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Wulfric, Callum & Alibeth
Time: 9:30 am
Location: Danrose Entrance Hall

People began leaving the hall one by one, and after their parents had their say, Wulfric was approached by Callum. That, in and of itself, was surprising. Even more so was the…proposition. He cocked his head to the side, listening to his youngest brother. “Reasonable, hm?” he pondered neutrally. To the side, he saw that Alibeth had chosen to remain behind, waiting for her two sons.

Stepping closer to his younger brother, he spoke quietly. “If you are to be making an agreement with me,” his words were measured, methodical, “you should know what, precisely, matters to me.” A brief pause as he regarded Callum.

“Naturally, I wouldn’t want you to cause further incidents, and would appreciate the kind of cooperation you are offering.” Yet, one did not simply accept any one deal as it was without further clarification, nor without attempts at altering or adding terms. “However, the most critical issue at this moment – and for the foreseeable future – is resolving this whole,” he gestured with a hand at the now near-empty hall, situation.”

His cold blue eyes bore into Callum, but his expression was neutral, bordering on pleasantly polite. “So, before I agree, there is something I wish to confirm with you. Please, tell me frankly, can you not give a name because you do not know it? Or is there another reason?”

Callum paused only to listen as Edin spoke, followed by his mother, as the pair stopped pretending to human long enough for him to see them both, clearly, for the monsters they were. Casually agreeing to put a man to death before, ultimately, leaving the final say in Wulfric’s hands. An agreement with Wulfric was his only option if he wanted to see Darryn leave this situation alive and Ana had already freely admitted to being friends with the party’s host. There was no reason to hide that Callum knew him as well and lying to Wulfric was always a gamble, no reason to risk it. “I cannot and will not give you a name because I won’t condemn someone to suffer or die for a party. Ana was not lying when she said we’ve been to these before, everything has always been fine, the host is not a threat.” Callum answered honestly being careful to give nothing away about the host’s identity and then waited for Wulfric to list his terms.

It took an effort of will for Wulfric to hold back the frustration that sought to arise in him. How could his brother still–?! By his side, his palm clenched into a fist, and he briefly closed his eyes, breathing through the urge to try and shake some sense into Callum.

Because his brother was being both honest and reasonable, and had requested for an alliance, Wulfric supposed he should at the very least gain a better understanding of his perspective. If nothing else, that should aid in persuading him…Callum had made it more than plain that he valued the life and wellbeing of those he considered innocent. So, the key issue here was that of trust; he still thought of this host as someone who’d done no wrong.

Wulfric nodded to himself more so than to his younger brother, his features now tight with a tension that hadn’t been apparent before. “Then, as part of our cooperation, I ask that after I secure Darryn’s safety, we discuss the claims you’ve presented me. I will listen and consider your reasoning, and would like you to do the same for mine. If after that, you persist in maintaining your silence…” his frown deepened, “I will instead require that you do not impede the investigative efforts. Essentially, if you decide not to work with us, then keep your confidence, but do not work against us. Is this an acceptable addition?”

Callum listened, doing his best to keep his expression as neutral as he could, and once Wulfric had laid out his terms, he stayed quiet for a moment as if thinking it over. He didn’t need to give away how easily he was going to agree with this but he was hardly worried about them investigating the party's host. Marek was not helpless, he had the means and plenty of precautions to protect himself but Cal didn’t want to make it too easy for Wulfric to infer that.

“Keep your investigation fair and just and I see no reason why it would need my interference. Your terms are fair.” He offered but even that still felt too easy. Shouldn’t making a deal with Wulfric feel more like entering a pact with the devil? His brother was being surprisingly reasonable. Edin or even his mother would’ve likely come up with a list of egregious terms to make such a bargain even seem worth their time. He looked back at Darryn, thankful that Ana was able to show him someone here cared before she was dragged off. Did Wulfric really see his life as disposable or was he looking for an excuse to show mercy?

