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Thalia Carmichael
Location: Assembly (P) -> Administration (A)
Skills: N/A


Let no good deed go unpunished. One moment, Thalia was giving a reassuring squeeze to her friend's hand, and the next she was flung forward by the sudden cessation of the bus's forward momentum. She was not so lucky. Maybe if Thalia was sitting with her feet on the floor instead of curled up in a ball on the seat, this could have been avoided. But no, she had to cringe against air conditioning, of all things. She could drag her happy ass over to a hearth and build a fire from nothing after getting her arm cut off a few hours prior, but somehow, air conditioning was too much of a distraction. None of that mattered after a quarter second or so following Daytona slamming the brakes, as Thalia chose this moment to hurtle forward, face slamming the back of the seat directly in front of her.

"Β‘Chingada gahd damn madre!"

It was strange to hear perfectly inflected northern Mexico Spanish sandwiched around coastal Massachusetts, but somehow it worked for Thalia, representing the two differing halves of her parentage and upbringing. Parting the mists of the passage of time and shifting of eras, cultural linguistics researchers would come across home movies of a young Thalia Angelica Carmichael, seamlessly transitioning between English and Spanish, Monterrey and Boston, all in a confusing attempt to decide if the horrifyingly violent events of her quinceaΓ±era warranted another drink or the spilling of blood. More blood, anyway. Though these learned men and women of the future might try to hammer down her exact accent in this moment, it would all come to naught and plague their careers for years to come. Whomever they chose to play her in the movie adaptation would break down in fits of sobbing back in their trailer and ultimately quit, forcing the directors to go with their second choice that, while she might have been a bit young for the role, would go on to Oscar nomination for her performance. Not a win that year, but it's an honor just for the nod.

Back to the present, Thalia had managed to renew the flow of crimson from her cut face, thanks to the sudden blunt force applied to it. She took a little satisfaction from the fact that a few others also selected Spanish as their preferred language of vulgarity. It felt a little more like home. Still, she was pissed. As soon as she was allowed to depart, she did so at a quick pace, eager to get back to whatever the hell she needed to be doing, then to get food.

The blood was still oozing down her cheek as she came up to Thana, the irritated look persisting. She knew that Ash would be walking up behind her any second now, taking up Thana's time. And she had somewhere to be, anyway. "Hey, Navy," she said in passing. "Your boyfriend's a hell of a storytellah. Gaht to run. Dinner?" She guessed not on dinner either, but wasn't going to seriously hold it against her. If she had someone she cared about that quested Galahad-style to find her, Thalia wouldn't have come up for air for a month. She continued past and walked into the Administration building.

Without regard for most of what was going on around, Thalia marched right up to Rolodex and announced plainly, "Need to check in with Gunny." She gave a look back to see if Alexander had caught up with her. Maybe she should have waited. But little distractions like getting a faceful of cheap upholstery in front of a group of people was, well, distracting.


Ash Holloway
Location: Assembly (P) -> Administration (A, exterior)
Skills: N/A


Recently, it wasn't the best thing in the world for Ash to be left to his own thoughts. Despite the guy's default setting to try to be a Boy Scout, things frequently went to a darker part of his psyche. It was like he always planned for the worst case scenario, mentally. Recently, things had changed in that regard, but whether it was a temporary lull in his general brood or a marked change to his personality remained to be seen. The fact was, for an apocalypse, he wasn't too amazingly bad off. Even a funeral was a luxury, and one that gave closure, besides. He was feeling a little more like the soldier he was a long time ago. Maybe not as optimistic and socially ambitious, but a little more like a previous version of himself. Ash glanced around to the people in the bus yet another time, looking at those he called family and those with which he was not overly familiar. Nothing thusfar had given him any hope that this place was the final answer to all of their problems, forever. Like Newnan, or his caravan, or Virginia before that, or even Dobbins Air Force Base before that, everything could fall apart. It was all so fragile. Nowhere was truly, totally safe anymore. But here, in this place with these people, Ash was willing to try as best he could to make it that way.

Such were his thoughts as the bus pulled back into the settlement proper. A moment of drama came and left for Ash as the brakes slammed to the floor. He couldn't see what the matter was from his vantage, but instincts honed from years of riding around in jerky transports prompted him to slip his left foot out in front of him, into the aisle for support. While some of the others were forcefully introduced to the seat in front of theirs, Ash merely rocked forward an inch or two, a bit of tension on his leg telling the tale of a man bracing for a near miss. he gave a look around, wondering what the big deal with everyone else was. Maybe he missed something. Luckily, Ash knew a bit of Spanish and, like most people learning a second language, caught the swearing bits first. It gave a tiny bit of clarification.

Departing the bus, Ash could barely make out the Mechanic/Fabrication building from where the bus was parking in the Assembly area. He figured that he had plenty of time to check in with his boss for the day yet he wanted to get there with time to spare. It wasn't until he actually set foot on the steps that he noticed Thana standing nearby, staring in the direction of the bus. It almost made him not notice the sudden slamming of comparably oppressive heat as he set foot on the blacktop. Thank God for small favors. He glanced back in the direction of his worksite, and figured that he could definitely spare a moment for Thana. "Hey!" he called, giving a wave and quickening his pace to get over to her. Once Ash arrived, he looked very much like he wanted to sweep her up in a big, spinning hug, but restrained himself at the last second. "On duty," he reminded himself. Thana had a position there and he wanted one, no secret there. No making her look unprofessional. No extenuating circumstances, just a funeral detail returning to base. And they were very much out in public. He clapped his hands to his sides, instead saying, "It's damn nice to see you, Thana. I have to check in but I couldn't not say hello to you." His professional demeanor an obvious facade over the affection he wanted to show.


Ash Holloway
Location: Bus
Skills: N/A


Ash took to memory the rundown of their expectations as soon as they all got back to CMB. He still had to report back to Mechanics and continue cleaning up whatever horror had been perpetrated upon the ladies' bathroom therein. He recalled the fact that he had started to clean it once and likewise recalled the tiny amount of relief that he felt when he learned that he was being moved over to the men's bathroom. The irony this time being that, unlike what conventional wisdom might have one believe about the less sanitary habits of the Y-chromosome bearing population, that room was near to pristine in comparison. Still, as fit the ethos of his upbringing and training, every job was important. His work ethic had never taken a hit, even if most other qualities about him had taken a bit of reshaping over the past five years.

So he had more to do. This would require him to stay late, which wasn't so much of a big deal except that he was also expected at optional therapy that evening, starting at the same time that the evening meal did. Unless he was bid an enthusiastic farewell from Rivets, or whomever was in charge of his assigned area, with the up-front understanding that he would not be back until the next morning, Ash was going to have himself a late night on his first workday. On the upside, Ash wasn't a huge fan of leaving a job unfinished. On the other hand, he did want to eventually get back to Thana that evening and be in good enough condition to enjoy her company on multiple levels. Taking a mental note of the upcoming few hours, Ash had a half hour to report to Mechanics and receive orders. Then therapy at 1800. Then the uncertainty of work or supper. Unless the issue had been handled in his absence, it was going to take a lot more than a half hour to fix what was wrong with that room.

