

Blood hardened around her, and with a sickening crunch muscular wings pushed through her back. The feeling of her flesh tearing was excruciating, but it felt like nothing compared to the pain of Ella being missing. Nothing. The blood from the wounds was pulled to their central back, blood tendril forming as their wings pushed through.

"Since you haven’t seen her, I have no use for you. Bye."

The blood tendril shot out for the throat of one of the first motorcyclist that had answered. It penetrated, and he gagged, coughing up blood.

“Get her!”

“You’re coming with us!”

They pulled out nets and tossed them at Saskia. They all bum-rushed them, coming at them from all angles. However, a giant Huntsmen spider came out of nowhere and grabbed the ones with nets. It injected digestive enzymes into his torso as he screamed in horror.

The buzzing of insect wings became overpowering.

”...Good grief!” Lisa shouted as she came flying on a spider’s back. It was a tetrablemmidae with wings, and she was crouched down on its abdomen. She looked annoyed, but she had a team of three other spiders.

“... What the hell?! Kill it!” One of the bandita said, aiming a machine gun at it and gunning it down.

"What a pain," Saskia intoned. Their wings fully pushed through, sharp tips ripping through the nets that had actually been thrown at them.

Her blood tendril swept out, knocking as many as they could off their feet, while more blood formed a thin whip from her fingers. She was starting to get a bit light headed now, but that didn't matter. She lashed the whip out towards the machine gun.

It knocked it away… And Lisa tackled Saskia, shouting, ”... Get down!” All five of the giant spiders exploded, spraying acid and razor-sharp chitin in all directions. Many of the raiders were dissolved, while others were horribly injured. Many just outright fled…

Lisa sighed, some acid getting on her.

”Saskia! What the hell was that?!”

Saskia shrugged, blood sizzling away on her legs where some of the acid had caught them. It hurt, and her head was spinning… but that lessened as she pulled the undamaged blood back into the open wound. "They might've had Ella. I planned to kill them either way."

They sat up, frowning, looking round expressionlessly. Hoping to catch sight of bright pink anywhere. Then, she looked over at Lisa, seeming to come back down a bit from the panic that had taken over.

"Shit. That was stupid, it was just like when she- fuck. When she died before." Saskia grimaced as she talked, paler than normal as she started to replenish the blood she'd lost when she pushed it too far moments ago. Blood armour and two weapons? She was surprised she hadn't passed out.

”I mean if they took Ella, they probably would have taken the rest of us!” Lisa shouted, throwing her hands into the air. ”You saw it! The web was undisturbed! How could they take Ella- but hold still!”

Lisa grabbed Saskia’s arm, and her healing spiders forced their way out of her pores. They climbed from Lisa’s arms onto Saskia’s and burrowed their way in. Lisa released Saskia, then said,

”Either way! That was reckless! What are you? Drake Blackmore?!”

Saskia sighed, lips pressing together. Lisa was right. She’d acted like the very person who’d gotten her killed. If it was just her? She wouldn’t care so much. But she didn’t want to put Lisa in danger too.

"You’re right. Ella’s not here… she’s probably not even nearby." Saskia stood back up after the healing-spiders had done their job. There was still a different air about her - like there was a detachment from the risk she’d put herself at, an extra unhingedness to normal. But it was reduced from when they woke up. "I’ll hold back. But we need to find her. Shit, how do we find her?"

Lisa raised a finger, opening her mouth…

“... Your friend has embarked on a mission of love! Of protection!” The Mother Will appeared in the blink of an eye, that smile on her face… “I warned her of a threat to your combined existence! And she told me to take her there!”

The Mother Will laughed, “... With passion like hers, I couldn’t help but oblige!

Saskia was immediately tense, light eyes narrowing into a glare at Mother Will. Their first instinct was to attack, but they knew that wouldn't do anything. Their lips pulled back, practically baring their teeth at the Mother Will. "Bring. Her. Back."
The Mother Will laughed.

