Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 11034 (2.81 / day)
  • VMs: 42
  • Username history
    1. Shin Ghost Note 5 mos ago
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    11. ██████████ 11 yrs ago
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1 day ago
Current You have to live every day as if you've dropped your pants and told the whole world to suck your dick.
1 day ago
so are these nuts
21 days ago
"We have got to try and find DOOM!" "Good luck!"
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1 mo ago
just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
3 mos ago
Sex and love, sex and love...


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts


| The Storm's Sovereign |

"Hold dominion over the skies..."

| Unknown, believed to be created by a Weather-based Apparition. |

| Weather Changing Orb. |

| It was accidentally cast into the Pit. |

| TBA |

| No. |
The Tempest Sphere is a legendary artifact renowned for its immense power, intricately etched with designs that pulse with the raw energy of countless storms. Its deep blue surface, adorned with ancient symbols, represents the elements it commands: wind, rain, thunder, and lightning.

Believed to have been created by forgotten weather deities or born from the collective belief of ancient civilizations that revered the forces of nature, the Tempest Sphere holds the remarkable ability to manipulate the weather with a mere thought. Its wielder can summon torrential rains, unleash devastating hurricanes, or quickly calm a fierce storm.

However, this incredible power comes with a price. The sphere feeds on its user’s emotions, amplifying its potency in response to anger and desperation. Conversely, if wielded by someone with a troubled heart, it becomes unpredictable and chaotic. The artifact's volatile nature makes it a double-edged sword, embodying the very essence of nature’s fury.

The smell of salt mixed with something metallic filled the air. The three of them rode on the back of the spider as it carefully walked alongside the beach. As far as Lisa could see, there was nothing, just sand, the red sky, and the sea of blood—but no monsters! This was surprising because usually, there was a monster every two feet… However, as they walked forward, in sight came an ancient city. Lisa pointed at it and said,

”... Should we go there? Or should we just keep going?”

"Here's safe but…" Ella held a hand above her eyes, turning to look at the city. "We might find some info in the city… or things that can help us."

"I agree with Ella, for once," Saskia said. "Let's go there."

Lisa didn’t open her mouth to respond; she only took a deep breath as she commanded the spider to advance. She glanced at Saskia and Ella, the lack of monsters was unnerving because she knew something else was coming. The spider approached the city as the scent of salt and metal met the smell of decay. As they entered the city limits, Lisa’s eyes swept across the desolate streets, taking in the sight of broken columns and crumbling walls.

Lisa kept her gaze sharp as the spider navigated through the ruins. Her eyes darted around, alert for any signs of danger or useful objects among the wreckage. The air grew heavier with the scent of decay as they ventured deeper into the city. When they reached a large, partially intact structure, Lisa commanded the spider to pause, and nervously looking between Saskia and Ella, she asked,

”Should we go in?” Lisa shrugged. ”I dunno what’s in there, but could be something!”

Saskia looked around with narrowed eyes, body tense and knife already in their hand. But they nodded. "We run at the first sign of danger."

"If we're lucky the All-Blade will be inside, just like we want!" Ella managed to joke, covering her nose with one hand.

”... Wouldn’t that be convenient!” Lisa snorted as she carefully commanded the spider to enter the building. The first chamber they entered had a high ceiling supported by pillars, the red light of the sky seeping through the cracks and broken windows. The walls were lined with faded murals depicting battles, rituals, and strange beasts.

Lisa hopped off the spider and walked up to a particular mural—one that depicted a robed figure holding up a golden sword that looked suspiciously like the All-Blade. He held it in both hands to stab a giant human with exaggerated features (razor-sharp teeth, claws, breathing fire, red eyes)—another mural of a line of robed figures blasting the Stygian Snake with light beams.

Ella's mouth fell open. "They're fighting the snake?! That isn't… no way it's us. Our robes didn't look like that…"

"Makes sense others fought it," Saskia said, tilting their head back to look at the mural with narrowed eyes. "I'm more interested in what the other thing is…"

”I mean, the Snake’s been around for awhile, Lisa snorted at Ella. Before pointing at the ‘other thing’ Saskia mentioned. ”It’s a big scary MF, duh!” Lisa laughed before shrugging.

”... Maybe we’ll find out in here.”

"More murals, hopefully!" Ella threw up her hands almost excitedly, skipping forward further into the place.

An ornate stone door at the far end of the chamber stood slightly ajar. Compelled to proceed further, Lisa advanced wordlessly. With every step, the hairs on her neck rose higher and higher, her heart racing. Lisa pressed on without worry as she stepped into the room after pushing the doors wider. It revealed an even grander space; the walls were lined with shelves that contained hundreds, if not thousands, of books. Books, glowing urns, and other pottery had a strange power.

The floor was lined with strange symbols that led to the center of the room - a stone slab with glowing symbols. Lisa grabbed one of the books made of worn leather and opened it… Only to be some language she didn't recognize.

”... Let’s see what we can find,” Lisa began. ”Anything will help at this rate… Just keep on your toes; who knows what might be lurking in here.”

"And no fire," Saskia added, looking at Ella, who pouted.

”Maybe there's ancient magical manga in here!" she said cheerfully, starting to look at the spines of books for any in English… and pulling out a few unlabelled ones, only to put them back.

”I mean, even if there was, we wouldn’t be able to read it,” Lisa snorted again.

Saskia, on the other hand, unclotted the wound on their palm, forming a thin whip. They reached out with it to very gently touch the nearest urn. It did absolutely nothing.

“... Don’t touch me like that; it’s gay.” The urn said.

Lisa shrugged as she kept going through all the books and tombs, but she couldn’t understand them. She put it back as she looked around at her comrades… then pointed at Ella, ”... Ella! Tell the Mother Will you’ll stay here if she translates all this!”

Ella scrunched up her face, looking between Lisa, to Saskia who nodded, then back to Lisa. "I’d stay here forever to read these books but I can’t read them, oh no!"

“... Why hello there,” A feminine voice came from the doorway. Lisa immediately whipped her head around to see a person who had to be around five-foot-something and was wearing a black robe that covered their face. This person was hunched forward and took some slow steps as she said, “... Here for enlightenment, I presume? The answer to some question, I guess?”

”... Maybe.”

Ella screamed, and immediately shot the person with a bolt of lightning. The figure hunched over, growling before she hit a hand out - revealing a disgusting hand covered in boils and festering wounds, oozing a green liquid. Maggots wiggled out of the wounds as flies and bees forced their way out of the person’s flesh. They took flight, filling the room with a cloud of insects and attacking all three.

“Sisters!” The woman screamed. “I need help!”

"Shit," Saskia hunched over as bees started stinging them, rapidly repelling them with blood armour crawling across their skin.

Ella held out her hands, shooting a continuous, short ranged burst of flame out of them in an attempt to torch all of the bugs, still screaming.

Lisa, meanwhile, deployed the Exoskeleton and that was enough to stop the bees. However, there were still bees everywhere, so while Ella was torching them; Lisa raised her hands and created a net of webs around herself. It was to catch the spiders for Ella and give them breathing room… Though, the weirdo in the robe took off running.

"FUCKING BEES!" Ella shouted as she torched them as quickly as she could, shaking her arms at the same time to dislodge ones that were shoving their stingers into her skin. She had an easier time of it with the webs catching them.

”Not just bees but hornets, and beetles, and flies, and mosquitoes…” Lisa said as she was reminded of Trisha.

"It's almost nostalgic," Saskia chuckled. They flicked out their wrist, long blood whip forming and trying to wrap around the robes person's legs and tripped her. She desperately tried to pull away.

”... Remind me to spider Trisha when we get back!”

"I'll make sure to."

“... I am trapped, sisters!” She shouted. “Heeeeeelp!”

Saskia rolled their eyes, using the whip to drag the person back towards them. Ella was finishing off torching all of the bugs, getting rid of any that were still flying around.

"Nobody's coming to help you," Saskia intoned, crouching down beside the robed woman. Ella kept her eye on where she'd been trying to run.

The woman threw the hood up and revealed her skin had heavily rotted away with maggots and worms burrowing into her flesh. She gave Saskia the side eye.

“... Of course they are coming to help,” The lady began. “We are everywhere in the ancient city! We were tracking your every moment from the moment you came from the beach.”

The lady paused, “Even if they don't help me now, they are taking position outside...”

She narrowed her eyes. “... I was only trying to induct you into our sisterhood and you attack me!

"Are they all as weak as you?" Saskia asked.

“... Find out, whore!”

Ella couldn't even look at the woman, head tilted back to look up and avoid her. "I don't want to join a sisterhood and end up looking like you! We're already part of one- and I've watched too many anime with creepy cults to trust you!"

"Explain your sisterhood," Saskia said, long, thing bone needle poking out their finger and pointing at the woman's rotting neck..

“We are the Abyss,” The woman began, “Much like you, we found ourselves in the Pit for one reason or another. We wanted to find a way out, but in time we discovered everything this place offers. Then we discovered that we belong here. This place is home. Just as our Goddess the Mother Will says.”

"So just a cult. That's boring." Saskia intoned, tilting their head back to look up at Ella and Lisa. "Should I kill her? It's a shame we can't eat her."

Lisa shrugged.

”No need...”

A Chitionious spear went directly through the woman’s head and popped out through the other side. Because her skin and bones were rotting, it was easy for the spear to break through. However, the spear sent many maggots flying across the room.

”... Kill stolen. Lisa awkwardly laughed. Desperately trying to lighten the mood, fake playfulness is better than no playfulness. She looked around, ”Should we keep looking around or just get out of here?”

Saskia grimaced, flicking away the maggots that had landed on their face and standing back up. "Let's leave, we clearly won't be able to read any of these books."

”This place is giving me the creeps," Ella shuddered, as if the whole place wasn't creepy. She was actively trying to not look at any of the maggots, it seemed. Lisa stepped on a maggot on the floor, crunched it underneath her feet, then shrugged.

”... Toooo the spiiiiiiiiiiider!” Lisa shouted as she led the magical girls back to the spider, which was untouched in the other room and mounted it. She gestured for the other two to climb on before commanding them to walk outside...

… And it quickly became clear that weirdo wasn’t talking out her ass.

The previously empty rooftops were now lined with robed figures wielding flaming crossbows and rifles (including the oversized muskets used by the Autoknights). The cultists wore tattered robes and had their faces hidden behind crude masks - some made to resemble demonic faces, and others were simply cloth wraps with eye slits. They were spread out, forming a perimeter, and many points for them to get a clean shot at them… Lisa’s eyes shot wide open.

