Avatar of Shoe Thief


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Cleaning day! Made a ton of progress and even found my long lost DS and my missing laundry card that still has a lot of credits on it. Found it in my winter coat of all places go figure.
4 yrs ago
Finally got into D&D. Now I feel trapped and I am in love. Should I ask for help or ask where I can get more dice?
4 yrs ago
Breaks ups are weird. Not sure how to feel about the other person, or about yourself. It hurts for sure, but it's weird and uncomfortable just how different things seem now.
4 yrs ago
I get that dude. Could be one of those days, in the smae boat myself. Hope you're doing better soon though!
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4 yrs ago
It's an ass kick ass world out there. And all we can do about it is keep kicking ass .


Welcome to my profile! I decided I needed to update this, and I don't have much for updating... Only in a single role-play right now, so far it's going really well!

Most Recent Posts


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 39 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions:
Location: Avonshire Grazing Field
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kosara was rather insistent that she was not infact the cause of the fear the beast had felt. She however didn't know what else it could be. Maybe Kosara scared it and she didn't realize it? Or maybe there was more going on then Kathryn knew for sure. Fog of war got strange like that. But she would keep her attention about her, making sure nothing would try to sneak up on them. She didn't feel like passing out, so she figured she had another good fight or two in her before she went down. But what in the nine hells would scare such a creature? Then she paused, realizing she probably did scare the living hells out of the beast she fought. But as far as she knew, she was the only person from Arconaple here. And if more people were here, the chances of someone who knew old runic magic being present were rather slim as they were uncommon abilities even from home. Though, she supposed people from outside of Arconaple could learn these abilities... The old clans traveled a lot. Well... raided a lot. And in Arconaple's prime, they'd send their legions off to war to far off lands. Some would settle, other would return home and open up trade routes. And then there were the goblins... The ones who had the books with the runes. Thankfully they either didn't know enough old tongue to learn it, or no one had taught them the basics and foundational work of old runic magic. The other bits were rather useless without it. If Kathryn hadn't learned most the basics before she fled home, the runes would likely be useless to her unless she found a way to teach herself the basics of runic magic and the old tongue needed to follow it.

Kathryn chuckled remembering how optimistic and excited she used to get when she wanted to learn something. Seeing Lizbeth light up despite her struggles the last week or so was amazing. "Well, the others are far better at arcane magic and most other types of magic. But I am sure we can find a teacher for you. If you ever have interest in runic magic, you'll never have to worry about reaching the top shelf ever again!" Kathryn said the last line with a jesting tone. Runic magic was hard to grasp its foundation, but once that was down the rest kind of set into place. But most people were far more interested in arcane magic. A type of magic Kathryn had no skill for. "But we got some smart people here who I am sure can absolutely spare you some time to teach you a few tricks." And who knew? Maybe Kathryn would pick up a trick or two? She had no knack for spell casting, but that was the appeal of runic magic. An alternate form of magic even those who aren't proficient with magic can learn over time. Though far more limited in use, and demanding far more physical effort then most forms of magic.

Meat harvesting went well as a whole. Kosara was getting help from Mr. Mosswater on how to handle the meat and bug bits far better then they were. Likely a more specialized knowledge. And from what he explained it seemed the locals were rather familiar with these beasts. But he seemed to concur, them being here was rather unusual. But they were a smaller kind. Youths maybe? A sub breed? Kathryn wasn't sure. Maybe just under developed from being cast away from ideal hunting grounds? She wasn't sure. She did however take notes from the halfing on how to dress the creature. "Well, do let us know how we can help. I don't know a ton on the topic of making sausage but I can make my way around a kitchen." Kathryn said with the confidence of someone who could handle a high class restaurant single handedly, while in reality she would probably need assistance in a simple household kitchen. But she was a great helper in a kitchen, even if her own skill wouldn't let her do a ton on her own. At least.. she thought so. Kathryn would try to help Barbal however she could, but much of it was probably being used as manual labor. Loading up bits of the bugs into the wagons for everyone and carrying it about as needed.

Now though, Kathryn's favorite part of most days, drinking time. As Kathryn got her bottle from Lizbeth she smiled warmly when she spoke. "Thanks a bunch. It should help a ton." Kathryn said thankful to have someone so ready to help about. Kathryn's smile brightened when Lizbeth asked to wield the hammer. Kathryn figured the height of her skill would be when someone reached out to her for lessons. To teach them in skills that she was an expert in. In this moment, Kathryn felt she was finally honing in on her own skills! "Absolutely Lizbeth. Just a second to clean up here yeah? Won't take but a bit." Kathryn popped open the bottle, downing nearly half of it before pouring some of it onto her tunic. Then taking a quick moment to dab and pat out some of the stains. She would have to clean it more thoroughly later, but this should make it far easier. Though, she may need to patch some of it as well. Once the cleaning was done, Kathryn took the remaining watered down wine and downed it as if it were just any other obstacle in her path that could be defeated just by forcing her way through it.

