Avatar of Sir Lurksalot


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current I am going to smuggle wholesomeness into your RPs and there's not a damned thing any of you can do to stop me.
2 yrs ago
"Bud, you're like a pizza cutter; All edge and no point!"
2 yrs ago
Habanero ain't the spiciest pepper but it's pretty tasty on things, ya gotta admit.
2 yrs ago
And in addition to boneless wings being overrated; Anybody who looks at sauced and tossed wings, lovingly spiced and perfectly crispy and says; 'I'mma dunk that in blue cheese' has missed the point.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Boneless wings are overrated.


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Most Recent Posts


Not in the least, go nuts.
@FallenTrinity@Cherrywitch@Sanctus Spooki

Also, yes, we're still open and you were not forgotten.

It's just that the GM (ME) is a lazy bag of turds and can't check his phone when he's working to see if anyone's talking to him.
Alright, been a long week and work's had me by the balls.

Let's start with the CSs.

@Weird Tales

Err... no, bud. Just because we're trying for humour here, doesn't mean we're taking the bus straight to Memesville.



Fuck yeah, that's the kinda thing I wanna see.


Alright, been a long week and work's had me by the balls.

Let's start with the CSs.

@Weird Tales

Err... no, bud. Just because we're trying for humour here, doesn't mean we're taking the bus straight to Memesville.



Fuck yeah, that's the kinda thing I wanna see.



Like the backstory. You're in.



>Buys gadgets off of Ebay.

Checks out, you're in.



Angry fire-spouting Dolph Lundgren? You bet your ass you're...



Hmm... imagination projection, eh? This might need some consideration.

I see you've already put limits on it, which I'm pretty happy about, but for the sake of anyone else's gripes how 'bout we say the effects of those limitations become more severe depending on the complexity of the item?

Sounds reasonable that a solid object would be easier to project than a mechanically-complex device full of wires and moving parts, right?

PENDING. (Though I kinda like it so far.)

Can't talk long, on break from work.

I'd say the fire-teleporting thing's a bit much, though the rest seems fine as it may make things more than a little interesting as we fight as a team, at least until the charcter's think up a means to help your guy control his immense burning swagger (I've been pondering a junkyard Iron Man-ish type for myself, so we could probably MacGuyver somethin IC at some point).

Well, I was figuring that magic would indeed be a thing in this universe, just extraordinarily uncommon and mainly used by old families who've kept the tradition alive, hence why the main guy in the history (so far) who makes frequent use of it was a German Aristocrat.

Also, weird is good. Show me what you've got.

On that note...


It's 3-something in the morning and I'm no longer in a work-induced coma, have a CS while I do some more world-building.


Alright, so, world-building.

Feel free to chime in with thoughts and ideas.

(A work in progress, of course)

A Brief History on Modern Superheroes

Alright, happy to see this garner some interest. =D

I'll start working on actual details when I get home from work, so sit tight.

Forged in the fires of the Second World War, there exists an organization of paragons, defenders and HEROES that have defended the Earth from the forces of EVIL for the past eighty years. Comprised of Earth (and some other places)'s mightiest, brightest and most courageous, these CHAMPIONS are the hope and inspiration of countless billions across the globe, raining PURE, UNADULTERATED JUSTICE down upon the wicked where ever they may rear their ugly heads and safeguarding our homeworld!

This is the story... of a group of idiots, screw-ups and losers who are most definitely not the people we were just talking about.

No, THIS is the sordid saga of...

A Bunch of Fuckin' Nobodies.

Alright, so, therein lies the basic premise: We are a dysfunctional bunch of D-list Superhero misfits probably in way over our goddamn heads in a world that doesn't exactly expect much from us. To be honest, I'm kinda making this up as I go along but I figure to start, we could have some sort of crisis that forces us to band together when the mainstream heroes are incapacitated and screw things up so perfectly that we somehow manage to save the world.

Now, at it's heart, this is a humourous riff on the whole superhero genre... but that doesn't mean I don't want character depth; chances are, if you're on the bottom-wrung of the superhero hierarchy (and as such, aren't raking in government funds and merchandising profits), you probably have bills to pay or other things going on in your life that you'd have to balance with dressing up in tights and getting punched in the face a lot. Substance is what I crave, make your characters make sense or, at the very least if you decide to go full ham, don't overdo it and turn this into Teen Titans Go.

For instance, here's a few examples of the kind of stuff I'd like to see;

-Maybe you're a former henchman who decided the awesome dental plan was decidedly less than that when you realized how frequently some guy in bright red pajamas made you use it.