It was the price of being the new guy, he supposed. And it definitely wouldn't be the first time he'd have to skip a regular meal. Though in truth, the entire line of thought was a mix of maybes and supposition. Lacking anything resembling an official answer, nor even the ability to speak with someone who could give him one, all of this was a jumble of facts that, like a jigsaw puzzle, needed to be moved around and fitted together to make a clear image. Things would be more apparent after he got inside and checked in with his superiors.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: Bus
Skills: N/A


Thalia liked to sit and observe. Usually, this preference was from a distance, safely hidden away someplace with a very low probability of detection. The reasons had been many, though mostly it was a question of survival or to determine if people were hostile without walking up and handing them a questionnaire. Mostly she just let people pass on by, those who were going by. Or she might just move along herself without revealing her presence. But here she was, caught in a bus with a bunch of people, half of whom were acquaintances at best doing anything that she could to take her mind off of the weight that pressed down upon it.

Now, what she observed as she sat with her knees to her chest, braced against the unnatural chill of the bus's air conditioning, gave her the slightest amount of pause. Even cracked a little smile despite herself. The people who arrived from the other group, the one with Navy's boyfriend, seemed very much separate from one another. With the exception of the two shaved girls who seemed preternaturally attached, they all appeared to be making an effort to separate from each other. Even the ballerina pulling away from her husband. Maybe it meant something and maybe it didn't, but her observations of these people piqued her interest.

It was then that she noticed that Alexander had reached a hand out to her across the aisle. Whether it was a show of solidarity or a man who needed some form of reassurance, Thalia didn't particularly care. She reached out and took his hand, holding it for a number of seconds before giving it a final squeeze and pulling her arm back to herself. Whatever was going on with the others didn't especially concern her. She had a handful of people she could honestly say she gave a rat's ass about, and they deserved at least a token reminder.

Ash Holloway
Location: Bus
Skills: N/A


Emotional roller coaster. Not one of the big, showy ones with tunnels, flashing lights, and loops; more like one of the old-fashioned, wooden braced ones that carried you in a jerky but generally safe, predicable direction. Nevertheless, it had a series of ups and downs. It felt good to tell the story about James's arrival to Newnan, especially to relate it to those who knew him well but who came into their fold afterward. Considering the insanely high mortality rate of any and everyone around Ash, he felt much like a man speaking of events across generations, telling the new generation about the exploits of the former. Like a grandfatherly type. At the age of thirty-four, Ash felt old. If he lived to see his hair grey and his skin show the rough passage of time, he would feel just as venerable as he did right then. All the same, Ash was glad to get the words out, or any such monologue over the bones of his fallen friend. Carrying it around for this time was a weight on his shoulders which he eventually had just become accustomed, likely in a way that was unhealthy.

Now, he sat in a bus with functional air conditioning near a retirement/vacation city in Florida. Granted, they weren't there to see the sights. If the world had progressed as it might have, his reasons for being in the Sunshine State would be vastly different. He would be a Major by now, bucking to join up with the 20th Engineer Brigade's leadership. They made plenty of noise back in the day. Ash figured that they weren't making very much noise anymore. And thinking of it, if he was with the 20th proper rather than merely a company provisionally attached, he would probably still have been back in Afghanistan when the whole "dead rising" thing happened. As it was, his unit was called back to the Atlanta area before the really bad stuff happened. One of the last things he heard before communication went dark was the utter mess the Middle East was in, or his slice of it. RIP 20th, Ash supposed. Further contemplation on the issue had him empathizing with the other survivors. What plans did they have? Thana the Naval Officer, Jack the Chicago Cop, Tatiana the Prima Ballerina. A bona fide music superstar in the bus with them, too. The ones living workaday lives probably had their own hopes and dreams; putting a down payment on their first home, maybe, or starting a family. Things that they could work toward with the knowledge that their labor and good sense might eventually pay off.

Would things ever stabilize? One day years from now, might Ash return to his home town in the Virginia hills to rebuild the family business in ancestral land? Was it even worth it now? He had a home here, he loved someone, and he had an extended family brought about by circumstance and trust of the highest magnitude. If he could go back home and make it work now, would he even want to? Maybe, eventually, and only after several specific and highly unlikely things fell into place.

This and many passing thoughts went through Ash's mind as he stared out of the window of the bus. One thing was for certain, as far as Ash was concerned: He was a U.S. Army trained Combat Engineer. Rebuilding out of destruction and maintaining it was his forte. Clearing the way was the credo of his profession. Destroying the opposition of these tasks was his bread and butter. If his path was Florida for the foreseeable, then that's where he'd do his work, and the future would sort itself out.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: Bus
Skills: N/A


Adjusting to the humidity outside was bad enough. Now that she had a layer of perspiration and ambient Florida on her, coming back into the air conditioned bus was even worse. The sudden shift in temperature was becoming bothersome to Thalia. She clutched herself together, unwilling for the chill air to touch her any more than it needed to. But this was silly. Stroke inducing temperatures hovered out of doors and she was caught up by central air. The raw absurdity of it was enough to elicit a quiet scoff from her as she brought her knees up to her chest and put her arms around them. Not for the first time, Thalia drew comparison between herself and a stray cat; once domesticated yet now a feral product of its surroundings.

It had been a long time since Thalia had attended a funeral. She didn't care for them much. In her case, she had been to a good number of them. Her father was a priest, after all. It came with the territory. Mostly the somber sort of affair, though every so often members of her family would insist upon the old ways of honoring the dead which were hopelessly mixed with pre-Catholic Mexican tradition, honoring the dead with a lavish sort of celebratory glee. This was not one of those occasions, obviously. And considering that it was done within a very short time of the guest of honor's passing, it might have been inappropriate. Thalia made a mental note to ask the Padre if they did Dia de los Muertos in CMB. It seemed like honoring the dead might be a worthwhile endeavor, possibly more now than it used to be. Still, Thalia did not care for funerals much. Though she was glad this one, such as it was, happened. And was brief.

The bus seemed a very somber place, moreso than the ride out to the cemetery. "Thank you," she was compelled to say aloud, though to whom she was unsure. Her eyes flicked from one of their chaperones to another. The opportunity to bid friends and allies farewell was appreciated. Now all she was left with was her thoughts - about her good friend Lola, the man James (who she knew for a half hour yet still changed her life dramatically), and about Gavin.

