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Ash Holloway
Location: Mess Hall (C) -> Quarantine (W)
Skills: N/A

Ash was never a huge fan of rain. That being said, he was fast becoming a fan of waking up next to Thana. The rain served as sleepy, background ambience. Less pleasant was the feeling of her leaving early for her duties. It didn't make it easier that he knew to expect this, either. He was obviously smitten. He was also obviously awake now. The feeling of proximal emptiness that came of Thana's absence was enough to keep him from getting back to restful slumber, so he might as well haul himself up. As not to throw off Thana's morning routine, he kept to the bed until she was ready to go.

Stepping out onto the balcony, Ash took in the sight of rain pattering down on the canal. Not for the first or last time, he gave silent thanks that he passed a night in relative certainty of safety; from the living as well as the dead thanks to those walls. He leaned against the railings, peering across the canal and to the walls themselves. It was a point of interest for him, among others. Mechanics was another, though mostly he pushed a broom and did busy work, keeping the place tidy. It was honest enough work. And of course, Distillation was something he thought toward every so often. It was part and parcel with his background that stretched back before he joined the Army. Hell, his name was on a liquor bottle that was once distributed to the public at large. But more than this now, Ash looked to the walls.

Newnan had decent walls, be it that they required constant upkeep. He heard from the Fairburn people (and later saw when they visited the abandoned community to salvage supplies) that their walls were essentially a series of vertical logs supported on the inside with traversable framework. They fell to disease, not besieged by the Dead nor attacked by the living. This place, however, from an Engineer's standpoint, had accomplished something interesting, putting up a complex barrier with little personnel while basically in hostile territory. Ash wanted to know more.

He figured it was unlikely that it would happen today. In truth, his thoughts would be better put toward the Court Martial. He knew that it was that day, bit didn't know if he needed to be there until he went to see the lists at breakfast. He might have attended anyway, just to see how they handled it. His name written on the board cemented his presence, turning that "might" into a glaring affirmative. He took some brightness with the fact that Thana was going to be in attendance as well even though she didn't have to. it was a shame that she was busy now, seeing as Ash wasn't expected to be at his detail today. He wasn't sure how to handle this unexpected free time. Come to think of it, this might be the first occasion in a while (quarantine notwithstanding) that he had free time. As a man generally accustomed to having something to do in a professional capacity, he was at a loss. The individuals from his group from Newnan were settling into their lives rather readily, from the look of things. His attention had been on Thana since her arrival. Maybe he might have taken some time to get to know the people around him better, or reconnect with his survival buddies now that they weren't fighting and hiding and scavenging in the hopes of seeing another dawn. Now that this wasn't an everyday factor, Ash simply had no idea what to do with himself.

In the end, after much consideration, Ash decided to try to lighten up. It was hard for him and he likely wouldn't be very good at it, but worth the attempt at the very least. As Quarantine was the place he started things in CMB and it was open to the general public now as a recreational area, he figured that it might be a good place to socialize for a little while, just to see what might transpire. It felt strange not having a plan. Hell, it felt strange not packing a sidearm and approving planned supply runs or drafting construction specs. It wasn't long before Ash found himself back in Quarantine, looking about to see if anyone was interested in a game or two of pool.

Thalia Carmichael
Location: General Housing (X) -> Quarantine (W)
Skills: N/A

The street pounded back up against Thalia's footfalls in a repeating pattern, each making a wet, punching sound that sounded somewhat angrier than it generally might if anyone else was running. It was still dark and she was out early, but the rain but notably up even earlier. Being on D roster meant that she was getting more physical exercise in and might eventually get herself some training in soldiery, which was he goal, though it lacked the comforting feeling of solitude that Thalia sometimes required. This morning, her desire to be alone and outside was helped along by a conversation she had with her brother just over a week ago. It stuck with her, enough so that she withdrew a little more than usual. No flash, no prose, just a short and sweet series of words that didn't go extremely far toward giving her comfort. It's not like she was actively seeking to get herself off of the emotional hook in the first place. Still, the reaction was unexpected.

She let herself think her thoughts and kept putting one foot in front of the other. It was good to process, and really, it was a decent enough excuse to go running in the weather. Thalia was oddly nostalgic about being out in the world. She hadn't even reacclimated to air conditioning yet. For that matter, the past couple of nights were spent sleeping out on the apartment's balcony because she lacked the personal comfort of roof access, or barring that, bushcraft accommodation. Sometimes, she felt like a fox that was taken in as a pet but still longed to run among the trees and pinestraw. Maybe throttle the occasional chicken for supper. More thoughts to flash through her brain. More steps to pound out. So many more before she was through.

This early in the day, Thalia thought that she saw Thana out in the street, but it was a block over from where she was and just the briefest of glances before her friend disappeared behind a building. The interruption to Thalia's run was enough to snap her out of the near-hypnotism she was under, courtesy of the white noise of the rain, her rhythmic running stride, and a swirl of thoughts that consumed her. She had been running longer and harder than intended and it all caught up to her at once. Thalia dropped to a knee, endeavoring to push and pull air from her lungs as precipitation streaked down from her hair in hot rivulets. After a minute or two, feet found their way under her again and she started back to her apartment.

After punching a street sign or two and change of clothes later, Thalia had a fast breakfast in a corner by herself, intentionally avoiding speaking to people. Her thoughts went to her Sunday therapy session during this time. She hadn't said much. She didn't have to. She was a woman who stood out, with the irony being that one of her strengths was not being noticed. It was hard to miss the new girl with the scarred face and painful-looking metal arm. So a brief introduction and a lot of sitting. Her eyes found Roy, likewise sitting and saying nothing. She noticed this but did not comment. From the looks of him, it was likely that she would be comfortable speaking to the group long before him.

Thalia shook off the thought. There was time to kill, yet, before she had to attend that Court Martial (though why the hell they wanted her input was beyond her) and needed to occupy her mind in the interim. Aside from the feeling of thankfulness for eggs and fresh tomatoes, which was significant despite her outward lack of social inclination.

Slowly, she reached into a pocket and retrieved a wrinkled scrap of paper. It was the clue from before. She had put it out of her mind for a while, trying to convince herself that it was foolishness and there were more important things to do with her time, which might have been accurate. Her curiosity was getting the better of her though, which manifested in a growing need to find the next piece of the puzzle. Rather then jump into someone's workspace while the place was gearing up for its next chunk of drama, into which she was being involuntarily thrust. So, Quarantine it was. Nice social place she was familiar with, maybe another round of Pac-Man if she was feeling it, and more importantly it would serve as a gathering place (that wasn't the Mess Hall) where she might ask a couple of subtle questions.

Walking into the common room of Quarantine, Thalia shoved subtlety to the side and just asked aloud, "Anyone know wheah I can find some weights, huh?" The simple approach. Expedient, but left her as an even bigger point of attention.

