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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

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Alexander Polawski
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


Alexander nodded along in deliberate silence to Aeron, looking at him with a knowing look to what he said. "Closure is better than the uncertainty, that I'm onboard with you 100 percent." the old veteran sighed, feeling the very essence of that word they used; closure. There were many chapters in Alexander's life that had been closed, most of them with a satisfactory end as much as closure could give; the loss of his father, his friends, his leg…the list went on. They troubled him too, but some chapters ended with just the pages torn out. Scraps, scars left behind in an unfinished book.

Closure would be good. Perhaps he then could move on…

Alexander listened with open ears to Aeron's tale of his family, his own loss and the others, knowing what his fellow old man from the old world felt as he uttered those words. The details were new to him, especially to Alexander the fact that Thana had a twin sister. The question he asked himself mentally of what she looked like was thankfully not spoken out, Alexander mentally slapping himself, leaving the family-talk for later. And then it was her little brother. Even Alexander, a single child, could imagine the loss.

"She does? Well, I suppose dragging my sorry ass across Georga and Florida does that to you…" Alexander joked, though it felt somewhat forced with his gaze instinctively went down to his peg-leg. They grew close, yes, but not out of kindness. It was desperation and not leaving an old grandpa for dead, one leg less. Pity, that was the word he looked for. Pity for an old man. Alexander sighed, looking back up at Aeron and trying to find any joy in what he said - in what Thana said. "Definietly a Brother in Arms, I would've fought with her back in 'Nam any time. I'm just glad she is here, alive and well. We all went through a lot to get back to that Ashton and his people, and all of us safely here. Like I said, I'll do my part to repay that debt, General Sir."


Nigel Cooper
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


Nigel had clearly not prepared himself well enough for the onslaught of new information that was coming his way. One thing was the talk of the game of D and D, but to hear of the Professor - called Edna for the newcomer that himself had forsaken his old name of "Hadrian" - and her passion for said game was eye-opening for him. Like one of the three cave-dwellers new let loose into the real world to see what caused the shadows on the cave wall, Nigel had to come to terms with the fact that his fellow educator had another side.

Both confused, yet relieved, Nigel tried to process all of this information. Perhaps he was not as strange to this new land as he feared?

The neo-Roman could barely understand half of what Rosie educated onto Nigel, all the numbers and "checks" sinking into a Germanic bog without any context. Apparently Rosie however understood where Nigel was coming from, and the young lady Amelia clearly had a better understanding of the strange game. Nigel didn't say much, simply doing his best to hang onto the Byzantine chariot that was the talk of absurd characters and…You know what, Nigel was both bamboozled and intruiged. "I see. Perhaps I'll stick with swords for th moment, real swords I mean."

More people appeared at the table of strange tales when Manny, one of the two elder survivors approached to speak with Amelia. Had they been talking to each other before, or worked together? Why else would Manny approach her, when Nigel himself hadn't gotten to know many others so far. Or perhaps he was bad at making friends? Possibly. Anyway dogs had been involved…wait, dogs?

"I'm sorry to throw myself in-between you, but did you say dog? You don't mean the dog belonging to Hunter…Has anything happened?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 13 days ago

☠ πšƒπš†π™³: πšˆπšŽπšŠπš› 𝟻 π™ΏπšŠπš›πš 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:57 A.M. - Dusk at 7:41 P.M. - High: 87F, Low: 72F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 10mph - No rain - Cloud Cover: 26% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: Repeat from last update: Alright we basically have two locations right now: The Mess Hall and the Jail. Jail is pretty straight forward. The Mess Hall is a bit of a cluster fuck because we have a lot of mini scenes unfolding at different tables. So let's roll with it. If there is any confusion don't be afraid to ask, should be okay - we've been at this a while now. I am thinking after dinner we can do a quick wrap up for the day.

Having said that - That means next day will be a small time jump, probably a day or two. I will roll for it to get the Court Marshall together for Hunter. So make sure if you haven't already to start getting on those possible future relations so they are, if anything at least partly hammered out, before we are done with the Court Marshall.
Date: July 23rd, 2012

Mess Hall (C): DoLittle snorted a little bit. "I'm sure it was," she said in reference to Williams being a bit more blunt in his delivery. She had listened to some of his stand up, the man was direct when he was speaking. It was funny as hell if you weren't thin skinned. As Manny went to go to Amelia she quirked a brow. "Good luck," she said before taking another bite of her food. Looking back at Lisa she nodded. "Shit, we could have a kill of the week or maybe a contest for most creative ways to kill a walker," DoLittle laughed. "I mean, it's better than sitting around with our thumbs up our ass." Shrugging she took another bite of her food. Her eyes darted around a bit. "Yeah well be careful going into the apartment, don't know if Nikki left the dog in her room or the apartment in general," she said. Granted Nikki did leave a note on the door explaining but DoLittle didn't know that.

Atticus spotted Thalia first and got Joaquin's attention as she headed over. Joaquin, who was normally very talkative was suddenly very quiet. Shoveling a fork full of food in his mouth. "Oh hell, yer really gonna make me do this ain't ya?" Atticus scoffed as Thalia sat down. "Hey Thalia," he said before looking back at Joaquin who had only swallowed about half of what was in his mouth before shoveling in even more. Atticus huffed before looking back at Thalia. "Yer brother is being a chicken shit. Joaquin looked at Thalia before looking back down and nearly shoveled another mouthful in. Reaching over, Atticus grabbed his hand and slammed the fork down on the tray, splattering some of the food on the table. "Just tell her." Joaquin sighed, snatching the fork from one hand with the other and going back to shoveling.

Letting go Atticus rubbed his temples and let go. "Fine," Atticus snapped before looking at Thalia. "Well if he won't tell ya I will. Don't know why this is a damn issue but fuck it. We're a couple, have been fer a while." Looking back over at Joaquin he rolled his eyes. "See, not hard. Now she knows." Joaquin swallowed his food now and held up a finger before motioning towards Thalia as if to say, wait for it.

In the meantime Rossie was nodding. "See, yes! My point exactly! Thought it would be something different and fun." Craning her neck and leaning back some in the direction of Edna, Rosie let her voice raise. "Not everyone wants to play an bow wielding elf!" Edna rolled her eyes and took another bite of her food, ignoring what was goi8ng on right then with Rosie. Rosie on the other hand looked back over at Amelia. "Hell we always got room. We got a few campaigns going, I'm only in two but Edna runs a different group most nights, so each campaigns meets once a week. It's really damn popular these days. Even Doc and Roy get in on it," she said with a chuckle. "Hey, just grab a sheet from the library. All the core books are there and she's got some things written out. She usually spends lunch in there, could catch her then."

Rosie was going to say more but it seemed that Manny was checking up on Amelia. Looking over to Nigel, Rosie chuckled. "Hey, sword play is fun in all forms. Personally I prefer a mace," she said with a grin. At the mention of Hunter she groaned. "Oh you mean that new kid? Yeah, he fucked up. He got written up and taken in, don't know what happened from there. Heard he was taken to the jail. All I know is I got a fucking Court Martial meeting tomorrow morning," she said rolling her eyes before shoveling another bite of food in her mouth.

Aeron shook his head. "Well all the main debt is paid, someone took care of it for you all but in general I feel just seeing the relief on her face when she found out you all were here was payment enough. It is rare to see happiness, true relief, in this day and age. It does an old heart good," he said between bites of food. "How about you and I head out, grab a drink, and I can show you those photos and clippings I have," Aeron suggested. There had plenty of time for them to eat and it seemed to him the place was getting a little crowded as it was the main dinner time. Standing up slowly, he picked up his tray. Leaning on is cane he moved to put his tray away. He also wanted to get back outside, the pain relief was starting to wear off. He knew he needed to do something before it became evident.

Pushing the door to the mess hall open, Major walked in with a few others that were newly off the wall for the evening. Heading over to the line, she grabbed a tray and had a seat in an open spot before she started eating. She didn't seek anyone out to speak to or sit with, she just sat and ate.

Jail (AA): Pretty much a repeat from last update since it still applies: To help the scene flow better I just posting the scene with Nikki below in her header. Figured it would be easier that way instead of only being able to get one back and forth per round. Thinking it will help move things along. (And since there are no longer other characters around those two right now I can treat it as a collab. Will break it back up later on.)


Thana Martin
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A

Thana shrugged a bit. "Think it just shows people are comfortable. When you are safe enough to be bored ya find shit to fill yer time. Some people work out, some learn new thangs, others go back to one of the easiest forms of entertainment, gossip," Thana said as she sat there and let her eyes scan the room. Thana didn't like people gossiping about her but in the end it was harmless as far as she was concerned. People didn't have soap operas to watch anymore, or Jerry Springer, so they made up their own stories. She imagined it was much like the way people did hundreds of years ago, around the fires during the winter, telling stories that had been passed down for generations. Something that started out true went through grape vine after grape vine until only a seed of truth remained and it was wrapped up in a forest of fiction. Looking back at Thalia, Thana smirked. "Who knows but we could always start our own and see what gets back to us and how much it changes, like the post apocalyptic version of telephone," she said with a chuckle.

As Ash came over Thana couldn't help but look over to him and smile as he climbed up and sat beside her. She was eager for a kiss and quirked a brow when he stopped. She nearly snorted as he talked to Thalia. Nodding, she held back a laugh behind her fist. "Right, see ya Angel," she said as the laugh eeked out before looking back at Ash. "Happy?" she asked. It could have been taken that she was a little miffed but in truth she wasn't. She liked talking to Thalia but she was very smitten right then and felt like a teenager finally getting to see her boyfriend during lunch at school. Sliding a bit closer she snuggled up to him some. "So how'd yer first day in camp go?" she asked before taking a bite of her food.


Nikola Warren
Location: Jail (AA)
Skills: N/A

Nikki's eyed narrowed and her lips thinned. "Fuck you asswipe." It was terse as she jumped up from where she was sitting. Hr words came fast, leaving no time to respond unless Hunter was going to scream over her. "Listen and you listen good you fucktard. I never once said to gossip. I never once asked for anything but the fuckin' truth. I'm going to get all the information when they release it. The whole fucking town will. I wanted to hear your half of it. Not some fucking report. Not to fucking gossip but to know, from your mouth, when you aren't in front of the whole town having to testify! Just you and me." Nikki was livid and her face went red as she balled up her fingers into tight fists that caused her knuckles to go white. She only paused long enough to take a short breath before her beratement continued.

"Short patience with you? Oh fuck that, it's yo0u having so much fucking distrust in everyone and everything I am betting. You can't be nice to save your fucking life. No wonder you are in here. Oh they just don't understand me. Well I do. You are a fucking prick. Thinking everyone wants something from you for some sinister reason. I wanted the truth and it looks like I fucking got it. Even when you are down or when you are up, you're a cock sucking self absorbed oh whoa-is-me ball tripping thundercunt." Nikki had flipped her top and was screaming at this point, pacing around, spinning around and pointing at him with every insult she flung. Her words were coming faster and faster.

"Got drunk and acted like a fool last night, then the whole so called apology while interrupting earlier today. The way you acted in fucking quarantine. And that's only the shit I've seen over the course of a handful of minutes around you! What the fuck else have you done that pissed people off? Ya know what, fuck it. I don't even want to know what the hell comes out of your mouth because it is a fucking lie and I hate liars. The biggest lie so far is peo0ple not having patience with you, bitch please. You can't even be nice to someone visiting your ass in jail for five minutes. I hope they do kick you out! Izi deserves a better owner than your ass! You'll get her killed!"

Nikki kept screaming, louder and louder. "You really want to die don't you? No, you want to, oh fuck, who cares since you don't give two shits in the wind about anything or anyone, even yourself you twaddledick!" It was enough to get someone elses attention as well. How he knew something was up was left up in the air to anyone that didn't work in the jail but the door to the stairs flung open and Cage ran down them. "What in the fuck is going on?"

Spinning around Nikki pointed to Hunter. "Have fun with his ass, I'm done. I wish I had never kissed him." Cages eyes widened. He had seen Nikki go off before but not like this. He didn't know it was possible for someone to turn that shade of red. He had to jump to the side as she stormed off, up the stairs and out of the basement. "GOD DAMN IT!!!" she screamed blood curdling as she stood at the top of the stairs before her feet could be heard stomping off. Nikki flung herself into a chair and chomped on her gum, she was livid beyond belief.

