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Jacqueline Leroux

Wrecking Justin into nothingness was cathartic. Each fury unleashed all her pain, fury, even fatigue onto him, reinvigorating Jacqueline every time a piece of his bodysuit was destroyed. Even after all that, he still lived; but even without a clear idea of what specifically would kill him, she figured she could just pulverize him into nothingness.

Cracking his head open revealed a gem, and she gleefully prepared to swing yet another time. However, Orion was either quicker on the uptake or just luckier this time around, and got the kill. Nonetheless, there was the immense satisfaction in this victory; finishing blow or not, Jacqueline had felled the enemy before her.

A gleeful grin stretched her lips, and she craned her head back to luxuriate in that feeling, if even for a short second. When she next blinked her eyes open, a moose-shaped spirit floated above her. Huh, right. There’d been the hail…and then, there wasn’t, the thing above her shielding her and her allies. Jacqueline looked around, and was quick to find the esper responsible. Then, the cat girl spoke.

“Oooh, fuck no,” she muttered under her breath as the realization hit her.

But there wasn’t any time to answer Mika’s question, or even think about what to do about her. The Diver was still there, still a problem, and if they didn’t deal with it, that’d be a lot of of dead people. Jacqueline followed Fable's lead, Blinking onto the behemoth, and beginning to swing her instrument at it with impunity. As she did so, however, a part of her couldn’t help but think–

Just where the fuck was the damn backup?

28 | Female | Gemini Agents | Iron Dust
Havoc | Great Axe | Arcane | Pry
Eternal Knight | Perfectly polished
Forged Arsenal | Earth/Metal | Breakthrough
[Quake (2), Mass (2)] Damage X (6), AoE (2), Enhance (2), Powerful (0), Dispel (6), Zone (4), Pull (2), Restrain (4), Blink (4)


[Silver Beam][Blink] = -72

Here to express potential interest.

Attire: No cloak
Time: 10:00 am
Location: The shooting range
Mention(s): @Helo Leo, @princess Anastasia, @Rodiak Zarai, Nahir, and Matthias, @Potter Ezra, @Aerandir Verrick, @PapaOso Cassius, @Tae Thea
When Leo was announced, Wulfric clapped for him politely. He wasn’t inclined to cheer – unlike his sister and Zarai, who were apparently driven by pettiness to encourage that damnable baker – but he fiercely hoped the Varian would win.

Unfortunately, it was not to be. The two contestants exchanged some words before the match, and though he was so far that not even their facial expressions could be discerned, their body language told him enough. The baker bowed mockingly as he addressed his fellow competitor, and though Leo clearly had a response at the ready, Wulfric noted he was tense and unfocused afterwards.

The first round, the noble managed to edge ahead of the commoner, but it was far too close for the prince’s liking. Then it all went downhill, ending in a disastrous third round, wherein his friend missed twice. Lord Smithwood took the loss as well as could be, but he was certainly unhappy. Shouldn’t have let him get to you, Leo.

It was a shame the Varian man hadn’t won, but far more irritating was the fact that Ezra was advancing. If he dared approach his sister after feeling emboldened by his win…Wulfric narrowed his eyes, but otherwise remained impassive and unmoving while the crowd cheered for the first match’s winner.

This was when some girl came up to them, inviting Anastasia ‘and company’ to Lord Ravenwood’s table. Wulfric did not feel inclined to accept, so merely watched as the group trotted down. At Zarai’s childish action, he gave her a brief, coolly dismissive glance.

With the bench thus vacated, he deigned to perch upon the very edge of it. He arranged his sheathed sabre so as to be easily accessible – not because he expected to have to use it, but simply because it was good practice.

The guards didn’t need further input to know what to do; Graves had standing orders to remain by Anastasia’s side, Blackwell and Reyes each remained at the bottom of their staircases, and McConnell who’d been up top on the opposite side now descended to remain close enough to Anastasia to act if need be yet far enough that his presence remained unobtrusive.

