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So, the easiest way a character to do/have magic would be through Regret, right? Is it possible to have more than one contract? Also, if they contracted to someone/something before becoming a champion for Regret, does that contract still hold over after their resurrection?
Colour me intrigued.

Do the patrons start to feel it when you reach a certain point of raising/straining their bond?
Jacqueline Leroux

“Every monster?” Jacqueline may have been tired, but that was so blatantly unusual. “So, you’re saying they’ve got a leader now…?” Though whether it was someone they willingly followed or someone who pulled the strings from the background was unsure.

Then, Mika pitched in, and Jacqueline grimaced in discomfort. She’d thought the kid was out of it…but even if she'd known the child was aware, she didn’t know how she’d have relayed to her the information of Su’s death.

Mika ran away, and all the doctor had to say to that was that ‘she could make for a good agent’. Jacqueline gave her a look, eyebrow slowly creeping up. “If the Freelancers or Mavericks don’t get to her first,” she pointed out.

But it wasn’t just that…Mika was more of a kid than Fable, despite being older, and someone should probably do something about her.

…Wasn’t that someone Jacqueline, just by process of elimination? She sighed, and wondered if it might be better to leave the grieving child by her lonesome after all.

She was distracted from that line of thought by the doctor’s answer, and Oros the Mad’s sudden appearance. Behemoths were sometimes powered by mundane objects, apparently, but this time, it’d been a grimoire. “Whose idea?” she sharply questioned the Mad, eyes narrowing. It was dubious if she’d get an answer, because Oros was kind of avoidant about the whole situation. The depraved was clearly weakened, but so were all of them – maybe not Veronica, though.

In the end, Jacqueline decided that whatever Oros’ deal was, she didn’t want to talk with crazy right now, and wasn’t in a state to contribute much fire-power if things went south either. Turning to their boss, she said, “I don’t know if it’s safe detaining that one for long,” she nodded at the person she supposed was the owner of the harp grimoire. “But it’s your call, doctor.” Glancing in the direction of the precinct roof, she added, “I’m gonna go…” she didn’t know what, exactly. But she owed to Su at least this much.

She turned to go, then briefly regarded Orion and Silhoutte over her shoulder. “You two fill me in on this later?” At this point, she didn’t really care if Orion was going on dates with Oros or whatever else; she just wanted to go home, and sleep all this off. However, there was one final duty she could do, and wanted to do right – check in on Mika.

28 | Female | Gemini Agents | Iron Dust
Havoc | Great Axe | Arcane | Pry
Eternal Knight | Perfectly polished
Forged Arsenal | Earth/Metal | Breakthrough
[Quake (2), Mass (2)] Damage X (6), AoE (2), Enhance (2), Powerful (0), Dispel (6), Zone (4), Pull (2), Restrain (4), Blink (4)


Jacqueline Leroux

With yet unforeseen group cooperation and coordination, they managed to pull out the Diver’s harp (heart?) out of its chest with the aid of its falling decapitated head. That was a satisfyingly fitting end, if Jacqueline said so herself.

As she fell in the darkness, relieved and exhausted at once, she wondered idly if she could survive something as mundane as a long fall in her esper form. She’d not get to find out for sure, but given that someone had the foresight to set up something soft for them to land on, the answer was evident.

Even with the stunt bag, the air was knocked out of Jacqueline’s lungs when she landed, but despite her fatigue, she managed to roll to her feet without too much trouble.

Their boss appeared all causal as you please, then, as if nothing were amiss at all. When she asked after Breacher, Jacqueline bluntly told her, “Dead.” Fable was the one who went into more detail then.

When the child esper asked why they were the only ones facing a literal 'wipe out a city or two' class of monster, she backed him up. “Yeah. Just what the hell happened? It’s not as if you didn’t know that ‘the enemy’ – whoever all that was – would act in some way, right?” Her tone wasn’t accusatory, just annoyed, frustrated, and tired.

When that was resolved, she stalked to the harp they’d pulled out of the behemoth, and to the straitjacketed person who was holding onto it even while she was unconscious. “So. We should get rid of this, yeah?” she eyed the object and woman both with equal dispassion.

