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Vesper got invited into the targeted group by Lothair, the mage, joining the fray somewhere in the middle. Fighting against the level three blue slime from that point was, in one word, grueling. Even with five – five! – people, they struggled greatly. After defeat followed a sense of relief, but also frustration. Wow, is this bow shitty or what? And my stamina burns so soon! No way could I solo even a level one slime. Urgh…

That was Vesper’s realization; she’d have to stay in a party. Then, the mage and the healer of the party left, and the three were left, though the rogue was disconnected or fell asleep or something. Still, not about to give up now that she had gained one level and one slime jelly, Vesper and Lynir coordinated via the party chat to hunt lower level slimes. With a light feeling of embarrassment, Vesper accompanied the warrior back towards the beginning of the plains.

The duo made fairly easy work of their second enemy, though comparing a green slime to a blue one was likely unfair. The most amusing thing was, that once she ran out of stamina, and Lynir had managed to exhaust the slime’s hp to 1, Vesper had run in, and with a “Hah!” mightily kicked the green goop in its side, dealing exactly one damage, and finished it off.

Each party member got some experience, and besides one more slime jelly, Vesper also gained a shiny new Green bandana. It was not visually appealing, but at least its color somewhat matched her hair. More importantly, it had the additional stat bonuses of plus two armor and plus one technique. So, even though she was saving that one point she could invest into any of her stats until later one, the head gear gave her one stat for free! Perfect. Now, three more for completing the quest. I wonder, should we try to kill more to grind? I don’t really want to with how tanky these slimes are, but what if all the in-game monsters are like this? Vesper shuddered as she considered that. Hopefully, her concerns would prove to be unfounded; else, she could never turn solo with a DPS class. While she considered her future in-game, her health, mana, and stamina were swiftly recovering, and soon, she was ready for another round.

Oh goodness, can RNG be a bitch or what?! That had been an utter failure. Complete and utter failure, I said!! Vesper glared off into the distance moodily, gripping her bow so harshly that its durability may have been soon in danger, but then she huffed and relaxed her hold. At least the very last attack against the slime had vindicated her. Seeing her weapon deal the highest amount of damage it was capable of with the Aimed shot skill had been nice. Very nice. Nice enough for her to forgive this Basic Bow and not forsake it.

…Besides, if she sold, lost, or otherwise got rid of this bow, what would she be left with? Her bare fists? Ha! Shaking her head at her own ridiculousness, Vesper re-focused on the task at hand: Slime-killing.

“Wheew,” Vesper sighed, stashing her bow. With a glance at Lynir, she said, “It was good working with you. If you don’t mind, we can just stay in the party like this,” she shrugged, offering the warrior a pleased smile. “Anyhow, I’m off to the city~” her laughter rang clearly like wind chimes, voice higher-pitched in her amusement than the lower but no less pleasant sound she’d set for regular conversation during character creation.

Giddy with success, and feeling lighter for being rid of the burden of the quest and the slog of getting through five measly slimes it had necessitated, Vesper twirled into the air, and proceeded to fly towards the town. Of course, even though she’d invested all her points into technique, that meant only one minute of complete freedom and dazzling airborne maneuvers.

Then, it was back to the ground. Vesper sighed. Now that she was paying more attention to it, that yellow arrow pointing to the person who was presumably Tu Tauri Al. “Tsk,” she muttered, suddenly irritated, and with a couple of blinks, turned the guidance off. She could find who she needed on her own. Or rather, she could still very easily follow the throng of players heading that way, or even ask an NPC. Actually, some exploration didn’t sound like a half-bad idea.
Class: Ranger
Level: 3

Jandar Varan
Ruined town

“Ah, so any Eyrien Warlord Prince would be viewed with open terror and/or hostility. I wasn’t aware, I admit,” Jandar admitted to Bellinar. From the corner of his eye, he checked on Fatima, but she’d not yet exited that one residential building she’d went to inspect. Surely, she would shout if something were the matter? The urge to check on her grew, but the Warlord turned back to the present conversation. “Certainly, a Dea Al Mon is an exotic sight anywhere in Terreille,” he replied to Faeril, then turned to Mikhail briefly, “But, Prince, have you not ever disguised your features during your travels?” the Warlord queried.

