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Mk, I should hopefully be able to prepare another post soonish (maybe even the weekend). I think I'll have her found by kobolds or some such and have her visit a mountainside village - if that's fine, @TheNoCoKid? Think it's more interesting to do a solo adventure first etc. before any potential meetings with her nearest neighbour (your @Xaltwind vamp).

“Hnn…Fuck off…” Kyouka reached out a hand blindly, searching for her phone.

“…your time yet. RISE, HUMANS!”

Wait. That wasn’t her phone.

She rolled around…It felt weirdly floaty, as if nothing of substance was there. Kyouka opened her eyes, and saw an imposing black-winged man.

“…Shinigami?” she asked. But she had never heard of a death god that was such a pretty boy. He also wore what seemed to her western styled armour which was heavily accented with gold. Bit gaudy, but not bad. Not bad at all.

“Hm, are you here to take me to the afterworld?” The way he had phrased it was a tad strange. Even so, Kyouka only gave the briefest of glances to her corpse before entering the portal. Her once beautiful body was just a pitiful, bloodied mess that would soon become a rotting skeleton. Nothing for it but to see what this brooding angelic man had to say.

Though she was already floating towards the portal, the thing pulled her in. It was a dreadful yank which landed her somewhere she could only assume was the soul realm. Everything was gray and vague; she couldn’t pinpoint anything besides the ghosts of two other women standing (floating) next to her.

“Your world? Say, what about my world’s gods?” Unfortunately, Drasil didn’t seem to know. So, Vecta would be her new home. “Hmpf, whatever. Just don’t make me a baby, please.”

Kyouka looked on arrogantly as the god smirked at her, but returned a self-satisfied smile. “Thank you, Shinigami~” she gave a cheery wave, “You won’t regret picking me to give a new life to.”

Then, her life flashed before her eyes, again. Something warm and electrifying spread throughout her body; she instinctively knew it was magic. She shivered even as a spirit; the core of her being received a shock. It felt like pure power, and it was better than even the most extravagantly expensive sake she’d tasted. It was overwhelming, and she fell to her (disembodied) knees, breathing heavily. Even so, a sensual grin spread over her ghostly features.

“Mmm,” she purred. “If that’s just a preview, I bet I’d just love the real thing.” She smirked as she gave the god a mock-teasing, cheeky, yet insinuating look up and down. She doubted he was interested, and neither was she, but why not play it up? He seemed to enjoy theatrical displays. A tired chuckle passed her lips as she shrugged. “See you around, then.” A glow suffused her, and she was gone.

The next time she came to, she felt different. Alive and strangely vigorous. She breathed in – the scent was sharply fresh and clear. She was in the middle of a mountain, surrounded by lush grasslands and forests. The nearest sign of civilization was the oddly gloomy mansion set at the base of the mountain, and a large city off into the distance.

She didn’t think she could make it to the city any time, not on foot.

…Something felt off just then. It didn’t feel like she standing exactly. There was an odd wriggling and swishing. She looked down.

Strangely dark complexion with an ashen undertone. Long white hair.

A blue dress?

…That-that was a dress wasn’t it?

Kyouka tried to move a leg.


Nausea overtook her as her lower body moved sinuously.

She glanced behind her.

There was a long tail behind her. It began at her waist – she had no legs!

“HIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!” she screeched as the realization struck her.

S-she, she, t-there–

The tail happily wiggled back and forth.

Her eyes rolled within her skull, and Kyouka fainted, upper body landing in a sprawl across her coiled tail.
Whew, it's been way too long, but I've at least started working on a WIP.

Attire: The costume
Date and Time: Sola 23rd, Night
Location: Calbert Damien's Ballroom
Interaction(s): @PapaOso Cassius
Wulfric had gone on to give a brief greeting to the nobles he recognized, or to those who were perceptive enough to recognize him. He noticed Drake lingering at the entrance, no doubt waiting for Sadie. He raised a wine glass he’d procured his way, but decided to leave the duke’s son be. He was indulging in one of his favourite alcoholic drinks when a new guest appeared. Wulfric didn’t recognize the latest attendee immediately, but when he did, he didn’t pay him any mind besides noting that he was taking to his newly gained status like a duck to water.

But then, the man in question decided to approach him, and from his first to last words, one thing was abundantly clear.

The man was a relentless flirt.

Wonderful, Wulfric thought sourly. Someone new to pester him. If only he could, in his heart of hearts, truly maintain that there was no temptation, this wouldn’t be nearly as annoying. At the very least, however, he had better taste than to consider such a swaggering braggart a prospect.