“I refuse.” The Mother Will began. “She made this decision to protect you all. It is not my place to interrupt it, however...”

The Mother Will pointed in a seeming random direction. “She is combatting this threat in the ruins of St. Portwell. Well, one of them.” The Mother Will shrugged.

“By the time you get there, one would have killed the other.”

Saskia frowned, looking where she pointed. It looked like just any other direction. There was no way to know if it was right… but what else was there to go on? "Fine. Fuck off so we can go find her. C’mon, Lisa."

They turned around and started walking in the direction the Mother Will had pointed. Lisa shrugged and followed as the Mother Will sunk into the ground.
<Snipped quote by Shin Ghost Note>

I'm dead
rip Alizee x2

A sudden rainstorm awoke the three… it was strange that this place could rain at all. For once, they didn’t get attacked by monsters. The building was shaking, loudly creaking from the rainstorm…

Ella sat bolt upright, eyes wide as she turned her head towards the windows… not that she could look outside, because Lisa had completely boarded the place up with spider webs. She didn’t like the creaking. It was like the whole place could fall down at any time.

"Shit, that doesn’t sound like a normal storm," Saskia said as they jumped out of the bed.

"Maybe it’ll pass through?" Ella said hopefully, struggling to believe that would be the case even as she said it. She got up, before holding her head with a wail. "We didn’t bring any raincoats!"

”I mean,” Lisa shrugged. ”We don’t know how long it’ll last… we try and wait it out and…” Lisa trailed off.

”... Yeah, let’s just go.”

Ella nodded. Saskia held up a hand before either of them made a move towards the door.

"Lisa, tie us together. If the wind’s strong enough… better we all get blown away together. Or Ella’s fat ass will keep us on the ground."


”Hehe, you need a spell to shrink that,” Lisa laughed, sticking her tongue out. Lisa raised both hands, and a thick web connected them. The building felt like it was about to fall apart! Lisa gestured for the door.

Ella pouted, but pushed through… leading the way through the door. Immediately, she was hit by the rain, soaking through her clothes. It was falling so fast it hurt. "Where do we go?!"

"Literally anywhere else!"

Ella grimaced, picked a random direction, and started trying to walk, and eyes formed on Lisa’s forehead, and upper cheeks. As they pushed through the rain, the web barely keeping them together in this rain storm, their clothes stuck to their bodies. Every step was heavy… Lisa immediately came to a stop, as she pointed ahead.

… There were figures in the storm. Not in the shape of a monster or beast.

But a human being.

About a dozen of them spread out as they approached the group… Soon, coming into view, they looked like ordinary people, with scared, tired, and weary expressions on their faces. They wore tattered scraps of fabric and leather that they could gather…. They were all armed with various weapons scraps of objects that they salvaged from the Pit - sharpened pipes, chair legs, baseball bats, and one of them even had a sword - and they stopped when they noticed them—looking in shock for a moment as if the group hadn’t seen the girls yet. However, one of them - a large man who was gaunt from his time in the Pit, wielding a sharpened piece of rebar like a spear - took a few steps forward. He spoke - and despite his size, he was trembling with every word.

“... W-we don’t want any trouble!” He shouted. “Stay back!”

In his jacket pocket, a glowing light pierced through the storm…

Ella tilted her head, not attacking immediately for once… partly because of the rain, she'd just electrocute herself! Though she could freeze them all… but they didn't seem dangerous. They were clearly terrified. And they didn't even look that intimidating!

"We won't help you! We're just three girls!" Ella lied cheerfully, one hand on her hip and pointing to the glowing light. This Storm was an absolute pain, they could barely move, she was cold and couldn't see… so… "Why's that light visible?"

The large man’s grip on the spear tightened… as Ella spoke, many raised their weapons. However, his eyes narrowed as she pointed at the glow in his pocket.

“Don’t come any closer!” He shouted. “It’s the only thing keeping us safe here! If you take it, we’re dead!”

