Leann McCormick

Character Summary
Name: Leann Joyce McCormick
Aliases: Le, Bitch In Charge
Age: 37
Birthday: April 15th
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Birth Place: Salem, Kentucky
Location: Marietta, Ga
Gender: Female
Major/Minor: Engineering, Astrophysics
Occupation: Lt. Col U.S. Airforce - Test Pilot - Stationed Dobins AFB
Languages: English, Spanish

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 135lbs
Build: Lean and toned
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown, curly
Skin Tone: Darker end of fair
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: While she no tattoos she has plenty of scars. Some from before the outbreak and some since. She has a large one that runs down her left forearm, several gunshot scars on her right thigh.

Compassionate * Demanding * Quick Thinker * Hostile
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Widow
Personality: Leann is a complex individual and her personality can be best described as unstable. She is a take charge type of person, never one to sit in the back seat of any situation; she thinks on her feet and acts quickly no matter the situation. This can lead to issues but she demands more of herself than any around her. She can be hostile and has put more than one person down because of a gut feeling that they just shouldn't be around her core group.
That being said Leann is a very compassionate person and can be very loving towards those she holds dear and even strangers. What side of her you see is all depending on the situation. She will never hold her tongue, tells things like they are and does not sugar coat it. While her group can be wary of her from time to time they follow her nonetheless with an unending loyalty and she in turn gives them just as much loyalty.
While not a split personality, it can feel like that at times. She has a dark place she tends to fall to when those she has been looking after perish or become injured. It is a coin toss to what part of her you will run into that day. All any of those close to her know - you can always expect the unexpected from her.
Habits: Cracks her knuckles, bites her nails, rolls her shoulders back when she is approaching that darker side
Hobbies: Reading as much as she can during down time
- Buried Alive
- Being the cause of the fall of Newnan
- Allowing the wrong person into Newnan
Likes: 6 minimal
- Coffee
- Cool Days
- Rain
- Laffy Taffy
- Flying
- Running
Dislikes: 6 minimal
- Hair getting in her face
- Dirt under her nails
- Having to explain why the group needs to go on a Tampon Run
- People who haven't accepted that the Walkers are no longer human
- Silence
- People who don't contribute

Cards On The Table
Pre Outbreak Skills: Max 5 - History must reflect these knowledges
- Pistol
- Riffle
- Self Defense
- Air Craft Piloting (Jet)
- Engineering
Post Outbreak Skills: Max 5 - Each Type of Gun Counts as 1 skill, Machete and Sword each are separate. History must reflect learning these skills.
- Knife Fighting
- Crop Development
- Water Purification
- Camp Securement
- Leadership
Current Supplies: All things listed separately. For example - clothing cannot be listed as clothing - coat, shirt, shoes, shocks, underwear, etc - all count as one item each for extras - you are allowed one set that will consist of a shirt, shoes, socks, pants and overcoat to count as what you are currently wearing. Each full clip counts as one, each box of ammo must have listed how many bullets in each. (Keep it reasonable. I will keep these things very limited - no debating.) Max 10, including current clothing, so you may add 9 more.
- Current Clothing - Flight jumpsuit, military boots, tank top
- Beretta 9
- Extra Clip
- Trench Knife
- Dog Tags

Your First Walker Encounter: Leann was on leave from Dobbins when she encountered her first up and close Walker. The news was going on and on about an illness that had spread and was causing issues but there wasn't much they were telling, even the government was keeping things tight lipped. Lenna was out at the drug store in Kennesaw when a customer collapsed. They were gone before the paramedics could even be called. That's when it happened. The man rose as a Walker and started attacking people. Leanna in the end fought the walker and ended up with her forearm getting gashed open on a broken shelf. Using a walking cane that was broken she ended up stabbing the creature through several times but it just kept coming. It wasn't until another customer shot the thing through the skull that it finally dropped. That was just the beginning.
History Before Outbreak: Leann was born to a military family, five generation served in various branches. Life at home was strict but fair, arguments were finished in one of two ways - either you debated it to its conclusion. If minds could not meet, then fists did. Winner of the fight got their way. Leann was smart and excelled in Math during her high school life. She signed up for the Air Force right out of High School and pursued a military career, becoming a pilot after five years of service and finishing her Bachelors degree.
Once her pilot training was completed she was stationed in various places through out the world. While stationed in Seattle, she met Captain Walter McCormick. While they were not the most passionate couple, they worked well together. The both knew the stressed of military life and what to expect. They eventually just took the next logical step and were married. The marriage did not last long though, her husband was shot down while serving in the Middle East. It wasn't until the news of his death that she realized that she actually cared for the man more than just an "assigned" life mate.
Walters death hit Leann more than she realized and she ended up taking more and more risks on the job. This nearly lead to her being discharged from the military but with the amount of time and money spent on her training the government did not want that to go to waste. With her drive to push the limits now, they assigned her to Dobbins Air Force base as a test pilot for new air craft. Here she was able to push the limits and she, at that time, could have really cared less if the jet ended up crashing into the Appalachian mountains.
History Since Outbreak: After the initial outbreak, pilots were grounded at Dobbins and security increased. Many people of Atlanta were either trying to get downtown where they thought that things would be secured or into the various military bases of the south. This ended up being a huge mistake. That many weapons around that many Red Necks lent to a lot of dead and eventually Walkers. Leann eventually, with a small group from the base, made their way out of Dobbins and did what they could to survive.
The first year was both the hardest and easiest. Supplies were pretty simple to find in the suburbs of Atlanta. Ammo and weapons were easy to come by in Kennesaw, which was just north of Dobbins. (A city where it was legally required for everyone of age to have a gun.) Though, with so many supplies there were a lot of fights over so called luxury items and anarchy broke out. Gangs formed quickly and it wasn't long before the entire area was more pitted against the various living than the dead.
During year two, Leanna made her way up to Tennessee for a short time only to turn back. Winter made the Walkers slower but it was also harder to survive. South it was once again and that was when Leanna ended up with a small group down in Newnan. The city was older, brick buildings and streamlined main street. They started small and slowly made their safety zones larger and larger.
Now in year three the town is of a decent size and Leann controls it all. She doesn't not like being in control, she has the skills needed for such a position but she has not problem turning over the reigns when need be. The town now has over 50 fifty living there and while outbreaks happen and the dead get in things for the most part are calm. When Leann isn't planning out the next run or in the fields seeing what crops need tending to, she can be found reading anything and everything she can get her hands on. There is no google anymore, she is very grateful she learned how to learn before quick access was actually around the world. Least she doesn't feel so helpless.

