Haven had been surrounded by people like her for nearly a week, and yet she still felt like an outsider among them. She’d barely spoken a word to her peers since she moved into the intake house, carrying only a well worn Jansport and a flat expression. To the others she appeared distant and mousey. She kept to herself, with her wings drawn close to her back so that no one would bump into them in passing. Little did they know that her hazel eyes watched their every move. That her silence was an excuse not to speak about who she was or where she came from. Her shyness and timid gestures were all a ruse. Underneath her careful construction of her composure, there lay an untamed and wild mind. Looking for any sign of ill will, danger, or false pretenses within those around her. If they looked close enough they could see her true nature in her sharp eyes.
She stood among them, supposedly awaiting transport to what this school called a Homecoming Trial, with her arms crossed and her wings drawn. Her brand new attire, the physical training uniform they’d given her, had to be the least worn items in her small assortment of clothes, yet she still wore the same dirty sneakers she arrived in. The only sign that she did not belong in such clean clothing.
She’d been assigned to Group 21, Team Blackjack, only recently. Today it seemed like the students gathered around were others within her team. None of them had the same physical markings of the hype gene, she noticed. The team standing nearby didn’t either. Her eyes moved over each one, wondering briefly if any of them had the seed of evil within them that would think her a freak, or call her weak for not possessing an ability like controlling the elements or something of the mind. While a few glanced her way, she was glad to see that none sneered at her or stared at her wings. In her world, it only took one small gesture to unleash that wildness within her and show them her true nature.
Got sidetracked falling off the backend of everything squished loose into bags swinging against legs and hanging off shoulders and hitting the dirt. Nothing bounced, just gave into gravity with everything unsettled when he set his own bag down. He’d found a pencil. Ordinary orange scraped clean and leftover wood pressed into green. It didn’t give the way clothes did, just sank deeper beneath the weight of so many soles ignoring it after losing its point. The eraser was gone, too, metal end pressed thin between worrying teeth. Lost? Or left behind? All used up and waiting for the rain to rot it away… Lucas picked up his bag and stood, brushing the pencil as clean as he could.
Found the wrong group first following new clothes without looking up. Wrong faces looked back at him when he finally did. Nothing familiar but voices he couldn’t put to faces and names he couldn’t place. Turned full circle searching for the direction he hadn’t paid attention to and finally grinned when their team representative pointed the way. Passed her his thanks and the pencil stub before he kept going. The right way this time, but in no hurry. Everyone was waiting for something that hadn’t happened yet. Rolling wheels on an empty road couldn’t carry anyone until they turned into cars and he didn’t see any yet. Didn’t know if he wanted to.
Cars meant wind and bugs and pinging stones and moving pieces with spinning wheels. Radio on or off the sound carried, locked into the coils of seat belts and the rattling chassis. Didn’t want to carry that load, but he didn’t know how else to get where they were going and if everyone else was riding then he was, too. But at least they’d be camping at the other end, right? That’s what he said, alongside fun trick trials for home. He’d wanted to ask about that, but didn’t want to keep trying when he kept making everyone confused and one guy wince every time he opened his mouth. So… He’d just wait and see and count the cracks, try to find the voices he knew from the walls as he passed the other teams by until one blink into the next pulled him into shoes used so long their backs were split weave and cracked plastic and worn-flat soles in his head. And when he glanced up again, and over, he stalled out mid-step into stopping, staring, wide-eyed and wondering.
He’d seen that hunched-back shadow shape in the windows, hadn’t lived there long enough to see who it was or understand the silhouette, but she had wings and it couldn’t be a trick of the light. Could it? Lucas glanced between her and the Intake House they’d all walked out of, too close to trust but not close enough for the details of wind-ruffled feathers and scruffy shoes. She wasn’t the first visible Hyperhuman Lucas had ever encountered, but she was the first one standing so close and obvious and real. She was the first one not just in his head. Couldn’t find the straps or wire to make them fake, but he thought they were pretty and bright and if he put his hand out it’d just pass through like light off the window, like the glass bubbles on the playground.
But the feathers were soft… and her wings were warm…
…and it all happened so fast.
She’d been cautious of the steps being taken behind her, those students making their way to their meeting point. There were so many that Haven had been neglectful of who was behind her and if any feet stopped she assumed that it was another one of her teammates finally finding their place. So wary of those within eyesight that she didn’t notice one of them halted so close to her, until she felt what she could only consider a direct attack against her person.
A palm against her wing. Fingers interloping with feathers, digits against her integument, and a sudden rush of adrenaline. The world around her blurred as her mind traveled back to the last memory of another’s touch against her vanes. Large hands. Rough hands. A shock of fear and rage bristled the feathers on her wings and set the muscles in her body rigid. She acted out of instinct, a flash of red in her vision, each fibre in her body read to defend.
Her right arm and fist rose beside her head just as she jerked her wing out of reach, and as her body turned towards her assaulter she caught the briefest glimpse of who would dare to touch her. A scrappy young boy, his hair as wild as her heart, and a look of awe on his face where his hand now grasped at air.
