Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 13 days ago

☠ πšƒπš†π™³: πšˆπšŽπšŠπš› 𝟻 π™ΏπšŠπš›πš 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:57 A.M. - Dusk at 7:41 P.M. - High: 87F, Low: 72F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 10mph - No rain - Cloud Cover: 26% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: This is a shorter update than normal. It is mostly a filler update so that we can get everyone in order or at least there about so those that are attending the long over due memorial service slash visit to the graveyard can get to the meeting point if they are not already. Now, the time hasn't been fully lined up as of yet but by the end of this round consider things all back to normal. (Well as normal as we get in this rp but you get what I am saying. At least I hope you do. lol)
Date: July 23rd, 2012

Hospital/Medical (B): *Note: Alexander and Thalia going to the hospital will not be seen by others in the RP. ~*~ Out on the streets of Administration all is clear. They roll over to the hospital will go without issue and Doc is inside with Mary discussing something. When the crew gets inside Doc will take over for Medic after Medic gives a run down of what is going on. "Better than when Dusty slipped last time, his located his shoulder," Doc said in an attempt to make things seem less serious.

Medic rolls his eyes a bit. "The man slipped in mashed potatoes and gravy trying to get thirds on Easter, he ended up taking out a whole ham and bowl of jell-o in the process!" Medic added filling in a bit more of the story. Alexander will be rolled into the X-Ray room down the hallway as Mary starts filling out paper work. The X-Rays will go fine, Thalia can stay with Alexander or not during this time. They won't have a problem either way. In the end, Alexander will have a bruised butt but nothing broken or cracked. Doc will warn that he will be sore tomorrow and to stop in for aspirin if it is too much. Other than that, you are good. (Thalia and Alexander's time is a bit different than the rest but they will be back on time with the rest and be able to show up at Assembly by the end of this round.)

Now, back to Lisa - Mary will be back at the reception area filling out paper work about the time that Lisa is able to show up to see what she needs to do next. She will be able to catch a glimpse of Alexander and Thalia leaving the hospital at that time. Medic is sitting down in a chair rubbing his face a bit before filling out some paper work on his own. Doc is coming up with the X-rays from earlier and hands them over to Mary. "He's good, but if he needs anything for pain tomorrow OTC should do fine unless something develops," he tells her and she makes a note of it in the paperwork.

Mess Hall (C): As the two enter the place looks empty. The main area of the Mess Hall is empty. But the building isn't. There are sounds and voices in the back of the place wafting out as well as the smell of food cooking. One can easily hear Cook and the Goat talking in the back, arguing about if cornbread should be sweet or not.

Officer Housing (N): Things are calm in the building. There are a few officers in the hallways, moving from one point to another. They will nod or mouth a hello if they pass Ash in the hallways. Other than that, nothing else happens. Ash will get to Assembly without issue by end of this round.

Assembly (P): Coming up from the direction of the church is the Padre. With him is Riley and Tatiana. (Riv you control Riley now as an every so often NPC to use to fill in story for Amelia when needed, so you can decide if she will be coming to the funeral or not. Didn't know for sure, figured this was the easiest.) Reaching the Assembly area Padre nods a bit. Tatiana looks rather shut down right now, her face cold and her eyes darting around. Jack comes jogging up to Tati and lets her know that Jamie is in the daycare for now. Seems the two decided to not take Jamie to James' grave today. Not until they see how it goes and how safe it is.

"Once everyone gets here we'll go over everything and then head out," Atticus says before flipping open his bible and thumbing through it a bit, he gives Amelia a little smile before looking back at the book. He wasn't going to bring up what she was carrying. She looked a little out of it but that was to be expected right then. People were getting together to say goodbye. The sound of a larger vehicle can be heard and the bus that first brought everyone in is driven up by Daytona. The door swings up two men exit. One is Bass and the other is Joaquin. They are both armed and carrying a dufflebag each on their shoulder. Atticus looks over to them. "Everything in order?" she asked before glancing at Manny and the others there.

Before Joaquin can open his mouth Bass answers. "Yeah, cleared the yard. Ev'rthan' is locked down as it can be," Bass said in his deep southern voice.

Supply (R): DoLittle looked over to Nikki and sighed. "Kid got into trouble. Forgot to clean up after the dog. I reminded him and he went back to clean it up. Wasn't going to report it but then got a radio from Gunny to remove the dog. Don't know what happened but must have been something..." Dolittle said. "I only got half of what happened to Gunny on the radio but gotta go fill in a report fully now." She didn't look happy about it.

She glanced over towards Amelia as she left before looking back at Nikki. "Need a foster home for her. At least until tomorrow. Think you and Lisa can take her in?"

Streets of CMB (L5 - O4): Things are very quiet right now between the three. Maddoc is grumbling as he chews on his cigar. Roy isn't saying or doing anything. The two of them just keep leading Hunter down the streets of CMB. There are people that are looking on but they don't follow or keep their attention there too long. Turning down another road, Hunter is lead away from the main area of the Camp, to the north side of the camp instead of the main area of south-side where most everything seems to be. It was part of the tour but there wasn't much pointed out save for distillation and fuel and the loading ramp. It was the more abandoned part of town.


Thana Martin
Location: M5 -> Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A

Thana nodded towards Ash as he left. Part of her wanted to go with him, to be there for him during this but she didn't want to go back to the graveyard, ever. She had been there when the bodies were brought back. She had to identify the remains of each of them to ensure the right person got buried where and had the proper marker. She would forever remember the way they looked as they were brought back, after a year of decay and rotting, two of them had turned and she still couldn't get that image out of her head. To Thana the graveyard and those headstones left her remembering them that way. No, she wanted what memories she had of Gavin and James to be of them alive as much as it could be. Even Lola and Ryan, people she hadn't really known but had met or fought with, she wanted to remember them alive, not what she saw.

After a moment Thana visibly shuddered before looking back over to Nigel. "A'right, let's get this done," she said before turning and heading back towards the Mess Hall. There was the issue of Hunter being led off but after her little trip down Disturbed Memory Lane she wasn't even thinking about the kid right then. She figured whatever it was she would either be briefed later if it concerned her or not if it didn't. She wasn't going to stress it. The community had ways of doing things so whatever it was it would be worked out.

Then it dawned on her that Nigel had said something. She had to stop and nod. "Yeah, several, a while ago. Two when Newnan fell, two when we took Eden. Some that came in with ya hadn't had a chance to say goodbye. They will today. I can't do it again..." Thana said before looking down. "Damn shame they're gone. One was a Texas Ranger, probably the best man I e'er known," she added before taking a deep breath and walking again. She might have been in love with Ash but Gavin would always hold a special place in her heart for both good and bad reasons.

Pushing open the door of the Mess Hall she held it open for Nigel so he could push the cart in. "Cook, got them dailies!" she called out in the empty room. Her voice echoing and she hoped carrying to the back where the actual cooking was done.


Nikola Warren
Location: Supply (R)
Skills: N/A

Nikki liked the idea of getting Lisa in on this to catch the mouse. It was a smart thing but she wondered if they made something akin to the old board game mouse trap if it would really work life sized. Then again the board game probably was lift sized when it came to the actual mouse. Either way, it was something she would want to talk to Lisa about. At least it would fill in some time to plan out and build and well she figured if Lisa couldn't get out of the walls right now to do it to Walkers she could have some fun planning mini models to see how well it would go over before going full scale. Hell Tesla might want to get in on it.

Looking at Dolittle though Nikki's thoughts were derailed. "I don't know but after last night and then earlier I'm wonderin' about that guy," Nikki said before looking over at Amelia. She quirked a brow and was about to ask what was up but the girl was gone and looked like she really needed to get the hell out of there. Looking back at DoLittle she shrugged. She could ask Amelia about that whole thing when she got back. Nikki wasn't privy to what was in everyone's files like Thana was so she had no idea about most of what was going on with all these new people that had just come into camp.

Then cam the request. "Shit I'd love to! Don't know about Lisa but well, shit, it's just tonight? I'll ask at dinner but for now I'll take her," Nikki said as she came out from behind the counter and knelt down in front of the dog. Scratching behind her ears and smiling as she popped a bubble with her gum. She had been the main one to take care of Hunters best friend during quarantine so it was only fitting she would be the one to look after her now.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Emanuel "Manny" Newman

Location: Assembly (P)
Skills: N/A


So far it seemed Manny was one of the first here at the rally point. It was a nice feeling getting somewhere early and having time to prepare. Though one of the other first, Amelia he was pretty sure was her name, seemed like she had been having a rough day. "You doing alright there?" Simple question, last thing he wanted to do was rush to assumptions in case it wasn't something worst talking about, or at least if she didn't want to talk about it she could have an out to work with. But she did seem stressed, or tired maybe. She did run here after all.

Soon enough, Padre came over from the direction of the church with some others Manny hadn't really gotten time to get to know yet. Though he recognized the one woman as the mother. The Russian one who also snapped under stress in quarantine. No baby though? That seemed interesting, but he wouldn't think too much of it. It wasn't too far a guess to assume they had one here. OR maybe school was in session still? There was still a lot to learn about this place. Soon the bus came that had originally brought them in the gates. There was a talk about if the area was clear, he guessed the funeral spot. Though he wondered what was in the bags. Weapons? Other then what in their hands? He figured unlikely, but wondered none the less. He figured time would tell though. He made his way over to Padre. "Is it far from camp?" They were taking the bus, so it was far enough to justify that. As well, maybe they were worried about a large group of people on foot, and their ability to stay secure. Or in case something went wrong. There was a lot going on here that he didn't understand. Lots of need to know maybe. OR maybe it was just far enough to not be secured on a regular basis.

So now they wait until everyone else who is coming arrives. Then, off to say goodbye to the people he never got to know. But their deaths saved him none the less. The longest meeting any of them, was Gavin, in his last minutes of life.


Hunter Monroe
Location: Streets (I4 -> L5) --> Streets (L5 - O4)


The walk was peaceful, so that was nice. No one loud, no one staring too long. Sure he wished he had some privacy from public eye, but it wasn't the worst of his problems at the moment so problems for future Hunter. Present Hunter had his own set of problems to work with. No one spoke on the way, no comments, no eye contact. And soon, they went to the back section of camp. It was a weird place that was glossed over by the tour. So another plus side, he got to see a new section of the camp. Knowing is half the battle anyways, right? Though the information wasn't useful for present Hunter. He thought back to one of the last conversations he had with his dad before he stormed out to join the guard, which ironically let people here believe he understood everything about the military, or cared much about it nowadays. How if he left then, he was going to get arrested or shot. And now? Both. But he hadn't been shot in a while so there was a victory there. He planned to keep that track record and see if he could make it two full years without getting shot again. Though he did push his luck now, he still didn't plan on getting shot again.

What he did have to consider, this was going to go one of two ways, three if the members who wanted him to get shot get their way three. He still wasn't sure what to think of Maddoc, but he figured he wasn't apart of that group. Even if the first threat seemed uncalled for. But even Maddoc said there was older members of the group who thought the best action was to have a bullet in his brain. Assuming that wouldn't happen for drunk and disorderly (With a side dish of some food wastage and a less then friendly dictionary), being less then five minutes late to work, and picking up the dog shit late, that left exile, or staying. To add to that, his attempts to make friends here had been more harmful then helpful. He had made enemies here, and his attempts to amend what he did wrong have not gone far yet. He had what he could do during lunch, but time wasn't on his side then. It didn't take a genius to know that even if he was allowed to stay, he would have someone on his back waiting for his next mess up at any time. No one here would trust him again, no matter what. He wouldn't be allowed Izibel, as the people here saw her as a privilege, and not the last thing he considered to be apart of his family. Lots of what Maddoc said in the interview came to Hunter's mind. He imagined a lot of what came up would be like that.

The last option, exile. They again, would take Izibel. He thought of where he was back before Izibel found him. It was... a dark place. He visibly shivered, he wasn't well then. Probably wasn't now. Maybe that is what Gunny supposedly saw? Hunter still didn't trust reading minds through one's eye. But maybe he had something none the less. Where would he even go if not with Izibel? He had already finished his quest to find his family, and had been following cold trails for close to a year now. So finished wasn't the right word... But it was a dead end none the less, with no where else to go. He had checked everywhere he could? He was going into lock up, so he would have time to think about that. But the walk gave him a chance to confirm one thing. No matter what, he had lost Izibel. The interview came back to mind again. Maddoc gave Hunter a decent amount of information. Little bits and pieces, but enough to work with. Nothing collective, but enough none the less. "Did you mean it?" He paused for a moment, realizing Maddoc probably didn't know the context in his mind either. "What you said about Izibel, in the interview a while back." He was referring to his comment about keeping her best interests. When was all said and done, it would help to know that she was okay at the end of the day.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 day ago


Ash Holloway
Location: M5 ((N) O.B. Room 2G) -> Assembly (P)
Skills: N/A


Ash was no stranger to memorial services. You couldn't be in the Army for more than a few seconds without taking part in the affairs of a dead person's loved ones, visiting a place made hallowed by the blood of patriots, or hearing pointed reports of people who lived their lives in service to others. It came with the job. Ash himself had to pen a handful of letters back home, detailing the final moments of people under his command. Combat Engineer, MOS 12b. It came with the territory. On the other hand, recently funerals seemed like a novelty. With few exceptions, saying goodbye to those close to you was a hurried thing, or quiet words whispered when you thought you were safe enough to take a breather. Memorials were kept in your thoughts, as if replaying past events with the person kept part of them alive. Maybe it did, in a vague way. Maybe it was just comforting to one's self. Either way, nowadays it was a luxury that many simply could not afford. Ash owed everyone buried most recently, Newnan people and Eden Team, a piece of silent gratitude. Mostly for himself, he needed to say goodbye to a man he considered a lifelong friend, even if he'd only been introduced to him a tiny few years ago.