Then, the second match began, and Wulfric observed with interest as Shehzadi Nahir faced against Verrick O’Hare. The latter was the same man who’d passed him by in the entrance hall just half an hour ago. Also, the prince could swear he’d heard that name before…Something to do with windows? He dismissed the strange stray thought, instead enjoying the competition. O’Hare won, and he clapped for him at the Shehzadi’s prompting. It was only because he’d remained in one of the highest rows that he saw the woman join Leo. So, there was indeed some mutual interest there.

Regardless of his sister’s and friend’s claim that the ‘best view’ was down below, he certainly had a very good overview of the general situation where he was. Here and there, he let his gaze slide over to Anastasia, to reassure that she was safe.

The announcement for the third match carried with it quite the surprise. A man who was likely using a pseudonym was going against…Vael ‘of house Damien’. My, my. A new player. He was a decent shot, and though Wulfric did not especially enjoy it, his showmanship was at least as good as his archery. Welcome to the game, he thought as he applauded.

The fourth match was an unknown knight, Sir Larsen, versus Thea. The blonde man did seem like someone he wouldn’t mind seeing from up close–

Don’t go there.

After a stern mental warning, he focused on his friend’s sister. He’d root for the person he was acquainted with, at least, even if he and Thea hadn’t had nearly as many interactions as he and Leo had. Go on, show your brother how it’s done.
Jacqueline Leroux

The vampire's hand exploded. So did the boils on Jacqueline’s body. This had been expected. However, just because it was, did by no means make it any easier to deal with. A lesson that kept getting repeated with each any every plague (that she managed to remember ahead of time, that was), but could hardly do anything about.

Every inch of her body radiated pain. This, on top of everything else that’d happened to her, was degrees of worse than getting her guts shredded. But if Orion had saved her then by healing her, she’d saved her again by distracting Justin. If her coworker had not, Jacqueline would have been killed then and there, unable to do act in any way to prevent it.

As it was, Justin looked away, and she fell a few feet to the floor with a grunt. Her backup had done what it could by now, so though her leg was functional, her new injuries would remain. But it was better than nothing.

Mind hazy with pain, she struggled and strained until she picked herself up. First into a crouch, and she watched blearily as Orion faced against Justin. The vampire had left her for dead…or had thought her out of the fight – if he’d had any thoughts about a human he’d nearly squished to death at all. And maybe he was right, because Jacqueline didn’t know if she’d manage to get to him quick enough to contribute anything further to his demise.

But she tried. She stood up, and staggered closer. Even though she pushed and pushed herself, if anything, it felt like getting dragged excruciatingly slow through time and space.

But then, she was behind Justin. Havoc in her hands. She swung, pick aimed at his heart.

28 | Female | Gemini Agents | Iron Dust
Havoc | Great Axe | Arcane | Pry
Eternal Knight | Perfectly polished
Forged Arsenal | Earth/Metal | Breakthrough
[Quake (2), Mass (2)] Damage X (6), AoE (2), Enhance (2), Powerful (0), Dispel (6), Zone (4), Pull (2), Restrain (4), Blink (4)


Jacqueline Leroux

Justin was damaged, but of course, not yet dead. He whirled on her, and she suddenly couldn’t move. So, that’s what his trick was. Even though he made for a gory image, he was clearly still functioning perfectly fine. He could probably heal somehow or other if given time enough. He had to be finished off now, somehow. All she could do was cast a melody. That’d have to be enough. The very moment she realized what he intended to do – felt the blood rain under his control herding her closer to him, saw his arm raise and grow claws – her decision was made. She channeled magic throughout her body. An attack he shouldn’t be able to see coming until it was too late.

It didn’t even matter when her skin broke out in boils. She strained under the pain, but was unable to move. Inevitably, her eyes teared. It was painful, and it would get even more so. But her melody was primed and ready to go. As soon as the vampire grasped her, he’d be in for a surprise.

