Avatar of Sir Lurksalot


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2 yrs ago
Current I am going to smuggle wholesomeness into your RPs and there's not a damned thing any of you can do to stop me.
2 yrs ago
"Bud, you're like a pizza cutter; All edge and no point!"
2 yrs ago
Habanero ain't the spiciest pepper but it's pretty tasty on things, ya gotta admit.
2 yrs ago
And in addition to boneless wings being overrated; Anybody who looks at sauced and tossed wings, lovingly spiced and perfectly crispy and says; 'I'mma dunk that in blue cheese' has missed the point.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Boneless wings are overrated.


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Her and Avery were hiding lol

Riding around in a big damned carriage while those peasants walked and slept outside? =P
So wait, did Vesta and co. arrive late or was she traveling with Mally's crew the whole time? Kinda wanna know how to write out Duncan's reaction to the presence of a woman he wasn't even sure was real after that whole 'Melting and coming back to life' fiasco. XD

Also, haven't caught Zek in a while, even on Discord. So I don't know where he's at. <_<
And in case @Lucius Cypher forgot to advertise it, it was mentioned in Discord that anyone who leaves the city now to join Mally or Maria's crews would arrive the morning after the first day of demon-maiming.

Duncan wasn't sure what to expect when their motley crew of adventurers arrived at the village, buuuut it certainly wasn't the freakin' Rabbit of Caerbannog and all of it's extended family. However, instead of dwelling on it and getting more pissed off the more he did (as seemed to be his norm of late), he blocked it out behind the cold, machine-like discipline his time in the army and youth under his grandfather's tutelage carved into his psyche and followed in line beside Atisha as she charged forward, taking up her flank opposite Malakaus as she prepared whatever spell she was cooking up. By this point, the bald man was just plain done with being exasperated about all the strange turns his life had taken; he could either ruck up and deal with the fact that a Monty Python gag had come to life to end his, or he could be picked clean like those two archers in the tower. And to be frank, one of those options looked like it sucked a lot more than the other.

And so, big damned club at the ready, Corporal Duncan MacAiden of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police charged forward alongside a judgemental Orc and an Elf with the world's largest stick up her ass against the ravenous, flesh-eating kin of the Easter Bunny.

Adrenaline began to work it's way through his brain. The world seemed to slow and the familiar wartime mechanisms in his psyche that had gone unused the past two years kicked back to life as a calm, lucid sort of heightened awareness overcame his senses.

The panicked cries of the village's archers thundered in his head.

The acrid smoke of the signal fire numbly registered in his senses.

The swaying leaves of the tall-grass before him became much sharper, looking more animated and less mundane.

'Wait a minute...'

The would-be demonslayer began to twirl his heavy weapon in one hand, picking up more momentum with every rotation.

"I've got an idea." He stated flatly, addressing the Elf for the first time in a week and stowing his personal dislike for the woman behind a mask of professionalism as a faint blue glow came to his eyes "Follow my lead."

With that said, the bald man dug his heel into the ground on his next stride and leapt forward a good sixteen feet, throwing all of his momentum behind one horizontal swing of his club, kicking up a gust of wind that pushed the long grass down roughly in the shape of a cone around forty feet in diameter and depth ahead of him, hopefully making any of the beasties hiding in there easier to spot and, if the sun, moon and all the planets somehow aligned, stunning the little bastards enough to make them easy pickings for whatever magic mojo Atisha or Vesta could come up with.

A slight grunt resonated in the back of Duncan's throat as he got to his feet and fell back in line with Mally and Atisha who, at their pace, were quick to cover the distance and overtake him. Weapon at the ready as he caught up.

So, let's recap...

Last night, Duncan was dolling himself up in his fancy red uniform to go to a fancy dinner party for some relative of the queen to fulfill his job of standing around politicians, smiling with a bunch of polished medals hanging off his left tit to make them look more electable... and then he showed up in some bullshit fantasy world, filled with an unyielding amount of anime tropes whereupon he immediately ran into an old war-buddy of his, watched her blow up, somehow survived (though he quite distinctly remembered being partially melted) and then got into a fistfight with a guy with fuzzy cat-ears and dress because he also somehow along the way became the Incredible Goddamn Hulk. And now he was following some knightly Orc and a turbo-bitch elf on some crusade to kill demons, at the behest of the afore-mentioned cat-boy who was now his boss.

Because, why not? His life had already taken a permanent turn for the insane, he might as well just roll with it, and ram his foot up Satan's arsehole while he's at it.