When that matter was cleared up, he focused on the Black Widow once more, pondering her suggestion. Playing the role of a husband to a Pruulish witch, was it? It was plausible, though he’d need to establish a basic story with Dareen regarding how they might have ‘met’ and ‘married’ and other such details. Even if no-one asked anything beyond their names and their status as a couple, it was better safe than sorry. Especially since the people might be mightily curious at such an odd matching; longer-lived races taking on a person from one of the shorter-lived races was a rarity for a reason.

After mentioning they should light no fires, Faeril suddenly glared at him. Puzzled, Jandar looked at her, then behind himself, where he could see the newer town off in a distance. “Faeril? What’s the matter?” he asked gently, dearly hoping the woman would answer honestly. But she was a very reticent individual; he had the impression that she kept her troubles to herself, rarely revealing them to people she knew well (such as the brothers), never mind to strangers. Sighing only within the privacy of his mind, Jandar waited for her answer, then approached Dareen.

The Pruulish woman seemed to find the notion of having to act as a rich girl outrageously hilarious, and Jandar offered her a crooked grin. “Thankfully, you will not have to pose as a noble,” he uttered dryly. “Only as a someone decently well-off. Once you…dress up, as it were, I suggest you resign yourself to keeping as silent as possible in town. We could pass you off as a demure lady, I suppose,” he drawled sarcastically. He was just teasing the witch, honestly. She seemed like the type that could take it in good fun, and possibly banter just as well in turn.

“Truthfully though, the fact that I don’t have the common sense and knowledge of a Terreille native is much riskier,” the Warlord confessed. “So, let’s try to establish a story that would make sense,” he suggested, “with Faeril’s help,” Jandar nodded at the Black Widow to include her in the discussion. “I could present as a son of an affluent merchant, who recently married his business associate’s daughter – that would be you, Dareen, so think of a profession that could get one rich in Pruul for your part of the story,” he gestured to the Pruulish witch. “And now, my newly-wed wife and I are travelling Terreille as part of our honeymoon,” he finished proposing the key elements of their fictional backstory.

“If that sounds acceptable, then I’d only need to know what’s the easiest to make profit off of in Terreile,” Jandar added. Suddenly, he grimaced distastefully, and chose to add a clarification. “And please, for the love of Mother Night, do not just say slaves,” he shuddered mildly, remembering the bloodied pens he’d seen in Terreille Dhemlan. He knew those things had not only been used to hold animals; he was not naïve. Nonetheless, the fact that such things were practiced – and openly! – within parts of Terreille was…abominable beyond belief.
Jandar Varan
Ruined town

The Eyrien brothers procured what seemed like quite the expensive coach, and Jandar wondered however they were able to afford it, but the fact of the matter was that they needed it. Through the Blue Winds, Gennar led them out of Askavi. During the trip, Jandar stuck to Fatima, being the one who usually coaxed her to eat, sleep, move, and could only hope that that spark of life would eventually return to her. For now, he let her reflect and mourn most of the time, with the occasional encouragement she needed to prod her into doing more than sit and think and wane.

Eventually, they arrived to a landing web of a ruined town. Jandar released Teo from where he’d been fastened in the front of the coach alongside another horse, letting him find something to graze amidst the ruins. There wasn’t much. Buildings falling apart, life missing – even vermin seemed to be rare, and the fields of witch blood. This place had been ravaged by war, cleansed by fire, abandoned by men. Nature was beginning to overtake the place, the thorns and weeds and grass a surprisingly welcome sight in what was otherwise an utterly desolate scenery.

“Indeed, we best make a camp here, and split into two groups. One to stay here, one to scout in the town. It would be least odd if only one of one were to go, seeing how different from the natives we will be…But it should be safer if a few of us go,” Jandar mused. Perhaps only the three Eyrien brothers should go? If they sent to much of a mixed group, there would be questions. Then again, the same might hold true for a trio of Eyrien warriors. “Perhaps myself, Mikhail, and one or two of the Eyrien brothers. Dareen, maybe,” he added. “Fatima, Faeril, and Xandar would certainly stand out too much, so it is a given that they stay here. Prince Markov, you could of course protect the group that stays with you here, correct?” he addressed the Eyrien Warlord, hoping the male would not desire to go into the unknown town. “We’ll certainly need to think of a story we can give to the citizens. Should we simply pose as a rag-tag group of travelers, I wonder?” That was the closest to the truth after all.