28 | Female | Gemini Agents | Iron Dust
Havoc | Great Axe | Arcane | Pry
Eternal Knight | Perfectly polished
Forged Arsenal | Earth/Metal | Breakthrough
[Quake (2), Mass (2)] Damage X (6), AoE (2), Enhance (2), Powerful (0), Dispel (6), Zone (4), Pull (2), Restrain (4), Blink (4)


[Silver Touch][AoE][Damage X] = -120


Attire: No cloak
Time: 9:30 am -> 10:00 am
Location: His office -> The shooting range
Interaction(s): @mantou Wystan
Mention(s): @princess Anastasia, @Rodiak Zarai, @Potter Sadie
Wulfric had breakfast delivered to him right into his office, pot of coffee included. He ate quickly and perfunctorily with one hand, and leisurely perused the newspaper with the other. Despite his split attention, there were no stains or messes anywhere when he was done. He did take the time to enjoy his last cup of coffee (third today), sipping at it, and, for a freeing minute or three, thought about nothing in particular.

Then, he recalled the servant who’d brought him his meal. Haynes was a tad portly (but far less so than Edin), his black hair tied into a high ponytail, goatee neatly trimmed. “Did you enjoy your meal, Your Highness?” he queried while the prince set aside his napkins and stood up.

Wulfric tilted his head in consideration. The quantity had been sufficient, and there’d been nothing amiss about the food’s quality. After that swift assessment, he answered curtly, “Yes. Thank you.” He then moved from the seating area where he’d eaten to his study desk, so as to give the other man space to clean.

He engaged in busywork, reviewing some documents from the previous day. Peripherally, he noticed when Haynes paused to hover over Hendrix’s bouquet uncertainly, conspicuous as it was, lying near the table’s edge. Without lifting his gaze from the papers in front of him, Wulfric said, “Have that transferred to Curran.” The servant startled at being addressed unexpectedly, and responded with a prompt, “Yes, sir!”

Unperturbed, the prince continued, “He is to use it for my evening bath.” Light amusement laced his tone; not at the older man’s expense, but rather at the joke only he was privy to. Nevertheless, he got the impression that the retainer was embarrassed as he nodded contritely, and said, “As you command, Prince Wulfric.” Apparently torn between nerves and eagerness, he added, “I’ll attend to it! Right, ah,” he noticed he yet had a task to complete, “…after this.”

Wulfric made a sound of acknowledgment in the back of his throat, and followed with a neutral and offhanded, “Good.” There were no more words exchanged between them, and soon, Haynes departed. Not long afterwards, the prince was done with the paperwork as well. He stood and stretched.

Time to confront his sister.

However, Anastasia had already managed to free herself of her confinement. He did not truly resent her this, though it did delay his intentions of pressing her about Marek. Having surmised she and her group had gone to the shooting range, he elected to do the same. If for no other reason than to provide additional security.

It was a swift journey to the archery contest, as he and his guards had forgone a carriage in favour of each riding their own steed. In light of the time constrain, Wulfric remained dressed the same, though he’d left the cloak behind. His treasured sabre, however, was still in its rightful place at his hip.

Out of the six guards, two were left behind to watch the horses and the parking area in general. The other four followed him to the range, where Anastasia was immediately spotted. She sat near the top, in company of Zarai. Even Princess Sadie was present, with armed escorts of her own. Wulfric took a moment to quietly confer with his guards. Then, they dispersed. One guard was stationed at the bottom of each of the two staircases, one at the summit of the yet unguarded stairs, and one was to find a seat next to Anastasia. The two up top were both people whom he knew could be trusted to handle his sister.

Meanwhile, Wulfric ascended the staircase Wystan was guarding. Many in the crowd were still watching him, as they had since his arrival. But he ignored them; sooner or later, they would be return their attention to the announcer.

He stopped once at the watchdog’s side, standing next to him. He looked towards his sister, nodding at her and her company if they saw him, then let his gaze travel over the other attendees. Finally, he looked towards the front, taking in the people there, including the first competitors; Leo and Ezra. Only after all of this, did he greet the man besides him. “Morning, Wystan.” His gaze remained affixed forward, and his tone was fairly cool. Though he’d stationed himself so that the battlemaster was the one with the better view of the seated audience, Wulfric kept himself partially aware of them as well.
Jacqueline Leroux

Distantly, Jacqueline Gunther’s shriek of demise, and knew Silhouette had been successful. Hell yes! There was no time to celebrate however, because next thing she knew, her knee got shot through. The pain wiped her mind clean of everything but Pac, to whom she turned on with a frenzied focus. All else fell by the wayside; her whole reality was the pain pulsating in sync with her heartbeat, her rage-filled strikes falling upon the enemy.