One of the other figures, a wirey woman wielding a piece of rebar with concrete at the end of it - who stood by the large man - looked to the left and right. Terrified… she raised the piece over her head and lunged at Ella, swinging it downwards.

Ella barely flinched, colour draining from her bright pink jacket to cover her hands, which caught the rebar. She pushed back against it, aiming to throw the woman off balance.

"That’s it," Saskia’s eyes narrowed, bone spear shoving through her hand, snapping off and falling into the other. She pulled her arm back to throw it. "We-"

"Stop!" Ella shouted before Saskia could, holding her hands up. "Maybe we can come to an agreement? Get through this storm together, at least?"

The leader was silent…

“... Give us everything you have!” One of them shouted.

“Yeah! We outnumber you three!” Another shouted.

“We need it!”

The leader sighed before saying, “... Give us everything, and then leave.” He tightened his grip on the pipe. “That is the agreement.”

Saskia held up her hands, turning her head towards Ella, eyebrows raised. Ella frowned… clearly now was the time to actually attack!

At this rate they'd die from the cold and the rain.

"Well, we gave you a chance," Ella said cheerfully. One hand reached back to grasp the Ice Scepter. "Bye!"

Her other hand shot out, sending out a blast of incredibly hard snow large enough to catch the whole group thanks to the Ice Scepter.

“What the hell?!” The group was surprised when the blasts of snow hit them, and many of them were knocked over. On the other hand, Lisa stuck both of her hands out and summoned five Chitinionious spears that would impale the group's legs, one directed at the group’s leader…

”Run! Leave! You don’t want this fight!” Lisa shouted over the rain as loud as she could.

The leader was hit through the hip with the spear and fell backward. He groaned, pulling himself up as much as he could and his hand slipping into his pocket to grab the glowing object. He coughed before saying, “... You leave me no choice!

He pulled out a peculiar orb, and as he clutched it, the artifact gleaned ominously… The intricate design on its surface came to life as the man chanted…
Hold dominion over the skies…” His voice strained.

He raised the artifact high… and the storm intensified. The rain poured in a far heavier volume as the winds became so fierce that they threatened to lift them off the ground. Lightning struck in random locations,c and the whole scene became utter chaos

”We need to get that or off him!" Saskia shouted, going down on one knee. She pulled back her arm and threw the bone spear in her arm at the leaders shoulder.

"Saskia- boost me!" Ella shouted back, talking about their joint cast. She ran closer to Saskia, grabbing their hands. Saskia nodded, and they both channeled their green lux to make Ella much lighter, faster and stronger. Like this she probably wouldn't get blown away! Probably.

Then Ella ran for the leader, fast enough that she was almost a blur, and kicked a glowing foot at his stomach. He spit up blood, and, well, spit, as he was launched backward, and fell onto his back, dropping the orb. Suddenly, the rain storm vanished… and all of them ran into the swamp.

"Well, that was easy!" Ella said cheerfully.

"It was boring," Saskia intoned.

Ella laughed and squatted next to the orb, looking at it. If she picked it up would the storm immediately start again? She shrugged, and grabbed it anyway.

… And nothing happened.

”Aw, you broke it!”

"I just touched it!" Ella shouted.

”... Is that what your uncle said?” Lisa laughed like a goblin.

"Say the lame phrase, you're good at that," Saskia pointed out.

Ella pouted, standing up holding the orb. Hopefully she wouldn't just blow everyone away! "Hold dominion over the skies!"

Nothing happened.

Lisa shrugged.

”Let’s throw it at monsters!”

"Ooo, we can do monster bowling!" Ella grinned, shoving the orb into her backpack. She then shivered, looking down at her soaked clothes. "Let's find somewhere to get dry…"

Lisa shrugged.

”... We can always get naked!” Lisa awkwardly laughed as she walked in one direction with the others. Eventually, they left the swamp biome and entered a neighborhood biome… It was suburban, and all the houses were untouched, completely in perfect order.