As he thought this, Jandar’s gaze flicked around, and he suddenly realized Fatima had managed to wander apart from them while they’d been deep in thought in discussion. Immediately becoming more alert, the Warlord focused on enhancing his sight with the power of his Blood Opal jewel, the power giving a subtle glow to his eyes as he looked around intently. He saw the Queen duck into one of the abandoned buildings, apparently intent to explore. Though somewhat worried and uncomfortable, he let her be for now, though resolved he’d keep an even better eye on her from now on. Incidentally, he also saw Xandar go off in another direction, following a couple of viper rats. A mild frown graced his lips, but he did not comment; it was fine with him if the Eyrien went ahead and exterminated the vermin. The Kaeleeran Warlord only hoped Markov had heard and agreed with his suggestion.

Conversation with the gnome finished, planning with Ed complete, Mother Rat finally convinced to venture outside, the trio headed outside. As soon as they were out of the barrow, all hell was breaking loose. The cart had made it close enough to be attacked by the staff-wielding lizard, and Asteria memorized the appearance, chant, and feel of the magic, using Magic Analysis on it as well. So much for the plan, she thought as she watched the situation unfold. The scents were too mixed to try and pursue a “purple” one without knowing whom it referred to, so instead, she chose visual inspection to decide on her target. Two bandit humans were approaching the cart from a direction where they would have been likely unobserved – if Ed had not verbally alerted the four travelers. Hopefully, his action would help them, though Asteria suspected such an unexpected third-party intervention may sow chaos and confusion among both the bandits and the travelers.

As for the target she’d decided on, it was the archer. Based on the first arrow’s direction of flight, the archer was behind the barrow. She thought she could get there fast enough to interrupt the second shot, but she worried about the number of enemies she might face – there could be very well more than one hiding there – and about Mother Rat. The creature had not desired to go outside, after all, and was currently still rather confused. Well, there certainly was no way for her to know whom they had decided to attack and why. So, Asteria touched her flank, pushed at the other dire rat’s flank lightly, chittered at her quietly and urgently, and sent across a feeling of companionship and togetherness. Whether that would be enough for the mother to follow her and attack whomever she did or not would yet to be seen. Now, however, Asteria had to race to the barrow’s backside, actively using Muffle II, trying to get there quietly yet swiftly enough to Smash into whoever the archer was before they could let loose another of those blasted arrows at someone.

Collab between
@AlmalthiaBrighid O'Shay
@SilverPaw Kathryn Moreno

Brighid had no real concept of time in the swirling mass of colors that became her reality as she leapt into the portal. The change happened so many times that she lost count of how many times it happened. She was tired and sore and to top it off confused. Catching snatches of the outside world didn't help. Finally the madness seemed to end. Or so she thought.

The colors seemed to tear apart and Brighid was thrown onto the ground as the spell collapsed. Lying on the ground in human form she groaned and weakly tried to push herself up. Her arms shook with the effort of doing anything but lying on the ground. Shaking she collapsed back on the ground. Fine. I'll just lay here for a bit.

Her eyes were still a bit blurry and laying on the cool grass seemed like heaven for now. The others could find her later. She'd been through Hell and didn't want to move till her healing kicked in.

As she lay there the sounds and scents of her surroundings came to her. They were unfamiliar to her. A deep seated panic started in the pit of her stomach. She turned her head slowly and opened her eyes.

She recognized nothing. Literally nothing.

There was a black still river that was a few meters away with stone lining it's banks and lanterns hung on a pole casting a strange yellow un-flickering light to the surface. Looking up nearly made her sick but she managed to choke it back down. Bright colors she'd never seen before flashed and pulsed. And that was just the sights.

The sounds. It never stopped. A veritable cacophony of noise. Totally unfamiliar and some frightening at best.

“Jennings, waits,” Kathryn stopped short, raised a palm in the universal ‘stop’ sign, and slowly surveyed the surroundings, seeming to search for something. “There’s a commotion somewhere…there. Not too far from the river. Near the central park, maybe,” she murmured. Darrin’s previously puzzled expression smoothed into urgency, and they dashed, Kat keeping apace of her human co-worker. Within minutes, they were at one of the main paved paths leading into the park. As they ran further in, taking turns toward the path diverting closer to the river-side, it became apparent that a group of people were indeed gathering around something – or rather someone.

