Avatar of Shu


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Ushi Saru Oo Ne E Tori Ushi Uma Tori Ne Tora Inu Tora Mee Ushi Hitsuji Me E Hitsuji Ne Genne Saru Tori Tatzu Tori Ushi Uma Hitsuji Tora Me Ne Saru Ooh E Tatzu Hitsuji Ne Ushi Hitsuji Tori Ge Ne E Tori
4 yrs ago
Well let’s see... an OP to finish, three 1x1’s to respond to, and two work related reports to fill out this afternoon. I’ll need some tea.
4 yrs ago
Someone took my Microsoft office and they will pay. You have my word.
4 yrs ago
Lavate las manos!
4 yrs ago
Nothing like a good night’s sleep and well brewed coffee to help you forget an unpleasant evening.


A little about me…

• Female (She/Her) (Cisgender)
• Pansexual
• Twenty-nine years old.
• An America-born Eurasian. (Of Han Chinese and Dutch descent.)
• US Central Time Zone
• Casual & Advanced are my vibes.
• My writing interests are manifold in genre.
• I tend to prefer 1x1’s but I can never shy away from a great group RP.
• Ask for the Discord.

Current Roleplays…

Her Wrestling Dream A wrestling career 1x1 roleplay with @Shoopuf.

STAR WARS : Throne of Cathar A Star Wars 1x1 roleplay with @LanaStorm.

FORGOTTEN REALMS : Gambit of Scoundrels A Forgotten Realms roleplay with @Herald.

2100 ☢️ BADLAND REPUBLIC A post-apocalyptic group roleplay.

Extra bits…

My 1x1 Index.

My catalogue of characters. (The new one.)

My old/original catalogue of characters.

SANDSTRIDERS world and lore.

A Thousand Legends world and lore.

Group Roleplays that I have GM’d;

Most Recent Posts

Banned for banning the banner of the message.
Firoz pulled the first door open, Iliskra holding for two breaths before opening the second door. Had there been anyone lurking just inside they would have very likely pounced on Firoz making them vulnerable to an attack by Iliskra and Leon. But no one came and the coast seemed clear.

“Watch your step,” Firoz pointed down with the tip of his blade, “tripwire.”

A thin, shin-high wire reached the full length of the doorway, pulled tight. Firoz stepped carefully over the wire followed by his two new counterparts. The wire was firmly tied to the trigger of a crossbow that sat perched on a small rack of a sort which was placed neck-high on the right side of the doorway. Anyone who tripped the wire would get a bolt to the side of the throat or skull. Firoz reached to disarm the trap while Iliskra and Leon looked the room over. As Leon had suspected it was the master bedroom, nearly three times the size of the other rooms. Even in the squalor and dishevelment of the bandit hideout it was more than clear that this was the abode of a half-orc.

“Elthel was not jesting at all.” Iliskra wrinkled her nose.

The room had a strong smell of bestial sweat and a musky scent that made Iliskra’s stomach roll inside her. The large bed that sat directly across from the door had only a stained heavy mattress and dirty sheets spread upon it - and scattered around the bed on the floor were without mistake women’s undergarments. Several in fact. Empty whiskey and ale bottles were carelessly cast about the floor and on a large end table to the right of the bed sat a silver platter with a stripped bird carcass on it, the bones dark and riddled with buzzing flies. To the left of the bed a heavy wooden chest sat against the wall with a bulky padlock sealing it shut. Next to the chest was a small desk with an accompanying chair. The desk had various items atop it; rolls of grimy paper and a writing well and quill, a stray dagger, a cracked silver amulet, what looked to be a shark tooth necklace, and a rather out of place neatly written note.

“What have we here?” Iliskra raised a brow as she snatched the note from the desk top. The half-elf’s eyes darted back and forth, right to left as she read - her expression turning noticeably intrigued. There was a soft thump as Firoz dismounted the crossbow from the wall having just cut the wire, and as he turned to face them Iliskra quickly passed the note to Leon.

“Did you find something?” Firoz asked.

“Just this locked trunk,” Iliskra motioned over her shoulder, “and perhaps that wardrobe over there has something interesting in it.”

The far door on the right opened and suddenly Firoz emerged, a bloody dagger in his right hand. At first he tensed up on seeing another person in the hallway, though he quickly relaxed on seeing it was the masked Leon.