Wide eyed and confused, Cage slowly looked from the path of Nikki back to Hunter. "Wow... you have a way with people..."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Emanuel "Manny" Newman

Location: Mess Hall
Skills: N/A


From the sounds of it, Lisa had great plans to come up with creative ways to deal with walkers. He wasn't sure it was his cup of tea, but all the power to her. She did wish him luck on his way over so that was very nice of her. The conversation about D&D Manny held no luck in following. He had made little progress in understanding any of it, so when Amelia was ready to talk it was a rather big relief for the old dentist. "Glad to hear you're doing better. But don't worry too much, some dogs can be rather... Intimidating. So I can't blame anyone for being uncomfortable around them. Or more so in some cases." He tried to be reassuring but he wasn't the best at gauging his own words too well. "Personally my first day was good. Got to go on a boat. So that was cool. As for how things are going now, I think it's pretty good. Though Lisa, the woman I have been working with today is roommates with what I just learned was your work day partner. And when we noticed you here and not Nikki, we were wondering if everything's alright there? Not that I expect anything bad but we wanted to be sure everything is alright?" He was curious about where she was now, but first, he wanted to make sure that nothing had gone wrong other then the boy from quarantine being locked up.

Part way into his thoughts, it had occurred to him a severe mistake. "Oh, how rude of me. How has your first day gone so far? Other then the dog thing of coarse. What fun and exciting things have you been doing today?" He felt he should have opened with that more as it seemed like a more polite conversation etiquette to as prevent the conversation from being too one sided. He knew if he wasn't careful he would spiral and do nothing but ramble for a while if left to it. What he wasn't expecting was when Nigel, another man from quarantine to have something to ask about the situation. Manny never minded another person in the conversation, but it seemed there was some concern about the man's tone. "Oh he... Last I heard he got locked up. I don't really know the details going on there yet though." Manny didn't know the man too well, but he did remember that he had been with Hunter a bit the night before. Especially around the rather drunken moment of the night. Other then that, Manny didn't know a ton about the man in front of him.


Hunter Monroe
Location: Jail (AA) Cell B


What happened from here was something closer to what he expected. Even if he had prompted it to go this way now. He held his tongue and let her say what she had to say. He stayed on his bed expressionless for a while listening to what she said. Some of it struck a nerve but it wasn't until she got to Izibell that he stood up. That struck him somewhere he wasn't ready to deal with yet. Partially because he felt it was true, partially because he felt the people running the place were not better in their ways of handling people, their mistrust, and there own threats. The lie part got to him a bit, but he knew there was no point in arguing it. He hadn't lied to her, Maddoc he had pushed things with but not Nikki. Though combined with his reaction, and his lack of caring response to his wording could be enough to push her. "If I wanted to die, I had the chance to do that more then once. And yet? I am still here." He said it in a rather flat tone. Though it was more of a partial truth. The chances were there a few times, and at more then one he had almost acted on them. The most recent being stopped by his meeting with Izibell. There was a lot of information he was struggling to follow. Some of it about the night before, some of it involving his attempted to start an apology earlier, though guessing from her reaction that seemed to cause more harm then good.

He stumbled to his bed after Nikki left. "I've been told." He said when Cage spoke about it. Hunter curled up on his bed and faced the wall trying to block out the world around him. He debating trying to ask Cage for something, but in the end just stayed where he was and tried to keep his mind semi focused on his own thoughts. He leaned over and grabbed the fork off his tray, most of the food still unfinished, and curled back over with both of his hands gripping the fork handle as if the fork meant everything to him and letting it go would be the end of the world. Again. Mostly, he wanted something to hold onto. Though he's not sure a fork was the best for it, his own options were limited. So fork it was.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ash Holloway
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A

Asking Ash if he was happy gave the man a touch of introspection, as if he didn't do that enough anyway. When it came down to it, he did have an answer to the question. "Yeah. Actually, I am." The tone and demeanor of his words gave considerable suspicion as to whether he was addressing the overt query, concerning Thalia leaving after his little burst of sarcasm. In truth, he was really answering another question. Was he happy? Looking to Thana, just being able to gaze into her eyes, share a meal, and be with her after such a long time out in the world; the answer could only be a resounding affirmation. Of course he was happy. More than that, and probably the most profound realization of this part of his life - Ash was allowing himself to be happy, without putting up his usual guard, without looking forward to possible tragedy. It was liberating. And a little scary.

As she scooted up closer to him, Ash put an arm around Thana's waist. He could maneuver a fork with one hand and it meant being a little nearer to her. That seemed to be a priority thing at the moment. After the day he had with the horrorstory bathroom, the emotional moments at the gravesite, then scrubbing up human remains from a jail floor that he got himself locked in was admittedly not the best day in the world. It wasn't the worst by a long sight, though. And it was coming to a close with the best company he could ask for. But she hadn't asked him what he did. Thana asked him how his first day was. "First day..." He considered giving a blow-by-blow account for maybe a half second, and then quickly discarded the idea. He was assigned work, he did it, and that was that. "It was okay. Getting a lot better now." Ash smiled a little and leaned into Thana briefly, then returned to his plate.

It was a line that had so much cheese it could have been spread on a cracker. Honest, but it was apparent that Ash hadn't really had a lot of practice "putting the moves" on anyone in a very long time. After a moment, he was struck by an idea. "Hey, I don't know how I feel about sharing you with everyone in the Mess Hall. What do you say that after dinner, we take a walk someplace quieter?" He was nearing the end of his tuna salad and didn't want to just cut the evening at that point.

Thalia Carmichael
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A

Not a soul alive had heard Thalia laugh except for Joaquin. Ever. There was good reason for this. Raised among the people she was from the age of ten, being biracial but looking like a dark haired Blanca gave her an interesting start to life. She had to be more serious than those around her, more threatening when necessary, more like her uncle or her father than anyone in the periphery of their Familia, to get the same respect as anyone else initially. Until they got used to her, at any rate. It was a lesson she learned early. So her nature became quieter, more insular, less prone to showing ease or frivolity. Not lacking of emotional displays, as that was encouraged openly, but it might have even been assumed that she lacked a sense of humor. So the rare occasions that she laughed in a way that wasn't sardonic or wry, it sounded ...off.

In this particular instance, Thalia had to force herself to swallow the bite in her mouth before she exploded. It was hard. Then she began, a rolling guffaw followed by a series of mirthful lurches that spilled out in such a manner that sounded almost exactly like a Disney villainess. Raw but strangely melodic. Deeper than her speaking voice by a notable margin, like a dark force was borrowing her body to express rage and joy simultaneously. It was frightening in a way that might inspire those around her to wonder if she was taking profound delight in some medieval torture; sadistic in its rolling, gleeful dance through the available scales of tone. It was punctuated by the rhythmic thump of her steel hand upon the table next to her. For a person who did not like attention being drawn to her, she was doing a fine job of it now. Thalia was living purely in the moment with her mask torn away and her feelings laid bare, and it was scary. There was a reason she remained outwardly guarded constantly. This was part of it.

But the fact that Joaquin was gay and/or bisexual didn't make her laugh. Though it was never formally revealed, it was suspected. No, the part that got to her with such intensity was a little more visceral. More personal. An interesting fact about both Thalia and Joaquin was that, despite the differences between them, they both had the same father. And as it turned out, their father was a Catholic priest. The history behind the timing of his vows being taken and him siring offspring was legitimate, even if all of his kids weren't, so the church was grudgingly okay with it. And they had no choice. Damage done, so to speak. But for Thalia to look upon her brother, finally knowing for solid fact that not only did he date men but was dating a Catholic Priest, and one who was trained by their father; not to mention that there was a passing resemblance between Atticus and and Dear Old Dad, gave her pause and limited her outward emotional control. This was rich.

"That's some really Freudian shit right there, hermano," she finally said as the laughter subsided. "You gaht some Daddy issues." Thalia gathered up her plate again and stood. "I love ya, but I'm the fuck ottah here." Gracefully, she made her way away from the table, shaking her head.

Then she spotted her next social acquisition, such as it was. The Major, sitting by herself. By herself. This could be it. Quietly, she approached the older woman. When she was at a respectful distance, she spoke directly and firmly, "Major? Maddog told me to come to you about a psych evaluation. Going on D rostah. Also, do you mind if I sit? Everyone else is fucking nuts."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Amelia Payne
Location:Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


Amelia looked at Nigel, a bit confused for a moment before realizing what was what with his comment about sticking to real swords. She let out a small chuckle.” No worries. It’s confusing to listen to us probably, I’d imagine and we weren’t making the best attempts at describing the game properly to people who haven’t played..” She added, feeling just a tad bit ashamed of it.

β€œI will have to get more details, but I’d love to join up with a game. It’s been… I think almost too long since my last game of D&D.” Amelia quietly said, stuffing a mouthful of food into her mouth. This was bringing good memories, chatting nerdy things with people, but also those good memories were causing her to feel a certain unpleasant sensation. The one of the loss of that life. She had accepted their new lot in this world, but it still felt bittersweet to remember those moments of the past. She snapped back to attention when she was told to go to the library at lunch.” Alright, will do in the upcoming few days… maybe a week. I still getting used to everything here.”

β€œMore or less… at least from what I gathered… Ohh and the dog ended up with Nikki. So… I got an unexpected encounter with the hellhound at work today when she brought it to Supply. I kinda freaked out for a moment at that point… Me and hellbeasts don’t mix well...” She mumbled at the end and started to peel her orange.” I have an easier time with lil ones… bit ones just…” Amelia didn’t finish her sentence, refusing to further on think about those creatures of evil.

Ohh what a curious turn of events.” So you are working with Lisa? I see. Glad you a good day at work.” She nodded and tilted her head a bit in a confused manner when the topic moved on to Nikki’s absence.” Ahh… well we were at the prison and she stayed behind for a little while.” She simply explained.” Will arrive before long actually. As for me, I’ve had a good day. Work’s nice and people are nice too. Auntie, Nikki, the other ladies at supply and so on. They’ve all been very kind and helped me out a lot.” She replied with happy voice and a shy smile. Now she was only looking forward to meeting up with Riley in a little while and spending the rest of the evening with her.


Lisa Mason
Location: Mess Hall(C)β†’Outside of Mess Hall(C)
Skills: N/a


β€œI’ve mentioned it in the past as well, you know I love building walker traps.” Lisa replied with a shrug.” And yes, kill of the week would be glorious, but honestly I don’t ever see General or honestly anybody down the chain of command approving of the idea. Probably would be deemed too dangerous for anybody not on a team outside the walls.” She sighed and she did understand where such arguments would come from.

β€œNow for a Most Creative Ways to Trap a Walker, I’d say that might gain more traction.” Lisa mused, rubbing her chin in thoughtful manner.” I mean, it wouldn’t require anybody to be put in danger really if it’s in the form of a contest with descriptions and schematics of the trap or plan they have in place. If we go with simple killing them in creative ways, I fear we’d stumble upon the dreaded safety regulations once more. So what do you think, a contest about creative walker traps? Would you participate? Maybe we’d be able to convince the higher ups to actually setup and try the winner along with some prize of some kind. And I do agree that would allow for people some more varied entertainment. That and we can also indeed compile a guide book with the better ideas.”

Lisa shrugged and peeled her orange quickly before standing up, preparing to get going.” Well I guess I will see it with my own eyes. She’s cleaning the common room though if she left the doggo there and it’s caused a mess.” She grinned at DoLittle.” See ya later, when I’m not a walking planter. May call you for hte next 'hunt'.” With a joking grin she walked over to drop off her tray and utensils, before walking out of the building, giving nods of greetings here and there, while eating her orange that she had peeled in advance.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Alexander Polawski
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


"Wait…the debt is already paid? By who?" Alexander asked Aeron abruptly, giving his fellow old man a surprised look. He had to ask the question, almost quicker than he had thought about it himself, for who would have gone and payed their debt already after just a week? It had been paid, not cleared, so it wasn't his former superiour from the Army days. It didn't make sense that anyone else had paid it down, as nobody else knew the who group…

Was it…no, could it? But she…how?