Her blow landed at the center, cracking bone, bursting capillaries, enough force to knock him on his ass and leave him hurting. The blood would stop, but the broken nose would be a reminder for him. It would be a warning for the others. And if that didn’t get the point across, the words she uttered in his direction would.
“Don’t ever touch my wings again.”
They were real.
Even more than things shaped and glued together into stiff parody, they were wings. Real wings. And they moved. Away, where he didn’t try to follow, thoughts still stalled on sensation he couldn’t deny until his head flew back and he flailed, off balance, blinking tears from his eyes and seeing a blurry, tall figure standing over him as surprise turned into shock. Swallowed blood. “Wha—” What happened?
Grass bent under his hand as he pushed himself up, the other hovered tentatively behind lights flaring in his eyes, over the sharp sting he couldn’t breathe through as he processed his own weight on his chest and the warmth curling beneath fast breaths as he took in that raised fist. “Okay. Ow…” She’d hit him. His face hurt. An ache already blooming through bone. She’d hit him hard. He’d fallen onto his bag… So that’s how she got so tall.
For a long moment, boy stared up at girl, frozen in the realisation of the source of his pain, half-sprawled beside an odd array of paper clips and pennies and one little stegosaurus plush fallen from his pocket, the whole world mysteriously quiet but for a vague ringing in his ears. Then it all came rolling back like the rain, heavy, thick, and warm spreading through the weave of his shirt with the words everything echoed. Don’t you ever think—Never—Don’t ever—again—don’t touch me—my wings—don’t. ever. never. you better—touch my wings—again.
“Wings… Okay…” His dazed expression drifted slowly down as the blood dripped from his chin, and he stared at the darker patches on the already dark shirt, taking his time to understand that he was bleeding as hands suddenly thrust into view with a wadded-up scarf.
“Oh fuck, you got him good, huh? Hey, Lucas, buddy, still with us, yeah? All right… Shit. What happened? Are you okay?” A small girl with a round face and a messy bun peered up at Haven from where she crouched beside Lucas, frowning at the blood but addressing her concern just as much towards the stranger with wings. She hadn’t had a clear view of anything, but she was pretty sure the answer was no.
Feathers were still ruffled and shaken, still twitching with energy as Haven looked down upon the bloodied face of who had touched her. She was still too angry to have sympathy for the muddy brown eyes that stared up at her in shock. Her eyes darted towards the belongings that had been scattered in his fall. The small dino plush caught her eye, causing the first drop of guilt to fall from the storm within her. Yet it seemed like he got the point behind his pain.
Another joined them, a girl she didn’t recognize, and she then searched those around her for their reactions to the scene. All surprised, some amused, and some appalled. They’d gotten the message too, surely.
But they were all staring at her. Her composure had completely shattered in front of them. She was no longer underestimated. Now she was that wild thing at her core, a force to be reckoned with. They were watching her as she stood there flexing her hands at her sides, trying to push the horrible memory from her mind. She needed privacy. She needed a breather to calm her nerves and raised remiges. There was only one thing that could provide that for her.
So, without a word or even another glance, Haven turned on her heel with a huff. She drew her wings close to her, in case anyone else had any thought to touch them as well, and pushed through the group of students until she reached a clearing. There she jumped into the air with a mighty push of her legs. Her wings beat powerful strokes against the air around her, whipping up loose ground beneath her, and she rose into the sky until the students were the size of ants. Small, grounded beings that couldn’t watch her as she trembled with the adrenaline still coursing through her.
She stood among them, supposedly awaiting transport to what this school called a Homecoming Trial, with her arms crossed and her wings drawn. Her brand new attire, the physical training uniform they’d given her, had to be the least worn items in her small assortment of clothes, yet she still wore the same dirty sneakers she arrived in. The only sign that she did not belong in such clean clothing.
She’d been assigned to Group 21, Team Blackjack, only recently. Today it seemed like the students gathered around were others within her team. None of them had the same physical markings of the hype gene, she noticed. The team standing nearby didn’t either. Her eyes moved over each one, wondering briefly if any of them had the seed of evil within them that would think her a freak, or call her weak for not possessing an ability like controlling the elements or something of the mind. While a few glanced her way, she was glad to see that none sneered at her or stared at her wings. In her world, it only took one small gesture to unleash that wildness within her and show them her true nature.
Got sidetracked falling off the backend of everything squished loose into bags swinging against legs and hanging off shoulders and hitting the dirt. Nothing bounced, just gave into gravity with everything unsettled when he set his own bag down. He’d found a pencil. Ordinary orange scraped clean and leftover wood pressed into green. It didn’t give the way clothes did, just sank deeper beneath the weight of so many soles ignoring it after losing its point. The eraser was gone, too, metal end pressed thin between worrying teeth. Lost? Or left behind? All used up and waiting for the rain to rot it away… Lucas picked up his bag and stood, brushing the pencil as clean as he could.