"Well shit," Saskia said quietly. "You can't make armour for the spider, can you?"

”I mean, technically it already has armor…” Lisa shrugged.

Ella reached over to put a hand on Saskia and Lisa's shoulders, beginning to transform their clothes into much more protective (and styled to their taste) magical girl outfits. "... We're just passing by, peacefully, please let us through!"

”Yeah!” Lisa said before she lied out of her ass. ”Your friend is a-okay! We just finished with some freaky sex with a lot of bugs, and she’s all tuckered out! Just go in there liiiiiiiiike a few minutes after we leave, and she’ll be all good!”

There was silence.

”... Ella, show ‘im your tids.”

"Yeah, Ella, get them out," Saskia intoned.

Ella’s eyes widened, and she looked between her two friends, then at all the people surrounding them. Making the decision quickly, she pulled her hands back to pull up her shirt. She was wearing a bra underneath, obviously… "I’ll- I’ll take my bra off if you put your weapons down!"

Each of the cultists looked at each other in confusion. There was some faint chattering, but it was too far for Lisa (or any of them) to make out what they were saying. Lisa casually commanded the spider to walk down the street while they were distracted slowly…

“... Don’t let them get away!” One of them shouted.

Before they opened fire, and a barrage of flaming crossbow bolts came at them from above. ”... Shit. Lisa hissed as she commanded the spider to take flight. However, she only commanded it to fly forward because going straight up was a death sentence. ”Ella, now is the time to shoot them with lightning!”

"Got it- MAGICAL LIGHTNING STRIKE!" Ella screamed unnecessarily, dropping her shirt. Her hands were coated in electricity, and she shot large bolts of lightning at as many cultists as she could. She shot a constant stream, moving her hands from cultist to cultist.

Meanwhile, Lisa just had the spider pick up speed and take flight…

… A gunshot rang out, and it went through the wing of the spider. ”Fuck!” Lisa shouted as the spider flew out of control. ”Shit, shit, shit!” Lisa shouted again before she deployed Snare to stop them from falling out of control. They were caught by the web… unfortunately, the rooftops were still lined with cultists.

”Give me The Stone!” Lisa shouted.

Saskia pulled out the Stone and shoved it right into Lisa’s hand. Ella was still blasting cultists with lightning before swapping to throwing fireballs at them. Sweat began to drip down her face as the constant barrage of attacks clearly exhausted her.

When the Orange-Stone hit her hand, Lisa channeled its immense power to summon spiders - then applied the Enlarge and Hybridization spells to them. She immediately brought them to full size with the Orange Stone, and they immediately burst out. Lisa commanded them to fly up towards the cultists and applied the Acid-Burst spell. They exploded, spraying acid and chitin in all directions and making the cultists scatter.

But that wasn’t enough! Lisa kept making spiders and sending her suicide bombs at them-

A flaming bolt from a crossbow caught her off guard, piercing her cheek and coming out through her jaw. Blood and teeth flew outwards as Lisa was caught off guard - unsure of what to do.

"Shit- give it to me," Saskia hissed. They reached over, slamming their hand onto the orange stone embedded in Lisa's hand. It stuck to their hand too… but was still embedded in Lisa's too. "Heal yourself."

Ella was crouched down, less frequently sending out bolts of lightning. She was panting heavily.

Saskia shoved massive wings through their back, extending out double the normal side, with sharp bone tips pushing out along the whole bottom edge, and hardened muscles coated them. They wrapped them around Ella and Lisa in a temporary wing shield. "Lisa… can you summon enough spiders for blood rain?"

Unfortunately, Lisa could not fucking talk right now… her tongue dangled helplessly as she felt a white-hot burning in her face. A shaky hand raised a thumb as she summoned her blood-filled spiders high up into the sky…

Saskia raised their hand, causing the blood sacks in the spiders to expand and expand. They got bigger than they ever had before, then exploded over the entire area, raining down acidic, sticky blood. Their wings pulled Lisa and Ella in, taking the brunt of the rain, which melted through the muscle and bone horrifically.

The cultists got the brunt of it due to their positioning and ran away screaming. Well, the ones that could - many were killed outright.

"Here," Ella whispered, as stray drops of acid hit her. She grabbed her Channeler to hit Lisa with a beam of healing light. Which provided a slight relief before realizing.

The arrow was still fucking in her jaw.

Just healed over.

Lisa grumbled, pointing at the arrow. She needed to kill those cockroaches before they got away.

Saskia withdrew what was left of their wings, and a thin bone spear poked through every finger of their free hand. They used them to perform a makeshift surgery… cutting through Lisa's cheek to pull out the arrow.

Ella tried to shoot the running cultists with lightning, but she looked pretty drained, struggling to keep up. Lisa could still not talk, but she looked up and saw most of the cultists were dead, stuck, or retreating… she placed her free hand on the spider. The wounds that it had sustained, including its wings, were healed instantly. Lisa’s head went back towards the Cultists. She needed to crush these-

Spiders came from underneath Lisa’s clothes and ran down her and Saskia’s arms. At their joined hands, Lisa activated the acid-burst spell, and they exploded. The acid dissolved both of their hands - painfully - and removed the Orange Stone. She screamed in pain as the Orange Stone fell onto the back of the spider.

Lisa immediately commanded the spider to take flight, and the three of them darted out of the chaos of the ancient city. Leaving empty-handed yet again…

As Lisa, Saskia, and Ella escape the ancient city and its deadly cultists, they stumble into a new biome—an eerie, fragmented swamp combining natural and unnatural elements. This swamp is a mishmash of broken ecosystems, with patches of dense, suffocating fog that hang over stagnant, dark waters. The trees were twisted and gnarled, oozing a black sap that smelled of decay… and occasionally, the trees changed position. The spider landed on the ground, and Lisa hopped off and felt the spongy earth beneath her feet. Her outfit was drenched in her blood, but she managed to heal herself during the trip here. Lisa looked ahead and saw strangely ghostly, orbs of lights that drifted aimlessly through the fog.

At the swamp's edge, they saw a strange shack. Lisa was tired and wanted a break… She pointed at it. ”Let’s make sure it’s safe and take it easy for the night… day… whatever the hell the time of day is down here.”

"Who knows," Saskia shrugged. Ella had healed their hand on the flight, and they’d put the Orange Stone back into the little carry bag they had for it. "That shack is definitely the setting of some horror film."

"This whole place is a horror film!" Ella said, while she nodded enthusiastically to what Lisa had said. "I need to sleep… I used too much energy shooting all that lightning. Hopefully it’s empty."

As she spoke she began to approach the shack… but it was clear all the events had started to take their toll by the way she didn’t just rush in, but went towards it slowly and cautiously.

”I mean, if it’s not, all we have to do is murder what’s inside!” Lisa laughed as she walked towards the ramshackle… shack. She walked up to the front door and casually pushed it open… she could smell the reeking odor of decay, rotting wood, and swamp water. However, it seemed empty despite the place being a complete mess, and Lisa found a somewhat intact bed. She looked to the left and the right.

”You know the deal; I’ll cover this place in spider webs, and then we sleep until a monster shows up or something,” Lisa shrugged.

"The monster attacks are getting a bit boring," Saskia laughed drily. They began to look around the place, kicking over some of the debris across the floor. "I wish they’d spice it up a bit."

"I don’t!" Ella yawned, flopping right onto the bed. She spread her limbs out into a star shape.

Lisa just shrugged as she summoned a horde of Darwin Bark spiders, which covered the location in webs… making it a near impenetrable fortress—or enough for Lisa and company not to get caught off guard. Afterward, Lisa hopped on the bed with the others and cuddled them.

”Night night!” Lisa said, falling asleep…

As Lisa peacefully drifted off, she felt something strange…

Lisa heard the crashing of waves, and the air was thick with the scent of salt. Her eyes opened as she sat up… The sky wasn’t red like she was growing accustomed to, but it was a shade of twilight blue, seeming neither day nor night. Clouds shaped like cotton candy lazily floated over her head, and beneath her feet was soft, warm sand. Lisa was unsure whether she was awake or asleep… and despite the tranquil surroundings, this place was uneasy. Something horrible that lurked undeath….

Lisa blinked.

Then the Mother Will was there.

Lisa recoiled as the strange being said,

“... It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” The Mother Will said, turning towards the water for a moment. “... Do you know why you’re here?”

Lisa shook her head, seemingly losing her voice.

“The Pit contains more than power… as I said before, it is the home of enlightenment and change,” The Mother Will explained. “There are truths you need to face, Lisa. Truths about yourself, and her...

Despite the warmth of the sand, Lisa felt a chill…

“... Emily G. Reed,” The Mother Will began. “Your tormentor.”

That name made Lisa’s fucking heart flutter as that chill crept down her spine, making the poor girl shudder. Lisa looked at the waves, trying to find some relief as she tried to distract herself through any means necessary.

“I can sense great rage in your heart,” The Mother Will said, “It overpowers everything else… and there isn’t a day or second where that woman doesn’t enter your thoughts. She was your tormentor. She harassed you not only in school but in the Old Coven. And that made you angry. It made you angry that you couldn’t stop it. And as much as you love Adora Phoenix-Prescott, the fact you needed her to save you only makes you angrier.”

The Mother Will laughed as bad memories were brought up.

“But, what if I told you the truth about Emily G. Reed…” The Mother Will began. “The real reason why you were her target, her obsession…”

Lisa was still silent, getting over the recoil of hearing Emily G. Reed’s name.

“She hated you and your friends because she was afraid of you all,” The Mother Will said, and Lisa tilted her head. “You all were so unabashedly - unapologetically - the very thing that she hated herself for.”

The Mother Will laughed, “Even in all of her lust for power - desperately holding onto it because she knows without it, she’s nothing - she knew you had something she didn’t. And that made her terrified of you. So that’s why she was so desperate to put you down - make you the insect.”

The Mother Will paused for dramatic effect, “Because… Emily is the insect that wants to be the wolf. Try as she might, but she is still the insect. And she knows it. Thus, she wants to hide her insecurities and fear by gorging herself on power and making everyone else the insect.”