Alexander would wait for any kind of answer from Aeron, he too finishing his bowl of the lovely Tuna Casserole while Aeron spoke. In-between his own munching, Alexander had to nod and smile. He was right, seeing true happiness did wonders to even old wounds, especially those days. It had lifted ol' Mugsy's spirit surely, all the smiles and friendly conversations he'd had, and to see his loved ones safe. Alexander didn't say much to it, except for a brief and low reply of "Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy. Amen."

The mention of them going out for a drink and looking at the photos Aeron had talked about all day, brought Alexander gently to his feet. He was determined, ready to get started on Aeron's promise from yesterday's festivities, hoping it would do him some good. "Sounds like a plan. I can't stuff myself anymore with the casserole, as great as it was. But I'll pass on the drink, just a water or the unlikely pop if you have." Alexander answered, picking up his tray and following Aeron's lead. It was getting crowded, a little too crowded for Alexander's own liking, and he had things to help with.


Nigel Cooper
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


For all the pleasentries being passed arond the table, now with the arrival of the older man called Manny and whatnot, Nigel was thrown off the horse as of the words uttered by Rosie: "Yeah, he fucked up." Most of the following conversation was drowned out by his senses, a sense of dread washing over him as he thought back to the previous night. Really, he thought about the entire week and how Hunter had again and again managed to put his foot in his mouth in more intrecate ways. And now he had once again outdone himself.


Nigel looked up in disbelief at Rosie, then Manny as he reinforced her point. Indeed Hunter was locked up at this point, presumably in a jailcell or dungeon, whatever Camp Mexico Beach had for these problems. And to add insult to injury they had taken his dog. Nigel, while not close to the young soldier, had a sense of responsibility over the boy. Perhaps it was his teacher's gene that made him predisposed to look after the troubled legionaire, or he simply couldn't believe what he was being told.

"…One day, no not even that…Half a day, and he's already been thrown into a carcer…Oh by what threads has his destiny been spun now?" Nigel muttered to himself, rubbing his face in disbelief at the thought that there was no saving that kid. No really, Nigel was losing hope fast, and clearly the others didn't pay his fate much effort. He sighed audibly, looking down upon his tuna salad in defeat, even as it was not his own battle he'd lost. "There's no saving that boy, is there? He needs help, but seems too far gone…What will happen to him now?" He wasn't talking to anyone around the table as much as he talked to himself. Perhaps some people just didn't want to be saved?
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 13 days ago

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Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:57 A.M. - Dusk at 7:41 P.M. - High: 87F, Low: 72F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 10mph - No rain - Cloud Cover: 26% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: Alright peeps, let's see what we can do about getting done with dinner for the PC's this round. If we can muster that up we can get the day wrapped up in a round or two after that and move this story forward. If you haven't already contact people are possible story arcs or relations, start hopping on that. Keep in mind your characters current personality and where you want them to go if possible, as well if you think you can pull it off rp wise. Feel free to drop me a line to discuss some ideas. Also, are there a few ideas you have for some NPC's? either current or ones you would like to see added that could become actual PC's later on, let me know. Slow opening this more and more to player control now that we have a good foundation for skills and upping those. Depending on what your character does will determine their next amount of skill points to dump into existing skills, some will be getting new skills depending on what you do or try to do in Rp. As always, if you have an idea let me know.

One more thing! There is a spin off Rp in the works that will take place PRE-Walker outbreak, I'm talking 60/70's. It wouldn't be a direct connect but does have potential for you to try a character study to see how your character could develop differently in different circumstances. Please note this is way in the future yet if you are interested in a Vietnam Era middle of the war - raging Age of Aquarius RP, drop me a line!
Date: July 23rd, 2012

Mess Hall (C): "Hey, both of you should join. Get you back into the game and well you, hell you could use some down time," Rosie chuckled motioning to Amelia and then Nigel respectively. "History buffs usually have the most fun with this shit," she said before taking another bite of her food and grinning.

DoLittle chuckled. "Maybe you could start small and catch the mouse, or was a it a hamster? Either way, ya know, like a real mouse trap, remember that board game? Yeah, something like that, hell, might be funny come Halloween for you to set up something nonlethal for the kids," she suggested. Laughing. "You do that, I wouldn't mind a hunt myself, good luck girl," DoLittle added as Lisa excused herself. It was getting late now that she thought about it. Shoving a few more bites of food into her mouth, DoLittle did what she could to finish up, she needed to get back to the kennels and do an evening sweep before locking up fully for the evening. Plus she had to write up a report on that damned cat that got out of their cage. She still couldn't figure out how the hell that had happened.

It seemed that Amelia had a second conversation going on now that Manny was here. It didn't bother Rosie that much. She had seen this type of thing happen before after people got out of a quarantine. Even if they hadn't been traveling together, being together for a week or two in a sort of lock up made for strange bed fellows. That was humanity. Glancing over her shoulder to Edna she smirked. It was why the two of them had developed an odd sort of friendship. They had both reached for an old second edition DnD book on the shelf in quarantine. They kind of kicked the door open. It was them and one other. One that didn't make it into the camp for a series of reasons.

Rosie looked over to Nigel and shrugged. "All depends on how he handles himself. Seen people do what some might be considered minor get kicked out. Seen someone cold blooded kill a woman in the street and well he's still in town. It won't be anything quick. We have a system, long one, and he'll have to go through it. Wouldn't say he's totally fucked yet though but then again I haven't got the reports yet. Chances are Gunny will have those ready by morning."

Aeron smiled slightly. "The conditions of your groups debt being paid was that the donation was to remain anonymous, it was an old family tradition," he said and then shrugged. The person that paid the debt made that point very clear. He wouldn't betray that, he had made a promise. Rule one. Glancing around for a moment before looking back at Alexander. "Yes, much like the one who plants a tree which they may never sit beneath. Do good, don't worry about a reward."

Standing up he chuckled. "Well not tonight but I do believe Cheers is working on repairing an old carbonation infuser. If we could get a decent cane trade perhaps we could get a pop or two in this place. Though if we had the resources I would just raid a Coca Cola plant, I bet we found find that recipe now," he chuckled before stopping as Thalia started to laugh. "Oh my, that is disturbing... Sounds like something out of Poltergeist. Not as bad as a banshee mind you but yes, disturbing none the less." Turning he went to buss his tray and head towards the exit.

"Jo... is that... normal?" Atticus asked as Thalia started laughing.

Joaquin sat there, looking confused and a little scared. "I wouldst be'est less afraid if 't be true I wast the lasteth sire on earth and a rap tap cameth to the doth's chamber door..." he admitted. This was the type of laugh that came on dark and stormy nights when things crawled out of the ground, before they actually had. His brows furrowed and he was so taken aback that when she finally spoke he was still too dumbfounded to respond.

Atticus however... "Hey!" he bawked. "Not cool..." he said before chuckling. He hadn't actually thought about it before but he could see what she was getting at, still though. Not cool.

The Major sat there with her brow quirked at the whole laughing thing and watched as Thalia got her composure and headed over to her. "Русский ΡŽΠΌΠΎΡ€ Π·Π°ΠΊΠ»ΡŽΡ‡Π°Π΅Ρ‚ΡΡ Π² Ρ‚ΠΎΠΌ, Ρ‡Ρ‚ΠΎΠ±Ρ‹ ΠΏΡ€ΠΈΡΠΏΠΎΡΠ°Π±Π»ΠΈΠ²Π°Ρ‚ΡŒΡΡ ΠΈΠ»ΠΈ Ρ€Π°Π·ΠΎΠ±Ρ€Π°Ρ‚ΡŒΡΡ Π² Π±Π΅Π·ΡƒΠΌΠΈΠΈ своСй ΠΆΠΈΠ·Π½ΠΈ," she said as she was about to take a bite of food. Stopping the fork, she self translated. "Russian humor is to adapt or make sense or nonsense out of the insanity of their lives." She set the fork in her mouth and pulled the food off it before motioning with the tangs of the utensil towards the seat nearest her. "You find a person, killed many. Do you ask why or do you pull the trigger?" she asked dryly as she looked down at her tray and stabbed a few more pits of tuna onto her fork.

Jail (AA): Cage quirked a brow as he watched Hunter. Sighing, he reached into the slat and took the tray. He didn't say anything about the fork, save for, "don't do anything stupid kid..." he said as he turned and headed back up the stairs. Closing the door he locked it and headed towards the door. He was about to yell out the door for Nikki, trying to catch her when he noticed she was flopped down on the sofa.

"Hey, here," he said as he set it down on the coffee table. "And wait a minute," he added before he headed up the stairs to the second floor of the make shift jail house. After a few minutes he came back down carrying a triple stacked letter and handed it over. "Just do it," he said as he thrust it out at her.


Thana Martin
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A

Sitting there as she ate, Thana smirked a bit as she caught a glimpse of Ash out of the corner of her eyes. It was nice to just sit and have a meal with him. The last time they really had been able to do something like this was after the wedding and well reception fiasco back in Newnan. Not that they hadn't eaten together recently, but de-stress. That was an interesting night that lead to a lot of change. She remembered she had asked Ash if he ever just gave himself the night off. Asked how he was. He had looked at her like no one had ever asked such a thing from him. The man had really needed to let off some steam and in the end they both had. It changed a lot for them both, even before the town went up in flames. Glancing around at the Mess Hall she wondered for a brief moment what Newnan might have been like if it hadn't fell the way it had. She pushed the thought out of her mind quickly, what if's were never a good thing, especially now. No one could change the past.

At Ash's question, Thana nodded. "That sounds perfect... How about the beach?" she asked before she went back to eating. It wasn't long before she was finished with her meal and and setting her fork down on the slender little divet on the side of the tray. "Come on, people are going to start finishing soon and then things are going to get crowded just leaving," she said after a few, making sure that Ash was either within a bite or two of finishing or was done. Sliding down off the stage she bussed her tray and headed for the door.

That was until she heard something that made a chill run down her spine. Thana stopped in her tracks. Her head turning slowly, like someone might in a horror film when they knew the killer was standing behind them. Oh it was a killer alright but that wasn't what was freaking Thana out right then. It was the sound of laughter. Laughter coming from Thalia. "Oh that ain't natural..." she muttered. Thana and Thalia had spent many a night up in a tree keeping an eye out on things while the other slept when they were on the road. Thalia smirked, chuckled maybe, usually sarcastically. In all that time, she had never heard Thalia out right laugh and frankly it was one of the most disturbing things she had ever heard...

"She might kill someone, I'm outta here," Thana said before hitting the door and getting out into the hot air. It wasn't as bad as it had been, not so much as to drench someone now but still hotter than in the Mess Hall.


Nikola Warren
Location: Jail (AA) -> Streets of CMB (O2)
Skills: N/A

Nikki had been on such a rant she hadn't even heard Hunter when he spoke. Whether or not if the words he had said would have made her change her tone or just made her blow up more were left to the flip of the coin at this point. Instead she was upstairs now grumbling to herself. She had nearly bolted out the front door and stormed off to the Mess Hall so she could get some dinner but she remembered she had promised to take Hunters tray back for Cage. That was the only thing keeping her from exiting the house at this time. She had given her word, if she broke that, it would make her a liar. As hot tempered as she was, she did have some morals, or was it ethics? Shit, she didn't care. In a deep huff she flopped down on the couch and waited for Cage to come up. Like hell she was going back down there now.

Hearing Cage come up the stairs, Nikki turned her head and glanced over to him. Seeing the tray she was glad she wasn't going to have to get into it with him just to get the tray. Sitting up she grabbed the tray but froze and looked like a dog that was confused as she tilted her head to one side as he told her to wait. Rolling her eyes she did but she did so impatiently. Tapping her toe, drumming her fingers, and smacking her gum. As he came back she took the paper, read over it, her jaw going slack. "You gotta be fucking kidding me! Seriously?!? Fuck! FINE!" she snapped before turning and storming out the front door, tray in one hand, papers in the other, and a vein popping out of her temple looking like it was about to burst. If it hadn't been for the slew of curse words leaving her mouth as she stalked off it just may have blew.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Emanuel "Manny" Newman

Location: Mess Hall
Skills: N/A


There was a lot going on at this point that Manny attempted to keep track of. When Amelia explained what had happened before it made a bit more sense now. "Well hopefully you don't have too many encounters like that." He did find her view about smaller dogs being more tolerable then bigger ones. Made him wonder how well she would get along with Lisa with their totally opposite views of dogs? Manny didn't have too strong an opinion of dogs overall but he could see why people liked them. And why some feared them. She got to the part about Nikki, and how she stayed behind at the jail. He wasn't really sure how to follow that up other then a simple thanks. "Okay. Thank you for sharing."