"Alright darling. Let's step off to the side here so we don't hit anyone in our excitement yeah?" Kathryn was struggling to hide how giddy she was. As a noble, having someone offering their child as a ward was a great sign of respect. As a knight someone who wanted to learn your skills meant they thought highly of your ability, and simply Kathryn being an older sibling to many others, the chance to help guide and nurture young Lizbeth was just something exciting to her. She wanted to help this small child be the best she could be! And if she didn't end up becoming a warrior like herself, Kathryn wanted to give her a fair chance to see if it was something she wanted to get into before deciding.

Kathryn walked Lizbeth south bound in the field trying to make sure if the little Lizbeth lost control she wouldn't hit anyone or anything of value. "Alrighty, I am going to give you a couple instructions that I need you to follow to the letter. Otherwise we won't be able to do this again yeah? This is a weapon after all. Very good at killing things. This one in particular. We don't want to mess up." Kathryn paused her serious tone for a moment and leaned in with a smile on her face. "That doesn't mean we can't have a bit of fun." Kathryn whispered like an excited teenager sneaking out of her parents place to go out and do something her parents would probably not approve of.

Kathryn stood up strait, and pulled the hammer off her belt, holding it in both hands with tight grips. "I want ya to use both hand. It'll be easier to control, and we can practice one handed if you get this down. I want the hand you are dominant with closer to the head. It'll make it easier to control. And your other hand will be used as a pivot so it'll be easier to build up momentum with it yeah?" Kathryn stepped back from Lizbeth and did a couple mock swings with a right handed dominant position, and showed off a left handed dominant position as well. "I'm ambidextrous so I can do both comfortable. But most people aren't. So if you need help figuring out which is better let me know. For some people some tasks are easier with one hand, but other tasks are harder with that hand." Kathryn said hefting the hammer. "I want you to practice the motions first before you put some strength into it. Otherwise you may send yourself into the dirt on your first swing." Kathryn showed a couple twist and swing motions Lizbeth could practice with to get familiar with how the hammer felt when moving. "After you get comfortable with how the hammer moves, we can move on to the more fun stuff." Kathryn said with a smile on her face.

Then as if she were a parade dancer, she twirled the hammer about until the head was pointed towards the crook of her elbow, and the shaft was pointed towards Lizbeth. Kathryn then out stretched her arm so the grip would be easy to reach. "Keep it simple. Get comfortable with the weight. And get the okay from me before we start wailing with it yeah? And keep some distance from everyone. At least ten feet yeah? Otherwise, have fun darling." Kathryn said warmly as she passed the weapon off to the small child. Though, Kathryn was maybe half her age when she first handled a weapon. A metal training sword that she found herself getting hit with more then hitting anything with. The hammer wasn't a training weapon, but Lizbeth had some years of life experience over a young Kathryn. And Kathryn had a trick or two up her sleep should Lizbeth slip up.


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 39 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Giant's Might, bug goop
Location: Avonshire Grazing Field
Action: Harvesting (Survival), Nature Check,
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Thankfully, things seemed to have calmed down. No more monsters, no more evil dirt creatures or rats of constables. Apart of Kathryn was glad it turned out to not be the former guard. But apart of her kind of hoped so she could tie up that loose end once and for all. But maybe the lost men were gone for good, fleeing to live lives away from this place. She hoped they would still pay for their crimes in some way, but she was unsure how that would happen now. Kathryn was ready to take this win though. As Barbal and Tarace cheered Kathryn hung her hammer from her belt, and the shield across her back, and gave a noble of a bow as she could. One leg ahead of the other, toes on both feet pointed forward, and a gentle lean forward with her head as her arms present openly outwards. "Glad you enjoyed today's festives." Kathryn spoke up in a gleeful yet proud tone. Once she stood up strait she realized how silly the jester must have looked while she was still in full armor head to toe doing a traditionally more feminine bow. But she just hoped that the locals either didn't know or didn't care on the matter. Kathryn's position in noble hierarchy is difficult at best, non existent at worst.

Kathryn smile and chuckled as Lizbeth seemed to have just had the time of her life in this potentially near death experience. Had the party not been here ready to deal with a problem, the whole situation could have gone so much worse... But this little one was about as happy as could be! Her aunt seemed to be catching up rather quickly to the notion as well. They were making the most of the situation for sure. "Can't say I can help ya much with the singing and monster ridin', but if ya ever wanna learn how to swing a weapon let me know yeah? I'm sure we can work something out in a way that wont be too upsetting to your aunt." Kathryn offered to little Lizbeth. Who likely do to current circumstances, seemed really, really small. Kathryn also wanted to leave enough room for an out from Cecily, or at least maybe just prop training with wooden weapons. It wasn't uncommon for the youth of Arconaple to learn to fight. Either because homes were the regular targets for raids, were common places to raise militias, or that particular family kept close ties to the local noble family as men at arms. It wasn't too uncommon for households to maintain a soldiering trade like how some households would maintain baking or blacksmithing trades. Kathryn due to her own circumstances, and the fact that if things had gone to plan she would likely live out on the frontiers, she was already pretty familiar with a weapon by the age of nine. Plus, with how much the L'Rose family has been through in recent weeks, it seemed the need to protect themselves was becoming ever more clear.