Ash Holloway
Location: Beach (L11) N - Officer's Barracks (M5)
Skills: N/A


Ash's smile broadened. "Yes," he agreed, slowly nodding once. "I am exactly your 'mode', Thawna." She seemed to show a touch of favor when the accent of his upbringing colored her name. In turn, it gave him a jolt of satisfaction to see her happy. He took to a knee in the street with his back facing her, explaining over his shoulder, "Wouldn't dream of getting let out of it. Hop on." Apparently, piggy-back was in vogue this season. "Home, or do you have a waypoint between there and here?" Ash was more than happy to play the role of Human Taxi. If nothing else, it helped Thana out during the tail end of her recovery period and allowed her to be very close to him, out in public no less.

The way Ash said her name, drawing out the southern accent, for some odd reason made her melt inside a little. She didn't know why, she hadn't ever been a big fan of her name. It was an odd name and it meant Death but Ash made her enjoy it a bit more. As he knelt down she laced her arms over his shoulders and waited for him to start standing to tuck her knees against his ribs. Resting her chin on his shoulder she smiled slightly. "Naw, let's just go home Ash. A shower and a bed is all I want tonight, well as long as yer there," she said with surety as she waited for him to take them home.

As soon as Ash could feel Thana's weight fully rest upon him, he carefully rose and faced in the direction of the Officer's Barracks. A bed and a shower sounded amazing, he had to admit. Better than a swim in the Gulf with Thana, that was for sure. Before he took to putting one foot in front of the other, he made the observation, "Long as I'm there... we have to make sure not to waste water. Civic Duty." It would be easier to do so if they were both using the water simultaneously. Fringe benefit, too. He gave a smile and started on his way, giving only slight hesitance as he hadn't quite memorized the route yet. He remembered that, if one used the pier as a landmark, one could straight shot it to both Officers' and Enlisted housing. So that was exactly what he did. Ash gave thought to (among other, more present things) his and Thana's future here in CMB as he walked. He wanted to get involved in their military program, get into what the higher-ups were saying when they arrived. But not immediately. Ash had some quality catching-up time to spend with Thana, continuing on the immediate. He didn't even set her down until they were right in front of the building, and it was with a little reluctance.

Though Ash might not have set Thana down, she set herself down. Loosening her knees from against his ribs and sliding down. She needed to get the keys out to the building. It wasn't exactly one that was left open for anyone, especially at night. Sure Ash had a key now as well but she was quicker. Pulling the key out she unlocked the door and smiled over to him. "Come on, let's get home," she said as she headed in. She wasn't about to let him carry her up the stairs. She could walk that, plus it was safer. Once she reached the apartment door she unlocked it as well and stepped in, tossing her boots near the wall so they were out of the way before going and opening the rooms window to let in a fresh breeze, even with the air conditioning it felt a little stuffy in there.

Even though they had just come from the outside, the breeze felt good on Ash's skin. He stood there for a moment, letting the evening air gently brush across him, even so far as to close his eyes and take in a slow breath. His two of three seconds of tranquility refreshing him as much as it may, Ash followed Thana's example, removing his boots and setting them to the side. "Feels good, having a home with you," he shared, then turned to the bathroom. "Give me just a minute to set the shower and come join me, if you would, please," he said with a smile. It was the ending of the first official day of his citizenship in Camp Mexico Beach, and it had been eventful. Already, several possibilities revealed themselves to Ashton, many to the positive and a few which might bear as warning. But none of those had any hold on his attention in that moment. It was a shower and then bed for the two of them; Ash couldn't think of a better way they could wrap up the day.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: L7 (General Housing (X), Condo 17B)
Skills: N/A


Maybe stepping into the apartment that she had been assigned (a thought which made her involuntarily growl a little; being assigned her place to sleep) with a touch of aggravation wasn't the best thing in the world for Thalia right then. If she lived alone it wouldn't have mattered, but lodging with Joaquin had its own, very specific circumstances that made her angst counterproductive. Especially now that she had to have a talk with him. Maybe she didn't have to, speaking strictly, but she felt she owed him this.

Thalia fumbled the keys into the lock, making more noise than she would have liked. There was no practical reason for her to continue honing her stealthy ways, being that she was both welcome and expected here. Still, there was no way she was getting out of practice if she didn't have to. Her left hand wasn't up to par with her missing right, a thing which she was reminded of several times just today, once at the cost of some blood from the side of her face. Once the lock yielded to her intentions, Thalia slipped through and inside of her apartment.

Her perceptive eyes caught something out of place - not that anything in here was fully comfortable or committed to memory as of yet - though something wedged in the door to the room provided for her stood out. Ignoring most everything else in the area as unimportant or benign, Thalia beelined toward the object and snatched it from its perch. When she saw it, she gasped.

The sharp intake of breath was the prelude to a silent emotional reaction. Tears welled up in Thalia's eyes as she looked over the image of her youth. This picture was taken not too long after she was in Preparatoria1 Catolica2, and couldn't be older than 16 at the time. She had gotten into her first initiated, outnumbered knife fight not a year prior, coincidentally falling near to her highly eventful QuinceaΓ±era3, a thing which was spoken of in shudders and hushed tones only. Even among her father's people. This photograph was a piece of her past that she had forgotten up until this very moment. It's continued existence at all was miraculous.

Emotion of a positive note quickly turned to guilt. Horrible, reaching guilt that threatened to drag her down with as much surety as the loss of her arm almost did many months ago. She needed to talk to Joaquin NOW. The picture still between her fingers, she stalked over to the man. Thalia's tears had spilled from her eyes, rolling hotly down her cheeks and stinging the still raw wound on her face. She paid it no mind. Still able to enunciate around her mounting stresses, Thalia forced her voice into something direct and addressed her brother. But first, the image of their youth found its way onto the nearest flat surface to them both. There was no way she wanted to damage it.

Thalia spoke to Joaquin, a man with whom she shared a father but only a little in the way of familial feature, and opened up to him. The words spilled out as plainly as she could make them, without giving excuse or softening the story. This was about Gavin Comfort, a man she met the day that he died, and unbeknownst to her, Joaquin's once-partner when they were Texas Rangers. Every so often her words came out in Spanish, befitting a fluctuating level of solidity on her part, and sometimes her Boston accent took her words to amazing reaches of diffused culture. Such was the nature of her mixed heritage and emotional state at the time. But she was open with her tale, regardless of what it might mean for her later. Joaquin deserved to know, and she needed to get it off of her chest to someone.

First, she spoke of the attack on Eden. Why they went and the plans they had. Her part in this. How she stepped into the role of an assassin masquerading as a soldier, under Thana's lead. The use of blade and bullet, stealth and fortitude, and the body count she racked up which easily surpassed anything she had done previously or since. She spoke of the feeling of cold righteousness as she took life after life, her own injuries serving only as fuel in her pursuit of ending them once and for all. Then she spoke to the meat of the discussion: Gavin. How he acted as a hero, preventing Thana from dying in a hail of gunfire by taking it himself. His body, still clinging to precious seconds of life and sucking in ragged, bloody breaths as he fell to his knees. And then, Thalia's biggest regret of the battle: When she used his dying, kneeling form as cover to maneuver into position, then as a human shield when she returned fire and took the Edenite defenders out.

