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Asteria quickly blinked in surprise several times at the magnificent sword that appeared. She’d come here to try and find help, but of course the water spirit had its own ideas, and had apparently been active even before she’d contacted it. “I hope you understand that I will need a summarization of the risks and consequences of your proposed action before I can even consider agreeing to it. Otherwise, I am afraid I will have to decline until I have more information,” she stated, though privately wondered why the spirit was asking for her permission, of all things. Since she had not managed to gain much information on the water spirit from her dream, Asteria attempted to analyze it once again.

She was starting to get antsy to return to Jason and help in his fight; though she didn’t agree with all his actions, and didn’t particularly desire to fight Asura, as manic as he was turning out to be, she was still technically on Jason’s side. Wary as she was of sharing any further information with the water spirit, Asteria nonetheless explained the current situation to it, in hopes that it might be more inclined to cooperate than it had been in her dream. “You see, as it so happens, a fellow Reincarnator of mine made some sort of contact with this cave dungeon’s core, and I am concerned destroying the core might harm or disadvantage him. He is currently in a conflict with yet another reincarnated human, and I dare say they are intent on destroying each other. At the very least, I ask that you withhold altering the dungeon until I prevent any unnecessary deaths. Then, if he’s still alive by that point, I will bring the current core’s master to speak with you.”

While waiting for the water spirit to make any kind of remark, Asteria gathered all the nearby healing herbs (but not more than 5), and stuffed them beneath the vine belt she still had wrapped around her body. If she really was soon heading into such a dangerous conflict, she’d need a bit of insurance. I can’t believe we managed to turn to infighting so soon after practically exterminating the cave…Figures. Sure as hell wish I knew more about the core too. This fancy sword might have just made things worse.


Asura was still hell-bent on getting rid of all the skeletons, but at least Ardur had agreed not to initiate any purges anymore. And of course, that was why, exactly then, some ghost-wisp attacked the pixie. Fuck’s sake. If these things are so stupid, why protect them? And then Jason attacked Mother Slime! What? Why it? It’s smarter than the freaking skeletons, goddamnit.

I have to stop this madness…I should intervene, but how? Asura’s just attacking the stupid skeletons, and he may have a point, but Jason is getting rid of the monster-slime…Is this whole zombie fiasco worth killing a human over? Although yet undecided if she should try to prepare to help Jason in getting rid of Asura, convinced the latter was bound to attack the former with lethal intent, or if she should simply drag both Ed and Mother Rat outside to escape, Asteria was aware there was no time for long ponderings as second by second, the situation escalated. She had to act, and she had to do it now.

Asteria decided on an entirely different alternative, a rather desperate one. “Ed, wait here, don’t get damaged,” she hurriedly told him. “Mother, stand guard, but don’t provoke an attack,” she addressed her, though doubted Mother truly understood. Then she ran.

She ran, and ran, speeding back into the cave, towards the lake. She still clearly remembered the mysterious dream. Now or never, she knew she hadn’t yet managed to manifest any magical ability property, but was aware of her potential. And this was a dire enough of a situation for her to concentrate fully on her task, leaving no room for doubts, her intention unwavering, her mind sharply focused on this singular purpose. Asteria put both her paws inside of the lake, and called loudly: “Water spirit, heed me! It is I, Asteria! Hear my call! AEGEUS! Let thy whispers resound! Grant us calmness of heart, clarity of mind, and tranquility of body! May our souls know calm, peace, and acceptance! SOOTHE!"

Fiddled with the powers. Added a bit of a backstory. May add more details later. I'll wait to see if my concept is fine.
Meanwhile, I just wanted to try and make something snake-esque. I'll finish the backstory tomorrow.