”Let’s hunker down again,” Lisa suggested.

"Sounds good, I feel like I barely slept," Ella said, yawning. Maybe it was the rain… or just the paranoia while sleeping that something would attack. "We can hang our clothes to dry while we sleep!"

"And get attacked naked?" Saskia said.

”I mean, we got more clothes, right? Right, Saskia?” Lisa looked at Saskia in horror. ”RIGHT?!”

Saskia just stared at Lisa silently. Expression completely unreadable. Eventually, they spoke. "Did you pack any?"

”Of course!” Lisa said, throwing her hands in the air.

"I brought one change. That's enough," Saskia shrugged.

"Only one?!" Ella's mouth fell open. That was too few… at least they had one, but it still wasn't enough. "What if it gets wet too?"

"It won't," Saskia rolled their eyes. "Let's just find somewhere to sleep."

”It’s not like we can’t find more clothes down here,” Lisa said with a shrug as they approached the nearest house… and opened the door, as it was left unlocked. As she opened it, the house was in utterly perfect condition. Nothing was disturbed, but there was nobody there… completely untouched. The first thing Lisa did was open the refrigerator to reveal that it was fully stocked with fresh food. The cabinets were also stocked with snacks and other things. ”Holy shit! Let’s loot ever-”

“... The Pit provides.”

They heard the Mother Will’s voice like a whisper. Lisa’s head darted over her shoulder, looking for the spooky bastard, but she wasn’t there.

Ella screamed, arms coming up in a ridiculous looking karate position. She only relaxed when she was sure Mother Will wasn’t there.

"Can you scream quieter?" Saskia groaned, grabbing a chocolate bar from the cabinets and practically devouring it just like that.

"I’ll try…" Ella pouted, looking past Lisa and into the fridge at all the food. So much! "Maybe I can cook us a proper meal!"

”Yes, fatten us up for the monsters!” Lisa rolled her eyes.

"We need food for energy to fight the monsters," Ella countered.

”... Okay,” Lisa shrugged. ”I’m going to check upstairs.

Lisa walked upstairs into the bathroom and turned the knob to the shower… and the unexpected happened.

It sprayed water.

Not blood.

Nothing weird.

Just water.

"We can shower!" Ella practically cheered, having followed right behind Lisa. She was grinning widely. "First shower’s mine!"

”Well, someone has to keep watch,” Lisa said with a casual shrug.

"I’ll keep watch, I’m not in a rush," Saskia said, leaning on the wall just outside of the shower.

"Yay!" Ella grinned… immediately turning on the shower and starting to strip.

”I’ll watch the outside and make sure no monster eats us!” Lisa said with a toothy grin as she walked to the nearest window…

Ella quickly jumped into the shower, singing anime songs as she did… but quietly, so not to alert any weeaboo monsters in the area! She took her time to scrub off all the blood that had accumulated, drying herself off with a surprisingly fluffy towel and changing into some fresh clothes.

"Shower’s free!"

”.., Dibs!” Lisa quickly stripped out of her clothes and took a lengthy shower. After she was done, she came out, and dug into her backpack for a fresh set of clothes… And threw it all on.

Saskia shrugged, going in last. Their shower was incredibly brief, and they came out with some blood still in their hair, changing into their change of clothes… practically identical to her soaked set, completely black.

Ella held a hand over her mouth where she was half watching out the window, yawning. "Sorry girls, I think I’m too tired to cook."

"You can’t actually cook anyway," Saskia rolled their eyes.

”Well, let’s hit the hay,” Lisa said as she did the usual routine of summoning a horde of Darwin’s Bark Spiders to seal every entrance and exit with spider webs. Afterwards, she lay down and went to bed with the others. Saskia crawled in with a yawn. Ella paused, looking around first.

Just in case.