Ash Holloway
Location: CMB Graveyard -> Bus
Skills: N/A


Thoughts lingered on the fallen. Ash knew that they would. It was more than a possibility; it was certainty wrapped with a big red bow. The trick was to prevent those thoughts from stealing awareness of the moment away. Even Ash had to admit that it was more of a redundancy, however. These people looked to be trained and following a protocol with little in the way of verbal discourse, suggesting practice, experience, and familiarity with the procedure. A squad of trained soldiers could scarcely do any better. It brought more attention to the fact that, in a community run by former military, they were pretty much all trained soldiers in one way or another. It made him anxious to get involved with that sort of ethically managed organization again. Even if he wasn't the guy in charge. But his thoughts still went to their friends and allies interred here, at least in a peripheral way, as he held his position and scanned the area.

An eyebrow went up as he thought that he heard something inappropriate come from the mouth of that Gonzalez woman. His head turned just enough to confirm his suspicions, though two questions bugged him: Why this moment for a situationally unanswerable question, and why those two? His eyes narrowed a little, putting this away in memory. At least the woman didn't touch off a screaming match in the middle of uncertain ground.

Continued diligence on his part was necessary for only a second or two more before the Padre made the call to pack it in. He waited until Amelia and Riley had walked past him on the way to the bus before making his move to do the same. It put a body between the two women and whomever else might come up behind them. A hair chauvinist or instinctively protective of his small knot of those close to him, only his psychiatrist might be able to fathom. As he neared the bus, Ash went through the police and military procedures for the return of a firearm. He'd done it hundreds of times in his life, easily. It was centering, in a way. The act showed not only that he was Army, but that he hadn't abandoned the principles. Further, it promoted safety standards for their guards and showed a willingness to follow the rules set forth for them. With this in mind, Ashton stopped upon entering the bus activated the safety on his lent sidearm and racked the slide of his .45, freeing the chambered round. He ejected the magazine into his hand, and handed the three items separately to Bass for verification before returning to his seat.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: CMB Graveyard -> Bus
Skills: N/A


Still in the immediate vicinity of Atticus, Thalia cocked a lightly amused expression as the two Newnan women started back to the bus. It was impossible for her not to have heard the call, given her proximity to the guy. Still, she hung back a little bit, lest there be quiet rumors circulating about aggressive promiscuity on her part. Naturally, the lack of fuck-giving concerning rumors about things of this nature was strong with her, nevertheless this was not the time nor place. The main reason Thalia even broached the topic was to distract away from the harder expression and combative stance that she has adopting involuntarily. And to mess with people. It was an excellent way to reveal character.

As she started back to the bus, two interesting details did come to mind about her tiny piece of sarcasm. First, the redhead didn't say no. Second, the singer chick, Riley, didn't say anything. Contemplative, maybe? Mulling it over, perhaps? Probably not, but the idea amused her enough that she let out a single, quiet growl that could have passed as a laugh. Also a factor, involving one's self physically in a way that couldn't result in pregnancy was ideal. Fluidity of this nature was a recent-ish development for Thalia. Adaptation to the times, or revelation of character on her part was still up for debate.

Nearing the bus, it was painfully apparent that she was going to have to give up her arms. The gun was no big deal, but that shield was her fucking property. And sentimental at that. It hardened her face significantly. Before boarding, Thalia went to one knee and placed the weapon behind her other one, using muscle pressure to hold the slide while she actuated it to eject the chambered round. The magazine came next, and Thalia took the additional second or two to reinsert the single round into the clip, her one natural hand cradling the apparatus as she pressed the bullet home with her thumb. She then replaced the magazine, checked the safety, and entered the bus to hand it over to Bass. The shield went a little less easily. She looked the man in the eye, glanced Joaquin and Daytona for a half second, and turned it over with a grim nod. They were supposed to trust. It just didn't come readily. This was life now. Less open and free, better chance at overall survival.

Thalia took her seat and looked around, hoping to spy her friends from the long road before. Alexander and Manny might not look like people out of Mad Max, but she knew they had history just as valid as hers. Why then was she so angry? ”Let's get back, Mugs. Stuff to do." Process emotion through work.

Then it hit Thalia, she had yet to hear any sort of jaunty nickname for Manny. Something to think about.

Ash Holloway
Location: CMB Graveyard
Skills: N/A


Ash was a man who showed his emotions by actions; usually background actions at that. He provided for, exchanging slices of his time and sleep to ensure that others were safe and fed. Potentially at the cost of his own well-being. This was who he was. Not just during the onset of the apocalypse, either - he was noted for this during his career with the Army, looking to the needs of the people under his command. Displays of emotion were uncommon for him. Likewise, support in a more personal way was not exactly his forte. Yet the last chapter in his life had changed him in an incremental way. So much as he was interested in resuming some semblance of duty to his friends and support their escorts in maintaining site security, Jack and Tatiana appeared on the periphery of his senses. The need to uphold civil duty fell away as he strode over to them and swept them both into a familial embrace.

It didn't last long, and in fact when Ash pulled away he looked to be a little surprised at himself. People hugging while packing heat openly was not precisely the mainstay of yesteryear. It was previously a thing which was out of character for the man, anyway. Still, life was change. And if he had a moment of being a little more open in his grief (which previously he might have called a moment of weakness) in the midst of something that might drive others to even more open shows of emotion, then this could very well be considered a sign of progress on his part. Psychologically speaking, anyway. "Yeah, sorry. Ah, about that..." he said softly, his Virginian accent inflecting with greater emphasis than usual. Certain things he still had difficulties expressing.

Following what might have been an awkward moment of recovery, Ash straightened himself up and reassumed the outward demeanor of a soldier, if not exactly uniformed as such. He looked again in the direction of Amelia and Riley, who seemed content to stand their watch near the priest, and gave them a little nod. These four were what remained of his family from Newnan - such as family existed for any of them anymore, choice in the matter was just as valid as blood. Possibly even more. Ash would spend the remainder of the time staying with the group, having their backs and trusting implicitly that they would have his. Having said his peace, Ash took to watch.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: CMB Graveyard
Skills: N/A


Thalia's features softened a little when Atticus put Lola's information down on paper. She wouldn't have to handle it herself, which was probably for the best considering that she had half a mind to sneak out of the community with a pointy metal implement and do the job herself, if that was the only option open to her over time. "Gracias," she rasped quietly, taking a step away so that others might speak with him, if they suddenly felt the need to.