28 | Female | Gemini Agents | Iron Dust
Havoc | Great Axe | Arcane | Pry
Eternal Knight | Perfectly polished
Forged Arsenal | Earth/Metal | Breakthrough
[Quake (2), Mass (2)] Damage X (6), AoE (2), Enhance (2), Powerful (0), Dispel (6), Zone (4), Pull (2), Restrain (4), Blink (4)



Attire: No cloak
Time: 11:00 am
Location: The Entrance Hall
Mention(s): @Helo Callum, @Inertia Auguste, @princess Edin
Interaction(s): @Terrance420 Plannington
“But sure, make me late, spin it like it’s my fault.”

Because Wulfric had already walked past Callum, and his younger brother nor anyone else of import would see it, he permitted himself a liberal eyeroll. As if he needed to do that, and as if he would.

Given that he had no issue speaking coherently, and moreover, was quite capable of his usual sassy backtalk and even exhibited his annoying tendency to quote out of context, Wulfric supposed Callum was not quite as out of his mind with drunkenness as he’d initially assumed. Still, it remained a fact that he was worryingly over-reliant on alcohol. Not only did he see no issue with it, he apparently viewed this trait as a positive in some ways. ‘Drunken and jolly’ indeed.

No matter. There were now two months in which his attempts to alleviate the problem should yield a higher rate of success…More so than at any other point in their past. The sooner he set up some sort of intervention, the better.


Aside from lacking his sabre, which unfortunately wasn’t suitable for the coming event, Wulfric returned to the Entrance Hall looking more or less the same. His servants had made exceptionally quick work wiping down his body of accumulated sweat (not that there was much of it), reapplying some perfume (orange and black pepper), and attending to other various minor tasks. Pleased with their smoothly organized efforts, he had granted them an early break as a reward.

Despite their swiftness, and his steps being a hair short of rushed, he did arrive a tad past eleven. Of course, it wasn’t as if his father was punctual. Auguste, however, was already there, and Wulfric offered him a brief nod in acknowledgment.

Callum managed to show up very shortly after, and he had done…something. Water had been involved, and his brother now also held a cup of coffee. Ah, well. It was not as if anything more could be done right then. But next time, he’d have someone introduce his sibling to the wonders of make-up.

The first prince let himself be led to his designated table, gaze sweeping across the crowd. He formed a small smile for them, and bowed shallowly at the audience before taking his seat.

Edin arrived as loudly as ever, and Wulfric did not let his words perturb his countenance. As reprehensible as it was, Callum being dismissed or denigrated by their father was par for the course. But really, if nothing else, one might think he would prefer not to lend credence to those rumours of his youngest being a bastard with his remarks. Of course, it was entirely possible he did it on purpose, and took some sort of twisted pleasure in it.

The man by the king’s side was a very unlikely surprise, and the prince took him in curiously. Albert? No… This man happened to have a particularly memorable name. Alden, the same as Auguste’s middle name. And a thematically fitting last name…

“Plannington,” Wulfric greeted him. “A pleasure to have you back,” he returned smoothly, though it very much remained to be seen whether his presence was a positive or not. “You yourself have matured as well, no?” he raised a pointed eyebrow. Advisor he may be, but it was still ridiculous to have someone so close to his age commenting on how ‘young’ and ‘grown’ they all were. Smirking, he added, “And surely, your travels have contributed to that. Recount me your experiences sometime, hm?”

Then, it was time to watch the spectacle of Edin making preliminary selections of the hopefuls. Some impertinent commoner thought she could be his wife, when she should be grateful that she even had the chance to see him up close. His lips twisted in dark amusement as he dismissed the peasant’s ogling with a piercing glance. You better cherish that for life, girl.

Naturally, she and her friend were the first ones escorted out. Seven others soon followed. ‘Delusional’ was an apt descriptor, but it applied not only to this group, bur rather, to everyone who’d gathered today. Every one of them who believed they had a chance to marry him or one of his brothers simply because they could meet today…What was that, if not delusion? Though his father was in the same boat, if he honestly thought this event would result in a match for any one of them.

For some reason, Plannington held back one of the initial ten women. To prolong their collective suffering, or…? Folding his hand to lean on, Wulfric gave the lady a brief, bored look, his demeanour oozing insouciance. But because there were some more interesting faces at the front of the line, he let his gaze slide right over her.
I'd hoped to write more this weekend but I didn't get to do that much sadly. I'd say about a third or so is done.