Found the wrong group first following new clothes without looking up. Wrong faces looked back at him when he finally did. Nothing familiar but voices he couldn’t put to faces and names he couldn’t place. Turned full circle searching for the direction he hadn’t paid attention to and finally grinned when their team representative pointed the way. Passed her his thanks and the pencil stub before he kept going. The right way this time, but in no hurry. Everyone was waiting for something that hadn’t happened yet. Rolling wheels on an empty road couldn’t carry anyone until they turned into cars and he didn’t see any yet. Didn’t know if he wanted to.
Cars meant wind and bugs and pinging stones and moving pieces with spinning wheels. Radio on or off the sound carried, locked into the coils of seat belts and the rattling chassis. Didn’t want to carry that load, but he didn’t know how else to get where they were going and if everyone else was riding then he was, too. But at least they’d be camping at the other end, right? That’s what he said, alongside fun trick trials for home. He’d wanted to ask about that, but didn’t want to keep trying when he kept making everyone confused and one guy wince every time he opened his mouth. So… He’d just wait and see and count the cracks, try to find the voices he knew from the walls as he passed the other teams by until one blink into the next pulled him into shoes used so long their backs were split weave and cracked plastic and worn-flat soles in his head. And when he glanced up again, and over, he stalled out mid-step into stopping, staring, wide-eyed and wondering.
He’d seen that hunched-back shadow shape in the windows, hadn’t lived there long enough to see who it was or understand the silhouette, but she had wings and it couldn’t be a trick of the light. Could it? Lucas glanced between her and the Intake House they’d all walked out of, too close to trust but not close enough for the details of wind-ruffled feathers and scruffy shoes. She wasn’t the first visible Hyperhuman Lucas had ever encountered, but she was the first one standing so close and obvious and real. She was the first one not just in his head. Couldn’t find the straps or wire to make them fake, but he thought they were pretty and bright and if he put his hand out it’d just pass through like light off the window, like the glass bubbles on the playground.
But the feathers were soft… and her wings were warm…
…and it all happened so fast.
She’d been cautious of the steps being taken behind her, those students making their way to their meeting point. There were so many that Haven had been neglectful of who was behind her and if any feet stopped she assumed that it was another one of her teammates finally finding their place. So wary of those within eyesight that she didn’t notice one of them halted so close to her, until she felt what she could only consider a direct attack against her person.
A palm against her wing. Fingers interloping with feathers, digits against her integument, and a sudden rush of adrenaline. The world around her blurred as her mind traveled back to the last memory of another’s touch against her vanes. Large hands. Rough hands. A shock of fear and rage bristled the feathers on her wings and set the muscles in her body rigid. She acted out of instinct, a flash of red in her vision, each fibre in her body read to defend.
Her right arm and fist rose beside her head just as she jerked her wing out of reach, and as her body turned towards her assaulter she caught the briefest glimpse of who would dare to touch her. A scrappy young boy, his hair as wild as her heart, and a look of awe on his face where his hand now grasped at air.
Her blow landed at the center, cracking bone, bursting capillaries, enough force to knock him on his ass and leave him hurting. The blood would stop, but the broken nose would be a reminder for him. It would be a warning for the others. And if that didn’t get the point across, the words she uttered in his direction would.
“Don’t ever touch my wings again.”
They were real.
Even more than things shaped and glued together into stiff parody, they were wings. Real wings. And they moved. Away, where he didn’t try to follow, thoughts still stalled on sensation he couldn’t deny until his head flew back and he flailed, off balance, blinking tears from his eyes and seeing a blurry, tall figure standing over him as surprise turned into shock. Swallowed blood. “Wha—” What happened?
Grass bent under his hand as he pushed himself up, the other hovered tentatively behind lights flaring in his eyes, over the sharp sting he couldn’t breathe through as he processed his own weight on his chest and the warmth curling beneath fast breaths as he took in that raised fist. “Okay. Ow…” She’d hit him. His face hurt. An ache already blooming through bone. She’d hit him hard. He’d fallen onto his bag… So that’s how she got so tall.
For a long moment, boy stared up at girl, frozen in the realisation of the source of his pain, half-sprawled beside an odd array of paper clips and pennies and one little stegosaurus plush fallen from his pocket, the whole world mysteriously quiet but for a vague ringing in his ears. Then it all came rolling back like the rain, heavy, thick, and warm spreading through the weave of his shirt with the words everything echoed. Don’t you ever think—Never—Don’t ever—again—don’t touch me—my wings—don’t. ever. never. you better—touch my wings—again.
“Wings… Okay…” His dazed expression drifted slowly down as the blood dripped from his chin, and he stared at the darker patches on the already dark shirt, taking his time to understand that he was bleeding as hands suddenly thrust into view with a wadded-up scarf.
