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I've been thinking about brackets for an inevitable tournament. Obviously we'd have to decide who wins and loses which matches in advance otherwise everybody would want to win. I could see Mina getting serious, fighting dirty, and really getting antagonistic.

She beats Mushashi in the first round. Makes sense. He's comic relief, his power's sensitive sight and she can blind people with her lightcasting, and beating him up would REALLY get Mina some boos, especially if she properly hurts him during the fight. Nothing broken, she's not evil, but still a trip to the nurse's office. It wouldn't be a squash, though. He'd get some cool moves in.

Second round would be Ryuuto. They're on good terms, and her ruthlessly beating someone she's on good terms with would cement her as a major 'antagonist' of the tournament. This would be a very close match that she'd have to win by playing really dirty. Also, if she hasn't already at this point, this is where she manifests her laser ability and can cut through Ryuuto's strings with it (as well as burn him)

Then she'd lose to a girl character. One of the good, cheerful, friendly ones who are fighting serious now because Mina needs to be stopped, like Hana, Natsuki or Chiaki. That would tell a good story, I think.

Yes, this is what I do with my free time.

tbh, are there really any staff members here you think it would be a good idea to try and romance? (except Daler?)

Mina didn't get angry or icy as Jonathon addressed her. From the little interaction they had last year, that was a good sign. She was standing near the school building, overlooking the CTF area, fountain pen and notebook in hand. So far, she'd already identified a few loud, brash boys she was definitely going to be avoiding. She wouldn't take notes on anybody's abilities, however, until the match started.

She glanced at Jonathon, then turned back to the field, and kept her eyes there as she talked. "I see no reason why you shouldn't join me. If you start saying anything annoying or weird, I'll walk away. I'm not the violent punching type." There was a flicker of a grin when she said that. She was already looking down on him and poking fun at his injury. Good start. "How is your nose, anyway?"

I wanna have a Mako class for the first years after the assessment test, but not sure what it's going to entail. It's not going to be a real lesson. It's gonna be some kind of intro/orientation. Maybe even a tour. What do you think?
The flipping lighter was annoying Heidi as well, but the fact that a fight might break out was concerning her. Still, Dr. McCoy stepped in and looked to be resolving things. Heidi breathed a sigh of relief. Then he asked her what she things they should do, and how they should handle it. A whole list of possible things went through her mind, but it'd be have to be something they both thought was fair, so she'd need their input on this. Both of their inputs.

"Well, um, I think a contest of some sort. Something that you can both do more or less equally as well, so there's no bias from the start. Any ideas, you two?"

Mina turned round to see who the new voice belonged to. It was the South Korean student. He was also smart. He also had one or two grades higher than hers last year, but he embraced some sort of mentor role. Mina could not understand how you could cope with that. She did not have the patience to teach younger, or sometimes even, pathetically, older kids what they should be learning in class. He was right about this otherwise being a waste of time if it were not for the fact none of them had anything better to do.

She simply responded with his offer to join with a "Sure" and turned back to Koriyama, who had just thankfully offered to split up. Hey, he's learning. There's a slight twitch of a smile from Mina's icy countenance. "That does seem like the best course of action. I work best alone anyway. I will see you both back here shortly."

And with that, she strode off towards the area where the assessment test was held, arms folded and nose up; her default walk.

@tipssyCalibrator@CondorTalon@Zero Hex

Mako was sitting in her snug, warm office once again. She sighed contently, opened her minifridge, and retrieved a beer. (which she then preceded to drink, as this is a shounen battle school, like this; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygFOJKiftW0)

Her window overlooked where the assessment test was being held this year. She was truly blessed! Plus it hadn't even started yet and two students almost had a fight before Asa had to step in and get serious. Mako giggled, and leaned her chin on her hand and her elbow on the windowsill. A teacher probably wasn't supposed to get this much enjoyment from watching kids misbehave and get in trouble for it, but Mako couldn't help it. This was the person she'd always been. There was a sadistic streak somewhere in her mind, but at least it had shrunk since she was a student herself so that she no longer abused her power for entertainment purposes. She did take pride in her job and wanted all of her students as well-behaved as possible, and if there was acting up in her class, there'd be hell to pay, but when it's not her responsibility, she kicks back and watches gleefully.

I get the feeling that Jun-Sang Kim and Mina could...well, get along isn't the right term. Co-exist. They'd kind of act like the class rep and deputy class rep if you put them in the same room.

Do we even have class reps?

Mina, who was headed to the direction of her dorms, turned to whoever was calling out to her. It was Koriyama. One year her junior age-wise, but had been at the institute one year longer than her. However, they were in the same classes, and their grades were very close together. He had even scored higher than her in a few. She didn't begrudge him that. He was very intelligent, diligent and capable, but it did annoy her that she didn't have a clean sweep of top marks. This year, she would have to work harder.

His offer did seem appealing. Her room could wait. She had, after all, given instructions for it not to be changed, altered, or even entered unless for cleaning purposes over the summer. The institute followed these demands. Even in a place as unique and amazing as this, the Kasuke name had clout. It would be wise to get a closer look at this year's new students and what they could do, and familiarise herself with anyone worth keeping an eye on, or avoiding. However, there was one thing about the offer that she could not accept.

"Don't call me by my familiar name, Koriyama. But I suppose it would be useful to watch the new students' assessment test. I have nothing better to do."

I'll try and get a post up tomorrow. I tried to write just now and my head's still blank even though I know it shouldn't be.

Or just have it that both happen. You can stay there if you can't go back home.
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