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Well, I'm just putting the Mormagi here. I'm hoping I might be able to finish the Occ during the weekend (I didn't do much with her today) - I think I actually prefer her, though it's taking me longer to finalize. Oh, also, I wasn't sure if the Long "Life" skill can be leveled up or not, so it doesn't have a 1 next to it atm. (I replaced the tables because I personally don't like them as much as a nice, clear bullet-point list :p)

@Admythaus Whew, thanks for clarifying. I might have panicked if I'd noticed on my own, heh. Actually, I was finished with my Mormagi yesterday evening, I just need to prettify the CS and check it over in case edits are needed. I'd also still like to attempt to make a CS for an Occ, though for her, I still need to think up of a history.
@The Bork Lazer So, I finally took the time to read the history of your character (excellent work, btw), and the line "venture out into the seas to new promised lands" to me equals pirate Raskaal XD. As impressive as the Kriegers are, I'm just really fond of the idea of a group of these beings operating a ship and wreaking havoc! I bet there are some like that out there somewhere, hah.
On the subject of species potentially starting out as people - I'm assuming both mormagi and sympi do? (I've been meaning to create an occ, but I've suddenly got an idea for a mormagi, though I'm not yet quite sure which I'll end up committing to).

Asteria inspected the plants. The ones with a scent similar to the Healing herbs were also confirmed to either have nature mana or felt soothing in a way. A hairy blue-gray flower with dense bunches of petals seemed the closest to the herbs she was used to, yet it was a tad unpleasant and apparently incomplete. A grass with red and green pellets was very neutral – perhaps the clusters it grew were edible? The blue-yellow blossoms growing from woody stalks had a green sticky substance leaking out of them occasionally, most of the stuff smelling unpleasant like soured milk, but a rare few had a pleasant mint scent, similar to the Healing herbs – however, this plant also had incomplete mana, so it either wouldn’t heal as well, or would even cause harm. The stems with pinecone-esque protrusions surrounded by bell-shaped purple petals had a burning mana instead of a natural one, and though it felt prickly, it was soothing and incomplete as well. The thorny weed Ed, Mother rat, and she had been avoiding had a hint of potentially harmful mana as well, but they weren’t much of a danger.

So, out of five of the plain’s plants, three had obvious mana and the same three were incomplete. The question was, if she combined the three of them together, would she create a healing mixture as good as the Healing herb? She didn’t know, but she wanted to try. Gathering all the five plants by wrapping her tail around the bunch. Should I take more than one of each? As she considered this, she was distracted by Mother Rat’s squeaks. She glanced up, noticing Ed had killed the ant, as she’d had full confidence he would. Mother rat was drawing her attention to the tunnel the ant had come from. The jumping and squeaking meant, based on Asteria’s best guess, that there was danger still. Of course, ants aren’t solitary. There must be a whole colony where that one came from, and we couldn’t handle more… Realizing that, Asteria was once again driven to move. “Ed, let’s take the ant corpse and move on, shall we? I believe there may more on the way.” Tail wrapped around the plants, she moved to the tunnel only to quickly (and a bit shoddily in her hurry) dig some earth into it. Glancing towards Mother rat, she said “Let’s go,” and moved away, giving both Ed and Mother Rat enough time to move along with her as she headed further south, the direction they’d been pursuing so far.

What are the average lifespans of the different races? And the age they're considered an adult?

Is there a timeline for the wars? I know it's peaceful times atm, but how recent is the latest war (and is it in living memory)?
I was just wondering how the RP itself will be with the action restrictions (not a system I'm familiar with, I admit), because I think it might lead to really short posts long term (like, a paragraph at max?). Not necessarily a bad thing, just maybe not as immersive? But on the other hand it would depend on the player and how descriptive they'd be with their actions, I guess. I don't really mind a limit on the skills that much (on a somewhat unrelated note, I have thought that you'll probably need more traits for personality - the temper part especially).

Oh, and: is this slice of life? Sandbox? Or do you have something planned that may drive characters of different species (that don't much like each other, in most cases) from the different continents to get together for a common plot?
I've noticed you haven't specified the average height of Occ, though based on the fact they can get intimidation, I'm assuming it's something similar to the Org. And Gegherun have no specific racial skills available to them ? (Well, if I were to make one of those poor bastards, I'd probably have them possess shape-shifting as an initial skill). I do have a proper question regarding Mirabilia and Atermagia: can any of the tier 1 skills for them be taken without first taking the universal skill of magic (e.g. taking bloodhound without also having atermagia from the universal skill list). If yes, what is the point/purpose of having the general skill in the first place? (Esp. What would having Mirabilia or Atermagia do without also having one of their specific tier 1 skills?). I think that's it for now while I try and see if I can decide on a character I might want to make (there are a lot of options and plenty of freedom for the history, but also some restrictions I'm honestly a bit wary of, so I'll see how it goes).