When things moved back to the work day, he smiled a bit as Amelia talked about her day and the people she worked with. "Well that does sound like a good day. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed yourself today." Seemed the supply team was a good team to work on as well. He was glad to hear it. The most important part about integration with a new group is getting along with those already here. Manny had some of his own hiccups today, but seemed Amelia had been doing better then he was which seemed like a win.

It seemed Nigel, the Neo-Roman was taking Hunter's situation harder then anyone else had so far. Rosie had some reassuring words for the man but it was hard to say how well he was taking them. "Nah, I wouldn't say totally lost." He paused for a moment, debating sharing a story from his time as the head doctor in his last group. "A couple years ago, the scavengers in my last community found this girl who had been injured on her own. Looking at her, she didn't look at her she didn't seem like she had much of a chance, but I operated to try to save her life anyways." He lifted his right hand to point at the thinnest scar on his palm compared to the other slash like scars on his hands. "She woke up only a few minutes after I finished the operation, and to thank me she stabbed me with a scalpel." He lowered his hand and held a look of "Yeah one of those days". "After we calmed her down and made sure I wasn't at risk of infection, we figured out that she had been a prisoner in... a group of people who had done rather horrible things to her. Even after she calmed down she refused to trust anyone for the longest time and would have to be regularly subdued. It took a while to assure her that her new home was safe, but we did over time. And she became a rather amazing woman we learned knew more about carpentry then our own carpenter." He stopped the story there. For all intents and purposes that was a better ending to the story. "It will require a lot of work on his part, especially since we don't know what he is in for. But as long as he didn't stab anyone too hard I think he still has a chance." He shrugged with a warm smile on his face. He didn't have too strong of hope for the boy, but his own thoughts didn't need to be a downer on the situation. Why not give the man a little hope to work with?


Hunter Monroe
Location: Jail (AA) Cell B


Hunter had at least gotten himself comfortable on his bed. The fork was a reassurance that at least he had something. Not much but something. When Cage when to take the tray Hunter debated saying something along the lines of he wasn't done with it yet, but it didn't come across as more then him shifting in his own bed. Cage said something about not doing anything stupid, and Hunter was ready to reply something about the remains of his former cell mate, but held off. "Think we're a bit late for that." He stayed laying down on the bed not making eye contact. He wouldn't move while Cage was still in the room.

Hunter sat up after trying to sleep for a while. The nap he took before really threw him off and he wasn't sure what he could do to help pass the time until he was tired enough to sleep again. He looked at the fork in his hand, and thought about the conversation he had with Ashton before. He debated a few things. But even though the talk with Ashton was a simple one, it opened a stream of thoughts that Hunter had spent years trying to suppress at the cost of not being completely sure what portions of his memory are reality and what are things he told himself to make it easier to cope. What he knew for sure? He knew their names. Lieutenant Anderson. Lieutenant Matheson. Staff Sergeant... He paused. He didn't remember the Staff Sergeant's name. He cursed himself for forgetting. "Pete. Lucy. June." He continued to list of names for a while until he hit a group of names he wasn't ready to say out loud. He figured he'd stop there. He knew who they were, and he was the last to know who they were by name. "And, Izibell."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 day ago


Ash Holloway
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


"Beach." It was a simple, single word statement that was equal parts consideration and immediate approval. It wasn't his first choice, persay, though he really didn't have anything particular in mind. Over the next .7 seconds that he allowed to mull over the idea, it became more and more appealing to him. "Yes, beach. Excellent idea." he rolled off in his slightly peeking Virginian accent. Ash gave a little, crooked smile and nodded his head in agreement. When he saw that Thana was further along with her meal than himself, Ash increased his pace, eager to wrap things up so that he could have some quieter time with her.

The reminder that they didn't have a private beach just for the two of them resonated with Ash. He was done within a couple seconds of Thana and slid off of the stage himself, following along closely in case he was needed, and just because he wanted to be near to her. Like Thana, he bused his tray and made for the door. Also like Thana, Ash stopped mid-stride, head turning in the direction of the throng of people sitting and eating. Something piqued Ash's fight-or-flight response, tempered only by a sense of personal discipline. He forced his feet to remain where they were, yet he could not ignore the primal chill passing through his body. It took longer than he would have liked to admit to realize that what he was hearing was the sound of laughter, and it was coming from the Gonzalez lady. "Jesus, she's just like Caesar," he commented, turning to look at Thana to guage her reaction. He had to give a double take as Thana was not, as expected, at his side. Instead, she voiced her concerns about the younger woman killing someone and hightailed it for the door. "Wait, um... she's your friend." he said after her, mild sarcasm coloring his words. But make no mistake, Ashton J. Holloway knew when to take social cues that would result in a continuing lifespan, and thusly followed Thana out of the door posthaste.

The air still had the same quality of buffeting humidity that he had grown accustomed to, if not fond of, living in Georgia for the past chunk of his life. He was glad that the sun was on its way out for the day, and the more tolerable temperatures of the evening might be upon them soon. he walked along with Thana, giving her a smile every so often but otherwise simply delighting in her presence. Ash was making a conscious effort not to think about the maniacal laughter from moments ago, not the man of whom he was reminded because of it. He had a beach to go to and a lovely lady with which to walk upon it. That was all that mattered.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


The most Thalia could do at this moment was stare down at the Major, wondering precisely what the hell she was talking about. Not only did she not address the subject put before her, that being a possible psych evaluation (or maybe she did in Russian and she couldn't tell; it was not one of the languages that Thalia spoke), but she began talking about what Thalia could only assume was a point of philosophy. It reminded her a little of her "Intro To" courses from college, both psychology and philosophy. Not that she ever got a hell of a lot of use from them aside from making the necessary credits to get her degree. And a fat lot of good that degree did her, what with the world turning into a buffet line for walking corpses not but shortly thereafter. The Major did motion for her to sit, though. It was with a slightly exasperated look that Thalia took her up on her offer.

"Do I ask why I pulled the triggah?" inquired Thalia. She wanted to make sure that this was a personal question and not something rhetorical. Major wasn't wrong though - Thalia had killed many people. The woman must have talked with Thana about her traveling companions, Thalia included. She didn't know how to feel about that. "Whrn I had to take a life, I didn't think about it. Happened 'cause it had to." Her trademarkable directness was in the forefront just then. It seemed stupid not to, considering that Thalia needed a psych evaluation from her and by extension of the fact that she was qualified to administer such an evaluation, she might be able to tell if Thalia was lying, hiding something, or taking too long to answer. Off-guard questions were fun that way. "Every single time it was clean. Protect someone; me or someone close. And some assholes? Leave them alive it endangers a laht of others." So long as she was sitting, she might as well eat. Sushi didn't exactly keep for very long. Popping a bite into her mouth, she followed up, "Navy..." It was a minor conversational setback. Thalia was the only one who called Thana this so it probably required clarification. "Did Thana talk to you about Eden?" She'd get back to the parts about finding humor in insanity later on. Thalia had quite laughed enough for one evening.
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Amelia Payne
Location:Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


Amelia kind of understood what Nigel meant with his words about the guy with the dog. However she wasn’t going to get even close to that affair. It wasn’t her problem even if she didn’t have that innate unreasonable dislike for him. In the end it was sort of his own problem that led him to jail and impending trial. She didn’t think they would outright kill him, But she suspected now he might end up leaving this place.

β€œYeah.” She then nodded to Rosie who confirmed her suggestion for them to join. It was actually a good plan and she was already planning on getting involved, though she was probably going to leave it off mostly for the next week. Amelia wanted a couple of days to get into the swing of things around the camp and well to reread up on the game. It’s been long years since she last even saw a player’s manual or a handbook of any kind.” I will brush up on my D&D knowledge first… read a bit in the library and the like. I want to get used to the place before I commit.” Amelia said calmly to Rosie. She really wanted to join though, so she was going to if they allow her.

She turned back to Manny and nodded to him.” There’s a schedule, one that shows when dogs are being taken for walks and where. So I should be able to avoid those...like the plague.” She mumbled the end of the statement as she ate some more of her orange. Without that schedule, she wouldn't really feel comfortable stepping outside unarmed, knowing the hell beasts that could wander out there. Granted she still didn't feel completely comfortable unarmed, but small mercies and baby steps.

Her expression froze for a moment as Manny got into telling his story. Yeah that wasn’t a nice story, getting stabbed for helping somebody, but she understood the woman. She had her own scars to show for similar reasons like that woman. Granted she was never captured, but she was close, maybe she would have died instead, she couldn’t know. The scars are the proof of her escape. It was nice to hear that woman survived the surgery and eventually got better though. With that story being told in relation to … Hunter. β€˜Ohh yeah, he’s name was Hunter’. She recalled. Anyways, apparently he was hoping that Hunter gets through this without issues. Well it wasn’t a bad wish, she didn’t want the guy dead either. It would go down to how rules were upheld here and the apparent results of a court martial… a trial. Amelia felt the very idea of a trial weird in the apocalypse. Another sign of normalcy in the middle of the madness that was the world.

Thinking on other things, she realized that she should meet up with Riley, who might even be already home. Maybe she should too head off.


Lisa Mason
Location: Outside of Mess Hall(C)β†’ General Housing(X)(M6)
Skills: N/a


With her goodbye told to all that she had to and once outside, she took in a deep breath, stuffing the last bits of the Orange inside her mouth as she started walking down the street. Housing wasn’t far at all from the Mess Hall so she’d be back home really really soon. The temperatures had pulled down enough in comparison to earlier. Crossing the street and heading down to the apartments, she thought on the day, running her fingers through her hair, feeling the scratching sensation from the dirt that was grinding with her movement.

β€œNo fuck hunts with dusty head.” She mused with a brisk pace and light step. Since she had a rather good day and was in a rather good mood, she didn’t let the planter event weight on her too much. Her thought on the possible puns she could have said back then made her smile. Maybe she should use bad puns more often. Surely she’d annoying half the people around camp while the other half would pretend likely to have not have heard her. It would be amusing, not quite as much as watching people do stupid shit, but amusing non the less.

There was also the issue raised by DoLittle on the traps. That actually wasn’t a bad idea, something more Mousetrap-y. It WOULD be a good starting point to garner attention and interest and it wouldn’t be a bad way for the younger kids around camp to get interested in simple mechanics and logic problems. She shook her head, remind herself that she shouldn’t rush this. Just pull a mousetrap first as DoLittle said, make people have fun, possibly interested and then think of proceeding further. Yes that was the plan, she decided as she looked at the entrance to the building where she lived at.’ But… everything else can wait for later… I need that bath.’
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Alexander Polawski
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


"Oh…Oh, I see." Was all Alexander had to say about that. The debt was paid, and the one paying it preferred to be remain unknown. Alexander nodded slightly at Aeron's explaination, trying to not think too much about it, even if his curiosity pondered. While he had his guesses, the old veteran knew better than to continue barking up that tree. Call it military honours or knowing when to leave better alone, it was not for Alexander to know. But he appriciated Aeron's sincerity, and the nameless benefactor, whoever they were.

A smile struck across Alexander's face at the talk of either producing pop themselves or raiding a Coca Cola plant. "Now that is an idea I'd support if we didn't have to much on our hands already, from the sound of it…" Alexander said back to Aeron, ready to reminice about the old days when a bottle of pop was the highlight of the day. It was cut short by the same sound Aeron compared to a ghost.

Not a sound, but a laugh…

"Thalia…what? I've never heard anything…I love Thalia like a uncle, but I've never heard her like this…" Alexander was stunned, not in a frightened sense but more along the lines of not expecting this kind of behaviour from his Angel. He looked with confused at Thalia for a moment, scratching his beardless cheecks before limping out after Aeron. They had plans to follow, stuff to do and shit to sort out. Very, very important shit.