But the place was empty. So she got onto the bed, long arms wrapping around Saskia and Lisa as the biggest spoon, smiling as she fell asleep.

Like Lisa did the previous “night,” Ella opened her eyes to a familiar world of motion and color… the familiar sights, sounds, and smells of Oceanview Gardens. The boardwalk stretched endlessly, and the waves crashed rhythmically… Everywhere Ella looked, there were people, but they were not entirely accurate. They looked and sounded real, but whenever Ella came in contact with them, they would phase through her as if she were intangible. They laughed and chatted, their voices soft and distorted, blending into the hum of the ocean breeze.

“... This is one of your favorite places back home,” The Mother Will appeared in the blink of an eye. There was no fanfare or transformations, and the Mother Will looked around. “Is it not?” She looked at Ella.

Ella had been enjoying the familiar scene… the smell of salt in the air, joyful sounds that seemed so familiar yet so strange at the same time. It wasn’t quite right, it wasn’t quite real, but it filled her with a yearning and joy she could shake. Until Mother Will appeared, and the smile slipped off her face.

"It is," Ella replied, turning towards the Mother Will, head tilted slightly. It had been one of the places she enjoyed going. A place not ruined by the Stygian Snake, like the Arcade had been. She’d been there with Saskia before… then them, Kari and Lisa in a brief moment of reprieve they’d had. "Why are you showing me it?"

“Because this is a place of joy! Of comfort!” The Mother Will began, dramatically raising a fist as she turned away…

“And because, despite your resistance…” The Mother Will began, turning back towards Ella. “... The Pit favors you three… and does not want to see you falter! So I came to you with a warning..”

The Mother Will paused, and the entire world stopped—as if frozen in time.

“A foe,” The Mother Will began, her voice calm. “A powerful adversary lies ahead, one whose presence could reshape the course of your journey. She is no mere opponent; her power and ruthlessness could unravel everything you’ve worked so hard for…”

The Mother Will slowly raised a fist…

… The scene shifted from the vibrance of Oceanview Gardens to a dramatic scene… the ruins of St. Portwell. The bustling boardwalk that the city was reduced to a disarray mess. Its wooden planks shattered and twisted, scattered among broken game stalls and rusted food stands. The Ferris wheel stood as a skeletal frame against the stormy sky, and waves crashed violently against the crumbling supports. The air was thick, and it smelled of salt and decay. The rest of St. Portwell ominously loomed from the ruined boardwalk in a fractured silhouette against the stormy sky. The city's skyline, once vibrant with its blend of modern skyscrapers and historic buildings, now appeared as dark, shadowy forms…

However, that wasn’t the focal point.

In the center of it all, Ella crashed her fist against the blade of that stranger they ran into the other night - the Samurai wearing tattered leather with the strange helmet. However, they were standing over the dead bodies of Lisa and Saskia… Lisa was wholly decapitated with her intestines sprawled over the floor; her eyes were wide with horror, and her jaw slack. Saskia was slumped up against the wall, with several lacerations all over their body, missing both of their arms, and a sword sticking out of their skull, oozing blood.

The Mother Will faced Ella, sinisterly chuckling, “This woman, this samurai seeks the All-Blade much like you and your friends do. However, she seeks to end you all to eliminate all competition for the All-Blade, and she is ruthless in that endeavor.”

The Mother Will paused for effect.

“... You and this samurai are fated to clash in the ruins of St. Portwell. Where your battle will determine the fate of your journey - she will kill all three of you, or you will kill her for the safety of your friends.”

"Saskia, Lisa!" Ella ignored what was said at first, running towards the bodies and falling onto her knees just before she reached them… reached the other her that was fighting their murderer. Tears spilled down her cheeks immediately, heart thudding in her chest, fear clutching her.

This was something that was going to happen? She couldn’t let it happen. She couldn’t let Saskia and Lisa die.

"Who is she?! If- If I kill her before, can I save them?"

The Mother Will was silent for a moment.