Now that the point of their visit out here was concluding, Thalia felt old habits slipping back into her persona. The sorrow of the occasion was being suppressed, as was even her feelings of guilt from earlier. A small amount of anticipation crept in, likely the result of realizing that she was out in the open and not quite at 100%, which galvanized her sense of awareness. Thalia noted the position of Daytona in relation to the others, as well as Atticus. It was a given conclusion that they were not fully trusted confidants of the community yet, and she was curious as to how readily either of their chaperones would put a bullet into anyone present to grieve, were something compromising to occur. But those were just the ones closeby. Thalia likewise noted the movements of Joaquin and Bass. This had all the earmarks of establishing a growing perimeter. Not to mention that the continuing change in position made it more difficult to establish a static plan of action, in anyone on the inside of their circle decided to do something stupid. Her brother might very well be cold blooded enough to put to death every last man and woman present, if it came to that. She knew how her family ticked. Thalia herself might survive such a thing, though not for any superior skill on her part. Familia looked out for familia. Joaquin might pass her over, knowing that she would reciprocate. All the same, she had friends here. It would be a pity and a shame.

But even ignoring this extreme flight of fancy, the look around their immediate surroundings gave her a bit of pause. Tactically speaking HOLY FUCK THE ARMY GUY JUST HUGGED PEOPLE ...ahem, tactically speaking, if outsiders were to want to make a move or capture hostages, staking out a recently utilized graveyard might be a perfect place to do exactly that. Catch them in the middle of a service. No way that the nameless, faceless "They" might know that no one present particularly gave a rat's ass about the most recently interred person there. They did not look to be on advantageous ground if the living attacked. So her thoughts turned to the possibility of escape routes with cover. Already the shield was slowly rising to begin to cover the lower half of her face, and her knees bent slightly to maintain her original height as she moved to the balls of her feet. The motion of her pistol was hidden behind the great shield, tension and readiness gathering in the same moment.

It was about this time that Thalia realized that her expression was likely as hard as her thought process. And she was within plain view of the Padre, plus whomever was standing with him. In this case, the two women from Newnan who were sporting fresh scalp stubble. Adopting a more guarded outlook, Thalia gave a small, partly sarcastic smile. She cocked her head to one side and asked, "Hey, you girls into amputees?" It was unclear whether she was joking or not. The wink she gave didn't help.

Ash Holloway
Location: CMB Graveyard
Skills: N/A


Catching sight of nothing amiss underneath the bus, Ash straightened and turned his attention to the rest of the scene in front of them. He blew out a sigh, knowing what was to come next and, while not eager in the classical sense of the word, felt the need to get this done. It was a final piece of respect for those who deserved it. And be it a little selfish, he needed to say a formal goodbye for himself. Ashton solidly began to trudge along behind Atticus as he lead them all down the rows and rows of headstones, taking peripheral note of the intensity of the Florida sun. Ash's weapon remained pointed at the ground in front of him, but his eyes were studious, taking in details around him and alert to any changes which might cause a reassessment of urgency.

Ash was there mostly for one person. As much as he could speak of and/or credit the bravery and excellence of the others well enough, as could others, Ash and James had a bit of history. And he had recognized the man from television, way back before dead folks started gnawing on living ones. He was a colorful guy, and a damn good friend.

When the priest offered to say a few words, Ash kept his hand low and gave a dismissing motion while shaking his head slowly. His preference on the matter, though if others wished for Atticus to speak he would show no objection. Ash didn't know Lola, and apparently no one else did well enough to tack a birthdate on her stone, to his knowledge. He barely had part of a conversation with her once, and that was a while back. Ash briefly stopped at Ryan's grave and considered the man for a moment, then said quietly and clearly, "Ryan O'Reily was a criminal and a grifter. We were never friends. At no time was the man blatantly dishonest with me, though he liked to slant things. In the end, he sacrificed the comforts offered him by Newnan to help James and others. He didn't owe James a thing. I believe that Ryan acted the way he did because it was how he learned to survive in a world that was already against him back Before, and that's all he knew. I also believe that he was trying to redeem himself, and I hope that God took that into account when his soul was judged. His last act earned my respect, for whatever that's worth." Ash stood there, staring down at the grave marker for a moment more, then continued on to James's place of interment.

Ash gave a sad smile in Amelia's direction after hearing her words to the deceased. Reaching out, he squeezed her shoulder as an expression of camaraderie. Her words spoke to a universal feeling in this new world, and reminded him very much of the mindset of army personnel in hot spots. You can get close to people, yet when they were gone, returning to pay respect or mourn was a luxury afforded by very few. Ash wasn't sure what to say about James. He had guilt over how things went between them at the end, there. And as a matter of happenstance, Ash got to see him once more before he died. For that matter, it was at the same time that he got to actually see him die. But thinking about his end reminded Ash about their beginning. How he met the man. The commonly stoic Captain Holloway uncharacteristically got a short-lived but broad smile on his face as his mind drifted a few years back. "James Mandingo Grady," he started, the rural Virginian in his upbringing coloring his voice with more vivid tones, "was a son-of-a-bitch. I liked him almost immediately." Ash looked around at the Newnan folk, and realized that none of them were present the day that James came to their gates. Come to think of it, he really hadn't told anybody what happened after the fact. So he decided to, for anyone who was interested. Ash looked around to Tati, Jack, Riley and Amelia, and began. "The day Mr. Grady graced Newnan with his presence will live in infamy. I don't remember what the official story was for the records, but this is what really happened..."


Though his face was unmoving, tears had formed in Ash's eyes. "There was whole, huge, perfectly smoked hog in that thing, too. Best meal we'd had in months." He shook his head wistfully. "In the same circumstance, I might make different decisions now than I did back then. But it would have deprived me of a good friend and one of the biggest assets that we had. James Grady was the heart of Newnan. He helped pull me out of a dark place. I'm never going to forget him." Wiping his eyes, he gave a final, "Rest in peace, Black James."

Ashton shifted his weapon to his left hand and straightened to full military attention. He threw a point-on salute, held it for a moment, and stepped away. His words were done, and now he followed the example of Amelia, taking a more alert watch so that the others might do what they needed to in as much safety as could be provided.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: CMB Graveyard
Skills: N/A


Perhaps now was the time to shut up and listen. Following the example of her brother, Thalia restricted her thoughts to the internal only for the meantime and focused on taking in what information that she could. Dimsdale. From the sound of it, the guy might have been pretty dim. It was painfully tactically unsound, pulling a move like that. Especially when he knew the prevailing attitudes of the people around him. He must have known that he wasn't likely to get help, so that brought a couple of possibilities to mind. Either Dimsy was suicidal, which a lot of people were nowadays, or he was desperate. Or both. But why would he be desperate? On the face of it, this made no sense. But Thalia didn't know much of anything about Mexico Beach except for their Quarantine setup. There was a near infinite set of "maybes" that could explain what happened. Oddly, she doubted that this place harbored some dark and foreboding secret that drove a man to bash his head against prison bars until he died. Moreover, why would someone come out and tell a newcomer this if they were hiding something? Unfortunately, the only person who knew for certain was under a heap of dirt and he wasn't talking. "Thanks," she rasped out to Daytona, pressing forward with the rest of the group.

