Avatar of Skai


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Wraith smells like beans
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Conspiracy Theory: Mahz will never return from vacation.


13 years and going strong.

I'm waiting for the moment someone in my city mentions roleplayerguild as their hobby.

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”Anyways, we're removing the trackers and retrieving our mystery persons and yes we should retrieve them. Just make sure to lock them up in quarantine because I'd rather not get into another fight today.” The voice of Adelaide said over her headset. Elyse took a deep breath and nodded. “Gotcha,” she replied. Alright, Elyse. All you need to do is let this person in and force them into the quarantine room. Should be easy, right? She bit her lip, putting her hands on her hips as she watched the figure detach itself from the hull of the ship and look around, probably for a way in. Its head stopped, pointed towards the airlock to the room beside the one she was in.

“Oh, boy. Okay.” Elyse made her way towards the room, looking through the little window into the airlock room. She looked over at the panel, then up at the ceiling, finding the figure again. She lifted her hand and slammed it onto a button, releasing the airlock into space and hoping the person would take a hint and climb in. If anything, she could just trap him inside. That was practically quarantine, right? Once this person started showing signs of hostility and tried to enter the actual ship, she could either threaten to eject him into space, or grab someone who could better handle it before it got into the ship. Elyse watched the figure, chewing on her bottom lip to release some of the nerves she felt about confronting this stowaway.
I could also go for a Jessica Jones type of roleplay. I absolutely loved Kilgrave, and I'd like to play a character like Jessica Jones who goes up against Kilgrave.
@boomlover *Elyse, haha

I'll post later.
@Aspen Wren So, what do you think?
@Emma Know anyone that would be interested?

Honestly just a bump
"Your help could very much be appreciated, Elyse. I know Tymea has her HERD bots, but some extra infrared vision won't hurt,” Raymond’s voice responded in Elyse’s headset. HERD bots? Elyse thought as she turned to head towards the back of the ship. They no longer needed her up on the deck and she wasn’t the type of scientist that Rae needed, so Elyse decided to help identify whatever was latch onto the ship.

Navigating the ship with her infrared vision was difficult. Plus, it’s not like she was completely comfortable with the amount of climbing and turns that it took to get to the back of the ship. Eventually, though, she did make it to the spot near where the humanoid object had landed on the ship. She heard Raymond ask for another report on the humanoid and looked at it closely. It was dressed in an interesting space suit, with a blade lodged into the ship. She watched the little bots, which she assumed were the HERD tech, scurry around the ship.

Elyse lifted her finger to her headset and pressed the button. “Captain, the humanoid person is stuck onto our ship with a blade, most likely a sword. Its heat signature suggests that it is a warm-blooded creature. I think it’s a human. Perhaps a captive of the space rats that wasn’t killed in time to miss the attack?” She frowned as she watched it move. “Should we let it in, or leave it out there? The jump might not be too friendly towards it.”

I'll get a post up tonight!

May I suggest typing the post in an email? Or a Google Doc? Something you can save periodically without losing it if something happens?
Here she is!

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