This all made sense to Lisa, but no sense… Lisa hated Emily with all of her heart. But the Mother Will continued…

“Yet, despite all the pain she caused you, she made you stronger. Stronger than anyone ever could have imagined. Not only that, she gave you EVERYTHING you wanted. Friendship, power, purpose, a guiding light… Did she not?”

Lisa tapped her fingertips together before she answered…

”... Yes.”

“Emily’s fear of you was always her greatest weakness,” The Mother Will said, “That's why she tried so hard to hurt you - to keep you from realizing how strong you are.”

The Mother Will laughed, “She wanted to make you feel small and insignificant, and in doing so, she only revealed her own insecurities—her own fear of being exposed as weak. She knew, deep down, you were everything she could never be.”

Lisa’s jaw tightened when she began to remember all the sick pranks Emily had played on her. Lisa knew there was a deeper meaning, but she never considered it.

“And yet, despite all she’s done, Emily G. Reed not only walks free but only has gotten worse in time,” The Mother Will said before raising a hand, “Observe.”

Suddenly, that beach oasis fell apart… as if it were dust blown by a strong gust of wind. It was nothing but darkness until the scene reformed. St. Portwell - at least that was what Lisa thought - Emily was in a warehouse. Her goons were behind her, and a group of people was in front of her—just regular people, looking on in fear of Emily G. Reed.

“... Spare us!” One of them shouted.

Emily put her hands on her hips and smiled. Her mouth moved to say a few words, but all Lisa heard was silence. Up until the end.

“... You all made your decision,” Emily began, before rolling her eyes, “... Now die.”

Emily swiped her hand, and a powerful wave of fire came and incinerated the people. Their screams were muffled by the screams inherent to Emily’s hellfire. Then the scene changed to various scenes of Emily massacring innocent people, causing destruction, and being the very monster Lisa thought she was…. Until the dust settled, and it returned to that beach scene.

“... If it weren’t for Britney Williams, Emily G. Reed would have just been another casualty of the Stygian Snake.” The Mother Will explained.

Lisa tilted her head, ”... What did Britney do?”

The Mother Will laughed.

“... She gave her Babylon the Great, of course,“ The Mother Will started, and Lisa’s eyes shot open in shock. “It was a choice made out of desperation, not considering the consequences of her actions at all! Because of her, Emily G. Reed and Babylon the Great are still alive. She is still victimizing people on an unprecedented scale because fewer people are capable of stopping her! And worst of all…”

Somehow, the Mother Will’s grin widened.

“... She thinks she won.

Rage traveled up Lisa’s spine to her fists… which were tightly balled into fists. But the Mother Will’s voice dropped lower when she said,

“... But, you Lisa, you’re different,” The Mother Will started, “She gave you nothing but hell, yet you’ve endured. She sent you on the darkest spiral, and you came back! Even death couldn’t stop you! Imagine the look on her face when she sees that you’ve returned… And you can show her what true strength, what true power looks like…”

The beach seemed to grow quieter, the weight of the words pressing in on Lisa. The Mother Will wasn’t demanding anything; she merely presented the truth as it was, laying it bare before Lisa’s eyes.

"After all," she continued, her tone smooth as silk, "isn’t it only fair that she finally sees the consequences of her actions? That she feels the fear she tried to instill in you?"

Lisa exhaled… the thought of finally taking Emily down was so tempting.

“... It’s your choice,” The Mother Will said, raising a hand, “You have the power to stop Emily G. Reed, just as you can ignore me...”

The Mother Will placed her thumb and index finger together.

“... Do what you must, Lisa Turner.”

The Mother Will snapped her fingers, and Lisa woke up.

Interactions: 'Alizee' Vul (@Estylwen), Linqian (@FernStone), and I guess the entire Coven.
The House on the Hill.

As Britney hoped they would, things were chilling out a little, and she released her grasp on Linqian. She sighed as she sat next to Greyson, who was asking the wise and generous Ruby some questions. Adora and Layla were still outside - and if the latter would act like that, keep her there. Britney wasn't sure if she was just sprung off that Greyson-D, but she could see where he came from with some of these questions. Britney still wanted the alliance, though it was not up to her.

Though, nobody could have guessed what happened next when a portal opened right at Jack and a strange Apparition appeared. Britney hopped to her feet, readying the Noble Vow for combat. There was something familiar about the Apparition, but God knew Britney was tired of weird shit following them around. A chain drifted towards Britney - but Linqian quickly stepped on it. Britney knew she didn't want to destroy her clothes (even though Bean was here and willing to make her some for free).

“... Alizée. Alizée Vul.”
The Apparition

Britney's jaw dropped.

She almost fell on her ass.

It was Alizee... Well, her Apparition, of course. Britney was surprised as they come, though she was more surprised she didn't run into more Apparitions of their fallen Coven sisters and brothers. Why now? Why here?

And why was everyone and their grandmother so obsessed with that stupid Apparition?!

”I am so fucking sick of this shit. That fucking shadow testicle keeps causing fucking problems when we're fucking dying, and have had it up to fucking here with it. Just fuck off. The fucking testicle isn’t here.”

”Girl I should be saying that!” Britney shouted, turning towards Linqian.

The Coven, naturally, dogpiled "Alizee," and the Apparition surrendered.

If only the real Alizee had that much sense.

“I don't know what you mean by me not being Alizée. Of course I'm Alizée. But I… I don't remember much. I’m… well, I'm new.”

Britney took a few steps forward.

”... You are Alizee, but at the same time, you're not Alizee,” Britney began her explanation. ”You're not our Alizee. Alizee Alteri was shot to death by the Wolfpack, then the Hound took what he needed, and the leftover consciousness, psyche, and memories, formed an entirely new being and, well...”

Britney trailed off, shrugging.

”... Became you.”

“I'm sorry for jumping you. You're my first lead in a long time, and I… got excited. Anxious. My entire existence depends on the Void Heart. I don't remember much of who they were, I just know they're important. And that I need to find them. Wouldn’t you do the same for those you love? Please… I don't want to fight you. Just… give me a second chance. I can help you.”

Britney snorted.

”Girl! You came in here with the chain bondage off jump!” Britney started, sassily putting a hand on her hip, ”At least give us a safe word!”

Though, Britney was only trying to add some levity to the situation. Britney's face went flat as she continued, ”I'm not going to tell the group what they should or should not do: we have many problems right now, and I don't think anyone wants to add to it."

Britney nodded her head.

”But what exactly do you remember? Do you remember anyone else other than Voidy? Does the name Britney Williams ring a bell? What about... Jack Hawthorne?

| The Blade of Unrelenting Carnage |

"It drinks in the blood of the fallen, growing sharper with every life it takes."

| The Slaughter Sabre was born from the collective fear and fascination with violence and death. It materialized not through the hands of a skilled blacksmith but through the intense, primal emotions surrounding war, bloodshed, and the dark desires of mankind. Over countless generations, as tales of brutal battles and merciless warriors were passed down, the weight of these stories took shape in the form of the Slaughter Sabre—a sword that embodies the pure essence of slaughter. |

| Cursed sword. |

| Like many similar artifacts, the Slaughter Sabre was cast into the Pit. |

| The Slaughter Sabre has been wielded by some of the All-Verse's most ruthless and bloodthirsty figures. |

| No. |
The Slaughter Sabre is a weapon of pure spite, a blade forged in the darkest recesses of human belief and sustained by the blood it spills. This cursed sword is as much a predator as it is a tool, crafted from a metal that seems to absorb light itself. The blade is inscribed with ancient, arcane runes that pulse with a dim, hellish glow, growing brighter with every life it takes.

This weapon’s foremost power is its insatiable thirst for blood, a hunger beyond mere killing. Each time the Slaughter Sabre takes a life, it drinks deeply of the victim’s essence, not just their life force but their very soul. This consumption feeds the blade, making it sharper, more lethal, and increasingly nasty. The Sabre’s sinister aura grows with every death, radiating a sense of dread that chills the bones of anyone near it. Those who wield it are quickly overwhelmed by a relentless bloodlust; their minds twisted into something monstrous, driven to kill again and again, each strike feeding the blade’s ravenous appetite.

Victims of the Sabre are not merely slain; they are tormented by horrifying visions and hallucinations in their final moments, seeing their worst fears manifest before them. The sword delights in this torment, drawing strength from the fear and agony of its victims. The Sabre can incite a frenzy in its wielder, enhancing their strength, speed, and reflexes to superhuman levels, but at the cost of their sanity. In this state, the wielder becomes a near-unstoppable force, driven purely by the desire to kill. However, once the frenzy subsides, the wielder is exhausted physically and mentally, and the Sabre’s hold over their mind grows more robust.

Additionally, the Sabre retains a "memory" of every life it has taken. The wielder can access these memories, gaining insight into the victims' skills, tactics, and weaknesses. The Slaughter Sabre can also transfer a portion of the life force it absorbs to its wielder, healing their wounds. However, this comes with a cost—the more the wielder relies on this ability, the more their soul becomes bound to the Sabre, making it increasingly difficult to part with the cursed weapon.

But the Sabre’s darkness does not end with its victims. The blade is a parasite, feeding not just on those it kills but also on its wielder. Each time it is used, the Sabre tightens its grip on the wielder’s soul, corrupting their thoughts, eroding their humanity, and binding them ever closer to the weapon’s malevolent will. What begins as a subtle whisper in the back of the mind soon becomes an overwhelming, all-consuming obsession. The wielder becomes a puppet to the blade, their will subverted, their identity erased, until they are nothing more than a vessel for the Sabre’s dark intent.

The Sabre does not merely crave blood; it craves the destruction of all that is good, reveling in the destruction it leaves in its wake. Those who wield the Slaughter Sabre are doomed to a fate worse than death, their souls devoured, their lives consumed by an unending cycle of bloodshed and despair until there is nothing left but the darkness that the Sabre so desperately craves.

The Agents of Death then looted the mansion. They found nothing useful other than some canned/packaged foods, bottled water, and some medical supplies. However, the horde of robots completely ravaged the mansion. Their very heavy steps shattered wood and tile, they tore up the walls and any hiding spaces looking for the Agents of Death and that mysterious person. Lisa flopped on the sofa as she said,

”... Man, Lisa shrugged. ”For all that searching, they never thought to look into the basement!”

"They’re clearly not the smartest," Saskia said with a shrug, kicking aside a piece of torn up wood. If they were dumb it’d be easier for them to outsmart them next time. "I’m surprised we didn’t come across that monster."