Then, it happened. AT first Kathryn felt dizzy, then nauseous as if suffering from debilitating food poisoning, then her world began to spin. As she fought for balance, she returned to normal height in a matter of maybe five to six seconds. For Kathryn, it felt like an agonizing several minutes. But soon, she was standing at her normal height of 6'10", and this time, did not puke and risk drowning herself in her helmet. "mm.... mm'kay..." She muttered as her vision focused, the feeling of almost puking faded, and up returned from its recently acquired sideways position. But she remained on her feet. She remained standing. She, had won and gained control over her new abilities. She knew she had a long way to go to master them. But she now had reliable control over the abilities of her bloodline! "WOO HOO!" She exclaimed fists in the air as she screamed. Quickly she undid the helm on her head attaching it to the other end of her belt. "Oh my gods did you all see that!? I didn't pass out or puke that time! Holy shit!" This was, about the best news she could possibly receive that day. Apart of her wondered if she could do it again?! And if she could figure out how to properly undo it?! OR! What if she could master other abilities?! No no... she couldn't get ahead of herself. She barely has a grasp on the abilities she was practicing now, and no tutor outside of the books V found to learn from. She couldn't risk getting ahead of herself.

Kosara brought up the idea of harvesting the Ankheg for food and other such things. But Kathryn wasn't sure of the best uses much either. If Kosara could make use of it, and V much the same, she figured she should probably do the same. Firstly being she was running low on her own rations... And didn't want to be some leech over the winter. Secondly, she wanted to help her fellow party members as best she could! Plus, she wasn't half bad at the deed. Taking the dagger hanging out on the side of her boot she stepped towards the beast who's chest cavity was rapidly turned into a tunnel and found a chink in the chitin plates she could begin from. Careful to remove the pieces of plate as best as she could to keep it in usable pieces. What the pieces would be used for she wasn't too sure, but they would have time over the winter to figure that out. The task took longer than she hoped. And was unfortunately messy. Thankfully, the air was calm and cool. She'd pack up her collections and pack them into the mule's wagon. From there! Things should be all set. "Kosara, the way you went after that thing I would be surprised if it wasn't you it was frightened of. I would be if you climbed up on me like that." Kathryn joked as the cleanup work was done. But she did have to admit, she did notice some odd behaviors. If Kosara didn't scare the living daylights out of the beast, then what did? Another thing... what were the bugs doing so far north? And so active at that. Things seemed way, way too cold to be comfortable for such beasts. She wondered if something drew them here, or something chased them off here. Maybe they were territorial with their own kind?

Kathryn about asked for the offer on healing, but decided to hold off on it for now. She took a beating but nothing severe. Her armor and tunic? They would need a cleaning, and maybe some patch work should time allow. It also seemed V was just as confused about the giant beast, seemingly jumping to the same conclusion that Kathryn did about their tiefling friend scaring the living color out of it. At least she wasn't alone in that conclusion. Though, V seemed to not have the luck she wanted in trying to get whatever she wanted from the carcass of the beast.

Blackberry didn't seem to be as into the idea of harvesting the bugs. Kathryn found that surprising, but suppose to everyone their own. The party had to eat, and even though they were paid well for the job, Kathryn had spent much of her earnings on things such as tools, parts, and the matching friendship rings for herself and Kosara. She still had some money left for sure, but she didn't want to spend it all on rations before she had the chance to make some decent money. "I think you're right. If there were they would have surely come out yeah?" Granted, one panicked and tried to run away. Another when it couldn't run away filled the battlefield with acid. So maybe if there was another one it had the sense to get the fuck out of Avonshire while its new foes were distracted killing its pack. Were the bugs that smart though? She could not be too sure. "Oh! I know this one. Kinda... Ankhegs!" Kathryn spoke up when Blackberry inquired about such monsters. "They're... not normally in areas like this when it gets cold. So its weird to see them here..." She trailed off. Turning to the two farmers she piped up. "Have you seen anything like this before? Maybe when they were smaller? Or maybe a neighboring town mentioning something?" She asked optimistically. "Also uh... with the loss of your sheep, do you want some of the Ankheg meat? Kosara seems to think its edible if it'll help with your loses?" Kathryn offered trying to help improve their situation as best as she could.

Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 39 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Giant's Might
Location: Avonshire Grazing Field K12
Action: Bug Murder Part II
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A

Kosara was a rather vicious little gremlin on top of the bug, and Kathryn hoped that her friend would be able to calm herself down once the fighting was over. She did find it amusing watching Kosara climb up on the big. And she pitied the poor creature who was likely facing off against its last fleeting moments. On the other hand, Kathryn would play a big part in that. She got a brief glimpes at the creature the others were fighting, saw what was happening to it, and decided the creature who had it's chest inverted had it easy and likely had the best death of all three of the bugs at present. She had no idea what had happened to the creature for sure, but she figured it had to be Victoria or Blackberry. Knowing what she did on the duo she leaned towards Victoria. Unless Lizbeth or Cecily had some sort of magic that could cause... that.

