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Hidden 7 yrs ago 5 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
Those Evil Overlord Rules You Have To Put Up With:

* Rules are enforced and you will be removed if you break them - they may seem strict and harsh but they are there for a reason: previous problem causers. Will work with you within reason but special treatment is not granted.

  • Gm is an Evil Goddess who has the final say on all matters.
  • This is the Gm's house, entering means you are agreeing to be be a good guest and follow the rules. If you are unable, seek RP elsewhere.
  • Gm will work with Rpers and loves to work in new things to help Rpers with personal story arcs: Gm will not cater to you.
  • Rpers will be kicked if they break any rules, don't check egos at the door, cause problems in the group, are rude or insulting, etc.
  • No Spoilers - seriously, it just ruins the funs. Plus half the time the Gm don't even know what will happen since it depends heavily on the rpers/characters/dice rolls.
  • If removed from RP your character becomes property of the RP and LLA to toy and play with as she sees fit.
  • When in doubt, have a question, if you need help, can't get coding right, don't know what to do, want to try something new, need more information, ETC. - MESSAGE THE GM!
  • General Rules:
    • The world and all Main NPC's are controlled by the GM: weather, what is around, so forth and so on.
    • All actions using skills must be a called action and will require a GM check to see what the outcome is: for more information check Skills and CS instructions. Depending on the situation, this can be done before you post via pm or after you post a called action in the next world narrative.
    • All Forum RP rules apply. No meta-gaming, auto-hitting, bunnying, god-modding, etc.
    • Keep Romance to PG-13 or even PG in IC if you are unsure. Fade to black when needed. This Rp discourages pre-started/forced couples.
    • Keep IC and OOC separate. No OOC in the IC. All issues are to be taken to PM. Got a problem with another Rper - take it to them first to try to work it out. If you can't, then bring it to me - Privately.
    • This Rp will cross certain lines. Foul language/gore/disturbing situations will/do/have happened- no restrictions. This includes all types of 'ism's: Please remember that what happens in RP is just that: RP. GM does not agree with 'ism's but will not restrict the characters personalities.
  • Joining The RP:
    • Filling out CS does not equal acceptance, spots are not first come first served. Gm reserves the right to deny anyone for any reason at anytime.
    • Please note if you are approved you will have to join Lady A's Discord Chat and check it daily and register on a private forum.
    • CS Code provided below must be used.
    • You may submit your CS for approval in the OOC or via PM. Only GM approved CS's are allowed in CS Tab. Once a Cs is approved, you may only edit it with GM approval.
    • When filling out your CS, change it to a color code currently not in use. Do not use Red/Gold/White/RP Color - gets confusing. Do not use dark shades - makes it hard to read.
    • Character images are not required but are encouraged. Check PC's, NPC's, and Grids starting on page 5 to ensure you aren't using one that is already taken or been used.
    • CS's will be added to, updated, and changed as needed over time.
  • Posting Habits:
    • 2 well developed paragraphs per post, roughly 250 words, is the minimal.
    • No editing posts without Gm approval. If the Gm calls for an edit due to an issue that is your permission edit.
    • Must IC post once every 7 days. If your counter hits day 8, you are removed from RP.
    • Minimal 2 posts between your last unless special circumstance arises - Ask GM if unsure.
    • Know your personal posting limitations before applying to join. Extensions are granted but only once in a while and must be requested before counter is up! If you need to leave for an extended period of time, contact the GM to shelve your character for a hiatus: 1 per year. Don't need to know why. We all have a life - if you join this Rp becomes part of that. See it through.
    • When posting use the universal header. Images are not required: Any image used must be under 300 pxl high. No font-meme stuff, added quotes, etc. Update location and skills as they change, things will be added as needed: Jobs/Weapons/Etc.
    • Don't tag people in your IC posts and don't copy what they have said to put in your post.
    • Each IC post must be posted on RPG and the private forum: blame RPG crashes. No extra time granted when RPG goes down - post on SI, will move over later.
    • If you are collabing, the counter is off which ever Rpers is highest. Inform GM if you are going to collab.
  • The Walking Dead RP Specific Rules:
    • This is an RP based on The Walking Dead TV Show/Comics (Fear The Walking Dead is NOT canon here.)
    • You may not use face claims from the series or the comics, or characters. Nor may they have run across those from the series/comics, heard rumors, etc.
    • There is no cure for Walkers, and before the outbreak one hadn't even heard of walkers. (Zombies is not a word known in this universe so don't use it.).
    • All weapons/music/pop-culture/technology/etc. must be circa 2006 and earlier.
    • This is an RP about dead things walking and people trying to survive right? So yeah, you're gonna die, everyone does eventually. Refer to Master Death List for Examples.
    • Keep your Cs's real people. Yeah we got Walkers but everything else needs to be in the realm of reality. Skills should fit background.
    • You may start out with one character only. More may be brought in as trust and reliability are established. Only long term well established Rpers in TWD are allowed to use personal NPC's.
    • This is a character driven Rp. It is up to you to find things for your character to do. The Walkers are just the background, the characters and their interactions are the RP. GM will provide the world, the rest if up to the RPer
    • We currently are NOT accepting the following character types: Medical/Law Enforcement/Military/Security/Famous
Rules can and will change as needed. In the end, doesn't matter what is or isn't listed here - What the Gm says is law. Hopefully we can keep from needing more. Most things are common sense and common courtesy. Don't be an ass, don't try to find loop holes, get along with others, accept when you get called out and fix things, roll with it, keep IC and OOC separate, and have fun. If you do this, so will I and everything will be fine. If you don't like this, then just go Rp in another topic or open your own. There are plenty of Rpers and GMs out there, none of us have to put up with anyone or anything we don't want to and we all need a break from each other from time to time. If you can't handle that, I wish you luck elsewhere. If you can, then welcome, I look forward to Rping with you.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 1 day ago