The last thing Gavin experienced was a Mestiza chick he didn't know use him to gain a temporary advantage in a firefight; moreover propping him up in kneeling position with her boot to his back while she fired two 9mm pistols on either side of his head while he continued to take more bullets, himself. Thalia didn't know how long Gavin was alive during this piece of combat opportunism, only that he was gone before she was able to drag Thana out of the hallway after the bad guys had been put down. "The thing is, hermano, I know this is something I'd do again. Without hesitation. I did it without thinking or batting a fucking eyelash 'cause shit was going down hahd and heavy, I saw an opportunity to win, and I took it." Thalia learned a lot about herself in this battle, and not all of it was shiny and noble. Some parts of her were downright chilling. "It's just... I'm sorry, Joaquin. And I'm sorry about your friend, I guess is most of it. I know theah's something dahk in me. I didn't want you to think I was hiding something from you. This is who I am now. Prahbably always was. But... I thought you deserved to know." Thalia wasn't soulless, but she had a sense of brutal and unforgiving practicality as it came to the application of violence.

She hadn't even gotten to the part yet where she kicked a bucket of eyeballs, and hard, for use as a distraction before making the air in front of her perilous with spent ammunition. Thalia still remembered the mesmerizing way they flew about, bouncing off of walls and the floor, some still trailing bits of optic nerve like macabre streamers. Another time, maybe.

Shaking this off, she wrapped things up by saying, "I know it's a laht, bro. If you want me to find a different place to live, I'll put in for it first thing tomorrow. Anyways, thanks for showing me that picture. I'm going to try to get some rest now. Love you, man." It was a hell of a day. It might be a hell of a day tomorrow, too. But for now, sleep, if she even could now.


Ash Holloway
Location: Beach (L11)
Skills: N/A


A little confused; perhaps a little crestfallen at first, Ash began to understand the picture that Thana had been painting with her words and admissions. Any disappointment that he might have felt, be it but momentary and minuscule, was obliterated in short order as she explained herself. Giving it a hair's breadth of consideration, Thana really didn't need to explain anything aside from her decision not to join him and it would suffice completely. The additional information just served to provide an insightful yet unnecessary why. That she was worn out and sore invoked a nod of understanding on Ash's part, along with a slightly drawn out, "Yeah..." This day was as much an end as it was a beginning; the end of things generally brings weariness upon the mind and body of those enduring it. From all that Ash had been told and witnessed personally, Thana had been through more than he had.

At the announcement that Thana was going home, Ash felt suddenly like he had inadvertently done something horribly misplaced. It was reinforced by the permission she gave him to swim, if he still felt like it. Seeing as the point was to spend some quality time with her, that put the desire to enter the water at a resounding minimum. Ash threw his shirt over his shoulder and picked up his boots from the sand next to him, eager to take a place by Thana's side. He too remained barefoot, giving it a moderate jog along the beach to catch up with her. When he did, Ash spoke one of the cheesier proclamations of his years, "Hey, I'm sorry. I'd rather swim in the blue of your eyes than the Gulf anyday, Thawna." Perhaps the layers of cheddar could be parted by someone astute enough to more accurately reveal his intentions, those being a desire to spend time with her and not divert himself with frivolity all by his lonesome. And a little embarrassment at the fact that he didn't pick up on her preference to relax rather than do something else active.

Thinking about it, Ash didn't mind that idea either. The day had been long for him, too. Longer than he had initially thought, but now the edges of weariness started to erode into his thoughts. And he didn't like the look of that limp on Thana, either. He was supposed to be her method of transportation, barring other methods, while she took it easy during her recovery. Thinking more to her needs, Ash suggested, "I'm right here if you want a shoulder to lean on," he said, following it up with, "Hell, I'll carry you, if you like." It wasn't like he hadn't before, and he didn't mind a bit. "Let's go home. I'll give you a shoulder rub. Or a foot rub. Or wherever else you're feeling tense." He was being sincere, even supportive; that much was evident.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: E7 (In front of Desalinization) -> L7 (General Housing adjacent)
Skills: N/A


The tiny hair of optimism that dared show itself in Thalia's features as she neared the One Way sign dried up, only to be replaced by a scowl of impatience and some measure of indignation. While she hadn't truly expected to catch the wild goose at the end of this chase, it might have been nice. Anything else might have been nice, too, other than a folded piece of paper to be dug out of the moorings of a traffic sign. "Dorah The Explorah bullshit," she muttered, reaching up to snatch out what she now presumed to be the next clue. But after that, what? Another clue? And another? Maybe it'll end with a simple note with "HA HA" scrawled in crayon, wrapped around a steaming pile of dogshit for her trouble. Someone had to be laughing at her behind a window somewhere too, she was about 60% convinced. Were they suicidal, these hypothetical people? Were they not briefed about her the second she showed up? Before? Thalia could easily, and indeed had, slit throats after breakfast and sleep completely untroubled throughout the following evening. If this was some game at her expense by the powers-that-be here, she was not amused.

Yet, Thalia was compelled to continue. If nothing else, this was giving her an okay lay of the land. And an excuse to poke around, familiarizing herself with the ins and outs of this settlement with a perfect cover story. She might as well take advantage of it while she could. Thalia looked around her, taking in detail as best she could while holding the paper before her. She looked at whatever people might be about and which directions they were headed. Likewise, she took in possible routes of escape with armed assailants in mind, followed by unarmed, followed yet again by Zeds. Stick to habits that kept her alive out there. And finally, options she might take if she didn't wish to be noticed. That last one especially. Her tabs checked off, Thalia gave herself permission to read the note:

"You will know where to begin when you solve this riddle: What heavy seven letter word can you take two away from and be left with eight?"

"Gahd fucking damnit," she growled through clenched teeth, though it rose to a highly annoyed rasp of, "Are you kidding me?" She tried to calm herself and just figure out the clue, move on to the next one, and get this done. The clue itself was pretty straightforward. It was a play on words, kind of. Or at least she thought. Eight had five letters, add two letters and that was seven, so it was a word that contained the letters E-I-G-H-T in order that contained two more letters which had association with something heavy. Weighty came to mind first, Weights came second. Third? Well, third, Thalia wanted to punch somebody really, really hard. It wasn't so much that she had anyone in mind, just that there was some aggression and frustration present in this clue-to-clue search, likely with something at the end of all this that would make her want to punch someone anyway, she figured, so this was just getting a jump on things to come.