"Ehm, Aeron, just one thing…Is it too late to…I mean, if it is possible to attends one of those meetings, the ones with the…ehm, shrink?" Alexander's question was hushed and brief, intended for only the ears of Aeron. He hadn't signed his name of the therapy-list that day, having been determined to push through whatever troubles came his way. After that day however, he wasn't sure anymore.


Nigel Cooper
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


Nigel hadn't been in the mood to continue the converation about the game of DnD - as nice of it was for Rosie to invite him personally to the game - when there were bigger troubles at the gates of Rome than a lack of wine. Hunter had gotten himself locked up at Day 1 for Zeus' sake! The first day of their lives as real members of CMB, and he broke the law in some form or fashion enough to be court martialed. Nigel had to shake his head in disbelief, not knowing what to do, yet feeling immensly protective of the kid.

It was then with great confusion that Nigel set his eyes upon Rosie once again, attemtping to decypher the string of words she just presented to him. "You must pardon my Gaulic French, but what?" Nigel was unsure he had just heard correctly, that their system had processed those two vastly different cases? Perhaps it was the rigid Roman system of law that made the system of CMB seem alien to him, or more likely his life of absolute anarchy yet hadn't washed off the river Tiber?

Manny's words managed to calm down Nigel's fears, the story of the lady proverbially raised by wolves and treated like such a beast giving the Neo-Roman a brief sign of hope for Hunter. Nigel patted his hand at their table, seemingly in deep thought as he adressed Manny and the others. "I see…well if that is true a tale and you have as civilized laws as it sounds like, we may yet see Themis herself shine her beacon upon that troubled young man…"

Nigel looked down upon his salad, having poked it quite desperatly in his time of horror. His hunger had at this point drained away like shallow water in the Persian heat, and he pushed the plate away. Thinking about it, had he and the others in his old settlement been any better? Excecutions did not appear before him, only punishments and banishments…yes, he would hold onto his own words now. Let Themis guide them all in those troubling times.

"So…this game of D and D…am I really welcome? What do I need to do to play this game? And I'm sorry, Manny was it? You came in with the old veteran, Thana and the one-handed Amazon, didn't you?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

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Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:57 A.M. - Dusk at 7:41 P.M. - High: 87F, Low: 72F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 10mph - No rain - Cloud Cover: 26% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: Alright skipping ahead a little just to cover some ground with this post. If you need to move your character we are just going to assume they can get to where they need to go this round even if it is on the other side of the camp. Just makes things easier to move forward. Forgive me if it is off in any way, it's been a week! If I ended up missing anything big or screwed something up please let me know so I can address it. Remember you can use nameless npcs to get things rolling for you. Riv, you still have control of Riley if you need to take care of something or the other for now. Other than that I think that covers everything.
Date: July 23rd, 2012

Mess Hall (C): NPC's not directly interacting with PC's this round will be assumed to continue their private conversations and meals unless they are directly addressed. (Sorry, pushing through right now.)

Rosie nodded somewhat as she listened, giving a shrug or a motion of her fork as Manny spoke, inbetween shoveling food into her mouth and chewing. "Exactly, few people are totally gone but hey, never know, why we gots people that can, well for lack of a better term, sense people," she said motioning over and then stopping. "Well shit he ain't in here," she said before looking back and shrugging again. Looking at Amelia she nodded. "Well we got plenty, raided an old game store in Tallahassee a couple of years ago. We stripped the place clean, so we got books on books about gaming. Comics too if ya like that," Rosie said with a big grin before putting her fork down and rolling up her sleeve a bit, there was a tattoo of the original Iron Man design just above her elbow. The tattoo looked like it had probably been on her skin since before Amelia was born, there was another one, a more ninety's version of Iron man next to it but the ink looked new, like it was still healing. Looking back at Nigel she chuckled. "What I mean is even wrong acts don't mean yer gone, it's what's inside. If ya really want to know, check the records in the library, every trial we've had is there for public record," she said motioning towards the door. "And hell yeah you're welcome. Just need an open mind, paper, pencil, and dice," she said with a big grin.

The Major sat there, quietly eating her meal as Thalia answered the question. It didn't seem to move her one way or the other. It didn't even seem like she was paying attention for a moment, that was until she brought her eyes back to Thalia. "Good answer." It was flat and dryly delivered in a thick Russian accent. At the question she nodded. "Yes but only so much as a report. Breached this location, targets acquired, number killed, names of team that died, so forth. Vas like most military reports. She vill not talk about it much," she said before taking another bite. "Vhy, is there something that I should knov?" she asked as she finished the bite and locked eyes with Thalia.

Aeron chuckled a bit. "Yes, very odd," he said to Thalia's laughing. It did seem a bit off. He had known her brother for some time now and even as jovial as that man was he didn't laugh like that. From what Atticus had told him of the family, no one did. So it struck an odd chord with most in the room. Looking back at Alexander he shook his head. "Well they have more than one a week but today's is over," he said motioning towards Atticus. "He hosts the group sessions at the church, though I am sure if you would like to talk with him later this evenin' he would be willing. He keeps later hours than most during the week," he added before heading out and taking in the night air. He had promised to show Alexander some photos and such over at the education center, so he headed that way.

General Housing (X): Everything in the housing is just fine right now. Nikki left a note taped to the outside of the door of hers and Lisa's apartment - Dog is in my room, had to take, Hunter thrown in jail. Will fill in more. If it is after seven, please walk Izi, if not she should be fine. Nikki - That was it. Inside Izi would bark a few when the front door opened but she will calm down quickly. You can let her out, she will be fine. It's before seven currently so she doesn't need to be walked. If let out in the main part of the apartment, she didn't bother Nikki's room, but it looks like she curled up on the bed. Out in the living room she will just walk around sniffing a lot before jumping on the couch and curling up. She won't want to get down.

Jail (AA): "Just hurry," Cage called out to Nikki as she ran off. Looking at his watch he figured it would take her a bit of time to get to where she as going and getting back. Turning around he walked back into the house that had been turned into a jail. He still had an hour technically on shift before he would be given some down time but all things considered he figured that it wasn't going to end up being the down time he had really hoped for.

Stepping back inside he looked over the place before heading into office at the back and checking something. There was a desk in the room as well as several monitors behind it. It was quiet in there and he couldn't hear anything from what he saw on the screens but he could see what was going on. Seeing Hunter laying there he figured he'd give the kid some time. Things were calm down there and it didn't look like the kid had offed himself, at least he didn't think he had. There wasn't blood pooling up under the cot. All things considered, it was about as good as it could get right then.


Thana Martin
Location: Mess Hall (C) -> Beach (L11)
Skills: N/A

Thana smirked a bit at the mention that Thalia was her friend. Glancing back towards Ash she chuckled. "Yup, which means I ain't a target or at least all I gotta do is out run you," she teased before making a break for it and running. She hadn't gotten a chance to run a lot lately and while her leg was hurting and stiff it didn't stop her. She wasn't exactly pushing herself at a breakneck speed but the limp was more noticeable as she ran. Despite the pain she liked getting out a nice stretch of sprinting in. It felt better than it did bad right then.

Rushing down onto the beach she glanced around. Place was pretty empty here. It was busier down a way towards where the waterway was in one direction and by the pier in the other. Stopping Thana plopped herself down in the sand and started untying her boots. The air was warm, not hot anymore but the sand had cooled off quickly now that the sun was setting. It felt nice and she wanted to get that feeling over her toes. Plus sand would get everywhere anyways, so might as well just skip the middle man and take them off now.

Letting out a long breath she looked over and laid eyes on Ash, smiling slightly. "Gonna tell ya something," she said before going back to her boots. "First time I met ya." Pulling one boot off and then the other. "Ya reminded me of somethang." Off came one sock and she stuffed it into a boot. "Couldn't put my finger on it fer the longest time." The other sock came off and went into the other boot. "First time I came out here, I knew what it was." Thana motioned towards the water. "In the winter, when its calm, and the sun hits it just right." Looking back to Ash she smiled softly. "It's the same color as yer eyes." Sighing a bit she looked back out over the water as she pulled her knees up and draped her arms over them. "Why I had to leave. Couldn't keep lookin' at them waters every day and not know." It was a hell of a confession.


Nikola Warren
Location: Streets of CMB (O2) -> Admin (A)
Skills: N/A

Nikki cussed under her breath as she jogged from the Jail towards Admin. It was a hell of a sprint and Nikki wasn't the most in shape person on the base. Not that she was out of shape but she wasn't a runner, she was a skate boarder. She was more used to keeping her balance than actually using her lungs to push forward. Her legs were in good shape, skateboarding did that, but again, skateboarding wasn't running. She wished she had brought her skateboard with her, but she didn't think she would be put on this damned goose chase by Cage. That would teach her, take the skateboard everywhere because it will keep your ass from running. That or she could start running, fuck that. She'd rather carry a skateboard everywhere than try running.

Huffing and puffing by the time she got to the admin she slammed against the front door a little harder than she had expected to. Rolo was in there and looked confused, that was until she was handed the paper Cage had given Nikki. Nikki normally would have just spat out what was going on but she was still sucking eggs from running. Taking the note back when it was handed to her, she went into the back as Rolo buzzed her through. Heading down the hallway, beads of sweat rolling down her flushed face she went right into the open door that was Gunny's office.

"From... Cage," Nikki huffed as she tossed the paper down on the desk and flopped down onto the floor. Sprawling out on the cold tile floor, Nikki coughed a little and then took a deep breath. Like hell she was running around anymore tonight. If they wanted her to do something that was fine but they had better give her a golf cart of something, that or give her time to get her skateboard. Running, fuck that, she was done.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Emanuel "Manny" Newman

Location: Mess Hall --> Streets L5
Skills: N/A


Since the apocalypse had begun Manny had suffered a rather unusual problem that most people had been able to figure out. He didn't fit the new social post apocalyptic norm. His outgoing nature and attempt at poor humor made it really easy for people to disassociate with him as he gave off the impression of just another person who couldn't accept the new reality of the situation. Though those who knew him a while knew there was more to him then that, it could make first impressions hard. But that out going nature of his seemed to do some good tonight for Nigel. Though it was a strange story, it seemed to give the man hope. Though he did feel bad for not sharing the final bits of said story, it was probably best. "Emanuel, but most people just call me Manny. And yeah, I came in with them. Thalia and Alexander are their names, other then Thana. Good people, can hold their own in a fight." He knew what stuck with people nowadays, who could hold their own in a day to day survival situation.

Nigel had also asked his group about some D&D stuff but it wasn't a game in Manny's realm of experience, but he hoped it was fun. He also seemed hopeful about the boy in the cell. Hearing what Rosie said about the other cases was confusing, but for now he would hold off on commenting. There was probably context he was missing. He hoped he was missing context...

With the conversation dying down he decided it was probably a good time to head in for the night. He would say a simple goodnight to Rosie, Nigel, Dolittle, and a few others while making his way out. Alexander seemed to be in a pretty in depth conversation so for him he gave a simple wave towards him while leaving. A smile, a nod of acknowledgement, and a wave. Thalia also seemed to be having herself a rather in depth conversation so he figured he wouldn't get in her way either and gave just a simple smile and wave towards her. He did pass by at the right time to hear a name he was ready to let die. Eden. The place was hell, either by design or by chance it was hell. He froze in his tracks hearing it at first, but would continue walking less then a second later like nothing happened. He was ready to forget that place. He wasn't sure what Thalia was doing bringing it up, maybe someone had asked about it and she was explaining just how bad people outside the walls could be? Or maybe there was something else to it? He wasn't sure but he wanted nothing to do with that conversation.


Hunter Monroe
Location: Jail (AA) Cell B


Hunter would spent some time dosing off, regretting not eating some more of his food before meal time ended. He had low confidence for what the next few days carried. But he had one thing on his side, he had time to sort out what he would say, how he would handle thing. And a couple days to sort out his priorities. He wondered what exactly were his priorities. He had a lot of things to sort out for sure, but he needed to pick and choose, as the likelihood of getting everything he wanted was next to nothing. He took a moment to think of some of them just to get them out there.

  • Izibell.

He decided no matter what. She was his top priority. He understood his mistrust was still Bias, but even with knowing that, he was determined that one way or another, he would get her back. He was not letting the people here keep her. He didn't care if they thought they were better, he knew they had resources, but he wasn't convinced that was good enough for her.

