Taleste was relieved that she hadn't been kicked out, and took this time to sit down and attempt to lower her heart rate. Still, she couldn't let her guard down yet. It is the motto of an untrustworthy person to trust nobody, and Taleste was a thief with a long history of double crossing and backstabbing, striding through life with blinders on so all she could see were herself and her own interests. Her current interest was to stay alive, and she had her two fellow passengers to thank for that. She didn't feel indebted to them, though. If it weren't for them, this heist would have gone without a hitch, but here she was, making lemonade out of lemons.
She looked around the inside of the craft. She'd been in worse. The cramped fighter with that killer robot that day in the Projects came to mind. A shiver ran through her body like a jolt of electricity just thinking about that day. It wasn't a day she'd likely forget, and she had tried.
But she was safe now.
She was safe now.
Her breathing was becoming more and more exaggerated, and her hands dug into the armrests until her knuckles turned white. She could still hear its voice in her head. She shut her eyes.
She was safe now.
She was safe now.
Taleste ran to the nearest window, opened it, and threw up. She returned to her seat pale and sheepishly.
"I'm fine." she muttered.