Then a calmer, more Namaste-esque train of thought settled on her psyche, if only for a fraction of a second. Thalia was just tense. Too tense. Pent, even. This was like a level of Crash Bandicoot, where you knew that you weren't accomplishing anything but you just HAD to get to the end of the level anyway, regardless of whether or not the floating tiki was staring down at you. This had to be seen through to the bitter, screaming end, and damnit, Thalia was going to do it. So the one-winged Angel took in a deep breath, let it out, and stuffed the paper into a pocket. This was a clue she would sleep on, and not just go with her baser instincts. Bad day for it anyway. Thalia could have gone for a stiff drink and some sort of more personal attention, anyway. The thought went through her mind to come across the first person she didn't think was hideous and simply scream out, "Hey! Yeah, you! Give up the dick, NOW!", just to see how far she might get with that tactic. A sputtering laugh later at her foolishness and Thalia started back in the general direction of her and Joaquin's condo. She needed to speak with her brother anyway.

But just to keep up practice in the things that mattered, Thalia concentrated on moving unseen from her Point A to Point B. There was no sense getting too comfortable. That was how people got themselves killed. Maybe later she could find about weights or weighty things, or whatever the hell that clue was supposed to mean. She kept up her stealth until she was in sight of General Housing, looming before her in the night.

Ash Holloway
Location: Beach (L11)
Skills: N/A


The moment was quiet. Serene, even. It was a tranquil span of time that brought out a long dormant sense of peace in Ash. That idea was almost foreign to him; peace. He'd been waging a prolonged war against forces that sought to kill him, those he cared about, and in a broader sense, those for whom he felt responsibility. Responsibility was a motivating factor in who he was and what he did, with his personal needs taking second place or lower in most things. It had been a long, long time since he had genuinely considered wanting anything for himself. In that hour on the beach with Thana, watching the water beat on the sand in the dying light of the day, he found that whatever buried want or need for himself was being fulfilled anyway. This was a perfect moment, which he committed to memory. Every detail, from the sand between his toes to the gradual and minor shift in temperature; the wind carrying the scent of the sea and the feel of Thana against him. The rhythm of the water sounded like a great intake of breath and sigh, reflecting the peaceful nature of his heart, again and again. This was an hour that had the potential to sustain him through whatever darkness lay ahead.

Was he content? Was this what that word meant? Ash was a learned man, having taken education from one of the premier military universities in the world (or the world-that-was, anyway), and so had ample knowledge in the textbook definition of "content", as it applied in this instance. But had he ever truly felt it? The worries of the future were not in his thoughts, likewise the problems of the past remained there, in the past. They didn't touch him, past or future both. Ash was fully in the moment, cognizant only of the evening unfolding before him. This made the last two years worth it. Newnan's collapse and what lay before it, the many months afterwards, the uncertainty, fear, longing, regret. These things of negativity had not deserted him, granted. They just did not have hold on his psyche at the present. Yes - content. This is what it meant.

With a grin growing on his face, Ash began to gently pull himself away from the embrace he had with Thana. It was not with any intent to put an end to their rendezvous, as one might be able to pick out from the warm expression for his beachside Aphrodite. He quickly discarded his shirt and held a hand out to Thana, inquiring with a bright, smiling eyes, "How about you and I get better acquainted with the water tonight?" It seemed like a fine time for a dip.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: Mess Hall (C) -> E7 (In front of Desalinization)
Skills: N/A


Everyone seemed to get that expression only halfway. Curiosity did indeed kill the cat, but the other half assured one that satisfaction brought it back. But giving that some thought, Thalia had no fucking clue what that was supposed to mean, either. This was just one random synapse firing in her brain that she shoved to the wayside, being that it held zero bearing on the moment nor what she was trying to accomplish. And the Russian lady was forthcoming that she didn't exactly agree with the saying, anyway. So it was pointless. As the Major seemed to eye-grope her, Thalia narrowed her own eyes slightly and tilt her head to one side, as if puzzling something of her own out. Oh, she had been stared through before, by people far scarier than Russian Major Lady. Admittedly, she has the privilege of being related to them (for the most part), which helped a lot. She could tell that this was not a woman to be taken lightly. But then, she already knew that. So the icy eyes of the Major did what they had to while Thalia awaited judgement.

When the axe finally descended, Thalia was pleased to hear that she was being put on D roster. This was what she needed. And it was easily the weirdest psych evaluation she'd ever been party to. But hey, she wasn't about to complain. Thalia gave the Major a raspy but well intended, "Thanks. I'll be theah." 2000 hours. What was that again? Yeah, 8:00 pm. She could do this. Like a workout, but at the end of the day instead of the beginning. Foot in the door.

Thalia suddenly remembered, sitting at that table, that she still had unfinished business from earlier. Oh, potentially ass-beating worthy business, too. So, with the grace of a walrus with advanced palsy, Thalia hurled what remained of her supper into her facehole at speeds that defied human description short of theoretical physics research documentation. She swept up everything that needed to be returned to the people working the Mess Hall and bused her tray. She marveled over the fact that she damn near chipped a tooth on that metal arm of hers, such was the ferocity of her chomping instincts, but shook it off and made for the door.

Step One was locating that map. It was an easy thing to do, seeing as she had referenced it earlier in the day. She had a specific target in mind for this, while there was still time. Another passing thought hit her on her way to the sign - she was moving out and about alone, with true night fast approaching, and she had nothing with which to defend herself. Not even a decent knife, or barring that, a pointed stick. So maybe her arm counted, it being a decent blunt object in place of her fist. But it still felt strange not to be armed. And she wasn't back at her best, either. Okay, moving on. Thalia read the map and located her object of search: Desalination. Where the road loops. The next clue, the final prize, whatever. This was happening tonight.

With what remained of her sense of propriety, that which hadn't been washed away her years of living like a feral wolf-dog, Thalia made it outside of the building before she took off at a run. It was a thing at which she excelled. Running of course, not propriety. She didn't continue at a dead sprint for any appreciable time, merely until she broke away from the crowds and put a little distance. Then she slowed to an observant jog, speeding or slowing as necessary, until she finally found the building she was looking for. Or more accurately, the street near to it. "One Way Sign... One Way Sign... One Fucking Way Si... HA!" She didn't know what might be there, but damnit, Thalia was going to find out.


Ash Holloway
Location: Mess Hall (C) -> Beach (L11)
Skills: N/A


"All I gotta do is outrun you." Oh, she was kidding. Ash knew she was kidding. She was kidding, right? It was true, though. Out in the world, those who were fleet of foot, constitute, and knew how to get out of sight survived. Pondering over this tiny point of worldly wisdom, Ash barely noticed that Thana, hurt previously and at a point where Doc had advised her to take it easy, instead darted off at a sprint.