A redhead woman was lying on the ground – and she was naked. Also, she was injured, filthy, and covered in blood, though there were suspicious chunks of meat here and there – snagged into her hair, stuck beneath her fingernails, and trails of it around her mouth – but the weirdest thing about this all was the scent. The woman was permeated in a scent so rotten and dark – and utterly unappealing. Underneath all that grime, Kathryn could see that the woman was bruised all over, and especially her chest, sides, and head seemed to be afflicted. That bump could mean a concussion, she thought. She wasn’t comfortable trying to move her, but at the very least she could cover her.

“Hey, has anyone called an ambulance yet?” she called out to the dozen or so others, who were currently being corralled – and questioned – by Jennings. The only answer was a few stunned shakes of heads in the negative, so with a muted sigh, Kathryn first stripped of her police vest, shirt and undershirt (removing any delicate items from it and stuffing them in her trouser pockets), and used the paltry clothing pieces to at least provide the female with some basic decency.

“Miss?” Kathryn questioned, crouching at the female’s side. Honestly, she thought it most likely that she was dealing with a werewolf gone loose – though if that were the case, there certainly would have been reports of victims already. On the other hand, if the woman was a victim herself, this was a strange case indeed. Some of Kat’s confusion was allayed when, after dispersing everyone but the key three witnesses, Jennings stepped to her side and informed her of the evidence gathered so far.

“What that trio over there seemed to agree on was that this female, whoever and whatever she is, seemed to appear out of thin air. Literally. Supposedly, space was ripped open in some sort of a portal or a wormhole or something, and she got thrown out. The rest of the crowd’s babbling was just wild speculation, as you can imagine,” Jennings grumbled.

Kathryn nodded with a frown, and with extreme care and gentleness lay a palm on the back of the woman’s hand, trying to get a feel for her head injury. “If she doesn’t regain consciousness soon, we’re calling an ambulance. And even then, hospitalizing may be the best. We’ll definitely have to question her, though,” she said. Now, she was just waiting to see if the woman would respond or not.

Brighid wished that she wasn't a spectacle for these people. The all sounded odd and were split between being afraid of her and not. Mostly they were giving her a headache. She'd had to fight her healing and keep up appearances that she was still unconscious.

That only made Brighid more aware of the fact that she needed a bath and clothes. Someone came close enough to touch her. Laying something over her and speaking to her. She opened her eyes and turned her head toward the speaker. Her silver gray eyes filled with concern. "Thank you. Where am I?"

Her voice had a strange accent. Not quite British or Scottish or Irish but a combination of the three. It wasn't strange to her though. She'd always sounded that way but to someone hearing her voice that's the closest approximation of a description that one could make of her accent. The tone was soft and warm contralto.

Brighid looked around and slowly let her healing powers work on her body. She'd be better in an hour or so. The … person next to her was a vampire. The one who was hovering over her. She couldn't tell if they were male or female. Colin had long hair and Eliza had short hair at one point. But it was very hard not to notice that the person attempting to help her was a vampire.

Brighid saw nothing inherently wrong with that and thanked her lucky stars that Colin wasn't anywhere around. He'd have gone off the deep end. "Excuse my state of undress and quite apparently the gore on my person. If you could point me to the nearest source of water I would be eternally grateful."

“You are in Duncaster’s largest park,” Kathryn answered. The woman was obviously confused, and her accent was that of a foreigner’s, though from where, Kathryn wasn’t certain. It was similar to how some of the old vampire she’d met sounded, though not quite the same, and she was fairly certain this female was not a vampire. That she did not know where she was proved that she’d somehow been transported – or had transported herself – from elsewhere.