Location: Lakeside party
Interactions: Marcella @Write
Mentions: Rhea @Write,
Dallas @Plank Sinatra,
Kelsey @NeoAC,
Ariana @Dirty Pretty Lies,
Jonas @HereComestheSnow,
Vivian @Altered Tundra,
Dustyn @MissCapnCrunch,
Phil @spooner

Ian zeroed in on Marcy and co. the minute the red truck’s door was opened and the group that was a staple of his sister’s presence spilled out and commenced their usual rowdy shenanigans. Some American branded sorry-excuse-for-a-beer piss-drink was getting passed around, not that he would touch the swill, then a girl he thought might be a new transfer offered her share of weed, the sickly-sweet smell a dead giveaway for what the fags actually were even as far away as he was. The arrival of the daughter of Poseidon meant that his worry for any Naiads potentially being disrupted was for naught; Rhea could handle anything water-related tonight. Mini-cerberus had apparently been designated to her as part of the guard-duty, and the adorable ball of fluff was getting his deserved dose of physical attention.

Once again staring at observing Marcy, Ian stood up, though remained at the lake for just a bit, waiting for the crowd to get engaged in the party well enough that he could easily slip in to snag Marcy’s attention for a little while, or alternatively, to unobtrusively approach and then hover at her side to soak in the presence of someone familiar, and better yet, familial amongst all the strangers and brief acquaintances surrounding him. He was admittedly somewhat…unsettled at so many living people being around – they made for quite the contrast to the rot of the dead and the dying of the forest, the scent of decomposition especially potent in a natural location such as this, and yet one much more pleasant if compared to the apathetic decay of large cityscapes where the filthy exhaust fumes of traffic mingled with the literal millions of psychedelic vibrant little human souls in all imaginable states of life and death.

The Mystic Forest was practically desolate by comparison, truly. A fringe party like this is nothing to the thrum of L.A. With that bit of self-encouragement, Ian ventured forth (well, cautiously drifted, at the very least), approaching Marcy, who was now the only one in a dress – a decision he thought odd but chalked it up to her personal taste and left it at that – sitting next to Dallas and Kelsey, connected to both in some sort of a group hug. The trio were watching the Daughter of Aphrodite and the Son of Ares engaging in what he was fairly certain was one of those flirting games, though he couldn’t judge if whether Jonas or Ariana was the one winning, or if either of them would get to a point that could be termed a ‘win’ at all. Nearby, Vivian and Dustyn sort out the tumble he’d seen them getting tangled in even from the lake-side, a Demeter-lad healing them – a thoughtful, common-sense action Ian very much approved of.

He caught the tail end of the conversation which tipped him off to the fact his sister had voluntarily involved herself in a bet involving piercings and possibly beer pong with Kelsey. He stifled the sigh of mild exasperation and questioning doubt from passing his lips with practiced ease, simply choosing to stand a respectful distance from everyone while still being close enough to converse with his sister. “Hello, Marcy,” he interjected quietly. Hopefully no one else would pay him undue (read: any) attention, as though he was now practically in the middle of the popular crowd, he’d prefer to keep his relative anonymity.
Valeria Nicole Alvarez-Knight

Interactions: Keandre @Prosaic,
Arlathil @Venorik,
Dawn and Cordelia @EchoicChamber
Mentions: Isa @VitoftheVoid

Valeria raised an amused eyebrow at the man claiming to be their superior, a whatever you say smile accompanying the sudden gleam of mischief in her eye as she answered. “Aw, but we’re just concerned, sir, the last two words each had a slight mocking emphasis on them, enough to make it more than blatantly obvious being ‘cheeky’ as he’d accused her of being was not at all something she wished to cease doing. “Isn’t that right?” she directed the question at the wheat-blonde female who’d arrived just before her, rising her tea cup in salute with a wink of appreciation for the antics they’d just shared.

Still in a good mood, she didn’t even mind the guard’s reminder of her restriction on free time as much as she otherwise might. “Oh, I know about those, not to worry.” However, the smile she’d worn tightened, revealing she was displeased at…something. “Thanks anyway, uh, miss guard. You know, I have to admit, you knowing my name while I haven’t a clue who you are,” she looked around the room of strangers “who any of you are, as it happens…Well, it calls for proper introductions,” she said the word proper as if it had managed to offend her in the past and she was still holding a grudge, though the hints of tension that had been present disappeared from her smile and demeanour, once again leaving her the picture of lazy contentment as she lounged there in the couch, sipping at the tea every once in a while.

“I’m Valeria Nicole. You’ve heard the guard call me by my last name, but I don’t personally care for the formality,” she shrugged, no intent whatsoever to stop the guard from doing so, though she did hope the people she was actually supposed to be working with would use her first name. Or a nickname, even. “So feel free to call me Val,” she offered brightly. A sip of tea later, Nicole directed a mild frown at the black-haired woman being called Isa by a pastel-dressed blonde. Had the former actually decided to be called by her Rune, of all things? She didn’t want to be judgmental, but she found the idea kind of unsettling, frankly. Thankfully, she was distracted by the curly-creamy-blonde pastel-fanatic. “Oh, so you made the tea? Thanks,” the honest gratitude manifested in the flash of a grin aimed at the blonde.
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