-Maybe you're a washed-up, former member of some universally-beloved Teen-Hero squad that grew up and got stuck in a dead-end retail job, reminiscing about the glory days and forcing a smile for dimwitted customers because rent's coming up and you need that damned commission.

-Maybe you're just a naive, but well-meaning alien with a heart of gold (and nuke) that shouldn't be left unsupervised for any reason.

Sky's the limit, so go nuts. Just... uhh... keep the arbitrary edginess to a minimum, if you wouldn't mind. I mean, if you're heart's set on some thin, waifish boy with a massive sword, spiky hair and a tragic paaaast, I won't stop you, but that's not really what we're aiming for here and I may or may not make it my mission in life to turn your character's very existence into a running gag.

Now, all that aside, some ground rules-

So, uhh... any takers? Ideas?

Better yet, anybody wanna help?

Welp, guess this is gonna be a thing now.

With the speed with which his (increasingly irritatingly) powerful legs carried him, it took Duncan a fair bit of effort to stop short of the axe-wielding knight, but stop he did. Leaving a pair of small divots in the ground and muttering curses the whole while as the heels of his riding boots wore down under the friction and he dropped into a ready stance, not knowing if the afore-mentioned armoured figure was going to take a crack at him like seemingly every other stranger he ran into this morning.

'Reeeally starting to get sick o' this shi-' He lost his train of thought as his eyes caught hold of what was behind the man... or rather, what wasn't '...What?'

Of all the things he'd seen in the past day-and-a-half, he'd finally found the one that actually made his jaw drop, his shoulders and hands slacking slightly soon after at the sheer insanity of what he was looking at.

The wall. It was gone.

”I take it that you have some issue against Felix here. I understand that some may fear the Royal Knights if they abuse their power, so I will be lenient for now..."

The knight was talking, but Duncan was somewhat preoccupied with staring down at his hands for the third time in the past hour, only now beginning to fully comprehend the implications of the light scrapes on his palms, the shallow, bloody cuts on his chest visible through his now-ruined undershirt and the blood he could feel trickling down his face.

Any one of those hits he took should have reduced him to a fine red paste.

He should have been dead.

And yet, here he stood. Bloodied, yes, but otherwise unharmed.

"Explain yourself, and why you felt it necessary to try and kill a Royal Knight, myself, and justify the destruction of kingdom property and generally disturbance of peace.”

Was this what that fucking noisy kid in the tavern was going on about when he started raving about magic?

...Was he even human anymore?

”I am Malakaus Firebelly, knight errant of the Kingdom of Luganica. Now I ask you, why did you just try to kill a Royal Knight?”

"Wait, what?"

Duncan's head snapped up, now fully out of his reverie and staring back up at the... very large, very irate looking figure in front of him obscured slightly by the sunlight, holding an axe and asking questions.

To be fair, it was a good question. And honestly, he rather preferred it to getting an axe to the face.

...Now, if he just had an answer for the guy that didn't sound completely stupid...

"Wait, wait! I saw everything!"

To his credit, Duncan's expression didn't change in the slightest, even if he was screaming internally.

The fucking Kid was back.

"The Knight attacked the bald man first! He used a jet of water that propelled - I mean pushed - the bald man outside of the tavern and started attacking him with ice! The bald man kept trying to reason with him, but the Knight won't stop, and he even used magic to make a person dance about like a puppet!"

Said bald man pinched the bridge of his nose and knit his eyes shut to stem the migraine he could feel forming in the back of his skull. This was gonna be doozy to explain.

Finally, with a sigh, he began-

"Earlier today, some guy in a tavern broke a bottle, a chair and his hand off of my head because somebody got him all riled up." He started, pointedly shooting a glare at the boy standing behind him as he spoke "On my way up the stairs to get myself cleaned up and to try and figure out why I wasn't out cold or dead, I met Felix, who patched me up and, in the process, gulped down an entire bottle's worth of rum in the span of two seconds. I told him about the kind of particularly strange day I'd been having, one thing led to another after that and, well... here we are."

His hands raised a few times to try and help him form the words for the next part, his mouth opening and closing a few times to try and even articulate a sentence that didn't sound completely insane. Finally, his arms just flopped to his sides and he let out a tired sigh, clearly giving up.

"He kept firing ice-bullets at my skull, ramming me into walls and doing some weird... puppety shit... to the guy who attacked me earlier, so I... punched him in the face..." He stated, how he felt about the whole affair clearly evident in his voice, before pointing to the wall behind the knight "...Which, as of this morning, apparently now does that."

There was a moment of silence after that, before Duncan finally spoke again, looking more tired than ever.

"If you want to arrest me, I won't put up a fight. I think I've had enough excitement for one day without becoming a fugitive in a country I've been in less than forty-eight hours."

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