Name: Tsuya Tanumi
Occupation: Gym Assistant
Age: 29
Height: 5"7
Prefered Position: Coach
Personality: Tsuya is not exactly used to authority, but she knows how to do her job well, and strives to do as good a job as she can. Though she helped out in previous years, this is the first year where she is the volleyball team coach instead of the Gym Teacher, and she is determined not to let anybody down, despite this being a new learning experience for her as well as the girls. She takes planning practice and schedules very seriously to make up for her hack of knowledge about volleyball tactics, though she's also working hard to research that area in her free time. She still trusts match plans to the Team Captain.
She is not a strict teacher, though she is very disciplined. If anybody is slacking during training, she will respond not with anger or disappointment but with motivational shouting to pump them up until they get up to the level she expects of them. Other than this, she is a friendly, patient coach, and would never push a child harder then they can go.
-Good personal trainer and motivator
-Very organised and professional about scheduling
-Fit and athletic
-Greco-Roman Wrestling
-Seeing her hard work pay off
-Partying on the weekends
-Failing in any way
-Being let down by the team in any way (That doesn't include losing matches as long as they gave it their all)