With this in mind, the more familiar, more grim look came over Ash, exiting his and Thana's quarters. He strode down the hallways, keeping to his side and looking every bit the military man, despite the obvious lack of sidearm and insignia. He returned the simple greetings of those who passed them his way as not to offend, though his thoughts were elsewhere. Specifically, he didn't know really what he might say when he got to this memorial, or if he should say anything at all. For that matter, what might be the point to coming out to see a patch of dirt under which lay a person he saw die in front of him, a year and a half ago? But something told him that this was the right thing to do. Not just because it might be a point of closure for himself (which was primary), but because it was important to set an example. Or rather, not to set the example of staying behind after this opportunity was presented and seem ungrateful.

Coming out of Officers' Quarters, Ash shielded his eyes from the sun for the first few steps, until he adjusted to the light. Then it was a brisk walk down the street. He didn't expect that he would be first on the scene, and true to that he was not. By the time Ash made it over to the appointed area, there was already a small group in front of the party bus. He noted Joaquin, the Padre, and a man who he didn't remember meeting formally but who was referenced to as Bass. But it wasn't just Mexico Beach locals; Riley and Amelia were present, as were Jack and Tatiana, who he felt like he hadn't seen in months. And Manny, of course, but he Ash noted that he was not part of wither Newnan nor Eden's assault team, as it left from the water treatment facility so long ago. Someone had mentioned that Manny was picked up along the way, actually in Eden unwillingly, so that made some sense. It was only right that he give a formal goodbye to the people who died trying to bust him out. Ash nodded familiarly to the man, but said nothing for the moment.

He did extend a hearty handshake to Jack, and open his arms wide to give Tatiana a hug. His stern face was tempered by the body language he was putting off, open yet a little introspective, might lead one to conclude a less lasting, healthier version of his general stoicism that Ash was known for among his clique of survivors. His face formed a sad sort of smile as he gave nonverbal acknowledgement to Amelia and Riley. Between the five of them, it looked like they were getting the band back together, in a manner of speaking. Team Newnan, sans their preferred method of transportation/team mascot, the Hordebuster. Ash would really miss that truck. At least he had the gear shift knob to remember it by.

When he finally did speak, it was a generalization toward the people representative of the ones who took them all in; Joaquin, Atticus, Bass, and even Daytona, sitting in the driver's seat. "I appreciate the hell out of you all for letting us do this. I understand it's additional work on your part. Just wanted to say that I'm grateful. Thank you." Not the most colorful of speeches, granted, but Ash was not in the mood for anything rousing, just a touch of respect where it was due. The fact that his Virginian accent twanged a bit throughout was as much color as it needed, anyway. Ash was curious about the duffel bags that the two men carried, but he figured that if explanations were necessary they would be given. No, he was going to go along with the plan, whatever it may be, and then get back to work when he returned.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: Hospital (B) -> Assembly (P)
Skills: N/A


"Yeah, don't worry 'bout it, Mugs. Naht remotely the same thing," said Thalia, in response to Alexander's apology for falling. It struck her as odd, considering that they'd been living out in Zed-infested hell for a while there, but he was feeling insecure about slipping in a puddle of cleaning solution when she, in comparison, merely took a bowling trophy to the face and didn't collapse. "Shit just happens sometimes." There was a steady amount of impatience in her voice and her eyes never went back to Alexander, instead keeping tabs on the area around them like she expected an attack at any moment. There was a guy named Medic to handle any Medical issues. The least she could do was make sure the path was clear, even if this was mostly unnecessary, being inside of more civilized walls.

And so much as the older fellow was willing to let Thalia run off to shed a tear or two without him, the Mestiza lady wasn't having it. Alexander put in the time to get to know her, despite a rocky beginning. This meant that she wasn't running off unless there was a compelling reason, and she probably wasn't going to be nice about it. "Bullshit, Gramps. I ain't waiting for the next time and neithah ahre you. Let's get this ovah with." She seemed to pull the gurney a little faster, traversing the distance to the hospital with another burst of impatience. Many things she could wait for, and for hours on end; a squirrel to line up for a quick stab with a pronged spear, for instance. Or for an opening in a herd of Zeds to sprint through for survival. But this? No, not the kind of thing that inspired her calmer sense of biding time.

Inside, the attention was passed along to the doctor, who seemed very no-nonsense in his approach with the patient. Until he opened his mouth, anyway. And even then, it wasn't what he said more than the response to it. Thalia considered facepalming. Still not fully used to the prosthetic, she might have taken her life in her hands to do it. That consideration evaporated with the retort from Medic. Before she could stoop herself, a murmur escaped her lips, "...wait, you guys have jell-o?" Not the most edgy or glamorous thing to say right then, granted. It was what it was. Still, hanging around for X-rays and the like didn't take quite as long as Thalia thought it might. Of course, the fact that they had X-ray machines was a thing to really give dramatic pause, but after the revelation of Jell-O? Nah, anything was possible.

After Alexander was given a mostly clean bill of health by the doctor, and the subsequent paperwork which was beginning to irritate Thalia, they were given leave to, well, leave. The leaving part was just fine by her. But the fact that paper and ink came into this whole event was a little baffling to her. In the end, everything was sorted. No harm, no foul, take two aspirin and call in the morning. So walking out of the hospital, she gave a rough, "Thanks," and, with the other notable cripple in the throng of assholes and misfits, made her way over to where the funeral people were gathering. She could see the Assembly location as soon as she opened the front door to exit Medical, and made a beeline toward it. Obviously she was not the first to arrive.

Thalia's steps slowed as she neared the group of people gathered, the vast majority of which were from the other group that entered CMB with them. Army Captain, Ballerina Mom, Mr. Ballerina Mom, and those two women who reminded Thalia that she hadn't played pool a whole lot recently, thanks to their freshly shaved heads. She took up a spot nearish to Manny, giving him a little nod of recognition. What puzzled her was the absence of Thana. Usually glued to Army Captain, she was nowhere in sight. Maybe this was an opportunity for her to get that talk in. Or maybe it would be inappropriate, as if that ever stopped her before. She also noted her brother was part of their escort. Thalia jerked her head twice in his direction, silently getting his attention in a manner almost stereotypical to her people, asking, "ΒΏEstamos bien?"1

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 25 min ago


Amelia Payne
Location:Assembly (P)
Skills: N/A


Amelia was still breathing somewhat heavily as she noted some people arriving. It was one of the guys with the other groups. She thought for a moment and recalled a name.’ Manny, that’s what they called him, right?’ She thought as he asked her if she was alright.” ...” Amelia really wasn’t sure if she should talk about it. However it wasn’t really a bad thing to know, least he brings a stupid beast of death one day without knowing." Just… had a bad day… There was this dog…. The … scary one.” She replied to him as she spotted movement from the rough direction of the church. Amelia didn't plan to elaborate any further right now, didn't think it was needed to. There wasn't much to understand anyways, big scary dog spooked her.

Having looked in that direction only to spot Padre, Riley and Tati, she felt relieved.” Hello.” She greeted padre and also nodded at Tati who appeared to hold her cold demeanor. At this point she had decided to not attempt to connect by persistence with the woman. A greeting would do, so with that she moved over to Riley. They had agreed to visit the graves to pay their respects to James for certain.

She smiled as she hugged Riley, reassured by having her around herself. She needed this, especially after the encounter with the beast of hell. She was really annoyed about that, she had no idea why they brought that scary beast there… Couldn’t they have kept it somewhere in a cage and preferably tossed the key away? She just quietly complained to Riley about having met the stupid dog for a bit before more or less everybody had gathered.

Amelia returned a smile to Ash. Then there was the bus that arrived with people and suspicious bags. In her little mind she already started to ponder possible theories about what was in the bags. What they were talking about though, clearing yards and locking places down, made her think that the place they were heading to, might not actually be as safe as they weer making it out to be most of the time. If they were talking about the graveyard location where they were going to go now. She was without a weapon and didn’t like it one bit. So she took Riley’s hand into hers, not wanting to let go, she was going to protect her no matter what. If she thought there was danger present, she’d make sure Riley was inside the bus on the moment!


Lisa Mason
Skills: N/a


Lisa stretched her arms as she was walking around Medical to find Mary so she could report to her and get any tasks she might have yet to do for the day. She was reasonably certain there was still some cleaning to be done, but better confirm it all with SB first. On that note, she briefly pondered the benefit of having Manny with her now that he wasn’t around anymore. It certainly made time pass a lot faster and more enjoyable with his presence. Of course the time saved on having two people do the job was great as well. She did ponder however how long the older man would stick around on this specific job posting however.

After running a mental check on the most likely places Mary to be at, Lisa eventually did find her at the back of the reception area. Not that there were many places around medical that the woman could be at, it was a limited space inside a building after all, however she thought it lucky that SB hadn’t left to do a chore of something off site. On the way there she spotted a very brief glimpse of people leaving, not the most familiar profiles. She was sure the woman was the one she had met yesterday at the beach, with the artificial arm. Wondered what they were doing in Medical.

Turning her attention away from the already vanished people, she focused on her own task at hand which was SB and the others around the place. Medic was nearby doing his thing, she waved him a greeting. Doc also appeared handing stuff over to Mary. She waved him a greeting as well as she walked up to Mary.” Hey, so I’m done with the boat and the cleaning of the main lab… There anything else that I can help with or need prioritize first? Or am I to just resume my normal tasks instead?” Lisa asked of Mary.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Alexander Polawski
Location: Hospital (B) -> Assembly (P)
Skills: N/A


The roll over to the Hospital went as smoothly as anyone could have wished for, and which Alexander was grateful for that God had decided there had been enough falls already. Alexander sincerely didn't want to be a bother for anyone, especially not the lovely people pulling his gurney across the asphalt. He quietly nodded to Thalia's reassurance not to worry about it, though he did. It was an old habit, and those rarely went away. It didn't help when his dear Angel flatly told him what he was saying was "Bullshit", putting a brief grin on his face. "If you say so, dear. Thanks."

The check-up at the Hospital went just like any regular check Alexander had gone through before the world went to shits, perhaps with a signifecant less ammount of people cluttering the halls. The X-ray brought back memories of his time in 'Nam, just after he'd been wounded in combat. Back then the bullet wound hadn't been a pretty sight, lots of blood pouring out before the medic managed to stop the bleeding. As far as lasting damage however it would only leave a pretty clear scar at his thigh. Today's escapade would leave an even less visible mark - a bruised butt. The doctor called, surprisingly "Doc", said it would be fine if only painful for a few days. At being offered aspirin later on, Alexander would have raised his hand and politely declined. "I'll do my best without, getting my leg chopped off hurt more. But thanks Doc, I'll see." Alexander would tell him, taking the oppertunity to re-attach the prostethic leg back onto the stump. No falling as the suction held it firmly in place.

Soon enough Alexander followed Thalia out of the Hospital, heading for the Assembly where they would take the short-awaited visit to the graves. Dreaded was a word that crossed Alexander's mind as he walked with Thalia, silently wondering what it would look like even though he knew perfectly well what it would be like. He'd attended too many funerals not to know. During the walk Alexaner looked briefly up at Thalia and throw in a quick quip: "Thanks for sticking with me, Angel. Don't call me Gramps again though, or I'll have to kick your ass."

Looked like they weren't the first people to show up at Assembly. It shouldn't have surprised the old veteran really, seeing as what he'd been through earlier that day. Many of them were people Alexander hadn't been with before they all showed up here, but he knew they were Thana and Ash's people. Tatiana the troubled lady who'd told him to breath, Jack her husband, the Padre Alexander still wanted to do some praying with, and a few others. Manny was there too, provoking a smile and a wave from Alexander as he was reunited with his fellow Baby Boomer standing with the Padre. "Hey Manny, how are you holding up? Didn't get to talk to you at lunch. And hey Padre, I take it you're in 'charge' of the cemetary so to speak?"


Nigel Cooper
Location: M5 -> Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


Nigel couldn't help noticing the shudder than ran through Thana after Ash had left, as if something had been going through her mind. What it was he couldn't say or even begin to guess, especially not in the presence of Thana herself. It wasn't in his place to claw his way into the minds of others, he wasn't a shrink or brain surgeon after all. So when Thana told him that they should get the job over with, he happily nodded in agreement and pushed on the cart after her lead. He threw one last look over his shoulder back at where he'd seen Hunter being escorted, wondering what in the name of Hades that boy had done.

Newnan, the name of a settlement which Nigel had been told of earlier. So the people were not someone from Camp Mexico Beach, he surmised, but had perished "a while ago" as Thana said. The place called "Eden" he couldn't place however, though by the way Thana said they'd taken Eden, something told Nigel that it had been far from the biblical paradise the name alluded to. Nigel didn't comment on Thana's explaination first, simply taking in all that she had to tell. Of course he was curious as to what the other groups had been through, symbolized by Thalia the Amazon's missing arm and the old veteran without his leg.

Nigel refrained from prodding Thana for such epic tales of legend, simply nodding to her words. Shame. It was a shame indeed, everyone they lost was a shame. "You're right. But it is good of you to have them buried, keeps all our humanity intact I suppose. Let us never forget those perished. Virtus junxit mors non separabit…" Nigel added himself in Latin, following Thana the last bit into the empty Mess Hall, faint voices in the distance arguing about corn bread. "Ah, nihil novi sub sole. Nothing new under the sun, people arguing about food. Personally never really eaten much of it."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 13 days ago

☠ πšƒπš†π™³: πšˆπšŽπšŠπš› 𝟻 π™ΏπšŠπš›πš 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:57 A.M. - Dusk at 7:41 P.M. - High: 87F, Low: 72F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 10mph - No rain - Cloud Cover: 26% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: First post after our Spring Break. Make sure to read the update carefully and I suggest going back and rereading the last two round of posting just to get back into the swing of things and refresh yourself before posting this round. Should make things easier. Remember, once you post after this update you are on your own personal counters once again.
Date: July 23rd, 2012

Hospital/Medical (B): Mary pursed her lips and there was a grunt from her mouth as she shook her head. "Naw," she said as she finished looking over some paper work. Signing off on a few things she set the clip board down and the sound of her pen clicking could be heard as she tucked it back into the front pocket of her scrubs. "Actually today you're gonna finally put that book learning to work," she said as she motioned for Lisa to follow her.