Her brother's sudden change in attitude gave Thalia a moment of pause. Her uncle had that kind of demeanor all the time, so she was used to it. And her father (the Father) had more of a businesslike yet supportive way about him, with his personal demons brought out like a tool when necessary. Much like herself, yet she was not the tower of iron will that her father was. Everyone in her family was born with a slice of violence in them. Everyone seemed to express it a little differently. It was like a curse. Or a blessing. But it seemed now that Joaquin was in his own sphere of professional stoicism. They were back out in the world, and even though this whole outing was for her benefit as well as others, she could not afford to become lax or too sentimental now. Thalia hefted her shield in her artificial hand, getting a better feel for how it needed to operate with her abbreviated manual dexterity, and trudged onward.

Thinking back to the bus, Thalia noted that the stress must have been getting to Manny. That kind of a blowup was unlike him. She might actually try to ask what it was all about, even though it was very much not her business. All the same, pissing off the guy who just handed you a loaded weapon seemed a hair counterproductive. Maybe the old guy just needed a thorough oil change. CMB had everything else, why not dedicated prostitutes, too? The world's oldest profession sure as hell didn't die out just because of a world-bending apocalypse. A thought for another time. Or never, ever again.

Observant eyes kept darting around their surroundings. Places of open ground made her a little uncomfortable, even though she was toward the middle of an armed group of fellow survivors. When finally in front of the resting places of their friends and allies, Thalia didn't really know what to do. Raised for the latter half of her childhood by a Catholic priest, she was exposed to these kinds of ceremonies from an early age. But she still didn't know what to do. Her adopted battle sisters of Fairburn had a very simple rite for this, yet none of these people were part of that. And Lola, for all of her peculiarities, wasn't religious enough to ever get into a deep conversation about it with her. After a piece of time, and after she shook her head no to Atticus's offer to say a few words.

"She was not one of your followers, Nuestra Dama de la Muerte, but as all things which live come to you eventually, you had a moment to meet Lola Holler. I pray you embraced her with mercy, as she was a good friend to me. Permit her travel where her soul is most comfortable, and when you summon me to you, take from me what you think is a fair exchange. Amen."

Not the traditional Santa Muerte prayer for the occasion, but she was not specifically a follower of the old Aztec gods of death. Like her father and mother, Thalia was Catholic. Darkly so, but Catholic nonetheless. The influence was obvious, however. To her, Death was an abstract force of existence; it was an inevitability, the only promise that was truly unbreakable. To think of Death as a woman made sense to her, and if this was anthropomorphized by a culture into which she was rooted, then why not borrow it? To others who did not know her or her family intimately, it looked very much like she was praying directly to Death Herself, rather than an aspect of Mary or the true Catholic saint that had influence in easing the dead onward, Gertrude.

She rose, and added, "You died with a song on your lips. My sisters would be proud." Conversely, she looked to James's grave, giving him a simple, "Thank you." Without him, Thalia wouldn't have known what she did about her family. He was also the first domino that fell, bringing her to his place and the people she considered friends, and her estranged brother Joaquin.

She couldn't bring herself to say anything to Gavin's grave, though. There was just a quiet moment standing nearby. She was with him literally at the moment that he died. Knowing his death was coming, she used him as improvised cover and killed a lot more people, later to include the cult leader in charge of the shitshow known as Eden. Potentially saved Thana's life in the process. But the kneejerk reaction to do what she did shocked her in hindsight. There really wasn't an apology that existed for doing what she did to Gavin. Thalia's face turned into something brutal as self-loathing ripped through her. She had to talk to someone about this. She was a tough woman, of this there was no doubt. But she wasn't stupid. And she was self aware enough to know that this might damage her if she didn't come to peace with it. Deep inside, she wished that she was still in Eden, her face painted with ash and char to resemble a skull, perpetually killing her enemies until her Lady called finally called her home. This was a dangerous mindset to be in right now.

Thalia tried to shake it off. She walked over to Atticus and pointed at Lola's grave marker, reciting to him, "Lola Rebekah Holler, born October 14th, 1978." If she had the tools to scratch it into the stone herself, she would have.

Ash Holloway
Location: The Bus -> Graveyard
Skills: N/A


The good news was that Ash's impulse to inspect and ready his lent firearm was not taken as a potential act of hostility, and as such did not invoke the swift, dramatic wrath of persons toward his rear or flank who already had functional weapons and the capacity to use them. They had said that the entire point to the act of giving them armaments was for self defense, though Ash suspected that having them as armed backup wasn't a wholly bad idea in case the shit really hit the fan. Still, merely supposition on his part. He was a military engineering officer once upon a time, prone to viewing situations as a set of obstacles to overcome with the resources available to him; animal, vegetable, mineral, or other. People were always an asset. Armed people one could trust were even better.

As the others filed out of the bus, Ash found himself falling into an old habit. His first impulse was to exit the bus at the lead, stepping into an unknown situation before the others in an effort to clear the path, if necessary. This was supplanted by the understanding that he was very much not the guy in charge and the responsibility wasn't his. However, the sudden rise on his part followed by a stony expression of resignation might be noticed for what it was by another of his relative background. He could have laughed at himself. Maybe a chuckle or two, anyway. With a shake of his head, Ash filed in line with everyone else. He held his pistol with the barrel pointing down, finger outside of the trigger guard. Ash recalled the words of the man called Bass, saying that Thana said he could handle it. If he was actually speaking about Ash. There was a little uncertainty as to whether Bass was speaking to him or to the Gonzalez woman a couple seats up. Whichever way, it was true that he could handle a .45 pistol. Years of experience, Army man, and all. So he was probably not speaking about Ash.

There was a tiny pause before Ash stepped out of the bus, upon arrival. He could feel the threshold of temperature change right at the doorway, and took in a deep breath before continuing. It reminded him of his time in La AmΓ©rica del Sur, back when he was a younger Lieutenant. One never did get used to walking from air conditioning into an equatorial jungle, not completely. So he took in a lungful of the intermediate air and slowly exhaled as he exited the bus, into the comparatively sweltering air of Florida in the summer, without so much as a decent coastal breeze to keep the muggy air at bay. The heat and humidity of their surroundings enveloped him, and he did not risk breathing in until he had acclimated some. Ash scanned the surroundings, thumbing the safety off of his pistol and holding it at a low, ready position. Among other things he noticed the freshly dug grave, but was not in the frame of mind to ask about it. Looking to the people exiting the bus, he noted a number of pairs - Amelia and Riley, Jack and Tati, Bass and Padre, Alexander and Manny; others pairing up and watching each other's backs. He felt like the odd man out again.

