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Attire: The costume
Date and Time: Sola 23rd, Night
Location: Calbert Damien's Ballroom
The cadence of his steps upon the neatly paved road was smooth and decisively firm. Yet, as he moved, the footfalls were barely heard. Rather, the quietude of the night was punctuated by subtly sinister sounds as he proceeded onwards.

The soft susurration of feathers brushing against each other, rustling faintly with the tiniest shifts of his body. They were conversing with the winds, the gentle caress of the evening breeze reciprocated by their indecipherable murmurs.

A short yet ominous scrape, as if an unseen blade were being sharpened. Was it ready to slice, tear, pierce?

A near silent clack of a scabbard, and a strangely metallic tap-tapping as he made one final check of his weapons.

The muffled rattling of chains as they swayed through the air, half-hidden within the outer layer of his attire. Here and there, a chain would faintly clang against another, or a pair would briefly twist into a serpentine embrace. If he felt particularly dramatic, he could unspool a couple to let them drag against the floor. He didn’t, but even so, one could easily imagine those long loose steel bonds trailing behind him.

There was a swoosh as his cloak was lifted by a stronger gust. For a moment, he seemed a mere hop away from taking to the sky, on the verge of a liftoff.

Though he gave the appearance of an ethereal shadow gliding by – perhaps he was treading upon the air rather than the earth? – he remained down below.

His was an image too dark to fully blend into the penumbral gloom. As he strode into lighter areas, illuminated by the moon, the stars, and the city lights, it was as if a void manifested, sucking in any glow attempting to suffuse it.

Yet, no mystical power was at work there, so his outline did in fact gain clarity and focus.

The phantom visage, revealed.

A magnificent raven, the costume so finely crafted it evoked the imagery of something far grander than a mere animal.

A large steel mask covered his face, narrow and elegant, the beak angling into a sleek downwards curve towards a razor-sharp point. Its dull gray surface gleamed in the moonlight, finely engraved lines spreading across its surface. The eyes were mere slits, but his sight was by no means hindered. Only when viewed in profile, could glimpses of skin – the jawline, chin, neck – be seen.

Attached to the back of the mask was a cascade of black feathers, obscuring his hair, and falling down to visually merge with his cloak. A long mantle stretched from nape to heel, enveloping him. Long strips of cloth and silk were sewn together, giving his whole form a slightly shaggy outline. Numerous feathers were stitched into it, so both from afar and upon closer inspection, his veil was thoroughly reminiscent of a bird’s plumage.

Underneath the cloak was a robe of dark grays and blacks, accentuated by tasteful touches of silver. While thicker steel chains were attached to the shroud, a few thin, lighter silver chains adorned the robe. It was a high-collared garment, as long as the cloak, yet it was only partially visible through his outer layer.

If he rose his arm, there would be more feathers still, wrapping his appendages to the wrists. His hands bore black leather gloves, tipped with sharp steel claws.

He was covered from head to toe, a majestic being ready to enter into the realms of lessers.

Or, as the case was, into Calber Damien’s mansion, to attend a masquerade.

A sense of unease spread at his approach. His was admittedly an imposing figure; the striking likeness of a creature which was attributed a variety of superstitions by cultures across the world. But it wasn’t only that. There was something effortlessly powerful about his very presence. It drew in gazes, which seemed to be compelled to linger.

As menacing as he was enthralling.

“W-who?” one guard stammered, then coughed awkwardly to hide his nervousness. There was nothing to be afraid of. Nothing at all. This was a public event, the walkway was well-lit, and all guests were welcome. Yes, yes, of course.

“Welcome, esteemed guest,” another greeted, poised and scripted. “May I please request to record your attendance?” He was handed a pen and a roll of parchment, which was opened at the last entries, a column of blank lines underneath.

A beat later, a tap of pen against paper. “Your name, please?”

How kind of the servant to repeat. Unseen beneath the mask, a smile alighted upon the guest's lips.