As they started walking Mary started to explain more. "You've been studying Chemistry and that's good plus you have some decent knowledge of traditional medicine. So we're gonna start with something basic so you can get a hand in things and produce something valuable for the camp. Today you are going to start the basic strains to make penicillin," she said as she lead Lisa back downstairs. Lisa and Manny had been cleaning one lab but there was another only Mary and the doc went into. It was where the actual medicine was made and held. Under strict lock and key. This would be Lisa's first time in there.

Getting to the door Mary looked at Lisa. "You fuck up, betray us, anything, Maddog will shoot you," she stated flatly. It was a pretty common thing in the Camp. It was known if someone stabbed the camp in the back it meant death. Sure there would be a tribunal but the guilty didn't get back out of the walls. Treason was met with death. Not that Mary actually thought Lisa was a threat. If she thought that she wouldn't be letting Lisa near this, it wouldn't have been approved by the higher ups. Lisa got cleared for this, that was big.

Unlocking the door, it was more of a hallway than a room. There were clean suits hanging up on the walls and masks. "Put those on and then we'll go in. Not fully a clean room but as close as we could get," she explained as she started to suit up herself.

Mess Hall (C): Everything went silent for a moment. "Coming!" one could hear Cook yell from the back, followed up by, "don't think we're even close to being done with this," she said before coming out. Cleaning her hands off on the work apron around her waist she smiled. "Oh good to see you," she said she said to Thana and then glanced over at Nigel as Moralez came out as well. "And you too, hope the first day is going well," she added as she took the clipboard and started to go over what was brought up from the pier.

"Oh my my my, look at all this! Oh we can do some things with this, yes we can," Moralez said as he looked into the various buckets and containers. "Something NOT sweet," he teased.

"I will crack your skull with my ladle..." Cook warned. It only made the man chuckle.

"Aww I love you too Mae," he giggled. Cook gave him a look that made him laugh harder but at the same time retreat and head right back to the kitchen itself.

"This looks good, could you take it to the back of the kitchen and leave the cart by the prep sink?" Cook asked Nigel.

The back of the Mess Hall was the kitchen, there were several large ovens stacked, walk in and freezer, sinks, stacks of supplies and canned goods, stove stops, dishes, pans, pots, baking sheets. The place was well stocked and organized. There was a large open area with an island that had a sink. Moralez was there cutting onions with a large tub of just cut jalepeno's there. It was enough to make ones eyes water and sting quickly. It didn't seem to phase the man. Fit check - fail eyes start crying.

Assembly (P): Looking over at Manny the padre motioned towards the north end of Camp Mexico Beach and waved his hand slightly. "Just on the other side of the wall actually. It's just outside the walls so we gotta be careful," he explained. It wasn't a long ride but it did mean people were going to be outside of the walls and that meant they had to be extra precautions, especially when it came to new people. Part of it was because of the walkers, part of it was something more.

Taking a head count, it seemed that everyone was now there or just about. Padre turned his attention to Ash right then. "A bit but not everyday you get to let people say goodbye in this world, so when we can it means as much to use as it does to you but hey, you're welcome," he said to Ash. Last Rites were something that were particularly important to Atticus, this was like that he figured for others. Granted it wasn't often they had new people show up that knew people already buried in their grave yard but then again, Thana had insisted and he knew how much debt the woman had placed herself in having the bodies brought back. Not that anyone within this group actually knew that. He doubted she told anyone, she was a rather personal person and didn't speak much about things she did.

Joaquin gave a crooked grin as he spotted his sister. He had heard that she would most likely be coming along for this and he had read the report from Thana about what happened in Eden. The woman known as Lola seemed like a colorful person he wished he could have known. It wasn't like Thalia to really get close to people, at least from what he could remember of her. Then again, they hadn't been the closest of siblings either. "Si. Si alguna vez hubo un momento en que deberíamos estar en lo cierto, este sería mi Ángel."

Now that the head count was done, Atticus motioned towards the bus. "Alright, this is pretty simple. We will be boarding the bus and moving to the Graveyard located just north of the walls. You will have thirty minutes once we arrive and unload to pay your respects to the departed, as long as nothing goes wrong. If you would like me to say a few words over them I will, know they were given full last rites at time of their burial. We will go over more once on the bus but for now, please load up and find a seat," he said as Bass stepped out of the way so people could get on the bus.

Joaquin and Bass both adjusted the straps to the large bags they were carrying and Daytona slipped on her sun glasses as Padre unholstered his sidearm and checked his clip. His eyes went to Amelia for a moment and he grinned slightly. "Don't worry, things will be alright," he said as Jack and Tati boarded the bus and took a seat towards the middle of it. The couple seemed to be on high alert but that was to be expected.

Supply (R): Dolittle let out a breath of relief. "Thank you," she said as she handed over the leash to Nikki. "Listen, if Lisa isn't okay with it, just bring Izi back to the shelter tonight but would prefer her have a place to be calm in," the vet explained before she headed out of the door and started to go back to where she worked. She had other animals to tend to. She wasn't worried about Nikki, Nikki helped out a lot there and she had helped with this dog before so she was the best choice.

Streets of CMB (O4 -> M2): Maddoc turned his head and looked at Hunter, a small trail of smoke trailing up from the cherried ember of the cigar held between his teeth. "I said what I said, either you believe me or you don't. I ain't repeating myself," he said rather gruffly. A slight sigh could be heard from Roy as he kept a hand on Hunter and lead him further down the streets.

The two kept leading Hunter down the street. Standing outside of a building with steam rising from some sky lights in the roof was the woman who had served Hunter, and everyone else, the drinks the night before. Her hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail and she had a leather apron on over her clothing. The smell of alcohol was strong in the air around the building as they passed, enough to make ones eyes water if they were to stay there too long and weren't used to it. A handrolled cigarette was in her hand, coming to her lips as she took a puff as she watched them go down the street even further. Her eyes stayed on Hunter as they kept walking and she was still watching as they rounded the corner and she was out of sight again.


Thana Martin
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A

Thana nodded slightly. "Yeah pretty sure that is when we started considerin' ancestors evolved, funeral customs," Thana said thinking back to history lessons in high school and college. Thana wasn't sure she agreed with that. People could be evolved and not do anything to put the dead to rest. Plenty of times they had had to leave people behind during this time since the outbreak but it didn't mean she didn't think it was important. It was important, that was why the bodies had been brought back. Saying goodbye was important, having a place was important. It wasn't essential but it was needed. A graveyard to her was like an art piece. One could live without it but having it made living easier.

There was a chuckle from Thana as she heard Cook from the back. There was a lot she still needed to learn about the people of the town but some things were more obvious and didn't need a lot of time to notice. One was Mae's passion for cooking and food. Glancing towards Nigel she smirked. "Don't tell her that," she warned as Cook came out from the back. Handing over she let Cook and Moralez do their thing and take a look. Thana was glad the way things were coming along but she knew it was going to be probably years from now before the underwater gardens really started to pay off and sustain the place.

Would they even still be alive and running then? It was a depressing thought but Thana had seen more than one long term place take a hit and vanish from the world. The first had been where she had held up for a while. The sub was a good place but there was no room to grow things, to try to expand. It was a good hold up place but not a long term solution. It was why she had left, it was why she never saw it again. Then there was Newnan. She had only been there a day when all hell broke out and the ground opened up and took the place off the map like a Walkerfied Sunnydale.

Hearing Cook give some instructions, or more so a request towards Nigel she looked over to the man. "Straight back, on the left," Thana added. She figured the man could handle wheeling a cart to the back without much instruction. Reaching down she rubbed her thigh slightly. It was twinging right then. Looking down at her watch she let out a slow breath. They still had a bit to do for the day. She wasn't normally one glad to stop working but now that she was back in town, Ash was there, things were calm she found herself craving downtime in a way she hadn't previously in her life.


Nikola Warren
Location: Supply (R)
Skills: N/A

Taking the lead Nikki nodded. "Sure thing," she said as she took a seat on the floor and kept petting the dog. Nikki had to admit that she liked the dog, probably better than the dogs actual owner. At least right then. Nikki had to wonder what all went down but if the dog had been removed Nikki knew it would get around town fast enough. Nothing traveled faster than small town gossip. It, like cockroaches, didn't die off after the apocalypse.

Scratching behind the dogs ear she watched Dolittle leave and gave a small wave before turning her attention back to Izi. "Hopefully Lisa won't mind you staying with us tonight," Nikki said in a sweet voice. She knew she had to get back to work but hey she had a dog now to take care of. What she was going to do with the dog while she worked she had no clue but she figured that it wouldn't matter if she stayed with her right then. At least until Auntie got back and she could get the clear to leave for a few to take the dog back to her place.

Standing up, she took the leash and lead Izi into the back. She did have work to do and she needed to get to it whether she liked it or not. Amelia was going to be gone for a bit and then there was dinner. It was probably best to try to just go ahead and knock everything out and get the carts all loaded up before dinner. Nikki knew what to do and figured if she busted her ass she could get it done and over with by the dinner bell. That was as long as nothing else came up.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Amelia Payne
Location:Assembly (P)
Skills: N/A


Confirmation to her suspicion that the graveyard wasn’t a safe location came right away when Padre started speaking and replied to the Manny guy. So they were heading outside the walls and they weren’t going to be armed?’ Great…’ She was starting to having second thoughts and debate in her mind if going there was worth the risk, however Riley did seem interested in visiting to pay respect to James and Amelia was feeling the same, it was just the issue with safety. However they did have armed escorts and a bus to hide in. Push comes to shove, hide in the bus.’ Okay… it’s probably going to be okey. If it isn’t… there’s bound to be something avaible to whack a walker to death with.’ She concluded in her mind. Makeshift blunt force weapons were everywhere, you just needed to pick them up!

Listening to the Padre speak she got a rough idea of what was the way to proceed. As far as mourning rituals went, it was probably the most complete one she’d thought she'd be part of post apocalypse. Amelia planned to just use the time to silently say her last farewells with James and pay attention to the surroundings. She didn’t need more, not in the world they were living in. As the word to get onto the bus was given, she with Riley in hand headed for the bus to take their own seats somewhere on it, but she halted momentary when Padre addressed her.

Having halted mid step, she put her leg back to the ground and looked at him, thinking for a moment she nodded.” Alright. Thank you.” She replied with a grateful, but still somewhat concerned nod. So coupling together everything she had heard until now, it was likely they had put some effort into arranging this. She was grateful, but honestly was still wondering what they needed the bags for… Pushing the thoughts of suspicious bags out of her mind, she led Riley towards the back of the bus where they took their seats so they can get the journey on the road and seriously pondered what it would take to pry something off the bus to use as a weapon in the case of emergency.


Lisa Mason
Skills: N/a


β€žOhh?” Lisa made a sound that expressed her clear curiosity as the additional cleaning work was denied from her schedule in a rather surprising manner. She looked at Mary with serious expression, knowing that the woman wouldn’t have pulled her out of it, unless she had another task for it. The comment that followed, put her suspicions to rest, by them being confirmed.” Really? That’s… great!” She was actually very happy to hear that. She was being given the chance to participate in the more serious tasks, involving what she’s been studying about until now! How could she not be happy about it?

Listening to Mary’s explanations she followed close behind the other woman as she was led to the lab she never entered before. This was an area off limit to her until now, so she was honestly very uncertain what she’d find here, but she knew what was to happen and with the continued explanation given, there wasn’t any room to doubt.” Penicillin huh.” She mumbled, thinking about everything she’s heard and read. The most basic one yet maybe the most important one in a situation like this. This was a very big thing they tossed at her suddenly without warning. The things behind this door were technically priceless for the camp!

Lisa didn’t speak right away, waiting to hear everything the woman had to say, including the warnings. It wasn’t surprising, medicine was priceless. She took a deep breath and calmed her nerves, before nodding.” Roger that, I’m going to give it my all. ” She reassured, but to a degree it was also confirming it to herself.’If I have the abysmal luck to fuck this up, do make it quick… though I might enjoy it otherwise... Better hope not. I like it here.’ She didn’t actually say this part. Her eyes went to the suits and masks as they entered through the door. Carefully she started putting those on, making sure to be attentive while putting them, so nothing goes wrong. She didn’t want a stray hair or something fucking everything up.” I’m actually feeling nervous, it’s been a while since I’ve felt this.” She mused as she was putting the finishing touches or in other words the mask. With that in place she stood ready by Mary." Ready. Though to be honest I didn't expect to be doing this so suddenly today."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 day ago


Ash Holloway
Location: Assembly (P)
Skills: N/A


While the head count was being taken by the more official, gun carrying members of Camp Mexico Beach, Ash was giving the assembled group a lookover as well. Not with logistics or any real plan in mind; he was merely curious to see who all was going to be coming along on this field trip. Just a couple more arriving. Thana was not among their number, he noted. She had time to make her way over to the graves a long while ago, as she was the only one in CMB who knew where to find the remains that were recovered. It felt odd, knowing that the earthly vessels of people that looked to him for guidance were moved to be closer to them all, and now sat buried in Florida, of all places. Ash gave his own understanding nod back to the Padre, acknowledging the man's response to him with quiet respect.

The tiny snatches of conversation that swirled around Ash caught just enough of his attention for him to understand that none of it gave necessary information and none of it was aimed in his direction. He was, in a sense, alone in a small crowd. It was an interesting feeling after being the one calling shots amid a closely packed group of survivors, and before that basically remaining on duty 24/7 for the good of a community. What does a commander do once the mission was over? Maybe it wouldn't matter at the end of the day, but for the meantime, it was to honor those who died for the mission. Ash put the thoughts, and the tiny conversations around him, it out of his consideration for the time being. The exchange in Spanish caught his attention, as the one-handed lady sounded very short and to the point whilst her brother answered a two word question with a sonnet. They were very different. It was amazing to Ash they they were related at all, let alone connected paternally.

It wasn't until Atticus began speaking in raised, encompassing tones that Ash's keen eyes snapped back in his direction, his demeanor returning to the alert with a notable straightening of posture. It was a brief rundown of expected events for the near future. Get on the bus. Half hour once they got where they were going. More to follow. He almost felt like throwing a salute and quick timing it to board. Instead, he took a cue from Tatiana and Jack, merely entering the bus and taking a spot nearby and across from them.