The bug that She and Kosara were fighting looked to be suffering its own fate pretty poorly too. Kathryn had no idea what the little tiefling did to the creature, but it seemed to want nothing to do with her. Granted, in Kosara's current state if the small tiefling was trying to get her too Kathryn may also attempt to dig her way under ground to get away from the small little menace. Blackberry soon came in to assist Kosara and herself with defeating the last bug. Dishing out several lethal looking blow with his sword and person, Kathryn was glad to not be on the receiving end of that mess. To Kathryn's surprise, the beast was still willing to keep fighting, or at least refused to die as it tried to desperately crawl away. A quick thought as Kathryn braced her hammer to her shield like a spear Kathryn figured it was likely the latter.

Kathryn thrust forward with her hammer and body weight as sending the head of the hammer into the creature's shoulder, or equivalent of, and sent it awkwardly towards the ground. Careful to avoid Kosara in the potentially lethal blow. As the creature attempted to recover itself Kathryn brought the hammer low, under the bug's neck, and hooked it lifting it rapidly upwards. Not a graceful connection, but she lifted up with a single fluid motion ripping the bug's head off, yet still attached to it a section of back like a spine as bits of the bug are removed with the head out the back. A single swift motion as if the half giant were swinging a pick axe and going to split a giant boulder. The head, still attached to some of the bug would find itself flying off towards the bug she faced, and what was left of the creature would collapse into the the borrow it attempted to dig, though not fast enough it seems. The hammer in Kathryn's hands never finished the motion, stopping just a few feet off the ground after the bug's head and bits had been launched.

Standing up strait, she looked over the battlefield. Much of it now covered in guts, acid, and thankfully not too much non bug blood. Looking at herself, she found a fair amount of acid, bug goo, and chitin across her person. "Well, that wasn't too bad." Kathryn chuckled as a piece of chitin slid off her helmet and onto the ground. She turned her attention back towards the non combatants and spoke up with a cheerful tone. "I think we got them! We should be good. But we can go make sure they're dead first to be safe." Kathryn had no idea how to make sure giant bugs were dead, but she figured it couldn't be too hard. Her next problem though. How did she get... un-big.

@Sigil Let Victoria do her thing!

Had some free time, made a backup.


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 39 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Giant's Might
Location: Avonshire Grazing Field H12--> K12
Action: Multi Attack
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


The battle continued on with semi reliable success. The creature infront of Kathryn burned and struggled against the fiery chains. Kathryn was beginning to think that this battle wouldn't be nearly as difficult as she thought. Kosara was off to the side, blasting and raging like a wild animal with magical eldritch magical fireballs against her own creature. They seemed to hold little effect. Kathryn couldn't be sure if it was because of dumb luck, or the creatures were somehow resistant, but the beast seemed to shrug off the attack for the time being. She looked ready to fight the thing hand to hand, and likely try to take a bite out of it. Kathryn wasn't so sure that the small tiefling woman could, but in her current state she seemed like she would try. She had been very... different since the battle with Cavendish. And after his Patron had called out to them all. She was concerned for her friend, and worried apart of her was lost that would never heal. She was beginning to think that maybe this was now the only way she could express her trauma. Kathryn just hoped it wouldn't completely take over her.

Kathryn however, was deep enough in thought that she had noticed that the giant bug she was facing had at least one more trick up it's sleeve. A trick she saw just a bit too late, as her person soon became assaulted with an acidic force that would burn even through her steel armor. "Son of a bitch mother Cunt Fucker!" Kathryn exclaimed in far less than polite terms. As she turned to shield herself from the worst of it, she saw that V had also been hit. This was starting to be a reoccurring theme. Kathryn would attempt to shield her party, she would then attempt to defeat her enemies quickly to end things as soon as possible, and V would take a hit meant for Kathryn. Gods be damned it's like the universe wanted V to take a brutal end and just saw Kathryn as a simple ditch to be avoided or run over in it's place. On a back thought, she realized she would also have to now clean her new tunic and new armor tonight to prevent the corrosion from the acid from ruining the armor int he long run. Her last set had already struggled due to its over extended service life. Already showing extreme signs of wear, tear, and rust. Kathryn being new to maintaining such gear she struggled to keep up with the nearly ruined set of armor. her own fear as well getting in the way of things. Stabbed in the back a few too many times, stabbed in the front a couple times, and trust issues she wanted desperately to work past. Tonight she would be apologizing to V for letting her get struck so brutally again, and she'd likely have to spend much of the evening without her armor so she had time to clean it up. V was the priority though. She would have to find a way to make it up to the poor bard.

V still seemed determined to not let the creature slow her down. Though Kathryn had a solid understanding of Elvish, the magical tune that came from the bard made Kathryn feel... unwell. Not sick, but as if there was a sinking feeling inside of her that could not be avoided. Thankfully, said magic was not directed at her. But she wondered what other tricks the small woman had hidden up her sleeves. Things that definitely gave Kathryn the chills. She'd pity the creature who was targeted by it if they weren't actively trying to kill them. The sharp turn in V's voice confirmed that Kathryn was very glad to not be on the receiving end.