“It really should not have your interference either way,” Wulfric drawled, “and I see you are resistant to the idea of allowing attempts at convincing you to give up the name. But I suppose we must begin somewhere…” he trailed off, thinking that perhaps, with an easy beginning, Callum might be lured into gradually permitting for more influence to be exerted upon him on a long-term basis. If only they did not clash too soon.

“Would you really have been okay with condemning Darryn to die? For following his orders, as directed by a princess, and simply driving a carriage. Is that who you are now?” He asked, before turning his eyes back to his brother, hoping that no matter what Wulfric said next he didn’t see the same kind of monster he saw in his parents.

His older brother quirked an eyebrow up at him, but otherwise, there wasn’t much to discern. “Since answering that will require some elaboration on my part, let’s add it to the list of things for us to discuss. For now…we must convince mother; I expect she may have a demand or two of her own to add.”

“Fine, I’ll listen to everything you and mother have to say, I’ll stay out of your investigation and nothing more happens to Darryn.” Callum said before looking away from Wulfric. His brother remained as unreadable as always. Cal couldn’t help but wonder if there was any humanity left to see. He certainly didn’t expect to find any in his mother, not after what he’d seen today. He sighed, he’d been hoping this deal was going to be just between him and Wulfric.

With a firm nod, Wulfric turned on his heel, and approached Alibeth, expecting Callum to follow. “Mother,” he greeted her quietly, but intently. “Callum expressed that in exchange for Fletcher’s safety, he is willing to put forward the effort into making this summer go as smoothly as possible. So, he will act with the forethought and poise expected of his position,” he summarized briefly. “I find this a worthwhile bargain.”

Alibeth had given her sons their space to converse and patiently waited until Wulfric rejoined her. His proposal was a temptation, but not without issue. “I see…” She mused quietly as she took a moment to think things through. “Do understand, it is not my goal to kill Darryn Fletcher or anyone for that matter without good reason… I simply have no means to prove he has no tie to what happened and I am not one to risk matters.” She adjusted her gaze to Callum. Speaking to him and Anastasia was always much more difficult for her than the other two. It required her to choose her words much more carefully. “You and Anastasia returned in a dire state last night. She vomited blood. Neither of you could barely move nor remain conscious for long…Yet here you are in good health and though I am relieved for it…” She gave him a small smile as she said the last statement. Alibeth had not been able to enjoy, until now, the fact her children were alright this morning. The stark contrast did, however, concern her.

“Darryn knows very well not to drive a carriage filled with the Alidasht royals to a warehouse late at night. His actions have directly led to endangerment of your lives and the lives of others. There has to be a consequence…” Her expression softened only a little as she recalled Anastasia’s words as well. “...I can see how much this upsets you and Anastasia, so maybe we can decide on a less grim punishment.” Her gaze drifted up over to where Darryn was being held. The guards were still gripping his arms and holding him in place until she gave them orders.

Callum followed behind Wulfric, letting his brother do the talking, and purposefully not even looking towards his mother as she spoke. He focused on staring at a spot in the wall, his jaw clenched tight, every bit of will focused on not rolling his eyes and keeping his mouth shut. When she brought up Ana coughing up blood, he could’ve laughed in her face, instead, he snorted slightly, keeping his teeth ground together. And when was the last time you gave a shit about Ana? he thought, but now was not the time to pick a fight with his mother, he had to keep his focus on Darryn. He took a breath, a moment to bury down all the venom he held towards her before he spoke up. A less grim punishment was not good enough, that still left them free to toss Darryn in a dungeon cell to rot.

“You’ve already had Darryn beaten, is that not a punishment?” he asked. “My offer was for not just his life, but his safety, let him go and I will cooperate with all your plans for this summer. No more incidents and all I’m asking is that you stop using this man as a whipping boy for your own children.” He still kept his eyes away from his mother, he might be able to hide the hate from his tone but he doubted he could keep his expression as unreadable as his brother could.

Peripherally, Wulfric could see the stubborn set to Callum’s jaw, and the sketch of a resentful scowl on his face. While his brother was preoccupied with himself, he sent a ‘what can you do’ look to his mother. That he was somewhat exasperated on account of their overly idealistic relation was apparent only from the subtle pull of his lips, and the minute shifting of his cheek muscles. However, he did have to support Callum here, because it was clear his brother would not yield on this one thing.