“Oh fuck, you got him good, huh? Hey, Lucas, buddy, still with us, yeah? All right… Shit. What happened? Are you okay?” A small girl with a round face and a messy bun peered up at Haven from where she crouched beside Lucas, frowning at the blood but addressing her concern just as much towards the stranger with wings. She hadn’t had a clear view of anything, but she was pretty sure the answer was no.
Feathers were still ruffled and shaken, still twitching with energy as Haven looked down upon the bloodied face of who had touched her. She was still too angry to have sympathy for the muddy brown eyes that stared up at her in shock. Her eyes darted towards the belongings that had been scattered in his fall. The small dino plush caught her eye, causing the first drop of guilt to fall from the storm within her. Yet it seemed like he got the point behind his pain.
Another joined them, a girl she didn’t recognize, and she then searched those around her for their reactions to the scene. All surprised, some amused, and some appalled. They’d gotten the message too, surely.
But they were all staring at her. Her composure had completely shattered in front of them. She was no longer underestimated. Now she was that wild thing at her core, a force to be reckoned with. They were watching her as she stood there flexing her hands at her sides, trying to push the horrible memory from her mind. She needed privacy. She needed a breather to calm her nerves and raised remiges. There was only one thing that could provide that for her.
So, without a word or even another glance, Haven turned on her heel with a huff. She drew her wings close to her, in case anyone else had any thought to touch them as well, and pushed through the group of students until she reached a clearing. There she jumped into the air with a mighty push of her legs. Her wings beat powerful strokes against the air around her, whipping up loose ground beneath her, and she rose into the sky until the students were the size of ants. Small, grounded beings that couldn’t watch her as she trembled with the adrenaline still coursing through her.

Location: ARC Center - PRCU
Dance Monkey #4.065: Hawkward Memory
The first sip of rich spice hit her taste buds and burned her throat, and Haven felt her shoulders truly loosen for the first time since the school year began. The sweetness of the sugar cube muddled within could be compared to the relief that she felt as her mind turned its focus from the taste of bitters and worry towards a blissfully unaware state of mind.
The citrus note on the rim lingered for only a moment, like a fleeting reminder that this feeling would also pass. Just as easily as her tongue passed over her lips and cleaned the orange taste from them.
Her eyes lifted from the dark contents of her glass to watch as her date also tasted the garnish on his lips. His steel blue eyes scanned the crowd below them as they stood against the railing. Searching for anything amiss, anything that could derail their perfect night. She was grateful for his watchful eyes, even if a small part of her still mourned his peace of mind and wished he could also enjoy this peaceful ignorance that tonight’s drinks had afforded her.
Her hand reached for his bicep and she squeezed the firm muscle beneath the soft fabric of his blazer. Calling him back to her, away from his observant pass over the people down below who had not revealed any ill intention so far, if they had any. The worst had been seen with Chad Patterson, but she did wonder if he had been watching the scarlet lines that danced within the crowd. It was a side of Amma that none had expected, but Haven admired and felt inspired to follow.
They really only had a few sips left before the thrum of the music would call them to join their raven haired teammate.
“Wanna make one more pass at the buffet table?” She asked as he turned those watchful eyes onto hers.
She hadn’t forgotten the half-eaten plate of food they’d left behind. While she had no regrets for taking Rory’s hand earlier, she knew that it wasn’t wise to continue on an empty stomach. The calories from the drinks and earlier plate would be enough to return to the dance floor, but she wanted all of the energy she could get for what was to come afterwards, too.
The pair held hands once more as they turned from their perch on the lofted bar space. They took their time moving towards the buffet tables, sharing their opinion on the cocktail Haven had chosen for them. It was certainly an upgrade from the straight bourbon O’Neil had poured for Rory a few days earlier, and to Haven it was a simple yet tasty order for the nights she wasn’t craving something sweet.
They forgoed the plate this time as they joined the line for finger foods. Like earlier, the pair compared their taste in foods as they looked over the options on the table. Sipping on their smooth, twin drinks between bites. The warmth of the liquor and conversation grew as they filled their bellies.
Her drink was almost empty by the time they reached an equally full tray of quiches. The music from the dance floor seemed to beat in time with their pulses, a call to join the bodies and red scarlet arcs among them. She picked up the two remaining bites, one to Rory and one for herself, and claimed that the small entree was the-
“Last bite, and then I’ll show you my favorite way to dance.”
Stomach grumbling like plumbing older than he was, Lucas waded between islands of settled weight supporting hands and elbows and vases so much heavier than their decorations, plates and glasses set down, picked up and swept along in the bubbling rush of colours and skin that swirled around the tables where he and the others had been sitting, enjoying their view of the dance floor. It was only now that he was reminded how many people wore heels with their pressure point support when dressing up meant standing tall and he marvelled at all the pairs of two by two and wondered how many shoulders and hands must be brushing past each other tonight. A night for letting loose…
Having fun…
He grinned down at the sheet of pictures in his hand as he walked, soaking up the atmosphere and enjoying again the subtle squint of Manny’s eyes getting tighter until he was looking away in the last picture, smirking though, at the sequence of events that they all should have predicted as it went from stupid grins to silly faces and antics bursting beyond the confined space of the booth until he and Cleo were tracing angles that couldn’t be called sitting and each had a hand over their mouth stifling the sounds if not the enthusiasm. After the hum and press of transport from within the machine to without, that was the first sound he heard, the first touch he felt. Immanuel calmly gathering the evidence to hand it back to him while Cleo muffled her giggles.