Was someone, presumably outside of Duncaster, casting some strange teleportation magic? Was it a statement? An attack on their city? A failed experiment? A pesky whim or wicked prank? Regardless of the case, they needed to ascertain what this woman knew of it. Her mind seemed to be sound, and it was actually strange that she did not act shocked or confused – apart from the fact that she did not recognize Duncaster, that was. If she had never been here before, however, that in and of itself was not so odd. Her suspicious appearance on the other hand…

“There should be a public bathroom close enough, we can escort you there. Then it would be best if you agreed to come with us to the station. You can have a proper warm shower there, and we’ll even find you a temporary change of clothing. I am afraid that we will have to ask how you came to be in the state that we found you in, and anything you know that caused you to…appear here. I do not believe you to be a criminal, but we have to be cautious nonetheless, you understand?” Kathryn explained politely.

Jennings, meanwhile, had written down all the information the three witnesses could provide as well as their names and contact information in case they would require future details from them, then dismissed them. So, the only ones left in the vicinity were the two police officers, one a female vampire and the other a male human, and the unknown woman. Kathryn blinked twice in quick succession as she considered the fact that, really, getting a name from her should have been the first priority. Perhaps not unexpectedly, she had been distracted by what was a bizarre occurrence even by the standards of this world full of the supernatural.

“Oh, excuse me for my lack of manners. I am Kathryn Moreno, and this here is Darrin Jennings,” she introduced herself and her coworker with a small and perfunctory, but civil smile. “We are both with the Duncaster PD, as you may have already guessed. If you are as unwell as you appear, we can take you to the hospital after you clean up a bit,” the vampire offered.

Brighid blinked and sat up pulling her filthy hair to cover her nakedness. She inclined her head slightly. “Ah yes introductions. My name is Brighid O’Shay. I have never heard of Duncaster before now. I am sorry that was housepital that you just said? Is that where your healers are? How odd. Never mind, I shall not require a healer. Do you carry a blanket or something of the sort so that I can wear it to, what did you call it, yes the station?”

Did that really just come out of my mouth? I mean seriously? I sound way more put together than I feel. All these sensations. The smells, sights, sounds. This place even feels different. If Kathryn was not a vampire I would think I stepped out into Fey Lands. It would just be Oberon’s style to open a doorway and have me walk willingly through it. But the change came and went numerous times. Something is odd here and I intend to find out what as well as find the others.

Brighid looked at the shirt that Kathryn had lain on her. She smirked and noticed that the shirt would probably make her look more indecent. Her hair had been waist length but it fell past her knees now as if she had spent years in the spell. She wiggled her toes and sighed with relief mentally.

Kathryn stared at Brighid blankly for several seconds. The female had professed to have never heard of Duncaster before, she apparently didn’t know what a hospital or police station were, and she’d mentioned healers. “…Just cover yourself with those for now as best you can,” she gestured to the dark blue padded vest, blue collared shirt, and black undershirt she’d covered the female with previously. While she had been striving for nonchalance, hints of confusion had unmistakably seeped into her tone. She briefly gazed at her co-worker. “Jennings, you run to the car and fetch the foil blanket from the first aid kit.” The vampire turned back towards Brighid, offering her a hand up.

“There’s a public restroom a few minutes’ walk from here. There are sure to be more people as we go on, but that really can’t be helped,” Kathryn huffed wryly, but proceeded leading the redhead along the smoothly paved road towards the park’s main entrance. There was a sharp contrast between the dull thuds of her black boots and the soft padding of Brighid’s uncovered feet, but they now shared the trait of being half-naked, though in Kathryn’s case it just meant that her upper half was only covered by a sports bra. The redhead next to her was certainly the worse off, and the vampire walked slightly in front of the mystery woman, using her own body to help cover her from casual observation. Having her back to this possibly dangerous stranger did not do her nerves any good though; her neck was prickling, her shoulders were tense, and she couldn’t help but grimace slightly.

Soon enough, the pair had transitioned from one of the relatively narrow side paths, designed for walking and cycling and jogging, to a wide avenue inlaid with stones – while cars certainly fit, only service vehicles had access to this part, though several feet further, the busy main streets could be seen already. The greenery of the park transitioned into the drab gray of concrete, and here, tucked in between some other buildings, was a public restroom, still part of the park property, though built somewhat on the edge of it. It was a small, low building, painted white, though several graffiti defaced it – but at least its windows weren’t broken. Kathryn led Brighid into one half, where several closed stalls and sinks could be seen. Thankfully, it seemed the building was currently occupied, perhaps not so strange given the late hour and the fact that Jennings had shooed away all those onlookers. The vampire gestured to a sink, presenting the best currently available option for the redhead to wash herself. “Use my clothes to dry off when you’re done,” she suggested with a small, mildly reluctant sigh. Kathryn then leaned her back on the door-frame, keeping a watch on both the female and the outside.