Whatever Kosara was doing to the beast, it seemed to be working. Maybe too well. Like the one Kathryn fought, it was fighting like a cornered animal. Trying to do whatever it could to get away. Unfortunately for it, and the one Kathryn was battling, that would not be allowed. The creature retaliated and struck Kosara hard enough to send her back. Punishment that Could be lethal to some. Thankfully, not Kosara. She would need help, looking back to Blackberry, he held some comparable concerns. Now it was time to finish things. Thankfully the dragonborn was holding up going toe to toe well with his bug. With V's support the two had it down for sure. "Aye, fast. Can do!" And that is what she did. It helped that the bug she faced had already taken a beating, but while it struggled Kathryn looked for a window of opportunity to retaliate at the creature for its cheeky acidic attack.

Kathryn bounced back and forth on both feet as she closed the distance. As she did so attempting to feign the restricted creature, she dropped low and swung the giant hammer upwards with enough force it dug a small trench into the field bringing dirt and stone upwards as the weapon grazed the ground, and impacted with the creatures chest. A sickening crunch as the hammer inserted itself past the chitin like plates, the fiery chains holding the creature in place as Kathryn's force continued upwards. Soon creating a hole in the creatures back where chitin, guts, and the creatures blood exploded out. And with what appeared to be little resistance, Kathryn yanked the hammer out of the monster flicking off the gore from her weapon and in the same motion, turned her person to let the momentum of the hammer and body guide her person and destructive force into the bug that struck her friend. Bringing it down with enough force to cause another sickening crunch. Though not as destructive as the blow on the last one, Kathryn hoped that it was on its last legs.



Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Avonshire Grazing Field
Action: Multi Attack, rune magic
Bonus Action: Giant's Might
Reaction: N/A


Blackberry very kindly inquired about the potential events taking place. Kathryn would have loved to have been the one to answer said inquiries, but found herself unable too. Firstly, because she had no clue other than Something was under them. And Something was likely here watching them. Hostile or not she couldn't be sure until the second point. Secondly, one of the missing sheep had deemed it necessary to make itself known. At least what was left of it. Then, the air filled with blood and bits of sheep. "What The Fuck!?" Kathryn spoke sharply as she took a step back. Not wavering, but she needed room. Just a little more room. The rune on her buckle was still glowing. The occasional spark still coming off it, but it was still active. Good. The creatures that came out from where the very dead sheep had been hiding? Not good. Huge bug like creatures the size of horses. In a way that was comforting to Kathryn. Bigger things were easier to strike. But it looked vicious. if given a chance to get through Kathryn's steel, she had no doubts the creature would do much like what it did to the sheep earlier. But she was a tough nut to crack, and she didn't need her armor to hold up forever. Just longer than the bug plates of these creatures.

Blackberry was into action quick, taking one of the creatures head on. The dude was brave, Kathryn had to give him that. Even Kathryn now didn't want to charge up into the face of one of these things. Thankfully, it made the choice for her. Thankfully, she already had her weapons in her hands, and she had her helm on. As the creature emerged, Kathryn took an additional couple steps back. Still not wavering, but now she needed that room much sooner. No, she needed it now. She mumbled a couple quick words in old tongue, and the rune began to flare up as if it were being scratched up against another piece of metal. Sparks flying, the carvings glowing briefly as if someone had set off a magical explosion on the doorway that was the rune. Than, her boots began to sink, and the creature emerging in front of her began to shrink. The world began to shrink! And she began to grow bigger. Then the headaches returned, the upset gullet, she felt like she was going to hurl then pass out. Or pass out and drool vomit after she collapsed. But soon the rune stopped sparking, and Kathryn stabilized. She was still standing, she had not drowned herself in her own puke, and she had not collapsed from weakness. Looking about her, she maybe doubled in height? But she wasn't focused enough to know for sure. Now her attention needed to be focused on winning the fight.

It had to only have been a couple seconds between when the sheep had been launched and Kathryn landed her first swing. But as the creature took a step towards her, maybe surprised at the sudden change of Kathryn, or maybe it didn't care at all, Kathryn had landed a blow on the side of the creature, catching at least one leg as she nailed the hammer into the side. The first hit had an audible crunch, which she figured was good! But the creature was still very mobile, very hungry, and likely very pissed. So Kathryn using the momentum from the first swing, had brought the hammer around while still keeping eye contact with the beast, and sent the hammer down right onto the back of the creature, hoping to break it's back. But she knew that wasn't as likely as she had hoped. She did however get a chance to mutter off one more rune. Not loud enough she could even hear it over the carnage, but loud enough that she was able to get the runes to respond. They technically didn't need verbal components, but she was a beginner with lots and lots of intro lessons. Some of which self taught. Verbal was less likely to fail.

What she had not expected was just how effective the runes could be. The moment the hammer struck the beast, a collection of flaming chains flew out from the ground, and from the hammer, wrapping themselves around the creature as if they were living creatures wrapping up their own prey before crushing and killing it. Kathryn took a step back, and was awe struck as fire flew from the ghostly living chains. She had a rough idea what the rune was supposed to do. But this was by far much more than she expected. And now, the once fearsome bug monster, was little more than any other trapped animal. Kathryn was exciting that her abilities seemed to be working, but that one person could hold this sort of power, even as inexperienced with it as Kathryn was. It was a whole new world that Kathryn couldn't even begin to register.



Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Avonshire
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Nothing had jumped out and tried to strike at Kathryn. So, a win. She was nervous though. Sure, she could hold her own in a fight should push come to shove, but now she was the sole person who was a frontliner for the party. Though Blackberry could probably hold his own fine, she worried how things would go if he found himself alone holding the front because she made herself sick. He'd probably actually still do decent, but she still worried about him being overwhelmed and hurt. She didn't know a lot of monks... and Blackberry was clearly more than the few she had met. Kathryn made note to ask Blackberry more on his abilities and capabilities later. But she wanted to avoid a repeat of someone getting hurt to make up for her short comings. She debated again on using the runes. She'd be able to cover more ground sure, but her abilities were rather untested. She was far from optimistic on the matter.

The bad feelings were reinforced when Kosara let her new pet rat explore about, and seemed to get a bad reaction. Kathryn's eyes went wide under her helm when Kosara mentioned wanting to "Flush them out." Internally she was thinking "What the fuck?" Externally she was thinking "What do you mean flush them out?" Then Kathryn realized that she had spoken that out loud, and soon would get an answer to her inquiry. The grin on Kosara's face should have been telling enough that maybe this was a bit more than mischief. Than the ground began to shake under Kathryn. Kathryn's firm stance wavered briefly as she was caught off guard. She was still standing up right, but she had no idea that her tiefling friend was capable of such magic. Was that the extent of it? The limit?! Or was Kosara capable of dropping a house with her words. She was unsure... it was exciting to learn more, but she worried about Kosara sometimes. She's been struggling since... it tried to persuade them.

Kathryn drew her hammer resting it on her shoulder so she could swing it quickly while she checked something really fast. She brushed her thumb over the buckled on her shoulder. The core rune that is supposed to let the others work effectively. Thankfully it's a rather simple rune, but if it failed any of the magic Kathryn tried would become considerably harder to wield. Likely far outside of Kathryn's skill sets. "A Thuismitheoir mo thuismitheora, tabhair neart dom seasamh os comhair mo naimhde, agus bua a fháil orthu siúd a dhéanfadh dochar do mo chuid féin." Kathryn mumbled in her best old tongue. With help of her older education, and attempting vigorously to read those damn notes, she had been able to make some progress in speaking some of the lines. But her pronounciation was still weak, and her understanding of some of the words were still imperfect. But the carvings in the buckle began to glow a soft blue ever so faintly, before flashing white. Okay, so far so good. "If any of you under the dirt can hear me. This would be a great chance to come out peacefully and talk things over. This doesn't have to come to blows." Kathryn spoke with an assertive tone, wanting to give any possible sentient creature the chance to back off before things turned bloody. She paused, and worried about if they might be sentient, but do not speak common. Her dialect was limited to an early education and it showed in her pronunciation of several words, but she hoped she didn't butcher the translation. "Hello, if any of you can understand me under the dirt, this would be a good time to step out and talk this out peacefully." She spoke in the same commanding tone, but this time in a very basic Elvish. It was clearly a second language she was rusty with, but she was able to speak it clearly and confidently. She figured chances are these were wild creatures or monsters just looking for the next easy kill. But it felt wrong to at least not try and talk things through if possible.


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Avonshire
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


"Thank you again for the offer though, I'm sure I will be taking you up on it later on. Once we have a better idea of what's going on yeah?" She responded to her dragonborn friend in a polite manner. She was a cautious woman in most situations, and a ruthless killer in others. And in other situations, she was a total bleeding heart, wanting to see the best in everyone and everything. All of these parts of Kathryn fought for control at any given time. When the adrenaline kicked in though? The ruthless killer got to have her turn. And maybe, by the end of things, she would be able to stow herself just a bit. Though, thinking on it, despite the back to back encounters in town, she was pretty sure the only thing she killed was the rat beast... Though she damn well got close with the one she had launched into the fire barrels. So... Kill and a half? Though Cavendish's frustrated look of confusion as she nearly concussed him with a net was something fucking hilarious looking back. To be fair, she would probably be just as confused and pissed should something like that happen to her. Then that ruthless killer would need to make room for reason.

Arriving at the field the dead sheep were supposed to be at, there was a suspicious lack of... well... dead sheep. She gave Mosswater a bit of a sideways look when looking about, but quickly turned to sympathy. Losing so much of what you may have was never easy. And she couldn't imagine what it was like to be in those shoes again. But maybe they could still give some hope to the poor... farmer? Cattle herder? Fuck... Kathryn wished she understood agriculture better to know what jobs were what. "Let's see what we can find then yeah?" She asked Cecily optimistically before stepping into the field. She thankfully had a little bit of knowledge of tracking and hunting. Not that she was particularly good at it, but she was passable. And maybe she could at least figure out where the hell the sheep had gone. So she stepped into the field, hoping to see anything she could. Having to watch her step a couple times as the ground was soft and loose. Like the whole damn thing had been turned up recently. God, if she twisted her ankle now and found herself unable to stand, she could be pissed. Much like the constable getting trapped in a net.

