Avatar of Sir Lurksalot


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2 yrs ago
Current I am going to smuggle wholesomeness into your RPs and there's not a damned thing any of you can do to stop me.
2 yrs ago
"Bud, you're like a pizza cutter; All edge and no point!"
2 yrs ago
Habanero ain't the spiciest pepper but it's pretty tasty on things, ya gotta admit.
2 yrs ago
And in addition to boneless wings being overrated; Anybody who looks at sauced and tossed wings, lovingly spiced and perfectly crispy and says; 'I'mma dunk that in blue cheese' has missed the point.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Boneless wings are overrated.


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I'm trying to think of who would have helped out my character than eventually brought him into the league. Which of the three would be particularly sympathetic to a criminal who just got in over his head as a kid and couldn't get out. Or perhaps it could be some other established hero who simply wasn't interested in becoming part of the league but encouraged my guy to join.

Supes, probably. What with being a big-hearted boyscout and all.
@Member 00492

I'll have my guy up and finished after work. The amount of obligation-free time I've had of late is at an all-time low. <_<;
@Member 00492

Bah, been voluntold for overtime. Gonna have to WIP this for now.

@Member 00492
I'mma read that when I get the chance, but that sounds pretty close to what I was aiming for- Some guy with immense potential... if he wasn't a chainsmoking, borderline-alcoholic who wanted nothing to do with superheroics and never trained a day in his entire goddamn life until it was abruptly (and literally) beaten into his face.

I'll put a sheet up when I'm off work.
@Member 00492
Ya know, one of these days I'm going to post my interest in one of your RP's and actually get around to putting up a CS XD.

Anyway, for character ideas, I've got at least two-

One- some Average Joe who just so happens to have physical abilities that approach Kryptonian standards... but he's spent his whole life actively avoiding anything to do with spandex, capes and people with death rays trying to murder him until it's abruptly forced upon him via being on the receiving end of a brutal beat down by Bizarro while desperately trying to buy time for someone from the league (who, as a rule, tend to actually know what the hell they're doing) to show up and save his town.

He has no eye lasers.
No freezing breath.
No ability to fly.
He can't breathe in space.
And he's in way over his head.

Two- An old idea I've had floating around in my head for a while now; washed-up teenage super-team reject who grew up to be a semi-homeless hero-for-hire/freelance cop, traversing north and south America in an old Ford Bronco taking down villains and fighting crime with nothing but his wits, an arsenal of MacGuyvered weaponry and one hell of a chip on his shoulder.

More folk-hero than caped crusader, he's somewhat skeptical about the kind of people who wear tights and capes and make bombastic speeches about justice and virtue (for reasons that have nothing at all to do with being very publicly cast out of his former team in favour to be replaced by someone more marketable), but does acknowledge the usefulness of the league as a whole... this does not, however, mean he's ever going to stop being a sarcastic prick.

His breathing calmed. The beating of his heart, the pulse of which he hadn't even realized was powerful enough to bounce the (thanks to Vesta) many pebbles near his feet, began to slow. His heightened awareness of the world, as he beheld it, began to scale back to normalcy.

And as Duncan came down from his battle-high... he very suddenly realized he was covered head-to-toe in rabbit guts.

"Aw, for fu-..." The bald man growled but didn't finish, grabbing a rag from his pocket to wipe the filth off his face.

The minute he'd realized that, if he put a little effort into it, he could actually blow away and immobilize the little bastards with a swing of his club, he'd taken to doing just that; Swinging like a madman at the little shits like the most demented game of whack-a-mole ever conceived. The ones he'd missed got knocked in the air and became easy pickings for Atisha's trident or became rock-sponges for their resident Earthshaker. The one's he'd actually hit, however... well...

A club is not exactly a clean weapon. Even less so when wielded by a man who can swing it hard enough to kick up a gale-force wind.

By the time he'd finished wiping his face off, Atisha was already gone. Though he did have to give the Elf credit (and she would never hear a damned word of it and it pained him to even think it) for actually sticking with him and working with him through the fight, even if they hadn't spoken once the entire goddamn time. The Orc, on the other hand... maybe it was a difference in training between knight and soldier, maybe it was the mother-hen reflex that had grown through his war years after seeing a few people he knew get shot in the face on a few occasions that he kept extraordinarily well-hidden or maybe it was because he'd very suddenly left one of their flanks potentially exposed without much in the way of warning, but watching Mally run off on his own to hack down rabbits left and right annoyed the ever-loving piss out of him.

He swallowed and buried that feeling though, as he headed back toward the others; this wasn't Afghanistan, no matter how much he (in retrospect, hilariously) wished it was, the rules of the game here were different... And besides, the Canadian Army didn't exactly have a course on Murder-Rabbit Slaying, so he was still very much the amateur here.

Reaching the main group and catching the last bits of Aleph being... Aleph, Duncan just rolled his eyes slightly at the young man's same old self-promoting hero-speech he'd heard too many times this week and followed after them, subtly avoiding looking at the white-haired Geomancer as he passed for more than a few reasons-

A) The minute he saw her and realized she was actually real, it made a series of events he'd been subconsciously trying to deny happened uncomfortably, undeniably true.

B) As far as most of the party knew, he was just some two-bit hooligan recruited out of a bar on the whim of a Royal Knight and he was so far down the totem-pole here he shouldn't even be talking to her anyway. An excuse that suited him fine as he'd also rather limit the possibility of pissing her off and getting beaten to death with the side of a mountain on this little misadventure.

C) The one time he did actually try and get a good look at her, Avery caught him. And wouldn't shut up about it. For three days.

Instead, he busied himself with giving Aleph a light rap on the shoulder with his gore-covered fist as he passed him on the road.

"Dammit, Al, can we go five minutes without you pissing someone off?" He half-questioned, half-growled, in his usual gruff way... though if you tilted your head and squinted you could almost see something that looked like a smirk on his face.

Call him crazy, maybe the idiot was starting to grow on him.

...Like a tumour perhaps, but still, it was progress.
Don't mind me, I'm just sitting here watching everybody like a creepy stalker who may or may not own a very large freezer... And also maybe trying to think up an Anti-Venom CS that isn't overpowered and won't interfere with the resident wall-crawler's plans.

Yes, nothing suspicious at all.

Carry on. <.<

I vouch for this man's claims; Zin is a terrifying rapist and must be stopped at all costs.
Just a heads up; still here- just old, tired and busted.

Gonna try and post soonish.
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