Elysium Island
Liz was extremely grateful to have made it to the ground level of the mansion undetected. She figured Schmidt thought that since the grounds were so well protected that the inside didn’t need it. Bad thinking on his part, considering what she had aimed herself for as she snuck through the hallways.
Two sets of feet up ahead had Liz ducking into a doorway, pressing herself into her hiding spot as she heard the steps draw near. She held her breath. Two heads of blonde hair neared, but turned down a separate hallway leading outside. The women’s manic grins flashing for an instant as they looked at each other. Liz released the breath she’d been holding and thanked the Hound that she hadn’t been seen. Especially not by blondes with an unhinged air about them.
She stepped forwards into the hallway and found herself coming up on an open set of doors. As she peeked around the corner, she looked into the bar room and did a quick scan of its occupants. No one of note caught her attention, and with no one looking towards the door she quickly slipped past it and continued on her way.
She was nearing the main lobby now, where she knew the machine gun sat aimed for the front door. She shook out her sore wrists at her side as she decided the best course of action. Taking a moment in an empty doorway to breathe.
She could be subtle. A few undead could take out the man stationed at the gun, and then she could use the gun to mow the door down and hopefully take out some of the guns outside. It would conserve energy. Energy she knew that she would need to get herself off of the island without injury. Yet it would draw the attention of the undead outside to her, and she was just one woman.
The other Black Lux adept would know she was on the island either way, so what was the point of subtlety outright? Wouldn’t it be better to go all out at the start, and then tone it down once most of the threat was taken care of?
She took a breath.
Perhaps somewhere in the middle would work best. One big distraction, and then she could slip out with a smaller group of her undead to protect her. Maybe she could slip out the way those two blondes had gone. Steal a boat. Get off this damn island.
She knelt down to the floor, her knee slipping on the smooth surface thanks to the oil. Her palms pressed against the ground to regain her balance, and she focused. Her emotional field spread into the depth below as she summoned. Her eyes closed, putting full concentration into her spell.
The flooring in the hall before her began to crack and burst. Forty pairs of hands began to shove their way through it as her undead emerged from whatever hell she’d summoned them from. Two sets of large hands emerged next, and the opening in the flooring grew wider as two of her golems followed the thirty undead into the mansion.
She stood as tall as she could get, looking over her small army before nodding. Her hands gestured towards the main lobby. They knew what she’d summoned them for.
The forty undead entered the lobby first, taking the brunt of whatever attack the man at the gun would throw at them. The two golems followed behind, their feet thudding against the ground. One aimed for the door, intent on breaking it down. The other went straight for the machine gun, taking a few hits before it wrenched the gun off of the ground and held it in its arms.
The remaining thirty undead, having taken care of the guard, turned to shamble their way towards the front door.
The first golem shoved its mighty shoulder against the wood and pushed, and soon the doors burst open. The second golem stood behind it now and aimed its machine gun towards the army outside.
It pulled the trigger, and began to fire in a swinging arc at the machine guns outside of the door.
Meanwhile Liz took cover behind a wall and kept a lookout for any unwanted attention from inside. The chaos she started now overwhelming the front of the mansion.
"Sycamore better take advantage of this."