It had been lying on the table so it wouldn’t just be pictures when he hung it on the wall, but their own voices came piecemeal and quiet as they’d signed more than talked. Still, he knew the song Cleo’d liked best so far, with her finger lightly tapping the beat before she’d whirled off to the dance floor, knew Manny had enjoyed his drink. He’d taken the sheet with him so he could remember what they’d asked for on his food run but wasn’t in any rush to hurry back as he tucked it away in his sporran and glanced up. Didn’t need to look for the plates when feet stalled at both ends, just picked the nearest side and started circling.
Everything smelled good and looked even better. Finger food was his favourite, and Lucas took his time perusing his options, both sweet and savoury. As he walked, he tapped his finger on the table’s edge, counting the number of times the plates had been emptied and replaced. A second finger joining in when he saw something particularly tantalising. Second go round and he picked up a plate, not really paying any mind to the people who’d already done their browsing as they swooped past, in and out, plates already in hand, choices made like it was just that easy.
What’re you wanting an eclairs aren’t all that much isn’t even devilled eggs! “Ha, yeah.” He’d been surprised about those, too. Too much effort for one bite… But he’d take them if they were being offered. Do those even go t— “Everything goes with chocolate, just save room for later, huh?” He’d take them, but he preferred the quiche tarts, with their bacon and cheese and vivid green garnish. There’d only been two when he’d gone around, so he’d meant to hurry back to them after grabbing a plate and the nearest of Cleo and Manny’s requests but the chocolate cigars had distracted him, again, and when he turned back towards the quiche with an amused smirk for the fancy chocolate rolls now carefully balancing on his plate, he had to stop too fast and almost lost one.
“Ah, no! Sorry, wings.” Eyes widening as he registered feathers inches away from his plate—pretty brown feathers gilded on their edges—and finally took in the world around the food. Of course, Wings! are like that. And they were very close.
Lucas stepped back, surprised recoiling bringing his hands close before it turned into a frown. Too close, too fast, too surprised to think, but… She was in front of the quiche.
His disappointment only grew as the winged woman turned herself around to see who was speaking to her.
Haven hadn’t recognized the voice, but the nickname, or rather the word he used to describe her when he apologized, caught her attention the most. Her feathers rustled as she adjusted them at her back, recalling the many who also called her wings in her freshman year as she turned to face him. Albeit a bit sluggish, her mind recognized the mop of brown hair on his head before she saw the even richer brown eyes that sat below it.
“Lucas,” She began as his name was called to her tongue, “It’s alright.” She cleared her throat in an attempt to overcome the awkwardness that came with facing someone she’d had such a terrible first impression with. He certainly hadn’t forgotten it. She could tell by the way he moved away from her. She wondered if their last encounter with each other was why those muddy eyes looked so disappointed, as she lowered the half-eaten, last quiche from her lips.
Then, those eyes followed her hand and his shoulders drooped. “Yeah, Lucas, alright, but…” He leaned exaggeratedly farther than was necessary to discover he couldn’t see around her to the plate on the table. “Last bite isn’t really alright, is it?” Still frowning as he straightened, it took him a moment more before he blinked, surprise raising his eyebrows as he realised she’d remembered him. “Wait, Lucas, yeah? That’s me, but you’re not wings… Sorry, I lost my chance to pick a favourite about you Dove—Dove?” His hand bounced, finger raised as he found a name to call her, not wanting to be that guy who forgot, but… he had… “Is it Dove?”
Her eyes had tracked Lucas’s expressions like a hawk over the last minute. First assuming he was leaning around to see her wings again, then guessing he was trying to fill the last hole on his near-capacity plate, and finally watching as surprise lit his features and replaced the upset frown he displayed in her presence. While his emotions were clearly expressed through every facial muscle and timbre in his voice, the way he spoke to them seemed distracted and disorganized to her. As if his mind was elsewhere and not at the same time. He didn’t get a chance to pick a favorite?
“I'd recommend sticking with Haven, man.” Rory felt his cheeks grow a little hot as he moved a free hand up around Haven’s waist. His eyes locked on to one of the few faces he wasn't particularly familiar with in their class. He gave Haven’s side a slight squeeze of comfort as he remained locked in. “And you can call me Rory. Not Ro, that's someone else.” His tone was flat, neither inviting nor openly aggressive. He didn't offer a hand for a more formal greeting, rooting himself to Haven’s side. His eyes darted to his partner, sensing some tension.