Attire: No cloak
Time: 10:00 am -> ca. 10:45 am
Location: The Shooting Range -> The Entrance Hall
Mention(s): Briefly, some of the archery competition attendees.
Interaction(s): @Helo Callum

Thea did win her first match, but though it had been exceptionally close, she unfortunately lost to Vael in the next one. Still, it had been exciting enough, and Wulfric clapped for them both, then for the subsequent winner. Verrick O’Hare prevailed against the baker and new Damien both, making for a much better showing than he’d had against Shehzadi Nahir. The semi-finals and finals had been invigorating to watch, and the prince was more or less satisfied with the proceedings. He left after the finalist was announced, and the first and second prizes were being handed out. Two guards were left behind to accompany Anastasia, while the rest returned to the castle with him.

Wulfric hadn't expected to see Callum any sooner than 11 am, though all things considered, it was a good thing he met his younger brother nearly a quarter of an hour earlier than that. The sight of that drunkenly swaying figure put a stop to his swift, purposeful stride, and he slowed down as he looked his younger sibling up and down. Callum had dressed into proper attire, and made an appearance – which was more than he’d have done before their agreement – but that was where the positives ended.

When his brother had indicated he would make himself presentable, Wulfric hadn’t considered he might give up half-way through. Had he somehow thought his subpar efforts would be sufficient – if he had indeed thought anything at all? Had he changed his mind, and decided he couldn’t bother complying, no matter that he had proposed to do so of his own initiative? Or was the allure of alcohol truly so powerful for him, that he’d gone and got himself blindingly drunk as soon as he was left alone to do so?

Either way, it was clearly also his mistake to have relied on Callum to do what should be done with no oversight or guidance. While Wulfric had been keeping an eye on Anastasia, the unwatched half of the troublemaking pair had been up to no good. But of course, he had. Sometimes, it surprised him that he still managed to be disappointed at all when it came to his two youngest siblings.

He paced up to Callum, displeasure etched on his face in the form of a frown, angry tension lining his whole body. Annoyance transformed his gait into a stalk as he neared his sibling. When he was close enough to note the stale stench that still clung to his brother, his nose wrinkled in distaste. “Really, brother, alcohol in the morning?” he couldn’t help snarking. He was acting like some slum-bound bum; drinking throughout the night, then continuing on from where he’d left off (and after being drugged or poisoned, even!) whenever he regained coherency the following day…God. An alcoholic at twenty.

If his sibling had anything to say to that, Wulfric wasn’t much interested. He clicked his fingers, and a servant promptly approached to answer his call. “Get him sobered up – I don’t care if you have to throw cold water on him to do so. And do what you can to make him presentable.” His gaze pointedly tracked the bags under Callum’s eyes, his (more so than usual) sickly pallor, the damp and uncombed hair, and even his picked-at fingernails. The first prince wasn't expecting miracles, as he knew they had less than fifteen minutes remaining. But at the very least, it should be time enough to get his brother washed up, and correct his appearance until he no longer looked like some half-dead creature.

In case it wasn’t clear from the stern stare he’d kept on him throughout, Wulfric said, “Callum,” demanding his attention. “It is your task to ensure this goes as smoothly as possible,” he sneered as he paraphrased his brother’s own words, reminding him of their deal. “Do take care to be on time.” His tone of voice let his sibling know he considered that a part of his cooperative responsibilities as well.

Finally, he directed his gaze to the attendant who had been mutely standing next to the pair since he’d summoned her, some maid he wasn’t too familiar with. “Quickly now,” he urged her to take Callum away and get him taken care of, assuming she’d fetch her coworkers if she needed to. Then, Wulfric strode past without another word; he had his own preparations to handle, after all, though at least his servants had been informed beforehand that they’d be needed.
Gotcha! Cliché as it is, was thinking of going with a diva of a kitsune at least. Am down to pairing up with someone else or writing her human myself, depending on what others decide to do.

I've got a punk gal in mind...If that sounds good to you, we could try and work out something.
Yeah, I'm interested.
Like I said before, might give this a try.
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