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Tsuya was slightly nervous all day. For all the time she' been the gym assistant here, she'd been told what to do. Demonstrate this, help the students with that. She was always in a position of responsibility, but this afternoon would be her first day in a position of any kind of authority. She did not want to screw this up. It was her time to shine, and if she ever wanted to be promoted to gym teacher, this was the moment she had to prove she could do it.

Gym class in the morning had been uneventful. There was not a lot to do as they were doing track and field. She just had to watch and make sure nobody gets hurt of needs assistance, and this was a fairly senior class so they never did. It gave her plenty of time to think about Volleyball. Tsuya played Volleyball when she was in high school, but then, just like now, she just did what she was told by her coach. She didn't know much about volleyball tactics. All she knew was the rules. She wasn't even entirely sure why she had been made Coach this year, but she wasn't about to let an opportunity slip by!


Tsuya waited behind the Volleyball booth as the lunch bell rang. To her surprise, not even five minutes after, when students had just started arriving, one girl already approached her.


"Hello, Amy," answered the Gym Assistant, "Tryouts take place after classes are over, in the gym hall. If you'd just like to sign your name on the sheet."

Tsuya studied the girl. She seemed quite timid as a first impression and didn't look very athletic at first glance though she could surprise her. Tsuya had been surprised at the abilities of seemingly fragile-looking girls too often to ever write anybody off.

"So," she started, striking up a conversation to try and bring the girl out of her shell a little, "How are you finding Mino High so far?"

Heidi sat down at watched Shawn. Of course, she immediately recognised the same move that she had told him to go for. She knew there was a large margin for error, but she okayed the plan anyway, partly because of trust for Shawn, and more importantly, partly because she couldn't handle the pressure or responsibility. The decision to not command everyone to follow one of her many risky plans because if it failed, it would be all her fault...She'd stepped down, and the failure was still her fault. In fact, doubly so because she didn't use her mutation to help in any way when she could have.

Heidi didn't know how she could fix this before the next mission. Maybe a chat with Booker would be in order. Or maybe now she'd seen a real mission, she might already be better at knowing what to expect. Since that day, she had come up with a couple of plans that were now as risk free as possible, but the best one still had only an 81% success rate, and took several hours to come up with, including the research into brand new areas of physics to her, as well as the simulation records of every student on their team. Maybe she could adapt them if they ever run into that guy again. It was all she could really do.

Mina bowed her head in genuine gratitude. "Thank you for considering me! I'll catch up with you in Daler's room, if that's okay. I promised some students I would meet up with them after the Capture The Flag game. It won't take very long, I promise." Right now, there was nothing Mina wanted more than to drink tea with a teacher, and hopefully her future mentor at that, she did not want to stand up Ryuuto and Jun-Sang, the latter of whom was already here. There was nothing Mina hated more than a lack of punctuality, and hated doing things she didn't like seeing in others. That would make her a hypocrite. She nodded at Jun-Sang, to convey that they should both head over soon, though she wasn't thrilled about showing them both her lack of notes. She was going more to make her excuses and learn as much that she missed as she could, that to share what she had written.


Mina smiled at Daler, and then started to think in pictures. It was a bit more effort, but it did feel easier to hide things. She did think the word 'thanks', however, and quietly too. She knew from last year that trying to get your thoughts to the forefront of your mind for the sole purpose of getting Daler to read them was the equivalent of shouting very loud.


Roy's last sentence to her was definitely a thinly veiled challenge. She would not answer it now. She didn't trust herself to answer him in a way that would be acceptable in front of a teacher. But she'd remember it, and hone her powers, and learn new ways to fight, so that when they met at the first practical exam, which if she remembered correctly was in about a month's time, she was going to take him down. Nothing to do with her larger goal; this was purely for her personal satisfaction. She gave him one final glare, and then made a point of not looking at him at all for the rest of the conversation.
I could be at the booth. Sure. That okay with everyone?
Well, I could make a third character, but I'm going to wait until there's an idea I REALLY want to do.
I had no idea Nate was 13.

Didn't know Tatania was 14 either. She acts a lot older.
@Burning Kitty


I think your calculator's broken. Here, use mine!

@GrizzTheMauler@Burning Kitty

Heidi's definitely the youngest, tho, at 15

Heidi also cracked a smile at his joke, but now she didn't know what to say next. Well, that was a lie. She knew too many things to say next. Her bravery had given out an now her old problem of not being able to choose a response to due overthinking was back. Luckily, Hank saved her by giving her a subject to focus on and talk about. They had twenty minutes left of classtime.

Heidi could spend this time working on something, but she had two free periods today to do that. She was precisely on her projected schedule in regards to her remote College course, and she had no homework to do. Typically, she did homework in her own free time after classes have stopped, the day she gets it.

"I have nothing I need to catch up on," she told Shawn. "Do you?"
Damn, Broby's intro makes me wish Mako wasn't busy.
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