“Of course. I apologize for tackling you, but you seemed…Well. Rather irrational and hysterical,” she answered calmly, releasing the pixie and backing away a step or two. “Do you really have that much of a problem with zombies? I’ll grant you that they’re unfortunately stupid, overprotective of the cave, and not exactly harmless either, but they listen to Jason and he’s an ally. As long as those prerequisites are fulfilled, I don’t believe there should be a problem. Or does the…morality of undead still concern you?” she asked curiously. Honestly, this was the kind of problem she wouldn’t have thought might occur. Have all the horror zombie movies rotten these people’s brains? Or is it because what’s dead shouldn’t get to live anymore or something? A silly belief if anyone were to ask me…

Asteria waited for Ardur’s answer, but regardless of what was said, eventually said her goodbye. “Well, I must be off now,” she glanced at Ed, having heard his distressed cry nearby, but he didn’t seem in danger. She still wanted to make sure he was fine, however. Of course, he would also have some kind of a problem with the undead. She huffed, displeased, and after the conversation with Ardur was finished, made her way towards him.

“Ed?” she addressed him cautiously. “Ed, c’mon, there’s hardly to fear these pathetic sacks of rattling bones when you’ve faced the likes of the Goblin Boss. You remember him, right? He was way scarier and you faced him head on! I know you’re brave enough to handle this,” she cajoled. She gave him some time to think about this and respond, meanwhile taking the opportunity to try and find Mother Rat with the help of her sharpened sight. She was tense, ready to grab Ed and bolt if she had to in the case that Jason and Asura really had their all-out fight, which seemed a likely possibility just then.


“Mourn did what? I want the full story when there's time. And yeah, I planned to train some more, but there’s BS happening again. Actually, after this, could we practice together? I think there are some skills that can be gained easier with someone.”

She continued running besides Jason. They soon spotted Asura and a some goblins near the cave’s entrance. Asteria stopped to observe for now, focusing on her sight to try and see all the details. Asura seemed different than the last time she’d seen him, so she analysed him. In the middle of an already chaotic situation a crazed pixie – Ardur – began chanting and conjuring spell-fire, spewing it everywhere after rambling furiously about how evil the zombies were. Asteria tensed up, wary of getting burned.

“Dude, the fuck’s your problem,” Asteria grumbled. As insane as the idea was, this seemed like a good time to make use of one of her skills. And so, while Ardur was focused on destroying the nearest skeleton, Asteria dashed at him in a full sprint while trying to avoid the flames as best as she could, and jumped towards the pixie. Her intent was not to harm him, but only to restrain him. As soon as she had physical contact with him, she’d do her best to wrap her tail around him, and activate Mana Drain. Listen to me! I know this is weird, alright, but they’re allies for now. So, could you just back down and ignore them?”


Asteria chattered happily at Mother Rat as the other rodent took some of the fish she had been able to catch easily enough. She’d intended for those to be for Mother, possibly even Ed and the others if they wanted it, anyways. And there was a definite satisfaction at finally advancing some skills – the notes they contained led her to mark the Harder and Better skills as her next goal. Before she could even spend time thinking on how to improve any further, however, a zombie Dire Rat charged towards her in an attack. Asteria braced for the attack, hissing at the enemy. What was it thinking? Were the zombies going rogue or was there something else? It seemed they might engage in combat any second, but Jason managed to launch between the trio of rats, in an attempt to protect Mother and her, it seemed.

“Wait, those things are actually bothered by digging? It’s just some harmless terraforming not a destruction of the dungeon,” she grumbled. “You could have just focused on the fireball, you idiot,” she directed at the zombie-rat, uncaring that it was unlikely to understand her complaint.

Asteria bristled slightly at Jason’s presumption that she’d just follow any order of his, but since she didn’t want to risk her or Mother getting zombified, she decided to follow. Yeah, I suppose he’s right to just look at me as an underling when all I do is obey…I will just have to get stronger for this might-is-right world, it would seem. Asteria nudged Mother, and said “Let’s stick close to Jason for now,” gesturing towards the departing slime, then leaving herself. She pursued the green slime slowly at first, glancing back cautiously at the frenzied zombie-rat and waiting for Mother to catch up. Once she was sure Mother Rat was following, Asteria sped up, smirking at the ease with which she was now able to catch up to and then run next to Jason.

“If we encounter an ex-human, let’s try to resolve this situation peacefully, alright?” she suggested to Jason. Even though she’d already helped kill goblins, who obviously were sentient being, she still wanted to draw the line somewhere. Though if any of them attacked first…Well, there would be no point in leaving a danger like that around if not even discussion brought favourable results. If they’re an ex-human, maybe they’ll just agree to a non-aggression pact if nothing else.