Just for the hell of it, Ash gave another visual sweep of the area. This time, he included a peek under the bus. Extremely long shot, but no one else seemed to want to check there that he saw, and it was part of the Hordebuster protocol before the vehicle died on the road.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: The Bus -> Graveyard
Skills: N/A


Sparrow said that she could handle it. Thalia was trying to get used to the fact that everyone under the sky seemed to call her Sparrow. Nah, Thana was still "Navy" to her. But back to Thalia being able to handle it, why the hell did Bass have to say that? Did he think that a woman of her height and physicality might have problems hoisting a metal-rimmed Viking roundshield? Or was it the gun? A frigging 9mm, for Christ's sake. She'd been using them off and on since she was a child. Of course Thana would say that Thalia could handle it. It was part of her standard gear coming into this place, both the shield and a 9mm. She gave the man a little smirk, seeming to relate an unspoken yet sarcastic confirmation that yes, she in fact could handle it. If he was talking to her. If he wasn't, then Thalia just gave a random, noncommittal, sardonic expression. Of all the ones she gave normally let fly in a 24 hour period, this wasn't anything new.

While she wasn't the last one off of the bus, she was toward the rear. For all of her good qualities, Thalia just didn't consider herself the "Hero" type. Her deal was quieter, more long-term, and oft involved a lot of stabbing. Let the heroes plunge headlong into the open with a minimal plan. Everyone likes a hero. Heroes inspire. Thana was pretty damned heroic. Apparently, so was her boyfriend. She liked to think that the ballerina chick was, too, but Thalia might have been mixing up heroic with hardcore there. Alexander pressing on when he had excellent reasons to give up might fit in this category, if not the actions of a hero in the classic sense. Volunteering for the Eden mission when he had no stake in its outcome would fit, though. She didn't know the others really well enough, and hadn't heard a damn thing about the two Sinead O'Conner lookalikes one way or the other. Thalia could have mentally listed off everyone present, and it would still be hit-or-miss. Even her brother. Overall, it didn't matter. When it was her turn to step off the bus, she did. And rather wished that she hadn't.

Thalia was uncomfortable in air conditioning. Unfortunately, it did have the effect of partly acclimating her to its temperature, at least for a little while. In nature, when the climate changes that much that quickly, something was afoot. "...Jaysus Facking Chri..." she began to "Boston out", absolutely convinced for a second that someone just smacked her across the face and chest with a huge, wet, steaming hot pillow. "And in the shade." Left to her own devices over time, this weather wouldn't bother her so much. Lose a little clothing, use a bandana as a top, keep her hair short, and she'd be just fine to go stabbing fish with a pronged stick in no time. But right now? You'd have thought a cat was laying over her face as she slept. Finally getting greater control over her breathing, the first elements of perspiration already forming. Thalia wasted no time in tucking her Beretta into the waistband of her pants and fixing the shield into her metal hand. She wasn't a huge fan of the extra step, but it beat the alternative. Retrieving the pistol for her left hand, Thalia carefully came to lean on the bus next to Joaquin. She gave the surrounding area a stern, solid look, keeping her vision mostly to distance. Without actually setting eyes on her brother, Thalia asked rather bluntly, "So, who's the dead guy?" Realizing the stupidity of asking that in the middle of a cemetery, she quickly added, "Recently dead guy," nodding her head slightly in the direction of the fresh grave.

Ash Holloway
Location: The Bus
Skills: N/A


Ash didn't see the man in the back of the bus, Joaquin, adopt his inherited glare. Maybe it was best that he didn't. Their family had the occasion to be unpredictable and a little stab-happy for reasons that they didn't always disclose. Come to think of it, with two of them that he didn't know well in an enclosed, metal tube moving away from the only point of civilization of which Ash was aware for an indeterminate distance away. This might be one of the more dangerous bus rides Ash had taken. And he'd been dropped off in some pretty unsavory conditions while deployed. "Yes ma'am. No problem. Timing, is all," he responded to Thalia. It seemed to satisfy for the meantime.

But as subjects that were satisfying were concerned, the topic of weapons came up. Funny, he was just thinking that he'd feel better if he could get his hands on a .45 pistol. It wouldn't be entirely inaccurate for him to feel just a little like a kid at Christmas, anxiously awaiting his turn to get at whatever was for him in the sackful of goodies being passed around. He noted that they were not the weapons that they came in with. In most cases, it was an upgrade. So, with a hair or two or genuine optimism, Ash waited. He was almost the last person to receive his item, and took just a bit of surprise that Bass paused in the middle of his surname, only to refer to him by the abbreviated form of his first name before handing him a sidearm. He didn't recall having much of an in-depth conversation with the man. It felt a little off. Ash must have been the topic of some conversation or another; he just hoped it was framed positively. That might have been a safe assumption considering that he was being handed a large bore pistol.

"Thank you," he responded clearly, with a little twinkle in his eye as he examined the sidearm at his disposal. Smith & Wesson 4506, .45 ACP, Double Action start and Single Action continuing, semi-automatic fire. He recognized this weapon as one that was on the table to replace the general issue sidearm of the United States Army. It didn't quite make it, due to NATO ally compatible factors, but nonetheless it was a weapon designed purely for combat application and used his preferred round. Ash gave the pistol a once-over, ejecting the magazine and inspecting the chamber, then reinserting and chambering a round. He applied the safety and tucked the pistol aside, then placed his hands on the back of the seat in front of him so that their hosts didn't misinterpret his actions as hostility and perforate the back of his head. That would be a very unproductive end to his day.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: The Bus
Skills: N/A


"Shit. Yes." It was a simple enough remark from a very direct lady woman who still regarded being armed with the same appeal as a bacon double cheeseburger with accompanying chocolate milkshake. The same sort of predatory expression that she gave Roy earlier that day was reserved for the gun in her hand, giving way to a cold, determined smile. Even this faded away as the gave her lent weapon a cursory look. This was a Beretta. She was a Glock girl, herself. It was the first gun she learned how to use and it remained her favorite for a long time. It also didn't hurt that the Glock 17 was the standard sidearm issued to the security agents of MSS, her former employer. Personal proclivities aside, this wasn't the first time that she held a Beretta. She remembered the last time she was lent one, though. Back when she had two hands, she had opportunity to go full Guns Akimbo with her company Glock in one hand and the Beretta M9 of a guy she had met that day. She got to see him die that day as well. "...James..." The guy looked like a jackass, but he started her on the path that led her here. Then he fell into a collapsing chasm and died. Hindsight was a bitch, sometimes.

She broke her reverie with the Beretta and accompanying memories, noting the signal to wait from Bass. Her gaze followed him to the back of the bus, an eyebrow arching with regard to what was forthcoming. When Thalia saw what he was pulling out for her, it keyed off a series of emotions. Naturally, Thalia went to anger first. It was a good survival default. To the tune of, "How dare those bastards hide that from me, that's my fucking property," though it was an unspoken impulse. It quickly gave way to, "They have it, they haven't just cycled it into the hands of some who doesn't appreciate lifelong craftsmanship," again unsaid, and filtering into the memories of both the Zed she took it from and the woman who made it; its first wielder. Both were friends. One was closer to her than the other.