“Why, thank you,” he accepted the compliment, unperturbed. He did appreciate Cassius’ chosen motif for the costume, but the last thing he wanted was to give him ideas. Wulfric was sure the bastard would grow all the more irritatingly persistent if he thought he had even half a chance. Best to dissuade him right then and there.

“A seducer type, then?” His remark was bland, exhibiting the expectation that he would be bored by this interaction. “Your ilk think they are ever so unique and inventive, but is spewing tried and true lines as if you are following a script supposed to be appealing?” His tone was utterly indifferent, so much so that his words barely registered as an insult.

However, he displayed a modicum of intrigue at the introduction, his mask tilting in a show of avian curiosity. “Hmm?” So, Cassius was going by ‘Lord Damien’ already. Maybe this was now an event in honour of his introduction to noble society, as if he were a lady attending a debutante. Wulfric smirked to himself at the humorous notion.

“Ah, you haven’t been informed yet,” there was a hint of amusement in his tone. Finally, the prince turned to face him directly, deigning to grace him with the full weight of his attention. “Allow me to rectify your ignorance. You are speaking to the crown prince, Prince Wulfric Danrose.” The raven’s beak tipped down as he offered a short nod of acknowledgement.

“I am feeling generous, so let me give you a piece of advice.” He considered the man as he twirled the wine glass between his fingers, and whether it was by skill or natural grace, the claws adorning his gloves left nary a scratch on the glassware, nor made so much as a metallic clink against the chalice. Entirely on instinct, he’d accounted for the potential damage his new accessory might cause, and prevented it with exquisite control.

He sipped at his drink before continuing, having no issues with the action despite his garb. “You should reserve your so-called charm, the sneer in his tone indicated he didn’t think much of it, “for ladies.” A sigh followed as he took another sip. “This particular game you seem to favour is not one I choose to partake in. But you will find there are a plethora of players willing to indulge you.” He gestured with a hand to the ballroom, demonstrating the numerous other targets Cassius could pursue.
New post is up! Morganna one coming very zoon, and Vecta itself is joining the party as a 'collection' of characters. Haha.

Also, skills when ya can please!
On a more serious note;

Since we had a lot of free time inbetween the last IC post and these new ones, I spent some time creating an additional CS. Tried contrasting it to Minami's. If'n we dun get to have secondary characters, that's fine, I made this mostly 'cuz I was bored and had the time. If'n it does get approved, sweet. :)

Whether this gets accepted or not, I'd be curious to see how your two characters interacted, I also think Kyouka meeting either or both of them would be interesting as you mentioned XD
Kyouka was such a... pleasant... person, wasn't she? ^^;
It seems the Fox beat the Energy-drink though. [There's an energy drink over here called 'Gnocco')

Hey, she had her moments XD

Beep-beep. Beep-Beep! BEEP-BEEP!!

Drowsily, Kyouka got her phone to shut up.

A new day…

But why did it always feel the same?

Wake up, get washed, make breakfast, do chores while she still gave enough of a shit for it.

Her work would start in the evening, and she still had several hours until then.

As she often did when she had nothing better to do, she went out for a walk. She wandered the city, going by the river, crossing a bridge, and stopped somewhere with a decent view.

After an undetermined time of staring out into nowhere, she fetched a boba tea somewhere, and sipped on her drink while fiddling with her phone. She checked her social media, the news, and upcoming classical music events or competitions.

Yeah, so she had a schedule for where he would appear, so what? She smirked, and wondered if he was at home right now. Maybe she’d go see.

And so, she did. Standing on the other side of the street from his apartment building, she sent a short message.

Hey. You home?


A few minutes.

Still nothing.

She sighed. Fine, then, not today.

Well, whatever.

She was able to catch up with one of her friends for a quick coffee – but it really was quick, not even an hour.

Disappointed she’d not been able to see him instead, Kyouka visited her brother – unannounced.

Ring-ring. RING-RING.

“Yeah, yeah, coming!”

Ayato’s attempts at being polite – shoddy as they were – cut short when he saw her. “What the hell are you doing here.”

“What, can’t your sister come see her lonely little brother?” She gave him that smirk she knew drove him up the wall.

He grimaced. “What the hell, get lost,” he muttered. However, she weaseled her way in. They both knew she wouldn’t stick around for long, so as much as he was annoyed by it, he didn’t put up much of a fight.

“Sheesh, your place screams single guy, you know that, right?” She wrinkled her nose at the disarray, but she wasn’t about to go and touch any of it. Instead, she snagged a pillow and found a clean-ish place on the floor to sit on.

“I didn’t ask for your opinion.” Ayato threw himself onto a floor sofa in front of his TV, and went onto gaming – and ignoring her.