Call it at a point of mild paranoia, but after the declaration of her intent to survive the onslaught of a rampaging, iron-armed Gonzalez lady followed by a sudden dash in any direction away from the Mess Hall, Ash's first impulse was to glance behind them to make sure that no danger was urgently present, barrelling down upon them. As he looked, his feet reflexively began to tap the pavement beneath him, carrying him forward, and more importantly, away. It was after a couple of steps that his brain registered with him that nothing was coming to get them. She was running for fun. And that concept struck him even harder. Running was for survival. No one did this for fun anymore. Was this place that safe? Well, that didn't matter right that second either. Even though Thana wasn't at her best, Ash still had to pour on the speed to catch up with her after her head start.

It must have been an interesting sight, the two of them running along the settlement's streets toward the beach. It took Ash a few paces, but he started to genuinely enjoy chasing after Thana. It was like they were kids, playing some game to disguise the fact that they were crushing hard on each other. Though Ash could only speak for himself, it was highly appropriate from his end.

At the beach, a destination that they reached far to quickly for Ash's preferences, he sat heavily down next to her. He was about to suggest something when she began to speak, herself. And what she said made him look at Thana with adoration and wonder. It was probably the first time that someone had described his eyes like this before; probably the only time anyone had bothered to pick out the exact color - including himself. And to have it compared to something as powerful, timeless, and beautiful as the ocean made his sense of modesty creep up more than a little. Even moreso was her description of how the similarity, and her note of it was enough to make her pick back up from this place of safety and go find him. To say it was touching was an understatement.

Following Thana's example as she spoke, he removed his boots and let his feet explore the sand a bit. He was rapt with attention to what she was saying, which was apparent by his expression and the way his eyes never left her, even as he was finagling with his footwear. Proper words of response were not coming to his lips with any formal bidding. How could he hope to match that? Instead, Ash shuffled up closer to her and wrapped an arm around her huddling form. "That's a beautiful thing to have said, Thawna," he said softly. "I promised you well over a year ago I'd make it here. I'd do it all over again if I had to, if it meant coming back to you." Gently, Ash pulled Thana into a supportive embrace, feeling the warmth and strength of her in both of his arms. He sighed contentedly, continuing, "Wherever you are is home." He might have said this once previously, but the sincerity of the statement was apparent.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


So... was this the psych evaluation? More than that, was this lady trying to pry something from Thalia in a room full of people? The point that she had given an answer that pleased the Russian lady was a positive thing, she supposed, but what was that supposed to mean as far as her getting onto D Roster was concerned? Or was that just the Major shooting the shit after a full day of silently telling people to fuck off with her eyes? Thalia was not exactly a lady of social skills, nor presence of any diplomatic sort, so she knew that trying to figure this one out at first sitting like this was bound to be a fruitless exercise. Not her wheelhouse. No, her wheelhouse had something to do with moving quietly and stabbing things, then disappearing into the woods for an extended period of time while people tried to figure out what the hell just happened. And that wasn't going to help anyone right now.

It did strike her as pointed that the first thing the Major wanted to speak about when Thalia had brought up the possibility of a psychological evaluation involved her thoughts and feelings about offing people. Not how she handled stresses of daily life, not questions to figure out if she had some martyr complex, but to the issue of her kill rate. Specifically, and by context, her kills on warm, living targets. Probably everyone had to snuff a dead guy every now and again, but she had a lot of blood on her hands. So again, Thalia was glad that the answer she gave was satisfactory to her.

But to the topic of Eden - maybe she had said too much. Not volunteering information, and not leading up to anything on her chest as her plan was to unload that on Joaquin later on, Thalia was confident enough to meet the Major's gaze and answer honestly, "No. Knowing Navy, I'm sure the report's thorough." She couldn't help but notice the increase on intensity of gaze that the Major lay upon her. If the point of this impromptu talk was to study for a reaction on Thalia's features, attempting to do so by asking a direct yes/no question concerning something both violent and personal was a good place to start. Kudos to the Major. But while Thalia was an emotionally open person, she did not have a lot of shame nor insecurity bubbling to the surface about Eden. The only regrets that she had were about losing Lola and the level of opportunistic brutality she turned on and off like a switch.

All the same, the silent interrogation, if that's what it was, did not constitute a reason to ignore her meal. Placing a piece of fishy goodness into her mouth, she chewed, savoring the fresh tuna with a satisfied, "Mmm," and a small chuckle. She did enjoy good food. Taking a more serious expression, she did confide one thing to the Major, meeting her gaze once again, "The attack was personal for me as much as it was sound tactic. Right thing to do awl around. The reason I asked is this is the first time we talked evah, and out of the gate the question's about me killing people. Makes a girl curious." Thalia considered making some show of indignation, give a harsh stare, something, but not only would that be counterproductive, she didn't think the Major would be very affected by her usual methods of asserting her presence. Strategically unsound, even. So she turned her attention back to what remained of her food. It softened her features immediately. She even smiled at the lady a little. It was a little unsettling to those who might know her.

Overall, Thalia had the impression that she might like the Major.

Ash Holloway
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


"Beach." It was a simple, single word statement that was equal parts consideration and immediate approval. It wasn't his first choice, persay, though he really didn't have anything particular in mind. Over the next .7 seconds that he allowed to mull over the idea, it became more and more appealing to him. "Yes, beach. Excellent idea." he rolled off in his slightly peeking Virginian accent. Ash gave a little, crooked smile and nodded his head in agreement. When he saw that Thana was further along with her meal than himself, Ash increased his pace, eager to wrap things up so that he could have some quieter time with her.

The reminder that they didn't have a private beach just for the two of them resonated with Ash. He was done within a couple seconds of Thana and slid off of the stage himself, following along closely in case he was needed, and just because he wanted to be near to her. Like Thana, he bused his tray and made for the door. Also like Thana, Ash stopped mid-stride, head turning in the direction of the throng of people sitting and eating. Something piqued Ash's fight-or-flight response, tempered only by a sense of personal discipline. He forced his feet to remain where they were, yet he could not ignore the primal chill passing through his body. It took longer than he would have liked to admit to realize that what he was hearing was the sound of laughter, and it was coming from the Gonzalez lady. "Jesus, she's just like Caesar," he commented, turning to look at Thana to guage her reaction. He had to give a double take as Thana was not, as expected, at his side. Instead, she voiced her concerns about the younger woman killing someone and hightailed it for the door. "Wait, um... she's your friend." he said after her, mild sarcasm coloring his words. But make no mistake, Ashton J. Holloway knew when to take social cues that would result in a continuing lifespan, and thusly followed Thana out of the door posthaste.

