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Wraith smells like beans
7 yrs ago
Conspiracy Theory: Mahz will never return from vacation.


13 years and going strong.

I'm waiting for the moment someone in my city mentions roleplayerguild as their hobby.

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We should make there be a limit where you have to wait for two other people to post before you do so slow poters don't get left behind.
Anyone wanna interact with Elyse? @boomlover? I have no clue how to post.

Haven shifted on the ground and rubbed her arm. It was a little sore from the landing. To be honest, it was her first time rifting. Corvus thought she’d done pretty well, so she took the minor injury as nothing special. Her eyes moved about the room, looking up at the ceiling and down at the people around her. The joke she had made seemed to fall short, and she guessed that it was just because people were still getting their bearings.

Other people began to arrive, looking either bewildered, unsure of themselves, or terrified. The different species of people in the room didn’t bother Haven at all. She was used to being in mixed-race hotels, clubs, parties, and anything else you could think of. It was just natural. Her interest was spiked when someone walked into the room, looking completely comfortable and at ease. He seemed to know much more than they did.

"Welcome everyone," he said to them. Haven looked him over, wondering which Archon he was and how he had come to be their supposed leader. Corvus was interested in who he was, too. In fact, he wondered about the rest of the people in the room. Can we trust them, Corvus? She asked, listening as Ian introduced himself and spoke about the temple. ”Of course, Haven. The Archons are my friends. Well, except for Thanatos. He is someone you do not want to mess with.” He told her, ending it in a nonchalant tone. Haven didn’t respond to him, ignoring his Captain Obvious attitude.

”I know this is all very strange and new. I don't entirely understand it myself. I'm just hoping Lupus and maybe the spirits of your Archons will be able to clarify what’s going on,” Ian continued, giving them all an attempt of a smile. She could tell that he was still adjusting to life here at the temple, so she could only guess that he hadn’t been here much longer than they had. Ian took his head in his hands and winced, as if he had a headache. "I forgot to mention... Lupus says hello to all the new Archons and to all the Archons she has known for years.”

”Ah, Lupus. Archon of Gravity,” Corvus said with a reminiscing tone of voice. Haven watched Ian curiously, knowing that from Corvus’s tone, Lupus was a good friend. Gravity, huh? She could practically sense Corvus smiling, no matter how intangible he was. ”Lupus was a good friend of mine. Let her know that I say hello.” Haven nodded slightly, even though she had no one to nod to but another soul trapped within her.

Haven went to stand, but when the brunette girl started freaking out on him, she decided to just sit still and wait until things were calm and he could actually have a conversation. When the girl turned to look each of them in the eye, Haven found herself locking eyes with her for a second. Haven looked away. She knew that getting angry and yelling about this situation wasn’t going to help anything. To be honest, the first night that she’d been conscious with Corvus inside of her mind had been a whirlwind. Corvus had warned her against drinking again, but she’d ignored him and gotten drunk off of her ass. Then she proceeded to yell at Corvus while staring into a mirror so he could see how upset she was about it. It’d been a horrible night, with a rough, hungover morning.

All Haven knew was what Corvus knew. She was the Archon of Time, there was an Archon of Death named Thanatos that became evil and ate the Archon of Light, and they were all gathered here to train and defeat this Archon with a god complex. Aaand, that was basically it.

”I wonder which Archon she is…” Corvus thought. Haven scoffed softly and shrugged. She sighed, wishing she was back in the hotel room, listening to her music on the Bluetooth that she couldn’t bring along with her. This was all just a little too stressful right now, and she wasn’t even sure if the temple had a bar, or even a wine cooler.

As the too-stressed girl was being confronted by the elvish girl, Haven looked through her bag, taking an inventory of what she had. Did this temple have bedrooms? Bathrooms? She assumed it was, since it was supposed to accommodate for all of the people gathering here. Especially food and water. She let out an anxious huff, setting her bag aside and hugging her knees to her chest. A few people left the room, seemingly as done with this little rendezvous as she was beginning to be. Corvus was paying close attention to who was which Archon. ”I encourage you to talk to everyone, eventually. You’ll need to get along and know each other well to work as a team.” Haven bit her lip, nodding again. I will… For now, she just wanted to relax.
@SeerOfNone That's racist.
@Kaalee As long as it isn't the Archon of Time again :P
Oo. Finding an archon dead would be a good warning about the danger they're in.

Soft light spilled through the curtains, illuminating the messy bed in the center of the room. Under a pile of a down feather comforter and white sheets, the figure of a blonde girl in just a t-shirt could be seen. Her left hand was opened, but there was no scar from where the dagger had cut her. She lay on her stomach, sprawled out across the queen sized bed as if she hadn’t slept for a week. Which, to be honest, was somewhat true.