So, after downing that pint Felix owed him and somehow being talked into working for the guy (who promptly ran off to get his things and fill 'Miss Crush' (who was apparently his boss) in on what was happening, he followed along with Mally who, as it turns out, was a pretty decent guy when he wasn't calling you a peasant or threatening to put an axe into your skull and Atisha, to which he owed the odd discovery that Gaelic bears at least some resemblance to Elvish... namely, when Duncan responded to her insults and threats (of which there were many, in more than one language) with (among other things) 'Gala'... which apparently means 'Bitch' in both languages and prompted a shouting match with knives drawn that Mally had to put an abrupt stop to before they could murder eachother in front of the castle and give any linguists that might be hiding in the bushes somewhere a fatal heart-attack. Which of course, led to an extensive (and just a liiitle bit condescending) lecture by the Orc about noble conduct wherein the Mountie-turned-Demonslayer decided it would probably be a bad idea to ever mention to the Orc his extraordinarily colourful military career, the fact that he actually owned a decent piece of land and that in his own country, he was the rough equivalent of a Royal Guard.

On the one hand, the Orc might not even believe him.

On the other, he might mistakenly believe him to be a noble and give him another, more thorough lecture for not acting right.

After getting garbed up in whatever gear Malakaus had lying around and being given a giant murder-stick, Duncan parted ways with the Orc (who may or may not have smirked a little at seeing his old gear getting used again) and the Elf (who was very clearly trying to burn a hole into his brain with her murder-glare) and made his way down to the market where he met with Ease (still flanked by the kitty twins) who helped him pawn off his medals, his badge, what remained of his coin purse and even his red serge to get the rest of what he'd need; Namely an old suit of leather armour to go under his plate, an old ruck with all the basic (and economically priced) necessities and a bedroll.

Which of course, brings us quite nicely to the present; with our bald and angry hero of these past few run-on sentences standing just slightly away from the party of the Orc, the Elf, that same damned kid and his fuzzy-headed employer, as yet unnoticed and mulling over his one last chance to run the hell away from this mad misadventure he'd stumbled his way into.

He could just turn and run- Now armed and with the newfound strength of his legs it was doubtful anyone'd have an easy go catching him, and he had spent the better part of his teenage learning how to survive innawoods in a fashion that'd make Rambo green with envy. But... well...

He gave them his word. And while Duncan was many things, outwardly violent and gruff and cold, he wasn't one to go back on his word.

His Grandfather taught him better than that.

And so, with a slight grimace, Duncan pulled a cigar and his zippo from his pocket, lit himself a smoke and stepped forward, making his presence known with a simple statement to the Orc leading this expedition.

"Ready when you are, Boss."

Just outside a cave, being harassed by honey people.

...At least, I think. <_<
Posted. Sorry for the delay, been out of sorts lately.

”Right then. Evidently you’re unfamiliar with your… New found blessing.” The knight stated, visibly relaxing somewhat ”If Sir Felix allows this, then you’re in no trouble..."

Duncan let out a long breath, evidently he was off the hook no-

"Even so, you… Frankly, you look like a peasant. As a bodyguard of a royal knight, you ought to look the part. Some training to get you accustomed to your power would also be necessary. And, as a foreigner, you'll need to be educated in our country's culture and customs. That is of course if you wish to accept Sir Felix's offer. Otherwise… I do have a job that could use your ability.”

The bald, bloodied man could only stare back at the knight with a blank expression, unsure of whether or not he should be offended by the (frankly, somewhat factual) comment on his appearance. But, seeing as how he apparently wasn't going to plant that axe between his eyes anymore, he figured he might as well just roll with it.

That, of course, segues us quite nicely right back to the cheeky catboy in question, who'd been standing there with a hand outstretched for a little while now (as if waiting for some guy behind a keyboard to get his shit together and write words about some bald asshole) waiting for his answer. Tilting his head slightly, Duncan actually took a quiet minute to weigh his options-

On the one hand, this was the same guy who gave him a good rag-dolling earlier and he had half a mind to take that dainty little hand the feline was offering him and ram it up the guy's ass... a feat he was now keenly aware he was actually quite capable of doing. On the other, well... he was also offering him a steady job, which would be kinda helpful if he intended to continue being able to buy food... even if that meant he'd be going back to square one, as a bodyguard for rich people.

He crossed his arms, a visible bulge shifting behind his lips as his tongue ran over his teeth, clearly indicating he was in his own head as he stepped forward slightly.

'...Fuck it, it's the only steady gig you've been offered so far. Might as well hear the kid out.'

And so, with a small sigh Duncan stepped forward, ignoring Felix's outstretched hand and instead poking a solitary finger dead-centre into the Royal Knight's chest.

"Buy me a beer and we'll talk."

And with that, and a small pat on the boy's shoulder, Duncan turned and wordlessly followed after Malakaus.

Sure, he'd hear the Catboy out... didn't mean he wasn't gonna make the guy work for it, though.


Both approved, I'll start writing shit again and throw my own CS up when I get home from work, then we'll fire up an OOC.

Sorry this is taking so long, kinda had a brief run-in with a hospital bed this past week, so I'm a tad outta sorts.
Oi, still alive.

Have a post up sometime soon.
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