Though they were guarded by people that he assumed he could trust, Ash was, like his friends in the seat nearby, feeling rather vigilant. This was a run outside of the walls, and he was bereft of anything with which he could effectively defend himself; firearm, knife, long blade or bow. It appeared that this was an exercise of trust for all of them, those with the guns and those without, equally. Ever the team player, Ash accepted this as the way things were now and settled in as best he was able. He shot Jack and Tati a quick look, followed by a brief but warm smile, and returned to observing his surroundings.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: Assembly (P)
Skills: N/A


It was a rare smile that caught Thalia off guard, acquired from Alexander's informing her of his intention to kick her ass if she called him "Gramps" again. Admittedly, it was a throwback to their earlier days, what seemed like a long time ago now. Perhaps thinking about Lola and Gavin, though she knew the former a hell of a lot better than she knew the latter, was shifting her mindset back a year and a half. She hadn't called Alexander that since the first day, just before the attack on Eden. A lot was coming back to her memory, fresher now than it had been for some time.


For all of her cold, judgemental stares and the expectations of someone with her bloodline, she hadn't really distinguished herself aside from surviving the first few waves of the Apocalypse. Hard decisions made all around, and she nearly died more than once because of stupid mistakes and a lack of practical experience, but Eden clarified something in her. And scared her a little. Not what those cultists had done, though it truly was the stuff of nightmares, but that she took to the act of killing - executing - so many people with ease and grace. She found out more about herself that day than any day prior, and what scared her was the fact that she felt cool, righteous fury contained within her as her body performed the acts of the day, blade and bullet moving in sync with her active, calculating mind, opportunistic in her methods so long as the people in front of her died quickly and in numbers vastly surpassing her kill count from Thalia's first in self defense to the day in question. Zero moral compunction in doing so. Coldly brutal in the application of her violence, and it felt good. Maybe there was something wrong with her. Or maybe she was the type that would survive this new world, so long as she didn't turn into a monster. It was in there someplace.

A brief chill passed through her, another emerging memory of a dream she had the night after her arm was removed. That one stuck with her. There was most assuredly something dark and consuming inside of her. The daughter of a priest, no less. Thalia decided that she definitely needed to see these graves. She needed to know why she did what she did and keep herself grounded. She needed Lola's memory to stay with her, and her oddly accented words of optimism and fellowship to echo in her brain when it was needed. And she needed to keep her friends and family close now. Close for her, anyway.

Thalia gave a quick, benign laugh to Alexander. Sure, he was probably joking. But depending on how the dice fell, he might just be able to, having more experience with a missing extremity than she. "Yah, heard ya there, Mugsy. A one-legged guy kicking my ass isn't something I want getting around." She flashed a smile to him and nudged the guy with her elbow. No, Thalia wasn't a monster yet. She has friends that didn't mind taking tiny jabs at her. That level of comfort wasn't possible with a complete sociopath.

Then there was the exchange with her brother. Dear Merciful God, that man could throw a can of alphabet soup at a simple yes/no question. She gave him a slow nod, the look of mild, exasperated confusion mixed with acceptance playing across her features. With a shrug, she continued on to listen to the instructions of the Padre, and when it was her turn to board the bus, she did so the measured, careful steps of a predator walking into unfamiliar territory, her eyes taking in as much detail as possible given the situation. Briefly, Thalia gave Daytona a tiny nod as she passed by, and moved to take a seat near the middle. Glancing back to Ash, Tatiana, and Jack, she had the look of a woman who wanted to say something, but refrained. While she had a LOT of questions that had yet to be answered by anyone, despite insistence that they would get around to it, they were on their way to a memorial. The blunt and crass way that Thalia leapt into most social occasions, especially when she wanted something, would be painfully counterproductive now. But her impatience was brimming.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Emanuel "Manny" Newman

Location: Assembly (P)
Skills: N/A


Over time more and more people had shown up to the assembly point. It seemed just about everyone in quarantine other then a handful of people. Though he did take note that Thana was not present. Manny thought about it for a moment, but he wondered if she already had her chance to say goodbye. That made sense. It was a shame to not see her come but he didn't blame her. He was glad to get a response from Amelia though. The girl seemed rather shy at times though he wondered if there was more to that too. "A scary dog? Well I hope the rest of it goes more smoothly for you young lady." Plus, the place seemed to have a decent amount of restrictions on how dogs were taken care of here based on his tour. Especially if there was a rather intimidating dog going around. The two parted ways to eventually make conversations with their respective people.

Alexander joined into the conversation Manny had started with Padre so that was a nice addition. "Thing's have been going pretty well on my end. I got promoted to assistant cleaning director of the interior of boats." He said the line with a smile that more then clearly implied it was a joke. But he found it funny giving an excessively long official sounding title to a simple job. Though he would feel like a fool if that turned out to be an official title of some kind and he just poked fun at whosoever job that actually was. As well, Padre had cleared up that the grave site was pretty close. These steps were mostly precautions. It made sense, even in Manny's old community the place had its own precautions in place for things like this. Though rarely held the manpower to execute those precautions other then making sure someone with a rifle could watch safely from the gate. Even though the little group of team Eden was spread thin, Thalia had taken a spot near by and given Manny a nod of acknowledgment. He returned the favor and took note of her speaking Spanish to one of the guards. He didn't know the man though, and Manny's Spanish was rusty since he hadn't actively used it since he was a lot younger. Sure, bits came back reliably, but he wasn't sure he could hold an active conversation without doing some real major practicing.


Hunter Monroe
Location:Streets (O4 -> M2)


Hunter wondered what prison life would be life. He had seen the cells in his old base many years ago, and he had passed by prisons while out on the road. But this was a former residential district. So he wondered what was the play here. Maddoc's Answer to his question was... vague. Hunter knew what he said, he just wanted clarification he meant it. Some reassurance that at least some of this was going to be okay. But oh well, the only reassurance he could have was anything he could give himself. One of the guards sighed, and Hunter had to stop himself from sighing as well even if just out of habit. Sure, poking fun was, well fun tot he soldier boy, but it was clear that this was not the audience for his jokes.

One plus side, he could very easily smell the booze in the air. He probably wouldn't be able to drink until he passed out in lockup, but that was an interesting thought. Sleep all of this off until it's done and over with. The downside to sleep? Nightmares. The more he thought about it, lose lose. It wasn't hard to notice being stared at though. Plenty of people probably did while he went by. Was that also supposed to be apart of the punishment? He wasn't sure. Though even if he did stay, that is the image most people will remember him for. He did take note of the bartender woman from last night. He locked eyes with her for a bit as he rounded the corner, but gave no indications of his thoughts beyond that. There weren't a lot of people in this part of town so it was easier to pick her out. Plus, she was one of the few people who he clearly remembered last night. He wondered what was going through her head as they walked by? Probably the same thing most everyone else was thinking. "Fuckin' idiot".

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 13 days ago

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Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:57 A.M. - Dusk at 7:41 P.M. - High: 87F, Low: 72F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 10mph - No rain - Cloud Cover: 26% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: This is the first round where we have a character actually using a skill to start learning a secondary skill. This is a new process so there are going to be hiccups and hang ups most likely. Do not worry. We are going to take this slow. If you have questions, please ask - even if it isn't your character - that way when your turn comes up you already know the process and I don't have to go back and start from the beginning. ^_^
Date: July 23rd, 2012

Hospital/Medical (B): Mary gave a slight "mmm-hmm," to Lisa as they suited up. Once they were she unlocked the second door and held it open for Lisa to enter. "I wasn't either but with the new influx of people and the unknown it is better to have a secondary on training now and you're the only one I'd trust with the drugs right now," Mary admitted. It was still a bit early for this to start but things had to be done. Even though people came in healthy it still put a strain on their supplies to have such a sudden influx and if someone got sick things could get out of hand fast.

Once Lisa was in the room, Mary locked them in and headed over to a table that had various beakers, burners, bottles, and so forth set out on. She took a breath and went into instruction mode. Explaining chemical compounds, a bit of history on the process, and so forth. Mary was rather detailed about things, giving a broad over view of the process as she stood there. This was where Mary was most competent. Sure she was technically a doctor, she had a doctorate and went to medical school, but she had been a chemist before the outbreak. She worked for Big Pharma, she developed drugs, ran testings, that was what she did. This was what she did. It probably accounted for the fact that she didn't exactly have a bed side manner when it came to people like Michael did. She hadn't needed one. Granted this was probably also the reason that she seemed to talking more at Lisa than teaching her.

Handing over a folder Mary tapped it a few times. "This is the walk through," she stated flatly before taking a step back and pulling up a chair. "You follow it, and do it," she added motioning towards the tools and items already set out. It seemed that Mary was mostly there to observe a lab than to teach now. She had done the instruction portion, handed over the instructions, now it was time to see how well Lisa did during this on her first trial run. (Time for Checks. You will roll against the Chemistry Skill. Lisa will need to pass five checks. Roll against Chemistry, if you fail she has botched the batch and has to do it again. If she passes she moves onto to the second check. If she fails she had to redo the second step again. If she passes she goes onto the third step. You get a total of 3 rolls this round. You could end up not getting past the first step or get to the 4th, all depends on the rolls. Make your reply accordingly. Any questions tag me in Discord.)

Mess Hall (C): Things in the mess hall are calm for now. At least in the back. Once Nigel was in the back Cook looked over towards Thana and sighed. "You look tired," she commented towards the woman. "You need to stop pushing yourself so much." It was more of a motherly statement than anything. Seemed that Cook was concerned about the fact that Thana hadn't seemed to stop since she had woken up from her coma.

Assembly (P): The Padre gave Amelia a small smile as he finished checking his clip. Sliding it back into place he holstered his side arm as he watched her load up onto the bus with Riley pulling up behind her. His eyes followed to the next, nodding a bit towards Ash as he bored the bus. He was a tad surprised that Thana wasn't coming along. Yes the woman had been there when the bodies were buried but these people, the way she spoke, were more for those in Newnan if they ever showed up. Then again, she had been pretty torn up when Gavin went into the ground. Perhaps she just didn't want to see his grave again. There were too many factors to really know and no one would know the truth besides that woman.

Tatiana gave Ash a bit of a glance as he sat down, and a nod. She knew what he was doing. It was what she was doing, at least in part. There was more going on in the woman's head than just that but Tatiana was not the same woman she had been in Newnan. Things changed and while not completely altered, Tatiana was more cold these days, something she might never recover from. The woman's eyes went to Thalia as she entered the bus. That was a woman Tatiana wanted to be around more. They had trained together some in quarantine and she enjoyed the silence the woman gave her. It was comfortable. Especially in contrast to Waynes mouth that never stopped.

Daytona nodded and then looked beyond. Seeing the others, one at a time get on the bus and take a seat. Once everyone that was going to pay their respects was on the bus Joaquin and Bass entered the bus. Joaquin handed off his bag to Bass and walked to the back of the bus and stood at the back door. As he stood with his feet shoulder length apart and placed his hands before him, taking a parade rest of sorts he finally looked like a Gonzales. There was a coldness to his dark eyes, a hard line to his jaw, a twitch to his lip. Then he looked like this father and his uncle, like his sister, as if he could slit someone's throat without a word or breath and not think twice about it.

Padre pulled up the end of the line to load the bus and as he stepped on Daytona shut the door. "Okay Daytona, we're good to go," he said to her and she nodded. Putting the bus into gear the engine roared a little bit before it pulled forward and she started to drive. Taking it around the circle and then around back towards the East Gate.

Supply (R): Things were status quo in supply, that was until the back door swung open and Auntie came in. This caused the dog to bark, not meanly but excitedly. Spotting the dog her eyes narrowed. "What in the hell is that thing doing in my store room?" she barked back but not to the dog, to Nikki as she looked like the woman might just tackle her right then.

Streets of CMB (M2 -> J3): Things continued to be silent as the group walked from one point to another. Roy keeping a grip on Hunter. Whether or not he thought the kid might actually make a break for it didn't matter, those thoughts were his own. He kept his grip firm and steady as they walked no matter what his thoughts might have been. That was the thing about Roy that differed from Maddoc. Roy was blank, a canvas which was hard to read, much like Gunny. Maddoc on the other hand seemed to wear his emotions on his sleeve. At least some, like right then he was looking rather angry. Then again it was rare he hadn't around Hunter - maybe that was his default or maybe the kid just brought that out in him, it was a guess at that point.

"Coming in," Maddoc said as he brought the walkie to his mouth as they approached another road. "One in transport," he added.

"Shit, fine," a rugged voice with a slight rasp came back through but it was hard to tell if that was just general static or more. Turning down the road, the made it to the end of a road and a large white house. Standing on the front porch was an older man, his head bald. It was hard to tell if he shaved it that way or if that was just how he was. He was armed and stood around 5'10". "What the hell you bringing me now Maddoc? I thought this new group was supposed to be easy," he grumbled as he stood there and cross his arms over his chest.

"Cage, don't start. This is just holding for now," Maddoc said as he jogged up the steps and took the clipboard that was hanging by the front door. Roy lead Hunter towards the front of the house but stopped short of the steps. "Have a tribunal to get together."

"God damn it," Cage spat as he looked from Maddog over to Hunter. "Fine, here are the rules. I am the Warden. You will be housed in your cell. Bath, shit, sleep, wash, eat there. You will not leave. Hurt yourself I let you bleed out. My job it to keep you where you are until they remove you. Nothing more.

"Way to be friendly there Elliot," Roy commented.

"Oh eat a dick Gregory," the man countered as he looked over towards Roy before looking back at Hunter. "Don't care what you did. Don't want to hear it."

"Tribunal will be in three to four days if we can get people together. If not a week," Maddoc pipped in with a grumble.

"A fucking week? God damn it Mad, get me some extra hands here then!"

"You'll get some extra once the funeral detail is back," Roy said in a firm voice.

"Well that's all you had to say Boss," Cage said with a huff. Roy rolled his eyes as Maddoc filled out the paper work and handed it over to Cage.


Thana Martin
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A

Thana gave a small smile towards Nigel as she waited for him to take the cart to the back. She was growing fond of the man. It was nice to just talk to someone. She had tried talking to Mizrahi some while they were traveling but the fact his English was broken and she hadn't spoken any Arabic until he came along made that hard. Despite that they had been able to converse. She tried to help him with his English, he was teaching her Arabic. They were able to talk some over their time out and some deep stuff to but she was sure a lot of that was lost in translation.