Asteria pinned the freshly caught fish to the ground with a paw and promptly bit off its head, ceasing its useless flopping. She ate whatever parts she could, carefully picking the flesh apart and removing bones with her dextrous fingers. After all, she held no desire whatsoever to accidentally pierce her own throat with her breakfast. She burped in satisfaction after the meal, leaving the fish skeleton lying scattered on the ground. "Morning. I'm larger because I 'evolved', if you could really call it that..." she replied to Ed. Asteria snorted at his poor attempts at being non-offensive, and was that supposed to be flirting? Either way, she simply shook her head, rolled her eyes, and left Ed to his own devices. She noted Danny managed to learn a primitive form of water magic and stored this information on another way to use mana for later consideration. She as a Dire Rat would obviously need longer to learn use the mana she possessed in any productive way, but eventually she would get there.

Now that she was well-rested and sated, there was finally time for a longer bout of trying some things out. The first thing she did was something that she’d lacked the energy to do the previous night. She stood up on her hind legs once again, using her tail for support. Perhaps growing into adult form and the level ups she’d gained up till now would improve her balance some more. She kept up the bipedal form as long as she could, though she was fully aware her current body wasn’t meant for such a thing. And yes, she could have evolved into that Rat-man, but she believed there was a merit in trying to gain some skills on her own. What backed that belief up was none other than the Mana Drain and Mana Sense she’d learned simply by putting points into it; though she could certainly use both efficiently, it didn’t automatically mean she understood what or how she was doing it. After standing up for as long as she could, she then dropped back to all fours, dug out a hole, until she collected three to four medium sized rocks. With the dug-out earth and the rocks she’d found, she attempted building a primitive training dummy, fetching the nearby water for softening the material she was working with if needed.

She assessed the created structure, trying to ascertain its quality. To test it, she surmised attacking it might be best. Asteria concentrated on a tail lash she wanted to test on it, swinging her tail in the air in preparation a few times, imagining the impact she was about to cause. After the last windup of her tail, she sent it flying with a sharp whistling whoosh at the training dummy, yelling “Hiyah!” as she did so. Whether the dummy was still standing or not, she’d hit the earthen lump a few more times in the same manner, concentrating on each hit, and shouting at each impact. It was a great way to destress! That bit of exercise done, Asteria drank some water from the lake, hydrating. She then went on an early morning jog, starting slow, but building up her speed, until she was sprinting, waving among stalagmites, making careening sharp turns whenever necessary, avoiding crashing into anyone or anything, but also not wandering too far away from Jason’s base with the dungeon core. It was so, so relaxing not having to worry for at least a little bit, and although the run would probably be even better outside of the cave, she’d have to do with this for now.

A few laps later, Asteria took a luxuriant dip into the pleasantly cool lake water, swimming near to lake shore. If any fish dared go near enough her, she’d once again wrap her tail around the offender and chuck it onto the land. Even if none did, Asteria’s goal was to catch at least two or three more fish, and so she went back to the shore, and repeated her tactic of dipping in her tail, wiggling it around as bait. Hopefully, nothing larger than what she could handle would be attracted to her vulnerable appendage…


Asteria startled awake from the mysterious dream, or rather a set of dreams, one of the nameless water spirit, and another that seemed connected to it somehow, about a sword. Could the water spirit be inside of a sword…? Or was it inside the cave lake? And was the sword there too or was that something else entirely? Asteria wasn’t entirely sure, but she wanted to investigate the lake. Jason poked her to wake up and she grumbled “Yeah, yeah, alright,” in reply, as she followed Ed, slightly amused at his antics in avoiding the apparently friendly skeletons.

When she arrived at the lake, Ed was swimming inside of it and Danny was floating above, experimenting with water magic. She was at the shore, close enough to see both her own reflection and a few fish swimming curiously around Ed. Hungry as she was, she came up with an idea to try catch some right away. Ed wasn’t too fond of the fish around him, however, and swam back to shore in a fit of hysteria. “They're just fish,” she commented, then proceeded to dip her own tail into the water, snaking it slowly and carefully around, trying to attract a fish. If a larger one got close and/or bit her tail, she’d wrap her appendage around it and reel it in.

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