Thalia accepted the shield with a touch of reverence. It felt like it might be a little lighter than the last time she held it, which was probably due to her more regular diet recently and the exercise she was putting herself through. It looked the same as ever. Even better. The various imperfections that the shield bore was testament to the battles of its owners over the years. She traced her finger along the pattern engraved along the front, giving a nigh sinister grin. Reluctantly, she slid the item down in front of the seat and turned her attention back to the gun.

It was a little tricky of a maneuver to inspect and ready a sidearm with only one functional hand, but practice on the road with her much smaller, scavenged Ruger 9mm had taught Thalia a method. It was a little slower than the standard two handed method, granted, but got the job done. Of course, it was easier if she were standing or kneeling. Beggars and choosers, she figured. Thalia placed her foot up on the seat next to her, hunching down to better accommodate. She checked the safety and placed the weapon behind her knee, so that the slide could be actuated with by tensing the muscles in her leg and pushing against the handle with her functional hand, opening the slide for observation. She depressed the magazine eject and let it fall to the set below, then let the Beretta remain behind her knee while she checked the magazine for ammo, replaced it, and actuated the slide again with the same practiced move she used to inspect the chamber; this time a full back and forth to put the first round in the chamber in a single controlled motion. "Hnn..." she half-crooned, half-growled with a sense of personal satisfaction. This was a good, tried-and-true pistol. Thalia almost hoped she would get the opportunity to use it.

Ash Holloway
Location: The Bus
Skills: N/A


Fingers still drumming quietly on knee, Ash maintained his vigil within the confines of his seat upon the bus. It wasn't the bus precisely that invoked his watchfulness, as a moving vehicle was one of the safer places that one might be nowadays, more than it was the newness of the situation coupled with the fact that he was in a confined space with both people he cared about and others who had guns. Logic told him that these people were his people now, even if he did not know them, precisely. But logic did nothing to ease his sense of conscious awareness right then.

Everything seemed to be progressing on a timetable based on unfamiliar protocol. Back in Newnan, if there were objections or misgivings about someone, they simply weren't allowed entry. The speed by which someone gained the trust of the community after that was comparatively shorter, if they made it inside. Lord knew that he had some less than optimistic thoughts about some of the jokers they let in, though in the end, most of them were decent enough folks. Astrid and Bridgette came to mind, as did Sophia, though she needed medical assistance at the time. Richard... was a mistake, in hindsight. He remembered when a crop of newer people came in, some of whom he put in positions of authority in an effort to ease the overall transition. Or when the Franklin community assimilated into their group. Of course, things were different. His community needed people with certain skill sets, and backups for the inevitable, random-seeming deaths that occurred. Mexico Beach seemed to have their stuff locked down pretty good. Well enough that they could afford to screen people more intently. Hence, the probationary period after quarantine and the fact that they weren't allowed weapons of any kind.

But even that train of thought came to a close as the man toward the front of the bus began to speak. They were being issued weapons? If even "issued" was the proper term. Ash might lose his shit entirely (in a good way) if they had a Detonics .45 system - the last pistol type he was issued by the Army - not to mention the latest in proven handgun technology. It was his primary sidearm for years, until the last push from their ruined home in Georgia. But, beggars and choosers, he supposed. Ash guessed that anything they were given was probably going to be from stock, or something they personally handed over prior to entry. But his opinion, like his guesses, meant absolutely nothing right then. He'd see right along with the rest of them.

The first series of buildings seemed to flow past the bus's windows, yet they were not quite out of the settlement's walls just yet. Perhaps they wouldn't be armed until the bus came to its destination. Fine by him either way. Still, he used the occasion the others' attention being focused on the bag in the front to give another look around at the people inside of the bus; the armed guards, his friends, and those he had just met a week ago. This was a motley assortment of people, if viewed by the standards of six years ago. As his eyes went from person to person, they came to rest on the younger woman with the metal hand, who was staring right back at him. She had been looking at him before, as well as Tati and Jack. She wanted answers. Ash could at least provide her one, while he had time.

"Alicia," he began, accenting her name as pronounced in Spanish, "Tu Prima."1 Not like there were a whole lot of Alicias left in the world, and zero others that they knew in common, in all likelihood. Ash's grasp of Spanish wasn't bad, but he was not a native speaker and so kept his words simple, pitched to hear over the sounds of the bus but not designed to attract a lot of attention. Even so, he had to wonder how many of these people spoke Spanish. At least three of them on that bus that he knew about, including himself. "Fue mordida por una Horda de los Muertos, mientras ayudaba a un hombre."2 The one armed lady had asked, back in Quarantine, about the her friends and family. This would hopefully show that he wasn't intentionally trying to avoid her. "Horda llegΓ³ a Newnan mΓ‘s tarde. Vi a Alicia y le di paz."3 His words were simpler, almost childlike in their delivery. It lacked nuance but communicated directly what he wanted to say. "I want to talk to you about the others when we can."

Ash was surprised to note that the woman's expression was one of realization, not sorrow. It baffled him.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: The Bus
Skills: N/A


A general mixture of feelings started to settle in Thalia. To say that she was in anything resembling inner peace was far from the truth; the fact was that she probably wouldn't know what to do with herself if she ever actually felt true peace and/or was content with the world around her. It never even crossed her mind that such a thing might exist in her lifetime. So these feelings that settled were more of a coalescence of things she was willing to put up with for the time being. Demons she had made truce with. It helped that she had family nearby, moreso because he was armed. But when it came down to it, things were not really as bad as they might have been. Though she still had not gotten readjusted to the concept of air conditioning, and instinctively held herself, hunching over a little. Thalia's time in the sticks had changed her.

The lack of Thana puzzled her still. Ultimately it was her call, and good or bad there was nothing to say about it, nor was she going to pass judgement on the woman. Beatrice was also not present, which caused her outward expression to grow harder. As with Thana, leaving Mexico Beach was this woman's call, but under the circumstances that she left, Thalia sure as hell was going to judge. Hopefully the woman would find whatever she was looking for, and if they ever met up again, she owed Bea a gut punch. Luckily, these thoughts were interrupted by Manny, extending her a cursory greeting. Snapped from her more judgemental, annoyance-inspired thought process, Thalia looked over to the older dentist. It was always a mixed bag with this guy. Technically she owed him her life, though he had to remove her hand and a good chunk of her arm in the process. Wasn't his fault, either. He made the best of a bad situation and kept her breathing in the process. Thalia returned his greeting with an acknowledging, "Yeah. Hey, Manny." Then it occurred to her that the man hadn't lost anyone close to him in the selection of bodies buried nearby. Those interred had died on the Eden assault or in Newnan, before. She regarded Manny for a few seconds before ultimately letting it go. If he wanted to pay his respects, she wasn't going to stop him. Maybe he just wanted to stand with his teammates, such as they were.