Ash she hadn't really talked to, not until the night or two before. Their first moments together and day had been a whirl wind and they hadn't gotten to know know each other than physically and knowing there was a hell of an instant connection. Talking she was learning more about the man but still that was something different. Talking wit Nigel was just talking and it was nice. It was talking like people did before the world went to hell. Talking about history and such, making observations. Nothing life or death, nothing about taking out a Walker or taking off a limb. Sure there was talks about weapons but she was military so weapons were usually in there.

Once he had headed to the back of the kitchen it seemed that Cook had a few words to say. Things she had heard before from her Grandfather, a look from her dad, she knew this. She just nodded. She knew she needed to slow down but she also knew she had debt to pay. So much debt. She wanted to pay it off and as quickly as possible so there wouldn't be question about her being the daughter of Gunny and granddaughter of the General getting her special treatment. She wouldn't have that. She wouldn't jeopardize her place in the community, especially now that Ash was there. She'd die first, again. She wasn't going to let all that time and effort go to waste. She had family here sure, but now she had friends and the man she loved as well. This was now a home and like hell she was going to chance losing that at all.


Nikola Warren
Location: Supply (R)
Skills: N/A

It was a wash, rinse, repeat scenario for Nikki right then. Pick up something from the cart, add it to the totals, place it on the shelf. Over and over again. Then things got really exciting for her when she was able to start taking things off the shelf, mark them taken, and place them on carts. It was high excitement right then. The only thing that kept her ground was chewing her gum and petting the dog every so often. It was almost too much to contain. Like she might burst. Groaning the thought of sarcastic excitement left her head as another bubble of gum popped between her lips.

Things were B O R I N G, boring right then. This was usually the time her mind started wandering and she starting thinking about other things to do. Things that would get her in trouble if she followed through with them. So perhaps it wasn't exactly a bad thing when the back door swung open and Auntie started yelling. It wasn't true yelling. Nikki had heard Auntie really yell. This was more of the you better listen to what I am saying voice that could lead to I'm now yelling before I kill you voice. So while not scary it was enough to get her attention even if Izi hadn't been barking.

"New guy is getting tossed into a cell, DoLittle needed someone to take the dog," Nikki said as she stopped what she was doing and knelt down by the dog, petting her to calm her down and get a better hold on her lead. Smiling slightly she motioned towards the back door. "You know, how about I go take her to my house and then come back. Just gonna drop her off, be good, get her out of here," Nikki started rambling as she started to head for the door. Auntie was in the way so she would have to squeeze by her if she didn't move but it was the closest exit.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Alexander Polawski
Location: Assembly (P)
Skills: N/A


It was difficult for ol' Mugsy to believe what they were about to do. Not only was Alexander going to give his final goodbye to the crazy Kiwi and equally mad Texan he'd only gotten to know so briefly, not considering how much both of them had meant to him and those alive he held close to heart - The entire group of newly arrived survivors had been given that same chance, all going once in an orderly fashion and with enough time to pay their respects: A proper burial, one he'd wish himself get when it was his time. Camp Mexico Beach, this place was fast becoming his home.

Alexander fought the urge to shed a tear, looking briefly up into the sky as if to pour it back whence it came from. People stood scattered closely around the Assembly, all known faces to the old veteran, some more than others. Atticus and Ash had been talking, Tatiana and Jack stuck together, the two young ladies did the same. No doubt that the same thoughts passed through their minds as his own.

Then there was Thalia and Manny. Thalia went to talk with her brother, the dramatic type who the Roman fella had made quick friends with, maybe. The last thing she'd told him passed through his mind again, putting a smile on his old face. She was a good girl, he stuck by those words. An angel. Then it was Manny, his fellow baby-boomer. Alexander looked back over at him with the same smile on his face, listening to how his day had been. Normal conversation. "Well look at you then, Mister fancy-pants cleaning director. Sounds like you're moving up the corporate ladder quickly." Alexander replied to Manny, before hearing Atticus announcing the plan for the short ride.

Alexander did as told and entered the bus like the others, making sure to give Daytona the driver a good old nod and a "Good afternoon.". Soon Alexander was seated amongst the others in the bus, silently looking out the window like he'd done when they first arrived, a thousand thoughts running through his mind. Not a sound was heard inside however, as if they were all silent. Only images. Stills of people he missed. People he'd lost, people he'd killed.


Nigel Cooper
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


For a moment Nigel felt light-headed and dizzy, briefly grasping tightly around the handle of the cart now that he stood in the Mess Hall. He didn't know or think of why he felt like that, only reasoning in his dizzy state that he'd perhaps pushed himself a little too hard in the heat outside or something. It sure made it difficult for a moment for him to focus, meaning he didn't entirely grasp some of the conversation happening around him. Though he did manage to look up at Cook as she came out to meet them, giving her a polite nod as if to say "Yes, quite well beside this headache…"

Eventually Nigel's senses returned to him, allowing him to finally grasp what he was supposed to be doing. The cart, yes. Cook had just asked him to push the cart into the kitchen itself, situated at the back of the Mess Hall. He looked over at Thana and gave her a thankful nod, confirming her directions after her with a "Kitchen, straight back on the left. Got it, be right back." He told her, commencing the movement of the pseudo-siege engine towards the kitchen.

Nigel's eyes began to tear up as soon as he stepped foot in the kitchen, almost wondering what traumatic event had befallen him to have him cry. Moralez sure didn't remind him of any terryifying knife-wielding Gaul who'd terrified him outside the walls. Then it hit him, just like the smell hit his nostrils. Onions. Fighting the urge to rub his eyes, Nigel thought back to when his mother farmed and cut onions when he was a kid. Yeah, it was the same feeling. Pushing the cart to where he was told to place it, leaving it by the preparation sink and giving Moralez a friendly, albit teary greeting. "Here you have it - gifts from Poseidon himself. Hope this comes to good use."

Nigel made an effort to exit the kitchen faster than he'd entered, sniffing badly as the tears kept coming even as he put the kitchen behind him. Seemed like Cook was concerned with Thana and her health, though Nigel could hardly blame her. From what Nigel had seen of Thana the Ahenian she was pushing herself, even if she was doing a fine job out of it. It was hardly in Nigel's place to intervene, though the neo-Roman took his time to carefully wipe the tears away before he said anything. "I'll try to do as much as I can for her. I'm her personal assistant/slave today after all." Nigel said to Cook, turning to Thana and giving her a wink. "Can't promise she'll listen to me, she's much wiser than that, but I'll make a Heruclean effort. I'm ready to get going, shall we?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 25 min ago


Amelia Payne
Location:Assembly (P)
Skills: N/A


Now loaded and seated into the bus, it wasn’t much later when everybody had gotten onto it with padre being the last and closing the doors. She noted the guy on guard by the back door. She wasn’t certain if it was for their protection in case something or someone tries to charge through the back door of it was to make sure they wouldn’t attempt anything. After a brief thought, she concluded it was just paying attention on them rather than possible outside dangers. Deciding that it was enough of looking around the bus for the moment, she put the clothing she was still holding onto her lap and rested her head on Riley’s shoulder.

β€˜It’s going to be fine.’ Amelia thought, repeating reassuring words to herself as her hand found Riley’s and gently squeezed it. They wouldn’t bring them just to die there, there were armed people to be on guard in case it was needed. Granted two or three people wouldn’t be enough if a horde appears, but a horde would be noticed from a good distance away, or so she hoped. As much as she wanted to pay her long respects to James, she wasn’t sure if staying outside the bus longer than the absolute minimum required was a good idea.

She closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying Riley’s presence so close. Somehow it felt a like a field trip if she cut off the armed guards from the image. An organized vacation field try somewhere to visit a historical monument or the like. It wasn’t of course, but it was a nice thing to imagine even for a moment. It was short lived though as her eyes quickly darted back open moments later, looking around for anything out of order, before closing down again. Maybe it was the fact she sprinted like that earlier, or the mixture of stress and Riley's calming presence, but she felt a bit sleepy, so she forced herself to open her eyes. She didn't dare sleep right now, it wasn't safe. Still she didn't remove her head from her lover's shoulder.


Lisa Mason
Skills: Science (Chemistry)


β€žI see. I hope I will live up to that view.” Lisa replied as she followed Mary into the lab. It kind of made sense, they had gotten quite the number of new residents at the same time, so they had to make sure supply will meet the eventual demand. Granted the demand for medicine was the worst demand of all, so it made the task even more important. She was honestly nervous and hopeful now. She wanted to do a good job and prove her worth and also do a good thing for the camp. It would be nice to be of help and the credit wouldn’t be too bad to have.

Now within reach of all the tools and supplies that made the chemical magic work, Lisa switched to serious state and very intently listened to the other woman. As every single thing was being explained she made mental notes and supposed them with everything she had learned. Granted now when she was about to do it for real, it seemed a lot more complex and harder, but she had to do it. Finally finishing the explanation part, she took the folder and gave it a quick, but focused look over. The steps of the walk through were cleanly enough defined.” Well… the worst that can go wrong is my death. No point in worrying to the point of panic!” She smiled and said to herself with optimistic upbeat voice, then got to work after stretching her arms.

With utmost care she began the first step after checking the folder. She had to go through the first batch. Carefully she started the different procedures. There were quite a few steps ahead of her and she was only starting up. Since this was the first time doing this, she was somewhat worried and very careful. Luckily the first step passed without an incident. As such she proceeded onwards with the second step on the list, following the walk through to the letter and making notes of it all while working, she smiled. It was actually nice to be entrusted this task, even if it was because of circumstance. Suddenly realizing her mind was wandering off, her eyebrows creased as she returned her attention properly to the task. There was time for her head to be in the clouds later! Second step proceeded without issue and she entered the third one. Reading through the folder contents, paying attention to not miss anything, she started the third step on it. With deep breath, followed by a sigh of relief the third step was eventually completed as well. Her hands pulled away for a moment, as she took another deep breath. So far so good, but it was another question if her luck and skills will hold up to the end. Her eyes moved onto the folder to check the next step.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 day ago


Ash Holloway
Location: The Bus
Skills: N/A


It didn't seem like there was much to do now but wait. Wait for people to board, wait for the bus to move, wait for them all to get to their destination. It was something that the Army taught him how to do like a champ; waiting. The longest periods of soul denting boredom interspersed with moments of tremendous, life threatening peril, over and over, until you were given a paper that said you had to go somewhere else. This was a little different from standard military movements, though. Now they were the civilian cargo, and everywhere was considered a field of fire.

The truth was that Ash didn't like going out unarmed, nor without his own group of people backing him up. The truth also was that as soon as he got out of the latter mindset, the better. At least, if he wanted to assimilate into this community more effectively. It was going to be a hard habit to break. Looking around the bus, he took to note the faces of those around him. Tatiana and Jack both seemed to have the same gut feeling that he did about staying alert. He had no doubt that if all things were equal and they had to scrap their way out of a situation, they'd be the first to have his back. Riley and Amelia looked like they usually did; so long as they had each other they were good. He didn't know the others well enough to be able to pick anything out about them. Ash knew what he'd observed in quarantine, and then it looked like most of them were trying to be on their best behavior. Most of them. It was ultimately of no matter to him. They had all signed on for this, knowing that their lives would have some huge changes and that one of them would be a lack of trust at first. With due time and diligence, this would pass.

But so long as he was looking at faces, one stood out. It was the other Gonzalez in the back of the bus. Ash might not know Joaquin from Adam, but the expression he wore was seared into his brain from his history with the family. He risked a look forward, noting the younger lady with the prosthesis. She didn't bear that look now, but her expression was hardening into something. She and her brother weren't the allies that Alicia and Caesar were, though. Ash took another glance back to Jack and Tati. He let out a light sigh and began drumming his fingers on a knee. Tatiana got a lot harder since Newnan. Ash had a feeling that whatever went down, be it something from an outside force or internal conflict, she was the one who would have his back.

But none of these were healthy outlooks on their situation at present. They were going to visit a gravesite. The assertion was backed up by Thana, and if Ash couldn't trust her then there was something wrong with him, not everyone else. Instead he forced his mind to thoughts of the deceased. James for certain, but Ryan... Ash didn't like the man. But there was a glimmer of tarnished nobility that he saw in the guy, toward the end there. Back to James, the man who he called his best friend for a good while there. He deserved better than he got back from life. As the bus pulled away and toward the eastern exit of the community, Ash's thoughts filled with colorful and, in hindsight, amusing moments about the man, even as his eyes maintained a vigil on the area around them. James was never boring. Maybe Ash would say a few words, when they got there.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: The Bus
Skills: N/A


Thalia was getting the impression that a lot of these people had their own little clique, and she wasn't cool enough to sit at their table at lunchtime. Or whatever the equivalent was here. She got a bare level of acceptance as Epic Ballerina Mom noted her presence. She arched a brow back, giving the slightest nod to her before settling back into her seat more fully - though not exactly with eyes forward and hands at her sides. Check that, hand at her sides - it was more accurate to say that she took a more sideways position so that she could keep an eye on things and spring up if necessary. As it came to their surroundings, Thalia seemed more interested in who was inside of the bus, rather than that was going on outside of it. Being trapped in a rolling metal box with people she barely knew, and who outnumbered those she knew that she could trust, was not her cup of mescal.

This feeling lasted for a relatively short amount of time, however. It was a startlingly fast change of attitude, and this was mostly because of her formerly estranged sibling, Joaquin. While others might have been put off by his shift from being bubbly and talkative to something more akin to ...her, Thalia took it as a sign of advanced readiness on his part. Slowly, her eyes went to him at the back of the bus, giving a once-over to assess the man with whom she shared a father. The look of impending violence on his part actually made Thalia feel more at ease. She turned her attention to Alexander and Manny, the other two remaining from her circle of survivors, and gave them a reassuring look. If her brother's expression promised blood, and he wasn't moving against anyone immediately, then he had "clocked in", so to speak. The two of them were never especially close; Thalia and Joaquin. Nevertheless, that outward signal was all the indicator she needed right then to focus on other things. Like why she was there in the first place.

