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It depends which characters you're shipping
Natalie scoots over until she's sitting next to Lily. "You know I don't actually think you use your power on me, right? It's just...the thought's always there in my head, you know? That you could. I know you won't, but it's...hmmm...it's a little bit like being naked when your friend has their eyes closed. They can't see you, and you trust them not to open them, but you're still naked in their presence and nothing can change that."

She then stands up. "Am I the only person actually excited to be here? Does nobody else think that we may have been called here to join the X-men? We should be a little more upbeat, don't yo think?"

It's probably still operational. Plus I have a few ideas for Heidi once she gets back to the Mansion, like make sure Shawn's okay, or asking Tatiana why she took Heidi's form earlier. It's just in the transport that I don't have enough to say.
Lotta tension in this room all of a sudden. I'm gonna wait a bit before I post. Ideally for the teacher guy to come in.
I legitimately don't know what to post. This has never happened before
Natalie's response to being woken was to stir, murmur, and then slip a hand out from under her sheets and give a thumbs up to Lily, before seemingly going back to sleep. In truth, she was just dozing, and waiting for Lily to leave the room before she made her preparations. Natalie had never been a particularly private person in the past, but there was just something about a roommate who could see through your clothes if they so wished. I mean, you know she's not actually going to, but the paranoia's still there, festering and pestering.

Once she heard the door shut, Natalie got up, stretched and yawned, then noisily looked around in all her draws for something to wear. There was still a chill in the morning air, so maybe something long-sleeved. She went with a black cardigan and a red scarf around her neck. She didn't bother with toiletries besides deodorant, so her trip to the bathroom was brief. She would brush her teeth and put on her makeup after breakfast.

As she headed out of her dorm and towards the conference room, Natalie started to muse of the mean that both she and Lily were chosen for a special meeting. She knew it couldn't realistically be, but there was a tiny, childlike part of her that wondered if they were being recruited for the X-Men. The group had become heroes and figure of legend to Natalie since she'd heard of them, and to be added to their ranks would be a dream come true!

After entering the room via a handprint lock that she still couldn't get over how cool it was, or how she'd accidentally broken one on her first day by trying to open the door normally. That was embarrassing...

The room was pretty empty at the moment, but that was understandable given how early they were. Lily was already here, of course, as were that mutant who wore a trenchcoat and hat quite often, and another one who Natalie didn't recognise. She waved at them all, before sitting down.

"So, anyone have any guesses as to what they called us here for?" she asked, curious to see if the two boys shared her ideas about it being for the X-Men. She already knew Lily had her doubts. That of she was just trying to stop Natalie chattering like an excited child and go to sleep.

This looks good! I think all of these matchups make a lot of sense!

That's why I always leave personality till last, and even then I have a lot of trouble writing it out. And honestly, when I get ten posts in with her, expect my personality section to be slightly inaccurate.
I'm doing pretty good, thanks for asking!
Where's Nate? It seems like he's the only guy we're waiting on.
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