Eyes widened, mouth opening a tad too wide. “O-oh, of course.” Now this, the recognition of his identity, did frazzle the previously unruffled employee. He was the sensible sort who gave more credence to titles than he did to myths, after all. “Please, be welcome,” he repeated with a bow, and motioned the prince inside.

His whimsical desire for mystique and dramatics appeased, Wulfric headed indoors.

Time to mingle.
@Digmata@TheMushroomLord@Expendable@SilverPaw@Kero No rush. Just a casual tap to make sure you're still with us.

Yah, of course. I'll see if I can post sometime during the weekend.
In Avalia 12 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa
Mention(s): Tanithil @Lava Alckon, Amisra @Tae
Interaction(s): Ismael @Th3King0fChaos
The remaining bandits ran away with tails between their legs when they saw they were beat. Not without proclaiming that they’d ‘get them’. You picked a losing fight. Idiots,” Arlen commented quietly. Well, if they were stupid enough to try this again, then he and his crew could kill them next time. Simple as that.

A part of him itched to strike, now, but with Amisra injured? It was for the best this way. “Take care of her,” he shouted to Tanithil. The dark elf secured the princess, and headed back to the ship. The captain, too, had business to take care of. So, it was just him and Ismael now. They’d have to be more careful, maybe, with just the two of them, and with this attack that had only been recently sprung on them.

Arlen rolled the dead fairy off the roof, and the body landed beneath with a thud. He also jumped down, but landed into a roll, expertly avoiding damage.

“Yeah, let’s check if these guys have anything worth taking on them. Then we can just go chuck ‘em into the sea. This place ain’t too fussy about killin'…I’m more worried about those who’ve left alive and now’ve got us marked. We should lay low, get what supplies we need, maybe check if those guys are known to have nasty connections.”

Then, out of nowhere, Arlen regained some of his cheery demeanour. “But hey, I can always show you ‘round town. Let’s see some better things than killin’ thugs, huh?”

@TheNoCoKid Everyone likes dragons, heh. Also...now I have to make her fall over at least once :p
Dalton: *opens his eyes, looks into a river, clutches his face* "NOOOOO, anything but a FURRY!" *hiccups and "UwUs" on reflex* "AAAAHHHHH!"

My noodle, complaining: "At least you have legs!"

Annoyed muttering: "Ugh! So inconvenient. Taking away one of my best assests, making me crawl?! I'll strangle you when I find you, 'God'!"
I just happened to be checking through to see who's made final decisions on which deity they were picked up by, and happened to notice Dalton's current predicament.

*He grabs Drasil by the collar and shakes him, while pointing at Minami, Sakai, and Samantha with one trembling, sweaty hand*

Dalton: "I don't WANNA be a HAREM PROTAGONIST! I can't handle interpersonal conflicts!" *drops Drasil and backs away from the girls with crazy eyes* "I'm too introverted to live with multiple roommates! DON'T MAKE ME SHARE MY BATHROOM!"

Hah, don't worry...dilfs need apply only XD
So many similiarites, but such a world apart... PErhaps in another life, they could've been friends...

Well, probably not. Kyou-chan was pretty and had talents and was an extrovert, after all. xD

Oh, yeah, when I read that app, I was like, 'huh, pretty similar beginnings!' But, hey, isekai is like the most out-of-there experience, so since it's a literal another life...Who knows? XD (Though it does seem like Kyouka might sooner befriend Minami's mother based on shared activities haha)

I love this character and I think it'd be cool if Kyouka and Ryoko went to the same school and Ryoko, her sickeningly talented kohai, was one of the girls Kyouka was frequently compared to. It'd make a possible reuinion very fun.

Why, thank you. Ryoko's field is something else entirely (tech vs music), but yeah, that sounds good, since Ryoko was also stellar in gen ed too. Just if that's the case, Kyouka definitely would have done all in her power to pick on Ryoko (with a group of cronies, but ofc). :P
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