Somewhere outside of those walls lay the body of Lola Holler, a woman who probably saved her ass and kept her from becoming too dark, when she needed it most. Her life seemed to constantly teeter on the edge of a knife that way, like she was constantly trying not to feed her more destructive and apathetic impulses. Most of the time, Thalia was better than that. Every so often people had to remind her. The women of Fairburn, Lola, Thana, Mugsy. With out these people in her life at the right time, she might very well have become like the monster from her nightmare, months ago. Or just dead. The irony being that she would gladly rip out a throat with her teeth, would disembowel someone with no compunction whatsoever, would bring a life to a swift and messy end with either blade or bullet without hesitation, if it meant that these people were safe. Or to avenge them, as she proved decisively in Eden. So yes, Thalia was going to ease up (a little) and go to say a final farewell to Lola. As for Gavin... the thought of viewing their graves evoked a flurry of memories from that day. They were not all positive.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 13 days ago

☠ πšƒπš†π™³: πšˆπšŽπšŠπš› 𝟻 π™ΏπšŠπš›πš 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:57 A.M. - Dusk at 7:41 P.M. - High: 87F, Low: 72F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 10mph - No rain - Cloud Cover: 26% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: Pretty much the same as last round. We are well into the afternoon now so we are at the hottest part of the day (near 90's), so make sure to act accordingly if you are out in the heat. As it is summer in Florida, it is always humid and the winds are near nothing so you will be sitting in hot, moist, sauna like air and it will hit you like opening an oven when you step outside.
Date: July 23rd, 2012

Hospital/Medical (B): Mary was watching Lisa intently. There was a slight smirk that played on the womans lips. "Oh there are worse things than death, some times death is a sweet release," Mary said with a slight chuckle as she took a seat on a stool and leaned back against the table behind her slightly. She had seen that enough to know that death was good, especially these days. Mary would rather be dead than bit and turn.

Mary kept watching Lisa, intently still. She needed to make sure that if Lisa messed up she caught it. This was something that could save lives but done incorrectly it could end them just as fast, or even worse, make someone wish they were dead. Yet it seemed that Lisa was getting this and getting this quickly. It was surprising. Very much so. She didn't have a doubt that Lisa could get this in time but to make it this far without a fuck up spoke wonders. Mary wondered how long it would keep up. (Now, repeat the last round. Three more rolls. She has only 2 steps left to finish, let's see how it goes this round.)

Mess Hall (C): The Goat looked over to Nigel and chuckled. "Oh that sounds good to me now get out of here before I start cutting more," he teased as he pointed to the large bucket full of onions. Seemed they were just started on the onion prep and it was only going to get a lot worse in that kitchen. Moralez was obviously used to this type of thing, his eyes weren't even red.

Out front Cook looked over towards Nigel as he came back out and smiled at the man. "Glad to hear it," she said before her eyes turned towards Thana. "And you let him help you, don't want a repeat of your recovery," she said in a warning voice as she handed back over the paperwork to Thana now that it was all taken care of for the time being.

Supply (R): "Yeah you better and keep her out of here!" Auntie hissed as Nikki moved past her. There was a look on the womans face that made her look like she had just finished downing a bottle of whiskey but was used to it. As if her mouth and body wanted to reject the alcohol but she wouldn't let it. "Not like we don't already have enough fur creatures in this place thanks to that damn mouse..." she added under her breath as she started towards the front of the building. She had things she needed to do. Stopping she looked over to where Nikki had been working before looking back at the girl. "Don't dally! I want you back BEFORE dinner!" she added as she continued on her way.

Outside Jail (AA): Will update next round.

Streets of CMB (The Bus: I5 -> Q6): Daytona returned the nod towards Alexander. "Hey there," she said kindly before getting underway once everyone was in and seated. Once the bus was turned around and headed towards the East Gate, the Padre took a step down and leaned back slightly as Bass seemed to take a more active and very much more talkative roll in the moment. Joaquin gave his sister half a nod before his eyes went to Bass as Bass started to talk.

"The trip over ain't gonna be takin' long but a few thangs. We're gonna do ev'rythang we can to keep ya safe out there. Thing is, ain't no promises. Y'all know that them Eaters can do things and come outta no where. Not to mention other hostiles. So, we will be armed," he said as he knelt down between the front two seats and set the first bag before him, unzipping it. "Ain't gonna be havin' y'all out there with nothing to defend yerselves. Not out in the open like that."

"At the gate," Daytona announced before pulling to a stop and picking up the CB end from the visor. "Funeral Detail requesting exit," she radioed out.

"Rodger that, inner gate prepping for open," a call came back in. Daytona gave half a wave out her side window before closing it again. The heat was not something she was willing to deal with long. Not while she had a nice air conditioned bus to drive.


Thana Martin
Location: Mess Hall (C) -> Streets Of CMB (L5)
Skills: N/A

There was a look that came to Thana's eyes, something lost and a bit sad at Cook got onto her. Her eyes drifted down and she nodded. It wasn't clear if she was actually agreeing with the woman or just placating her so she would shut up. It wasn't the first time she had heard such things from Cook or others in town. She didn't want to hear it again. Hearing it again didn't mean it was going to change what she was doing. Her father was the second of camp, her grandfather was the General, had they told her the same chances were she wouldn't change her decided course of action unless it was a direct order. She didn't follow doctors orders unless she agreed with them.

Thing was even when she did agree with something there was a chance she wouldn't go along with it if she felt what needed to be done was more important than her own personal recovery. If it wasn't going to kill her with a 100% certainty that was. It was why she had done what she did when she was recovering. She pushed herself, she went out. She pushed herself now. None of it had killed her. Sure there could be arguments against it but Thana followed Thana. And she was about to remind Cook of that when Nigel came back.

Turning her head she looked at the man and smirked slightly. She wasn't sure what to say but she didn't have to, Cook was speaking again. Thana ignored it and took the clipboard before looking at Nigel. You and me both. Let's," she said as she started to limp towards the door. She wanted to get the hell out of there. Then she was quickly reminded that hell was right where she was walking into as the heat and humidity of a Florida Summer hit her like a boiled octopus to her face. She grunted and reflexively jerked back before pushing forward as she swore sweat was already rolling down her back.


Nikola Warren
Location: Supply (R) -> Back of Supply (I6)
Skills: N/A

Nikki was given the nickname Checkbook not long after she had arrived at Camp Mexico Beach. It was about the third month and she was out of quarantine. She had been trying to find her place, to fit in, but back then things were very different. People were more standoffish then, which was understandable. The outbreak was still newer, the town wasn't near as settled as it is now, and it didn't have the resources to spare in any direction back then. It was hard especially having recently lost her father and now being yelled at by military folks who were used to drumming recruits into line. Nikki wasn't a recruit, she was a teen who was lost. Then again, she was a recruit in a way but youth got the better of her and she caused trouble. More than once. It got her the name.

Thing was even with the name, there were certain people in camp Nikki never dared tried to cross. Maddog she did constantly. Gunny she never dared. The other one was talking to her right then. There was something about Auntie that could unnerve her. Major she expected to have her throat slit if she spoke back. Auntie, what in the hell would that woman do if she was really crossed? The thought that Auntie would do something and the fact that Nikki could come up with what that might be was perhaps the reason she never decided to write a check she couldn't cash when it came to Auntie. It was also a good guess to figure why Nikki was stuck with the woman. Either way, she wasn't arguing the point.

"Right! My ass and this dog are going that way!" Nikki said quickly as her pace sped up and she moved towards the door. She thought she was home free, until Auntie added another bit to the end. She had to be back before dinner. There was a quick huff that came from the girls lips but once again she didn't argue the point. "Right! Before dinner!" Nikki acknowledged before hitting the back door and speeding right the hell outside. The hot air hit her and she gasped. The dog at her side whimpering. No one like that feel and Nikki swore her shirt was soaking through already. It was only July... August was going to be so much worse.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Emanuel "Manny" Newman

Location: Bus
Skills: N/A


All things considering, the funeral detail wasn't going too bad. Manny had to hold back a laugh after Alexander's comment about Manny's made up position. "Assistant cleaning director. I haven't gotten that promotion just yet. Given time, I believe I can make it to Senior cleaning director of the interior of boats with out too much fuss." It was a simple joke, but the little ones were nice for keeping up the day to day life. To help enjoy the little things just that much more. They made, great memories.

When everyone started loading up Manny made his way in. Normally he would sit by his fellow baby boomer and have a nice conversation about all the things old people talk about. But, looking around he noticed Thalia with that nice reassuring look. It was a good sign, but he worried about her. She reminded him in many ways what he was like when he was her age. Or... probably younger. It slipped him sometimes how there were people that were less then half his age, but still fully matured adults. With Beatrice leaving though, and Thana not present, he could only imagine what that was like for Thalia. Knowing the girl wasn't too personal, he wanted to check up on her without getting to... Personal. Instantly, the same seat seemed like a bad idea. The guards and Padre were starting to make their way onto the bus. He had to think fast. He sat in the seat across from her, as it was close enough to talk if she wanted, or to at the very least let her know he was there if needed.

He sat and in a surprisingly monotone voice spoke quietly to Thalia. "Hey." For those who knew him, and knew his normally positive attitude, this tone was different. Sure, he could get loud if he wanted. He had even lost his temper a bit in quarantine. But nothing extreme. Pretty much every other time he spoke it was with a bit of cheerfulness of a doctor who was getting ready to pull out a tooth that you both knew would hurt like hell but no one wanted to admit it. Keep his hand back so it could not be seen from the seats behind or in front of them, he did a couple simple hand motions. One pointing towards her, and then shifting it to a thumbs up with a bit of a questioning look on his face. He had a feeling that if something was up she wouldn't tell. But again, sometimes just letting someone know you were there could be enough. Though he had learned a bit too, that many of the people in his old group liked their space. And hopefully the middle lane of the bus was enough for now. And if not, he would get the message and try to keep more distance. But, being the stubborn old man he was, he refused to ever be out of sight for long. He had seen people push others away in the past, to the point of self destruction.

The bus made its way out of the camp. There were worries about the walkers, talk of the guards and escorts being armed and... Were they going to be armed? That made Manny think for a moment. He figured chances are it would be something simple like knives or something else along those lines. He didn't think they were ready to offer them up guns yet. Guns were a big deal, and sure he would feel safer with one in his hands. Especially one like the one he had been practicing with for the longest portion of his life, but having a means to defend one's self was nice. Though he hadn't used a knife since he picked up target shooting. Not like this. Not really. And he was getting old. And sadly getting old wasn't great for that kind of combat. But, they were going in with a rather large group of people. Many of whom were good fighters, and with that, the escorts had guns. Plus, a bus with a rather strong air conditioning. Which Manny liked that it existed. Hopefully he wouldn't get so used to it the heat was unbearable.


Hunter Monroe
Location: Outside Jail (AA)


To say the day was getting interesting was an understatement. It was like all of Hunter's fuck ups were catching up to him all at once, but not in the way he had expected. The group of guards and Hunter had made their way to what Hunter assumed was some kind of prison hut like house. He had seen jails, but this didn't look like one. Granted it was probably hard to get appearances when you were limited to mostly houses. Soon enough though what Hunter presumed to be his warden walked up to them. Roughly his height, and Hunter figured if things went south he could take him in a fight. If he was in the condition he was two years ago. Now he would be at a disadvantage in his severely starved state. Hunter watched the man with curiosity, holding back his internal thoughts for the moment, and doing his best to hide his discomfort. Not because the man himself made Hunter uneasy, but more of Cage reminded him of someone he knew once. If that someone had aged a lot of years and had lost what charisma he had left.

The rules seemed simple enough, but he did take note of the bleeding out comment. Hunter had a long list of thoughts he wished to give the man. Not just because of his resemblance to the past, but how a comment from a warden like figure here was made, and the only comment against it was how rude it was. But he held off, that one comment was at least a little reassuring in a moment where he didn't have much to hope for. It did piss him off how someone like that could say a comment that to Hunter's best understanding sounded like criminal negligence. Borderline manslaughter. He couldn't tell if it was just an intimidation tactic or not. Seemed like a pretty harsh one considering even in military terms, it was a war crime if he did those actions. Hell, he could understand a comment like getting his teeth kicked in if he acted out. Or making out with an overly aggressive baton if he gave a wrong look. But threatening to withhold aid if he was injured? Bleeding out specifically? Maybe this was someone who just enjoyed his little position of power a little too much. Or maybe he just couldn't be bothered to do more then the bare minimum.

Hearing he would be stuck in a cell for a week was a less then pleasant thought. But as long as every person he talked to wasn't like Cage he figured he could put up with it. Maddoc did the paperwork, and now Hunter was an official prisoner of Camp Mexico Beach. Then in 3-7 days it would be decided if he was to stay or get kicked out. Either way, he had lost Izibel, and the people here would never trust him. Maybe some would tolerate him. If he stayed, he wouldn't get much say in any part of his day to day life. Even more so then before. He thought about it more and more... and the main reason he was staying... was a chance to not fuck up for once. And to stay with Izibel. Both, had now been removed from the equation. Added with punishments went rather extreme rather fast, he had little hope things would recover from here. Drunk and disorderly, a few minutes late for his shift on his first day, late picking up the dog poop, and being a bit too confrontational and a bit of an ass. But it seemed pretty common for that last trait here. Just in different ways. He knew he was hard to deal with, and normally because of that he left people alone. A lot harder to do here. But he struggled to see how that warranted Cage's comment.

He would try to let it go. But not knowing if it was just giving off steam or being honest, it was an iffy situation. He would understand if he had attacked someone, killed someone, stole supplies, or even threatened. But damn. He wondered how a man like that ever got to a position of power. Even if it was just watching over normally empty cells. He tried not to think too much about it. He would have time to think in lockup. And who knew, maybe there would actually be something to do in prison other then being left alone with his thoughts.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 25 min ago


Amelia Payne
Location:The Bus
Skills: N/A


With the bus well moving to the outer perimeter of the walled camp, a talk about the outing. A fair point was brought about the fact that for some reason walkers always seemed to show up in inconvenient situations and times. To her rather pleasant surprise, they were told that while on the outside, they would be given some weapons for protection at the very least. A smile appeared on her face as she approved of that idea very much. Without a weapon she felt very naked and defenseless. Before they arrived at the camp, she had slept fully armed for what now seemed like eternity. The lack of a bat in her possession make her so damn restless at times. For example a bat would have helped when she saw that infernal beast hound earlier at Supply.