That continued for what to her felt undeterminably long. In actuality, gravity was swift in asserting its influence. The car met the floor with tremendous force, and her body was flung aside, slamming into the car’s door as she landed across the seats. She lost consciousness for a few seconds without realizing it, and opened her eyes with a groan. Her leg was still shot, and her whole body had more aches than she could bear thinking about. She blinked blearily as she tried to get her bearings. Pac was…shielding herself?

She didn’t get a chance to do more than notice that fact. The very next thing, electricity coursed through her body. Her muscles locked in, nerves flaring and overwhelmed, and she couldn’t even scream properly. When it was over, Jacqueline was drenched in sweat, panting, teared up. And she was just so goddamn tired. She had to fight tooth and nail merely so she didn’t black out again.

Justin’s tentacles snapped one door right off its hinges, which was her cue to dash. Or, well, blink, considering she wasn’t about to physically move anywhere. Before she could, however, the unknown esper who’d attempted to ambush the vampire flew in. Twintails then tagged her with a melody, grabbed Pac, and got out before Jacqueline could even consider saying ‘thank you’.

Jacqueline found herself floating as well, which was surprisingly…not weird. Not questioning it, she directed herself out of the car, and away from the tentacles. Now, she wasn’t precisely on the verge of death (though it sure as hell felt like it), but there was still Justin, the Diver…Plenty of remaining hostiles to fight against. With one leg useless, she wouldn’t be able to do much in melee; a disadvantage she could do without. So, she quite quickly made the decision to use that Lifeblood Crystal right there and there, in midair.

While her backup did its work, she continued floating towards Silhouette’s last known location. It hadn’t entirely escaped her notice that Justin had gone there. She made sure to stick close to the ground, or to the cars. Once she was on the edge of the car pile, she saw the situation. The vampire was facing her coworker, and seemed to be open from behind. Jacqueline crouched down, readied a melody, and fired it off at his back.

28 | Female | Gemini Agents | Iron Dust
Havoc | Great Axe | Arcane | Pry
Eternal Knight | Perfectly polished
Forged Arsenal | Earth/Metal | Breakthrough
[Quake (2), Mass (2)] Damage X (6), AoE (2), Enhance (2), Powerful (0), Dispel (6), Zone (4), Pull (2), Restrain (4), Blink (4)


[Silver Beam][Enhance][Damage X] = -168


Attire: Click here
Time: 9:30 am
Location: Danrose Entrance Hall -> His office
Interaction(s): @JJ Doe Hendrix
Mention(s): @Aerandir Verrick
When Count Hendrix provided him the answer, Wulfric did no more or less than tilt his chin down in acknowledgment, and make a mental note of the name. When the other man emphasized that his knowledge had been gained via rumours, the prince quirked an eyebrow at him. “So you have said.” Or, well, had implied, anyhow. Just as he hadn’t before, Wulfric still did not dismiss the possibility that coming to learn of the host hadn’t been quite as accidental as the count would lead him to believe.

Trust… Had Fritz pointed out the uncertainty of this information to make himself seem more trustworthy? To cover his own back? Due to the (shared) expectation that it was a matter of course to confirm such a thing? Either way, Wulfric merely replied with a placid, “I will.”

The sounds of quiet footsteps signaled someone else’s approach, and the prince briefly looked away. He did not know the man who greeted him as he passed by, but offered a polite nod in return. Yet another unknown, lingering in our castle as he pleases? Maybe it was an inescapable (if disagreeable) consequence of this summer event of theirs. Either way, he refocused his attention on the count.

At his next humble words, Wulfric chanced a stare deep into those unfathomable black eyes. Mysteries upon mysteries… Because there was true satisfaction in having one more piece with which to resolve the puzzling events of the party, it was all too easy to counter with a pleased smile. “Oh, it was concrete enough, and thank you for bringing this to me.”

