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I never got the feeling that mutants were discriminated against in canon, though I may have missed something or forgotten about it.
@Reia This is just a suggestion so take it how you will, but instead of restricting everyone to PG13 all the time, what if you asked that every applicant post their rating preference alongside their submission? That way, whenever two or more players interact, you just choose what the lowest rating is between those (say PG13) and inform them all to keep a note of it during interactions. I think the RP could then better suit the taste of any potential player; if someone wanted to go in-depth with more serious, mature topics, they could - as long as they weren't collabing with someone who isn't comfortable with it.
All you flight people...It's curious bc one of my ideas was making a wingless hawk mutant who struggles with not being able to fly despite being a bird-man.
I'd say it's better to try for diversity.

Ifrari drew several conclusions from Rex’s replies. One, he was an effort maniac. Two, the Hundi recognized him as his superior, which was fine by Ifrari. Three…He didn’t know how to count. That would have to be remedied at some point, but in the meantime, the dark elf thought keeping an eye on Rex so he didn’t get swindled out of his money was a good idea. If the Hundi even had money. Ifrari was somewhat doubtful.

The dark elf observed as the Hundi followed his directives, pleasantly surprised by the care Rex took. Against his expectations, he didn’t shout that they needed people – which was for the best, though it might have been entertaining to see – but instead looked from group to group, attempting to find any stragglers. He came to the same conclusion as Ifrari; besides Sophie, who was yet undecided, the rest of the adventurers were already grouped and discussing with their own teammates which job to take.

Ifrari nodded at the youth’s report. “Right you are, Rex. Thank you. I didn’t think you could be so attentive,” he admitted. “It was a good idea to try and find solo adventurers. Since we’ve already asked the only one by herself so far, let’s just sign up on our own. If any of the groups take the same mission, we’ll meet up with them later,” he concluded.

That said, Ifrari turned on his heel and headed towards the nearest counter, beckoning Rex to follow him. Once an attendant was free to take their request, Ifrari nodded curtly with a cheerful, “Hello!” Gesturing to himself and Rex, he continued, “We’re here to take care of the disappearances near Haesting. I’m Ifrari, 5 of Coins, and this is Rex, 4 of Swords,” he introduced. “If any other adventurers have taken the request, we’d like to know who, so as to more easily coordinate with them,” he requested politely.

“If we’re the only ones so far, feel free to direct any who sign up later to us – we’ll come back to the hall in an hour or so to check,” he added, wondering if the attendant would bother to do so much. “By the way, do you have a more detailed, local map of Haesting and the route where the disappearances have occurred? It could come in handy.” Ifrari leaned on the counter, focused fully on the guild employee as he waited for what information they could give to him.

I'll write up a post tomorrow then, since I'm about to head to sleep now.
@Derg2 Hey, would you be alright if I made a post to move us forward from trying to recruit to signing up for the mission?
Jandar Varan
Eldra, Shalador

Jandar blinked at the sudden appearance of Mikhail. He had no idea when and how the Prince had made his way into the bookshop. The Warlord shook off his confusion, non-verbally refuting Mikhail’s words with a shake of his head. “There is already evidence that he is not an enemy. Not conclusive, I’ll give you that, but as you said, he could have killed both of us very easily. Moreover, he believed to have a very good reason for doing so,” the Warlord explained.

“He thought we may be a danger to the townspeople – and that he was concerned for them is already a good sign. He definitely has a lethal grudge against Queens in general, and with how it was most likely one of them who put that Band of Compliance on him, that’s understandable. I also baited him,” at this last admission, Jandar smiled wryly. “Yet, he did not kill us, simply let us go.” The Warlord shrugged, feeling a bit helpless. He’d wanted to remove that collar from SaDiablo, but it wasn’t like they were the Warlord Prince’s allies yet.

“Take that how you will,” Jandar sighed, rolling his shoulders carefully. “We need to get out of here now, fast. The main problem is how – shall we casually stroll out the way we came in?” he questioned, letting the others time to consider the possibility. “If not, the Prince and I can cast sight shields over all of us and we attempt to sneak out…However, if the ladies are unused to walking quietly and such, that would be moot,” he said, looking at Fatima with a raised brow. He didn’t know about the Pruulish witch, but he was somewhat doubtful the Queen had such a skill in her possession. And, speaking of the other witch… “I hope Ranina is alright,” he murmured, still using Dareen’s fake name. “I’m going to check on her,” he announced, somewhat unnecessarily.

Jandar walked out, his gait stiff and slow, and immediately sighted Dareen, who was donning a fairly good showing of a noble in a royal huff. However, the Warlord thought the upset was real; the witch was tense, her face lined with perspiration, the bottom of her dressed ruined with mud. Jandar stepped to her, closing in, and laying soothing hands on her shoulders. Though he’d meant to only gently take a hold of her, his body sagged against this new support, and the Warlord growled softly under his breath, lips thinning at the damned injuries still weakening him. “Apologies, dear,” he huffed, taking care to look around and observe the surroundings.

A moment of two passed, as Jandar simply breathed through his pain, then he straightened, shifting his hands from Dareen’s shoulders to the palms of her hands. “What happened? Did the black jeweled man do something?” he asked her quietly. “We’ll need to leave…my cousin’s appearance is compromised,” he added in a murmur after a moment, hoping the witch would understand his meaning.
@TruthHurts22 You got the right of it, it's pretty much a glorified turtle-neck :D

Also, will move him to the character tab soonish - unless you feel like having both the 0th and 1st posts in there for your own purposes?
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