πšƒπš‘πšŽ πš†πšŠπš•πš”πš’πš—πš π™³πšŽπšŠπš: πšˆπšŽπšŠπš› 6 π™ΏπšŠπš›πš 1
"Are we cursed? Perhaps. Perhaps those of us that are alive are cursed to forever regret our choices."
- The General On Surviving This Long
☠ Premise
The Walking Dead RP is loosely based on TWD TV series and Comic books. A post-apocalyptic horror survival RP that features long and short term survivors of the Outbreak. All trying to stay alive and even thrive under the constant threat of what are known in this RP as Walkers. Walkers are driven by one need and one need alone: to feed off live flesh. They shamble, run, sometimes climb towards anything that draws their attention: noise, smells, lights. At first people believed the only way to be infected was to be bitten or scratched by a Walker, it was later figured out that all humans carried the mutation that caused the changed and anyone who died would turn. Being bit of scratched simply caused a fever that brought on a death within three days. No cures. Best bet if bit just cut off the limb if possible. Even then, you might not survive. Only way to kill a Walker? Kill the brain stem.

We are now six years and then some into post-shitstorm and it isn't easier to survive. In fact in many ways each day that passes, things only get harder. With the fall of humanity and modern conveniences our Survivors face more problems than just the dead trying to turn them into an all you can eat buffet. Supplies can run low, bullets run out, heat and cold can kill, disease still runs rampant, and Humans themselves can be the true monsters out there. People will do whatever they can to survive. When you are facing down life and death, you can even become your own worst enemy. Some have survived this long because of strength, others because of their smarts, some just pure dumb luck. How will you survive? Let's find out.

☠ Character Sheet
The character sheet does seem a little intimidating and confusing. It isn't near as bad as it seems. There are instructions provided in the CS and below but most of it is rather self explanatory; I just went ahead and wrote out instructions to try to clarify if it was needed or someone was half asleep filling in a CS. Make sure to read the rules above, and everything below before filling this out. If anything isn't clear or you have questions, do ask. (But read first, cause if the answer is there I will say "read again.")

