Avatar of Shu


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Ushi Saru Oo Ne E Tori Ushi Uma Tori Ne Tora Inu Tora Mee Ushi Hitsuji Me E Hitsuji Ne Genne Saru Tori Tatzu Tori Ushi Uma Hitsuji Tora Me Ne Saru Ooh E Tatzu Hitsuji Ne Ushi Hitsuji Tori Ge Ne E Tori
4 yrs ago
Well let’s see... an OP to finish, three 1x1’s to respond to, and two work related reports to fill out this afternoon. I’ll need some tea.
4 yrs ago
Someone took my Microsoft office and they will pay. You have my word.
4 yrs ago
Lavate las manos!
4 yrs ago
Nothing like a good night’s sleep and well brewed coffee to help you forget an unpleasant evening.


A little about me…

• Female (She/Her) (Cisgender)
• Pansexual
• Twenty-nine years old.
• An America-born Eurasian. (Of Han Chinese and Dutch descent.)
• US Central Time Zone
• Casual & Advanced are my vibes.
• My writing interests are manifold in genre.
• I tend to prefer 1x1’s but I can never shy away from a great group RP.
• Ask for the Discord.

Current Roleplays…

Her Wrestling Dream A wrestling career 1x1 roleplay with @Shoopuf.

STAR WARS : Throne of Cathar A Star Wars 1x1 roleplay with @LanaStorm.

FORGOTTEN REALMS : Gambit of Scoundrels A Forgotten Realms roleplay with @Herald.

2100 ☢️ BADLAND REPUBLIC A post-apocalyptic group roleplay.

Extra bits…

My 1x1 Index.

My catalogue of characters. (The new one.)

My old/original catalogue of characters.

SANDSTRIDERS world and lore.

A Thousand Legends world and lore.

Group Roleplays that I have GM’d;

Most Recent Posts

In 3 Word Story 5 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
The Pokémon firemen
I win.
Breck glared at Leon, his brow furrowing like a caterpillar bundling itself inward. “Supporting Commander Raibal is a major need,” Breck said, “Commander Raibal is a fine man and a seasoned officer and fighter. And his role in reclaiming Scardale Town will be invaluable. As you have guessed we will begin with the bulk of this company marching east and joining with Commander Raibal’s forces. Most of my men as well as a fair number of you lot will aid the commander in holding his ground and defending the good people of the city.”

“A fair number?” questioned one of the halfling pair.

“Those of you not joining in the efforts on the north side of the city will be sent across the river.” Breck nodded.

“To infiltrate the Talons and this other ‘guild’.” the other halfling stated the obvious.

Breck nodded, “Infiltration is ideal. But if you find other ways to disrupt or even cripple their efforts all the better. My best scouts will be helping those on the south part of the city, keeping eyes on the streets, asking around, and looking for weaknesses in these two other groups. The thieves guild will be simple… this other group though… A shame we do not have another wizard adept among us, eh, Leifar?”

The bearded wizard nearby shook his head in a visible reaction of irritation, “I already told you, Breck. That will not be so. At least not from the Chandlerscross tower. After all, I am… not even supposed to be here.”

“Yes, of course,” Breck snorted with a smile, “your fellows believe you to be in Shadowdale for the time.”

“So,” the Helmite woman spoke up, “most of us, here at the first of all this, will be working to help stop the Red Wizards from claiming the whole north side of the city while the rest work to weaken or even wipe out the miscreants across the river. That brings to question if we will receive any other aid…?”

“I am already preparing a letter to send to Lord Hastlon to inform him of your arrival,” Breck replied, “and I will be requesting additional manpower from his personal company. I will also be extending… ‘feelers’ of my own to see if some old friends of mine could be of help even if indirectly.”

“Just who will be going where? I mean… who will be standing with the watch and who will be crossing over into the southern part of the city?” asked one of the sword-arms.

“That shall be decided right now.”
“And… the fourth?” asked one of the mercenaries.

Breck clasped his fingers around the crossed swords and lifted the piece from the table, placing it then on the southern side of the city east of the Talons’ territory. “The fourth group…” Breck’s tone of voice had become uneasy, “we know them only as ‘Shagarm’s guild’.”

“‘Shagarm’s guild’?” blurted one of the sellswords followed by scattered mumbling of curiosity and doubt alike.

“Yes,” Breck said, his voice steadying, “we know very little of them. As do the city watch and the locals my agents questioned. This lot arrived in Scardale Town this past summer, lead by a figure known only as Shagarm. Folks say that they were a band of ruffians come to the capital, yet others say they were adventurous blades-for-hire that broke away from their patron and decided to cut away a slice of the capital for themselves. The southeastern side of the city had at that time yet to be claimed and was mostly occupied by gangs. This Shagarm and their cohort cut a bloody swathe through the streets, killing those who stood against them while welcoming those willing to submit and join their ranks. Deserters, local thugs, and villainous free companies all flocked to this Shagarm who quickly began pushing into the Talons’ territory while also keeping the Red Wizards from getting a foothold on the southern side of the river.”