The air still had the same quality of buffeting humidity that he had grown accustomed to, if not fond of, living in Georgia for the past chunk of his life. He was glad that the sun was on its way out for the day, and the more tolerable temperatures of the evening might be upon them soon. he walked along with Thana, giving her a smile every so often but otherwise simply delighting in her presence. Ash was making a conscious effort not to think about the maniacal laughter from moments ago, not the man of whom he was reminded because of it. He had a beach to go to and a lovely lady with which to walk upon it. That was all that mattered.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


The most Thalia could do at this moment was stare down at the Major, wondering precisely what the hell she was talking about. Not only did she not address the subject put before her, that being a possible psych evaluation (or maybe she did in Russian and she couldn't tell; it was not one of the languages that Thalia spoke), but she began talking about what Thalia could only assume was a point of philosophy. It reminded her a little of her "Intro To" courses from college, both psychology and philosophy. Not that she ever got a hell of a lot of use from them aside from making the necessary credits to get her degree. And a fat lot of good that degree did her, what with the world turning into a buffet line for walking corpses not but shortly thereafter. The Major did motion for her to sit, though. It was with a slightly exasperated look that Thalia took her up on her offer.

"Do I ask why I pulled the triggah?" inquired Thalia. She wanted to make sure that this was a personal question and not something rhetorical. Major wasn't wrong though - Thalia had killed many people. The woman must have talked with Thana about her traveling companions, Thalia included. She didn't know how to feel about that. "Whrn I had to take a life, I didn't think about it. Happened 'cause it had to." Her trademarkable directness was in the forefront just then. It seemed stupid not to, considering that Thalia needed a psych evaluation from her and by extension of the fact that she was qualified to administer such an evaluation, she might be able to tell if Thalia was lying, hiding something, or taking too long to answer. Off-guard questions were fun that way. "Every single time it was clean. Protect someone; me or someone close. And some assholes? Leave them alive it endangers a laht of others." So long as she was sitting, she might as well eat. Sushi didn't exactly keep for very long. Popping a bite into her mouth, she followed up, "Navy..." It was a minor conversational setback. Thalia was the only one who called Thana this so it probably required clarification. "Did Thana talk to you about Eden?" She'd get back to the parts about finding humor in insanity later on. Thalia had quite laughed enough for one evening.
Ash Holloway
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A

Asking Ash if he was happy gave the man a touch of introspection, as if he didn't do that enough anyway. When it came down to it, he did have an answer to the question. "Yeah. Actually, I am." The tone and demeanor of his words gave considerable suspicion as to whether he was addressing the overt query, concerning Thalia leaving after his little burst of sarcasm. In truth, he was really answering another question. Was he happy? Looking to Thana, just being able to gaze into her eyes, share a meal, and be with her after such a long time out in the world; the answer could only be a resounding affirmation. Of course he was happy. More than that, and probably the most profound realization of this part of his life - Ash was allowing himself to be happy, without putting up his usual guard, without looking forward to possible tragedy. It was liberating. And a little scary.

As she scooted up closer to him, Ash put an arm around Thana's waist. He could maneuver a fork with one hand and it meant being a little nearer to her. That seemed to be a priority thing at the moment. After the day he had with the horrorstory bathroom, the emotional moments at the gravesite, then scrubbing up human remains from a jail floor that he got himself locked in was admittedly not the best day in the world. It wasn't the worst by a long sight, though. And it was coming to a close with the best company he could ask for. But she hadn't asked him what he did. Thana asked him how his first day was. "First day..." He considered giving a blow-by-blow account for maybe a half second, and then quickly discarded the idea. He was assigned work, he did it, and that was that. "It was okay. Getting a lot better now." Ash smiled a little and leaned into Thana briefly, then returned to his plate.

It was a line that had so much cheese it could have been spread on a cracker. Honest, but it was apparent that Ash hadn't really had a lot of practice "putting the moves" on anyone in a very long time. After a moment, he was struck by an idea. "Hey, I don't know how I feel about sharing you with everyone in the Mess Hall. What do you say that after dinner, we take a walk someplace quieter?" He was nearing the end of his tuna salad and didn't want to just cut the evening at that point.

Thalia Carmichael
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A

Not a soul alive had heard Thalia laugh except for Joaquin. Ever. There was good reason for this. Raised among the people she was from the age of ten, being biracial but looking like a dark haired Blanca gave her an interesting start to life. She had to be more serious than those around her, more threatening when necessary, more like her uncle or her father than anyone in the periphery of their Familia, to get the same respect as anyone else initially. Until they got used to her, at any rate. It was a lesson she learned early. So her nature became quieter, more insular, less prone to showing ease or frivolity. Not lacking of emotional displays, as that was encouraged openly, but it might have even been assumed that she lacked a sense of humor. So the rare occasions that she laughed in a way that wasn't sardonic or wry, it sounded ...off.

In this particular instance, Thalia had to force herself to swallow the bite in her mouth before she exploded. It was hard. Then she began, a rolling guffaw followed by a series of mirthful lurches that spilled out in such a manner that sounded almost exactly like a Disney villainess. Raw but strangely melodic. Deeper than her speaking voice by a notable margin, like a dark force was borrowing her body to express rage and joy simultaneously. It was frightening in a way that might inspire those around her to wonder if she was taking profound delight in some medieval torture; sadistic in its rolling, gleeful dance through the available scales of tone. It was punctuated by the rhythmic thump of her steel hand upon the table next to her. For a person who did not like attention being drawn to her, she was doing a fine job of it now. Thalia was living purely in the moment with her mask torn away and her feelings laid bare, and it was scary. There was a reason she remained outwardly guarded constantly. This was part of it.

But the fact that Joaquin was gay and/or bisexual didn't make her laugh. Though it was never formally revealed, it was suspected. No, the part that got to her with such intensity was a little more visceral. More personal. An interesting fact about both Thalia and Joaquin was that, despite the differences between them, they both had the same father. And as it turned out, their father was a Catholic priest. The history behind the timing of his vows being taken and him siring offspring was legitimate, even if all of his kids weren't, so the church was grudgingly okay with it. And they had no choice. Damage done, so to speak. But for Thalia to look upon her brother, finally knowing for solid fact that not only did he date men but was dating a Catholic Priest, and one who was trained by their father; not to mention that there was a passing resemblance between Atticus and and Dear Old Dad, gave her pause and limited her outward emotional control. This was rich.

"That's some really Freudian shit right there, hermano," she finally said as the laughter subsided. "You gaht some Daddy issues." Thalia gathered up her plate again and stood. "I love ya, but I'm the fuck ottah here." Gracefully, she made her way away from the table, shaking her head.

Then she spotted her next social acquisition, such as it was. The Major, sitting by herself. By herself. This could be it. Quietly, she approached the older woman. When she was at a respectful distance, she spoke directly and firmly, "Major? Maddog told me to come to you about a psych evaluation. Going on D rostah. Also, do you mind if I sit? Everyone else is fucking nuts."

Ash Holloway
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


The pat on the stage and the manner in which it was delivered gave Ash a sort of calm reassurance. Now he had a defined endgame goal for the next few minutes; a Point A to the Point B of the cafeteria line to which he might return. Ash did like having a plan for things, even if it was as simple as getting something to eat. Even in this, he had to note the privilege involved, regular meals being a luxury more than a right, overall. Taking an air of stoic gratitude, Ash hopped in line and moved along with the flow of shuffling foot traffic. It was a piece of familiarity, not unlike his time in the military proper. One wants food, one gets in line. Obligatory commentary about the bootleather quality of the Salisbury Steak that was really leftover hamburger patties from a couple of days ago, rehydrated in canned gravy and served over instant rice. It was a strange form of nostalgia that Ash actually found himself missing that Class C, repurposed, misappropriation of edible calories. It marked simpler times, when one could afford to complain about dinner.

