Avatar of Shu


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Ushi Saru Oo Ne E Tori Ushi Uma Tori Ne Tora Inu Tora Mee Ushi Hitsuji Me E Hitsuji Ne Genne Saru Tori Tatzu Tori Ushi Uma Hitsuji Tora Me Ne Saru Ooh E Tatzu Hitsuji Ne Ushi Hitsuji Tori Ge Ne E Tori
4 yrs ago
Well let’s see... an OP to finish, three 1x1’s to respond to, and two work related reports to fill out this afternoon. I’ll need some tea.
4 yrs ago
Someone took my Microsoft office and they will pay. You have my word.
4 yrs ago
Lavate las manos!
4 yrs ago
Nothing like a good night’s sleep and well brewed coffee to help you forget an unpleasant evening.


A little about me…

• Female (She/Her) (Cisgender)
• Pansexual
• Twenty-nine years old.
• An America-born Eurasian. (Of Han Chinese and Dutch descent.)
• US Central Time Zone
• Casual & Advanced are my vibes.
• My writing interests are manifold in genre.
• I tend to prefer 1x1’s but I can never shy away from a great group RP.
• Ask for the Discord.

Current Roleplays…

Her Wrestling Dream A wrestling career 1x1 roleplay with @Shoopuf.

STAR WARS : Throne of Cathar A Star Wars 1x1 roleplay with @LanaStorm.

FORGOTTEN REALMS : Gambit of Scoundrels A Forgotten Realms roleplay with @Herald.

2100 ☢️ BADLAND REPUBLIC A post-apocalyptic group roleplay.

Extra bits…

My 1x1 Index.

My catalogue of characters. (The new one.)

My old/original catalogue of characters.

SANDSTRIDERS world and lore.

A Thousand Legends world and lore.

Group Roleplays that I have GM’d;

Most Recent Posts

Breck’s eyes moved to Leon, his face now expressionless. There was a chuckle or two among the group. “You will be guided toward your side of the camp,” Breck motioned to one of his men who nodded in head, begrudgingly though, “Come morning is when you all will receive your first orders. Take this evening to get used to the camp and rest well tonight. The quartermaster is preparing supper as we speak so it should be soon enough you can fill your bellies after the long day you’ve all had.”

Iliskra heard a shuffling off to the right and looked to see the source of it - two men lugging a heavy wooden chest between them as they approached Breck and the rest. Even where she stood in the midst of the other hirelings Iliskra could hear the men’s labored grunts which ended with a pair of loud exhales as they set the chest down in front of Breck with a harsh slam. Breck nodded as the two men half-stumbled away, stretching out and shaking their arms almost in protest at having to lug the large chest as they disappeared back into the camp. Breck reached forward and pulled the lid open from the back revealing the chest was filled with tied up burlap sacks.

“Your payment up front.” Breck nodded beckoning the group forward.

The group impulsively surged forward, shoulders and arms pressing together as the hirelings closed in like vultures around the chest. Breck sharply raised one hand in a “halt” gesture making them all come to a stop. Breck reached in and grabbed the first bag in sight with a grunt and heaved it to the tall, heavily armored warrior who eagerly caught it with both hands. As Breck reached for the next bag the oaf had already opened his own and a twisting grin stretched out under his helm as he reached in and pulled out a handful of gold coins revealingly. As the second mercenary claimed their coin the brute let the gold in his meaty paw tumble from his fingers back into the bag - enjoying the clinking of his newly claimed wealth. As the third person acquired their pay Iliskra and the others noticed that the Helmite and one other knightly sort had abstained themselves - standing together, arms crossed, with rather pompous expressions painted across their faces. Iliskra sneered to herself as she moved closer to the chest, let those two have their empty moral superiority. Better to be rich and hollow than noble-hearted but poor. One of the others who had also noticed asked about their shares as well as the gold meant for the fallen from earlier to which Breck sharply replied it would be kept and used for merit pay. While some were visibly aggravated at the concept of not getting a slice of the unclaimed shares they kept their mouths shut.