  • Izibell. Top priority, no matter what.
  • A rather long list of apologies to a rather long list of people.
  • Secure things in a way to sort out his own life.
  • If he stayed, talk to the shrink. He wasn't a big fan of the idea, but even the talk with Ashton helped.
  • If he stayed, make himself useful to the point of he couldn't be seen as easily expendable.
  • If he left, gain as much distance as possible, and find somewhere to ride things out.
  • Make actual friends
  • Get himself back into shape. He barely had the strength to carry his own gear anymore. That needed to change.
  • If he stayed, draw as much attention away from himself as possible.

The list was in no particular order, other then Izibell. She was his top priority, and he would do anything for her. Even if he struggled every step of the way, he would find a way to hold onto her. He thought about it, what he would do if he was kicked out without her. His plan then? He figured that would depend on the manner he was kicked out on. Other then that? If he stayed, he had a lot of work to do. Most of it would be work he would despise, hate, and be miserable doing. But work that needed to happen none the less. His biggest challenge? To be a more tolerable person socially. He thought back to years ago, the last time that was a real priority for him. That need faded around the time he met Greg and Don. Though he still held onto a piece of it from June and Lucy, the need was pretty weak then. And before then? The Guard. "God this is going to fucking suck."

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 day ago


Ash Holloway
Location: Mess Hall (C) -> Beach (L11)
Skills: N/A


"All I gotta do is outrun you." Oh, she was kidding. Ash knew she was kidding. She was kidding, right? It was true, though. Out in the world, those who were fleet of foot, constitute, and knew how to get out of sight survived. Pondering over this tiny point of worldly wisdom, Ash barely noticed that Thana, hurt previously and at a point where Doc had advised her to take it easy, instead darted off at a sprint.

Call it at a point of mild paranoia, but after the declaration of her intent to survive the onslaught of a rampaging, iron-armed Gonzalez lady followed by a sudden dash in any direction away from the Mess Hall, Ash's first impulse was to glance behind them to make sure that no danger was urgently present, barrelling down upon them. As he looked, his feet reflexively began to tap the pavement beneath him, carrying him forward, and more importantly, away. It was after a couple of steps that his brain registered with him that nothing was coming to get them. She was running for fun. And that concept struck him even harder. Running was for survival. No one did this for fun anymore. Was this place that safe? Well, that didn't matter right that second either. Even though Thana wasn't at her best, Ash still had to pour on the speed to catch up with her after her head start.

It must have been an interesting sight, the two of them running along the settlement's streets toward the beach. It took Ash a few paces, but he started to genuinely enjoy chasing after Thana. It was like they were kids, playing some game to disguise the fact that they were crushing hard on each other. Though Ash could only speak for himself, it was highly appropriate from his end.

At the beach, a destination that they reached far to quickly for Ash's preferences, he sat heavily down next to her. He was about to suggest something when she began to speak, herself. And what she said made him look at Thana with adoration and wonder. It was probably the first time that someone had described his eyes like this before; probably the only time anyone had bothered to pick out the exact color - including himself. And to have it compared to something as powerful, timeless, and beautiful as the ocean made his sense of modesty creep up more than a little. Even moreso was her description of how the similarity, and her note of it was enough to make her pick back up from this place of safety and go find him. To say it was touching was an understatement.

Following Thana's example as she spoke, he removed his boots and let his feet explore the sand a bit. He was rapt with attention to what she was saying, which was apparent by his expression and the way his eyes never left her, even as he was finagling with his footwear. Proper words of response were not coming to his lips with any formal bidding. How could he hope to match that? Instead, Ash shuffled up closer to her and wrapped an arm around her huddling form. "That's a beautiful thing to have said, Thawna," he said softly. "I promised you well over a year ago I'd make it here. I'd do it all over again if I had to, if it meant coming back to you." Gently, Ash pulled Thana into a supportive embrace, feeling the warmth and strength of her in both of his arms. He sighed contentedly, continuing, "Wherever you are is home." He might have said this once previously, but the sincerity of the statement was apparent.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


So... was this the psych evaluation? More than that, was this lady trying to pry something from Thalia in a room full of people? The point that she had given an answer that pleased the Russian lady was a positive thing, she supposed, but what was that supposed to mean as far as her getting onto D Roster was concerned? Or was that just the Major shooting the shit after a full day of silently telling people to fuck off with her eyes? Thalia was not exactly a lady of social skills, nor presence of any diplomatic sort, so she knew that trying to figure this one out at first sitting like this was bound to be a fruitless exercise. Not her wheelhouse. No, her wheelhouse had something to do with moving quietly and stabbing things, then disappearing into the woods for an extended period of time while people tried to figure out what the hell just happened. And that wasn't going to help anyone right now.

It did strike her as pointed that the first thing the Major wanted to speak about when Thalia had brought up the possibility of a psychological evaluation involved her thoughts and feelings about offing people. Not how she handled stresses of daily life, not questions to figure out if she had some martyr complex, but to the issue of her kill rate. Specifically, and by context, her kills on warm, living targets. Probably everyone had to snuff a dead guy every now and again, but she had a lot of blood on her hands. So again, Thalia was glad that the answer she gave was satisfactory to her.

But to the topic of Eden - maybe she had said too much. Not volunteering information, and not leading up to anything on her chest as her plan was to unload that on Joaquin later on, Thalia was confident enough to meet the Major's gaze and answer honestly, "No. Knowing Navy, I'm sure the report's thorough." She couldn't help but notice the increase on intensity of gaze that the Major lay upon her. If the point of this impromptu talk was to study for a reaction on Thalia's features, attempting to do so by asking a direct yes/no question concerning something both violent and personal was a good place to start. Kudos to the Major. But while Thalia was an emotionally open person, she did not have a lot of shame nor insecurity bubbling to the surface about Eden. The only regrets that she had were about losing Lola and the level of opportunistic brutality she turned on and off like a switch.

All the same, the silent interrogation, if that's what it was, did not constitute a reason to ignore her meal. Placing a piece of fishy goodness into her mouth, she chewed, savoring the fresh tuna with a satisfied, "Mmm," and a small chuckle. She did enjoy good food. Taking a more serious expression, she did confide one thing to the Major, meeting her gaze once again, "The attack was personal for me as much as it was sound tactic. Right thing to do awl around. The reason I asked is this is the first time we talked evah, and out of the gate the question's about me killing people. Makes a girl curious." Thalia considered making some show of indignation, give a harsh stare, something, but not only would that be counterproductive, she didn't think the Major would be very affected by her usual methods of asserting her presence. Strategically unsound, even. So she turned her attention back to what remained of her food. It softened her features immediately. She even smiled at the lady a little. It was a little unsettling to those who might know her.

Overall, Thalia had the impression that she might like the Major.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Amelia Payne
Location:Mess Hall (C) ->General Housing(X)(Condo 14B)
Skills: N/A


Amelia looked at Rosie with a surprised expression.” Wow.” she mumbled, hearing the fact that they had a lot of gaming books and comics. Well raiding a game store certainly was not something many would put on their priorities in the early days of the apocalypse. She supposed it was one of those things that only got important once you had a good place fortified to settle down.” I’m happy to hear it. Do enjoy reading a lot no matter what style it is.” She smiled. She loved reading, having a lot of gaming books and comics to read would be nice, even if she didn’t quite enjoy comics as much as a good book. Still comics had a very different feel from books and she could appreciate that.

Finally after finishing the last bit of her orange, Amelia arranged her plates on the tray.” I’m going to head off now. Thank you all for the nice time.” She said quietly towards Rosie, Nigel and Manny. Before turning back to Rosie.” I will be sure to check the library later. Have a great night you all.” She added and stood up, heading over and dropping her tray where she should and tossing the orange peels into a bin, before heading out of the Mess Hall in a very hurried step. She wanted to get home. She didn’t spot Riley at the hall so she hoped to catch her at home.

She nearly ran the entire distance to their condo. In hurry she opened the door and entered, eyes looking around for her lover. And sure enough she found her, bringing a huge smile on her face as she hurried to hug her. It’s been a long day, even after the visit to the graveyard. They had a lot to talk about.” So should I tell you about my day first or would you want the honors?” Amelia asked with a happy smile, leaning into the other woman. They had a lot to talk about indeed. The first proper day at this place. And she had to remember to also tell Riley about the invitation from the ladies at Supply to their game too. Well the day wasn’t quite over with still, there was time for some excitement and joy to be had.


Lisa Mason
Location: General Housing(X)(M6)->General Housing(X)(Apartment 6B)
Skills: N/a


Lisa stretched her arms as she walked into the building and heading towards the place she shared with Nikki and now Izi. The doggo could be a welcomed addition. Though if it was going to stay with them longer term, they’d have to get a few things done, like learning who might have problems with her and also confirm the walkies areas and time tables. Yeah… taking care of a pet was a hard work. Made her wonder if Nikki had already done that, but well only time would tell. Likely in the upcoming few days.

Reaching her front door, she casually reached, pulling the note left on the door by her energetic roomie and gave it a quick look over. Doggo in Nikki’s room, walkies after 7.” Mhm… good.” She smiled, folding the piece of paper as she pulled her key and unlocked the door, getting inside and closing it behind herself. As soon as she found herself inside, there were a few barks coming from the younger girl’s room and with a smile Lisa walked over to open the door and let the poor thing out from there. Izi probably got the crazies from staying in that room until now. At least with two rooms it has some variety.

With the dog free and exploring their place until it decided the couch was the most comfortable place, Lisa looked at Izi amused for a while before checking the time. There was still time until walkies, so she was free on that for the time being.” Alright, girl. Stay good while I go get a bath. I feel dirty. Literally.” She mused to herself and talking softly to the dog with a bad pun, before walking to her room, getting a towel and then heading to the bathroom. She was not going to bed with dirt in her hair. No way in hell.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Alexander Polawski
Location: Mess Hall (C) -> Outside of Mess Hall, streets of CMB
Skills: N/A


They had more than just one session a week. Alexander wasn't too late and he could ask Atticus for some guidance later that evening. It wasn't too late for him. Alexander felt a strange sensation at Aeron's words, one of both relief, yet one laced with the heavy weight of responsibility too. Sometimes the old veteran did not understand himself, and perhaps he really hadn't done so for years. Perhaps the only thing that made sense in him was his prostethic leg, and that was added onto him not a week ago.

Perhaps that was what he needed. An outsiders view, a new part of himself to guide the rest of his broken body.

Alexander kept on following Aeron outdoors into the Florida evening hours, the weather less killing that before all things considered. On the way he caught sight of Manny giving him his friendly wave, smile and nod, like he always had for his fellow baby boomer. Alexander returned the gestures, glad to have such friends out in such weather they had. Though the humidity, that you never got used to. "That would be A-Okay, really. As long as he doesn't mind an old tech-wiz talking about his scars…No, that would be great, I think…I hope." Alexander said quietly back to Aeron, taking in the air as he cleared his thoughts. He didn't want to, but he needed that. To talk. He'd talked, really talked to only a few select few his entire life. His wife, his friends pre-'Nam, and Aeron.

They knew It, how It had been and still was. Now he needed to get those ghosts out of his head.

Alexander took a deep breath as they kept walking, one hand stuffed down his pocket and the other hanging loosely at his side. "So about those photos, amongst other things you've hoarded, Aeron. What should I expect? One of those shows about manic hoarders, their garages full of newspapers and junk? I mean I was no better with old fridges and TVs in the basement of my shop, but still." Alexander attempted to banter to his friend, pulling the conversation to tonight's activity. He hated surprises, especially if the photo from last night had been a taste of what was to come.


Nigel Cooper
Location: Mess Hall (C) -> Streets of CMB/Beach (M9)
Skills: N/A


An open mind, pen, paper and dice. Got it. For an activity Nigel had heard so little, yet imagined involved nearly as much theatrics as his days of reenactment, the simply tool Rosie told him to bring made Nigel give her a second glance, then one aimed at Amelia. Really? Was it that simple? Images of fellow students at the university, all dressed in robes, capes, pointed ears and staffs conjoured themselves in his mind, but now all he needed was those four items? Well, three items and an attitude. Clearly it was the latter that would be his biggest trial. It felt ironic, for he himself felt judged for his hobby, and now he was in the same galley. Funny how the world came full circle like that.