Brighid looked at the basins with the pump and knobs attached. Where is the pump? Brighid looked around and under the basins. With a puzzled look she touched the knobs then looked up into a mirror. This mirror was much smoother and reflected better than any that were not enchanted that she could recall. Staring back at her reflection she grimaced and muttering. She reached out and touched the knobs.

The knobs twisted under her hands and she jumped back as water gushed out of the pump into the basin.

With an entirely puzzled expression on her face, Kathryn approached the possibly-lycan-female, and adjusted the handles so the spout’s spray wasn’t quite violent. “We really do need to talk exactly how and where you were raised that even the most basic of modern of technology is so shocking to you,” the vampire commented with a shake of her head, tone slightly snarky, though her own confusion was obvious enough. Ever since O’Shay had regained consciousness, she’d been intently observing her surroundings, but not just with the purpose to orient herself, Kathryn thought. It was as if even the most mundane things, for example the lights littering the city, were something new and worth of inspection to her. Kathryn had suspected amnesia or simple concussive shock at one point, but…Now she was fairly certain it was more than that.

The woman knew her own name, after all, and communicated clearly, walked without too much of a problem, and didn’t seem on the brink of imminent collapse due to poor health or mental instability. I just hope that giving in to her insistence on not needing a hospital won’t come back to bite me in the ass, later on. It was still possible that Brighid was suffering in some physical and/or mental manner, after all. However, perhaps she had simply been raised in an incredibly restrictive, outdated, techno-phobic environment. Could just be some weird magic going haywire...she did pop through some kind of a portal, didn’t she? Only with information from O’Shay herself, however, could Kathryn hope to come anywhere close to making a firm conclusion.

Something did indeed appear due to Asteria’s actions, though it was a completely different kind of being than she’d been expecting. A strange kind of earthly humanoid with gems for eyes burrowed out of the earth, and Asteria immediately used Monster Analysis II on it. “So, you aren’t an undead. Huh. I was expecting something related to necromancy, since this seems like a prime spot for doing that kind of a thing…Also, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if there was a town of dark magic cultist in existence which did precisely that,” she answered. Not that she actually knew anything about the dark magic of this world, but even if it was an unwise practice, well, people were always attracted to power. And if a temptation appeared directly in front of someone, it would be difficult to resist. Even knowing that, as she did, did not preclude the possibility of giving in to the so called “easy” path, and in fact, if the being in front of her had been so simplistic as to desire some blood in exchange for more killing potential, she would have promised it that. But as it turned out, that wouldn’t be necessary. And that was also fine.

“What would your contract involve? Do you only protect the dead within, then? And I suppose you wouldn’t care to resolve certain outside events that very well may cause disturbance within, would you,” she commented dryly. “No matter. If you happen to be curious enough about how a Dire Rat can converse with you, however, perhaps we could exchange some information,” she offered. Just then, Ed approached, and informed he of the current situation. “After we deal with that mess out there,” she added to the being, then moved to quickly store that gold coin with the rest of their belongings, and swiftly removed the Bloodingfly stinger from the clay jar, wrapping her tail tightly around it.

Asteria strode back to the first chamber. “I think the plan’s fine. And I’m ready,” she whispered. She made contact with mother rat briefly, relaying a feeling of quiet, caution, staying together, and attacking enemies one by one through Telepathy as best as she could through emotions alone. Then, she focused on her sense of smell, trying to get a whiff of whatever kind of scent that might feel purple to her. Following Ed’s directions, the trio quietly began sneaking outside, attempting to approach their enemies unnoticed…

Party 2 contacted

After an eventful day of studying, family interactions, meeting up with friends, part time work, and the drudgery of completing various chores, Juliane was more than ready to fall asleep – and more importantly, to log into Thalam Online. It was releasing worldwide today, and though she was excited to try out something so new and promising, she thankfully didn’t have much trouble falling asleep. She’d already created an account under the user name of ‘Queue’, so she simply entered her password, and hit play.