As the bus got to the gates, Amelia was pondering what they would be given. Somehow she didn’t think they would be given fully loaded firearms. So she was almost certain, they will be likely given melee weapons. She was fine with that. Hopefully they had a bat. Her mind busy with pondering the weaponry situation, she looked at Riley who was with her and stopped thinking of weapons for a moment. Then she relaxed in her seat, realizing that she should calm down more. They were still safe inside the walls and inside a bus. Focusing on Riley’s presence, she pulled herself from the possible dangers and looked outside, watching the surroundings around the gate.

Seeing the way the sun was brightly shining outside and how it was delivering heat even through the windows, made her ponder the fact it was in fact summer now. A summer so far south at that. At least the bus was enjoyable enough with the fact it was nice and air cooled, but she was actually glad she had the dress now. She had to thank Nikki again for it! Amelia halted that train of thought though, she had already said her thanks to the girl for so many reasons, so words seemed so cheap. Was there something she can do for her? Now that was the real question.


Lisa Mason
Skills: Science (Chemistry)


Lisa’s attention was focused to the utmost, but at the end of the day, this was still the first time she was doing this. Between having to check regularly the guide in the folder and the fact that she simply wasn’t used to it yet, making a mistake with one of the steps was bound to happen eventually. She tried to lessen the chance to fuck up, read the guide carefully, paid attention, but it still happened, right after the first 3 initial ones.” Fuck.” She cussed as she realized the step was botched. So the initial luck of the rookie ended at step three. Taking a deep breath, she prepared herself to do it again, pulling the folder first, rereading the step and making note of everything.

β€œAlright… this time… like this… here...” She mumbled quietly to herself as she was mostly repeating the same process like last time, but correcting her mistakes from that time.” Mmm… β€œ She mumbled a quiet tune of some undetermined kind as she finally pulled her arms away from the batch with content smile.” Alright… step four done. One left… It will work out.” She reassured herself and got to work with the final step. However the final step proved to be the next stumbling block as it failed.” Fucking hell, what did I screw up this time?” She asked herself and pulled the folder yet again, going through everything for another time. Yeah as she suspected she wasn’t quite ready for practical work with reliable results all the time. This was going to be a metaphorical being thrown in the deep end to learn to swim moment.

Lisa focused her mind on the task once more. She had to succeed next time, even if it wasn’t perfect. Good job here, meant good life and good situation for the camp as a whole. The medicines were of key importance and with the earned credits, she could get something else for herself. One step at a time though.” Once more...” She turned to the tools and samples again.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Alexander Polawski
Location: The Bus (I5) -> (Q6)
Skills: N/A


The time passed for Alexander the equally old veteran as well as the generic old man - how quickly it passed was up for intense scrutiny and questioning. It was not the case that he did not pay attention to Daytona nodding back to him, neither Thalia nor Manny passing him before Atticus the preacher spoke up. He was not ignoring them, neither those he cared less about and those he cared immensly about. No, it was rather the polar opposite. His mind drew him towards those very special people, both alive and now long-since gone to their Lord.

Leaning his head up against the glass window of the school bus, Alexander listened idly to what was said by those in charge of the bus, though his mind was far, far away in deep thought. Something was swurling and drenching his mind. People, words and memories that reminded him of his past. Haunted? Perhaps, perhaps not. Somewhere in the back of his mind he registered Atticus telling them to be armed when they went outside, but the only thing he could picture were a couple of images.

One of himself, armed with a M16A1 5.56 at the firing range somewhere in the US, training to be a decent rifleman before he was chosen to be the radioman and token sitting duck of the squad. He'd never touched a rifle in his life, let alone a weapon besides the normal knife or broken beer bottle from his father. Armed. Armed and dangerous, and that was meant to keep him safe?

The other memory was of an older Alexander, protecting his wife with a pistol he'd kept in their boat just in case. That was in the near past, though now it felt like a lifetime ago. And yet it was not far away, just the other side of the state of Florida, down towards the Carribean. Armed and ready to defend themselves. Judith, the one he was supposed to protect with his life, for good and bad. And yet he failed to do just that.

Looking out the window of the bus, coming up to the gate, Alexander sat for himself deep in those thoughts, separated from the current life he was living. He was safe and sound with the people he cared about, yet he felt no joy in their company. He only felt the betrayal towards those he let down.

A tear ran down his face. A single tear for the one person he'd loved, not the other one he'd betrayed.


Nigel Cooper
Location: Mess Hall (C) -> Streets of CMB (L5)
Skills: N/A


Nigel wasn't sure whether or not Thana agreed to his little jest at first, but it was apparent that Cook agreed to his promise. The neo-Roman teacher smiled back at her and nodded, agreeing to help Thana as much as he could, even if she didn't want to. Then again he was more than willing to exit the Mess Hall sooner rather than later, the onion air still hauting him as he tried a few tears running down his face. Compared to the sea water of the Gulf of Mexico, the onions were the Red Sea, and not in a good way.

One word stuck out to Nigel though, but any attempt at elaborating on it had to be cancelled as Thana looked at him, though with a smirk that made Nigel smile once again. Soon Nigel followed Thana out of the Mess Hall and out onto the humid streets of Camp Mexico Beach. It must have been how the Roman legions felt stepping onto Egyptian soil during the reign of Caesar, a foreign climate not familiar to them. The humid air hit Nigel just like it hit Thana, wiping the humidty off his face as if it hit him like a hot shower. Having given his goodbye's to both Moralez and Cook, Nigel was ready to head back to work down in Babylon. Babylon, so this meant Nigel was supposedly a Jewish slave of Thana?

Nigel walked beside Thana out onto the street, feeling the sweat start pouring down on him and his body, though he had to settle that it was better than freezing in northern Britannia, standing guard at the wall hence his name. "I know it's not for me to say, Thana, but…she was right. If you're recovering from whatever I won't poke my nose into, you have more than any right to put that load onto me. I'm ready to carry the world on my back, so to speak." Nigel referred to a certain Greecian carrying the globe, an Atlas if you would. He meant it. He was the newcomer here after all, not a veteran like the old General or even Cook and Moralez who had specialized jobs at the camp. For now Nigel was assigned to helped-duty, and he wanted to prove himself.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 day ago


Ash Holloway
Location: The Bus
Skills: N/A


Fingers still drumming quietly on knee, Ash maintained his vigil within the confines of his seat upon the bus. It wasn't the bus precisely that invoked his watchfulness, as a moving vehicle was one of the safer places that one might be nowadays, more than it was the newness of the situation coupled with the fact that he was in a confined space with both people he cared about and others who had guns. Logic told him that these people were his people now, even if he did not know them, precisely. But logic did nothing to ease his sense of conscious awareness right then.

Everything seemed to be progressing on a timetable based on unfamiliar protocol. Back in Newnan, if there were objections or misgivings about someone, they simply weren't allowed entry. The speed by which someone gained the trust of the community after that was comparatively shorter, if they made it inside. Lord knew that he had some less than optimistic thoughts about some of the jokers they let in, though in the end, most of them were decent enough folks. Astrid and Bridgette came to mind, as did Sophia, though she needed medical assistance at the time. Richard... was a mistake, in hindsight. He remembered when a crop of newer people came in, some of whom he put in positions of authority in an effort to ease the overall transition. Or when the Franklin community assimilated into their group. Of course, things were different. His community needed people with certain skill sets, and backups for the inevitable, random-seeming deaths that occurred. Mexico Beach seemed to have their stuff locked down pretty good. Well enough that they could afford to screen people more intently. Hence, the probationary period after quarantine and the fact that they weren't allowed weapons of any kind.

But even that train of thought came to a close as the man toward the front of the bus began to speak. They were being issued weapons? If even "issued" was the proper term. Ash might lose his shit entirely (in a good way) if they had a Detonics .45 system - the last pistol type he was issued by the Army - not to mention the latest in proven handgun technology. It was his primary sidearm for years, until the last push from their ruined home in Georgia. But, beggars and choosers, he supposed. Ash guessed that anything they were given was probably going to be from stock, or something they personally handed over prior to entry. But his opinion, like his guesses, meant absolutely nothing right then. He'd see right along with the rest of them.

The first series of buildings seemed to flow past the bus's windows, yet they were not quite out of the settlement's walls just yet. Perhaps they wouldn't be armed until the bus came to its destination. Fine by him either way. Still, he used the occasion the others' attention being focused on the bag in the front to give another look around at the people inside of the bus; the armed guards, his friends, and those he had just met a week ago. This was a motley assortment of people, if viewed by the standards of six years ago. As his eyes went from person to person, they came to rest on the younger woman with the metal hand, who was staring right back at him. She had been looking at him before, as well as Tati and Jack. She wanted answers. Ash could at least provide her one, while he had time.

"Alicia," he began, accenting her name as pronounced in Spanish, "Tu Prima."1 Not like there were a whole lot of Alicias left in the world, and zero others that they knew in common, in all likelihood. Ash's grasp of Spanish wasn't bad, but he was not a native speaker and so kept his words simple, pitched to hear over the sounds of the bus but not designed to attract a lot of attention. Even so, he had to wonder how many of these people spoke Spanish. At least three of them on that bus that he knew about, including himself. "Fue mordida por una Horda de los Muertos, mientras ayudaba a un hombre."2 The one armed lady had asked, back in Quarantine, about the her friends and family. This would hopefully show that he wasn't intentionally trying to avoid her. "Horda llegΓ³ a Newnan mΓ‘s tarde. Vi a Alicia y le di paz."3 His words were simpler, almost childlike in their delivery. It lacked nuance but communicated directly what he wanted to say. "I want to talk to you about the others when we can."

Ash was surprised to note that the woman's expression was one of realization, not sorrow. It baffled him.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: The Bus
Skills: N/A


A general mixture of feelings started to settle in Thalia. To say that she was in anything resembling inner peace was far from the truth; the fact was that she probably wouldn't know what to do with herself if she ever actually felt true peace and/or was content with the world around her. It never even crossed her mind that such a thing might exist in her lifetime. So these feelings that settled were more of a coalescence of things she was willing to put up with for the time being. Demons she had made truce with. It helped that she had family nearby, moreso because he was armed. But when it came down to it, things were not really as bad as they might have been. Though she still had not gotten readjusted to the concept of air conditioning, and instinctively held herself, hunching over a little. Thalia's time in the sticks had changed her.

The lack of Thana puzzled her still. Ultimately it was her call, and good or bad there was nothing to say about it, nor was she going to pass judgement on the woman. Beatrice was also not present, which caused her outward expression to grow harder. As with Thana, leaving Mexico Beach was this woman's call, but under the circumstances that she left, Thalia sure as hell was going to judge. Hopefully the woman would find whatever she was looking for, and if they ever met up again, she owed Bea a gut punch. Luckily, these thoughts were interrupted by Manny, extending her a cursory greeting. Snapped from her more judgemental, annoyance-inspired thought process, Thalia looked over to the older dentist. It was always a mixed bag with this guy. Technically she owed him her life, though he had to remove her hand and a good chunk of her arm in the process. Wasn't his fault, either. He made the best of a bad situation and kept her breathing in the process. Thalia returned his greeting with an acknowledging, "Yeah. Hey, Manny." Then it occurred to her that the man hadn't lost anyone close to him in the selection of bodies buried nearby. Those interred had died on the Eden assault or in Newnan, before. She regarded Manny for a few seconds before ultimately letting it go. If he wanted to pay his respects, she wasn't going to stop him. Maybe he just wanted to stand with his teammates, such as they were.

Moving forward, the idea of being given weapons appealed to Thalia as surely as a bacon double cheeseburger and chocolate milkshake might have. (Mental note: Inquire into the possibility of bacon double cheeseburger in CMB.) Curious as to the armed proclivities of the rest of the people on board, Thalia turned around and looked at the people around her. Most she couldn't figure out at a glance, though there were suspicions on some. Thana's boyfriend, the Army Captain? She half expected a Holy Avenger or a bigassed, star-spangled shield that came back to him after he threw it. Her mind moving toward the mildly bizarre, perhaps he was worthy of picking up a hammer that she'd never be capable of lifting in her life.

It was about then that she realize she was staring at the man. What followed, coming from his mouth was a little bit of a shock. Not the Spanish, even though it sounded a little forced, but the things he was saying. Thalia had heard a version of this story last year, from a man she had met less than a half hour before his death. His name was James, if memory served. Not news, in and of itself. Alicia died with her gun in hand, taken out by a horde. But the exact words that James used were, "Her man wound up putting her down after she turned, luck had it, and it damn near broke him." And that sparked a sense of realization in her, like pieces of a puzzle coming together. Ash had just claimed that he gave her peace. If he was the guy who "put her down", then they were involved romantically. Army Captain had claimed that they were close. This detail just gave that claim a lot more depth. And he traveled for over a year to reunite with Thana. She only responded to him with a simple, "Thanks. I gaht a lot of questions." She didn't press conversation now. Thalia could wait for this with much enhanced patience, and if Joaquin overheard the exchange, he probably had a few questions of his own.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 13 days ago

☠ πšƒπš†π™³: πšˆπšŽπšŠπš› 𝟻 π™ΏπšŠπš›πš 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:57 A.M. - Dusk at 7:41 P.M. - High: 87F, Low: 72F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 10mph - No rain - Cloud Cover: 26% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: Repeating since some more will likely be hitting the heat this round - We are well into the afternoon now so we are at the hottest part of the day (near 90's), so make sure to act accordingly if you are out in the heat. As it is summer in Florida, it is always humid and the winds are near nothing so you will be sitting in hot, moist, sauna like air and it will hit you like opening an oven when you step outside.

