Avatar of Silver Carrot


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Yeah, where is everyone?
Also sorry for the short post. If you weren't waiting for me, I'd probably have left it for a few days until I felt like posting., but I don't want to hold everyone back.

Heidi stood over Shawn, and offered a hand to help him up. She'd watched his attempt. 'Carefully' wasn't really a word that applied to Heidi because as long as she saw anything, she could look back on the memory and pay attention to it in a much detail as she wanted.

"Your hand slipped towards the end, there. It was just a momentary lapse in concentration. Absorbing the energy was a smart move given the circumstances, but I think you should practice this in the Danger Room, not outside."

Once she helped him up, she just stood next to him awkwardly for a while, before saying; "You don't have to try and get this right all by yourself, you know."
@Dark Light

I'm not sure if Taleste needs a bad guy, since she might also be a shifty character. I don't have a plan for her. I just know her backstory and I'm winging her future from here. Her becoming friends with Arex would be an interesting development though.
@Dark Light

I definitely am.

I just want Taleste to talk to a few people before the next action-y bit starts, so that she has some bonds with the crew.

Taleste was slightly relived at Lataniva's comment. It did mean that replacing the fallen on this ship, while common, wasn't so routine a course of action that it wasn't worth commenting on. There's a difference between dangerous missions and suicide missions after all. Taleste liked dangerous. She had the cunning to survive most situations, and honestly, got a thrill out of some good old danger once in a while.

"yeh, I met one of your kind before," she answered, "Ee was a big, serious whun. A lot less chatty than you, that's fur sure. As fur me, well, I'm a thief. I steal things, or just sneak aroun' and kill whuns if thers nothin to steal. Don't worry. I know what yer thinking and I won't. I never steal from crew. That'd be really stupid."

This is fairly normal casual rp speed, tbh

I'm okay either way.

Tal heard the PA announcement, and groaned. After standing around in a busy market street for an hour or two, all she wanted to do now was either keep sitting down or just go to her room and sleep, but she did want to introduce herself to the crew and get to know who she'd be spending the foreseeable future with. Plus, they were her crew now. She couldn't just leave them to do all the work. She was one of them now, and it was her duty to chip in. She stood up, stretched, yawned and then headed back down to the docking bay.


On the way there, Taleste saw her first crew member besides the captain so far, and they were a Dalentian. The thief had only ever known one other Dalentian in the multiracial ghetto she grew up in, and he had been a very intense, scary guy. Good fighter, though. Taleste was glad there was another member of this warrior race in her new crew, though they probably wouldn't be good friends or anything. Then again, the other guy might have just been a particularly sour, humourless Dalentian.

Taleste offered out her hand to the white-skinned woman, and spoke in her strange, crossbred dialect. Though her accent was thick, and very different from the rest of the humans on the crew, Lataniva might actually find it easier to understand due to the non-human roots of it. "Heyhoo, I'm the new crewmember. Mah name's Taleste. Yeur a Dalentian, arntcha?"
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