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Great. Now I want to play Princess even more.

We'll see if a chance to play her as a villian comes along.
...Did my Batgirl sheet get missed or is it just being considered?

Because I've gotten no word on it.
Full name:Stephanie Brown

Alias: Batgirl

Brief Bio: Stephanie Brown is the daughter of the criminal known as Cluemaster. She resented this, and, donning a costume, became the Spoiler. Initially, she limited herself to 'spoiling' her father's plans, but expanded to the whole of Gotham, acting as a vigilante. After a long and very complicated series of events, including dating Tim Drake, AKA Robin, becoming Robin herself, appearing to have been killed, revealed to not have been killed, taking up the mantle of Spoiler again, working alongside Batgirl, and finally becoming the new Batgirl under the watchful eye of Barbra Gordon, she then attempts to join the Avengers alongside her mentor, when that fails, she attempts to join SHIELD, but isn't declared 'the right stuff'.

More or less giving up on the prospect of joining a team to aid Barbra, she is set to continue as a solo crime fighter, when she is one of the first approached by Nightwing to join the Teen Titans. She naturally accepted.

Abilities: Being trained by Barbra, Batman, and even the Birds of Prey, she is naturally in peak physical condition and knows many different forms of martial arts. She also has good knowledge of espionage, interrogation and detective skills among other things, such as lip reading and basic medical techniques.

Her suit offers very good protection against bullets, knives and other ballistics and is also fireproof and shockproof. She is equipped with a utility belt, and a wireless relay within her cowl.

Her weapons of choice are batarangs, a retractable bo staff, and her good old fashioned fists.

Personality: Stephanie is brave and resourceful, with a good head on her shoulders. She is stubborn and will not give up or retreat even when it is the best course of action. Not naturally as intelligent as Bruce Wayne or Barbra Gordon, but is a very quick learner. She is an optimist, but has a sarcastic streak a mile wide and a short temper. As her father was a criminal, she fights crime with an intensity, as if she has something to prove.


Stephanie is 5"5, slim, muscular, physically fit, with long blonde hair and blue eyes.

Affiliations: Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cane, Batman
There's Iron Lad.

Ech, I really want a CHERUB character, but none of them are the hero type.

Is Batgirl taken?
Princess is out.

Hmm...Dana Smith from CHERUB or Hit Girl from Kick-Ass. I'm leaning towards Dana, though I don't have ideas for a superhero persona/alias
Ah, so it's one character per canon.
I fancy joining this as someone without powers.

My two current favourite ideas are either Princess Morbucks (Powerpuff Girls) or anyone from the CHERUB series, probably Rathbone.
When the craft landed, Taleste finally felt relived to be on Terra Firma, and color was returning to her face, though she still kept her air of caution that hadn't been dropped in days. She had almost forgotten what it felt like to truly relax, free from the worry that you might get shot 20 seconds from now. She was really going to have to learn to fight. There's only so much fast legs and a smart mouth can do for you.

She exited the craft as instructed and followed Tess out. She knew Tess wasn't overly fond of her, but that was understandable. Besides, Tess had both spared her life and, if Taleste read the signs right, got chewed out by her boss for it. Taleste would have to be pretty darn grateful. And she was.

She was about to offer to help Tess carry something, but then her brain kicked in and she realized that a relative stranger asking to be given weapons was not the best of starts. In Tess' position, she'd want herself to shut up, follow, and only speak when she had to, so that's exactly what she did.
"It's an understatement to say our races have differing opinions. We're different in many aspects. After the destruction of Planet Vegeta, my people vowed not to let power and conquest rule us, and vowed to make the Saiyan name mean something more than 'murderous monkeys working for the Planet Trade.' We wanted it to be associated with honor and pride.

But we're dwindling. We're dying out. Many believe it is a form of cosmic retribution for out sins.

Your race instead revels in conquest, power, and destruction, and it thrives, and grows, and grows stronger. There have been more than one of us who followed your example but were not strong enough, and were killed by other races. Every one of us who defects tarnishes our name and lessens our number.

You're killing my people without even realizing. As our blood grows thinner, I resent the Dark Saiyans more and more. For all our efforts, you have what we deserve."

As Kaliflur was talking, she was getting increasingly tense and her power level was rising independently. Upon the last sentence, she blinked, and lowered it again.

"...Maybe we're the ones who are wrong. I don't know anymore. I just don't know. What am I even doing here? What do I hope to solve?


...What do you fight for?"
Kaliflur sat down opposite Wolf.

"I know a Saiyan when I see one.

And these people...they're like children. They have a very strong mentality of 'that guy is evil, so I will stop at nothing until the world is rid of him.' Maybe it's a by-product of the repeated invasions this planet has suffered at the hands of tyrants like Frieza, or the horrific creation that was Majin Buu, or even the out of control Broly, one of our own.

Still, it's an infantile, black-and-white outlook at the same. If this wasn't the planet Vegeta and Kakarot chose as home, I'd have left by now, and let your kin take it. But...this is where our Prince is laid to rest, and I won't see it come to harm. Especially not at the hands of a Dark Saiyan.

...No offense."
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