“...My line of thinking was that Fletcher was likely led astray due to being charmed by Anastasia. You know how she is,” he said a bit dismissively as he glanced at the stableboy. Turning back to the queen, he continued, “I imagine he’ll be relieved enough to be spared that he’ll refrain from any further, how did you put it, irregular behavior. He can be placed on probation, and if there’s reason for concern afterwards, we might as well fire him.”

Alibeth’s expression was unreadable as she weighed out her options mentally. “…I suppose this all does come back to the same issue.” She emitted a sigh as her gaze moved to the guards who held Darryn. “Let him go…Don’t screw up again, Darryn.” In a swift movement, the young man was dropped to the floor where he leaned on his palms and groaned. Alibeth waved her hand as if to shop him off.

Darryn did indeed catch sight of it and wasted no time with the opportunity to get out of there. Alibeth was silent until he had left. She turned back to her boys and whirled on Wulfric with a slight fire in her gaze, “As future king, know each action tends to come with its regrets no matter which decision you make. I hope yours are surmountable.” This warning, which had the sting of an accusation, prodded at an old pain, because Wulfric did know what it was like to have regrets of that nature. Lips thinning, he let the flare of unexpected hurt go through and past him, but did not otherwise acknowledge her comment.

Alibeth then began to make her way up the stairs but gave a final word before her departure, “Do recall, boys, you will be meeting with the kingdom’s noble women later this morning. Prepare accordingly.”

Callum tried, and failed, to hide his surprise at Wulfric’s response but his wide eyes had quickly moved from their fixed spot at the wall and towards his brother as he spoke. There was an imminent sense of relief as Darryn’s fate was finally settled on, and he breathed his first relaxed breath since the stable boy had been dragged into the entrance hall. For the first time in a long time, Wulfric had supported him when it really mattered to Callum. He still didn’t know if his brother cared at all about Darryn’s fate or if he just wanted Callum kept in line but the uncertainty almost didn’t even matter. Wulfric had kept his word, he’d backed Callum even against their mother, and that, Callum hadn’t expected. He didn’t say anything else to his mother, not even a single glance towards her, only a nod to show he heard and understood her words before she finally left the hall. He then relaxed further and gave a respectful nod at Wulfric.

“Thank you, for having my back,” Cal said. “I guess I’ll go make myself presentable and ready to entertain the kingdom’s bored noblewomen. Here’s hoping that it’s less awkward than the perfectly random ball dances the old man’s so fond of,” he added, extending a faint, playful smile towards his brother.

Having regained his bearings from mother imparting that little nugget of wisdom (that had no right feeling as personally relevant as it had), Wulfric faced his brother. “As agreed upon,” he confirmed, implicitly accepting the gratitude. Callum’s amiability was a pleasant surprise, though he couldn’t help but wonder how long it would last.

Nonetheless, he took the small victory for what it was. Reciprocating his brother’s smile with a tiny smirk, he retorted, “It is a ploy for publicity like any other.” Moving past Callum to depart, he offered his brother one last glance as he spoke, “Try to find whatever joy you can in it,” he laid a palm on Callum’s shoulder before continuing to head out, voice still ringing clearly behind him, “else you risk terminal boredom yourself - or worse, misery.”
Jacqueline Leroux

Interaction: Samuel @FamishedPants

Jacqueline took cover under Breacher’s construction alongside Silhouette. Gunther showed up briefly, but there wasn’t much she could do to take the opportunity of him being exposed. There were too many obstacles in the way, there wasn’t enough time, and…

She could only watch on helplessly as Breacher was targeted, and crushed between two floating cars. Su! she called, body tensing to move. But it was too late. Her coworker…her friend…dead. Just when I start to care…

Of course, the fucking vampire was gloating. But he’d get what’s coming for him – first up was the goddamn ghost, though.