"Maybe the robots killed it for us!" Ella shouted.

”Stop shouting!” Lisa shouted as she ran over to Ella and put a finger to her lips. ”You don't know what’s here…”

Ella pressed her lips together and nodded.

Saskia rolled their eyes at them both, but decided not to point out that Lisa was also shouting. Hopefully there wasn't anything else in here that was going to try and eat or kill them.

”Let's get moving," Saskia said. "They might come back."

”... I wish they had dicks I could dissolve in acid,” Lisa huffed, crossing her arms as she walked out the door.

”I'm sure Ella could develop a spell to create them some," Saskia chuckled, following behind Lisa.

"No way!" Ella shook her head. "Metal just isn't very magical girl- and making those, no!"

Lisa laughed (quietly though), covering her mouth with her hands, ”... I mean it’d be no different than making a dildo!” She stopped laughing, then shrugged. ”I think metal is more magical girl than spiders and blood though.” She playfully said with a roll of her eyes.

In the distance, there was a massive smoke cloud that pressed up into the sky, with an orange light underneath it.

"By Sailor Mars, that must be a massive fire!" Ella said, pointing to it.

"No shit," Saskia rolled their eyes, frowning. "Let’s not go that way."

"I think we should! Maybe something’s there!"

”Yes, a big ass fire,” Lisa said with a roll of her eyes. Before she looked at Ella, ”I don't know about you, but I don't want to know what’s at the end of THAT rainbow.”

Ella pouted and hung her head, like a kid told she couldn't put her hand in a fire.

”Let's go this way," Saskia pointed in the direction to the left of where the probable fire was. ”Since we have no idea where we're going."

”Yes we do!” Lisa ecstatically said. ”We’re going to the All-Blade!”

After some walking, left of the fire… They heard the familiar stomping of the robots. Not heading their way, but in the direction they were walking from. There was a familar orange light with smoke…. Lisa quickly dipped into the bushes, and gestured for the rest to get in.

Ella jumped into the bushes and curled up as small as she could get. Saskia got in last, parting some of the leaves to look through. They quietly pulled their knife out, holding it and waiting.

A squad of the robots walked by in a line, meters apart, wielding flamethrowers. As they marched by, they absolutely torched all the trees in sight.

Saskia held their breath… before quickly realising the robots were getting closer, and that those flamethrowers were torching everything. Including the bushes they were hiding in.


As the bushes caught fire, Ella threw up her hands with a pained cry, absolutely blasting the area around them with snow. Which did a great job of putting out the fire… but left them exposed.


Lisa didn’t even say anything before she darted in the opposite direction. The flames singing her clothes…

“We found them!” One of the robots shouted, as they gave chase.

”... Throw me the scepter!” Lisa shouted, sticking her hands out.

"Alright!" Ella threw the Sceptre right towards Lisa's hands as she ran.

"You better have a good idea," Saskia grimaced, lightening her bones so that she could run faster, ignoring her smouldering clothes in favour of getting the fuck out of here. Why was it always fire?

Lisa caught it, then spider legs erupted from her back as she lept to the non-burning treetops. Lisa hung off the edge with the scepter in both hands and fired a beam of ice at the flamethrowers of the robots aimed at her. Then created a thick floor of ice between her friends and the robots.

One of them stepped on the ice, then slipped and fell forward. However, they aimed their flamethrowers downward to melt the ice. Lisa quickly hopped from tree to tree to escape.

Ella ran as quickly as she could, longer legs allowing her to keep up with Saskia. Saskia pushed a bone spear through her hand, snapped it off, and twisted around to throw it - aiming for one of the flame throwers to try and block it. It went directly in, and when the robot pulled the trigger: it exploded. The robot was blown to pieces and its husk fell forward.

"Do it again!" Ella shouted. Saskia was pretty sure it wouldn't work twice but… she shoved another bone spear through the same wound, snapped it off, and threw it at a flamethrower. This shot wasn’t so accurate, and only pierced the frame, rendering it useless but not causing it to explode.

”... We should ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!” Lisa shouted from above, stopping to create another floor of ice that slowed the robotic horde down.

"We're trying!" Ella shouted up at Lisa, sweat already dripping down her forehead as she ran as fast as her legs could carry her.

"We need somewhere to hide again," Saskia grimaced as she jumped over a fallen tree trunk. Maybe they could outrun the robots, but they'd get tired eventually and machines wouldn't. Maybe… "Lisa, put ice in front of us too!"

”Wait, you sure?!” Lisa shouted down, before she just fired a beam of ice in front of them too. ”Okay! Imma trust you!”

"Whhatttt?!" Ella yelled, almost immediately slipping in the ice.

Saskia grimaced, flesh tearing as her wings pushed through her back. She grabbed Ella before she could fall and launched them both across the ice, sending them absolutely hurtling forward… and she used the wings to stop them from falling, sharp tips digging into the ice to shift their direction before they crashed into any trees. Like very weird ski poles.

”Keep doing it! Then we can outrun them!"

Lisa continued to create ice on the floor, which confused the robotic knights who were torn between melting the ice and trying to burn the forest down. Several of them fell directly onto their faces and left huge dents.

Ella started laughing at them, shifting against Saskia in a way that changed their direction enough for her wing to slam into a tree. They used the momentum to push them forward more, ignoring the sharp pain as broken bits of wood stabbed into the sinewy wings. They were going fast enough now that they should be able to get away from the robots.

"We need to get out of their sight, then we can hide," Saskia called up to Lisa.

”... Where can we hide?! Lisa shouted back in between leaps. ”They’re going to burn the whole forest down!”

After one last leap, Lisa turned the Ice Scepter back on the robots, and shouted, ”We need to make a spider so we can get out of here!”

"Fine, make the spider! We'll cover you!" Saskia caught a tree with her wing, spun them around on the ice and to a skidded halt facing the robot.

"Gimme the Scepter back!" Ella shouted, waving her hands at Lisa. Lisa just chucked it at her from the treetops.

Ella caught it, and turned it on the robots, doing what Lisa had been before - covering the ground right in front of them with ice before they could melt away. Saskia, meanwhile, created another bone spear and aimed it at yet another flamethrower. It exploded, decimating a robot. However, they raised their flamethrowers at the two and unleashed a current of flames.

"Shit," Saskia cursed. Ella used the Ice Scepter on the tree beside them, grabbing Saskia and pulling them behind it. The tree was frozen solid, like an ice wall, blocking the current of flames even as it melted. It singed their arms but they didn’t get completely destroyed.

Ella leaned around the tree, shooting a focused beam of ice at one of the Robot’s legs, trying to freeze them, before moving the beam along at all of their legs. Which froze them for a moment, but it gave Lisa a great window to get away and summon a spider and imbue it with wings and size.

The knights robotically turned their torsos towards each other and began flaming each other to melt the ice…

”... Throw me the stone!” Lisa shouted.

Saskia shoved her hand in her pocket and pulled out a small pouch they'd bought to store the Orange Stone, and threw it to Lisa. ”Cut it out before you go mad!"

"I can't keep this up," Ella wailed, sweat dripping down her face as she made more ice in front of the robots, unable to freeze them anymore thanks to the flamethrowers.

Lisa caught it, immediately that tiny coccoon began to swell up until it was the size of a sedan. It burst out, and flew over to Lisa and she quickly peeled the Orange Stone off her palm. She grit her teeth as she did so, but triumphantly raised it into the air - before Spider-legs burst out of her back and she launched herself onto the spider. Before commanding the spider to go towards Saskia and Ella.

Saskia began to pull their own wings back into their back, pushing through the pain that came with it - they'd just get in the way on the spider. Blood dripped down their back and clotted before it soaked through their already torn clothes. Fuck. They really needed a pain negation spell.

”Here!" Ella quickly put the Ice Scepter back in the strange holster she had in it and grabbed Saskia, practically throwing them up and onto the approaching spider. Then her legs glowed with light, which she used to jump up much higher than she should - Saskia quickly leaned over to grab Ella's hands and pull her on behind them.

"Quick, let's go."

The spider took off into the sky, giving the three a great view of the burning forest - and the forest that had already been ravaged by the fires. Lisa went in that direction, flying fast as possible until they approached their next biome: a strange coastal beach.

Except the water was blood.

”... YIKES!” Lisa shouted.

"Maybe it's safer than normal water?" Ella said very positively, while laughing uncomfortably and not even being able to look at the water.

"Right, I’m sure there’s nothing in there," Saskia replied sarcastically. They weren’t particularly bothered by the blood water, because it was just another fucked up thing in this place. But it definitely didn’t feel safe. "Let’s go further along the beach."

Lisa wordlessly landed the spider on the beach - and without a word (or thought), flopped into the sand. She made little angels in the sand as ahe said, ”... This sand feels nice at least!” She nervously laughed, ”Reminds me of home - blood aside, y’know.” Lisa sat up, a forced smile etching its way across her face.

"I miss the St Portwell beaches…" Ella said, sitting down beside Lisa. She scooped up some sand in her hand, letting it slip out through her fingers. She smiled, but there was a melancholy in it. "I can’t wait to go back."

"Hopefully soon," Saskia added, joining them on the sand. She wasn’t so fond of beaches and the outdoors, but it was like home… being by the sea, even if it was bloody. They sighed softly. "... will it even be the same, though? Will we actually have a home?"

”It won't, and we won’t,” Lisa shrugged again, lying silent for a moment before adding, ”I mean, it’s been ten years. They probably think we’re long dead…” Lisa awkwardly laughed.

"Ten years we missed out on…" Saskia sighed. They weren’t sure how to feel about it. It was ten years where their two closest friends were also dead - but then there was Kari. All the opportunities they’d missed. ”I wonder if Greta will tell anyone that were alive."

"I hope not! I want it to be a surprise, we can come flying in on a spider in our magical girl outfits! A proper reunion!" Ella threw her fist into the air, before falling back to lie down on the sand. ”We can party and everything. With alcohol!"

”I mean…” Lisa trailed off, shrugging. ”... Do you think they even care anymore?”

Lisa was silent for a second as she stared up at that eerie red sky, ”There isn’t a Coven anymore. Sloane, Aislin, Sully, Ken, they moved on with their lives...” Lisa began.

"Some of them must still care! Even if there isn’t a Coven… I can’t believe they’d all abandon each other," Ella said.

