@13orgMina suddenly realised from Meilin's comment that in all her thinking, she hadn't answered Meilin. "No, don't worry!" She hastily answers. "I was just thinking, sorry. I look forward to being taught by you! I'm alright with using Daler's room if he is."
In truth, Mina was not thrilled with using Daler's room as long as he was there. He might read thoughts that she'd rather not have him read right now, though she decided that the best way to counter this was to take what she had presented as the truth and make it the truth. The peices were there. She enjoyed tea, and ambience, and civilised conversation. She had a genuine interest in learning more about her body from an Eastern perspective, as perhaps it could shed more light on her own understanding of her lightcasting, and allow her to utilise it in more imaginative ways. That wasn't just something to further her goal of getting top marks across the board, but they'd be abilities she could use her whole life! That technically went for the martial arts themselves too. A skill she works hard to attain and perfect would be a skill she'd be proud of, and she would never stop using it, even in her adult life.
"Oh, one more thing," she added, "I'm not sure what the stance is on trainee teachers, but I'd very much like you as not just an elective teacher, but also as my Mentor....Or at least a consideration if that's impossible or you have other plans!"
@pkken"See something you like"Mina made a 'tsk' sound and turned away as her face twisted into a sneer. She was wrong about this boy. She no longer liked him at all. He seemed to have a high opinion of himself. People said the same of her, but she disagreed on that. She didn't go around thinking she was the greatest at academics, or that she was better than everybody else by stature alone. Well, she was better than everybody else by stature alone, but that didn't matter to her. She wanted her own accomplishments, and she knew she was far from as good as she wanted to be. Sure, she went out and got straight A's and put 90% of the rest of the student body to shame, but that wasn't her fault. They could try harder and they'd get to her level. She wasn't the one in the wrong.
This guy, though. He had an attitude, and Mina didn't think he was all bark. This guy wouldn't be threatening her academic score goals but he may be one to watch in the power training class. She couldn't keep quiet listening to this guy talk. She just couldn't. "Take it from me," she started, icily. "If you're not expecting much talent or competition, this institute will definitely surprise you."
@tipssyCalibratorShe noticed the game was called off, and Mina hadn't taken any notes since her...giggling fit...earlier. Oh well. She'd meet up with the other two academic rivals at the agreed place, maker her apologies and see if there was anything she could learn from their notes. That was the plan.