Though the conversations still revolved around Hunter and his Herculean act of stupidity or lack of luck, one of those two. Nigel really hoped both Rosie and Manny were right in their judgements. Perhaps he should check those records Rosie spoke of. Would be a good exercise in reading factual texts again after so long living the nomad life. While thinking about his visit to the Library of Alexandria 2.0, Nigel nodded politely to Manny's introductions. "Manny, I understand. I will do my best to remember their names, for I've not had the chance to speak to the two of them much. I no way doubt their prowess, especially with two of them having had such losses. Perhaps I will spar with Thalia later."

Soon Nigel bid farewell to the leaving Manny, feeling a yawn escape his mouth after what little salad he'd eaten found its spot. While he had no real concept of time those days, it felt as if evening was upon them, quickly followed by the calm of night. Nigel said goodbye to Amelia as well, soon sitting alone with Rosie. Company was growing scarce, he was no longer hungry, and time was fleeting as always. Nigel gave his regards to Rosie, picked up his plate and handed it in. It was not long after that he found himself standing outside the Mess Hall, walking down towards the Beach. Not for any particular reason, he just wanted to take a walk somewhere.

Though he wouldn't have minded walking with someone. Erica, Thana, Thalia…Loneliness was not a close friend of him, but he snuck up behind him like one with a dagger.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

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☠ πšƒπš†π™³: πšˆπšŽπšŠπš› 𝟻 π™ΏπšŠπš›πš 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:57 A.M. - Dusk at 7:41 P.M. - High: 87F, Low: 72F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 10mph - No rain - Cloud Cover: 26% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: Another round of skipping ahead slightly. NPC's are assumed to be mulling about like extra's in a tv show. If you need to interact, go ahead. If you have a specific question feel free to ask. This post is going to be.. off. (Anniversary of the day my mother died and I didn't realize it until this morning, so needless to say my mind isn't in writing today but funny, she was an author, so I guess it is fitting that I am writing today. Anywho, there it is. Bear with me.)

Next week we should be within a round to change days and maybe skip ahead to the court martial unless anyone has anything specific. Oh and the whole DnD thing in the camp - that WILL be a real thing! We will be hosting an RP within an RP and ANYONE is welcome to have their character host one! Sessions will be done in a special chat room in discord and you will be Rping out in collab your PC's reactions to their own characters! Please remember DnD was only up to 3rd edition at the time of virus beginning. Other systems are welcome as well. I will be using Nightlife, which is the system that gave me the idea for how we are now handling skills! So get ready, we are about to Inception the fuck out of this RP!)
Date: July 23rd, 2012

Streets of CMB: The sun is nearly all the way set but there is still an orange haze being as it is twilight. The air is starting to cool but it is still hot and humid. Being that it is summer in Florida it isn't ever really going to be cool during the nights, merely tolerable. People are out more now that dinner is wrapping up. Where kids were playing soccer and kickball before they are more mellow now, sitting in grassy places talking or playing card games like Magic the Gathering. Little groups form at tables or in open spots, people chatting and hanging out in the early evening air. Like seems rather calm all things considered.

Several women are sitting out on porches in front of their ground floor apartments, they are cross stitching and preparing quilting squares as they rock back and forth in their chairs. One can see several armed people here and there making their rounds, on the walls every fifty feet or so are more heavily armed guards manning their posts and keeping an eye out on the world on the other side of the wall.

Lights are starting to be turned on in homes and buildings that are still open. Places like the Education Center, admin, and the hospital are more lit than other buildings and seem to stay that way. Joaquin and Atticus have headed back to the church by now. Michael is finally leaving the hospital with Mary, the two are catching a later dinner than others. Maddoc and Mizrahi are just south of the Education Center in the middle of a fight. It doesn't look to be something angry but more of a sparring session between the two. Mizrahi is faster and stronger than Maddoc but the elder has experience and is more than holding his own.

Aeron looked over to Alexander and gave a grandfatherly smile. "I don't think he would mind, he had listened to myself many night." Motioning with his cane towards the Education Center with its lights on before continuing in that direction. "He is more understanding that many of the cloth that I have met. He did serve as well, hot zones in the middle east. Self proclaimed Battle Priest. I think that is good here, since so many have served. He understands the life and choices we had to make." As they got closer to the buildings Aeron chuckled. "Oh no, Edna makes sure everything is in order. She likes to keep things in order, has even organized everything according to the Dewy Decimal System. Things such as articles and pictures we old birds used to keep as reminders are now one of the few things left of the more current histories. For her, they are educational material and taken care of as such," he said as they reached the center. It was unlocked and one of two were milling about in the general area. Inside they would need to ahead across the main foyer and to one side before finding the library. It was impressive, walls and shelves full of books, filling up what had to have been three or four rooms originally before the walls were knocked down. "This way, there is storage in the basement for our older items that might be sensitive to the light that is coming in the windows during the day," he added before heading to a door marked archives. This door was locked. Reaching into his pocket he started to fish for his keys.

Mess Hall (C): Rosie looked over to Manny and nodded, giving a little wave with the fork still in her hand. Looking back over at Amelia she grinned. "Well we got a library that's fer sure." Stabbing at her food, she continued. "It wasn't much more than what we could collect from around the houses and condos here for a long time but once we got situated the General had us, if not really looking for reading material, collecting it if we ran across it. We've been able to raid a lot of book stores and college stores in our territory." Shrugging she took another bite of her food. Nodding, she did to the same to Amelia as she had done to Manny, a little wave goodbye with her fork still in her hand. Rosie obviously didn't pause long between bites, eating so quickly had to have an affect on her stomach, or at least some in camp might say that.

"See ya later Sportacus," Rosie chuckled as he headed out before she went back to trying to get the last bits of food off her tray. She wasn't one to let anything be left behind. Though she considered it as Sheers came over and sat down next to her with a tray of food. If one were to notice Edna right then she was snickering from behind her glass of water. She knew Rosie only tolerated Sheers and just barely.

The Major nodded slightly. "I vould say curiosity kills the cat but I've yet to see it," she said as she stared at Thalia. She seemed to pause, taking the girl in, looking her over. It was much the way that Macsen looked at people but at least when Macsen did it didn't set people off. The Major had no such bedside, or in this case tableside manner. When she looked at someone, wanting to read them it was was cold. She didn't hide it, one could tell she was weighing things out in her mind. It was cold and a bit creepy. One couldn't tell if she was going to finally snap or devour the person she was looking at. After a long uncomfortable moment she finally spoke again. "I vill put you on D Roster. Tomorrov. 2000 hours, open field south of Education Building they vill meet for training." Standing up she picked up her tray. "If you are late, you vill not get another chance." It was a flat delivery void of opinion. It was fact, as much as two plus two equaled four. A curt nod and the Major turned to go bus her tray.

General Housing (X): Back in housing and more specifically in Lisa and Nikki's shared apartment, things are calm. Izi is taking it easy. Glad to be out of the single room, granted she is more used to being out in the open a lot but at least now she can get up and walk around a bit before settling back down. She is a little lethargic but that is to be expected. She has an owner, one she is used to, and used to be outside in the wild. But dogs will be dogs and air conditioning with a soft couch is a lot better to lay down in than the heat and woods.

Jail (AA): Down in the cell, things are calm. Nothing is coming out of cracks in the wall and scurrying across the ground right now, which is probably a good thing. The smell if cleaner hangs in the air but a low rumble starts up and a fan kicks on, air starts circulating from the air vents outside of the cell. The air is cool and clean and it helping to get rid of the smell of bleach and disinfectant.

Upstairs, the radio crackles and Cage answers it, it's Macsen. "Yeah." "Hell of a request." "Within my authority." "Mhmm." "Don't give me that shit, you going to approve it or not?" "Yes." "Good." The crackle goes silent and Cage places the radio back down before rubbing his face. He was going to pay for this and he knew it. Nothing was free, especially these days.


Thana Martin
Location: Beach (L11)
Skills: N/A

At that moment there wasn't really anything for Thana to say. Ash spoke and she listened. More than listening though she felt his arms around her. It was warm and comforting, even though it was still hot right then outside she didn't mind. She knew she could have broke out in a sweat and she still wouldn't pull away. Leaning more against him she simply nodded. Wherever he was at was her home as well. Now that he was here it finally was starting to feel like a home.

Home, something most didn't have these days. Then again, thinking on it, Thana could remember plenty of times that she didn't feel like she had a home. Growing up, thanks to her now dead sister, her parents house never felt like home. Maybe it would have been different if her father had been around more but he wasn't. He was serving, he was gone most of the time. Long stretches away, leaving her to fend for herself as her mother and sister teamed up against her. The Spare as they liked to call it. It wasn't until after she joined the Navy that she had felt like she had a home. She fit in there, oddly enough. it didn't matter that she was shipped out all over the world, serving felt like home. Her team was family.

Then the world ended and she tried to hang on to that home but it was lost. Finding Newnan was a fluke. And it wasn't home but it was the start of something. Glancing over to Ash out of the corner of her eye she remembered seeing him the first time up close. Snow covered the ground, she was let in through the front gate. People seemed confused. Ash looked at her like he had seen a ghost and quickly told her to cover her face. It was a very confusing way to start. Granted it was made clear after he got her stashed away from the sight of the others. She had wondered if it was needed, then seeing how people reacted to her she understood that it had been. Things only got more difficult from there.

No, Newnan had never been home. There wasn't time for it to become a home. Then again, Thana felt it never would be home. Even with Ash there. There was a ghost that haunted her presence there. People saw her but thought of someone else. Someone who was and was not real. Sure they had been but what they showed people she till wondered if it was true or was it just another well placed facade. Shaking off the thought Thana leaned in more to Ash as she looked out over the water, seeing the waves creep up on the shore. No, this was home now. Ash was here, the ghost of siblings past wasn't. Thalia, Alexander, Manny were here. Yes she had her grandfather and uncle and dad but even they weren't as close to her as her new family. CMB was home, for now. If they one day had to leave home would be wherever they went, as long as they went together.


Nikola Warren
Location: Admin (A) -> General Housing (X)
Skills: N/A

Nikki sat there, well sitting was a bad way to describe it. It was more like she was slumped there in the chair, like a rag dog that had been tossed onto a seat and just fell into whatever position gravity would have her lay. Slack and boneless, enough to where she was slowly sliding out of the seat towards the ground as she waited for Gunny and Cage to have their little call on the radio. She could hear both ends thanks to it being a radio instead of a phone. So before Gunny even looked at her and gave her the okay she already knew what the answer was. That didn't stop her from sliding out of her seat fully and onto the ground.

It wasn't until after the so called call was over that she fell forward and finally stood up. "Ugh fine... But I want extra credit for this shit," she grumbled as she headed for the door. She didn't bother to look back and see if Gunny had anything else to say. She knew what she had to go and do now. It was eating into her time eating and she did like to eat. Granted everyone did these days. She just hoped a tray would be set aside for her and that someone hid said tray from Dusty so she would at least get dinner.

That would have to wait though. First things first, she needed to walk Izi. The dog had been inside for a while now. Then she would make sure to grab her skateboard to since she had to finish up and head back to the jail again to drop things off for Cage. Groaning she double timed it back to the apartment and headed inside. Smiling she noted the note was gone and could hear the showing running. "Taking the god for a walk and still working! Be back later!" she yelled after knocking on the door to the bathroom. She hoped Lisa would hear her. Grabbing the leash and a baggie she hooked the leash to Izi. She nearly got out the door before remembering she needed her skateboard. Reaching into the hall closet she grabbed it before heading out the door real fast and closing it behind her.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 day ago


Ash Holloway
Location: Beach (L11)
Skills: N/A


The moment was quiet. Serene, even. It was a tranquil span of time that brought out a long dormant sense of peace in Ash. That idea was almost foreign to him; peace. He'd been waging a prolonged war against forces that sought to kill him, those he cared about, and in a broader sense, those for whom he felt responsibility. Responsibility was a motivating factor in who he was and what he did, with his personal needs taking second place or lower in most things. It had been a long, long time since he had genuinely considered wanting anything for himself. In that hour on the beach with Thana, watching the water beat on the sand in the dying light of the day, he found that whatever buried want or need for himself was being fulfilled anyway. This was a perfect moment, which he committed to memory. Every detail, from the sand between his toes to the gradual and minor shift in temperature; the wind carrying the scent of the sea and the feel of Thana against him. The rhythm of the water sounded like a great intake of breath and sigh, reflecting the peaceful nature of his heart, again and again. This was an hour that had the potential to sustain him through whatever darkness lay ahead.