"Sloane was too stubborn to give up her… goal of protecting the city," Saskia shrugged one shoulder. "But I think you’re right Lisa. They’ve moved on. Grieved, forgotten us, maybe."

”... Despite it all, we still need to help Luca. Get back to Adora…” Lisa said, sitting up. ”... Avenge Kari.”

"Yes! There are still people that need us!" Ella also sat up.

"I’ll make the bastard that killed Kari wish he’d never been born," Saskia intoned, eyes narrowing and lips pulling back slightly to reveal her teeth.

"We all will!" Ella shouted, before grabbing both Lisa and Saskia’s hands. "Together!"

Lisa was silent.

”... Stop holding my hand like that; it's gay,”

"... We’ve done much gayer things!" Ella shouted, refusing to let go of Lisa’s hand. Saskia laughed and rolled their eyes. Lisa tried to pull away, laughing herself.

“... Enjoying yourselves?”

There stood Mother Will, her cloaked figure towering over them. That sinister smile on her face that never went away…

Ella screamed, jumped up, only to stumble and fall back on her ass. "What- Why are you here?!"

“I am everywhere,” The Mother Will said, “Because I am The Pit. I am not just watching your every movement, I feel it.”

Saskia's eyes narrowed, but they didn't make any other movements. Ella had blasted Mother Will with just about every attack when she first appeared… there was no point in doing that or panicking.

"So what if we are enjoying ourselves?"

“Because you are made for this place,” The Mother Will said, “I watched your every movement from your time in the Old Coven, to your death, to your first rebirth.”

The Mother Will was silent, “I have to say I am pleased fate brought you here.”

”Well that's nice, but we haven't really been made to feel welcome," Saskia intoned. ”And we're trying to have a moment here without you creeping."

"And we're not made for this place at all! Everything's trying to kill us and there's blood everywhere!" Ella shouted.

“That is because you haven’t realized the potential within the bounds of this world,” The Mother Will said. “In the Pit, the corpses of worlds bring about limitless possibilities. Treasures like no other - everything you ever wanted...”

The Mother Will looked at Lisa,

“... Revenge.

Then looked at Saskia,

“... Love.

Then at Ella,

“... Indulgence and so much more.”

Then she continued, “And above all else; the freedom to act on your impulses, and what everyone wants: power.”

"That’s not what I want, I just want to get home!" Ella declared immediately, staring at Mother Will with complete confidence.

Saskia was silent at first, expressionless. Love… it was her deepest desire dragged out. Thankfully, Ella didn’t even pay attention to it. She probably thought the looks weren’t pointed. But to get that here? When they were barely surviving? "This does seem like the perfect place to practice torture methods… But what if my impulse was to leave?"

The Mother Will unnaturally stretched, her face reaching out to Ella until they were inches apart.

“... This is your home now.”

Ella recoiled, head jerking back and feet pushing against the sand to push her away. "No thank you! There’s no anime here!"

“... How do you know?” The Mother Will replied. “You haven’t looked yet.”

Saskia’s lips twitched down into a deeper frown than normal. This wasn’t their home, and couldn’t be but… How would they get out? Would the Hound be able to teleport them out like he had in Mirage Springs? Something told them that wouldn’t be the case. He’d pushed them down a hellish crack to get here. Would he have to pull them back out?

Could they even get out?

"Then how do we navigate our new home?" They asked without much change in tone, looking and sounding unbothered.

“You don't need to navigate anything,” The Mother Will said as she sank into the ground. “... Everything you ever wanted will find you.”

"... Right, helpful, thanks," Saskia said, raising a hand to give Mother Will a half wave. Thank fuck she was leaving, they really couldn’t handle something like that for long.

"That’s not an answer!" Ella shouted. "How long do we have to wait?!"

The Mother Will didn’t answer, she simply left.

Lisa just shrugged.

”She’s a cryptic bastard, isn’t she?” Lisa laughed. ”We might be down here for a while…”

"I get the feeling she wants us here forever," Saskia said. If that was the case… would it be even harder for them to find the All-Blade?

"No way! She can't keep us here!" Ella said, jumping up. "But Lisa's right… we should prepare for the long haul. But we can survive anything together, right?!"

”Right!” Lisa shouted, throwing her hand in the air for a high-five. Before turning to Saskia, ”... We should sacrifice Ella if necessary, though.”

"Agreed," Saskia intoned as she slapped her hand against Lisa's.

"What?! You'd betray me like that?!" Ella wailed dramatically.

"You are the most annoying," Saskia laughed lightly. Of course, they never would. If anyone was going to be sacrificed… they'd sacrifice themselves.

”Don’t think of it as betrayal,” Lisa smiled. ”Think of it as volunteering!”

She then laughed, ”There isn’t any better way to go out than a heroic sacrifice!”

Ella’s face scrunched up in thought, seeming to think about it quite hard. "I guess you’re right! It’s my job as a magical girl to sacrifice myself for the greater good… Maybe I’ll come back stronger."

"We’re all coming back stronger from this," Saskia said.

Lisa nodded her head, squatting down as she began drawing the symbol of the Sycamore Tree Coven into the sand. She looked up at everyone, and said,

”... Let’s stay here for a little bit, it’s relaxing,” Lisa shrugged, looking at the literal sea of blood. ”Well, for this place’s standards.”

Interactions: Leon/Edict (@AtomicEmperor), Luna (@Estylwen), Linqian (@FernStone), and I guess the entire Coven.
The House on the Hill.

"We don't teleport out of it... We open a hole, we have someone keep it safe, do what we have to do, and then leave through the door we came through. The Temple would offer its services if that meant extending an olive branch to us, and I'd be happy to coordinate it. Especially if... One of the Blessed Pale Adepts says they saw me in a vision... I'm compelled to answer that call."

Britney cringed at the thought of allowing the Temple to help them. What made her cringe harder was Leon's thought that he could open a hole into the Pit. Or the fact that it was a good idea at all. All the horrors that were down there—Abyssal Hunters, Autoknights, the other multiversal threats, and Sunshine fucking Jones-that they could easily let out. Britney sighed at Leon before counting off with her fingers.

”... The Deathpile, The Great Maw, The Rampage, Britney named three beings. ”Maybe you all don't know what they are, but those three are up there with Stiggy that are currently being contained in the Pit. I don't know about you all, but I'd rather not replace Stiggy."

However, the whole conversation about the Pit was interrupted when something charged into the room... Britney clenched the Noble Vow tightly, not recognizing it as everyone assumed defensive positions. However, she recognized scraps of the creature's face - it was Ashley's cousin. This was all the confirmation that Britney needed that "Clancy" was not what he said he was. Hell, she was somewhat suspicious that he was Father Wolf himself! Not so tough, are you? Britney cracked a wry grin.

Though there was a crystal in his chest, a few different things could come to mind, but due to the whole 'infinite possibilities' schtick magic had, Britney couldn't pin it down without further examination. Britney took a few steps forward to get a look at it like Layla said... then Luca grabbed the fucking thing. She couldn't help but tilt her head at Luca's sheer stupidity. He had no clue what the crystal was, and he wanted to touch it - it could have been a magical bomb, for God's sake! Though, if Luca couldn't rot it away, they could be in some deep shit...

The crystal decayed, and Sully healed Clancy... Britney sighed in relief and took a seat by Greyson - who had his gun drawn. Britney stuck her hand out and gently lowered it, gesturing for him to take it easy. If Britney hadn't thought any better, their timing would have been a bit suspicious, but Britney would have given them the benefit of the doubt nonetheless. However, Britney let everyone else do the talking and just placed the Noble Vow on her lap as she listened, waiting for her turn to introduce herself - which she had already done yesterday. Britney mentally noted various things that were said... and cringed her fucking eyes out at Ruby's mention of the Temple.

Britney facepalmed.

They are everywhere I fucking go.

However, things were peaceful until Layla opened her mouth... and divebombed the meeting. Layla threw out some bold accusations, blaming the Greenwood member Naomi for Alizee's death. Luna pulled out her phone, and they played two (wildly out of context) recordings to prove Naomi was to blame. Jack, Stormy, and Linqian immediately shot that down by defending Greenwood, and Layla was acting surprised when she didn't get the reaction she wanted. Britney facepalmed. What was she expecting to happen? Did she think the Coven, some of whom really wanted this alliance, would throw it all away because she said so? Was Layla SERIOUSLY that delusional? Did she honestly think the Void Heart was the victim here? Neither Greenwood nor the Wolfpack was responsible for Alizee's death; it was the testicle and her own combined stupidity.

Adora led Layla out of the room before she could make a bigger ass of herself, but the damage was already done. The meeting was tossed around despite their best efforts. Though, Britney couldn't help but turn to Luna and (cattily) say,

”... You know, this really raises the question of what else you got on that phone of yours." Britney chuckled and left it at that.

However, Linqian began flipping out on Anya, and Britney facepalmed. Jesus Christ, can we not look like a band of incompetent, dysfunctional jackasses? Britney facepalmed. Well, it was up to Britney to try and fix things. She hopped up, ran over to Linqian, threw her arm around Linqian's shoulder, and smiled at her.

”... Linqian, chill. Britney began. ”Now is not the time.”

However, Britney raised her hands and did the timeout gesture as she said to the group - both Sycamore and Greenwood,

”Heeeeeey, everyone...” Britney started, "... How about we all take five to chill? Grab some pizza. Hell, take a drink.”

Shaquita Walker.

Some time before Greenwood came in.
Interactions: None.
Outside the House on the Hill.

Damn it, damn it, damn it...

Shaquita was right on Clancy's trail as he fled. She got sloppy and let those cops get close, ruining the whole thing. However, she was quick to chase after Clancy, being able to hear his frantic movements yet some distance behind him. Yet, Shaquita came to a stop when he charged into the House on the Hill. She mouthed a silent "fuck" as she shook her head. Shaquita knew that room was probably full of Paranormals, and going in there, armed to the teeth or not, was practically a suicide mission - even for her. Shaquita sighed before returning to her SUV parked down the street.

She would have to report this to Luis later, and see what he says on what to do next.

They couldn’t hear the sounds of the Autoknights’ heavy footsteps anymore.

They were deep in the woods.

That red sky was the only thing keeping them company.

Lisa sat down on a fallen tree, and sighed.

”... I think we lost them.”

"Thank Sailor Moon!" Ella sighed dramatically, sitting down next to Lisa. She grimaced, flexing and unflexing her burnt hand. She’d overdone it with the fire… and it didn’t even do anything to them!