“Where is your companion?” Firoz asked as he gently closed the door behind him.

Firoz’s question was answered by the door between he and Leon swinging open and Iliskra stepped out rather boldly, her blade likewise bloodied. Using her right foot the half-elf pushed the door shut behind her, cleaning her blade off on the doorframe.

“I killed one that was asleep. What of you two?” Firoz asked, sheathing his dagger.

“As did I,” Iliskra said, “there was nothing of value in this one’s room though save for a few pairs of boots that most likely would not even be worth the effort of peddling.”

“Ah,” Firoz nodded, “the same. Well… there was this.” The Turmish man dangled a small bulging coin purse in the air before slipping it into his belt.

“I take it this must be Gunalar’s room.” Iliskra nodded towards the double door, approaching it with Leon and keeping her own dagger handy.. “Leon, did you find anything or anyone across the hall?”
Elthel said nothing else for the moment, her head turning as she looked over the parlor. In all its’ splendor it must have been quite the fine drawing room. But after being abandoned by the owner, enduring through riots and fighting in the city streets, and now acting as a hideout for filthy bandits, the place was to say rundown and disgusting. The floorboards were starting to rot in places, the expensive wallpaper was peeled off in massive amounts revealing molded planks, and the furniture was stained and dirty. Only the mantle and fireplace seemed in decent order still, the latter of which crackled with glowing red embers that brought warmth to the room. Above the mantle piece on the wall were three crude circles drawn in the shape of a practice target which was lined with throwing knives and arrows.

“Firoz is upstairs,” Elthel finally spoke, “and Willory went around back to find a way down into the basement. I will go see to him and we will search this floor over. You two can look upstairs.”

Iliskra nodded and motioned for Leon to follow as she stepped out into the small foyer. Just down the hall - straight ahead from the front door - was a door on the right and the left. Directly across from the parlor door was a square-shaped staircase that reached up to the second floor. Hanging directly above the staircase was a dust-covered chandelier with candleholders encrusted with heavy layers of dried wax. Iliskra started up the stairs, noting the lack of decoration on the walls. Obviously anything of value had been taken with the original owners or looted during the riots and whatever may have been left behind was pawned off by Gunalar’s band. The place stank of body odor, spoiled food, ale, and unwashed clothing. Iliskra had dealt with the filthier ilk of bandits and thieves plenty of times before but that did not mean she ever truly grew comfortably accustomed to their dirty ways.

After ascending three flights of creaky stairs Iliskra and Leon reached the top floor. Directly across a hallway from the staircase was a double door entrance while to the right and left were two doors at each end of the hallway across from each other. Five upstairs rooms in total.

“I will take the two rooms down left hallway. You can take the right.” Iliskra said tightening her grip on her dagger.

Leon’s choice for an entrance could not have been worse. He had slinked his way right into the estates’ parlor - which two of Gunalar’s thugs were residing in at the very moment. The pair of crooks had been sitting slouched in matching dark brown comfortable chairs that were side-by-side with a small table nestled between them - on it rested a nearly empty bottle of whiskey and a smoking pipe.

The thug closer to the window had lazily turned his head, at first disregarding the movement he had seen in the corner of his eye as being his imagination or maybe a bird flying close by. When his eyes focused on Leon however he lurched upright in his chair and wobbled to a stand. “Who the Hells are-…” The man did not finish as his sharp call was cut short by a knife that came whirling from the far left through a nearby door and buried itself into the side of his skull with a sick pop. The man crumbled onto the dirty rug that adorned the wooden floor. His companion by now had also staggered up from his seat and on seeing his friend fall to the floor fumbled for the mace that was propped against the offside of his seat.

Elthel suddenly darted through the door to the left and set upon the other man, plunging her blade straight into his throat. With equal swiftness she delivered a sharp kick over the back of the chair that sent the man tumbling down onto his back, gurgling and spewing blood as he grasped at his neck. Iliskra stepped in after Elthel, her dagger drawn as she looked over her shoulder into the hallway behind her.

Once the second man’s last agonized breaths ended and he lay dead Elthel cleaned her blade off on the back of his chair and then turned to face Leon with a vile look on her face.