“... Kaida Takamura,” The Mother Will ominously answered. “A fanatic of the Stygian Snake that follows the teachings of Uroboros - a cult that worshipped the Stygian Snake. She was the one that was slaughtering your friends out of revenge for sealing the Stygian Snake...”

The Mother Will paused momentarily; that smile somehow widened.

“... She is the one that killed Kari Wilson.

"... Kari too…" Ella whispered, barely reacting or moving. All she felt was shock and pain.

“However, she has ventured into the Pit for the All-Blade, believing that it can not only free the Stygian Snake but plunge the world into darkness…” The Mother Will began. “She knows you’re here. She knows you’re after the All-Blade. And she knows you will get in her way, so….”

The Mother Will laughed.

“... Yes, if you kill her, you can save your friends. But it will be the greatest challenge of your life, my girl. Kaida is relentless. Powerful. Dangerous. And she will stop at nothing to get the All-Blade and revenge for opposing her deity!”

Ella's hands clenched into fists, and she punched the ground with one of them. Someone who wanted to release the Stygian Snake… this went beyond just killing her best friends. It could kill everyone. Making their first death in complete vain. All that pain.

"Where is she? You said that Pit gives us anything we desire… can it bring me to her? Then I can kill her." There was no hesitation or even consideration about why she was being told this. Ella didn't care. Any risk of Lisa and Saskia dying was one she wasn't willing to take.

"I'll beat her, I don't care how strong she is… I'll be stronger. I won't let this happen. I can't let this happen. Even if i have to sacrifice myself!"

The Mother Will laughed, raising a hand.

“... If you insist.

Before snapping her fingers, Ella rose awake.

When Ella awoke…, neither Saskia nor Lisa was in sight. She woke in a bed… a familiar bed, in fact: the bed in her room, the room she had in perfect condition ten years ago.

In the ruins of St. Portwell.

The Greenwood Coven.
Interactions: None.
Outside the House on the Hill.

Right before Ruby could answer Edict with the closest thing to a "vocal" shrug she could, all hell broke loose. A portal opened, and Ruby immediately aimed her staff at the Apparition, which looked eerily familiar. However, the Apparition ignored her and the rest of Greenwood. While everyone was handling that, Ruby performed an aeromancy-boosted leap across the room to the rest of Greenwood - dropping her blunt in the process - who was ready. James had his axe crackling with electricity as he aimed it at the Apparition, the temperature around them lowered as Pearl performed a chant in Korean, Autumn still had the Apparition of Al Slaughter at the ready, Amelia had summoned several dozen razor-sharp leaves, Kashmira, Naomi, and Jess were simply at the ready...

After a bit of chattering, the Apparition revealed itself to be Alizee.

Which was shocking.

Ruby would have to report this to Lynette (Richoux).

"Everyone, bunch up on Naomi in case she comes after her," Ruby commanded, and all of Greenwood surrounded Naomi and acted as concealment.

"... If shit goes south, teleport us out," Ruby said lowly to Amelia, who gave an affirmative nod as Greenwood bunched up. Though, Ruby knew shit wasn't going to escalate that far when Leon came in and clocked the ghost. Ruby almost cheered him on.

"... Ooooooooooh shit!" Jessica shouted, laughing her ass off.

"Wolfman comin' in with the right hook!" James also laughed, cheering him on.

Then the Apparition surrendered, and they started grilling Alizee... It became apparent that some of them were partial to the Apparition. Ruby wasn't a supernatural expert when she knew that an Apparition is a whole new being when "reborn" (best way to put it). At least, that's what she learned from her time in the Temple. Though, there was a curiosity in Ruby...

"... I'll be back," Ruby said as she walked towards the big group around Alizee.

"What are you doing?" Pearl asked.

Ruby planted her staff firmly on the ground before saying.

"... Just trust me on this one, okay?" Ruby said before she continued marching towards Alizee.