"So this place is a hellhole with a monarchy," Saskia frowned, standing in front of them both instead of sitting down. "I prefer the monsters."

”Me too! Because at least you can dissolve them in acid!” Lisa snorted before shaking her head. ”Though… I wonder if we should have gone with them, you know.”

She shrugged before she continued, ”Maybe this ‘King’ knows how to find the Rampage.”

"Maybe…" Saskia rubbed their chin.

"Oh!" Ella jumped up, an idea forming in her mind. A stupid one, probably, but! An idea nonetheless. "We should storm his kingdom and make him tell us where it is! Saskia can even torture the information out of him."

”... We’ll have to find it,” Lisa shrugged, before she hopped off the log and threw her handa up and then said, ”I mean, though, if it's a kingdom… It must be big. So it shouldn’t be hard.”

"Yeah! It it's bigger than the Rampage it'll be much easier to find!" Ella said cheerfully. "I bet if we prepare we can beat those robots too!"

"We could follow one of them..." Saskia suggested.

”They are probably looking for us right now,” Lisa shrugged, ”But how do you suppose we prepare?”

Ella put her hands on her hips as she thought about it. The acid worked… and she'd also made a dent in it when she kicked it. ”Prepare to throw around loads of acid spiders! And I managed to dent one with my kick… maybe we just need to hit them hard enough. Blunt force trauma."

"Maybe if we lure them all together, Ella freezes them with the Ice Scepter or you bind them, then we blood rain them again," Saskia said.

”My acid’s only good against meat,” Lisa shook her head. ”But, they seem slow, and they are loud. So avoiding them shouldn’t be hard. Or running away. Not fighting every twenty seconds would be nice.”

Lisa shrugged… In the distance, they could hear the familiar sound of the robots marching towards them.

"Let's hide and follow them. Quietly." Saskia looked at Ella.

"I can be quiet! I was quiet before!" Ella said, lowering her voice. She looked around, frowning. Where could they hide? She tilted her head and then pointed up a tree.

Spider legs came out of Lisa’s back and she gracefully climbed up into the canopy. ”Get your buttcheeks up here!” Lisa whispered.

The footsteps got louder…

Ella gave Saskia a quick boost to get up into the trees before quickly absorbing a bit of colour to make herself stronger. It made it easy to climb up there, but unlike Saskia and Lisa she… wasn't so good at balancing. She grimaced, clinging onto a tree trunk.

Saskia put a finger on her lips again, a blood tendril coming out of her back and curling round the branch she was on. The squad of robot knights was an entire unit as they marched through the woods in a line, each brandishing a different weapon. Each of the robots stood a few meters from each other, as some of their armor and weapons were eroded, and some were not. They continued through the woods, seemingly past them….

Ella didn’t move, at first, silently watching them. She was worried that if she wasn’t perfectly still she’d rustle some leaves, or something, and alert them. Then they’d just have to fight them again. Saskia watched carefully too, before pointing in the direction they were going, vaguely indicating a path between the close together trees. Then they quietly moved, using the blood tendril they had to get over to the next tree. Lisa faster, and more gracefully, climbed to the next tree-

She came to a stop, looking at Ella, putting her hands together and used Snare to make a message:


Ella nodded immediately. Of course Lisa should. Anything that would make things easier was good! Ella was already having a hard time, carefully moving along to the next tree… for once her height was a negative. All she had was magical strength! No spider legs or bone lightening or anything. She grimaced as she finally caught up with Lisa and Saskia.

A glowing cocoon appeared that steadily increased in size until it was the size of a sedan. It burst out, equipped with Dragonfly wings, and Lisa dropped down and landed on its back. She looked up at them and gave the spider a few pats.

Saskia carefully pushed herself up onto the spider with her blood tendril, them pulled it back into her body. Ella hopped up right at the back. She then frowned. Weren't the wings quite noisy. She reached round to tap Lisa, pointed at the wings, then shook her head with a finger on her lips.

”That's only if we absolutely need to,” Lisa whispered back with a shrug of her shoulders. ”I’m going to keep distance - from the big ass line they’ve formed, they are probably looking for us.”

Lisa just shrugged, and began following after the robots. Keeping a safe distance, they were kept in earshot….

Then there was the boom of one of their muskets in the distance.

“... Found her!” One of the robots shouted, and all of the robots went in the direction of the musket. There was sounds of fighting - swords clashing, metal slicing, and the robots hitting the ground.

Lisa looked over her shoulder, before speaking at normal volume, ”... Should we investigate?”


"Yes!" Ella interrupted. "Maybe whoever it is can tell us how to get to the Rampage!"

”I’ll eat my boot if they know!” Lisa snorted, as extra eyes appeared on her cheeks and forehead. The spider steadily crept forward towards the chaos in the distance. Lisa didn’t get too close, however, the spider stepped over several downed trees. Not just downed trees, but downed robots. Sliced to pieces, somewhat eroded.

”… At least they can be destroyed,” Lisa shrugged.

Eventually they approached a clearing, and witnessed an Autoknight raise its oversized sword overhead. It brought it down towards a figure - which dodged but the figured disappeared in the blink of an eye. Reappearing on the other side of the Autoknight, and a slash appeared on the robot. A deep gash, that constantly eroded as the robot fell forward.

The stranger was a tiny figure, wearing a tattered leather jacket, black cargo pants, and dirty combat boots. Their face was hidden behind an ornate samurai helmet. This person wore a backpack a hip pouch… and a glowing blue katana in hand. The robots were converging on this figure from all sides. The robots with muskets and other firearms were in the back, taking positions, while the robots wielding swords moved in.

Ella frowned. She wanted to help the mostly human shaped person, but what if they were actually a monster too? What if they tried to eat the three of them? "Do we help?!"

"We help, then when they're grateful to us, we kill them too, and eat them," Saskia suggested.

"Okay! Let's do that!" Ella nodded, looking to Lisa to get her agreement.

”I mean there’s a lot of them,” Lisa awkwardly laughed. ”How about we let this just play out - what could we do anyway?!”

Saskia shrugged. "Well, that's the easier option. Then we can easily take the person out."

"Sure! But… just watching is boring," Ella wailed, flopping against Saskia's back, strong enough to push them into Lisa. Ella's arms reached round to hug both her friends and shake them. "I bet we could beat them if we tried!"

”Okay!” Lisa shouted. ”… You go in first!”

"I will!" Ella shouted. She stood up, spinning around dramatically on the spider to magical girl transform before… falling off it and hurtling towards the ground. She spun midair, legs glowing with a rainbow light as she absorbed enough colour to land perfectly! With an amazing magical girl pose! No broken bones, just a dent in the ground.

"Weird, unfashionable robots, your days of evil are over!" Ella shouted. She grabbed the ice scepter with one hand and with the other shot out a blast of snow. Which was as effective as throwing snow at a tank.

However, it was effective at drawing all of their attention. Which the masked figure used to run into the bushes. One of the robots pointed at Ella, then shouted,

“… Open fire!”

”… Blood Rain,” Lisa said, summoning the blood-filled spiders into the sky.

Saskia pointed to the sky, causing the pulsating blood sacks to rapidly expand and explode all over the field. Ella ducked and rolled to the side, acidic blood splashing across her shoulder and side as she crashed into the bushes. The robot were dissolved by the far more potent acid, boring holes into their thick armor, and not just that, when the blood solidified, they were slowed significantly. However, that didn’t stop them from trying, as the robots converged towards Ella.

One of them shakily raised a musket at her, before pulling the trigger. The thunderclap rang out with a flash.

Ella's eyes widened and she jumped to the side. The bullet hit her shoulder, knocking her back and lodging into her muscle. It hurt, it burned, but she raised her other hand, electricity crackling around it and shooting at the one that shot her. Which caused the robot to pause for a moment.

”… Ella!” Lisa shouted, the spider taking flight - but going past Ella. ”… I’m going to do you like Luca!”

Lisa looked around as she casted Snare, creating a thick strand of web that connected Ella to the spider. Which also yanked Ella as the spider took flight.

Ella reached up to hold onto the web, grimacing. As she was yanked into the air she used the momentum to swing forward, trying to slam light enhanced legs into the robots face on the way past.

The spider zipped past them - even took a musket round, however the damage was inconsequential as Lisa healed the wounds on the spider and kept zipping over the woods. Lisa, then shouted (she had to be heard over the spider beating its wings),


"LAND!" Ella shouted back. She still had the bullet in her shoulder, blood ruining her clothes… she didn't have enough pink in reaching distance to heal it. "THIS IS REALLY UNCOMFORTABLE!"

"AGREED, LAND," Saskia said.

”IT’S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE COMFORTABLE YOU’RE - AH NEVERMIND!” Lisa shouted before she landed in a clearing… a yard of a mansion. Lisa looked at Saskia and Ella, then back to the mansion…

… The robots could be heard in the distance, approaching steadily.

”Should we wait for them to pass or…?”

"Spider me!" Ella said first, down on one knee as blood spurted out of the wound in her shoulder. Getting shot sucked! She much preferred getting covered in acid.

”Let's hide in the mansion," Saskia hissed, running over to hook an arm under Ella's arm to help her over towards it.

”Oh, yeah; spiders!” Lisa shouted as she flicked her Healing-Spiders onto Ella. They burrowed their way into her flesh… and then the giant spider began to shrink with a series of loud pops and cracks before it scuttled off. That was when Lisa immediately ran towards the mansion, and when she made it to the door - she immediately summoned a wave of spiders before she opened it. Lisa poked her head in, before gesturing for the other two to come.

The sounds of the robots stomping got louder.

As the healing spiders worked their magic the bullet embedded in Ella's shoulder worked it's way out, clattering onto the ground. She didn't have to lean on Saskia anymore, running into the mansion.

"Stand back!" Ella closed the door behind them, pulling out the Ice Scepter and using it to freeze the door, giving an extra layer of defence.

"Those robots suck," Saskia intoned, looking around the place with narrowed eyes.

”Who are you telling?” Lisa laughed. ”Let’s just find a place to hide, and let them pass… Maybe the basement? I doubt they’d be able to get in there.” Lisa shrugged.

"Oh, I like the sound of that. Maybe there'll be a dungeon down there," Saskia said, smiling slightly.