“Rory?” Lucas’ gaze had jerked from the girl and her wings to the guy he’d… barely noticed until then, the faint start it gave him clearly visible when he first heard him talking, but he grinned back, unruffled by the stare as he took in a few of the details he’d missed before. How close they were standing and the prolonged warmth of no space between. “Right. Rory. Rory, Rora and Ro. Huh?” His nodding along to the cadence of similar sounds paused as he caught the difference and counted on his fingers. Was that two people or three? Did it matter right now? He shook the confusion away and grinned again, coming back strong. “And Haven! Cool, okay, sorry. I forgot.” Her name, admittedly, hadn’t been as memorable as the rest of her introduction… He wasn’t even sure if he’d known it, just that if she knew his, he ought to know hers, right?
Rory’s words immediately drew her attention over her wing. She felt his touch on her waist just as she noticed the redness in his cheeks. His tone… she hadn’t heard him act this way in a long time. Was it jealousy, because of the name Lucas had chosen for her, or was it his protective side that suddenly made him aloof? His comforting gesture wasn’t lost in her confusion, and she offered her boyfriend a reassuring smile before she turned her head back around as Lucas finished his continuous rambling.
“Dove is what Rory calls me, and sometimes a friend does too.” She explained, suddenly not so uncomfortable now that she knew Lucas had forgotten her name. It was a sign that their first encounter may not have been as memorable for him as it was for her. Although, she wasn’t sure how Lucas would have known the sweet nickname Rory had given her in the first place. Maybe that was why her dark haired date had reacted like that? Her question came blurting out before she could even finish the thought. “How did you know that?”
“I know that, yeah. He does it a lot.” Now that he’d heard Rory’s voice, Lucas didn’t need to be told the source of the nickname he’d mistakenly pulled from the weave they were wearing. Though in extricating his own wandering thoughts now he’d learned both their names, he’d missed the question and continued, for a moment, on his own happy tangent before he noticed. “It’s kinda cute, right? Oh, wait, how—? Uhhh… I know that cuz he does. Say it… a lot…… I caught it off your shoul…. His shoulders.”
Her blink was the only sign she’d heard him as Haven began to question if one more drink had been one too many. She looked between those brown eyes once, turned her head to look up at Rory for an answer, and then shoved the rest of the quiche into her mouth as she decided that she should finish it. Hopefully it would soak up the liquor for her, and then help her understand what the taller brunette was saying. She looked back to Lucas as she chewed, a subtle line forming between her brows as she replayed his rambling in her mind and tried to decipher what it meant.
Rory's own brow was knit together as he looked Lucas over. He didn't seem particularly dangerous, though neither did the Janitor responsible for nearly killing his closest friends. As Rory took in Lucas’ words, his first immediate thought was that this man had been watching them. He had only chosen Dove recently, and even then didn't use it incredibly often. But there was something about the way he spoke that dug up old memories. It recalled a childhood where privacy was nearly non-existent. It didn't make it any less frustrating as an adult, but he knew full well control wasn't always entirely possible for some. “You can speak to shoulders?” He gave Haven's side a slight squeeze of reassurance again, but let the tension seep out of his traps.
“What? Shoulders? No.” Lucas looked back at them with something of the same confusion, seeing eyebrows drawing down and expressions carefully closed, now distracted enough he didn’t even feel the least bit disappointed seeing Haven finishing off her quiche. He did feel his thoughts unravelling as he gathered them out of the woodwork and the floor and too many passing fancies though, face screwing up as he tried to fix the disconnect. “Shoulders aren’t… uhhh… Hold that thought. Okay, it’s not… off the shoulder like that’ll spill everything. It’s the shirt. Your shirt. Okay?” It always felt like he made less sense when he tried, instead of more… “I can’t hear you in here. And here. And here.” He pointed at Rory’s shirt and Haven’s dress and plucked at his own jacket briefly before another voice gave him exactly the wording he wanted and was back to grinning, picking up one of those chocolate cigars and brandishing it proudly. “It’s like—ha! It’s my thing. Yeah?”
Finally a question she hadn’t asked herself, and it made sense to ask it. Haven found further relief in Rory’s second palming of her side. Her body drifted subconsciously closer to him until she was nearly leaning into him. She swallowed the last bit of quiche as Rory’s question, paired with the disordered answer Lucas was giving, began to slowly piece itself together. Speak to shoulders… but not the shoulders… the shirt? Rory’s shirt, my dress, his jacket… it’s his thing? Oh!
“You can hear what we’ve said to each other by our clothes?” Her tone still suggested she didn’t fully understand it, but then again she’d met so many people on the island whose abilities were difficult to describe in one sentence. She did finally understand why the brunette seemed so scattered. She couldn’t imagine what it was like to be in a room full of clothes and words. Her mind ran over the things that she and Rory had said throughout their date, what Lucas might hear from their glamorous wardrobe, and her cheeks suddenly turned pink. The warmth of her date’s hand on her side suddenly felt even warmer. “You-” She cut herself off before she drew attention to it. Better to distract him from what their clothes may or may not have whispered to him. “Do you hear your own?”