Was he content? Was this what that word meant? Ash was a learned man, having taken education from one of the premier military universities in the world (or the world-that-was, anyway), and so had ample knowledge in the textbook definition of "content", as it applied in this instance. But had he ever truly felt it? The worries of the future were not in his thoughts, likewise the problems of the past remained there, in the past. They didn't touch him, past or future both. Ash was fully in the moment, cognizant only of the evening unfolding before him. This made the last two years worth it. Newnan's collapse and what lay before it, the many months afterwards, the uncertainty, fear, longing, regret. These things of negativity had not deserted him, granted. They just did not have hold on his psyche at the present. Yes - content. This is what it meant.

With a grin growing on his face, Ash began to gently pull himself away from the embrace he had with Thana. It was not with any intent to put an end to their rendezvous, as one might be able to pick out from the warm expression for his beachside Aphrodite. He quickly discarded his shirt and held a hand out to Thana, inquiring with a bright, smiling eyes, "How about you and I get better acquainted with the water tonight?" It seemed like a fine time for a dip.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: Mess Hall (C) -> E7 (In front of Desalinization)
Skills: N/A


Everyone seemed to get that expression only halfway. Curiosity did indeed kill the cat, but the other half assured one that satisfaction brought it back. But giving that some thought, Thalia had no fucking clue what that was supposed to mean, either. This was just one random synapse firing in her brain that she shoved to the wayside, being that it held zero bearing on the moment nor what she was trying to accomplish. And the Russian lady was forthcoming that she didn't exactly agree with the saying, anyway. So it was pointless. As the Major seemed to eye-grope her, Thalia narrowed her own eyes slightly and tilt her head to one side, as if puzzling something of her own out. Oh, she had been stared through before, by people far scarier than Russian Major Lady. Admittedly, she has the privilege of being related to them (for the most part), which helped a lot. She could tell that this was not a woman to be taken lightly. But then, she already knew that. So the icy eyes of the Major did what they had to while Thalia awaited judgement.

When the axe finally descended, Thalia was pleased to hear that she was being put on D roster. This was what she needed. And it was easily the weirdest psych evaluation she'd ever been party to. But hey, she wasn't about to complain. Thalia gave the Major a raspy but well intended, "Thanks. I'll be theah." 2000 hours. What was that again? Yeah, 8:00 pm. She could do this. Like a workout, but at the end of the day instead of the beginning. Foot in the door.

Thalia suddenly remembered, sitting at that table, that she still had unfinished business from earlier. Oh, potentially ass-beating worthy business, too. So, with the grace of a walrus with advanced palsy, Thalia hurled what remained of her supper into her facehole at speeds that defied human description short of theoretical physics research documentation. She swept up everything that needed to be returned to the people working the Mess Hall and bused her tray. She marveled over the fact that she damn near chipped a tooth on that metal arm of hers, such was the ferocity of her chomping instincts, but shook it off and made for the door.

Step One was locating that map. It was an easy thing to do, seeing as she had referenced it earlier in the day. She had a specific target in mind for this, while there was still time. Another passing thought hit her on her way to the sign - she was moving out and about alone, with true night fast approaching, and she had nothing with which to defend herself. Not even a decent knife, or barring that, a pointed stick. So maybe her arm counted, it being a decent blunt object in place of her fist. But it still felt strange not to be armed. And she wasn't back at her best, either. Okay, moving on. Thalia read the map and located her object of search: Desalination. Where the road loops. The next clue, the final prize, whatever. This was happening tonight.

With what remained of her sense of propriety, that which hadn't been washed away her years of living like a feral wolf-dog, Thalia made it outside of the building before she took off at a run. It was a thing at which she excelled. Running of course, not propriety. She didn't continue at a dead sprint for any appreciable time, merely until she broke away from the crowds and put a little distance. Then she slowed to an observant jog, speeding or slowing as necessary, until she finally found the building she was looking for. Or more accurately, the street near to it. "One Way Sign... One Way Sign... One Fucking Way Si... HA!" She didn't know what might be there, but damnit, Thalia was going to find out.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

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Emanuel "Manny" Newman

Location: Streets L5 --> General housing (X)/Apartment 1D
Skills: N/A


The streets were beautiful this time a night. The view reminded him of years ago when he would get home either after dark, or when the sun was getting to set like it was now. It reminded him of the day when he first had purchased the plot of land he eventually built his business on, and he and his Husband would spend hours a day trying to set it up reading old books, hiring professionals only when they were needed the most, and able to squeeze up enough money between the two of them to afford it. Though financially they were stable after that period in their life they still had other problems to deal with. Though most sunsets like this reminded him of pretty nights, there was a short period of time where the sun setting meant another night of hoping no visitors would arrive and cause trouble. Manny at that point in his life made a reputation for himself, and that helped bring an end to things before things got really bad.

But that was the past. The long nights of waiting to see what may happen are over. Now they had food, shelter, and no unhinged people burning things in his yard. There were no more nights of hiding in random houses hoping that the dead didn't barge in to rip them apart, with nothing to stop them except hoping it was few enough that their small group could fend them off int he dark with blades and a couple firearms. He made his way towards his new home. It wasn't much, but it was safe. The hardest part for him now would be starting many aspect of his life over in this new community. Something he isn't looking forward towards, but he wouldn't have to do it with a shotgun in his lap anymore. On his way to his apartment he could see the ocean. Though he had seen it may times in his life, it was an amazing sight to see none the less. The only times he had seen it post end of the world it was normally surrounded by carnage. Like the old stone fort, the land around them burned, and moaned. Always moaned. In the early days he remembered what he thought was burning on the ocean. Now? it was clear. A smooth line of sight more clear then even the old days.

Walking into his apartment he would find himself a comfortable seat in one of the recliner chairs to sit in and rest with his eyes closed. He didn't like it, but age was catching up to him. A day of physical tasks either being running for his life, or a day of thorough cleaning all day took its toll on him. But he had a place to rest and recover for now, and that for now would be enough.


Hunter Monroe
Location: Jail (AA) Cell B


Having a rough idea of what his priorities are, he needed to figure out how to make that work. Maddoc made it clear, leaving with Izibell wouldn't be allowed. So leaving wasn't a good option. Not unless he thought he had a real chance to get out with Izibell. Realistically though, a chance like that wouldn't happen. So he had to find a way to make staying work. The long list of apologies would be a step. He upset and pissed off a lot of people. Thinking about it, even if he got the chance to leave he'd want to do that anyways. It made him think about what Nikki said about mistrust. He figured some of that was a lot more true then Hunter gave it credit for. Though he had little hope getting over it. Hunter's experience with officers was poor even before coming here, and many of the ones here felt like those he had met in his short career. It was easy to see their mistrust too, he wondered if that was was due to the conflict with the other group. Either the mistrust caused by that conflict, or he wondered if it was a case like his. Where his mistrust led to conflict and that is why they were still trying to help them.

His therapy appointment would be coming up in the next couple days. He wondered if that got canceled because he was now in lock up or if some poor bastard would have to meet him here. Both probably didn't work too well in his favor. And then there was making himself useful. To make himself a pain in the ass to replace. He thought about the skills he possessed. He chuckled at that though, it wasn't in his favor either. Most of his skills were good for the world outside the walls. Something unlikely they'd let him do. He could handle his way around most types of firearms with relative ease, but after how today went them giving him a gun seemed nearly impossible. He has countless years of salvage experience, and the experience that came with trying to get some of that salvage to work again. They seemed to already have a pretty fully crewed repair team from what he saw today so that may not work either.

A part of him considered bribery, but he already tried to buy Izibell back using what gear he walked in with. That made no progress. He thought back to his time on the road, stockpiles of things that as an individual traveler would be useless to him, but maybe to a community some use. The most useful ones were from the early days, and likely picked clean by now. It didn't help that he had no idea what the total inventory of things they had here were, or what they were looking for now. He considered some of his personal stashes he had placed in case he lost his gear or he needed to double back in case of an emergency. But the goods there would be rather few, most stashes he made being less then the gear he walked in with. Sure, guns and bullets were nice. Even a couple days of food for one person. But was it really worth the time and fuel for someone to go out and collect? He figured less then likely. And that was assuming they were all still there and that no one else had found them.

He wondered what else he had to offer. Not as much as he would have liked. He knew his way around explosives, but like the firearms things, he had little hope they would ever let him handle anything like that after today. He chuckled. Most of his skills he had were well balanced for someone living on his own outside of the walls. But inside? He had few skills useful for the new modern world. He thought back to the early stockpiles, the ones he found that were more or less useless to him at the time. And he wondered which were most likely to still be intact.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Amelia Payne
Location:General Housing(X)(Condo 14B)
Skills: N/A


They had a good time talking to each other after reuniting for the day. Both had a lot of regular day excitement happening in the span of a single workday it seems. Who would have guessed a regular schedule and day to day civilized affairs could be such an exciting talk!? Though to be fair after so long a time in the β€˜wild’ with walkers everywhere and no civilization at all, even the most mundane things would become exciting and enjoyable. For example Amelia eagerly retold the happenings at Supply and the paperwork funnily enough and was more than happy to hear about Riley’s day.

Amelia retold everything to Riley, even the invitation by the older ladies back at Supply to come play Gin Rummy with them by the Chapel after dinner. She got a few chuckles and smiles when she added Nikki’s explanations on the matter. All in all talking with her lover was a very enjoyable experience.

In the end the two of them decided to take a walk around town, go down by the beach. She would have loved to take up on the invitation, but as she had also stated earlier, it wouldn’t be for tonight. Maybe tomorrow, she was already feeling tired after everything that happened. It’d take a couple of days to get used to the life here. They decided to go and play with them tomorrow if they would be gathering again and if not, the next time they would be. For tonight, she just wanted to enjoy the time with Riley. On an improvised date to the beach. Not even getting to the water or anything, just go there to watch the night’s sky, the darkness of the ocean, maybe heard the sound of waves. They will have more than enough chances to enjoy the rest of the things the town had to offer, but first and most important, she wanted a date.


Lisa Mason
Location: General Housing(X)(Apartment 6B)
Skills: N/a


Showers, the invention that probably changed the world! Maybe… probably, hey at least Lisa’s world was changed right about now. As soon as she felt the water running, all the fatigue and stress left her body. A nice refreshing shower at the end of the day did wonders for her state of mind. So she enjoyed it like the gift it was. In fact she just stood there enjoying the water before she went to deal with the dirt in her hear.

She had just about gotten a comical amount of foamy bubbles when she heard the knock even through the sound of running water. Ohh Nikki had gotten home and was taking doggo out for a walkie.” GOT IT!” She replied with a smile returning to her bath. She did snicker how the girl had called the dog a rather peculiar name instead – god. Welp she always thought the cats were the ones with god complex? Ehh whatever.

Finishing the shower after she was certain she had gotten as clean as possible, she went back to her room, got dry, dressed up and tossed herself on her bed, laying down. Lisa was now facing a rather great problem. She had no idea what to do with the rest of the day! There were many things to be done, but she wasn’t sure which to go with. Of course there was always the most stable option of just calling it a night and relax at home.” Alternatively… I could go for a walk by the beach... or maybe just relax and do some people watching.” She thought aloud, swinging a leg back and forth off the side of the bed. In the end she decided to just rest easy tonight and go out to have fun tomorrow. Maybe she shout now figure out some details for her idea pitch for the walk...mouse trap competition. It would certainly make the idea better received by the people at Administration. And wording it right and running it by a few of the departments first might be bonus points. After all getting children interested in engineers and mechanics with such games would be a good thing. As for the adults, they’d likely have fun as well.

β€œMm this will be good.” Lisa mused as she stood up to find something to write on. There were ideas to write! She couldn’t wait for Nikki to return and check on her for any possible ideas she might have to add as well. More perspectives were good to have and Nikki was certain to throw a great unexpected idea or two.
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