And make sure to check continuity. Some are posting about things that haven't happened or about things not posted about/their characters aren't privy to. (Gotten a complaint or two behind the scenes these last couple off weeks since we returned.)
Date: July 23rd, 2012

Hospital/Medical (B): Seeing that Lisa was having a bit of trouble this time wasn't too surprising to Mary. This was what she had expected at the beginning. That the woman would get a step or two and then need to go back and fix something else. Yet she wasn't saying anything. Lisa hadn't fucked up so badly that she would have to scrap the entire thing, she was just missing something here and there. This wasn't exactly an easy process to begin with. On top of that Mary wasn't instructing Lisa, she gave her a walk through as it were and expected her to figure it out. There was a reason behind this. If something happened to Mary, how to make the drugs they used in camp was written down. Lisa needed to be able to follow them blindly if shit hit the fan and Mary was not available. There was no way they would probably ever get through all of them, so the most important part of all this was actually seeing how well Lisa could interpret Marys instructions. It was a learning process for both of them.

(Lisa has another round to go now to see if she can finish this up. She has one step left and three more chances to get it right. Good luck and may the odds be ever in her favor.)

Outside Jail -> Inside Jail (AA): Roy stood there eying Cage. "What?" Cage asked but Roy just shook his head as Maddoc finished up the paper work and handed it over to Cage. Cage took a look over it, his brows raising slightly. "Wow, you really know how to fuck yourself over kid..." he said in half a laugh before shrugging and hanging the clipboard back up. "Alright, bring him in and put him in cell B. A still needs cleaning," he said as he pulled out some keys from his pocket that were attached to his belt loop.

"Why the hell does it still need cleaning?" Maddoc barked.

"Cause Sea Team got in and we got pushed to the back fucking burner. Supply wasn't expecting to need cells cleaned today. That's the fucking reason why. Don't like it blame him," Cage barked back pointing to Hunter. "Or Checkbook, Auntie had her do the schedule for today," he added as he unlocked the front door.

Roy just sighed as he started to lead Hunter up the stairs. "He means it, you go and self harm he will let you bleed out," Roy warned Hunter.

Inside it was much like a normal house. In fact it looked exactly like a normal home. A couch and TV in the living room, ect. Set up just like other places in the camp that were used as housing. This place actually had a little more. Everything seemed a little too normal, that was until one spotted the door in the hallway. It was steel, with a small window. Cage walked past them and headed for the door. "I need a fucking clean team," Cage remarked as he started to unlock the door.

"I'll look into it. Keep it up Cage and only help you'll get it a bottle bleach and a bucket and you can do it your damn self," Roy warned. Cage huffed as he flung the door open and flipped a switch. The light came on and he started down a set of steel stairs that were walled on both sides with concrete. At the bottom was, what one could see, a wall of concrete blocks.

Streets of CMB (L5 -> P6): Outside of being hot as hell, things are calm on the streets and where Thana and Nigel are walking the place is pretty empty once they cross the main road and are on their way back towards the Hydroponic Gardens.

Streets of CMB (I6 -> L8): Things are going good for Nikki, despite being hot. That is until they get close to where her and Lisa's apartment is. It is about that time that Izi see's an orange cat speed by as if its tail is on fire and for some reason the dog decides it's a good time to put on a chase. Yanking hard on the leash as she jumps and barks, running after the cat.

(Thana and Nigel are the only ones close enough to do a perception check to see if they hear the barking. Roll against Per (1d100), pass to hear (score or lower), fail to not.)

Streets of CMB (The Bus: Q6) -> Outside CMB: Things were much like it had when the group had been brought into the camp that first day. They had to wait for the gates before they could leave, both of them. And currently Daytona was waiting for that inner gate before stepping back on the gas and putting the bus into gear. She had gotten the call back that they were prepping for the gate to open but it hadn't yet so they hadn't left yet. The inner gate finally opened after a few minutes and Daytona pulled forward.

While she was pulling the bus forward Bass waited. He wasn't speaking anymore. His eyes glancing around as the bus pulled into the space between the inner and outer gates. Joaquin's eyes seemed to stares blankly forward, as if he wasn't focusing on anything in particular but taking in what was happening. The Padre simply leaned against the corner of the bus near the door, down on the steps making him look a lot shorter than he was. Not that he was particularly tall to start with.

The bus came to a stop as it came to a stop at the outer gate. The inner gate closed behind them. Once it was fully closed the outer gate opened. The road ahead looked clear and good to go. There was an exchange of nods between those that were escorting the group to the graveyard before Daytona started to pull forward. As soon as the bus was fully out of Camp Mexico Beach the outer gate closed and she leaned more into the gas. They were finally on their way properly.

Joaquin looked slightly towards Ash as the man started speaking Spanish. Bass wasn't paying attention to the conversation and the married couple didn't speak Spanish even if they were listening. Jack didn't seem to be at first, Tatiana was. Neither understood but both picked up on the word Alicia. Neither had known the woman but both had been around Newnan long enough to know of her and what she had meant to Ash. She was one of the reasons Froggy had put Tatiana on Ash's case. Joaquin however, like his sister, knew the language as well if not better than English. His brow rose slightly and he looked very much like his uncle the way his jaw locked right then. He didn't say anything but his look seemed to echo his sisters words. He now had questions as well.

Being as they were outside the gate now and driving at a good speed, Bass picked back up to where he had left off. Unzipping the bag. It had guns and knives in it. Picking up a sheet of folded back lodged between the weapons he unfolded it. "A'right, talked to Gunny and got the okay fer ya. Talked to others, reviewed yer files. Think we gots this all in order. Rules are simple, don't hurt each other, weapons will be handed back over will all unspent ammo soon as you reboard the bus. Any screwing around or attempts to and I quote Maddog here 'fuck us over and we'll put a bullet in yer skull and dump yer body in walker pit, not necessarily in that order'."

"Man don't fuck around..." Padre said in passing as he flipped to another page in the bible he was thumbing through.

Bass blew out a long breath and nodded in agreement. "Naw he don't," he said before reading over the paper. "Alright, Newman," he started and Atticus pointed to Manny. Bass nodded and picked up a double barrel shot gun, he checked it before holding it out to him and a small pack of six more shells. "Polawski?" Atticus pointed to Alexander. The same was handed to him as Manny had gotten. "Payne?" Preacher pointed to Amelia. "Oh right," he said stepping over his bag and opening the other bag that was on the floor of the bus. He pulled out two things. One was a short axe, the other was a steel baseball bat that had short spikes welded to it like a mace. "Careful, they're sharp," he said with a thin lipped smile.

Turning back around he checked the paper. "Hollow.. oh Ash, right," he said looking over at the man before going back into the gun bag. He pulled out .45 ACP S&W 4506 and handed it over to the man. "Clips full," he added before looking back at the paper and rubbing the back of his neck. "Huh... I didn't," he started before a short whistle came from Joaquin and the Mexican motioned towards Alicia. "Shit, right," he said as he stood fully after pulling out a Beretta 9. Handing it to her he held up a hand. "Just a sec," he added as he bent to keep his head from knocking the ceiling of the bus as he made his way to the back of the bus and Joaquin moved to the side. Reaching behind the back seat he pulled out a familiar round shield. Turning around he headed back to her and handed it over.

"Five minutes out," Daytona informed the group as they turned down the forth or fifth street they had driven down since leaving the safety of the walls of Camp Mexico Beach.

Thana Martin
Location: Streets Of CMB (L5 -> P6)
Skills: N/A
Feeling the sweat drip down her back and roll further Thana was sharply reminded one of many reasons she had left south Georgia. The heat. And it wasn't so much the heat but the humidity that got to her. She had heard it time and time again growing up from many people. It's not the heat the gets you, it's the humidity. Thana had always thought that was bullshit. Heat was heat. Sure the humidity sucked but she didn't figure it sucked anymore or any less than any other type of heat. Her opinion was quickly changed the first summer she had spent in the dry heat of the Middle East. Yes, it got hot as hell there, hotter than Georgia many days but Thana had to admit she could handle the dry heat a lot better than the humid heat. It was the humidity that would kill you. It made you feel like you were drowning in a pot of boiling water, or being held hostage in a sauna far after your fifteen minutes were up.

Things like this made Thana question those old movies where men who ruled Mobs or other organized crime syndicates would meet in Saunas. It wasn't that she didn't believe it, it made her question how they handled it. It did provide a perfect cover for those types of meetings. No one in their right mind wanted to deal with that type of environment if they didn't have to. The biggest thing about humidity though for Thana wasn't how bad it made the heat but actually how bad it made the cold. It made the cold cling to you like falling through the ice. That was hell to her. True hell.

Her thoughts were derailed though as Nigel started taking. She glanced over to him and she chuckled slightly. He meant well enough it seemed and he wasn't wrong. The man was there to help her. "How about we settle on each carrying half of the world there Atlas," she said with a smirk. It was about as much as she was willing to give. She couldn't be upset at him for saying he had things. He didn't know her well, didn't know how she was, he was trying to help, and she figured part of his willingness to help was because he was new and trying to make a good impression. (Not that she knew this for sure, it was just what she suspected, though Thana was crap at reading people. She didn't inherit her fathers Jedi-like senses...More was the pity.) Maybe she just wasn't as perceptive as he was. She wasn't noticing somethings going on right then anyways.

Nikola Warren
Location: Back of Supply (I6) -> Streets Of CMB (L8)
Skills: N/A
Taking a deep breath as the door closed behind her, Nikki was debating just turning around and going back inside the building. It was hot as hell outside and even in the shade she was feeling the mugginess in the air. It wasn't the first time she had felt this. She felt it basically every day from Spring to until Fall, every year, since this whole shit storm happened, even before. Having the Ac was nice and it did a good job of making sure more people didn't die from a fucking heat stroke she reckoned but when you stepped out of a nice building kept at seventy-three degrees since it was mostly storage and it was instantly twenty to thirty degrees warmer and the humidity jumped by 50% Nikki thought two options would be great right then. Going the fuck back inside or saying fuck it, going to the beach and driving straight into the water.

Neither of them were options though. She needed to drop Izi off at her apartment and get the hell back to Auntie to get work done. There was not time to dillying or dallying. Which sucked for the young woman but she figured if she just hoofed it, and then busted ass once she got back she could be done with everything early and get a few minutes to herself before dinner. At least she hoped she could. She had somethings she wanted to think about and if she could catch Thana at the tail end of the woman's shift she wanted to ask her a few things, things she hadn't had a chance to since Thana had gotten back and with Ash being out on that funeral detail she figured it would be the only time to talk for a bit. Thana did seem rather wrapped up in the man.

Thing was, Nikki probably wasn't going to get a chance as she spotted a damn cat blaze across their path between the buildings. She rolled her eyes and was caught off guard as Izi took off. "God damn it!" she grunted as he arm was tugged forward harshly and then the rest of her body followed. Thankfully Nikki was dexterious enough to keep her footing and not end up face first on the ground to be drug by a dog. That being said she was having a hard time running to keep up even with Izi partly dragging her thanks to the leash on her wrist. "Ugh! Ack! Izi!" she tried to yell but the jerking kept the words from coming out loudly right then.
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Amelia Payne
Location:Streets of CMB (The Bus: Q6) -> Outside CMB:
Skills: N/A


Looking around, resting her head on Riley’s shoulder, Amelia waited patiently for the bus to leave the camp, pondering a whole set of misc topics and ideas on what she could do to properly give her thanks to Nikki. It was hard to figure out actually, she had no way of actually doing anything for her, she couldn’t provide her with anything. While in thought, they passed by the gates and finally found themselves outside. Amelia’s eyes glanced out the window, frowning, now that they were back in the dangerous great wide world. So far no walkers could be seen, she supposed, but you never knew.

Her attention was attracted by their caretakers who started explaining how the whole weapon situation was going to go down. Nothing too crazy honestly, about as expected, she wondered if they will actually count the bullets afterwards, like weapon by weapon. They did say to return all unspent ammo so, they might be? She pushed the thought away as the guns started to be given out, at least until it was her turn. Padre called out her name and after a spark of confusion on her side when he pulled the other bag, her eyes took on an enthusiastic sparkle as the contents were revealed.” A bat! Thank you! I will be careful!” She nodded repeatedly as she took her temporary weapons. She didn’t dwell much on the temporary status, but the mere presence of having the bat and an axe at arm distance, made her feel secure. Granted the spiked bat looked gruesome and she preferred a more traditional setup for her bats, but it was still a god damned bat dammit! She gripped the handle and smiled in happy manner.

Daytona’s voice brought her attention to the fact that they were nearing the cemetery. She looked at Riley for comfort and rested back in the seat, right hand not letting go of the bat at all. All was good in the world now, she could protect Riley and herself should something go wrong out there. Hopefully nothing does, but counting her luck, her paranoia...ahmm carefulness, didn’t allow her to not consider the worst possible options. Soon they’d be out of the bus and the dangerous part will begin.


Lisa Mason
Location: Medical(B)
Skills: Science (Chemistry)


Lisa’s eyes were narrowed at the samples in front of her. She had restarted her efforts with it, having only one step left to complete, however she hit a snag pretty much right away once more. She was certain she had done everything right this time around, however it didn’t seem to be the case.” … β€œ Her hand hovered in the air for a moment, before she grabbed the folder, gave it a quick look over and then placed the thing back down, eyes narrowing at the samples like a predator on prey. She had gotten to this point, this wasn’t beating her.

Clearing stray thoughts away, she recalled the lessons, she recalled what she read in the folder just moments prior and looked at the samples once more. Somewhere in this big maze of things to do was the path to success, she just had to follow it. With hands moving with purpose, she began the next attempt, paying no further attention to distractions as she began working on the sample. It was a task that was very delicate, she still felt uncomfortable with it and result would be known only when she’s done. The moments seemed to go on to eternity as she finally was done and checked the result, to confirm if everything was fine.” Well… it’s done.” Lisa stated flatly with calm face, pulling a bit away from the samples to allow Mary to double check the results.

β€œNot that anything, but I wouldn’t dare work on even imagine working on this outside of controlled testing situation like this one. It seems I’m still too green when it comes to this, sadly.” She said with a smile. She wasn’t too sad about the struggle. If they had given her to do this a while back, she didn’t think she would have succeeded at all! So she certainly took this as a sign of great improvement, allowing herself some optimism!
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