Satisfied with his answer, Lucas took a bite of the chocolate cigar and raised his brows, pleasantly surprised as he nodded at Haven’s clarification. He’d thought they were just a gimmick. He’d thought wrong. “Yeah… That’s good. Want one?” He offered his plate despite their position right next to the buffet table, not really thinking about it. “Everything’s on repeat it aalllllll the time. I say some stupid stuff. It’s a full plate… but mine’s not.” Not nearly full enough, and there really wasn’t any quiche left… “What’s your favourite?” His eye twitched as he received several answers without either of them moving their mouths and a reminder that that wasn’t a good question around food.
Haven’s brows rose a fraction as she watched Lucas take a bite from what looked like a cigar. They then fell immediately after as she realized it was something edible. She’d never had a snack that looked like that before, so as the plate was offered to her she was tempted to take one of them from it. Considering who she was taking it from she chose to take the last, long sip of her drink instead. Now that his words finally made sense to her, or at least she understood most of them, she found her mind occupied with her first interaction with the strange man in front of her. Her wings shifted behind her thanks to the memory, drawing her feathers closer to her back. She’d probably be up late wondering how his ability may have contributed to what she would call an unfortunate first impression. At the very least she found comfort in how friendly Lucas was being towards her, despite it.
Rory raised an eyebrow as he looked between the two, finally taking the time to finish his quiche. He clocked the shift in Haven's wings, a somewhat familiar sign. But given the atmosphere, it seemed she wasn't bristling with anger or fear for the present moment. As he finished chewing, Rory removed his hand from Haven's waist to brush any excess crumbs off his suit jacket. “Well… I don't really know what we just ate. It was good, though. Don't know if it's a favorite…” He looked towards Lucas, still a little weary of him as he cleared his throat. “Sorry, I don't think I caught your name.”
“Yeah…” They had looked good… Pity there weren’t any more. He’d try again later, if he remembered. Or maybe the other table had some… Glancing that way, unable to see any of what he was looking for from so far away but intent on the distance, all the same, he was taking another, more ponderous, bite of the chocolate stick when the cleared throat drew him back to the moment, and the word “name”. His gaze wandered back before the rest of his head turned, slow and steady, though he answered without thinking it through. “Lucas. It’s Lucas, okay?” And paused to make sure that actually was the question before setting the rest of the chocolate cigar down and held out his hand to Rory. “Right? Yeah. I’m Lucas.”
His enthusiasm for introductions never failing, he carried on blithely, rather pleased with the last few minutes, even if he might have lost his chance at quiche tarts. “No punch for me, thanks. Ha! I like this one better.” Rubbing at his nose briefly as he considered what he remembered of their last meeting and this one, Lucas couldn’t help the crooked twist to his lips as he offered a smaller smile for his wrongs. “Sorry. I said hi wrong. I like your wings… And your tie.” Pretty browns and gold-striped green. Both were easy on the eyes, though it hadn’t escaped his notice entirely that the bowtie and the dress were a close match in shade. Cleo would have liked that, Gladys, too, probably… The wings, of course, were also that extra bit more noticeable, hard to miss, even if he had. “Can you fly?” He couldn’t remember if he’d already asked.
Her attention had been called back to reality the moment the brunette made a joke at his own expense. Her eyes flared, muscles going taut and poised as she prepared to defend herself again, and then it clicked for her that he didn’t remember her “handshake” as something aggressive and untamed. In fact, it seemed like he remembered it fondly. It didn’t make any sense to her, like most of this interaction, and yet the relief was instant. Her extra feathery limbs relaxed once more, stiff muscles melting as his apologetic smile brought a sheepish grin to her cheeks. Even a dimple joined the party.
“Yes, I can…. And I’m glad that shiner didn’t stick.”
Rory had taken the hand as an invitation, giving the stranger a firm handshake. He didn't catch on to the initial joke, giving a small exhale that nearly resembled a laugh. But he felt a small shift in tension from his right, and was somehow left more baffled on how this now was a point of contention. For a moment, he wondered if Haven was really jealous from just a handshake. But as she softened and spoke, he still was left even more confused. Was a shiner something different from where Haven came from? He had always thought it was-
“Wait, have you two fought before?” Rory's eyes focused in on Haven, but he had not let up the handshake. In fact, his grip tightened slightly as he searched for understanding in his partner’s face.
He’d taken his hand, that was good. Though as new confusion turned into a firmer grip and a conclusion he hadn’t expected—though perhaps he should have—Lucas’ eyes widened and he glanced down at their hands. It didn’t seem so friendly anymore. “Fought? Fight?! No! Not, just… Uhh… It just hurt my face.”