"Yeah, let's find the basement! Onwards, girls!" And then she practically started marching deeper into the mansion, hunting for the stairs down. Eventually, they found it, and slowly walked down the stairs into the creepy mansion… Then Lisa flipped the switch to reveal massive place that was more of a fancy glorified bar. She smiled, up until she heard the massive crash of the robots breaking into the mansion. Their footsteps rustled dust and debris from the ceiling, as hearing them march overhead was not a good sound.

”Hide behind the bar," Saskia whispered, before reaching out to turn back off the lights.

Ella didn't really understand why because the robots shouldn't be able to find the basement… but better to be safe! She did just as Saskia suggested, Lisa did the same, running over to and hiding behind the bar. Maybe if they were lucky there'd be alcohol there too!

The stomping persisted, implying that the robots searched the mansion for them.

… Even over the stomping overhead, a loud growling could be heard from one of the halls. Then, loud footsteps approached the bar.

”... Oh, you gotta be fucking shitting me! Lisa hissed underneath her breath.

Saskia silently kicked Ella as her mouth opened to tell Lisa to be quiet… Ella pouted, before holding her breath. Maybe if she didn't breathe whatever it was wouldn't approach them! But at the same time, she pulled the bright colours of her hair accessories to coat her fists. Waiting. Hoping whatever it was wouldn't come behind the bar.

The loud footsteps approached the bar, and Lisa held her breath as a wave of spiders came from the unseen areas behind the bar—it wasn’t a lot, but enough to cover Lisa completely. The creature on the other side paused and loudly sniffed the air. Lisa motioned for her companions to stay quiet. Just as it stepped on the bar counter…

… A loud crash from above drew the creature’s attention away, and it quickly disappeared back into the basement halls.

Ella let out a sigh of relief. They were safe for now… hopefully those robots would leave soon.

"Well, I really need a drink," Saskia intonated quietly, head turning to look around behind the bar. Ella frowned. It was probably a joke. Right? The spiders that were around Lisa quickly deployed to all known entrances to the bar area… they weaved a thick web that blocked them all off. While they were doing their thing, she stood straight up as she said,

”... We shouldn’t go overboard because, you know, Lisa pointed up at the ceiling, and they could still hear the Autoknights banging overhead.

"We shouldn't have any! You guys get drunk way too quickly!" Ella said as she hopped up and straight over the bar.

”… We need it down here,” Lisa sneered.

Ella looked around with hands on her hips. "I wonder if there's any food in here?"

"Maybe," Saskia shrugged, starting to look through all the cupboards behind the bar. Lisa used her spider legs to climb up to the ceiling, before opening one…

”… Oooooh!” Lisa ecstatically said as she pulled out a box of Cheese-its. She ripped it open before she swallowed it. Dumping many of it onto the floor.

"Don't waste it!" Ella said, staring at all the Cheese-its on the floor in dismay.

"Eat them off the floor… catch," Saskia lobbed something at Ella. She caught it, tilting her head as she looked down at a can of peaches.

"OOOH, peaches- what am I supposed to do with it, I don't have a can opener… why does a bar even have these?"


"Don't know, don't care, and you have magic," Saskia rolled their eyes, popping back up with a packet of Doritos that they started munching on. Ella shrugged, using a heated beam of light to cut through the metal lid and get inside the peaches, which she practically poured in her mouth.

"Do the taps work?" she asked between eating.

Lisa shrugged, walked over to the sink, and flipped it on. Water came out, and Lisa smiled, nodding her head at Ella… before the water turned red. The smell of metal filled the room as Lisa flipped it back off.

”... No.

Soon enough, the stomping disappeared, and the army of Autoknights drifted off into the opposite direction in which they came. Lisa sighed in relief, before she turned back to the group,
”... Should we follow them or lay low? I don’t think they’re going to lead us back to their kingdom just yet.”

"I want to find that person they were fighting," Saskia said. "They looked tasty."

"Why do you want to eat them?!" Ella shouted, throwing up her hands.

"We didn't get the chance with Chloe… I just want to see what it's like."

"No!" Ella shook her head, before looking at Lisa. "We should lay low… maybe we can find the kingdom ourselves. Or figure out how to beat those things!"

”Now that I think about it, we shouldn’t have been trying to eat her,” Lisa said as she put her hands together, ”But eat her if you catch my drift.”

The room was silent.

”... I mean, all we have to do is share a space with a weird monster,” Lisa shrugged. ”That mysterious person didn’t have a hard time slicing them to bits but the robots had them pinned down, so...”

"I bet we can take that weird monster easy," Ella said with way more confidence than she actually felt… because everything they'd fought so far had been insane! It all resisted their various attacks! So annoying.

Saskia shrugged. "That person… did you notice the cuts were all sort of rusting? Like, eroding… reminded me of someone."

"Oh, Luca?! But he touched metal and it was completely destroyed! Like, bamn, disintegrated!"

Lisa laughed, ”I still remember that look on his face when I dangled him from a spider!” Lisa wiped a tear away. ”Though… Well…” Lisa shrugged.

”They just have a spicy sword.”

"Well we should find a spicy sword of our own," Saskia shrugged. "Maybe steal theirs."

"They’d use it on us before we could!" Ella gasped, shaking her head. "Let’s just… raid this place, see if there’s anything interesting! Then move on."

Interactions: Layla/Luna (@Estylwen).
The House on the Hill.

After Adora tried to defuse things after Lila (intentionally or not) tried starting shit, the Adoras stood by Lila and the others as she listened to Greenwood. Sloane asked the golden questions, and Ruby was obliged to yap. For once, she listened; well, for most of it, there was a genuineness in Ruby's speech and demeanor. Adora thought Greenwood was legit; she would be all for joining them if she ever decided to get back into magic. Though, things were peaceful, until...

"I can't believe you. All of you. You're harboring a member that's directly responsible for getting our Coven into a fight with the Wolfpack, and causing one of our members to die. And you're acting like that’s ‘no big deal’, like ‘we can talk about it later’, like I'll hush up like a good little bitch and let you just walk this one off! I may not have been there, but I've got the memories of an apparition who’s life was destroyed after what you did. I know how Naomi egged her on, how Alizée was getting ready to leave, before Naomi fired her up and served her up to Wolfpack on a silver platter! Play what you have, spy. Naomi said it herself. Alizée was getting ready to leave. She knew Alizée was easy to anger, she knew Wolfpack was on the way. She knew everyone needed to leave, else suffer. And what did she do?! It's her fault Alizée is dead. Naomi goes, or I refuse to acknowledge this alliance.”

... This idiot started talking. The Adoras facepalmed, all sympathy she had for Layla evaporating instantly. Going off of the recording, Layla was leaving out a lot, but from what Adora knew Alizee and the testicle were up to no good. How could Layla say an Apparition's life was 'destroyed' when said Apparition was hurting people?

Layla, Alizee got herself killed. From what Bea- Bianca told me she fucking kidnapped one of their members. If anything they should be pissed at us. Fuck, we all got fucking shot because of her. Thanks, by the way. A bunch more of us would be fucking dead if it wasn't for their healer. So step the fuck back.”

And there it was. On the other side of the story that Layla was leaving out, Naomi did mention that Alizee was trying to kill her friend. Greenwood didn't seem like the type of person to start shit; at least, that's what Adora gleaned from them.

”...Layla is not Sycamore. She is associated with the Temple.”

Wow. Harsh.

Adora thought to herself, noting the sharp pivot Jack took from being all 'We shouldn't get rid of even the traitors' to 'Fuck Layla.' I mean, she's far from sympathetic right now. Adora thought to herself. Adora glanced at Ruby, and the girl looked like she was ready to explode. Okay, it was time to de-escalate things before the Coven dogpiles Layla as they did to Sloane, and the situation got worse.

All three of the Adoras went over to Layla—one wrapped their arms around her shoulder, and the other two gently grabbed her hands. They all smiled at Layla (the best-forced smile Adora could force) as they attempted to maneuver her out of the room before the situation worsened.

All three of them spoke at the same time,

"Heeey! Let's go outside so we can chill out! Okay? Okay!" The Adoras turned their noses up at Luna, though. The girl knew exactly what she was doing when she showed the recording of what Naomi said: she was trying to make a scene to throw attention off herself. Either by throwing their new allies under the bus or letting Layla make an ass of herself!

”Luna, how the fuck can you be all 'Not now' then be all for it?!” The Adoras sharply hissed at Luna, pointing their fingers at her as they led Layla out of the room. "You know exactly what you are doing, you shady bitch!""

Now, they had to get Layla out of there before shit escalated.

Ruby White.
Interactions: .
The House on the Hill.

Things were going so well...

"I can't believe you. All of you. You're harboring a member that's directly responsible for getting our Coven into a fight with the Wolfpack, and causing one of our members to die. And you're acting like that’s ‘no big deal’, like ‘we can talk about it later’, like I'll hush up like a good little bitch and let you just walk this one off! I may not have been there, but I've got the memories of an apparition who’s life was destroyed after what you did. I know how Naomi egged her on, how Alizée was getting ready to leave, before Naomi fired her up and served her up to Wolfpack on a silver platter! Play what you have, spy. Naomi said it herself. Alizée was getting ready to leave. She knew Alizée was easy to anger, she knew Wolfpack was on the way. She knew everyone needed to leave, else suffer. And what did she do?! It's her fault Alizée is dead. Naomi goes, or I refuse to acknowledge this alliance.”

... Then this bitch had to start talking. All earlier suspicions about this girl being Alizee's sister or family member were all but confirmed - only a grieving family member could go through this level of mental gymnastics! As she spoke, Ruby clutched her staff, having to use what little restraint she had to not splatter this bitch. Ruby wanted to talk about it in a private setting, maybe come to a mutual understanding, but when this bitch went on her one-sided rant - even presenting "evidence" that only showed one half of the story - Ruby knew that this bitch was a lost cause. Also, by reading her emotions, Ruby saw the righteous fury in the gal... which meant that she fully believed herself to be the victim. Ruby stepped forward, ready to give this bitch hell...

”The Wolfpack is responsible for her death. The Wolfpack opened fire on her, executed her as they had fully intended to execute everyone present during that incident. Alizeé left Auri’s shop before that incident happened, immediately after we discussed a now-deceased member’s connection to the government. She left because she felt cornered, and Alizeé’s mind went to dangerous places when she did not feel safe.”

”I remember that conversation. What you’re hearing there is Naomi Rodgers talking to me. I had to step in to keep her from attacking. That was right before the Wolfpack arrived. Britney can tell you she wasn’t up to anything great.”