When Pac-a-Fist summoned a construct behind her and Silhouette, she just scoffed. It took but a moment to target it with a melody. If that didn’t work – well, she did still have that Molotov she could throw at it and watch it burn. Whichever way, once the summon was taken care of, she thought about how to get at the ghost.

Since the damn poltergeist was back to being in hiding, it’d be best to sneak to it, and ambush it. Which wasn’t really her thing. But it was Silhoutte’s. “Hey,” she said to him quietly but intently. “Look, I’ll go do what I’m good at – a loud frontal charge. You go the other way around, get behind that fucking ghost, and kill it. Good?”

She didn’t wait long for a reply. She ran back out of the cover, past where Su had been killed. With the aid of her esper form’s excellent fitness, and using Havoc where she had to, she began to clim up the ‘robot’ shaped pile of cars. She'd get to Pac upfront, and make herself impossible to ignore while at it.

28 | Female | Gemini Agents | Iron Dust
Havoc | Great Axe | Arcane | Pry
Eternal Knight | Perfectly polished
Forged Arsenal | Earth/Metal | Breakthrough
[Quake (2), Mass (2)] Damage X (6), AoE (2), Enhance (2), Powerful (0), Dispel (6), Zone (4), Pull (2), Restrain (4), Blink (4)


[Silver Beam][Enhance][Dispel] = -168


Attire: Click here
Time: 9 am
Location: Danrose Entrance Hall
Interaction(s): @13org Mayet, @princess Edin, Alibeth & the Sultan
Mention(s): @Helo Callum/Leo, @samreaper Kazumin, @Lava Alckon Farim, @Rodiak Zarai, @princess Anastasia

Wulfric wasn't surprised Mayet was the first to speak up, nor was her fierce anger unexpected. Her approach to the Lorenzo issue had been similar, though she was now even more incensed.

“…an attempt to poison or intoxicate us…” Wulfric tilted his head in interest at that. Mayet was not told the doctors’ supposition that Anastasia might have been poisoned, so she must have drawn the conclusion herself. Callum assumed he might have given everyone opium. Mayet assumes they were slipped something…But no one knows anything.

He agreed with the shehzadi’s statement that these incidents were unlikely to be a coincidence. “It does seem like someone might be trying to subvert the relations between our kingdoms,” the prince commented.

Mayet was clearly displeased to be questioned, glaring at him, but Wulfric met her gaze calmly, slowly raising an eyebrow up at her. You may not like it, but this is all in aid of finding the quarry we both seek. Then she stated her desire to personally interrogate the criminal, saying that “their blood would already be on my blade” if she had it her way. He nodded once in acknowledgement and appreciation. You and me both.

The next one to speak was Callum. Wulfric caught his gaze, and knew exactly what his brother was about to do. He sighed near silently, resigned to it. He listened as Callum built off of Mayet’s comment to protect Darryn, and how he tailored his story in such a way that only he was implicated. Oh, but you can lie. Though largely unhappy with him, there was also the smallest measure of pride for his youngest brother, because Callum wasn’t half-bad at this when he put his mind to it. However… Wulfric glanced at the Sultan, who was unconvinced with the presented story, and extremely unimpressed with the proceedings in general. Quite discerning.

Father didn’t notice, of course, and happily denigrated Callum, pushing the blame onto him. Which you anticipated and made use of, little brother. Edin had no idea, but contrary to his opinion, Callum was intelligent.

One by one, the other noble children spoke up. Leo implicated Kazumin Nagasa, and though Wulfric doubted that man would have any further relevant information, he made a mental note to pursue the matter at a later point. Much more interesting was the Smithwood heir’s last statement. “And everything after entering the warehouse remains a blur.” That all their memories were so thoroughly affected…It was disconcerting, to say the least.

The Vizier’s son, Farim, introduced himself, attempting to placate both sides. However, the blunt attempt of manipulating the sultan via his deceased wife was in poor taste. About as subtle as a sledgehammer.