Finally to the front of the line, Ash grabbed his tray and pushed it along, giving a "Thank you," to the persons behind the line who loaded him up. It sounded quite sincere despite the usual granite exterior that formed the neutral rest to Ash's face. Memories of the day's labors; grime and blood, brains and teeth (the most pleasant part being the memorial service, oddly), didn't exactly have him in the mood to eat something particularly warm or heavy, so he opted for the tuna salad. Yes to the broth, yes to a piece of fruit. He just wasn't much of a sushi person if an option was given, and the casserole was the opposite of what he had in mind.

Ash remained friendly to those around him, sparing a nod, small wave, or the odd "Evenin'," for people he had already met formally, "Sir" and "Ma'am" aplenty as the situation dictated. Before too long, he had traversed the Mess Hall and, tray in hand, made his way back to Thana. Those who might be paying attention to his general facial features might note that his solid, stoic expression softened somewhat as he came within polite speaking range. Much in the same manner that he observed Thalia set her plate down and hop up onto the stage next to Thana, Ash ascended and settled down on the other side of her. He smiled, looking to the beauty before him with continued adoration. If anyone had asked him right then, he might have easily responded "...what scars?"

Instead, he gave the casual greeting of, "Hey again," leaning forward as to steal another kiss before getting to his meal and hopefully talking about the day with Thana, but paused briefly, as if something struck his mind. He leaned out to the side, getting Thalia in full view before speaking in a sarcastic, faux-concerned voice, "So... we're going to be making out here for a while, me and Thana. Don't want you feeling jealous, okay Miss?" His Virginian drawl was noticable, but lessened from the great Thawna-ing earlier.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


Rumors. Well, her new bestie did seem to take them in stride, and knowing full well that they were floating around about her probably meant that she was in a better position then not knowing. Again, Thalia hadn't much use for the rumormill recently, as her days being a Security Specialist were far behind her. The preferred response to them, as described by Thana, was enough to give her a single amused exhalation of "Hnn," that might have been a laugh, be it a little dry and cynical in nature. "Yah. People ah assholes." She'd heard enough rumors about herself, back in the day. But a good, old-fashioned Undead Uprising and survival with minimal contact with other people did wonders to remove gossip. For a while, at least. "Funny how rebuilding society has to involve people tahlking shit, isn't it?" Thalia shook her head. Then she laughed. Once, loudly, followed by her left hand clasping over her mouth. As if she hadn't considered this before, she looked to Thana and asked, "What do you think they're saying about me?" She could only wonder, given that she had family here, coupled with the circumstances of her initial appearance in town. The partly feral instincts she'd devolved into out in the world. Or the many and various ways she had demonstrated her discomfort with luxuries like clean sheets and air conditioning. At the core of it, Thalia didn't overly care, feelings weren't hurt, etc., but a sense of morbid curiosity took hold of her.

Events passed, as events tend to, and Ash returned, bearing food. After he informed her of his possible intent to get very affectionate with Thana right in front of her, Thalia announced, "Okay... I'm the fuck outta here. Talk at yah later, Navy." As she spoke, she piled what sundries she had onto her plate and slid down, off of the stage. She might be a bitch half the time, but Thalia was going to give those two their space.

Having caught sight of Joaquin, she made a measured beeline over and plopped her tray down at the table across from him. Sitting heavily, Thalia took another noisy bite from her unpeeled orange, chewed thoughtfully for a moment, and sighed. "Hey, Joaquin. More cling that a roll of plastic wrap, both of 'em." She motioned with her metal hand over in the general direction of Ash and Thana. "Had to escape. What're you guys tahlking about?"

Ash Holloway
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


Looking blankly to Thalia and then to Thana, Ash's expression changed somewhat. He wasn't sure what to make of this new wrinkle in his expectations for the evening, or how much of it might be a joke. So much as he trusted Thana, and he might stress vehemently that he did, Ash had made peace with the idea that if, during the year and a half that they were apart and didn't even know if the other was alive, she sought comfort with another. The concept started with Gavin Comfort. He and Thana were in a relationship, once upon a time. He wanted to rekindle things, and the both of them were on the other side of that ravine when the earth split open, scattering them all. He knew that Gavin would do any and everything to keep Thana safe, and took solace in that. Even if he wasn't especially cozy with the situation. His budding jealousy was secondary to her safety, at best. When Ash saw Thana with Mizrahi, and noted the protectiveness with which he looked after her; when he learned of the overland, long range missions they had together, he suspected something had happened between them. Curiously, he was better with it. The chances of his and his people's survival decreased dramatically the longer they were out there, and they were all out there for a long time. He assumed that they had, and almost instantly made peace with that, too. It meant that she was safe. That was all that mattered. They could have a shot at being together, if she was still willing. And if she was not, then Ash had fulfilled his promise to her and got to see her alive again. Even this, he anticipated and processed emotionally. It was okay.

Still, Ash did feel a little relief and even a touch of guilt when he found out that his paper suspicions and peace-with-self anticipations were meaningless. After a long and open talk about things when they finally had some privacy, Ash fully believed that Thana had remained as true to him as he to her.

Never in a million years, then, might he have anticipated that Thana might have had something going on with the Gonzalez chick. But again, he didn't know what Thalia looked like when she was joking. Or if she even ever did, owing to the quietly jagged nature of her family. Still, something told him that this was a heap of bullshit. He just didn't know how big the heap was. It was an amazing tell that Thana's eyes widened and she looked to her friend with an expression that might be described as "incredulous", though the sarcastic comment in his direction did raise questions of its own. No, no... Heap of bullshit. Ash was being messed with. "Uh huh," he started, brow furrowed and mouth slightly agape. Well, he wasn't going to let this get him down. Ash leaned in and gave Thana a soft kiss, lightly cupping the side of her face for just a moment. "I'm ah, I'm going to go get a tray. Save me a seat, Thawna?" Damn. Unbidden, his accent plucked a heavier note in his regular speech. He shook his head, flashed a quick smile, and strode confidently over to take his place in line.