The journey was not easy. After making distance from smoldering Inabayama, Ichiro and Natsumi at Ichiro’s insistence began their journey south to Ise. Neither brother nor sister had been to Ise in many, many years and while the Kitabatake had always been a content, honorable clan these were uncertain days. The Shogunate’s power was crumbling, the Ashikaga could no longer retain their authority over the land. All across the realm Daimyo were rising up - declaring feuds, pressing land claims, and renouncing the weakened Ashikaga. Hachiman stirs as the fires of war begin to spread threatening to engulf all. The roads became dangerous as bandits and rapacious ronin skulked like wolves in the treelines.

Ichiro and Natsumi stayed on the main road south. Mino itself was a small province, but going beyond its’ borders took time. Natsumi had feared that after Inabayama fell the demon Nobunaga would be swift in blocking the roads out of the prefecture - and she was right. Three times Ichiro and Natsumi were forced to leap from the road into the bush as Oda horsemen came thundering past, their spears ready to run through anyone they crossed. The Oda had also set up guard post on the border with Ise and Ichiro and Natsumi were forced to crawl on their bellies through knee-tall grass and mud to avoid being caught. Natsumi knew that if they were caught her brother would be executed and she too perhaps - thought for she there was far worse that was more likely.

By nightfall the two had made it over the border into Ise. Kitabatake ashigaru and samurai watched the main road south. Natsumi insisted that she and Ichiro avoid them as they had the Oda. “They may very well think us spies or troublemakers.” Natsumi insisted, noting she and her brothers’ arms and their young age. The two took to the woodland again, not returning to the main road until they were far beyond the Kitabatake men. By some fortune they would find themselves at the doorstep of a ryokan, a roadside house that would accept travelers for the evening provided they could pay. Unfortunately the house was full, though the kindly man who owned it allowed Ichiro and Natsumi to sleep in the barn. Despite the suspicion in his eyes the man gave them cooked for them a meal as well and did not demand pay of the brother and sister for the one night. Perhaps it was pity? Perhaps a gentle souls’ kindness for what he saw as two young ones in trouble? Ichiro and Natsumi had always slept in the finest home and been fed the best of foods, but given their staggering exhaustion and growing hunger the two found themselves more than grateful for the peasant man’s hospitality.

As the sun rose high come morning Ichiro and Natsumi awoke to the crowing of roosters and lowing of oxen. By now the smell of the barn had begun to settle into their noses - and worse, their clothes - and the two hurried away from the ryokan and continued south without seeing the house owner again. Natsumi felt some remorse at doing such a thing but she and her brothers’ safety could not be certain if they lingered now. Natsumi was not sure how far they had walked, just that they walked and walked and did not stop. Before long the sun was hanging high over the world, as it had been the day before when the Oda sundered Inabayama and ended the Saitō rule over Mino. Natsumi felt cool drops running down her forehead and her breath started to grow heavy as she tightly squeezed the sword her brother had handed her. So much of her was still shaken, filled with fear and sorrow - she knew not what would happen to she or Ichiro and that their father and the rest of their clansmen were not here to help them. The world lay before them and the land was erupting in chaos as evil men like Oda Nobunaga looked to seize power for themselves and to trample all before them. It felt as if the whole world was being torn apart around Natsumi and her brother.

As Ichiro and Natsumi tromped over a small, dusty hill and were faced with a humble fishing village Natsumi pulled at her brothers’ shoulder. When she had his attention she asked him, “Where do we go? Just who do we seek out? What allies could we - little more than children - call upon? Would Kitabatake-sama so willingly take us in?”
Banned by a daemonette.
In 3 Word Story 5 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
YOLO my dudes.
Banned for the Shrek signature.
Banned because victory shall be mine.