”Thank you. Naomi is entirely innocent regarding the death of Alizeé, as I am certain the House of Card’s spy knows, since she was clearly present. Greenwood, pay no mind to her. Layla is not Sycamore. She is associated with the Temple.”
Jack n' Stormy

Jack and Stormy immediately spoke out against Layla in Greenwood's defense... which was enough to make Ruby step back. She looked at Jack's emotions, he was livid after what Layla said, and that was enough to make Ruby refrain from giving this bitch the tongue-lashing of a lifetime. Though, she would have to talk to Lynette after this... Ruby glanced at Leon for a moment.

Layla, Alizee got herself killed. From what Bea- Bianca told me she fucking kidnapped one of their members. If anything they should be pissed at us. Fuck, we all got fucking shot because of her. Thanks, by the way. A bunch more of us would be fucking dead if it wasn't for their healer. So step the fuck back.”

"... Thank you," Ruby rolled her eyes. She couldn't help but sigh in relief because there were people with some sense in their Coven. Though, Ruby couldn't help but be petty.

”...If anything they should be pissed at us.”

"We're not," Ruby said with a shrug. "Simply because she just wasn't one of ya'll, sorry to tell you the truth. Matter fact; she tried throwing ya'll under the bus to protect the people she actually cared about."

Ruby shrugged again before she added, "The fact that she's jumping up and down for someone that clearly doesn't fuck with them is just sad."

Ruby made sure it was loud enough for Layla to hear. She could care less if she caused the alliance to collapse because she would rather die than be allied with a group that has this bitch in them. God. Ruby needed to smoke, and not a cigarette... She broke their agreement to show up to the meeting sober and pulled out a rolled-up joint that she had shoved into her pocket. Ruby slid it into her mouth, pulled out her lighter, and lit it. Ruby took in a deep puff as she wanted to smoke this dumbass bitch away.

However, they were arguing by the time she had finished, but honestly... she could care less.

Ruby White.
Interactions: Stormy (@Blizz), Clancy (@Zombiedude101), & Sloane (@Atrophy).
The House on the Hill.

”Is there anything we can do to return the favor? You’re going to a lot of trouble by stepping up for us, it’s only fair if we give back.”

Based on Stormy's emotional state (and, yes, it was mad intrusive to read everyone's emotions like this), he seems calm and relaxed. This contrasts with everyone else here being worried, concerned, angry, or outright apathetic. Ruby interpreted his question as absolutely legit, and she was wondering if now was a good time for that fancy call to action. Though, in Ruby's eyes, she was helping Greenwood just as much as she was assisting Sycamore - for those concerns she voiced earlier, and that she didn't want to lose Sully. However, she doubted that he, or anyone else in this room, would buy that.

"I would say finally getting rid of assholes like Emily and her cronies is enough but..." Ruby trailed off, glancing at her three maidens, before sighing, then adding, "... There is something. I hate to sour the mood with a sob story, but Greenwood is... minus two."

She shook her head before she continued. "Lyric Brown and Felicia Harvey were murdered by the Das Sonnenrad cult and robbed of their artifacts. Lyric herself was an artificer, and we've been trying to track down her artifacts because hell if we're going to let some skinheads use her hard work to commit hate crimes."

Ruby shook her head. "So, if you can help us find those, then that'd be great—but I don't want to seem like we're doing this for something in return."

"I don't know you people, and you won't know me... this coven stuff is all new to me, but I've taken care of myself long enough to know there's other stuff out there, so I can guess you're here for the right reasons? Not to be assholes?"

Then the kid started talking. Ruby gleaned that his emotional state was lost: fear, worry, and, beneath all of it, anger—the type of anger someone would have if they were dealt a raw deal by life and the wounds kept coming one after another.

A dangerous kind of anger.

"I want the asshole who killed Ashley. I can’t rule out that it someone who knew her and everyone else in this room that dealt with the snake years ago. That's the common lead. But while I'm at it, there's some people here that she probably cared about. And 8th Street... that prom queen who runs them is a problem, and she obviously doesn't give a shit who or what she steps on, like uh - bird-lady here. And I'm still not convinced she isn't part of it, or knows more than she's telling about the murders. The others are assholes..."

As the kid spoke, though, Ruby seemed less and less interested and, at some point, stopped listening completely. Talking huge, for what? A twelve-year-old? Ruby thought to herself, rolling her eyes. Despite dismissing this kid, Ruby gave him a courteous response.

"... You're a kid," Ruby sharply answered Clancy. "I don't know what they told you, but did you forget that you walked up, got capped by that Wolfpack bitch, and caused that absolute fuckin' pandemonium? You're not doing anything. Sit your ass down." No wonder he got shot. Ruby thought to herself with a roll of her eyes.

Thankfully, someone with more sense was next to speak.

“Sloane Faris. I have a question. While I am also interested in hearing how you’d want to deal with 8th Street or what else you’d be looking to get out of this alliance, I think it would be nice to learn more about our potential partners before jumping immediately into business with strangers.”

“Oh, they’re not strangers, they—”

“Perhaps this was addressed at the previous meeting, but unfortunately...my schedule is quite full on Sundays. You already seem to have a general idea about Sycamore—our problem with 8th Street, our nasty habit of getting murdered, etcetera—but outside of hearing the name before I don’t really know anything about the Greenwood Coven. How long have you been a coven? Why did you form? Notable accomplishments? Things like that.”

As she introduced herself, Sloane was reserved from Ruby's scans of her emotional state, but there was an underlying stress, anxiety, and dread underneath it all. This said a lot about "Sloane Faris," but she was fair in her questioning. She didn't know them, and while Greenwood knew a lot about Sycamore, it was mutual. Maybe Ruby was getting ahead of herself!

"Ah, yes, I'm more than willing to help fill in the gaps," Ruby stepped forward, tapping her staff on the ground. "We've been a Coven for eight years now, but I've known a majority of the membership since childhood. We've formed because after the whole mess with Stiggy, the entire landscape of St. Portwell changed for the worse. Monsters were roaming the streets and woods, and people were going ham trying to fill in the power vacuum. I want to say that, on paper, we formed to protect nature, but in all actuality, we formed as a..."

Ruby hesitated as she searched for the right words. "... As companionship. Survival. We wanted to protect ourselves, our families, and our homes from the shitshow that took place afterward. And over time, we grew stronger, more organized, and more focused - enough to shift our goal from just protecting ourselves to making a difference. We started to take on more responsibilities, like keeping the balance of nature and preventing the misuse of artifacts."

Ruby then scanned the room for their hesitant and skeptical faces. "As for accomplishments, we took out several hostile Covens, Cults, and other magical organizations before they could dig their roots into St. Portwell. We're also a huge pain in the ass for the Elite and Wolfpack - we ruined many of their trade deals and recovered artifacts they were going to buy-sell. But I guess our greatest accomplishment was fighting the Das Sonnenrad Cult. And..."

Ruby turned towards James before she pointed her staff at him, and he put on the biggest shit-eating grin, "... James here killed Kaiser Draeger and put an end to his reign of terror."

"Aw shucks!" James laughed. "It was a team effort, you know!"

"... Yes, a team effort involving you running off on your own to run a fade on one of the most dangerous men in the city." Naomi rolled her eyes.

Then Ruby said, "We've also recently formed alliances with the 317 and the Temple of Charming and Graceful Individuals. That reminds me, and I can also hook you up with an alliance with the 317. Their leaders love us, and a couple of ya'll are a part of them." Ruby neglected to mention an alliance with the Temple - she figured Leon had that covered.

"If you need me to elaborate, I'll gladly, sweetie," Ruby smiled at Sloane. "If not... then the Sycamore Tree Coven has some blanks I'd like filled. Tell me about ya'll. Your names. What you can do. What you have done."

A farm smile crept across her face.

"... What are ya'll waiting for? Let's get to know each other."

| Adam's Memories |

"In times of crisis, channel my strength and wisdom."

| Commissioned by Adam Blackmore and created by a council of master Orange and Red-Purple Adepts, intended to be a safeguard for his descendants in times of great need |

| Spell-Granting Amulet |

| In the attic of the Blackmore Manor. |

| The Blackmore Family. |

| No. |
Adam's Wisdom is an artifact within the Blackmore family, conceived by Adam Blackmore himself. Recognizing the possibility of future crises, Adam commissioned this amulet to serve as a lifeline for his descendants. Crafted by a council of master Adepts skilled in Red and Purple Lux, Adam's Wisdom embodies Adam's extensive magical knowledge and capabilities, ensuring his legacy endures through those who bear it. When worn by a Red/Purple Adept, Adam's Wisdom replaces their spell arsenal with Adam's repertoire of spells. Adam, known for his wisdom and versatility, had mastered dozens of spells across his preferred elements of Light, Air, and Water and his favored Purple Lux spells: chronomancy, teleportation, and telekinesis. This immediate and complete substitution provides the wearer with Adam's formidable spellbook while temporarily sealing away their original abilities. These spells are deeply ingrained in the amulet, allowing the wearer to cast them as naturally as they had learned.

Another critical feature of Adam's Wisdom is Lux Synchronization. This ability ensures that the amulet can only be wielded by Adepts who possess both Red and Purple Lux. If an Adept has only one of these Lux colors, they can exclusively access Adam's spells of that color. This synchronization ensures the amulet's power is used by those who can fully appreciate and harness its dual Lux nature.

Adam's Wisdom also boasts Lux-Memory, a safeguard mechanism that gradually restores the wearer's original spells once the amulet is removed. However, the longer the Adept uses Adam's spells, the longer it will take for their original spellbook to be fully accessible again. This delay balances, ensuring the amulet is used judiciously and encouraging the wielder to rely on their abilities alongside Adam's formidable spells.

In times of extreme danger, the amulet can activate Adam's Aegis, a defensive spell that envelops the wearer in a protective barrier of light. This barrier can deflect magical and physical attacks, providing crucial protection while the wearer gathers their strength or prepares a counterattack. The Aegis manifests Adam's mastery over light and his enduring desire to safeguard his family. Lastly, Adam's Wisdom grants an ability that allows the wearer to tap into Adam's vast reservoir of knowledge and experience. Through this connection, the wearer can receive guidance, strategic insights, and even fragments of Adam's memories, aiding them in making crucial decisions during times of crisis.
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