Character Quote: Say one more word and I will pop your weasel.
Theme Song: Eye Of The Tiger By Survivor
How Many Walkers Have You Killed: Lost count
How Many People Have You Killed: 7
Why: Because that is what you have to do to survive sometimes.
Anything Else: April Fools
*By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy.
Leann McCormick

"This is not a Democracy, this is a Meocracy. Piss me off and I will extradite your ass to the Badlands."
⚜ Respects || ☯ Neutral || ☮ Friends || ♫ Best Friends || ♥ Crush || ⚤ Significant Other || § Tense || ☠ Enemies
⚜/☮ Ashton Holloway ☮/⚜
"He's basically the only person I trust not to trip me when Walkers attack."
Ash and Leann have known each other for a long time now and Leann leans on Ash to make sure the job gets done. He might not always agree with her but he would never let that be known outside from behind closed doors. She listened to him and takes his advice but will still follow the path she feels is best. Outside of work he is one of the few that brings out her more relaxed side, which she can appreciate.
⚜ Vivian Ormerod ⚜
"Bitch is twisted but who isn't these days?"
Viv and Leanna both work under the understanding that sometimes people have to die and sometimes you have to be the one to get your hands dirty. While Leann doesn't agree with Vivians more spiteful look towards people she does know the woman is like a walking lie detector and doesn't judge too harshly if she put someone down. Leann knew each person that the Doc has killed and knows they needed to die. As long as she doesn't go too far Leann will leave Viv alone to do what she pleases. Doctors are as valuable as water these days.
☯ Siddharth Kumar ☯
"He's a good kid that hasn't gotten anyone killed"
Leann doesn't have much to do with Sid outside of orders but that is okay, from what she has seen of him has shown her he is worth his weight here.
⚜ Meghna Kumar ⚜
"She's the daughter I never had, tell her that and I will shoot you."
Though Leann would never admit it to anyone, she adores Meg as if she was her own daughter. The girl if full of questions, always wanting to learn and has never disappointed Leann. She does what she can to teach the girl everything she needs to know to survive because she knows one day she won't be there to protect her anymore.
☯ James Grady ☯
"Does he ever shut up?"
If Leann is the groups hardass, James is the groups comic relief and it grates on Leann's nerves, or at least she makes it appear as such. He isn't all bad though and he has on several occasions made Leanna nearly loose composure in front of the "troops" and fall out laughing.
⚜ Maria Smith ⚜
"She's me if I hadn't hightailed it out of Salem when I joined the Airforce."
Leann respects Maria and leaves it at that. They speak from time to time when out tending the field, which Leann does when she has the time. Outside of that, they really don't speak but she knows an asset when she sees one and Maria is an asset.
§ Alicia Gonzalez §
"Girl needs to learn about the chain of command and quick."
While Leann doesn't hate Alicia, she really wants to smack the shit out of the woman. She understands the womans loyalty towards her father and respects it but there is more out there than just the two of them now and she feels that Alicia needs to understand that. Having said that, the woman is skilled and gets the job done - so she can stay - for now.
⚜ Caesar Gonzalez ⚜
"If Walkers have fear in them, it is for Caesar."
Leann is not one to be taken back easily but first meeting Caesar made her take a step back. The man is an enigma; hard as nails but seeing him with his daughter makes Leann suspect he has a softer side. With his back ground and ways, it was easy enough to know he should be managing runs and teaching others how to handle weapons. He taught his daughter after all and she is the best shot in camp.
"Thoughts on person"
Relation Details
§ Kristina Smith §
" "
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⚜§ Lorna Dunn §⚜
" "
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"Thoughts on person"
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Victoria Taylor
" "
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Jonas Soberano
" "
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