@ravenDivinity@Mad Scarlet"We would be pleased to have you join us tomorrow night," the president said with an encouraging smile. Maria returned the greetings with a warm smile, nodding as an agreement to come to the meeting. Something about the way the president said her name gave her slight goosebumps.
She turned her head to look at the frat boy that the president had turned her attention towards.
Wow... She thought, a little shocked at his looks. She'd never seen him around, and she would have remembered him if she had. Who could forget that face?
Thomas looked at the president and grinned as she noticed him. The look in her eyes made him laugh on the inside. Most monsters knew that his frat was all vampires, and also that it was slight trouble. Fun trouble, at the least.
"Ah, yes, we do enjoy having people from all groups on campus. We've never had a frat boy in on our club. Mayhaps you'll bring something new to the table, eh?" The president said as a pen was pushed towards him. Thomas picked up the cool, challenging tone of voice and it sent shivers up his spine. He loved a challenge of dominance. It was his forte. He gave her a wide, toothy smile, glancing over at the human beside him who also offered a pen. God, the human was practically drooling at his presence. It fueled his arrogance even more.
The vampire looked back at the president as he picked up the pen. Her eyes flashed and it sent another pleasing wave of excitement through him. The warning only enticed the troublemaker in him to rise up. "Mm, I am sure that I'll add some fun to the club." He locked eyes with her after writing his information down, holding out the pen towards her. "I suppose I will see you tomorrow night," he purred, narrowing his eyes slightly with a crooked grin on his face. His eyes flashed as well, but with the look of a predator within them.
Maria watched the two exchange words in awe. The tension in the air was electrifying.
Do these two know each other?Thomas turned away from the president, smiling at the human girl with the camera and the drooling boy. He brushed past each of them, inhaling their delicious smell. He stalked off, adjusting his jacket on his shoulders and heading towards the mess hall.
This club is going to be fun.