Avatar of shylarah


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4 mos ago
Current The way some people spell makes me wonder about their pronunciation.
6 yrs ago
They say it's about the journey, not the destination. This is true of many things. Pizza delivery is not one of them.
6 yrs ago
TFW you know what you want to happen but the words aren't cooperating. Why is plot suddenly so much harder to write?
7 yrs ago
You can't fix a blank page ~ Neil Gaiman
7 yrs ago
Neil Gaiman on Friday. Neil Gaiman on Friday. NeilGaimanonFriday NEilGaimanonFridaYNEILGAIMANONFRIDAY NEILGAIMANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


I am an adult, though I don't usually act like it. I'm a voracious reader, and not overly picky about books. I am artistic in a variety of areas, including music, drawing, writing, and sculpting. I have a minor obsession with dragons, and love the color violet. Fantasy is my preferred genre, be it past, future, urban...as long as it has a fantasy flavor to it. I also like scifi, mystery, and some horror. I am crazy, and I like tormenting my characters. But I don't bite...much. ^.~

Color Sergeant in Bot Killer Squad

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@Draken I love the idea of dawn and dusk seasons! AAAH! Not sure about bright or light season...but I'll go with the popular opinion there.

the whole thing with day names is precisely why I favor naming them by number, actually.

[@CollectorOfMyst I think it's because of conservation of detail, in part. They're the only one that's NOT us, and is also recent.

Or there could be a curse, sure. =P I kinda figured there were a lot of disasters in Leviathan, though it's explicitly stated that no students died in training activities in Phoenix so that kinda rules them out.

@Lovejoy I have to say yet again that I love the thought that's gone into this, and I love helping to build this world. <33 In fact, everyone has such great ideas. I'm just the noisiest. ^.^;;
we could rename everything. if we're going to name days, I suggest just numbering them and them maybe throwing in something like "rest day" or "Varsday" as either the first or seventh. Alternatively, I can't remember the number of remnants, but the days /might/ be named after them. Still, keeping track is simpler with numbering.


That's six. Now, we could go with six, and make months thirty days each -- five weeks. It'd come pretty close to an earth yearh, with 360 days instead of 365/366. I dont' want to get into leap years. Might be they have a leap month, like the Jewish calendar, or maybe their calendar matches up better. Iunno.

Anyhow, that's name ideas. Now for order. I feel like Varya should be first, if only because the Varyans won...only it's been only 130 since the victory of Varya over Omestris and the rest, even discounting Lanostre. Actually, just a hundred years...I keep thinking that's awfully fast to entirely destroy Omestrian culture, and that things moved really fast. Like...there's people whose grandparents were alive while Omestris was still around. That doesn't feel like "ancient history" the way it feels when it's discussed IC. Iunno, maybe that's just me. Or maybe that's when Muraada fell -- only no, because we have folk that are alive from when T'sarae fell and such, and I'm sure it's relevant. EHHH. x.x I guess major oppression works wonders, eh?

Anyhow, given that the titans died ages ago, I think the remnants probably did have days named after them. many days are named after the gods of pantheons. Hellenic, and I think Norse days were similar. Thor's day, etc. The moon often had a day, and it's possible there's a holdover from when the moon could still be seen. The sun usually has a day as well.

And if we make Omestris' day bad luck on a certain day of the month, it'd line up with friday the thirteen as a superstition!


if you want seven, or remove Firstday if you like six better?

On second thought, here:


numbers to remember them by, and actual name-names for fancy! They can be called whichever is simpler for the individual. yeah?
@Lovejoy I figure there's the stormy season -- that's winter. Bitter cold, blizzards, etc. Long nights, that sort of thing. And then summer is more "the warm(er) season". I'm going off of the concept of a rainy season and a dry season, like in deserts, only with the cold and lots of snow being an issue.

Although actually if it's cold enough snow doesn't form! But we can totally handwave that. Alternatively, there can be the first stormy season, the dark season, the second stormy season, and the warm season, where storms happen when it's cold but not TOO cold -- so spring and autumn. Warm season is still summer, and dark season is based off of the longer nights. Although I am sure that axial tilt is far less related to the changing temperatures here, or that it would at least work very differently.

I think drawing solid parallels to earth and the world we players are familiar with helps keep things grounded. Yeah, the odds are low, and it's fun to come up with some complicated system. But it's not really necessary for enjoyment, and this serves to help us keep things straight. Seven day weeks, twelve months in a year. Sun rises in the east, stuff like that. I've played with multiple moons in my writing, but that would in turn affect the way locals marked the passage of time, if you think about it. Of course you don't /have/ to...but I often like to. ^.^;;

Then again, I don't know if these guys can see a moon, so...I know there's no stars, so the concept is somehting from pictures and stories, most likely. Is there a moon?
@Lovejoy I remembered it coming up, but I had to look it up in the glossary in the first OOC post. Which is there for exactly this reason! PSA~
Also I have an update on this commission I'm having my friend do of Ziotea and Rodion and AAAAAHHHHH. I need @Drakey to see it first, and then I am going to show THE ENTIRE PLANET because it's amazing. I really can't right now.
@Lovejoy *screeeching*
@Lovejoy I second @collectorofmyst in general.

I may need this scene now. I don't even know /why/ you're reacting this way. But I need it.

I can haz? *hopeful* Maybe not right away, but eventually?*
@Lovejoy AAAAH! The circle! I knew it was something to do with Omestris! *flailing* but odd that it's cold while Omestris was the only one that held fire...perhaps it has to do with shielding against the destruction of the fire titan? I DON'T KNOW. AND I NEED TO KNOW.

All I know is that Ziotea is one of those drawn to it. *wriggles* And now I wanna rp stuff at the Rising, because AAAAH Aleksander was probably overwhelming for her. *drags @Drakey and Love off to write more!*

It's easy because we have half a scene at the ball already, Drakey and I. ^.^;;
It's not even a triangle, it's like trolls or something. Genuine rivals and then the guy that's friends to both. *giggles*
@Draken extra curriculars? OH. You mean the drugs? Ooooh, this should be fun~
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