@Lawful NewtralAmber looked puzzled as she comprehended that. "Ah, so it's like a spell, instead on a natural, ongoing thing. So are you a wizard?" After she asked this, she kept following him, waiting for an answer. Giving up waiting after a few minutes, she instead asked another question. "So, do yo kill for food like a wolf, or sport like a man?" Awaiting and being ignored for a second time, she huffs and stops following him, muttering "rude" under he breath.
She noticed the had travelled substantially further in this maze of buildings of people, now lost and far away from familiarity whereas this distance would be nothing in the forest. She also noticed the people seemed more dangerous, and were starting to notice her, and stare at her in the same way that male species stare at female species when the act of mating for said species doesn't involve the act of asking consent. She quickly caught up with Gellert, smiling sheepishly. "I'm just going to follow you, and be quiet" she muttered.
The building she entered looked a lot more promising. Many of the residents were children. She now left Gellert while he started to thraten somebody she didn't know or care about, and joined the children, being the size of one but looking more mature, and elven, they were in awe of her.
"Hello, little men and women. I'm Amber. What are all your names?"