Moving forward, the idea of being given weapons appealed to Thalia as surely as a bacon double cheeseburger and chocolate milkshake might have. (Mental note: Inquire into the possibility of bacon double cheeseburger in CMB.) Curious as to the armed proclivities of the rest of the people on board, Thalia turned around and looked at the people around her. Most she couldn't figure out at a glance, though there were suspicions on some. Thana's boyfriend, the Army Captain? She half expected a Holy Avenger or a bigassed, star-spangled shield that came back to him after he threw it. Her mind moving toward the mildly bizarre, perhaps he was worthy of picking up a hammer that she'd never be capable of lifting in her life.

It was about then that she realize she was staring at the man. What followed, coming from his mouth was a little bit of a shock. Not the Spanish, even though it sounded a little forced, but the things he was saying. Thalia had heard a version of this story last year, from a man she had met less than a half hour before his death. His name was James, if memory served. Not news, in and of itself. Alicia died with her gun in hand, taken out by a horde. But the exact words that James used were, "Her man wound up putting her down after she turned, luck had it, and it damn near broke him." And that sparked a sense of realization in her, like pieces of a puzzle coming together. Ash had just claimed that he gave her peace. If he was the guy who "put her down", then they were involved romantically. Army Captain had claimed that they were close. This detail just gave that claim a lot more depth. And he traveled for over a year to reunite with Thana. She only responded to him with a simple, "Thanks. I gaht a lot of questions." She didn't press conversation now. Thalia could wait for this with much enhanced patience, and if Joaquin overheard the exchange, he probably had a few questions of his own.


Ash Holloway
Location: The Bus
Skills: N/A


It didn't seem like there was much to do now but wait. Wait for people to board, wait for the bus to move, wait for them all to get to their destination. It was something that the Army taught him how to do like a champ; waiting. The longest periods of soul denting boredom interspersed with moments of tremendous, life threatening peril, over and over, until you were given a paper that said you had to go somewhere else. This was a little different from standard military movements, though. Now they were the civilian cargo, and everywhere was considered a field of fire.

The truth was that Ash didn't like going out unarmed, nor without his own group of people backing him up. The truth also was that as soon as he got out of the latter mindset, the better. At least, if he wanted to assimilate into this community more effectively. It was going to be a hard habit to break. Looking around the bus, he took to note the faces of those around him. Tatiana and Jack both seemed to have the same gut feeling that he did about staying alert. He had no doubt that if all things were equal and they had to scrap their way out of a situation, they'd be the first to have his back. Riley and Amelia looked like they usually did; so long as they had each other they were good. He didn't know the others well enough to be able to pick anything out about them. Ash knew what he'd observed in quarantine, and then it looked like most of them were trying to be on their best behavior. Most of them. It was ultimately of no matter to him. They had all signed on for this, knowing that their lives would have some huge changes and that one of them would be a lack of trust at first. With due time and diligence, this would pass.

But so long as he was looking at faces, one stood out. It was the other Gonzalez in the back of the bus. Ash might not know Joaquin from Adam, but the expression he wore was seared into his brain from his history with the family. He risked a look forward, noting the younger lady with the prosthesis. She didn't bear that look now, but her expression was hardening into something. She and her brother weren't the allies that Alicia and Caesar were, though. Ash took another glance back to Jack and Tati. He let out a light sigh and began drumming his fingers on a knee. Tatiana got a lot harder since Newnan. Ash had a feeling that whatever went down, be it something from an outside force or internal conflict, she was the one who would have his back.

But none of these were healthy outlooks on their situation at present. They were going to visit a gravesite. The assertion was backed up by Thana, and if Ash couldn't trust her then there was something wrong with him, not everyone else. Instead he forced his mind to thoughts of the deceased. James for certain, but Ryan... Ash didn't like the man. But there was a glimmer of tarnished nobility that he saw in the guy, toward the end there. Back to James, the man who he called his best friend for a good while there. He deserved better than he got back from life. As the bus pulled away and toward the eastern exit of the community, Ash's thoughts filled with colorful and, in hindsight, amusing moments about the man, even as his eyes maintained a vigil on the area around them. James was never boring. Maybe Ash would say a few words, when they got there.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: The Bus
Skills: N/A


Thalia was getting the impression that a lot of these people had their own little clique, and she wasn't cool enough to sit at their table at lunchtime. Or whatever the equivalent was here. She got a bare level of acceptance as Epic Ballerina Mom noted her presence. She arched a brow back, giving the slightest nod to her before settling back into her seat more fully - though not exactly with eyes forward and hands at her sides. Check that, hand at her sides - it was more accurate to say that she took a more sideways position so that she could keep an eye on things and spring up if necessary. As it came to their surroundings, Thalia seemed more interested in who was inside of the bus, rather than that was going on outside of it. Being trapped in a rolling metal box with people she barely knew, and who outnumbered those she knew that she could trust, was not her cup of mescal.

This feeling lasted for a relatively short amount of time, however. It was a startlingly fast change of attitude, and this was mostly because of her formerly estranged sibling, Joaquin. While others might have been put off by his shift from being bubbly and talkative to something more akin to ...her, Thalia took it as a sign of advanced readiness on his part. Slowly, her eyes went to him at the back of the bus, giving a once-over to assess the man with whom she shared a father. The look of impending violence on his part actually made Thalia feel more at ease. She turned her attention to Alexander and Manny, the other two remaining from her circle of survivors, and gave them a reassuring look. If her brother's expression promised blood, and he wasn't moving against anyone immediately, then he had "clocked in", so to speak. The two of them were never especially close; Thalia and Joaquin. Nevertheless, that outward signal was all the indicator she needed right then to focus on other things. Like why she was there in the first place.

Somewhere outside of those walls lay the body of Lola Holler, a woman who probably saved her ass and kept her from becoming too dark, when she needed it most. Her life seemed to constantly teeter on the edge of a knife that way, like she was constantly trying not to feed her more destructive and apathetic impulses. Most of the time, Thalia was better than that. Every so often people had to remind her. The women of Fairburn, Lola, Thana, Mugsy. With out these people in her life at the right time, she might very well have become like the monster from her nightmare, months ago. Or just dead. The irony being that she would gladly rip out a throat with her teeth, would disembowel someone with no compunction whatsoever, would bring a life to a swift and messy end with either blade or bullet without hesitation, if it meant that these people were safe. Or to avenge them, as she proved decisively in Eden. So yes, Thalia was going to ease up (a little) and go to say a final farewell to Lola. As for Gavin... the thought of viewing their graves evoked a flurry of memories from that day. They were not all positive.

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