@Xaltwind You can just let me know if a spot opens up in the future see if I'm interested then. Most likely will make a new character, though I hope that won't take too long, because joining mid RP is always very awkward.
You can just let me know if a spot opens up in the future see if I'm interested then. Most likely will make a new character, though I hope that won't take too long, because joining mid RP is always very awkward.
Yes, I asked this question in the discord too. No, I'm not sure when it's appropriate to use discord versus the OoC. Thank you for you patience while I figure it out.
Can I name Sara's father, stepmother, and two half brothers?
No worries. In fact I encourage you name them.
I suppose I'll have Shouko drop by a little later then, so don't fret too much. It is also story related as it's convenient to do it now, since I think that's actually everyone.
Personality: Everett is best known for his subtle sly smile and gaze, the silver and eloquent tongue. He's "pretty nice" as most would call him, though very few seem to know who he is deep down. He's a well-spoken individual, his old line of work made a lot of use of it as a smoke and mirror to his true intentions, and his current lifestyle makes it an easy way for people to lower their guards around him. It is perhaps best to define him as self-interested, someone who often embroils themselves in their own work or desires, though he has an unscratched urge to also provide for others once again, and so he is often willing to cook a good meal for someone who needs it.
He also has a great appreciation for fine works, particularly blades of any kind, and weaponry, but also has a very keen eye for jewelry and valuables. He enjoys games of skill, loves theatre, and when the time calls for it he likes to drink too. Though he will often avoid it when he is required to make use of his hands for work.
Quirks: - The way he admires a good blade makes him look and sound like a psychotic slasher. He likes a good sword, but also good kitchen knives too. - The stories he shares about himself never seem to line up. - He's often theorizing how to cook monsters he has encountered, especially recently. Though a cook, he is also no stranger to going out and about in dungeons and such.
Brief History: Everett, or as he was known during his time as a member of the Hell's Key gang, Alban Mavella, rode with these bandits for some few to several years. Like all bandit gangs, they would eventually be broken up after accruing enough animosity from others, leading to their arrest or execution at the hands of guardsmen, soldiers, adventurers, or hired hands.
During his time as a member of Hell's Key, Alban was the group's cook, and as they moved from location to location, he would have to learn new ways to prepare the wildlife of the area, and even the monsters sometimes to make an unorthodox meal. His talent and sensibility with tools and ingredients led to him being depended on a lot for supplying the group with good food. It was always possible to get something to eat, foraging, hunting, or just getting some bread, but to make it into something more palatable was a talent that everyone in the group but him lacked.
Before he was a bandit, he was the son of a noble family, now disgraced, his father executed, and his mother having died of illness shortly after. The leader of Hell's Key found him drifting from carriage to carriage, noticing how skilled he was at stealing from travelers either in plain sight with skilled pickpocketing and a silver tongue, or quietly stealing from their backpacks. It was unexpected that as he grew up in the gang not even known as Hell's Key at the time, that he would become a good cook, and this was only because he disliked their poor palates compared to his originally noble upbringing.
This all came to an end when one raid went completely wrong, a group of skilled adventurers had decided to claim the bounty on them and ambushed them, using a local nobleman as bait. With the help of the leader, the comparatively younger members including Alban himself managed to run away. Since then, the small group traveled together for a little while, trying to find a new life for themselves. They all eventually broke off as they found something for themselves, one found love, another found a new calling, there was not too few who tried their old ways and only got caught, while another simply disappeared into the night. Eventually only Alban was left, or as he called himself, Everett, as they all picked new names to avoid notice.
Who knows not where the road leads him. He was sure his skills as a cook could find him a job, or even allow him to open his own eatery, but so far no town he had visited felt right to live in.
-- Skills/Spells, Stats & Items ---
Occupation: Chef (?)
Social Status:Fugitive Drifter
Skills: - Skullduggery (Expert): The full suite of a thief's skillset, specifically pickpocketing, lockpicking, sleight of hand, and of course, lying or a silver tongue. At lower levels there would simply be a couple less skills. - Bladework (Adept): Ability with blades, both small and large, includes the ability to throw blades, dextrous technique and precision. While this is mainly medium to small sized blades, it does include some basic swordsmanship. - Cooking (Adept): The ability to cook. Uniquely, he's able to cook with unorthodox ingredients too...
Iron Shortsword
Iron Throwing Knives
Leather Hauberk
Frying Pan
Rucksack (filled with tools)
Flint and Steel
Assorted Cooking Knives
Spells: N/A
--- My House ---
Until the RP actually starts and you guys get a feel for what the village looks and feels like, please leave this section alone.
Location:Where in, or outsde, the village is your home located. Type:Is it just a residence? SOme kind of shop? A facility of some kind? Floors:Is it a single or multi-storey building?
Description: Here you can describe the out and inside of your building, along with any special or noteworthy aspects of it. If you're feeling particularly creative, you could even include a floor-plan for others to look at, if you're into the artsy drawing biz.
The chance meeting of Bakuto, Mitsuaki and Tony was causing a fair bit of noise outside, part of which wasn't even audible to normal people. It was drawing some looks but nothing major, this was a rather quiet part of town afterall. Yet that fact would not stop an errant wrench from flying out from the garage and landing square on Bakuto's forehead. It would probably dawn on the other two that this physical wrench just managed to harm a Shinigami, and so as their eyes followed the point of origin, they would see Ouga standing there in a bit of a pose suggesting he threw it.
"It wouldn't be the police comin' after ya but me ya bonehead", emerging from the garage was Ouga. He had his mechanic uniform on, with the top removed and around his waist while he wore a singlet. His well toned physique was on display, oil and sweat marring parts of his outfit and skin. Somehow he had a wooden sword around his shoulder as he emerged.
"Well well, if it ain't Mitsuaki and Tony too, thought I heard some familiar voices. Rare to see so many substitutes all at once, you all eaten yet? The shop's still got some leftover sandwiches and onigiri from lunch", he motioned over to the lobby entry beside the garage with his thumb.
"And you Bakuto, once you get your ass up you can tell me about what you were doin' as a Shinigami... And what the hell is goin' on with your own body too, I hope you didn't leave the Konpaku for too long", afterall the main concern with Konpaku is someone might notice they're actually a different person... Eventually. It varies depending on what kind of personality the Konpaku turns out to be.