Haven should have been dizzy from the back and forth of turning her head. She looked to Rory with the explanation ready on her lips first, wondering how he’d take knowing the reason why she’d hit Lucas in the first place. Then as Lucas beat her to speaking she turned to see the worried expression on his face. His pointed look downwards drew her own gaze to the men’s uncomfortably long handshake. As she finally turned her head back to her date she felt his scrutinizing gaze on herself instead. It was both alarming and incredibly flattering to see him acting this way for her. The mixed feelings brought an instant flush to her cheeks as she looked between his blue eyes for the words that would calm her protector down.
“He, uh… felt my feathers. Kinda learned the hard way that he should look and not touch.” She cringed as she remembered Lucas’s shocked expression that day. Her hand slowly came to rest on Rory’s forearm, hoping he would get the hint to let go of the poor brunette. “It’s been forgiven.”
Seeing Haven and Lucas look down to his hand, Rory’s gaze followed. It took a moment for him to process the words, the gestures, and the feeling in his hand. When he finally registered everything, he released Lucas from his grip. “Right, sorry.” He opened his mouth as if to speak further, but closed it when no more words came. He lowered his hand into his pocket, returning Haven's slightly worried gaze. He didn't like that he didn't fall far from the tree, and he did not like the looks coming his way.
“I'm going to hit the head.” The statement was quick, and Rory figured that was enough of an excuse to slip away for a moment. He gave Haven's hand a slight squeeze, motioning towards Lucas and the table of food. He needed a moment to himself.
Lucas blinked at this news. He blinked again when his hand was freed and his new friend decided to—hit your head? It’s her head. Give him head. Let’s head. Who’s dead? Hit the head. “Oh… Uhhh…” Head tilting as he looked between Rory, Haven, his plate—which remained exactly as full as the last time he’d looked—and the table, he wasn’t immediately sure if anything was actually wrong. The music was still loud, the crowd still moved around them, and he couldn’t find anything over the last few minutes that sounded worse than usual when he heard it again. But he’d been wrong about that before… Still, he wasn’t going to stop someone who needed to use the bathroom. So, he just watched him walk away, expression bemused, frowning faintly when he finally glanced back at Haven. She seemed as uncertain as he did…
“I called it wrong about you…” Looking rather sheepish as he rubbed at the back of his neck, Lucas grimaced before continuing, slow and careful. “Stay back off the fence, uhh, stayed back so you wouldn’t be mad… And then I forgot. Sorry. Did I say sorry? Thanks. Okay? Uhh, it alright if he’s stretched tight?” He didn’t bother trying for long, the effort too troublesome to keep up when he could look for her later and explain more easily outside, now he’d remembered and knew she wasn’t still upset about it. Apologies, however, shouldn’t be delayed, and he really couldn’t remember if he already had, but once he’d managed that, Lucas looked back the way Rory had left, frowning again as he asked his question. His shoulders had definitely been tense, his muscles stiff as he moved, but he didn’t know if it was discomfort or something else.
It was an effort for her to shift her focus back to Lucas. Her concerned gaze still lingered on the spot where Rory had blended into the other attendees. Yet as Haven’s eyes returned to Lucas’s grimace, his second apology of the night brought a small smile that lit her expression once more. The phrase he used was confusing, of course, but she figured out the meaning behind it quickly. It was sweet of the brunette to make sure his apology was clear. Even though she wasn’t sure how to feel about how he’d stayed clear of her all these years. It gave her the chance to grow into the woman she was today on her own time, but she did wonder if hearing his apology sooner would have sped the process up just a bit. The thought was fleeting. She dismissed it on the notion that the past was the past and there was no way of knowing, and decided to focus on the last words he said.
His last phrase didn’t make any sense at all to her, so she made a guess that the “he” was Rory, and being stretched tight must mean something about how awkwardly her boyfriend departed. There wasn’t really another way that made sense. “He’s a bit hard on himself, so he might feel bad for scaring you like that.” She admitted freely. “I’ll cheer him up in a little, so don’t worry.” Her smile grew as she thought about cheering him up, and then she cleared her throat as she realized where her mind was going.
“I’m… sorry that you had to avoid me for so long.” She began softly, her eyes glancing at the empty place on his plate for a moment. “I’m still touchy about my wings, especially recently, but I hope you feel like you don’t have to do that anymore.” Her hand extended forwards without much thought behind it, like a tan dove of peace, as she smiled at him once more. “Friends?”
“Happy’s good. All right.” He wouldn’t worry about Rory then. Wouldn’t worry about any of this moment anymore now he’d had his say. Forgive and forget was easy enough when everything slipped through the cracks and he shook his head quickly as she offered an apology of her own, catching just enough to deny the necessity. “S’okay, all right, it was off the top of my head for a while. I’m good.” And they both had better things to think about then past mistakes, he was just happy to know she wasn’t still mad or bothered by it, having had enough time to figure out where he’d gone wrong, and when she offered her hand next with a one-word question, it took him a breath, then a blink, but his smile grew fast and eager.
Wasn’t any more hesitation in him when he took her hand, just a ready enthusiasm. “I like friends.”