The anxiety felt by Kathryn in this moment, could be measured in the handfuls. Not fearful, but something was clearly up. She just... couldn't be sure what. But, the sheep were gone. It sort of gave the impression of a wild animal having come and taken away their food. But why kill a bunch of your prey and leave them out and about? Only to come back for them later on... God she didn't want to think of the implications here. Unless it was like how Mosswater said it was, and they were just... exploding, leaving nothing left. Kathryn didn't like that either. Most of her skill set was in bringing the dangerous end of some sort of weapon, and inserting it into something that needed it.

Then the pieces began to click, and suddenly, those handfuls of anxiety turned into a bucket of sideways shit. The loose soil was thorough, yet inconsistent in locations. There were suspicious pole pricks in the ground, and the blood splatters from the once dead sheep, end abruptly in a slightly raised mound. She looked upon it, realizing why such a wild animal could have taken it takes collecting its meal. She was practically standing in its nest. "Oh fuck me in the ass..." Kathryn mumbled as she eyed the mound. She grabbed the helm off her belt before fixing it to her head. And was relieved to not have to fumble with a broken latch to tighten it.Her shield was then fixed firmly to her right arm, and a hand resting on the head of her hammer.

She would turn her attention to the rest of the group, hoping they saw how prepped she was for a fight, and let out a short, but sharp whistle before tipping her helm towards the mound. She would then draw the hammer pick end out, ready to disturb the mound. When Kathryn goes to unearth the mound, she is sharply advised by Victoria, "Kathryn, if you would please? Do not do that." Her voice, while just as mellifluous as ever, was marked heavily with urgency. Kathryn would let out a defeated sigh. True, maybe poking the beast, literally in this case, wasn't the best choice. Maybe some long ranged fire? Or maybe... she could go big, and just step on the fucker. Squish them flat before they could act. That, was rather tempting. Unless she just got sick, threw up narrowly avoiding drowning in her own helmet. Only to go out cold and be dragged into the den as a feast for whatever vicious creature lived under the field. That... didn't sound fun. But, she had a team of people on her side, ready to assist her however they could. And she was here for the same. So maybe it was time to try it again? Maybe she would be better prepared this time.


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Avonshire
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kathryn was glad Kosara seemed to be excited for her new abilities! Even if they didn't always work right... And even if that smile Kosara held may have meant Kosara was already figuring out how to make use of Kathryn's new abilities. She wondered what sort of ideas the small tiefling held. Though, the smaller woman seemed absolutely obsessed with Kathryn's muscles. If she had to guess, it was something along those lines. And if it was anyone but Kosara, Kathryn would have assumed it was something totally perverted. And Kathryn wasn't sure if Kosara had a single perverted bone in her body. Unless... she expressed it differently than most people. Kathryn supposed that could be something, but she was also not that sort of doctor. Nor any doctor really. As well as lacking an education past some rather standard stuff. "I'll show ya some of the cool tricks when we get somewhere I can pass out." Kathryn chuckled, simply happy someone else was as excited as she was. Sure, runic magic was... crude compared to arcane magic. But it didn't change just how simply awesome it was. She hoped when Kosara got to see her new tricks, she was still just as impressed. She was also glad to see Kosara still being her own caring self. Since the.... communication... with Cavendish's patron, she's been acting off. Kathryn found herself beginning to worry for the woman. But she has probably been through a ton at this point, and found herself caught off guard. Kathryn wished she knew how to help more, but she didn't... So she would just do what she could do to be available to her friend.

Kathryn with her gathered up supplies began to make her way following the halfings to the likely attack site. Well, she assumed it was an attack site. Somewhere to learn more of whats going on, and to face off against whatever had been attacking the locals homes and cattle. Though Blackberry called out to her, to offer to drop her gear back into the wagon. Kathryn changed her pace so she was walking to the side of the wagon and so she didn't have to shout to be heard. "Thank ya for the offer. But a few too many almost ambushes the last week if ya catch my drift. We've been lucky in those regards so far, but I don't want to find myself getting shot in the back without some means of retaliation ya know?" Kathryn said optimistically. Not expecting to be ambushed. But she thought of the times Cavendish had tried to lure them into a side alleyway to pick off. And how the party themselves were almost ambushed by goblins, only for Lizbeth's grandfather to take the hit for them. A part of her was almost certain that the trap was set just for them. But unless she found out more, she had nothing to base that off. And nowhere to go with that line of thought. "If a fight breaks out, I'd rather have to drop a pack instead of run back to the wagon to grab my gear. But thank ya very much for the offer. It's a kind gesture." She smiled kindheartedly to the dragonborn. And still found herself comically amazed by him. In the last week she had met more creatures and people she would have deemed as... well magical, than in the last ten years. Maybe that wasn't the case, but few adventurers wanted to talk to a 13 year old who had stolen someone's beer, drank half of it, climbed up onto a table, and shouted that she was now the queen and that all should "BOW BEFORE MY WRAITH! AND YOU MAY BE SPARED MY MIGHT!".