“Perhaps you should have allowed the one who has been here to take the lead and decide who goes where.” Elthel spat. “The front door was not guarded nor trapped. These are not the sharpest of criminals we are facing.”
Elthel stomped over to the first man and pulled her throwing knife free and cleaned it off as well, then slipping it back into her belt.
With a flick of her thumb Iliskra popped the rubbery cork from the invisibility potion she pulled from her bag. Iliskra felt hesitant as she always did relying on elixirs and brews to help her finish a job, but this job was rather crucial in being done as flawlessly as could be. If she and her fellows helped these rogues in killing off this gang it would solidify further trust with this Zilaster and give she, Leon, and Ibdur a solid link to the underworld of Scardale Town. Hopefully.

Iliskra gulped down the potion, recoiling at the bitter taste as she tossed aside the empty flask. Elthel, Firoz, and Willory watched as with a flicker and an accompanying twinkling sound Iliskra disappeared right before them. Firoz lined up a shot on the closer of the two thugs but held firm, waiting for a signal for help Leon or possibly Iliskra.

Iliskra stayed in a crouch as she moved across the street, arcing off to one side intent on coming up next to and slitting the throat of her mark. The snow was thin on top of the street so there was no risk of the two hooligans spotting approaching tracks or hearing crunching snow. As she drew near Iliskra spotted two shapes atop the first post on each side of the entrance - heads. Bloody, pallid, and swarming with flies. The head of a blonde woman and a dark-haired man with a short beard.

These must be the two thieves that died during Zilaster and Elthel’s desperate escape. Iliskra thought to herself, peeling her eyes away from the gruesome sight and ignoring the smell as she stepped around as close she safely felt near the armed man. Iliskra could see Leon and Ibdur on the opposite side drawing nearer.

What Iliskra did next was nothing short of a gamble, but she felt lucky enough. Iliskra raised her dagger and with a swift swing flayed open the throat of the totally unaware gang member. Blood poured instantaneously down the front of his tunic and stained the flesh around the wound, the man’s eyes widening as he gargled and sputtered and crumpled to the ground - droplets of red spewing from between his thin lips. The sudden motion instantly counteracted the effect of the potion and with another flicker and twinkling Iliskra appeared in full view, standing over the dying man with her dagger still raised. His comrade turned and, on seeing the half-elf and his fallen fellow hurriedly yanked his weapon free and turned to face her - his back facing Leon and Ibdur.
“By Tempus, guard duty for an Arahar…” Ibdur growled, “As if plodding though sodden alleyways with thieves were not degrading enough.”

Iliskra rolled her eyes and unsheathed her dagger, keeping her mace at her hip for now. Elthel meanwhile as well as Firoz were both squinting closely at Leon, eyes boring into him and then back between themselves.

“My masked companion here is a man of the cloth, his magic is quite helpful.” Iliskra said lowly, hoping to dispel the obvious suspicion.

“I do feel more… vigorous.” Firoz said, wiggling his fingers against his bow.

“Very well, Maskarran,” Elthel deliberately drew out the name, “you can handle those two, but we all go through the main entrance together. Once we are past the palisade we each pick a door or window and move inside.”

I knew it. Iliskra thought to herself in regards to Leon’s identity even as she nodded in understanding to Elthel, the others also nodded after which Elthel nodded directly to Firoz who raised his bow and took aim. The Turmish man lined up his shot, Iliskra could hear the bowstring straining as Firoz pulled the waiting arrow back tight. He released, there was a sharp snap followed by a faint whisking side as the arrow went sailing high over the palisade and two guards below. The man atop the rickety tower fell backward suddenly, his arms outward as he slammed into the wall behind him and his crossbow fell to his feet. Iliskra gritted her teeth in angst, expecting the two men at the entrance to hear something and investigate. As fortune would have it they did not, one was absently looking down and scraping his boot against the sidewalk while the other’s head swiveled left and right looking both ways down the street. The man atop the tower slowly slid down into a sitting position, grasping at the arrow in his chest before slumping over to one side dead.

“Well done, Firoz.” Elthel said quietly.

Firoz released a sharp exhale and hurriedly pulled another arrow from his quiver as he looked to Leon, “You will take those two then? If you need me to drop one just quickly rise your left fist high and I will shoot.”

Iliskra pulled her hood tight around her head as she flexed her grip against her blade, ready to rush forward if need be. She was not quite sure what Leon planned to handle the two men up front but was ready nonetheless.
I plan to stock up on Age of Wonders 4 content this month, the new DLC look very cool 💯
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