He was half of a mind to take his leave, but was presented with the bouquet the count had been ‘hiding’ behind his back. He inspected it, bemused. Since this action was far more unexpected than not, he decided then and there it was most wise to treat this on the surface level of gift giving and receiving.

Wulfric lifted his gaze from the (visually unappealing, it had to be noted) collection of handpicked flowers and herbs. “Hmmm, I do not dislike them,” he replied, tone teasingly thoughtful. His preference did not necessarily matter when being gifted something, and the question was likely rhetorical, but why not make a bit of a show of letting himself be lured in?

He watched Fritz separate the bouquet into two, nodding alongside the explanation as if suddenly, entirely new beneficial aspects of these plants were revealed to him. Very multi-purpose. Not only its uses, but also the underlying intentions.

Compartmentalizing more strictly, he considered only how much more enjoyable the aroma might be, when drawn out by heated water. “Quite thoughtful,” he murmured, and accepted the gift as was proper.

The count then discerned his fatigue seemingly at a glance. He also provided some advice, maybe a warning as well. Shouldn’t make it too easy for you, should I? Wulfric smiled wryly. But what he said was, “I am aware.” His tone was largely neutral, bordering on cool, with a slight underlying resignation to it. Rest was in ever consistent demand, but the prospects of its future supply were perhaps a tad bleak.

Exchange done, they were both equally ready to leave. “Have a pleasant day, Count Hendrix,” the prince bid his farewell, and departed.

Back in his office, Wulfric took a seat on one of the couches, sinking into it. Some tension left his body, and he felt a wave of exhaustion pass over him. However, his mind was far too restless to consider even a short nap. Granted, he wouldn’t have regardless.

Clearly, what he needed just then was to order more coffee with his breakfast. His stomach concurred with the idea of food, now, but he pushed that aside as much as he had the tiredness. Had it really been twelve, thirteen hours already since he’d last eaten? No matter; he could hold off on his meal for a few more minutes.

Instead, he chose to attend to the most immediate concern. He closed his eyes, and – having carried them with him thus far – brought the flowers to his nose, inhaling.

“Floral baths.”

A low chuckle passed his lips. Know something of me, do you?

“Just for that…” he said under his breath, silently completing the sentence with, I am nearly tempted to excise you.

But the course of his thoughts belied that whimsical idea. He recollected all he could about their conversation, creating a mental portfolio of sorts as he did so.

Hendrix’s skills, tendencies, sphere of influence…speculations on his motives. For all of that, he hadn’t a clue about the man’s aims. Beyond the immediately obvious one of forming an association to him, and possibly to his mother, that was.

His plan of action was essentially to subtly probe into the count. However…With all his other matters to attend to, he was frankly limited in the resources he could spare a single individual. Thus, he did the mental equivalent of shelving his notes on Fritz. They’d be there, in the back of his mind, whenever he needed them. Ready to be acted upon when he had the opportunity to do so.

Wulfric opened his eyes and blanky stared at the bouquet. He tied the stalks into one simple knot, then somewhat carelessly, threw the bundle onto the nearby table. Oh, he’d use it, alright, but for now, it was time for breakfast.
Jacqueline Leroux

Jacqueline knew very well that Gunther would start moving the cars as soon as she jumped onto the first one. Even though she was expecting it, dealing with the sudden ascent was no easy task. She was barely able to lodge Havoc’s spike end into the car, and just clung to it. Once it more or less stabilized, she looked around. She was higher up, and Pac’s sports car was opposite her, where Pac had a very clear shot at her.

Heh. Think you’ve got me where you want, huh?

Of course, that was not incorrect. But while the poltergeist and the brainwashed esper thought she’d be easy pickings, she could take advantage.