…And she got hit with the loading screen, but that was to be expected. The background was beyond pretty though, and madly detailed, not to mention the sublime orchestra music playing. Sooner than expected, she was at the character creation screen. Ahh, now this would be a challenge. Juliane thought she’d prefer one of the fantasy races…but not a dwarf, as those tended to be either short, burly, or lolitas, no, not the Greenskins either, she thought, though they could be fascinating to try and make as visually appealing as an elf. The Beastmen were perhaps better to be left aside as well; she’d prefer to avoid a virtual encounter with a furry, of all things. Since she intended to create a female-gendered character, there was already a higher possibility of attracting that occasional desperate pervert (usually male, but who could really say in this day and age) – or an immature teen; sometimes the two were difficult to distinguish. Such pitiful behavior was simply a part of human nature, unfortunately.

Breaking out of her reverie, Juliane finally selected the Fae race, and spent the next hour or two creating her in-game avatar. There were truly many options, and so, so many ideas she wanted to see realized. A dark skinned, busty beauty, an Asian-esque slender woman of elegance, a petite sparkly rainbow of a muffin-doll…In the end, she went for the aloof, mature look, the Fae’s skin a dazzling ivory white, her eyes red as the richest of wines and as brilliant as a ruby, hair stretching to her thighs and coloured a toned-down green. Her Fae-exclusive appendages were a set of dragonfly wings, all four transparent, though glimmering in a dark violet to light green gradient, with splashes of reddish yellow present at the very base of them. When folded, the wings were hardly visible from the front, and even from the back, they were mainly covered by her long hair. Spread out however, they were…simply enchanting. Juliane changed one of the basic sets of clothes provided in the character creation screen to match her chosen avatar as best as she could, though she suspected there were even more intricate possibilities to unlock within the game. When it came to the class, she mostly picked on a whim, since each of the basic ones had some appeal.

In the end, Juliane ended up with a pretty Fey ranger avatar. The name she wrote in before confirming her choices was one she had already decided on previously. Alright, then, in-game I'm Vesper. She clicked confirm, and after another brief loading screen – it was a different one, which was certainly appreciated – Vesper appeared in the beginning area, Bellview, a paradise-esque beachside location. There was a town in view, and they even had a quaint little port. How adorable! Vesper took flight, stretching her new appendages, and made several loops in the air, descending just before her stamina burned out and she would be forced to crash. Less than a minute of flight, huh. A bit disappointing, but I just need to level to get more stamina, so shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Next, she familiarized herself with an UI, which was simple enough, as it was fairly similar to any other MMORPG, with just enough of that ‘this is a new, fresh, and trendy system!’ flavor that she could easily accept it.

Vesper saw the quest, and, since doing so was standard practice in games, decided to go out and find those slimes to kill. She followed the noise to the north – on foot – and was not too surprised to see the utterly crowded environment. There were hundreds upon hundreds of players, each tackling a lvl 1 slime, though as she ventured further north, parties became more common. Parties of three to five level 1 player for a level 3 slime, huh? These things must be more tanky and harmful than expected. Vesper would frankly prefer soloing, to be honest, but she wanted to raise her level from this abysmal 1 number, and get to the more exciting stuff as soon as she could. And for that, a party was simply the more sensible choice. She took ahold of her bow, looked around…and found the perfect party! There was a four-person party, and by the looks of it, they were a warrior, healer, mage, and rogue. If she joined, they’d have each of one class, which should be optimal. Blinking at every one of them, Vesper sent each player a party request, then drew an arrow out of thin air, notched it onto the bow, and aimed at the slime they were facing. As soon as she got the notification that they accepted her request, she would unleash her charged Aimed Shot.
Class: Ranger
Level: 1

Aimed Shot]
@Haruharara A couple more questions. What's the relationship between Stealth and Invisibility? Do they overlap? Do they stack? Does the class skill outgrow the racial skill?

Do you intend to develop more non-combat skills? I know you have some for crafting, but if I, for example, wanted to create a thief, would it be eventually possible to learn lock-picking, pick-pocketing, the creation/use of disguises etc.? Is it possible to do mining without becoming an armour- or weaponcrafter? Will there be fishing, cooking, jewelry crafting, etc. or will those not be as important as the combat encounters and the story/quests?
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