He'd probably be having the fish.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


Now it was Thalia's turn to be surprised. Not at Ash, but Thana. Ash's flush of insecurity was so minuscule as to be undetected by anyone who wasn't immediately, intently looking for it. But Thana's response got her questioning some fundamental things about their relationship. Yes, she knew that her friend was joking, and no, she hadn't considered pursuing anything with her. Thana seemed to be spoken for, even if the guy was probably dead (not that she was sad to see that he wasn't, after all). And their relationship was more sisterly than anything else. Oh sure, she'd noticed things about Navy girl. Thalia's recent years of womanly self-discovery and preference for both genders made her acutely aware of things like that now, whether she wished to act on it or not. Theirs was a relationship built on mutual loss, mutual violence, and mutual revenge. The friendship was seeded in blood - theirs and their enemies alike, germinated with the hot crimson spillage of knives and ammunition. They bonded over hate, finding kinship in each other as warriors, be they of very different backgrounds. To actually consider her a potential love interest seemed wrong, somehow. But to have someone who didn't mind playing along if it meant raising a speculative eyebrow, well... that was a new thing for her.

But if Ash hadn't survived, could they have? No, Thalia shook off the thought. This was the happiest that she'd seen Thana, ever. There's no way in hell she'd even entertain the scenario.

It did not escape Thalia's notice that, even though she still had an arm around Thana, Ash went in for his kiss anyway. For just a second, they were in an odd huddle that probably looked highly questionable from more than a few paces away, and they were on a raised stage area in plain view of the whole room in the middle of dinner. This was fairly unlike Thalia. She was not the type to draw attention to herself. Once Ash had walked away to join the line, she leaned in to Thana a little more, half-whispering, "Ah jaysus, I'm sorry, Navy." She risked a surreptitious glance around to see if anyone was paying too much attention to them, and continued, "This is how rumors staht. I'll move ahn when your man gets back, ahright? Give you some you time." Not that she gave a tinker's damn about rumors, herself, but Thana probably didn't need that. And it would do Thalia some good to find a form of stress relief sooner or later, herself. With a low growl, suitable for a mildly irate canine, Thalia tore another bite from her orange and started munching noisily. Peeling was for suckers, anyway.

Ash Holloway
Location: Mechanics (K) -> Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


It took Ash a little bit to realize what Ted was saying, overall. It wasn't actually until the man came out and said outright that he wasn't done with his shift that Ash understood what he was getting at. Ted had to come back to this cart for work, and it would be highly counterproductive if he had to run back into the building to grab his stuff. Point made. This meant that Ash got to shave a few minutes off of his expected time to get to Mess and meet up with Thana, even it did feel somehow against his sense of work ethic. But he made a point. "Alright, alright," relented Ash, "No blaming The Ted." He said it flatly, nodding, but the barest hint of humor might have been glimpsed if one listened hard enough. "Good working with you," he did finally say as the man started to walk off.

Ted looked like he wanted some space, so Ash gave it a five count before moving out, himself. He looked to their hitchhiker, Amelia, and voiced the event of the hour as if it were a question, "Dinnertime?" motioning his head in the direction of the Mess Hall. "Come on, I have a feeling it's fish." He shrugged, and started on his way. The walk was short, as were most things in a semi-urban setting wherein one already had sight of the building they were going for. And on the off chance that he might have forgotten where the meals were being served, Ash had only to look at the focus point for the camp at that hour; it was the one place that everyone seemed to be going to or coming from. It was like that when he was with the military, proper. Everyone on base could tell where the food was kept during three blocks of time each day, guaranteed. Even if you were new to the base. Even if you were new to the Army. Period. Ash gave a glance to see if Amelia was following, but ultimately that was her business. As he said, be it in a mildly joking manner, he had a date.

Ash just hoped that she wouldn't be pissed that he was late.

Entering the Mess was everything the he imagined it might be from lunch, except he wasn't still damp from having to hose off from a mess so epic it might have been a cautionary tale. His emotions, while internal as a rule, still clung to the coloration they took on from the memorial service earlier. Simultaneously, he felt that this new chapter in his life might be the point where he could turn things around for himself and those he cared about. And speaking of those he cared about, Ash was surprised (and a little nervous) to see that Thana had taken a perch on high ground, amid the swirl of CMB locals shuffling to and fro. He cracked a more honest smile and diverted his course over to her, stopping every so often to allow others in line or moving toward the line to pass without interruption, as he would hope others might when he made his move for the foodstuffs.

"Hey! I missed you. Sorry I'm late," he started, shaking his head apologetically. "Last job was cleaning out the stockade. Got locked in for a while." He leaned in a little, feeling out the situation before actually making a full move to steal a kiss. "Off Duty. You?" It was best to make sure, lest he commit a grievous error in judgement.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


Did Thalia mention that she didn't like crowds? Because she didn't. Mouth-breather behind her was standing too close for her likes, and knob-head in front was taking too long. But it was okay. It was all good. These people weren't enemies. They weren't even adversaries, nor rivals. They were survivors just like her, operating in their capacity as useful members of a society and blah, blah, blah... And no they weren't just like her. They had two complete arms and probably never had to dig for earthworms or strip off pine bark for calories after climbing down from a tree they tied themselves to for a secure night's sleep, or what amounted to a secure night's sleep considering the on-and-off misting of rain. They probably never had to outrun a bear or a gang of lovesick former accountants (for the same reasons, no doubt), nor had they ever had to nail someone to a wall with a fire-hardened stick to defend a single, precious, unopened bag of cheese flavored snack crackers. Or hell, maybe they had. For all Thalia knew, they could secretly fly. Either way, the Angel didn't feel particularly angelic right then, and as soon as she got her food she was going to find someplace in a corner, or at least away from the bulk of the people present to eat her supper. Past that, she had no idea what she was going to do with the rest of her evening.

Thalia tried to scan the room, looking for people she knew that would make suppertime more tolerable. Maybe if she had looked behind her, she might have seen Atticus and Joaquin getting into the line, which might have made for an acceptable pair or dining companions. But no, her eyes were out to the tables. Then it was that she spotted Thana, disengaging from the line ahead of her and moving to... the stage! Perfect. Out of the way, good vantage point, and with someone she considered a rare friend. Good. Plan intact, Thalia kept her shit together as best she could without offering Mouth-Breather an elbow to his trachea, quietly requested the sushi plate, then grabbed an orange and something to drink. She turned and made for the stage, and Thana.

Unfortunately, that meddling bastard Captain America found his way over to her first. The urge to gahd dammit rose, but she tamped it back down as best she could. It only eeked out in the form of a burning gaze and slight snarl, like a pissed-off rottweiler who ordered itself to heel before it was too late to pull its teeth out of someone's left asscheek. Did she mention that she didn't like crowds?

No problem. This could be gotten around with tact, dignity, and grace. Possessing none of these traits, however, Thalia had to improvise. She strode right up to where Thana was sitting and rested her tray to the side, then immediately turned her back to the stage and hopped up to sit right beside her, legs dangling below. Thalia snaked her metal arm around Thana's shoulders into a one-armed hug and looked down at Ash, her other hand picking up the orange from her tray. She bit into it like it was an apple (because she'd re-learn that peeling thing another day) and began chewing it up, flesh and rind, both. Through a mouthful of citrus, Thalia tersely and directly stated, "Claimed."

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