Though first, she did have to do something about that whole hanging off the side of the car just by her Instrument’s handle. She tightened her grip, and wriggled her body left and right until she got some sideways motion going on, then swung over and on top of the car, dislodging Havoc from where it’d been stuck as she did so. She was breathing heavily, perspiring to the point that she could feel small rivulets of sweat running down her face and back. She was still exposed to Pac’s ranged weapon, Gunther could still move the car she was on to shake her off it…

But it was quick and simple to create the melody she had in mind. All she did was send a very small metallic sphere at Pac’s sport car, aiming at its hood. She could only hope it’d be unnoticed while she was crouched there, presenting an ever so appealing target.

If and once her melody landed on the sport’s car, Jacqueline would suddenly appear there. Wasting no time, she’d charge through the broken front window and at Pac. A knee to the face, more if she had to; once the opponent was dazed, Jacqueline would grapple her. If Gunther remained live long enough to try and crush them while they were in the car, she’d have to ensure to throw them both right out to avoid meeting a fate similar to Breacher’s. And if he died, well, they’d soon be falling down anyhow, car and all. Either way, she’d keep her hold on Pac tight, bracing for impact. If this stunt didn’t kill her outright, she might also have to use that crystal Lada had made her…

28 | Female | Gemini Agents | Iron Dust
Havoc | Great Axe | Arcane | Pry
Eternal Knight | Perfectly polished
Forged Arsenal | Earth/Metal | Breakthrough
[Quake (2), Mass (2)] Damage X (6), AoE (2), Enhance (2), Powerful (0), Dispel (6), Zone (4), Pull (2), Restrain (4), Blink (4)


[Bronze Projectile][Blink] = -40


Attire: Click here
Time: 9:30 am
Location: Danrose Entrance Hall
Interaction(s): @JJ Doe Hendrix

Wulfric followed down the hall several paces behind his mother, who was just as disinclined to wait for him as he was to try and catch up. There was absolutely nothing out of the ordinary…until there abruptly was. The scent of the gardens was shortly followed by a shape appearing from the shadows as if it had simply been given form right there and then. The very moment these unusual events entered his awareness, the prince’s body reacted on reflex, turning towards the unknown, beginning to take on a stance more appropriate for facing a potential danger…

But it was just Count Hendrix.

Wulfric let himself ease into a more natural position, the familiarity of the man and the sudden departure of his initial tension enabling him to return the pleasantries as if nothing had been amiss. “Count Hendrix, how unexpected,” the tone was all pleased surprise as he offered a polite smile to Fritz. But he couldn’t help his curiosity, and allowed his words to subtly prod at the strangeness of the count’s uninvited presence.

He merely watched as the other man approached, listening to what he had to say. Ah. Your mistake, Wulfric thought, was assuming I enjoy flattery. The appeal to his pride was all too clear. Nonetheless, he added some appreciation to his smile. If anything was masterful, it was Hendrix’s performance. Quite reminiscent of Count Damien, actually.

“…its future even brighter…” Fritz was finishing his speech. Wulfric nodded graciously once it came to an end. “Indeed,” he replied, twisting the distant admiration at the count’s skillfulness into something approaching satisfied appeasement. Privately, he questioned just how much Hendrix had gathered from the meetings (one public, one private) he must have witnessed. Enough to tailor that particular compliment, certainly, but aside from that? A dotted outline, or the full picture? And what else…?

Despite his suspicions, Wulfric was genuinely intrigued by the offer – which he was sure the count knew – and did the expected thing when Hendrix leaned closer; reciprocated with anticipation. Overall, Fritz's words had the feeling of being a construct of unrelated truths. It was somewhat…concerning that someone had such information so handily. Admittedly, also impressive.

The prince straightened back up, raising his brows at the mention of a ‘respectable man’. There is such a thing as too convenient, you know. But he did want what was being presented, perhaps with some imprudent impatience on his part.

“There is no need for you to apologize, count, as you couldn’t possibly have known.” That was true; unlike himself, the count had no reason to suspect his siblings’ involvement last night. Though this was also much beside the point. “But truly, your resourcefulness does you credit. You clearly have me at a disadvantage, for I do not know whom you are referring to.” Wulfric watched Fritz curiously, letting him do with the implied request to reveal this man’s name as he would.
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