Elyse was passed out in her bed, drooling on some laminated data sheets and infrared images sprawled out on the bed. She was in her normal clothes, her reading glasses smudged against her face. She’d fallen asleep reading the data and comparing it to the images. After the three days of constant attack and stress, Elyse was exhausted. At first she thought the free time would give her a good chance to read over some of the data she hadn’t been able to analyze before due to the aliens’ obnoxious appearances. Unfortunately, Elyse had conked out the second she had laid down and gotten comfortable.
Plus, Elyse wasn’t used to the constant fear of attack. She’d only been on the ship for three weeks, making the past three days confusing as hell for the new crewmember. Thankfully, Raymond was patient and kind enough to deal with her constant uncomfortableness during the battles. Elyse was a quick learner, though, and quickly adapted to the stressful environment.
She shifted, the sound of Raymond’s soft jazz drifting through the walls. It was turning out to be the best sleep Elyse had gotten in weeks...
Elyse jolted to an upright position, a few of the data sheets and images flying off of the bed in a whoosh of air. With a gasp, her panic mode was flung into action as the alarms replaced the soft jazz in a horrific way. She stood and tossed her reading glasses onto her desk, grabbing her sweater cardigan and pulling it on. At the same time, she haphazardly stuffed her feet into her boots, her right foot avoiding the little slit that held her dagger.
The beating of her heart replaced the alarms as the startled newbie rushed to the door, impatiently squeezing through the opening before it even made more than two feet of room. She squeaked and stepped back against the wall as crewmembers flew past her, specifically the Captain. After a slight pivot, Elyse scrambled up to the deck where the action was taking place. She didn’t exactly have a role in the combat, yet, but she did offer help with her infrared vision.
“What can I do, Captain?” She called out, quickly looking at the monitors and other crew members to assess the situation.
Plus, Elyse wasn’t used to the constant fear of attack. She’d only been on the ship for three weeks, making the past three days confusing as hell for the new crewmember. Thankfully, Raymond was patient and kind enough to deal with her constant uncomfortableness during the battles. Elyse was a quick learner, though, and quickly adapted to the stressful environment.
She shifted, the sound of Raymond’s soft jazz drifting through the walls. It was turning out to be the best sleep Elyse had gotten in weeks...
Elyse jolted to an upright position, a few of the data sheets and images flying off of the bed in a whoosh of air. With a gasp, her panic mode was flung into action as the alarms replaced the soft jazz in a horrific way. She stood and tossed her reading glasses onto her desk, grabbing her sweater cardigan and pulling it on. At the same time, she haphazardly stuffed her feet into her boots, her right foot avoiding the little slit that held her dagger.
The beating of her heart replaced the alarms as the startled newbie rushed to the door, impatiently squeezing through the opening before it even made more than two feet of room. She squeaked and stepped back against the wall as crewmembers flew past her, specifically the Captain. After a slight pivot, Elyse scrambled up to the deck where the action was taking place. She didn’t exactly have a role in the combat, yet, but she did offer help with her infrared vision.
“What can I do, Captain?” She called out, quickly looking at the monitors and other crew members to assess the situation.