Breck stood up straight, rolling his shoulders and giving his neck a good twisting crack before continuing, “My last agents sent said they spotted some of Shagarm’s men moving along the southern road and down the coast. And I am concerned of… ‘outside contact’. Interloping from Sembia to the south or across the sea.”

“Across the sea?” asked the Helmite.

Breck nodded, “Shagarm controls most of the cities’ docks and has been pressing to take complete control of the bay. A real thorn in the Red Wizards’ side.”

“No one knows anything of this Shagarm? Nothing at all?”

Breck shook his head, “All that is known is that this Shagarm is a strong warrior and apparently commands near fanatical loyalty among his… or her… followers. ‘Shagarm’ could even be a pseudonym, a fake name…”
“I trust you all slept well enough,” Breck said, “because now the work for which you have all been paid begins.”

Breck smoothed the corners of the map, the group huddling in closer by impulse. Iliskra then noticed the handful of objects that lay on the table just to Breck’s right. A finely pointed piece of black chalk, a motley wiping rag, and four game board pieces of different shapes - a shield, a pair of crossed swords, a wizard with a large pointed hat, and a crouched, hooded figure.

“Lord Hastlon wishes to see Scardale’s capital reclaimed and a proper, ideal government re-established. This you already know, of course.” Breck said. “Unfortunately a direct attack on the city is out of the question, at least for now. Even ravaged as it is the capital is still a defensible stronghold, a direct offensive would just lead to a long, bloody siege that would take many weeks - if not months. And those that have taken the city for themselves are deeply rooted and in great number. Losses would be high and there are still innocent, good folk in the city that would surely perish in such a vicious battle.”

A steady wind picked up and Breck firmly pressed in hands down on the sides of the map to hold it in place.

“Lord Hastlon wishes that we dismantle the malevolent forces that have seized the city from the inside. We stop their operations - whatever they are - cut down their numbers as swiftly and often as possible, and put down their leadership when the chances arise. I cannot say how long this… mission will take us. But I expect at the very least past the new year. As I said, the forces we stand against are deeply rooted and have plenty of strength to muster.”

“What ‘forces’ are these?” asked the wizard among the hirelings which prompted grunts and stray affirmations among the group.

Breck continued, “There are four major factions, if you will, that have taken over the major areas of the city. Three of them are our enemy while one as luck would have it are our ally. The first of note is the Ashaba Talons, Scardale’s oldest and once influential thieves guild.”

Breck picked up the game piece that resembled the hooded man and placed it in the center of the southwestern portion of the city. “The Ashaba Talons are the weakest of the four. They have far fallen from their past glory and even now according to my agents their numbers are dwindling away. Word is they are near to losing what territory they have left between squabbles with petty street gangs and pressure from their rival ‘neighbors’.”

Breck then picked up the shield piece and set it in a large section of city just across the map river on the north side of the Talon’s territory. “Then there are the city watch. Despite all the chaos and withdrawing of the government… the city watch stand as a loosely organized force even now. Desperately trying to maintain what little order is left. Those fleeing the nearby districts all seek sanctuary in the city watches’ cradle. But if possible they flee west to Scarsdeep or Chandlerscross.”

“Is there anyone in command of the city watch? A authority figure that keeps everything together at all?” the Helmite asked.

“Yes,” Breck nodded, “Commander Raibal. When the capital fell into total chaos and the government retreated from the city Commander Raibal disobeyed orders and remained behind, rallying together all the guardsmen brave enough or mad enough to stay in the city. He has also mustered a militia force from the locals and when necessary dips into what coin he has to spare to hire mercenaries. My agents met with Raibal and from what they reported back to me his lines are near collapse. Every week thugs, renegades, madmen, and the Red Wizards attack their position.”

“The Red Wizards?” someone piped up, a touch of fear in their voice.

“Our third power in the city.” Breck said in response, moving the wizard game piece and placing it directly on top of the city maps’ keep on the northeast rise of Scardale Town. “They arrived not long after the city descended into insanity after the plague and they took over Harborwatch Keep, driving the watch out by force. No one knows who leads these Red Wizards or how many wizards per se are among them, just that they stay in the keep for the most part and have a company of Thayan knights dug in at the keep as well as the old Zhentarim garrison nearby. Commander Raibal says the Thayans have been the most constant threat and in the past few weeks the watch have lost much ground to them.”

“I know the Thayans well,” Leifar spoke up for the first time in a gruff voice, “they will rely on magic before risking their own numbers in this. They will send demons, undead, and other lackeys to try and overwhelm the city watch and the others that stand in their way.”

Breck nodded as his hand moved to the fourth piece, the crossed blades - his fingers tracing the tips of the wooden swords as his hand lingered. No, hesitated.
Banned because cope.
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