“So, these are what Lord Hastlon sends me.”

There was a heavy groan as the supply wagon and weary horse were taken away. The supplies would be offloaded and placed with the quartermaster and the horse and wagon kept at the camp for the time being. The fifteen hirelings all stood in a muddled bunch in the center of the camp now, an open area large enough to fit four tents and encircled by a small formation of crackling torches. Aside from the on-duty sentries, who all remained at their posts, the occupants of the camp had gathered round - most coming in behind Breck who stood facing the assembled adventurers and mercenaries. Some of Breck’s men wore casual clothing, tunics and breeches suited for a commoner after a long days work, though most were fully dressed in their armor with their weapons at hand. Iliskra could see they all wore the same standard suits of chain mail and scale mail typical of men-at-arms of the Dalelands. Some stared and cocked their heads in curiosity while others narrowed their eyes in suspicion beneath their hoods and helms. Iliskra’s head turned slightly as her eyes passed over as much of the camp as she could see. It was surprisingly organized; walking paths were clear and wide, crates, barrels, and trunks all neatly stacked under sheds and lean-to’s, and the tents were all adequately spaced while not taking up excess room. Camp fires were kept low to avoid billowing smoke clouds and the men and women visible to the eye all looked fit and ready for whatever might come their way.

Breck himself was an imposing man, even given his otherwise unremarkable appearance. To most he would pass as a common ranger or trail scout. Iliskra had learned a long time ago never to judge a person by what was on the outside. The humblest and most fragile-looking maid could be a witch, a brawny and jovial woodcutter a master assassin. This whiskered, cowled man before Iliskra and the others had an “air” about him, he was not to be toyed with or taken upon without sincerity. It was not so much a threatening aura as a simple unspoken reality of “do not test me”.

“Well, I must say I was expecting a few more of you.” Brick said in a voice that was low and raspy, the corners of his mouth turning down somewhat.

“We were more in number,” the Helmite woman spoke up, “but we were ambushed on our way here by a band of thugs. We lost four of our own and the driver was also killed.” Several others nodded in affirmation.

Breck’s heavy brows raised up beneath his cowl, “I see. Well, you all are here and alive which means those thugs lie dead in your wake. But now I must send out scouts to search for a bandit lair anywhere nearby. This camp remaining safe and unfound is my grave of concern.”

Breck turned to face a pair of men nearby, both adorned similarly to the one that had crossed the hirelings’ path earlier after the short battle - studded leather armor, heavy cloaks, and lightly armed. With a few short waves of his hand Breck said something just short and low enough for Iliskra to miss, the two men nodding together and scurrying past in the direction of the front gate.

Once the duo were out of sight Breck looked back to the new arrivals, clasping his hands behind his back.
“I will give you a formal enough introduction,” Breck said levelly, “I am Breck. I am the ‘commander’ - as it were - of this encampment. I direct and oversee all actions within this area and in relation to Lord Hastlon’s endeavors in Scardale Town. I send him regular reports of our efforts here and his guiding hand from afar directs me in the greater prize that is reclaiming our dale’s capital from the malignant and chaotic forces that have claimed and defile it.”

Breck took a moment of pause, all eyes looked to him - even those of his own men. “Those here in this encampment, which now includes all of you, take orders from me. You will perform what tasks you are given, regardless of how big or small they may seem to you, and in turn you will receive regular pay for your successes. Just know that you will be paid by merit and not by your mere presence here.”

Another pause, Breck then continued, “I expect the fullest discipline in my camp. Food, water, and ale will be evenly rationed. There will be no revelry or raucous behavior that may draw attention from afar. And there will be a sundown curfew barring those standing guard or handling a special task. Anyone caught stealing, stirring up trouble or attempting subterfuge, or otherwise being a dangerous nuisance here in my encampment will be executed.” Breck smirked, stopping again and surveying those before him as his words hung in the air.
Banned because how I have waited for this, Lith.
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