Zarai and her mother spoke, and it was apparent to Wulfric that his…friend…resented every second of the situation. It came as no surprise that she also tried to spare Darryn. But, really, ‘help in any way possible’? He didn’t know what she thought she had to offer. Yet his father was pleased. Now that, that was just too good, and Wulfric decided then and there that he would absolutely tease Zarai about it (if when things weren’t so tense).

Unfortunately, things went from bad to worse when Anastasia spoke up. Not only did she take her share of the blame needlessly, she rebelliously dismissed the severity of the situation. “they chose to come…no right to cage us…we have a right to…can’t tell us what to do…” Wulfric felt his expression harden as he looked at his sister stonily. Despite his anger, there was also genuine sorrow underneath it all when Anastasia called for an investigation. Because she did still mistakenly believe the host to be innocent. Because a ‘friend’ had deceived her. And because…You do not know what you are asking for, Anastasia.

Edin had her swiftly escorted out after making apologies for her, while Alibeth took it upon herself to try and conclude the meeting. Wulfric caught her glance, and subtly inclined his head in agreement. There was little point in prolonging this. “It has become clear that no one here remembers what happened at the party,” he said as he turned to their guests.

“Rather than question those who do not know, I suggest we conclude this meeting so we may launch an investigation after a short break.” He briefly looked at his father to assess his reaction. “Thankfully, we have a few leads to begin with, including Fletcher and my siblings.” Farim’s words had prompted Wulfric to think that the stableboy might have seen something of significance from outside the warehouse. While Darryn having something of note to relate was a distant possibility, he did prefer to cover all his bases.

Finally, he turned to regard the sultan seriously. “Please rest assured that we will obtain the information, Your Majesty.”
Jacqueline Leroux

Frogs already? The critters would go ignored, however, as Gunther assembled a bunch of cars into a heap; some sort of makeshift fortress, it looked like. You...you are an annoyance. Pac-a-Fist took potshots at them with her laser-gun, which she evaded as she best could. Jacqueline was quickly losing patience, however. She formed a melody on the tip of her finger, and aimed. “TAKE COVER!” she shouted at her allies, echoing Breacher’s urging for them to move. She had no idea if her attack would have devastating effects for her enemies, allies, or both. Or maybe Gunther would prove powerful enough to keep control of the cars even as they got shaken up. She was betting not though, because the coward was hiding. For all that he scorned the living, he was very much attached to his own un-life. Her beam fired, and connected to the sports car on top of the poltergeist's construction. Then, Jacqueline took her own advice, and dashed away.

28 | Female | Gemini Agents | Iron Dust
Havoc | Great Axe | Arcane | Pry
Eternal Knight | Perfectly polished
Forged Arsenal | Earth/Metal | Breakthrough
[Quake (2), Mass (2)] Damage X (6), AoE (2), Enhance (2), Powerful (0), Dispel (6), Zone (4), Pull (2), Restrain (4), Blink (4)


[Silver Beam][Powerful][Quake] = -42 mana

Jacqueline Leroux

Jacqueline just glared at Justin in disgust, all the more determined to kick in his teeth. That oozing villainous self-satisfaction…It was beyond grating. Just as she shifted to move and take advantage of that stranger’s ambush on Justin, the pesky Gunther intervened. Then, as if to stack the odds against them, the Diver appeared. She couldn’t immediately see what it looked like; just that it was fucking huge. Of course, it had appeared at the worst possible moment.

“Damn it,” she growled, as everything and everyone moved at once. She held her ground against the raging winds which had been produced by the sheer mass and speed of the Holy Diver’s advance. But for now, it was out of their reach.

All the more opportunity for them to deal with Justin first. The poltergeist conveniently brought all their enemies over via a possessed flying car. Jacqueline ducked Betty’s swing, then let her and Fable get tangled up. It was for the best if those two resolved whatever it was between them on their own.

She held Havoc in front of her, and channeled a melody into it. She moved straight in the way of Pac’s pacman shaped projectile, ready to cut it down. Provided that succeeded without issue, she’d go assist Breacher against Gunther and Pac-a-Fist.

