@13orgMeilin had thrown Mina a curveball. If she goes too far in one direction, she'd come across as a sycophant. Too far in the other would make it seem like she doesn't really care. The best thing here would be to focus one of aspect of the actual truth and expand upon it, and that she did.
"I'm a wavecaster, and my power is control over light. This natually, doesn't have very many combat applications by itself, which is why I also need to learn how to fight. I have some basic self-defence MMA training but that's not really enough to keep up with people with super speed and strength, or the power to shoot flames from their hands."
As she spoke, memories of last year's Tournament flashed in her mind. She lost the first round to a fire wavecaster who went on to lose in the semi-finals and then graduated at the end of the year. This year, things would be different. If she could get competent in eastern martial arts, she'd stand a much better chance of winning, or at least getting far enough to bump her grade to top marks.
@Western RobotMako opened the door, and her grin grew when she recognised Dr. Maxwell, her superior in a certain regard. This was getting better and better. She'd start off on a subject that wasn't him being where he shouldn't be for now, just to lull him into a false sense of security.
"Goodness, the first years this year sure are an entertaining bunch to watch, aren't they? Not just their powers, but their behaviour and attitudes."