Ruby White, & Lynette Domínguez.
Interactions: 'Alizee' Vul (@Estylwen), and I guess the entire Coven.
The House on the Hill.

Linqian began flipping out, and there wasn't anything Britney could say... Indeed, she was considering this out of more profound guilt that she failed Alizee and let the Void Heart lead her to her death. If she had just sealed Voidy ten years ago, none of this would have happened, and Alizee would have had a choice for once. There wasn't anything that Brit could say or do to console Linqian or get her to calm down. She'll stop her tantrum on her own. Though Aaron also joined in, and Britney rolled her eyes, muttering to herself.

”... Half of ya'll don't even know how to seal: sit down.

“Those names… I'm sorry, they don't ring a bell.”

Britney grimaced.

... Of course, we get the part of Alizee that is fully devoted to the Void Heart. She might be beyond help. Britney briefly thought to herself.

“Brother, he is my source, my strength. I have to maintain my good word. Surely he isn't the villain you make him out to be?”

Britney sighed.

”... The Void Heart is not a good person - ghost - whatever,” Britney answered. ”He is an Apparition from the Void, but he requires an anchor to remain in this realm. He latched onto your... predacessor when she was only a child. And, well, groom- molded her in his image. He was going around draining people of their life force while brainwashing her into thinking that it was all okay.”

Britney nodded her head.

”However, he was cocky, and his recklessness caused us a lot of problems,” Britney began. ”Which is why I understand a few of us are... hesitant.”

“I will admit I've been… blindly following this. I don't have another purpose besides seeking out the Void Heart. What other purpose could there be, for someone like me?”

”... Hear me out! Britney said to the entire Coven, raising her hands. Before she turned to Alizee and said, ”There are some people who would pay big-money for some freaky-deeky chain bondage. We pimp you out to them and make bank.

Britney couldn't help but laugh before giving Alizee a warm smile.

”... Okay, okay, I'm sorry. In all seriousness, you can make your own purpose. No one controls you, but you, Britney answered with a warm smile. ”The Void Heart is bad news, girl. Trust me. I don't know where he went, but if you find him... then what?”

Britney paused before she continued.

”The Void Heart needs an anchor to remain in this realm; that anchor has to be a human being,” Britney sighed before briefly glancing at Layla. ”And... I don't mean to be an asshole, but you're just not a human being anymore, so you can't be that anchor. So I doubt he'll want anything to do with you unless Lynn is right. I'll literally eat my shoe if you're the first host this has happened to.”

"I'll hold you to that, Big-Butt," Lynette cattily said as she walked up, taking Britney's side.

”Yup, I'll season it, boil it in a lil' pot, and eat it with a fork and knife!” Britney joked.

Ruby walked up, clutching the staff, before she sighed.

"... It's not my place to decide for you all," Ruby began, addressing the Coven at large. "But, there isn't a malicious bone - you know what I mean - in her body. She is scared and in disbelief... yet grateful and hopeful simultaneously. Hopefully, that will help you all make up your damn mind on this matter so we can get a move on."

Ruby narrowed her eyes at Alizee before aiming the staff at her.

"Your, uh, predecessor, caused my group a lot of problems, you know!" Ruby shouted, "... You won't be doing that again, will you?"

Britney sighed; she wanted to give this Alizee another chance... she knew it could end badly, but the whole Coven was entire of liabilities and fuckups on two legs; what's one more? Britney sighed before saying.

”... I think we should give her a chance, but if you all don't want to, I'm not going to hold it against ya'll,” Britney began, addressing the entire Coven, but giving an apologetic glance to Linqian and Aaron. ”If she becomes a problem, we'll just seal her. Didn't seem like a problem before, but...”

Britney looked up at Alizee.

”...One of my terms and conditions is that you stop looking for the Void Heart. I'll seal you myself if you don't. The Void Heart has caused us serious trouble, and we don't want him around.”

Britney nodded her head.

”Do we have a deal?”
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