28 | Female | Gemini Agents | Iron Dust
Havoc | Great Axe | Arcane | Pry
Eternal Knight | Perfectly polished
Forged Arsenal | Earth/Metal | Breakthrough
[Quake (2), Mass (2)] Damage X (6), AoE (2), Enhance (2), Powerful (0), Dispel (6), Zone (4), Pull (2), Restrain (4), Blink (4)


[Silver Touch][Dispel] = -72 mana


Attire: Click here
Time: 9 am
Location: Danrose Entrance Hall
Interaction(s): @princess Anastasia
Mention(s): @Helo Callum

Wulfric silently stood by his mother’s side as she made her speech. Her approach was largely similar to the one he’d thought best. But what finesse! The demanding concern, stern admonishments, the inducement of guilt, and her parental disappointment! And all genuine, yet used with such surgical precision… It was a joy and an honour to behold, though he kept the satisfied admiration well to himself. His bearing and expression matched the queen’s haughty severity, and he regarded the group in front of him coolly.

He wondered what gifts his mother would grant, but aside from ensuring their high quality, the items themselves did not matter all that much. The gesture itself would be enough to foster good will with the disgruntled nobles. The gift-giving was the only thing that had not intuitively come to mind when he’d initially considered how he would resolve this situation. Otherwise, the queen’s actions came as no surprise.

Indeed, from promising increased security, to allocating personal guards to their guests, apologizing to them for their oversight, and to finding some appropriate servant to blame, these were the very things Wulfric had suggested should be done to his father. However, he was quite content that the executor of these demands and reassurances was his mother. Certainly, Edin wouldn’t manage to handle this appropriately.

Speaking of the devil. His head turned at the door swinging open, and he beheld the entrance of his father. The old man was still winded. Without any thought whatsoever to his image or the significance of his words, Edin clearly meant to apologize for Callum. Wulfric’s eyes flashed in anger, but retained his façade of neutrality despite the sudden (yet brief) flare of loathing.

You. You instilled that damnable self-blame in him. The cause of his would-be martyring for this shitshow if you or Callum had it your way. It was so obvious – but only now, in retrospect. After all, his youngest brother had never seemed to care no matter how much his father had cursed and censured him before this; had in fact, took pride in it. Yet, their previous conversation revealed that, at least partially, Callum must have taken their father’s poisonous nonsense to heart.

Thankfully, the queen’s silent rebuke was enough for Edin to stop in his tracks. The king then silently went to his wife’s side, and Wulfric followed his movements with interest. So, you can be brought to heel. Tendrils of dark delight unfurled within his chest at the scene. It was quite the rare treat he’d just witnessed, there.

He’d barely spared a glance at the stable boy when he’d been brought in, and was supremely indifferent to his plight. It was only proper and sensible that he be executed, to be sure.

After letting a moment of silence ring after the queen pronounced her judgement of Darryn, Wulfric decided to pitch in. “If any of you,” he let his gaze pass from peer to peer, lingering a tad longer on the noble children of Caesonia, “has an inkling as to this event’s organizer, or if you wish to relay any other pertinent details, please do speak up.”

He briefly took in Callum, then finally settled on Anastasia. “Dear sister,” he began thoughtfully after a moment, as if something had just occurred to him. “You and our brother are rather familiar with various forms of…entertainment here in Sorian, are you not?” This was a rhetorical question. “Was this simply some random, mysterious party you were all invited to? Or could you perchance provide us with the name or names of any who might have hosted such a thing?” His tone was full of innocent curiosity as he tried catching Anastasia’s eyes.

Though he was taking a bit of a risk here, calling out his siblings that way, he believed his words and demeanour conveyed that he did not truly suspect or doubt them. No, it was instead a mere expression of his genuine belief that someone took advantage of them. Though he expressed not an ounce of his misgivings, Wulfric was privately skeptical they’d admit to anything. These two were still so trustingly naïve, after all…

Regardless of his inner reservations, however, he was now in the role of a concerned brother, and of a prince eager to learn more. All in aid of resolving this matter as swiftly and efficiently as possible.
Jacqueline Leroux

Some idle chatter passed between her coworkers while they waited. Meanwhile, Jacqueline just stretched, the feelings of boredom at nothing happening just then and the anticipatory tension that something would warring inside her.

