Caesar & Keystone
Location: Grimm Indiana (El Asilo/The Nuthouse!)
Skills: General Observation
Skills: General Observation, Security Procedures
Caesar was very "on the warpath" as he made his way down the discolored and neglected stairwell. The illumination from his flashlight was steady enough, allowing for enough of a forward visual to navigate the twisty path downward without mishap. The light clipped to his associate's coat was also helpful, though he really wished that they had a viable power source running into the building. Naturally, wishing doesn't equal doing, so flashlights and firearms it was. The concept of stealth was understandably abandoned; if the attempt of force on the door wasn't enough to alert anyone and everyone who was in the building, friend or foe, then the heavy caliber firearm discharge in the hallway sure as hell was.
Let it never be said that the day wasn't full of surprises. Not just the mists, or the sudden bent of insanity that had him screaming off into an abandoned Asylum in search of his dead daughter, nor even the sudden appearance of people he hadn't seen in a while magically and very coincidentally appearing right in front of him so very far away from home. Now, the next piece of random oddness came from below - as he yelled PAPI'S HERE (a sure sign that was in fact present), he got a response he really wasn't expecting, someone essentially warning him to watch his step. Caesar wasn't sure if he recognized the voice or not, but one thing was for sure: This place had some kind of a drawing factor, maybe even supernatural in nature.
The two of them were actually a little surprised when Cecily rightly pointed out the name to go with the voice. Riley. It meant little to Keystone, but for Ceasar, it pointed out yet another Justice, CA resident was here.
Meanwhile, Keystone had switched fully into "work mode", keeping his eyes on sweeping lines of sight, checking any points of access to the stairwell as they came to and as they moved away from them. He made constant head counts as they moved along and took to note the small details. Further, he kept his steps light and flowing, one foot over the other and his back to the walls as he took the outside track, keeping his pistol at a lowered ready. He was not overly enthused at now keeping tabs on two more people in addition to his possibly unstable boss. Lucky for him, one was a cop and he had history with the other one, so one could handle himself and the other he didn't mind watching over so much. All the same, it altered the his priorities in regards to securing the area while they moved. It was a far cry from the life he used to lead, that was for sure.
Any misgivings or doubts Keystone had about the foolish quest to entertain whatever spot of crazy had ahold of El Jefe got dashed to the rocks the moment that he turned that last corner and saw the mother of his son dangling from stair railings over a place where rusted out metal stairs used to be. Agreeing with Cecily's comment about living in a comic book, Keystone mumbled in awe, "Beginnin'ta think you're right, I am." While he wasn't frozen on the spot, he was taking a second to process the fact that a dead woman he knew very, very well was hanging from the railing in serious trouble.
Caesar, on the other hand, was a lot more sure about the situation. He shrugged off the cordura security pack he set aside for Alicia, grabbed the railing, and said in a clear, commanding voice, "M'hija, papi esta aqui. Te estamos sacando de este lugar.1 Okay?"