“Still into that, huh?” She asked, as she watched idly. There was only a grunt for an answer. For some time after, there was only silence. Her brother was absorbed, she was bored.

“Hey. HEY!” She stretched a leg to kick his side.

That was enough to get his attention. “Ow, fuck,” he hissed. “What?”

She rolled her eyes. “Just checking to see if you’re still alive there. Sooo...got any dates? Anyone you'd want one with?”

He was about to go back to his game, but facing the threat of more prodding from Kyouka, he gave in.

Ayato sighed, and paused his game. “Fine. I’ll give you your five minutes. But after that, you’re getting out of here.” He gave her that ‘I have enough of your shit’ look she was so familiar with. “Yeah, there’s some girls I’ve noticed. No, I haven’t really talked to any. The hell am I supposed to say to them, huh? ‘Hi, I game, please date me?’ Even if I find a gamer, that could have its own share of hassles, you know? And do you really think I care enough to do the whole ‘proper romance’ thing? I don’t have that kinda time to waste.”

Kyouka gave a pointed glance to his gaming setup.

“Oh, shut up. You know what I mean. Now, shoo. Go back to stalking, or fucking old men, or whatever it is you do in your free time.”

This time, Kyouka was the one to get enraged. In quick fury, she grabbed the nearest object – an empty can of energy drink – and hurled it at him. Ayato dodged, just barely. “What the fuck??!”

“You know what,” she growled. They had a stare-off, but stubborn as they were, neither was going to relent. She exhaled quickly, still angry, and stood up. However, before leaving, she did say, “Later, you fucking nerd.”

“Don’t come here uninvited again!” he called after her. She slammed the door with a thud.

All in all, this visit had just served to aggravate her.

However, not all was bad. Moments after leaving, she got a message from him.

He’d sent her an address and time, asking if she could make it.

She sent him a quick confirmation, and made her way to the location he'd sent.

She managed to get there before him, and stood there, facing the winds, hands in the pockets of her coat.

“Hey.” That voice. “What’re you doing there looking all fierce, mm?” he said in that goadingly joking tone of his he had.

“F-fierce? Y-you’re not comparing me to something strange again, are you?” She suddenly felt warmth creep up her cheeks and knew she was blushing. Gods, why did she always act like this in front of him?

He smirked. “How d’ya know? C’mon, demoness.”

She gasped, but even as outrage blazed within her chest, she went up to him, and took up his arm as he silently offered to escort her.

He invited her out for a late lunch!

Kyouka was on cloud nine for the rest of the day.

In fact, she was so happy, she wasn’t as careful managing her alcohol intake at the club as she should have been. Her overseers did much of that for her, but still. She kept inviting customers to drink and chat with her, spending mindless hours in easy, casual, pointless conversations.

On her way home, she was past buzzed, but had decided to walk for some reason. To enjoy the evening, she’d said.

She was crossing a remote walkway high above. She didn’t notice the sectioned-off roadwork part in time. She stumbled into a glaring orange cone, and suddenly, the railing that had been supporting her was gone.

She fell.


H-huh? Her thoughts were sluggish, and her body felt even number. For some reason, the sky was suddenly in front of her. W-what?

In her state, it took her some time to realize what had happened.

She tried to pick herself up, but she couldn’t quite move.

W-wait. No. NO!

She couldn’t be – couldn’t be dying, could she?

Sudden fear gripped her.

No, she didn’t want to go like this. She still had so many things to do!

God, what kind of universe was it to kill a beautiful maiden in love like her?

As life seeped from her, she felt various regrets.

She’d never get to figure out what it was that she’d wanted. Love? Passion? A purpose?

She hadn’t had enough of life, not even close. Sure, it was downright miserable at times. It felt like others had that ‘special something’ that she couldn’t quite get a grasp on.

Oh, and she just knew they’d say what a ‘waste’ her life had been. How she could have been ‘so much more’. Trying to decide how she should live even after her death.


This, after being called a witch so many times? How often it was said that she was an evil devil of a beuty...

If she were some mystical creature, or had any powers like that, would she end up like this? No, she wouldn't.

Fuck. Dead because of a stupid accident.

And now they’d find her body all mangled and ugly, and cry over her pitiful state. Goddammit, she couldn’t fucking handle that.

Well, she’d not be around to see it. On account of being dead.

A-ah, so I’m dying before that terminal ill wife of his. What kind of luck is this?
Also @SilverPaw I think you’re the only one who hasn’t done an intro post.

I knooow, I've been meaning to, haven't actually got around to writing it. Let's see if I can make it before you do your next update.
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