Then, Justin made his appearance, with two brainwashed espers at his side. Jacqueline glanced at the two women, but disregarded them for the moment. “How nice of you to show up,” she snarked, vicious smile stretching her lips. She was looking forward to erasing that smug look from his face, and hoped that his confidence meant he didn’t have a plan to run with his tail between the legs like he had last time.

When Justin tried to have them back down, or join him, she laughed. “Does that ever work for you? Or do you just love the sound of your voice so damn much?!” Possibly, he was also stalling, maybe for the Diver to show up? Or to distract them, maybe. Jacqueline eyed their respective positions, the buildings, the distance apart them…It’d be best if they lured their opponents to where they all were; a fight on the precinct’s roof was better than on the residential building’s.

She was distracted from her contemplation by Fable’s outburst. The kid really was motivated to bring down this monster. “That’s the spirit!” she cheered Fable on. “Just don’t forget to put more into your bite than your bark,” she joked, clearly not concerned that the child-esper’s fighting capabilities would be lessened – unlike the other agents, who encouraged him to calm down.

Orion’s and Silhouette’s words had her shaking her head. “As long as we bring him down,” she huffed. Then, Jacqueline got ready as well, gripping Havoc more firmly. She moved and shifted, positioning herself as she felt was best. She was about to start a melody, when someone else appeared at their enemy’s position, attempting an ambush.

Heh. I don’t know who you are, but thanks. If Justin was taken by surprise by this more than they were, they’d have a very neat advantage for the start of this fight. “Guys, let’s make use of this,” she urged quietly.

28 | Female | Gemini Agents | Iron Dust
Havoc | Great Axe | Arcane | Pry
Eternal Knight | Perfectly polished
Forged Arsenal | Earth/Metal | Breakthrough
[Quake (2), Mass (2)] Damage X (6), AoE (2), Enhance (2), Powerful (0), Dispel (6), Zone (4), Pull (2), Restrain (4), Blink (4)


Jacqueline Leroux

Unlike some others, Jacqueline didn’t do have any special preparations she felt like doing for the upcoming fight. Didn’t call her parents, didn’t meet up with friends. She had begun that training with Rottweiler – Jean – as promised, but it’s not as if that counted for anything when they were against a monster.

A capital-m monster, actually. Jacqueline thought it was kind of early in her career to be facing down potentially world-ending threats.

Well, she wasn’t actually quite certain how extensive the scale of what this thing was gonna do was, but regardless, it was large enough to be difficult to imagine till she saw it go down. So, yeah, pretty fucking huge.

She made her way to the 11th precinct, all espered up, and saw several of her coworkers had arrived already. She didn’t even bother with an umbrella, and was already soaked. But compared to what’d come, who even cared? Torrential rain would be the least of any of their worries.

Jacqueline took in her fellow agents. Silhouette. Fable. Orion.

“Hey, you three,” she grinned at them. “Ready to take down the Holy Diver bastard?”

BACKUP: Lifeblood Crystal

A small blood gem created by Lada. Shatters upon use. A creeping crimson vein-esque pattern forms upon Jacqueline’s esper form, both her body and her armour.

GRADE: Silver
BACKUP MELODY: [Silver Self][Stabilize][Heal][Delay][Reflect]
SPECIAL: There is power in blood. The MP cap limit of the melody raises by 10. This backup can also draw upon nearby human blood (injured enemy, fresh body) the very moment it is used to empower the melody, granting it a rank-up.

PR: Unchivalrous
Some extra stuff that hardly fits the ‘knightly’ theme, but then again, Jacqueline isn’t one to sweat the details. Survival is survival.

GRADE: Bronze
GEAR: Pistol, Molotov
SPECIAL: The gun is metal-silver and engraved, the Molotov is in an elegant dark gray glass bottle and produces haunting white flames.
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