It had been a while since the party. Since Haven had drunkenly stumbled upon “her destiny” as the little voice from the crystal dagger had put it. She’d grown used to having a second voice in her head, Dissociative Identity Disorder or not. Most of it was nagging, advice, wisdom, and the frequent sarcasm that Corvus, her guidance, enjoyed so much. There had been many nights where Haven had stayed up late, either learning about her new ability and the rules of it, or attempting to test it out. It had been an exhausting process, which is why today was her demanded, designated sleep-all-day and eat-whenever-whatever day. Corvus wasn’t too happy with the idea, but Haven reminded him how it was to be human. Her species wasn’t as strong as the usual intergalactic alien.

At the moment, Haven was immersed in a lovely dream of her home planet of Estellos. She smiled in her sleep, dreaming of the time she and her friends were slightly tipsy and watching the sun set on a warm beach. It was perfect and gorgeous. Haven was filled with happiness at the sight of her friends dancing around a fire. ”Haven…” An annoying voice interrupted the sound of her friend’s laughter and her own giggles.

Haven groaned and lazily covered her head with a pillow, as if that would help. “It’s too early,” she grumbled, burying her face in the bed. Soon, she was fast asleep once again.

”Haven, you need to wake up. They’ve come for you.”

Haven opened her eyes and furrowed her brows, blinking a couple of times before she comprehended what Corvus was saying. They’d had chats about this “they” that the two were referring to. Nothing good ever came from this “they”, according to Corvus. “Shit,” she whispered. “Why do they have to come on such a relaxing day? Why not tomorrow?”

Haven stood and pulled on her jeans, then pulled off the oversized shirt and put on a bra. She headed over to her bag and began to dig through it for clothes, putting her hair up in a messy bun so it would be out of her face. Corvus didn’t respond to the complaints.

”Wear layers. You can only bring what is on your body. You’ll have to leave the rest of it behind.”

Haven sighed at the instruction and pulled on a tank top, then a thin, long sleeve shirt. “I know, I know,” she bemoaned. There were so many things that Haven wished she could take along with her, but unfortunately she would only have what was on her back. She grabbed a thin cardigan sweater and pulled it on, then grabbed her jacket. “That should do it for clothes.”

Haven sat down on the floor after pulling out a pair of socks, putting them on one foot at a time. After that, she grabbed her black boots and slipped her feet into them. ”Hurry, Haven,” Corvus warned her, ”we don’t have much time.” Haven stood and headed over to the vanity. “I knoooow,” she griped as she let her hair down. She brushed it quickly and pushed it behind her ears, looking around as she thought of what she could manage to carry on her.

“Okay…” She started, compulsively grabbing things as she moved throughout the room. “My watch… holopad… hairbrush… earrings… necklace…” The busy girl put on the watch, earrings, and necklace to save room in her pockets. “Mints.” She said, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to take her toothbrush or toothpaste. “Ah! My charger!” Haven knelt down by her bed and pulled her charger out of the wall, stuffing it into her purse along with her hairbrush and holopad.

”I think that should suffice, Haven.” Corvus was becoming slightly worried, and a little irritated too. They needed to go now, in case Haven could summon a rift as easily as he hoped she could.

Haven stood back and surveyed the room, ignoring Corvus’s comment. She tapped her finger to her mouth. “What else… What else…?”

A prominent knock on the room’s door startled Haven. She turned her head to watch the door, seemingly frozen in her spot. Is that…?

”They’re here. We must go now, Haven. Today we test your primary ability. You need to take us to the temple. The others are waiting.” Corvus said, wary of how much time they had before the men at the door would bust it down. “God… Okay…”

Haven quickly grabbed her deodorant, a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, and the dagger, stuffing them in her purse before she stood in the center of the room. ”You can do this, Haven. Just focus.” Haven took a deep breath and shut her door, attempting to shut out the pounding on the door. She slowed her breathing, focusing on the temple that Corvus had practically engraved into her brain in the past week. A bubble around her began to form, stopping time within it as she could feel the wall of space tearing around her. Gold light poured from the tear as the rift opened. The moment that the men burst into the room, Haven was engulfed in golden light and disappeared from the room. The men cursed in anger.

Haven dared not open her eyes, but her body could feel the sense of movement of time and space around her. It was a huge rush and she enjoyed every second of it. It was like lighting a cigarette and taking a deep puff, a once common occurrence that was now a novelty for her per Corvus’s rules. The sensation was over as soon as it had started, though. She suddenly felt cold stone pressed against her right side, and could feel that there were other people in the room with her. Her eyes slowly opened, seeing stone walls and ceilings. Am I here? She thought, slowly sitting up and turning her head to look around at the room.

”Yes… Good job, Haven. You have made it to the temple.” Corvus said as Haven noticed around four people in the room with her. She took a deep breath and brushed her hair back from her face, looking around once more. “Wow,” she whispered, still making sense of what had just occurred and where she was. She turned her head back to the other people in the room, assuming that they all had archons of their own. “What a ride, am I right?” She said, trying to break the ice with a little humor.
First I was like...

Then I was like...

Now I'm like...

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