Looking back, Kathryn could be a difficult child at times. This was made worse by the fact that by 13 she was about as strong as Ser Lucas. Albeit, not as skilled. In some of her less behaved years, she had attempted to use her size and strength to assert her opinions and thoughts on people. Sometimes for good, sometimes for rather selfish matters. And there had been a time or two where Ser Lucas would have to come in, tell her to stop acting like a brat, and Kathryn would respond in kind by trying to forcefully sit him down. Only to be sent flat on her own ass instead. Stubbornly, she would try this a few more times, never succeeding in over powering her guardian. Looking back, Kathryn is glad she grew up, and had learned how to settle conflicts with words rather than force. She still struggled at times. She also didn't want to be some selfish brute, who pushed around the powerless to get what she wanted. She was however, far more comfortable pushing around the brutes who expected nobody to push back. She guessed Ser Lucas was much the same, stopping some selfish brute from believing she could do whatever she wanted and no one would push back.


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Avonshire
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


It seemed Kosara was so far the only one excited for Kathryn's new and slightly broken abilities that mostly sometimes worked. Which was a shame as she was mostly kinda sure they would work next time! But she didn't really wanna risk things going wrong out in the middle of nowhere where some poor sod would have to drag her back to bed... "Oh please, I'm not going to eat our lovely mule. I much more prefer chicken." Kathryn jested as Blackberry attempted to comfort the creature. Though... The pork in V's cart was ever so tempting... She'd make sure to snag some as soon as she could. It smelled pretty decent, and Kathryn realized she may have been ever so slightly drooling from thinking of such a tasty snack. Hopefully once she got the Rune Magic to work properly, everything else would start working right and she wouldn't feel like her whole body was operating three steps behind of where it needed to be.

"I don't think there is a lot of worry for that. I think they're far more likely to recognize his hammer. Though I suppose if someone knew him well they may also recognize the sword..." Kathryn said pondering. "But short weapons are weird like that. Most aren't custom, and the ones that are, generally aren't recognized except by people who were close to the owner or the maker." Then again, they were in small town country lands. Lots of people knew each other out here. So, it is not out of the realm of possibility. "But I think you should be fine." Kathryn said with a reassuring tone that spoke of blind optimism.

Kathryn did have to stifle a laugh at laugh at the halfing's comment about the potential hostage situation. Thankfully, Cecily L'Rose was able to explain things away in a manner that the band of halfings seemed to accept. "Bloody hell that almost turned to shite." She said her laughter turning more nervous than anything at this point. Little Lizbeth also added in her own additions to their adventure which was rather sweet. Most of the group would continue on their way, with a pair of halflings staying behind to either explain things, or make sure the party's lovely hosts were being taken care of and not in any harm. Now that the tension was faded, Kathryn felt more comfortable stepping forward. At this stage of her life, she knew her size could be intimidating, especially in tense situations.

Opting to leave her helm in the wagon so she may be able to present a friendly face, Kathryn stepped forward while introductions took place. When Tarace and Barbal were introduced Kathryn waited for a good chance to introduce herself as well. "Lady Kathryn Pyke, at yer service." And with it, gave a curt bow. Yes, she had other titles. She could have thrown a Ser, or a Lord if she really wanted too. Though that last title would be a stretch as her family didn't own any land anymore. Or have legal rights in their home lands... As well, Lady gave a softer, safer vibe during introductions. And given how tense things were a moment ago, safer seemed better. "It's nice too meet you both." She made sure to give a friendly wave to the others as they left. Trying her best to not give any impressions of being hostile. She even slouched a little to give herself a more weaker, and smaller posture. The drawback, she was taller than the last time she had to try and pull this off. So that may not have the same effect it did before. As well, she couldn't slouch much without making it obvious she was trying to make herself seem smaller, and it wasn't comfortable for her.

Kathryn's soft smile lessened hearing the story of what was happening to the sheep. She didn't like the sounds of it one bit. And Blackberry's suggestion that it could be the other town guards only made that feeling worse. Kathryn worried on this a lot. She was rather emotionally soft. She wanted to see the best in everyone. Even the most cruel and evil of people. She wanted everyone to be redeemable. Ser Lucas would remind her often, that having such a mentality only got those killed who couldn't save themselves from those cruel and evil people who got spared. She had hoped there was some sort of middle ground, someway to be merciful without jeopardizing the innocent, but she was struggling to find it. And she was the one who insisted on sparing the one guard. Who was... left in a barrel... fuck. And who let the others get away. Sure, it made fighting Cavendish far easier, but at what cost? What if it was the guards? And they got bolder and went after more than just cattle?

"We'd be glad to help." Kathryn said straining her posture a bit. But they already seemed to be on the road again. Kathryn booked it to the party's wagon, grabbing the belt that held some of her weapons, her helm, and her pack. Following on foot preparing to give it her all. She needed to know if she was the cause of their troubles, and make things right. And if she wasn't, she still swore and oath to protect the innocent.
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