Skills must be picked from the provided skills list, ability scores and skill base scores cannot be filled in without getting them from the GM. Once you get numbers from the GM for your abilities, that is the only set you will get. If you scrap the character you take your numbers to the next until you make a character you RP with them. (Refer to abilities and skills section for more details)

Please note, if you are entering the RP at this point your character has no knowledge of the current camps or locations in this Rp and is coming in blind with no character relations with current or past PC's. Do not write up a Cs saying you do because it will be AUTO Denied. If you have questions ask the GM before even starting.

* People with shelved characters prior to this update - they are no longer approved. You have to go back through the approval process from the beginning due to the massive overhaul to the Rp, CS, and Rules.

Join Status: Full
Time Frame: 2013 (6 years post-outbreak)
Death Toll: 56+ Limb Losses: 5
Rp Tags:
Casual ↕ Fandom ↕ Modern
Apocalyptic ↕ Survival ↕ Large Group
Skill Based ↕ Romance ↕ Character Driven
Links To Important Posts
Header Code

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☠ Important Information ☠

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 3 days ago

Okay, so I thought of making a couple. Is anyone interested? PM me if you are.

Currently working on CS
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Garden Gnome
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Garden Gnome Definitely made in IKEA

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Okay, so I thought of making a couple. Is anyone interested? PM me if you are.

Currently working on CS

What kind of couple?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Garden Gnome

I'd prefer heterosexual because homosexual relationships isn't something I'm used to and familiar with. I'd be playing the male baker, we can set up the rest in a PM if you want?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Garden Gnome
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Garden Gnome Definitely made in IKEA

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@Garden Gnome

I'd prefer heterosexual because homosexual relationships isn't something I'm used to and familiar with. I'd be playing the male baker, we can set up the rest in a PM if you want?

I prefer hetrosexual as well. Sure I don't mind. I don't have anything really planned yet except that I'll be playing a young female. PM works for me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Garden Gnome

Okay, sent a PM :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Lady Amalthea

Do we have to follow exactly what the group description says?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by spacecakes
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spacecakes Livid McAngsty

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Are we suppose to send the cs through pm or through here?

Currently crafting a cs btw.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 1 day ago

@SgtEasy Yes

@spacecakes Please read the rules, they answer this question
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Lady Amalthea

By beginning, would it be fine if the couple in group three met around a week after the Outbreak?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 1 day ago

@SgtEasy No, this is a together since Day 1 type thing. (Preexisting bond from before the outbreak - why sibling is also listed) If you want a couple that came together because of or after the outbreak, I can assign you to one of the other wandering groups.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Lady Amalthea

Ah no, they've met already in college and then kind of just faded away I guess. Then they meet one week after the Outbreak. But if you want, @Garden Gnome and I could change it so that they meet again on Day 1.

But they do have a pre-existing bond.

Edit: And by met, they were college sweethearts basically.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by spacecakes
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spacecakes Livid McAngsty

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Lady AmaltheaOh okay. Sorry, missed it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 1 day ago

@SgtEasy That'll work.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Lady Amalthea

@Garden Gnome and I are currently working on our CS's, working on their relationship and their past together. We'll probably get out CS's up around tomorrow or the day after. We will update if we get delayed for some reason.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Lady Amalthea

Here is my CS. Hopefully it's good enough.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 3 days ago

So, how are ya'll doing?

Edit: Not spamming, just trying to liven up the OOC a bit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Garden Gnome
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Garden Gnome Definitely made in IKEA

Member Seen 10 mos ago

So, how are ya'll doing?

Edit: Not spamming, just trying to liven up the OOC a bit.

I'm starting to think that there's no one here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Garden Gnome

Nah. don't worry 'bout it. Lady's just busy, we just need to spam liven up the OOC. And Aewin is... I don't know where @Aewin is XD. So, any movies you guys are thinking of watching this year? And how's the latest season of TWD by the way, I'm still needing to catch up XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 3 days ago

Oh and @spacecakes @Nevix, how are the sheet's going by the way?
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