"SQAWWWRK!" Ozzy had just been getting more and more excited as they walked closer and closer to Boreal, keeping the trip there quite noisy as he ran off a bunch of random facts about Boreal which led to snippets about other far away lands, the subaquatic kingdoms and general shipping in general. One could swear he was just starting to float by how much he was talking, seemingly circling the group as his excitement and the sea currents uplifted him. Standing in the middle of the street with his friends, Ozzy blurted out, his bird like voice uttering out. He swore sometimes he sound like a parrot rather then the noble owl but who cared about that!?
"Oh my gods! This is amazing! I swear this is better than Gladchester! And they had floats everywhere! Ahh! I can't wait!"@13org Ada
He made sure to get Ada's attention, he was late for breakfast for her and apologized for it with the hustle and bustle of the morning but this time grabbed her hands and with a huge twinkle in his eyes announced.
"I'm going to get you so much funnel cake!" @PaulHaynek Rinas
Just then an elf approached, no wait, he recognized the iconography and attire. A priestess of the Demon King. Not surprising, they were near the Demon King's kingdom. She greeted them, and he greeted her back.
"Thank you so much, it's nice to meet you RiƱas Chavez. Everything looks great!" He didn't recognize her, but the others seemed to.
Rinas suggested the list of events. His jaw went slack.
Quiz Bee.A competition of intellect. Of monsterkind. Of useless trivia. While others were out studying the blade, life, or eachother, Ozzy was studying the written word. The world of books, and seeing cultures with his own eyes as he flew across the land. It was fate... it was destiny. He put his hands together, taking a deep breath, missing the whole Neil Rinas event.
"My entire life has prepared me for this..." He put a finger to the sky.
"I ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE!" He declared, his wings unfurling.
"As gods are my witness! I, Ozmodius Skyway will win the Quiz Bee!"@Restalaan Yang and Ditzy
Yang kind of broke him out of his little self aggrandizing monologue. Her usual big sis ruffling of his head. He chuckled and stomped back, his hands balled into fists.
"You bet we will Sensei! Go kick some butt!" He didn't know she could cook? But at this point she's so amazing, he wouldn't be surprised.
When Ditzy declared his intent, Ozzy was with his new friend, giving the air a couple of fake punches.
"You got this! Win another gold for the Guild!"@Stern Algorithm Silvia and Vivian
Ozzy waited on baited breath at the serious duel being conducted between the two sisters. Honestly, it was a shoe in to have them attend the cooking show but volunteering to help was such a noble effort Ozzy could hardly fault it. Turns out, karma won and the two would help up. Ozzy tried to offer Vivian some cheering up.
"Atleast you're doing something nice." he did whisper with a grin
"You would have won." stating it that she didn't need to compete, mostly because she was too good a cook to lose. Or he hoped it would sound that way.
@Rezod92 Kira
Kira seemed to be on it, already showing Ada what she had managed to destroy and inviting her to what she'd probably get the most fun out of. The efforts earned Ozzy a big grin.
"Great observation. She'd probably have more fun trying out the eats too. Careful though, this is her first time in a city so sorry if you have to keep an eye on her." He warned just in case.
He looked to Ada again with over flowing enthusiasm.
"You're going to love the city Ada! And everyone's going to love you!" No more traps in the woods, she was another monster girl, with hopes and dreams like everyone else. He hoped she would be okay.
@13org Freyr
"Hey! That's a great idea! If we're all going to split up, lets meet at the cooking competition! It should take the longest and that way we can spend the rest of the festival together!" Ozzy gave Freyr a big thumbs up.
"Bring home a gold Freyr!"@PaulHaynek Haley
And with everyone choosing their challenges, that left Haley to decide.
"I don't know how exciting it would be, but if you want to see me win or fail horribly, you're welcome Haley." He gave her a grin. If she came with- great they'd go together. If she didn't, he would fly to his victory.
He didnt know, had no idea.
He had approached the stage after signing up to see three other females there. Ozzy was just there in a loose sky blue button up and red shorts, his satchel slung over his shoulder, and the moment he saw them, he felt his chest lurch a bit.
A Lich, complete with her grimoire. She seemed to draw in the light, which was amazing in such a bright sunlit day. Powerful magics. A lich? No freaking way! Despite her appearance, she was probably way way older then he was, and probably had tons more experience.
The Owl Mage, she.... was...
BEAUTIFUL... It wasn't the famed 'evil eye' that made his face hot and his legs weaked knee'd, Ozzy was an owl harpy... and Owl Mage's were rather understandably, directly related. The only difference being that magic came much easier to Owl Mages due to their plumage gathering mana. Still, the owl part of himself couldn't deny the curves, the feather design. He hardly ever gets to see owl harpies this far west so she came as quite a sight. A moment of fluster later he shoke it off, game face! He knew that they were as scholarly and intelligent as his kind were. Shoot, he was going against natural talent and experience!
The last girl, the Kikimora hardly seemed to be a threat at first appearance compared to the other two. A beastman who normally act as maid and servants... thats the stereotype anyway. Ozzy wasn't going to underestimate her. That cute maid girl facade in her beachy best might be intentional.
He immediately felt his blood race. This was going to be a challenge. Better size up the competition.
He grinned and approached a hand raised with his wing, his owl feet under his shorts and his talons hooking into his sandals.
"Hello! How's the festival going for you guys?" A greeted. Endear yourself to the enemy, then when their defenses are down, WHAM! You can achieve victory!