Yeah, my CS is done.
I’m going random, because I don’t know what I want Kenji to reincarnate into.
I’m going random, because I don’t know what I want Kenji to reincarnate into.

Typical over-emotional response indicative of childhood insecurities. ;3
I saw them and am currently looking over them. Today has been a mix of post work de-stressing and laying in bed trying to recover from whatever sickness I have right now…
@Xaltwind for some reason I can imagine the "dark" god really using the word "home-skice" in the RP now lol
<Snipped quote by Zapdos>
But here's a troubling thought - what if the accidents that killed our characters in this world weren't entirely accidents?
"Sis got her hands on sum swole otherworlders? Sh-eet...! I needa get me sum o' dat phresh new bling too if I wanna step up'n throw down, biach!"
<Snipped quote by Xaltwind>
Dalton: *Kubrick stare, hands shaking, one corner of his lip twitches involuntarily* "I've changed my mind about my patron."
I like the idea of truck-kun being responsible for killing every single character in this story, an the ways that it happened it just gets progressively more and more outrageous. xD
Char #1: Killed by truck-kun when crossing the street
Char #2: Killed by truck-kun while walking home from a bar, late at night, while intoxicated.
Char #3: Killed by a speeding truck-kun when walking to their car inside an underground parking garage.
Char #4: Killed by truck-kun when it crashed through the store-front of the boutique they were shopping for a present for their significant other.
Char #5: Killed by truck-kun when it drove off a bridge while they were enjoying a nice swim in the river below.
Char #6: Killed by turck-kun while smoking on the roof, after it went flying off a ramp near a construction-site.
I like the idea of truck-kun being responsible for killing every single character in this story, an the ways that it happened it just gets progressively more and more outrageous. xD
Char #1: Killed by truck-kun when crossing the street
Char #2: Killed by truck-kun while walking home from a bar, late at night, while intoxicated.
Char #3: Killed by a speeding truck-kun when walking to their car inside an underground parking garage.
Char #4: Killed by truck-kun when it crashed through the store-front of the boutique they were shopping for a present for their significant other.
Char #5: Killed by truck-kun when it drove off a bridge while they were enjoying a nice swim in the river below.
Char #6: Killed by turck-kun while smoking on the roof, after it went flying off a ramp near a construction-site.EDIT:
<Snipped quote by Zeroth>
Morgana: "Like, OH-EM-EEG, girlfriend! We're like, 'totes gonna be BFFs for-evurrrr! Holla back, yeeeeeee! Selfie~!"
Bank Loan Officer - Three car pileup because of a teenager on a cell phone - GM's choice
Pirate - Drowned - Unknown
Customer Service Representative - car accident caused by a drunk driver - Unknown
Assassin - overly complicated random acts that ended with being run over by an ice cream truck - Drasil
Sophomore college student/gamer - bled out at crime scene - Morganna
It Support/Network Administrator - hit by truck-kun - Unknown
College Student / Card Gamer - hit by truck in his room - Unknown
I love this character and I think it'd be cool if Kyouka and Ryoko went to the same school and Ryoko, her sickeningly talented kohai, was one of the girls Kyouka was frequently compared to. It'd make a possible reuinion very fun.